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15788590 No.15788590 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko, Higurashi, Higanbana... You name it, it's here.

>> No.15788605

My body is ready, Ougon no Majo. Let's see your game!!

>> No.15788606
File: 284 KB, 800x1633, Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the first twilight, the witch appeared, and killed everyone.

On the second twilight, the bad witch was killed along with Maria, by the stakes.

On the third twilight, Nanjo was killed magically.

On the fourth twilight, Kinzo was fed to the goats, and had his face bashed against the wall several time before being mutilated.

On the fifth, sixth and seventh twilight, the witch's furniture targeted Kinzo's furniture. The battle was one-sided.

On the eight twilight, Georges was killed by a wandering stake who wanted to keep him for herself.

On the ninth Twilight, Jessica ventured in Rokkenjima's woods, never to be seen again.

Battler and Erika found the gold, and survived without any harm.

Gohda was heavily wounded, and locked himself in the guest house.

Come at me.

>> No.15788613

the other font was better desu
magic did it

>> No.15788616

Confirm in red how many people are on the island.

Then repeat it in red "nobody committed suicide!"

>> No.15788620

/red/ There are 19 people on the island.
/red/ Nobody committed suicide intentionally.

>> No.15788624

During which twilight was Gohda wounded? And who was he with at the time?

>> No.15788627

Say it in red: Ushiromiya Kinzo was alive at the start of the game!

>> No.15788630

It was during the fourth twilight. He happened to bring Kinzo's dinner to the master directly for the very first time and he was so proud of finally being aknowledged as a "true" servant, but when he knocked at the door, it was brutally opened and he got mauled by a stake. His body survived but his mind was destroyed.

I refuse.

>> No.15788631

Repeat in red.

Erika and Battler are the detectives in the story, therefore they couldn't have killed anyone.

All of the bodies were examined by the detective/detectives.

>> No.15788634

Can you give us a rundown of the locations the bodies were discovered in? Were there any locked rooms involved?

>> No.15788640

T r i a n t h o l o g y
t o r r e n t
w h e r e

>> No.15788645

Is it possible for anyone to enter into Kinzo's study and hide there, waiting to surprise Gohda?
Also, who gave Gohda the order to bring Kinzo his dinner?

>> No.15788656

/red/ Battler is the detective. He couldn't have killed anyone.
/red/ The bodies of the third and ninth twilight couldn't be examined.

The first twilight was in the dinner room, in the main mansion. The room was locked once the deaths were aknowledged.
The second was in a locked guest room, but still in the main mansion.
The third was in a guest room, in the main mansion. The door was unlocked.
The fourth was in Kinzo's study, who was unlocked.
The fifth, sixth and seventh were found in the kitchen.
The eight was in the rose garden.
The ninth is hahaha.wav.

The final twilight is in the underground gold room, who was locked before Battler and Erika came in. There was no body there, just the gold and the inheritance.

Krauss gave the order.

>> No.15788659

my copy should be shipping tomorrow, I'll upload the music or something once it gets here

>> No.15788663

Repeat it in red: Krauss ordered Gohda to serve Kinzo dinner AFTER the first twilight happened.

Also, I get the 9th, but why couldn't Nanjo be examined. Was Battler not there at the scene?

>> No.15788667

I cannot repeat that, because Krauss died at the first twilight.

Nanjo couldn't be examined because his death was only noticed later by Jessica who isn't a detective.

>> No.15788672

Wait, you said there are 19 people on the island. But you refused to say in red that Kinzo is alive at the start of the game....

Repeat in red:
There are 19 persons alive on the island at the start of the game.

The dinner room wasn't opened after the deaths were acknowledged.

>> No.15788678

/red/ There are 19 people on the island at the start of the game.
/red/ The game starts once there are 19 people on the island.
/red/ Once closed, the dinner room was not opened again for the duration of the game.
/red/ There was no way anyone could've left the dinner room once it was closed.

>> No.15788682

How the fuck do I use my Meta super and bring up the meta on Princess Mode using the keyboard?

>> No.15788686


>> No.15788687

So Krauss gave this order before he died? I'm assuming there was quite come time between the first twilight and the fourth. Krauss gave the order a full day before Gohda would have to bring Kinzo his dinner?
Presumably the first twilight was discovered in the morning and Kinzo's dinner wouldn't be until that evening.

>> No.15788689

hello newfag

>> No.15788698

Hmm. Still not sure.

Repeat it!

The 19 persons must be alive to start the game!

The mutilated body was Ushiromiya Kinzo's body!!

>> No.15788700

Ok, I appreciate it.

>> No.15788702

The truth is that the witch brought Krauss to life, had him order Gohda, and then killed him again. That's why he could speak while being dead.

The 19 persons were on the island and were alive when the game started.
The mutilated body found in Kinzo's study was Kinzo.

>> No.15788706

Alright, I'll ask for some more reds.

>None of the victims of the first twilight escaped from the dining room before it was closed.
>All the victims of the first twilight are dead by the end of the game.
>People refers to a person who is alive.
>Shannon and Kanon two seperate people.

>> No.15788713

/red/ Everyone considered to be part of the first twilight died in the dinner room.
/red/ Everyone present in the dinner room when it closed was dead by the end of the game.
/red/ Kanon and Shannon are two distinct people.

I don't understand what you mean with the third one.

>> No.15788714

\blue\Gohda didn't receive an order to serve Kinzo from Krauss! Gohda is a culprit/accomplice, he killed Kinzo and faked his injury/injured himself

>> No.15788717


Nice try but you didn't use RED.


/BLUE/ Ushiromiya Kinzo is dead at the start of the game. There is a 19th person on the island and this person committed the crimes.

And if this isn't working, then repeat in red!

Nobody impersonated Ushiromiya Krauss during the game!

>> No.15788726

You stated these reds:
>/red/ There are 19 people on the island at the start of the game.
>/red/ The game starts once there are 19 people on the island.

I just want to make sure that when you say "people" you refer to people who are alive. In other words I am trying to figure out if Kinzo is dead at the start of the game and doesn't count as a person, so there is a 19th person on the island.

>> No.15788728
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That theory is false.

/red/ Nobody impersonated any of the Ushiromiya family adults.

>> No.15788731

Oh, my bad.
Let me fix that :
/red/ There are 19 people on the island when the game starts.
/red/ 19 people means 19 breathing, living human beings.
Seagulls don't count as people. That would be a cheap trick.
/red/ Kanon and Shannon counts as two different people.
But of course, with the stakes and all the goats, we quickly reach 30 people on Rokkenjima.

>> No.15788732

/Blue/ Jessica killed Nanjo and escaped into the woods to Kuwadorian to escape the island!

>> No.15788735

/red/ is dead.

>> No.15788736

/BLUE/ The corpse found in Kinzo's study belongs to Nanjo!

/BLUE/ Nanjo was killed before the game started.

>> No.15788741

/red/ Jessica is dead when the game ends.


Wrong again.
/red/ Everyone was alive when the game started.

>> No.15788743
File: 139 KB, 637x477, 809024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat it in red!
There is a person whose name you haven't mentioned yet on the island!

>> No.15788749

I cannot lie in red.
Silly Battler.
/red/ Incompetent Battler.

>> No.15788753

Confirm in red!!

"The body found in Kinzo's study was Ushiromiya Kinzo's body"

>> No.15788757

I refuse.
Present me your theories instead of asking for more red. Why and how were the murders committed?

>> No.15788763


/Blue/ The 3rd Twilight was committed by Jessica. She killed Nanjo then made his copse unrecognizable and hid it in Kinzo's study. Because she knew her father - Krauss - ordered Gohda to serve dinner to Kinzo. Jessica attacked Gohda too!

>> No.15788765
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You refuse to say in red that Kinzo is alive.
You said in red that 19 people are on the island and that they are alive at the start of the game.
You now say you cannot repeat my theory that there is an extra, unmentioned person on the island.

Ergo, Kinzo is alive at the start of this game!
Yet you still have not repeated in red that the mutilated corpse found in Kinzo's study was in fact Kinzo's.

/Blue/ Ushiromiya Kinzo attacked Gohda during the fourth twilight!
And if that doesn't work...
/Blue Ushiromiya Kinzo was inside his study when Gohda came to bring him his dinner, but he was not dead!

>> No.15788775
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Fine, I'll give you some truth, but after that, no more red!
/red/ Kinzo attacked Gohda.

>> No.15788785

This thread right now : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L_T0CCdx0s

>> No.15788792

Kinzo attacked Gohda?.

/Blue/ Jessica killed Nanjo.
/Blue/ Kinzo attacked Gohda but Gohda escaped. Jessica and Kinzo mutilated Nanjo's body and left it in the study.

>> No.15788800

/red/ Nanjo was not killed.
His body was found by Jessica in his room.

/red/ Nanjo's body was in his room when the game finished.

>> No.15788804
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Fine, you old witch, that's all I needed. If you will not grant me any more reds, at least listen to my blue truths....nihihi...

/Blue/ Ushiromiya Kinzo is the culprit! He killed his children and their spouses because to him they were like vultures flying over his inheritance, waiting for him to die! None of them were worthy of the Ushiromiya name according to him! He also killed Rosa and Maria!

/Blue/ The mutilated body was Nanjo's, and Kinzo himself killed him! After Jessica discovered it, she fled! Then Kinzo took the body and mutilated it so it would look like his own body!

>> No.15788821

So...here goes nothing.

/blue/ Nanjo faked his own death. The only person that saw his body was Jessica - who isn't a detective. Ergo, Nanjo could have easily fooled Jessica.

/Blue/ The mutilated corpse in the study actually belongs to Gohda. Kinzo killed him.

>> No.15788822

/Blue/ Nanjo died of natural causes!

The rest is hard. If Nanjo was found in his room and remained there until the end of the game, who did they use for Kinzo's body?
/Blue/ Nanjo was used as the mutilated body but was moved back to the room he was found in later because of reason X!

>> No.15788823
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I'm gonna need Erika reaction pics to keep up with this.

>> No.15788828





Now, go on. Go with the coup de grâce. Finish that game board, and allow me to conclude.

>> No.15788838

/Blue/ Kinzo killed the servants in the kitchen. He wanted to cover up everything.

>> No.15788840

No, go with all the murders. Explain all the twilights. I'll conclude with the end of the game and Battler's inheritance.

>> No.15788846
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Now, witch, before I finish you off, grant me this...
/Blue/ Kinzo had an accomplice!

>> No.15788848

is the 'inheritance' getting murdered by kinzo

>> No.15788849

/red/ In a way, yes.

>> No.15788860
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First Twilight: Kinzo killed the 6 victims for their greed and incompetence.

Second Twilight: Kinzo killed Rosa and Maria for the same reason, also he disliked Maria and thought she was unworthy of the Ushiromiya name!

Third Twilight: Nanjo died of natural causes.

Fourth Twilight: Kinzo attacked Gohda when he knocked on the door of his study. He mutilated the corpse to make people think it was him!

Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Twilight: Erika killed the servants! She suspected them of ganging up on the family (and her) and wanted to stop the murders. While she wasn't working directly with Kinzo she was still an accomplice!

Eighth Twilight: George confronted Kinzo and was killed by him!

Ninth Twilight: Kinzo went to Kuwadorian and came upon Jessica and killed her because she was unworthy of the Ushiromiya name!

I've got you cornered, witch! Tell me where I'm wrong and I will deliver the final attack!!

>> No.15788864

On Normal it's just zxc all at once. I've not bothered with Princess.

>> No.15788870
File: 285 KB, 800x800, __furudo_erika_and_ushiromiya_battler_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_rifyu__2505ebbe06be7cb8d4b55d5f3928bb26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Erika was with Battler the entire time.

And Georges didn't confont Kinzo, but was found by him.
Jessica went to find Georges, and found Kinzo. Being out of dry bullets, he strangled her and hid her body.

>> No.15788871

Are there any tri spoilers yet

>> No.15788874

/Blue/ Kinzo killed the servants to cover up the tracks.

/blue/ His "accomplice" was Gohda who served the food to the 1st twilight victims without knowing that Kinzo put poison into it!

>> No.15788881

Ah, I see. It all makes sense now.

>On the fifth, sixth and seventh twilight, the witch's furniture targeted Kinzo's furniture. The battle was one-sided.
In that case...
/Blue/ Shannon and Kanon killed the servants in the kitchen! They then killed themselves!

>> No.15788884

Also, I thought it was a typo at first but you consistently write "Georges" instead of George. Is it because you think he's gorgeous?

>> No.15788901

Alice is your mom.

>> No.15788911
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Kinzo was angered by his childrens being incompetent, so he decided to destroy his own legacy. He gave the poison to Genji, resulting in Genji accidentally killing most of the Ushiromiya adults in the first twilight, because even with the guns, Kinzo knew he'd be no match for seven people.
Then, Rosa, who barely ate due to Maria being sick (if you asked why they died together, you would know), just fell in a coma instead of dying. Kinzo found Rosa missing from the dining room, and while Genji found the bodies and tried to decide what to do, Kinzo killed Maria first and Rosa second. Maria sleeping and Rosa being comatose, they never saw it coming. I expected you people to ask why Maria and Rosa never defended themselves from the gunshots, the explanation was that Maria was sleeping and Rosa was out.
Upon hearing from Genji that everyone in the dining room was dead, Nanjo confirmed their death, and excused himself, dying from natural causes in his own room.
Gohda being unaware of what was happening, brought Kinzo his dinner. Kinzo murdered him and tried to frame him, before hiding for a while.
Genji, aware of what was going on, decided to confront Kinzo and tell him that Beatrice's kid survived, along with Kumasawa. Kinzo didn't listen to him and killed them all. Then, he ran to the guest house, locked himself with his master key, and pretended to be Gohda.
Georges and Jessica went to check while Battler and Erika tried to solve the epitath. Kinzo left the guest house, missed Jessica, but found Georges in the rose garden as he was returning from the mansion., Kinzo killed him, but Jessica, who came back to check on him, saw Kinzo and followed him. He attracted her in the wood and easily killed her.

After that, he went to kill Battler and Erika, but gave up when he saw they managed to solve the epitath.
Battler and Erika probably married and had a million beautiful children together.

By the way, this is Erika's game, this is why Battler and her spend most of the story together.

Isn't "Georges" always written with a "s" at the end?

>> No.15788921

Nevermind, I just checked. Everyone who isn't a Brit writes Georges while the Brits write George.

>> No.15788931

Haha, Kinzo. That absolute madman.
Nice game, Kinzo was suspicious though but it took quite a while to figure out who was the corpse in the study. Not to mention Jessica and Nanjo were both suspicious, too.

>> No.15788937

You must be French then. And no, not only Brits write George while the rest writes Georges. Have you read the VN?

>> No.15788940
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You people rely too much on the red text. I should've bluffed a bit more. Shit, I had a whole thing prepared about keys, but nobody asked about that room "Gohda" locked himself in. Same than with Rosa not being among the first twilight victims.
But I don't understand why you all suspected Jessica.

Now, can I get my Bernkastel story?

>> No.15788941

I enjoyed it as well. I was actually entertaining the idea of a Kinzo culprit for my own game board, but I'll have to come up with something else now.

>> No.15788944

I'm thinking of reusing the idea of a prank gone wrong next time.

>> No.15788949

>But I don't understand why you all suspected Jessica.
Because you said she ventured into Rokkenjima's woods never to be seen again. That's a massive trigger for mystery fans.
I really enjoyed the game, but it might've been better to write the synopsis like the other GM did, giving us the rooms/locations the victims were found in etc. I guess we assumed Jessica just went into the woods, which is very suspicious. We never asked after Rosa and Maria either because it wasn't that suspicious. If you mentioned that there were no signs of a struggle we would have probably asked about it and found out they were asleep/comatose.

>> No.15788953

Yeah, but I found the previous games too dry. I wanted something more subjective, with goats, stakes, magic and stuff.

Next time, I'll try harder.

>> No.15788954

Well, red is the only thing we can trust. There is always a very high possibility that there are lies in the narration.

I suspected Jessica because she was the only one who found Nanjo's corpse.

>Now, can I get my Bernkastel story?
Hmm, I am still writing it right now. But maybe I will post the first part of the Tea Party soon, Lots of Battler butthurt and bullying in this one.

>> No.15788959

I'm eager to see some butthurt Bernkastel.

Also yeah, you people can only trust red, I noticed that. If I refuse to use red, you don't believe anything or anyone.

I'll remember to have a few victims disappearing next time.
Maybe in the furnace or something...

>> No.15788960

It's alright, don't beat yourself up about it. I'm still prepping my game and I think it's next to impossible to pull off. These things aren't easy.

>> No.15788963

My consolation is that it tooks like 20 minutes to prepare and it kept you busy for one hour.

>> No.15788970
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Lovely. Nothing like a good tea party after having solved a game board.

>> No.15788982

In the beginning, it will be Battler going berserk though....Bern is such a fucking bully, seriously. I can't help but write it like this.

It will be a tea party to my two previous games, not the one in this thread though - the ones where the culprits were Jessica, George and Hideyoshi and the one where the culprits were Rosa, Kumasawa, Gohda and Maria. I think I will post the first part of the tea party now.

>> No.15788990

It's awwright. Bern's a witch, she can take it.

Plus, if you really write her as a bully, it's fully deserved.

>> No.15789012

Fuck even the first chapter is too long. I will have to post it in two parts.

>> No.15789014

Put it in a pastebin and post the link here.

>> No.15789022
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Here is the Tea Party's First Chapter (1/2) Please accept the invitation, everyone. And forgive the grammar mistakes, English isn't my mother tongue. Enjoy it.

------Meanwhile, somewhere where the seagulls definitely never cry----------

Battler: Wew, those two last games were strange for sure.
Beato: Whaaaat's the matter Batooooraa-chan?! Don't tell me you still can't handle seeing your idiot family die the worst possible death! *cackle*
Battler: H-Hey! Stop teasing me, you damned witch. Some things you just can't get used to.
Lambda: Well Battler, any "favorite" parts? Ahahahaha. Mine was when little innocent Maria killed Natsuhi. Everybody went like "~~No way" but I was like "I have been waiting for something like this for a loooong time" Ehehehe.
Battler: *sigh* I guess I will never get used to the world of witches entirely.
Beato: That's right. A lowly human like you will always be a lowly human, no matter how fancy his cape is. Ahahahahahaha!!
Lambda: Beato, don't say things that are obvious to everyone.....anyway, Battler. Any "favorite" parts?
Battler:...Well, my favorite part was definitely when Oba-san taught Erika a lesson. Divine punishment for what she has done in the 6th Game.
Beato: OHH. <Good choice>. *cackle**cackle* Somehow that scene felt sooo satisfying....but on another note, what's up with the strange choice of detectives?
Lambda: Lion in the 1st game and Ange in the 2nd? I found them a nice change. At least we didn't have to put up with Battler's stupidity.
Beato: Forgive my husband, Lady Lambdadelta. He is quite the incompetent one. *cackle*
Battler: Hey! You two can mind your own business! If it is still about the small bombs then it isn't funny anymore. Sorry but your jokes are waaaay too old.
Beato: Fufufu. Isn't he the cute one when he act so defensive?
Lambda: Yeah, his face is almost as stupid as Gohda's!

?????: I guess it has to do with his family. After all, that piece of useless trash sister of his made so many stupid faces in the last game I almost died of laughter! Ahahahahahahahaha

Battler: W-Whaaat?......

Battler and the two witches fell silent when they heard the laughter of a familiar voice echoing through the room.

Bernkastel: Isn't that right, Battler?
Battler: You....what are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you.
Bernkastel: "Inviting me" ? You still have a lot to learn, Ushiromiya Battler. I go where I want to go and when I want to go. Can you understand that much with your little brain?
Battler:......Yeah but this is Beato's and my game-----
Bernkastel: /RED/ False. This game board wasn't made by you or Beato. The last two games were made by some goat on the Internet. Even though this was originally a game between you and Beatrice, this isn't the case anymore./RED/
Beato and Battler:....ugh......
Lambda: That's right. Bern's always right~~~~ except when she isn't.
Bernkastel: Shut up. I didn't come here to speak with you. I came to bully Battler.
Lambda: You are a meanie!! I hate you~~~......
Bernkastel: /RED/ That is a lie and you know it too./RED/
Lambda: Ughh..Bern, I could never hate you....
Bernkastel: Glad to hear it. Now be a good girl and let me bully Battler in peace.

Battler: Hah! Do as you please. It's useless. Yeah, it's all useless! Your insults won't get to me. I have matured a lot thanks to all of you damned witches. You can't torture me or push me around anymore.
Beato: Battler, don't piss her off.....
Battler: ....It will be all right. I can handle her. She is a cat, what is the worst that can happen?
Bernkastel: Ahahahaha!! Say hello to your little sister then.
Battler: What?!!

Bernkastel snapped her fingers and a little girl appeared in the room. A red haired little girl. She looked scared like she didn't know what was going on anymore.

>> No.15789037

Time for some burger.

>> No.15789041
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First Chapter (2/2)

Battler: Ange...

Battler called out to her but she didn't respond.

Battler: Ange, can you hear me?....You....What did you do to Ange?!
Bernkastel: *cackle* Just be quiet and watch. You never got to see the ending after all.
Battler: The ending of what?!!
Bernkastel: Isn't it obvious? The ending of the 2nd game, duh!!

Battler completely forgot about it.
That's right. The ending to the tale of murder they were watching.
If a tale has a beginning, then it is natural that it must have an ending too.
An ending to this tale....that can only mean one thing.

Battler: STOP IT!

Battler tried to go and reach Ange but a barrier appeared and pushed him back.
....Of course. This wasn't his game after all. He could do nothing but watch.

Beato: Battler....don't watch!

But Beato's words didn't reach his ears. He focused all of his attention on his sister. She was crying. Suddenly, the whole room changed. It was no longer the tea party room....this was...

Lambda: The rose garden? Hm, I see. Interesting.

They were all in the Ushiromiya Family's rose garden. The rain was falling down heavily from the cloudy sky. However, neither that or the wind made contact with them. It was logical. They weren't part of this world. They were just there to witness the end of that Fragment.

Battler: Ange, RUN!

So it was only logical too that Battler's voice didn't reach Ange. They could see her but she couldn't see them. They could hear her...but she couldn't hear them.

Battler wanted Ange to run because he knew what would take place in the game board soon. This tale was a mystery. No two ways around it. There was no room for fantasy to exist in this world. This Fragment was a murder mystery...and a murder can only happen when there is at least one murderer.

The goal of the "game" is to find out who the killer is. But even if the player - the detective - wins said game, the victory most likely won't last long....

And in Ange's case, she didn't even know who the culprit was. So it's safe to say that she lost the "game". She had no chance to survive if she didn't even know who was her enemy.

Battler: ANGEEEEE!!!!

Battler cried out one last time before collapsing to his knees and - unable to do anything - was forced the watch the finale of this twisted story.

>> No.15789051

Oh, right. Ange was alone with Rosa.

>> No.15789056
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Ain't no one fuck with Bernkastel.

>> No.15789090

Exactly. I think everyone's gonna enjoy Chapter 2 and 3. I'll post them now, since I'm already writing Chapter 4.

>> No.15789099

Put them on pastebin to avoid clogging up the thread.

>> No.15789103
File: 192 KB, 500x478, ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 2 (1/???)

Ange was standing there in the rain, crying. She has just discovered Kumasawa's body. Her face - which always had a gentle smile on it - was completely destroyed. Blood and flesh were everywhere on the ground.

Gohda: Ange-sama, you mustn't look! Please!! For the sake of your Father!!

--But Ange wasn't really shedding tears for Kumasawa. She was crying because she lost the last person that remained alive from her family. Rudolf was lying in a pool of blood a little distance away from Kumasawa. Ange wanted to go over to his Father but Gohda stopped her mid-way and didn't let her near Rudolf's body.

Ange: WHY?! First Mom and Onii-chan...now Dad too?! Why? If only...*hic* if only he survived....AHHHHHH!!!!*hic*

Gohda: Ange-sama, please!! Don't cry! Your Father would never want to see you like this, right?!

Ange: *hic* G-Gohda-san!! *sniff*

Ange hugged Gohda's big body and buried her face into Gohda. The big servant was ready for lots of situations, but this caught him off-guard. He didn't know what to do. In the end, he decided it would be best to do nothing and let Ange use his body as her pillow.

Maria: UU-- Ange, don't cry! Your Papa is in the Golden Land now!!

Ange: S-Stop it, Maria onee-chan!! The Golden Land doesn't exist!! My Dad is dead, no doubt!! Do you see all the blood?! How can you say things like that?!

Maria: Ange doesn't believe. Why? Why don't you believe in the Golden Land?

Ange: Maria onee-chan is stupid! Golden Land?! Witches?! Demons?! T-those don't exist!! Can't exist!! *hic* Onii-chan and Dad both told me things like that can't exist! Maria onee-chan is a liar!! *sniff*

Maria:......................I forgive you, Ange.

Ange: Huh?!

Maria: Ange is overpowered by sadness now. She doesn't know what she is talking about. But Maria forgives Ange. UU--!!


Ange fell silent while still hugging Gohda and crying. She looked away from Maria for a moment, then let go of Gohda finally.

Ange:......Thank you, Onee-chan. *hic*

Maria: Ange is Maria's precious friend. Maria could never hate Ange or wish misfortune upon her. Uu--!!

Ange: Onee-chan...UWAHHH!!!

Ange hugged Maria and started to let another stream of tears flow from her eyes. The two cousins stood there in the rain, not wanting to let go of each other.

Maria patted her cousin's back.

Ange:....Aren't you sad, Onee-chan?

Maria:...You mean because my Mama is dead?

Ange:...Yeah, Onee-chan is really strong. You never cried even a single bit. I want to be like you. I don't want to cry anymore. I don't want to be sad anymore.

Maria: UU-! Maria is sad too...but that is why magic exists! To cheer people up. When I think about Mama being dead, I remember the Golden Land. There, we will be together. Everyone. Me, Mama, Papa, and you Ange...of course Rudolf oji-san and Kyrie oba-san will be there too. Just like Battler and everyone else.

Ange:*hic*R-Really? How awesome....*sniff*

Maria: Right?! We will all play around and live happily forever and ever!

Gohda:....That's right. Ange-sama, you mustn't lose hope....

Gohda came up to them and put his hand on Ange's back. With both of her beloved cousin and Gohda comforting her, she finally managed to calm down. Calm down as much as it was possible in a situation like this.

>> No.15789122
File: 525 KB, 750x956, ber_a23_笑い3汗.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true evil is Gohda.

>> No.15789136

I actually quite like this. A game board alone has no love. It's only facts. Having these scenes at the end, I mean, once the game has been solved, adds soul to the game board.
I've just finished my own game board which I will likely post tomorrow, but I'll make sure to have some scenes ready once it's solved so people can see what actually happened.

>> No.15789150

Should I write a Tea Party for my game too then?

>> No.15789157
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Continuing the story. Chapter 2 (2/2).

>> No.15789167

Aww, this is going to suck for little Ange.
Battler must be tearing his hair off.

>> No.15789183
File: 109 KB, 330x440, a196989fcfc46eaedf2ac0654272c5a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Alice actually Ange?
The trailer hinted something like that and at the end of the trial version, it sounded like Ange aswell. She is accompanied by a "bunny", who mentiones beatrice. She is also fascinated by the school life presented to her (one that ange never had which would explain her interest in the country girl kakera, and her negative comments on it).
What do you guys think?

>> No.15789193

I'd love to read about Kinzo fucking murdering everyone. I've been planning on writing a Kinzo battle scene for ages but if you could write about the Kinzo killings in your game, I'd love to read them.

>> No.15789197

I was more thinking of writing a Tea Party for my game. I barely remember how Kinzo speaks.

>> No.15789227
File: 25 KB, 704x396, aunt-rosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some burger.


Chapter 3

>> No.15789240

This is spooky.

>> No.15789273 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 597x527, 1472944724292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Probably huge spoilers]
I found this shitty fanart on Pixiv, which certainly seems to imply so. It was posted on September 2nd, so it might be legit

>> No.15789276

...And now I'm doing Chapter 4. I hope you like it so far.

>> No.15789283

Mostly YAKAMASHII and BEATORICHEEEE. But I get your meaning.

>> No.15789284

You tease. You show the whole build-up, but you haven't wrote Bernkastel's actual spanking yet.

>> No.15789318

Yeah. So I were to write the entire game, it would be extremely ridiculous.

The Master of Rokkenjima Island, Kinzo Ushiromiya, entered in Rosa's room. So long ago, that room was filled with teddy bears and other ridiculous plushies that his wife back then forced him to buy for that spoiled little Rosa.
Utterly outrageous, he always thought. Children aren't raised by spoiling them. He listened to her back then, he was weak, and this was his reward. His children, his own flesh and blood, didn't inherit even a parcel of his genius.
He looked down, and stared at his hated daughter's face with disgust. Little Rosa was always a crybaby, and even now, passed out and drooling, she was still a walking source of embarassment. Her daughter was no better. A unmarried mother, his own daughter. If it was just for him, Rosa would've lost the name Ushiromiya a long time ago, along with her retarded daughter.

And yet, the scenery in front of the old man somehow touched his heart for a second. The stupid, oh so stupid little Maria, holding to her unconscious mother so tightly. Rosa, his shameful daughter, holding her own child, even now, even as she was dying from the poison he generously distributed to his inept children.
The moment passed, and Kinzo raised his gun. He aimed, shot, and killed Maria. According to Beatrice, in Christianism, dead children went to heaven. Kinzo hoped that was the case.
Then he aimed again, and shot his own daughter without any remorse.

His ears ringed a bit, but silence came back, except for the sound of his own breathing. Then he left the room, still yelling "BEAAAAAAAAAAAAATORICHE", still naked except for the cape.

>> No.15789379 [DELETED] 

:Then he left the room, still yelling "BEAAAAAAAAAAAAATORICHE", still naked except for the cape.
Now that´s the Kinzo I know. Your game board is made even better by the fact that Kinzo committed all the murders whilst naked and wearing a cape.

>> No.15789386

>Then he left the room, still yelling "BEAAAAAAAAAAAAATORICHE", still naked except for the cape.
Now that's the Kinzo I know. Your game board is made even better by the fact that Kinzo committed all the murders whilst naked and wearing a cape.

>> No.15789397
File: 333 KB, 640x473, Umineko_Menu_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any high-res pictures of the menu in Umineko? I need the little faces of the people on the island, and also Erika. Can't find anything hi-res online and I don't actually have the VNs installed on this PC.

Basically pic related in higher resolution and a copy of the Next page so I can have Erika's icon as well.

>> No.15789401

I'm thinking about making a purple truth game, similar to Bern's ep8 puzzle.

She will get spanked - but not by Battler.

>> No.15789409


Now you know how badass Kinzo is.
Imagine how he killed Jessica. Despite being naked. In the rain. In the woods.

>> No.15789422

Can someone search for me something about Umineko sales?

I just found Oricon to be impossible to search (trying for hours now).

I just wanna see how is the situation with the Kodansha Box Novels, really.

Could someone who knows about this stuff get me some numbers, please?

>> No.15789425

We had a pasta with all the ressources on Mediafire or something. We lost it a while ago.

>> No.15789436

Why can't Umineko have cool OST like that : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2nnXicGxN8 ? I don't know what style it is, but I like it.

>> No.15789444

Probably spanked her with his "wooden sword" while he was at it for old times' sake, am I right?

>> No.15789451

Ah bugger. Well, if anyone still has it or a link to it, I'd be much obliged.

>> No.15789477

Well, would you look at that. A quick google search of "mediafire seacats" got me exactly what I needed.

>> No.15789497

No wait, shit. These are the full sprites (and somehow still missing Erika). I just want the icons from the menu. But if no one has them I'll just have to do without.

>> No.15789524

Where can I buy TRT online (doesn't even need to be digital)?

>> No.15789525


>> No.15789539
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>> No.15789563

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo

>> No.15789663

Great work, anon. It was lovely to see Rosa go full parenting mode. You wrote the characters really good as well. I think we should make Tea Parties a part of game boards from now on.

>> No.15789664

Nah, he beat her to death with a rifle.

But who then?

>> No.15789672

>I'm thinking about making a purple truth game, similar to Bern's ep8 puzzle
I was thinking the same thing. I think it would be a lot of work though, but I'd like to see someone try it in one of the threads.

>> No.15789674

I completely forgot. What are the purple truth games?

>> No.15789678

>he beat her to death with a rifle.
I bet he did, hmmm-hmmmm...God Kinzo, anything that's blonde will do, won't it?

>> No.15789681

Everyone speaks with the purple truth but only one of the suspects is a liar, the rest are all telling the absolute truth. So you have to figure out how all the truths work together and figure out who is the single person who is lying with the purple truth.

>> No.15789686

Not for me then. I'll stick to the usual murder mystery.

>> No.15789689

Why is Blackiris so good

>> No.15789690

Why are you suddenly named delicious? I forgot to take the name off for two posts and suddenly everyone's called delicious.

>> No.15789698

Because Anonymous is delicious.

>> No.15789716

I'm unnerved and aroused at the same time. It's a weird feeling, it's quite delicious

>> No.15789724
File: 71 KB, 573x652, 64597435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody say my name?

>> No.15789729
File: 434 KB, 945x673, Frederica.Bernkastel.full.1083267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 4. Trollkastel trolling Battler.


Thanks. It means a lot to me when someone compliments my work.

>But who then?

Yes, they are certainly hard to make.

Actually, there can be more than one culprit and every culprit can lie.

>> No.15789739
File: 284 KB, 800x571, __frederica_bernkastel_and_lambdadelta_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_misumi_kouji__1cc90186149bab1222252eb5df1b8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, that's a lot of trolling. Bernkastel will need more than a few slap with a hand to make up for this.

Next game I'll make, I'll try to have several culprits.

>> No.15789757

>Thanks. It means a lot to me when someone compliments my work.
I know the feeling, anon. And I believe good work should not go uncomplimented.

>> No.15789764

What's with the delicious cult

>> No.15789775

Just one thing.
In English, having more than three dots is unnecessary when writing an ellipsis. I think I already complained about it a few threads ago.
It's like exclamation marks, you rarely use two, you never use three of them.

>> No.15789780
File: 510 KB, 729x828, lam_b21_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get it. What's Lambdadelta doing exactly? I thought she was always opposed to Bern, but here, she watches the show from the sideline.

>> No.15789797

Featherine will put her in her place.

Thank you.

Oh, yeah. I remember you. I tried to make it look like the VN with the lots of dots and all.

Ultimately, she is just passing time like the other witches. When she finds something entertaining enough, she doesn't butt in. The game between her and Bern is over by this point in the story. It really is just an after-party this time.

>> No.15789798

Why didn't Higanbana get as much of a following as Umineko or Higurashi?

>> No.15789810

Because the few I know about Higanbana doesn't interest me at all.

I'd like to see that. I bet Lambda will try to peek. I bet Beato will try to peek. I bet Erika will try to peek. I bet Dlanor will try to peek. I bet Battler will be too busy crying.

>> No.15789855

There is one character from each story that is secretly Alice. I'm extremely curious to see if there is any connection to TRI and the WtC series.

>why is a collection of short story not as known as a series with millions of words
Gee, I don't know.

Higanbana is overall good. Just not the epic of the WtC series.

>> No.15789903
File: 341 KB, 780x1080, ep8_2_fea_2_EP8_2_fea_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who's Alice?

>> No.15789922

What's Featherine's relation to Bern anyway?

>> No.15789936

Pet owner.

>> No.15789943


>> No.15789972

I just want to know what kind of story TRT is. Will it be long enough to be on the scope of a WTC? Is it going to be a mystery or horror story? Will it end up being going the extremely meta route like Umineko or will it be entirely something else?

>> No.15789975

Bern is her miko

>> No.15789977 [SPOILER] 
File: 488 KB, 1000x1000, 1472955435110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Featherine is the one controlling Bernkastel.

>> No.15790036

Featherine is the one giving Bern the belt when needed.

Joke aside, she's Bern's master, and a really shitty writer who self-inserted herself in her story. Bern's job is to find interesting stuff to keep Featherine busy, probably to keep the old witch off her ass.

>> No.15790100

Any download link to TRT?

>> No.15790221
File: 145 KB, 376x408, Bea_a11_akuwarai5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, I am bored. If anyone wants to play, I have some time.

Shannon and Kanon don't exist, only Lion. Kinzo is alive at the start. Erika and Ange are present. Detective is Nanjo. The number of people on the island is 19. Let's see if you can solve this one.

1st Twilight - Erika, Ange, Maria, Rosa, Genji, Gohda
-scene: Kinzo's study
-the victims are missing their body from waist down, their faces were completely destroyed
-it appears some they were sawed in half

2nd Twilight - Natsuhi and Jessica
-scene: Jessica's room
-the door was locked, Jessica had her key on herself
-both were shot in the head

3rd Twilight - Kinzo is missing

4th Twilight - George
-scene: cousins' room in the guesthouse
-stabbed in the back

5th Twilight - Eva
-scene: rose garden
-her throat cut

6th Twilight - Kumasawa
-scene: servants' room in the guesthouse
-shot in the chest

7th Twilight - Hideyoshi
-scene: guest room in the mansion
-shot in the head
-the door was locked

8th Twilight - Rudolf
-scene: dining hall
-was poisoned

9th Twilight - Kyrie and Krauss
-scene: parlor
-both were shot in the head

Battler, Lion and Nanjo survive.......??

>> No.15790236

So far in, I can say it's more of a Umineko in many ways (it just HAS to be connected somehow, or at least that's the impression I'm having of it).

But at the same time, it's also something completely different. It's something you have to read to understand why is that.

Always a pleasure to read the cryptic and often very descriptive prose from R07. Romeo's is overall nice to read too, but I'm not a big fan of Tonokawa's writing style and subject choice of focus (the execution of some of his key scenes in LB! lost a lot of the impact it could have if adjusted properly).

Based on my experience, so far at least, I can for sure say this has more than 30 hours (I read at a fairly normal pacing).

Where are you at in TRT, anon?

Some anon said he could deliver it above, so I'll let the job of doing it with him (I refuse to pirate any 07th Expansion game anyway so...)

>> No.15790251 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 540x437, Ferika201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is that the witch brought Krauss to life, had him order Gohda, and then killed him again. That's why he could speak while being dead.

Or Krauss wrote a note/left an order for Gohda before he died, to do x thing, and gohda did it after Krauss died. How's that?

>> No.15790263

>-the victims are missing their body from waist down, their faces were completely destroyed
>-it appears some they were sawed in half
Say in red: There are no body doubles!

>> No.15790297

I would've found it hilarious if the only thing found were people's torsos. All of their limbs, arms, legs, heads. All removed.

That way, you could switch some of the torso's clothes and one person could be pretending to be dead. A good example red herring would be Kinzo faking his death, since the only way to identify him would be by checking. But because they're removed, you could tell if Kinzo was dead or not.

>> No.15790310

Define "body double" .

But I'll say this
/RED/ Upon discovery of the first twilight there were six dead people in Kinzo's study.

>> No.15790312

I mean, if you put Krauss' clothes on Rudolf's body, how could you tell that the supposed dead body that is wearing Krauss' clothes is Krauss himself?

>> No.15790323



/RED/ Nanjo the detective didn't examine the crime scene of the 1st Twilight.

/RED/ Rosa is dead.

/RED/ Erika is dead.

/RED/ Gohda is dead.

/RED/ Genji is dead.

/RED/ Maria is dead.

/RED/ Ange is dead.

>> No.15790330
File: 545 KB, 636x473, no body double.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body double trick: placing a body that looks human but is not. A doll or a person pretending to be dead. There are many types of mystery loopholes with the concept of body doubles.
A person can pretend to be dead, have them pretend to be dead by making them wear your clothes, have a mannequin wear your clothes and pay off the doctor to fake your death.
Please deny with a red that a person is hiding their death with a mannequin.

Your red is also suspicious. Six people are dead, but not the confirmed identities of the people in the study. The fact that their faces were destroyed (although leaving hair for identification??) and cutting from the waist down (implying that you couldn't check their gender if you removed their pants) is suspicious.

2nd twilight might have been a suicide.
Was there any weapon found on site?
Can Jessica's door be opened with another key?
Is there any hole in the walls where a culprit might shoot to somehow kill the people inside?

A very peculiar mystery.

>> No.15790339

Hmmm, you only said in red that they are dead, not that they were dead on the 1st twilight.

Twisty twist.
I'm being very suspicious of the death in the 1st twilight. And Nanjo not investigating the first twilight is even more suspicious than anything else.

Where was Kinzo before he went missing?

>> No.15790355

A doubt a witch would give reds for free

/BLUE/ Jessica was killed by suicide

/BLUE/ Jessica's room can be opened by another key

>> No.15790373

........I refuse the body double trick.

/RED/ Nobody committed suicide.
/RED/ There was no weapon found at the scene of the 2nd Twilight.
/RED/ Jessica's door can be opened with Master Keys + Jessica's own key.
/RED/ There weren't any holes in the wall.

/RED/ Kinzo was considered missing by the group when they couldn't find him even after the 2nd Twilight.

>> No.15790376

/RED/ Jessica didn't commit suicide.

/RED/ Jessica's door can be opened by master keys.

>> No.15790426

So the 2nd twilight is irrelevant.
My instinct still tell me that the answer lies in the 1st twilight.

Kinzo missing isn't enough evidence for anything, so I'll assume he's dead until I can think otherwise.

What were Eva and George doing alone?
I wonder if it was intentional that some murders are done only by knife while others are done by gunshot. Two murderers? Hmmm. But the murder that makes no sense therefore is Rudolf. Poisoned. How did he get poisoned? Did he drink or eat anything?

This is also peculiar since Godha is dead. Who served him food or beverages? Unless he ate something at random that was already poisoned, making him an unplanned murder.

>> No.15790440


/RED/ George went to the cousins' room to get a little rest. The group was staying in the guesthouse at the time.

/RED/ Eva ran out to the rose garden to find the culprit.

>> No.15790448

Did anyone from the group leave near the same time George went to his room? Was everyone in their own rooms at the time or were they all together except for George who went alone in the cousin's room to get some rest?

>> No.15790468

/RED/ Nanjo was with the group until they found the scene of the 4th Twilight.

/RED/ Before that, George, Krauss and Battler left the group.

>> No.15790499
File: 403 KB, 633x472, erika being nice to get info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw Erika will never be nice and grabbing you a beer after a bath so that she can manipulate and get information from you to pick apart with her giant brain.

>> No.15790563

>giant brain

>> No.15790593

I think the word he was looking for was ''big head''

>> No.15790888
File: 26 KB, 600x338, Gorilla warfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R07 wrote Rose Guns Days based on "The Third Man", and Umineko based on "Ten Little Niggers" and many other murder mystery stories.

Well, apparently Vespio 2438 is based on "Planet of the Apes"(!?), I guess? With a advanced sci-fi twist?

>> No.15791002

There was a director that showed up in Season 3 of RGD. Was it the same director who filmed The Third Man? I swear it is but I'm too lazy to redownload the game and check. I always found that part weird because it felt like a random biography infodump of the director as though Ryukishi really liked that director. Though it makes a lot more sense if he's the director of the film that inspired the movie.

>> No.15791230
File: 380 KB, 600x690, gfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost no good fanart of the Stakes
It's not fair, bros.

>> No.15791231
File: 234 KB, 419x600, 311 Sep. 04 11.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god, this is going to be embarassing to buy...
Please stop using the ass-shot covers, YenPress.

The alternative ones are beautiful

>> No.15791256

I can agree with you, only played the trial but it gave me some umineko vibes. Can't wait to actually play it. I am kind of sceptical to buy it since Iwaihime was such a huge let down for me, but I'm starting to reconsider.

I'd really like it to be true.
Means theres a strong link to umineko in the plot.

>> No.15791510
File: 139 KB, 700x636, __asmodeus_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_misumi_kouji__5fd1941b856678e050ae3d59ab58f45e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they were introduced in the same time and barely got any character development.

>> No.15791626

>back from sleep
>there's a game going on
Aw shit, I'm too late for that one.

>> No.15792092

>Tri was $50 with EMS shipping
wew lad
at least it's coming now

>> No.15792130

>torrent is coming
I love you!

>> No.15792136

It's coming!

>> No.15792224

Okay, so I made a game board intended to be read as Battler's childish answer to Bernkastel's bullying.

But halfway through it, I figured it was more /d/ than /jp/, since it contained Hideyoshi raping Erika and drowning her and Ange spanking Bernkastel once per twilight.

Which brings me to the next logical question, is the current game almost over? I don't want to get into it until my own game is ready, I might accidentally plagiarize parts of it.
I saw people talking about it, but I don't think they reached a conclusion yet, right?

>> No.15792237

There need to be breaks in between the games. People will burn out otherwise.

>> No.15792244

True. Oh well, that means more time to come up with interesting stuff.

Maybe I'll have one of the meta piece joining the island as a guest.

>> No.15792329

I'm here now. If anyone wants to continue >>15790221

>Which brings me to the next logical question, is the current game almost over?

Well, I'm still waiting for someone to solve it.

>> No.15792338

Well, I think someone else started solving it, I don't know if I can hijack it.
Plus given my current state, I should avoid posting.

>> No.15792384
File: 112 KB, 1152x864, Bern vs Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tea Party Chapter 5 - Battler's challenge to Bernkastel

Just try it, no harm will be done.

>> No.15792398

Give me some time to get rid of my boner and my intention to spank Bernkastel.
Once I'm calmed, I'll try it, assuming the other Anon isn't back yet.

>> No.15792406
File: 26 KB, 141x214, 007 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Battler crying in Beato's arms
This is strangely arousing. Why do bullying Battler feels so good?

>> No.15792431

Okay. Then I guess I will work on the game between Bern and Battler.

I don't know. Battler and Ange are literally made for bullying. I started writing the Tea Party with the intention to make it light-hearted and fun but like I said before, when you throw Bern into the story it is elementary that at least one person will be mentally broken.

>> No.15792512

Okay, so Erika, Ange, Maria, Rosa, Genji and Gohda are undoubtely dead. No way around, and given their frames, I don't think they could've been replaced, through they have have been killed later.

Natsuhi and Jessica are also dead for sure, Genji's key could've been used. The murderer is a different person, and took his weapon with him. Where the body moved?

Kinzo is probably in the furnace.

George was taken by surprise, so the murderer is someone he knows. Or he was sleeping.

Same with Eva, she was attacked and killed instantly. She was attacked by someone she wasn't suspecting, therefore it wasn't Kinzo.

Kumasawa could've survived.

Hideyoshi died for sure, Genji's master key could've been used.

Rudolf's death need to be confirmed. What the hell was he even doing alone? Was any food or drink found in the dinner room?

Kyrie and Krauss died for sure.

Battler, Lion and Nanjo survived.

/blue/ Kumasawa killed everyone in the first twilight, stole Genji's key, killed Natsuhi and Jessica, threw Kinzo in the sea, killed George and Eva by surprise, and was killed by her accomplice.

/blue/ Rudolf was a murderer.

>> No.15792525

>Where the body moved
My bad, I meant "maybe the bodies were moved".

>> No.15792570


/RED/ Krauss took Genji's master key after they found the victims of the first twilight.

/RED/ Natsuhi's and Jessica's bodies weren't moved.

/RED/ Nanjo confirmed the deaths of - Natsuhi, Jessica, Eva, Kumasawa and Rudolf.

/RED/ Rudolf's coffee was poisoned.

>> No.15792591

Okay. Was Genji's body found immediately before Natsuhi's and Jessica's?

Did Krauss murder Natsuhi and Jessica?

Is there any evidence suggesting that Rudolf was with someone when he died? I don't understand why Rudolf would drink coffee alone.
... Or why Jessica and Natsuhi would lock together.

>> No.15792615

/RED/ Genji's master key wasn't used to unlock or lock Jessica's door.

/RED/ Genji's master key was in Krauss' pocket after he took it.

/RED/ Natsuhi went after Jessica to calm her down. The door was locked by Jessica's key from the inside then.

/RED/ There was only one cup of coffee at the scene of the 8th Twilight.

>> No.15792630

Care to repeat that bit about Jessica's door? Only Jessica's key or Genji's master key could it, right?
Did Jessica or Natsuhi died immediately?

And you didn't answer my theory : was Rudolf one of the murderer?

>> No.15792641

/RED/ Jessica's door can be opened by Jessica's key or a master key. Each servant has a master key.

/RED/Jessica and Natsuhi died immediately. They were shot in the head.

I won't answer if you simply say X is a murderer, I want you stay "X is a murderer because he/she killed X, Y, etc." Then I will give you red.

>> No.15792652

/blue/ Rudolf was killed because he assisted in the murder and mutilation of everyone in the first twilight.

/blue/ Krauss killed Natsuhi and Jessica and locked the door.

>> No.15792663

/RED/ Rudolf didn't have anything to do with the six corpse in Kinzo's study.

/RED/ Krauss has an alibi for the 2nd Twilight. He was with Nanjo, the detective.

>> No.15792682

And the key stayed in Krauss' pocket? Could he take his jacket off and "forget" the key in it?

>> No.15792699

/RED/ The key was with Krauss all the time after he put it into his pocket.

>> No.15792707


>> No.15792708

Can you confirm these in red?
"Immediately after Genji's death, Krauss took his okay, and kept it with him until he died in the final twilight."
And "Krauss doesn't have anything to do, directly or indirectly, with Natsuhi and Jessica's locked room."

>> No.15792714

>took his okay
I think I'll call it a night before I solve the mystery.
I mean "took his key".

>> No.15792734
File: 686 KB, 1070x1162, Bea_a21_default_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say the first because "immediately". The first twilight victims were killed during the night. And the group discovered the bodies in the morning.

But I'll say this
/RED/Genji's master key was in Kinzo's study from the moment the six were killed there until Krauss picked it up in the morning.

/RED/ Krauss took the key and kept it with him until he died in the final twilight.

/RED/Krauss doesn't have anything to do - directly or indirectly - with Natsuhi and Jessica's locked room.

>> No.15792740

But the six of them WERE killed before the first twilight occured, right?

>> No.15792754

God dammit I am really tired.

I mean, the first twilight : the murder and mutilation of all of them occured BEFORE Natsuhi's and Jessica's death, right?

>> No.15792759

/RED/ The six were lured into Kinzo's study and then killed. This was the first twilight.

>> No.15792767

/RED/ The mutilation/ murder of the six occured before Natsuhi's and Jessica's death.

>> No.15792769

And the first twilight occured before Jessica's and Natsuhi's death AND the lockdown of their room?

>> No.15792781

/RED/ That is right. The first twilight occured before Natsuhi and Jessica's death and the lockdown of their room.

>> No.15792789

Okay, please recapitulate it a bit for you, would you?
Genji died before Jessica/Natsuhi.
All of their deaths were instant.
The only keys that could open their rooms were Jessica's key, that was found in her pocket, and Genji's master key, who was in Krauss' pocket.

>> No.15792805

I refuse the first.

I refuse the second too. Sawing someone in half isn't exactly what one would call an "instant" death, right?

/RED/ Jessica's room can be opened by her own key. That was found in her pocket. And EVERY SERVANT has a master key that can open it too. But Genji's master key didn't open or close Jessica's door.

>> No.15792819

I have some questions :
- is it possible to enter in Jessica's room by the window or a secret passage?
- can the murderer still be hidden inside the room when the bodies are discovered by Krauss?
- since there are no gun holes, that means the women weren't shot through the windows or the walls, correct?
- were they really shot? Couldn't the shot be forged somehow?
- does Gohda have a key too, despite being Natsuhi's servant rather than Kinzo's?
- what implement will Featherine use to discipline her cat, and what will be her reason to do so?

As for the rest, I believed the first twilight victims were drugged or something. The screams would've alarmed everyone otherwise. What kind of reason could trigger such a wrath?

>> No.15792854

Anyway, I'm taking a break for now.
I'll be back later, hopefully with enough answer to figure out what happened in the first and second twilight.

>> No.15792857
File: 136 KB, 405x480, bea_akuwaraib2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/RED/ The window in Jessica's room was locked from the inside. It can't be opened from outside. There are no secret passages.

/RED/ No murderer was hiding in Jessica's room when Nanjo found their bodies.

/RED/ There were two shots fired in Jessica's room. One shot Natsuhi in the head, the other shot Jessica in the head.

/RED/ Natsuhi and Jessica weren't shot through the window or the walls.

/RED/ They were CERTAINLY shot.

/RED/ Gohda, Kumasawa and Genji all had master keys.

/RED/ The last one is a secret.

Oh and yeah

/RED/ The 1st Twilight victims were drugged before sawed in half.

>> No.15793195

So we already cleared that Genji's key wasn't used, and that the murderer was in the room with them, and left them behind.

What can you tell me, in red, about Gohda's key?
And can you tell in red if Kumasawa has something to do with the murders?
Also, not necessarily in red, but sawing someone must leave a lot of blood. Do the blood trails go anywhere from Kinzo's study?
Was the furnace inspected for remains?

>> No.15793299


/RED/ Gohda's master key was picked up by Natsuhi when the group discovered the scene of the 1st Twilight.

/RED/ Kumasawa doesn't have an alibi for the 2nd Twilight.

/RED/ The remains of the six killed in Kinzo's study has never been found.

/RED/ No traces of blood could be seen in front of Kinzo's study.

>> No.15793312

/blue/ Kumasawa entered Jessica's room while Natsuhi was there, she killed them both, and then left with Gohda's key.

/blue/ The remains of the six killed during the first twilight were thrown in the sea.
You don't have to answer this one, but I'm really curious about the WHY here.

/blue/ Featherine will go easy on Bernkastel instead of giving her the trashing she fully deserves for bullying the poor Battler.

>> No.15793326


/RED/ Gohda's key was on Natsuhi when Nanjo and the others found her corpse. Eva pocketed Gohda's key after that.

/RED/ The remains of the six were buried. But that isn't relevant for solving the game.

/RED/ Featherine is scary when she is angry.

>> No.15793351
File: 36 KB, 438x585, __furude_rika_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_yuuji__4d00e0bdc85fe5376a769af9b87faa50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, this is getting confusing and yet interesting. Let me play mind_2.ogg.

So we know about Gohda's and Genji's key.
/blue Kumasawa killed Jessica and Natsuhi, and then locked the room with her own key.
I think she was killed then by her accomplice, as she accidentally routed herself as the culprit by using her own key.

I know it wasn't relevant, but I wanted to make sure this wouldn't come bite me in the ass later.
I still don't know why they were mutilated, and the whydunnit interests me more than the whodunnit.
The cultprit were Erika, Ange, Rosa, Genji and Gohda, right? Even if cutting the lower body hides the gender, they all have very different frames. There must be another reason for that.
Were all the bodies formally identified?

Kinzo went missing, right?
Give me a few hints about him, in red. Is he dead? Is he still on the island? Is he wounded? Is he yelling "BEATRIIIIIICE"? Does he have anything to do with the murders?

You're making me more and more hyped.

>> No.15793362

>The cultprit were
Dammit, my medication must be off or I'm really getting into this but I make more and more mistakes.

>> No.15793384


/RED/ Kumasawa didn't kill Jessica and Natsuhi.

You left out Maria from the 1st Twilight victims.

/RED/ Nanjo didn't examine any of the 1st Twilight victims.

/RED/ Kinzo is dead. He was killed.

No problem.

>> No.15793421
File: 645 KB, 822x956, ber_a24_悪笑い1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but Kumasawa's key was definitely used, since Krauss doesn't have anything to do with the murder and both Gohda's and Jessica's key were still inside the room. Kumasawa definitely closed the door after the murder was done.
What became of Kumasawa's key after she got shot in the chest?

I try to forget that a little girl was sawed in two while she was still alive. They are pawns, but they are humans.

If Nanjo didn't examine any body from the first twilight, how do we even know who was killed? The other anon asked a few questions about body doubles or something, could anyone murder someone else and pretend they were dead? Maybe Kinzo replaced Genji or Gohda?

Was Kinzo killed by the same people who killed everyone in the first and second twilight?

Will Bernkastel be able to sit after Featherine will be done with her? Will Battler laugh at her misery and bully her or will he be too busy crying on Beatrice's breasts, covering her dress with snot and tears? Why is it so fun to bully a giant redhead who use steroids and has a perfect resistance to magic?

>> No.15793494


/RED/ Kumasawa touched the door of Jessica's room when she opened it and the group discovered the scene of the 2nd Twilight. After that she touched it again to close it when the group left. Kumasawa touched Jessica's door two times only.

/RED/ Kumasawa's key was taken from her corpse by her killer.

/RED/ Kinzo was killed by the same culprit who caused the massacre in Kinzo's study.

/RED/ Correct. There was a body double used in the first twilight.

>> No.15793514

>Will Bernkastel be able to sit after Featherine will be done with her? Will Battler laugh at her misery and bully her or will he be too busy crying on Beatrice's breasts, covering her dress with snot and tears? Why is it so fun to bully a giant redhead who use steroids and has a perfect resistance to magic?

In the works.....Comes soon...

>> No.15793528
File: 563 KB, 782x973, lam_a12_不敵1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Kumasawa let someone borrow her key or was it taken from her in any way?

Was the culprit of the study massacre Genji or Gohda?
These are the only one that could mutilate Kinzo and try to pass him off as one of them. Rosa is way too frail and try to pass the broad Kinzo as her.

What bothers me with the study slaughter is its randomness.
Erika, Ange, Maria, Rosa, "Genji", and "Gohda".
Three kids, a woman, and two men, all killed in an abominable fashion. I don't understand why.

And you haven't answered the last one.

>> No.15793542

Also, to compare the frames, I'm using Ryukishi's original sprites, in which Kinzo, Krauss and Gohda are quite fit.
Compared to them, Rudolf is a thin man, and Hideyoshi is just fat.

>> No.15793549

/RED/ Kumasawa's key was stolen from her during the time Jessica and Natsuhi was killed. The killer later put the key back without Kumasawa noticing anything.

/RED/ Genji didn't kill Maria, Erika, Ange, Rosa or Gohda.

/RED/ Gohda didn't kill Maria, Erika, Ange, Rosa or Genji.

/RED/ I haven't answered the last one because I still don't know how Bernkastel will be spanked. But she will be.

>> No.15793556

Okay, so answer these :
Was Kumasawa a murderer or an accomplice?
Was the person who comitted the study slaughter part of the first twilight's victims?

If you answer "no" to these two, I'm out of wits.

>> No.15793574

If you give me a theory in which you state Kumasawa is responsible for someone's death then I will use red. Reds aren't cheap, yo.

/RED/ The person who committed the study slaughter wasn't part of the 1st Twilight victims.

Giving up so soon? *cackle*

>> No.15793617

Okay, I give up for the first twilights.
There was a body substitution, probably with Kinzo being murdered and passed off as someone else, but anyone he could've replaced didn't kill anyone.
Kumasawa's key was stolen and put in her pocket without her noticing her, which means no way to find who stole it.
Kinzo's disappearance was explained, he actually died during the first twilight.

So how about Georges, Kumasawa and Eva?

Georges was stabbed in the back as he was resting in the guest house, right? You didn't said anything about doors, so there's not much to say or ask here. Except maybe asking if he was alone and where the other cousins were.

Eva had her throat sliced, and I think Nanjo confirmed it.
I want to know more about that : it took place in the rose garden, correct? Was there a fight, was the cut clean? Was the cut wide? Was the cut deep? Any way to determine was kind of weapon was used?

Kumasawa got shot in the guesthouse, that raises a few questions, but for now, I'll just ask: where were everyone?
Usually, the kids barricade themselves in the guesthouse during the murder, so it should have been impossible to a murder to occur then, unless everyone was sleeping or something.

Does Featherine ever get angry in Umineko? I remember her destroying Lambdadelta, but even then, she was quite civil about it.

>> No.15793636 [DELETED] 

I can't believe we never though of making game boards earlier.

>> No.15793660

Certainly, it may be better to first look at the other twilights.

/RED/ At the time of George's death everyone from the group had an alibi except for Krauss and Battler.

/RED/ Eva's death was confirmed by Nanjo.
/RED/ Eva was killed with kitchen knife. Her murderer grabbed her from behind and cut her throat.

/RED/ At the time of Kumasawa's murder everyone had an alibi from the group except for Rudolf and Krauss,

Hmm...about Featherine, I don't remember. But I think it's implied somewhere that she is the worst out of all the witches.

>> No.15793692

Krauss, Battler, and whoever survived the first twilight are suspect for Georges' death, okay.

So Eva was taken by surprise. I'd like to know what she was doing in the Rose Garden exactly, but I don't think it'll be relevant. The point is that her murder was improvised and amateurish, compared to the first twilight. It may be a different murderer. Maybe someone from the guesthouse ran after her.
Did the knife used to kill Eva came from the main mansion or from the guesthouse? I think there are two murderers, one in the mansion, and one who moved to the guest house after the second twilight.
Because if one of the victims from the first twilight suddenly barged in Jessica's room with a gun, they would've screamed, panicked, yelled "GOAST!!" and it would've hard to shot them properly, so I think the person who killed Krauss' wife and daughter wasn't the first twilight's survivor.
I personally suspect Lion, that would make sense for him. Her. It.

I'm spotting a pattern with Krauss, here. Didn't you said something about Rudolf not killing anyone earlier?

But Rudolf and Krauss both end up dying, so the last murderer standing must be the one from the first twilight.
Despite how suspicious Krauss is, he's too much of a a smug asshole to consider asking anyone for help, so since Jessica and Natsuhi died quickly, I think he's innocent.

One question about the Ninth Twilight : was any weapon found in the room?

>> No.15793696

And no matter how bad Featherine is, Berkastel deserves worse.

Through I only remember her habit to play with books and not much her actual action.

>> No.15793722


/RED/ Eva ran out to the rose garden because she believed George's culprit was there.

/RED/At the time of Eva's murder the group from the guesthouse chased together after her. They all have an alibi, obviously.

/RED/The knife was from the kitchen in the mansion.

I said earlier that /RED/ Rudolf doesn't have anything to do with the 6 corpses in Kinzo's study.

/RED/ The scene of the 9th twilight wasn't seen by Nanjo.

Same but probably I need to re-read Umineko soon because I forgot lots of things.

>> No.15793741

This is weird.
Did Eva saw someone from the guesthouse that was supposed to be dead and followed him to the rose garden?

I thought maybe she could've gotten sandwiched between the first twilight survivor and the guesthouse murderer, but sounds she got outsmarted by the study survivor.

So only the guesthouse killer has a rifle, huh?

I understand, but you also said that whoever survived the first twilight didn't kill anyone. So either Rudolf is completely innocent, or there are three killers in total : whoever killed during the first twilight, the "survivor", and the guest house killer.

What do we know about the ninth twilight? What can you tell in red about it? Were Kyrie and Krauss really killed?

/blue/ Lion and Battler are lovers, and got Genji's help to make sure the truth about Lion being an incestuous child never comes out. Sadly, Erika figured it out, and the two of them didn't know if she spilled the beans or not, so they killed everyone.

Been a while here too, and to be honest, I never cared much about Ange's segments.

>> No.15793777


/RED/ Eva saw someone from the guesthouse and followed that person.

I didn't say that the "survivor" didn't kill anyone. I only said that Gohda and Genji didn't kill any of the study victims.

/RED/ Kyrie and Krauss were killed in the parlor.

>/blue/ Lion and Battler are lovers, and got Genji's help to make sure the truth about Lion being an incestuous child never comes out. Sadly, Erika figured it out, and the two of them didn't know if she spilled the beans or not, so they killed everyone.

Wow, pretty close. /RED/ This is only part of the truth. But Erika didn't figure it out, she was just unlucky.

>> No.15793803

But Gohda and Genji are the only one that could've used Kinzo as a body replacement therefore one of them must be part of the conspiration.
Trying to pass off Kinzo's body as Rosa, Maria, Erika or Ange wouldn't work, even if the head and the lower body were removed.
And I have trouble believing that a teenager could mutilate a person while that person is still alive.

I think I'm getting really close, but there are a few things I still can't figure. I'm going to need more red.
Repeat these :
"There was only one murderer for the first twilight."
"The murderer of the first twilight was an adult."
"The person Eva followed was believed dead."
"Money and inheritance were not the reasons behind the murders."

>> No.15793821


/RED/ There was only murderer for the 1st Twilight.

Who do you consider adult?

/RED/ The person Eva followed was believed to be dead.

I refuse the last one.

>> No.15793826

*/RED/ There was only one murderer for the 1st Twilight.

>> No.15793837

>Who do you consider adult?
All the servants (Gohda, Genji, Kumasawa, Nanjo), and the grown-ups (Krauss, Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rosa, Rudolf, Kyrie).

Lion, Battler, Georges, Jessica, Ange, Erika and Maria are kids.

>> No.15793844

/RED/ The killer of the 1st Twilight wasn't an adult!!

>> No.15793861

Aw, shit. I'm not going to like this.

/blue/ Lion killed Kinzo and masqueraded his body as Genji's. He/She also killed all the others.

>> No.15793871


/RED/ Correct.

Now on to the other twilights.

>> No.15793876

/blue/ Lion stole Kumasawa's key, killed Jessica and Natsuhi, locked the room, and put the key back in Kumasawa's pocket?

>> No.15793882

/RED/ Lion didn't kill Jessica and Natsuhi!

>> No.15793892

/blue/ Genji killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.

>> No.15793898

/RED/ Genji didn't kill Natsuhi and Jessica!

>> No.15793904

/blue/ Krauss killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.
/blue/ Battler killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.
/blue/ Rudolf killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.
/blue/ Hideyoshi killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.
/blue/ Gohda killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.
/blue/ Georges killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.
/blue/ Eva killed Natsuhi and Jessica with the key Lion stole.

>> No.15793909

/RED/ Lion didn't steal Kumasawa's key!!!!


>> No.15793916

/blue/ Gohda killed Eva.

>> No.15793922

/RED/ Gohda didn't kill Eva.

>> No.15793931

/blue/ The survivor of the first twilight killed Eva.

>> No.15793936

/RED/ Correct. The "survivor" did it.

>> No.15793948

The "survivor" of the first twilight was Genji.
There was a third murderer who killed Jessica and Natsuhi.
/blue/ Genji killed George.
With the same knife that killed Eva.

>> No.15793955

/RED/ The "survivor" is indeed Genji.

/RED/ George wasn't killed by Genji.

>> No.15793962

Was George stabbed with the same knife that was used to kill Eva?
/blue/ Lion killed George.
/blue/ Genji poisoned Rudolf's coffee.

Where was everyone when the ninth twilight occured, already?

>> No.15793979


/RED/ George wasn't killed with same knife as Eva.

/RED/ Lion didn't kill George.

/RED/ Genji was already dead when Rudolf died.

9th Twilight? Let's see
/RED/ Nanjo was alone.
/RED/ Kyrie and Krauss were shot in the parlor.

>> No.15793994

/blue/ Lion and Battler killed Kyrie and Krauss.
blue/ Lion stabbed George.
/blue/ Genji still poisoned Rudolf's coffee, Rudolf just drank it later.

There's Hideyoshi's death, but I'll bother with that later.

>> No.15794001

/RED/ Krauss wasn't killed by Lion or Battler.

/RED/ Lion didn't kill George.

/RED/ Genji has nothing to do with Rudolf's death.

>> No.15794012

/blue/ Krauss and Kyrie shot each others.

/blue/ Battler was an accomplice, he helped Lion out of disgust for the Ushiromiya family. He stole Kumasawa's key and killed George.

/blue/ Battler poisoned Rudolf's coffee out of retaliation for Rudolf remarrying so soon.

Also, I kinda need to listen to Dread of the Grave and get MAXIMUM HYPED.

>> No.15794015


/RED/ Kyrie wasn't shot by Krauss!

/RED/ Battler was an accomplice.
/RED/ Battler did not steal Kumasawa's key!
/RED/ Battler killed George.
/RED/ Battler killed Rudolf.

>> No.15794059

/blue/ Kyrie was deceived by Battler, and shot Krauss, only to be killed afterward.

/blue/ Genji stole Kumasawa's key.
I don't see how.

/blue/ Battler acted out of disgust toward the Ushiromiya, and didn't care for Lion's reasons.

>> No.15794063

/RED/ Kyrie shot Krauss. But not because she was deceived by Battler.

/RED/ Kyrie was shot by Lion.

/RED/ Genji didn't steal Kumasawa's key.

/RED/Battler loves Lion's boypussy. That was his reason.

>> No.15794087

So Kumasawa's key was used, but nobody stole it?

/blue/ Kyrie cooperated with Lion's plan, but was double-crossed.
/blue/ Lion is a girl.
/blue/ Lion plans to get rid of Battler.

>> No.15794108

/RED/ Kumasawa's key was definitely stolen. The person who stole it is responsible for the deaths of Natsuhi and Jessica.

/RED/ Kyrie and Lion didn't cooperate. However, Kyrie was double-crossed.

/RED/Lion is boy.

/RED/ Lion and Battler love each other.

>> No.15794117
File: 211 KB, 780x1080, ep5_2_but_EP5_2_but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dread of the grave -More fear-.ogg

>> No.15794128
File: 141 KB, 1600x1131, Lion Ushiromiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/RED/ There were two other people that went along with Lion's plan: Genji and Battler.

/RED/Kyrie didn't cooperate with Lion intentionally or unintentionally!!

/RED/ Battler is Lionsexual.

>> No.15794139

But out of the three culprits, none of them stole Kumasawa's key.
/blue/ Battler stole the key and killed Natsuhi and Jessica.
/blue/ Kyrie killed Krauss out of grief after Rudolf's death, but didn't kill anyone else.
/blue/ Nanjo is fucking dead.

>> No.15794148

/RED/ Battler didn't steal the key.

I refuse the second one.

/RED/ Nanjo will certainly die by Lion's gun.

>> No.15794187

So Battler didn't steal the key, Lion didn't steal the key, Genji didn't steal the key nor used his own one.
/blue/ Kyrie stole the key and killed them.
/blue/ Kyrie killed Krauss, because just like Battler, she was tried of the Ushiromiyas.

>> No.15794191


/RED/ Kyrie stole the key and killed Jessica and Natsuhi. But not because of the reason you mentioned. She also killed Krauss,

>> No.15794222

>/RED/Lion is boy.

>> No.15794223

Now the only ones that remain are Kumasawa, Hideyoshi and Genji. What happened to them?

>> No.15794227

/GOLD/ Lion is a delicious fuckboy.

>> No.15794231 [DELETED] 

/DOUBLEGOLD/ You're wrong!

>> No.15794233

I have a theory regarding umineko, can someone confirm if i'm right or wrong? Basically what I was thinking is that there are 2 murderers, one with love and without. The closed rooms are "an illusion" which = love. The murders without love are not done by Beatrice.. is this correct?

>> No.15794236


>> No.15794238

Beatrice is the culprit in ep1-ep4. She has accomplices but she is the main culprit.

>> No.15794240

Repeat it! Lion doesn't have a penis!

>> No.15794288
File: 135 KB, 780x1080, ep5_1_kla_m_EP5_1_kla_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, here is what happened.
First twilight : Lion killed Erika, Ange, Maria, Rosa, Gohda and Kinzo. She mutilated Kinzo's body to make it look like it was Genji.

Second twilight, Kyrie killed Natsuhi and Jessica with Kumasawa's stolen key.

Fourth twilight : Battler killed Georges.

Fifth twilight : Genji killed Eva.

Sixth twilight : Battler killed Kumasawa.

Undefined twilight : Lion killed Genji.

Seventh twilight : Battler killed Hideyoshi.

Eight twilight : Battler poisoned Rudolf.

Ninth twilight ; Kyrie killed Krauss, and Lion killed Kyrie.

Tenth twilight : Lion kill Nanjo.

???? twilight : Featherine finally spanks Bernkastel.

>> No.15794294

And the reason for the murders?
Battler loved Lion, and Lion wanted to cover up the secret behind her birth.
Kyrie was just in for the money, and Genji wanted to assist "Beatrice" to redeem for his sin of allowing Kinzo to fuck his daughter.

>> No.15794311

There are some small mistakes.

/RED/ Battler didn't kill Kumasawa.
/RED/ Battler didn't kill Hideyoshi.
/RED/ Lion didn't kill Genji.

/RED/ Hideyoshi's room was locked.

So was he killed?

If you can solve these, you win.

All of these are correct.

>> No.15794314

Was Hideyoshi killed before or after Genji died?

How many people did Kyrie kill?

>> No.15794317

/RED/ Kyrie killed 3 people: Jessica, Natsuhi, Krauss.

/RED/ Hideyoshi was killed before Genji died.
/RED/ Hideyoshi closed his room with his own key. At that time, his killer wasn't in the room.

So how did the killer get in?

>> No.15794332

/blue/ Genji used his key to get in and kill Hideyoshi.

>> No.15794339

/RED/ Genji's key was on Krauss from the moment he got it from Kinzo's study until the moment he died in the parlor. Genji couldn't have used his own key.

>> No.15794346

But didn't Genji only released his key after his death?

>> No.15794356

Anyway, here is my guess : Lion killed Kumasawa and got her key, disposed of her body (probably buried her), and then went to kill Hideyoshi.

Genji doesn't use guns anyway, I should've paid more attention. Only the "real people" used guns, it would've been too hard for a "dead person" to pilfer a gun.

>> No.15794358

/RED/ Genji's key was left on Kinzo's corpse. This was part of faking Genji's death. Then Krauss took it and it was on him until the moment he died.

/RED/ Genji's key wasn't used to open Hideyoshi's room.

>> No.15794359

Ha, okay. I minsderstood that part, I though Genji kept his key until his real death.

>> No.15794361

/RED/ Genji killed Hideyoshi.

/RED/ Kumasawa and Genji were killed by a culprit that is yet to be named.

>> No.15794366

I thought you said there was only 3 murderers?
First Kyrie, now someone else?

>> No.15794372


What I said was

/RED/ There were two people going along with Lion's plan and helping him: Battler and Genji.

/RED/ There are two groups of culprits in this game.

>> No.15794382

Okay, new theory.

/blue/ Rudolf and Kyrie planned to kill the other Ushiromiyas. Battler joined the plan, but betrayed them for Lion's beautiful FEMININE eyes.

/blue/ Rudolf killed Kumasawa and Genji.

>> No.15794422

Basically that is it.

There are two group of culprits in the game.

A/ Lion, Genji and Battler - Battler and Lion are in love but they realize they can't be together unless the whole family is dealt with. Genji helps Lion because he swore to Kinzo that he will always obey Lion's orders first of all.

B/ Rudolf. Kyrie and Battler - Battler is a wild card, he betrayed Rudolf and Kyrie.

1st Twilight:
Genji invites Ange, Erika, Maria, Rosa and Gohda into Kinzo's study because Lion had a "present" for those lucky ones. Lion says he cook a new cake and wants those who are present to taste it. He says he chose randomly the "winners" who get to taste his delicious cake. The cake has drugs in it, Kinzo and the others pass out. Genji goes and gets a saw from the shed, then Lion kills everyone. Then Genji helps to destroy the faces. Lion orders Genji to go hiding and wait for his orders.
Everyone believes that Genji really died.

After the group discovers the scene, Kyrie solves the riddle and finds the gold with Rudolf. They tell Battler about their plan to kill everyone. But Battler is already on Lion's side.

2nd Twilight - Kyrie steals Kumasawa's key and kills Natsuhi and Jessica. Puts the key back.

3rd Twilight - everyone is worried about Kinzo. They come to the conclusion he is missing.

4th Twilight - Battler kills George when Rudolf and Kyrie tell him so.

5th Twilight - Eva sees Genji in the garden, goes out and gets ninja'd by Genji. Genji takes Gohda's master key that Eva took from Natsuhi's corpse previously.

6th Twilight - Rudolf kills Kumasawa then steals her master key just in case.

7th - Hideyoshi goes to his room and locks it. Genji unlocks the door with Gohda's key and kills him. Then he goes to the boiler room to hide. Rudolf finds him and shots him.

8th - Battler puts poison into Rudolf's coffee.

9th - Kyrie kills Krauss in the parlor but then Battler and Lion appears. Lion wins.

10th - Bye-bye Nanjo.

Wew, simple, ISN'T IT?

>> No.15794428

But why the mutilation in the first twilight? I thought it was related to Yasu's mutilated sex, but Lion is the baby that wasn't thrown from the cliff. Then I though Lion did it out of revenge and that it was why his murders were more violent than everyone else, but you just said his motives are the same than Battler's.

Anyway, I'm happy we're finished, I'm out of stamina. My bed calls me.

>> No.15794442

The mutilation was necessary so that Kinzo could be used as a body double for Genji. Kinzo has six toes on each foot so it was necessary to get rid of the lower parts.

And yeah, I am really fucking tied too. I won't make a game for at least a few weeks now.

>> No.15794445
File: 349 KB, 1004x1770, witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*I meant tired.

>> No.15794451
File: 260 KB, 780x1080, ep5_2_rg1_EP5_2_rg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kinzo has six toes on each foot
I completely forgot about that. I thought it was sexual, given Yasu's story.
Well, all my blessings to the cousins. Any divorce will be messy as fuck.

Through I'm a little pissed at you, the game I'm planning had two groups of murderers too, and the game was essentially them trying to wipe each other in a semi-comedic Spy vs Spy fashion. Because of you, I'll have to make a new game from scratch and with the week-end over, it'll take me days.

Oh well. Hopefully I'll finally get that Bernkastel I crave for. Maybe I'll write some stake spanking later as a Tea Party for another game. Good night.

>> No.15794539

I was thinking this as well. If anyone was going to be a recurring character I would expect it to be Ange.

>> No.15794835


>> No.15794948
File: 23 KB, 151x251, OCHIRU - Sam, the Lion Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I even doing with my life

>> No.15795141
File: 453 KB, 960x1218, Jessica outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edit anon here, sorry for the slow progress recently. Here's what I've got so far for Jessica's lewd outfit. It's been pretty difficult to make but it's finally starting to come along. I still need to add some folds and shading to the top though.

>> No.15795159
File: 440 KB, 960x960, Beato shading dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's the current progress on Beato's shading. The dress is covering up some areas that still need work.

>> No.15795720
File: 199 KB, 900x1200, CrQfhpBVUAAAI0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ange is maybeAlice
>Planet of the Apes
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15795989
File: 787 KB, 1600x900, double trouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tea Party Chapter 6 - The calm before the storm/The Piece remembers

Next Chapter will contain the game between Bern and Battler/Beato.

Beato looks really cool but I find Jessica's outfit a little boring. Can you add some stuff to her?

>> No.15796016

Sure thing. Any ideas? If not, what areas do you think seem the most bland?

>> No.15796021
File: 26 KB, 400x300, laughing whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lambda: You trust me, don't you?

>> No.15796047

Don't really have any ideas but...her torso needs something. Maybe you could edit it so that she wears some torn-up version of the clothes she wore at the concert?

>> No.15796079

Hmm, that would be pretty difficult. There's no steam sprite of her concert clothes, so I would probably have to draw them. If at all possible I'd prefer to make adjustments to her current top rather than create a new one.

>> No.15796123

Then how about removing her collar?

Are you enjoying it? Any thoughts?

>> No.15796136

I just woke up, I haven't read it all.
But I really hate Bernkastel. She goes from murdering Ange to graciously accepting tea from Genji after complimenting him. She's the kind of character that makes me uneasy because she's completely unpredictable.

>> No.15796189 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 1041x621, 1473082616493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's Ange, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be this girl

>> No.15796194

totally not ange

>> No.15796202

Original character donut steel.

>> No.15796209

>Then how about removing her collar?
Do you mean the white one? And if so, should I remove just the collar, or the whole white top? Either way, I think I should leave the tie at least.

>> No.15796212

That looks like it's from the country arc right? Alice is supposed to be one character in each fragment, that might not be the original one that we got a glimpse of in the OP.

I really doubt she's supposed to be Ange, though.

>> No.15796216

Sure, only the tie would be much sexier in my opinion. Let's try it.

>> No.15796220 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1025x617, TRT spoiler 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this image as well, where she's talking to the bunny

>> No.15796224

T r i a n t h o l o g y
t o r r e n t
w h e n

>> No.15796225 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 1025x617, 1473083410411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this image as well, where she's talking to the bunny

>> No.15796226

Alright, that's fine with me. That would save me the trouble of adding the details there. Just a sec...

>> No.15796229

Is it just me or did he got worse since Umineko?

>> No.15796237

Yes, he did.

>> No.15796248

let me know when the cyan Rika from the concept art shows up

>> No.15796281

>And Anon was never heard of again.

>> No.15796307

That is the best part about her. At one second she acts all polite or uninterested and at the other she is giggling and trolling everyone.

>> No.15796331
File: 525 KB, 729x956, ber_a22_笑い1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I want to beat the crap out of her.
First time I saw her, I really liked her, she was like cute little Rika, but with actual powers.

And then she started making faces and acting like a bitch.
I hate her so damn much, I want to pull her ear, to touch her tail, to spank her, to send her to bed without dinner, to talk shit about her with Bernkastel, to take a picture of her sleeping and show it to everyone so that she get bullied.
I hate her.

>> No.15796355
File: 94 KB, 599x933, f246b9c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this? This has nothing to do with TRT, it was Ryukishi's enrty in some Rozen Maiden fan art contest

>> No.15796369
File: 173 KB, 780x1080, Ep5_1_ber_EP5_1_ber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I have a theory.
/blue/ Bernkastel will win the game against Battler, rub it in his face until he cries again, murder pretty much everyone, and leave. Beatrice will be furious, but Lambda will try to calm her down by explaining that Bernkastel has her own reasons for being a bitch. Cut to Featherine spanking Bernkastel very badly for some dumb reason, and Bernkastel taking her frustration out on Battler to hide the fact she get spanked with a belt.

Also, we reached autosage, but we still have some time before page 10. Shall I prepare a new game for the next thread or do you people need more time to recover?

>> No.15796400
File: 370 KB, 960x1218, Jessica outfit 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, how's this? I've also got an idea for some changes to the bottoms, I'll post it once I've finished.

>> No.15796424

Heh, I think it is quite obvious even now that Bern will win. After all, she is like the ultimate expert on the mystery genre, she is basically a god.

>Shall I prepare a new game for the next thread or do you people need more time to recover?
I will pass this time. I'm rather writing the Tea Party. But I think you should wait for a new thread, just in case.

Much better. Good job.

>> No.15796426

Well, there's no wait to tell how long it'll take for that thread to reach page 10.
I'll just sit for now.

>> No.15796465

/RED/ Lion does not have a penis!
/RED/ Furthermore, Lion never had a penis attached to her her entire life!

>> No.15796482

Anyway, please answer to this :
/blue/ Bernkastel's spanking won't be a consequence of her behaviour toward Battler and Co.

/GOLDEN/ Lion has a penis.
/GOLDEN/ Lion does not think of herself as a boy.

>> No.15796545

/RED/ Bernkastel's spanking won't be a consequence of her behaviour toward Battler and Co.

You shouldn't spoil things for yourself...

>> No.15796554


>> No.15796555

Why are people trying to use red and gold truth in regards to things they don't actually understand the truth of?

>> No.15796563

Poor Lion probably even sit to piss.

We're in a seacats thread, investigating is what we do.

>> No.15796573

/RED/Both are true.

/GOLD/ Lion has CAIS! She is outwardly female, but she has an XY chromosome and testes instead of ovaries! This is the most important truth, sought for for eons!

>> No.15796723
File: 377 KB, 960x1218, Jessica outfit 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, how's this? Just having the skirt conveniently covering her slit was erotic, but it seemed bit too simple to me. Plus I've been using that sort of design a lot recently so I decided to try something different this time. I haven't incorporated panties into a final design since Maria, (I tried with Ange but in the end decided against it), so I thought it might work well here. What do you think?

>> No.15796846

As an alternate outfit, I really like it.
Although as the official naked lewd, it needs more lewd and nakedness.

>> No.15796866

>/RED/Both are true.
The gold or the blue?

>> No.15796898

Yes, one of those are true.

>> No.15796911

The part about Lion having a dick or the part about Lion not thinking of himself as a boy?

>> No.15796915
File: 370 KB, 960x1218, Jessica outfit 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how about using that for the casual-lewd piece and this for the near-nude piece.

>> No.15796920

The part about Trianthology torrent never.

>> No.15796924

Good, we don't support piracy here anyway. Poorfags can go die.

>> No.15796930

/RED/ Both of those are true as well.


/RED/ Anyone with a simple grasp of context should be able to figure out which the original red was referring to. The fact that you don't makes you the third most incompetent person in this thread.

>> No.15796935


Who are the two others?

>> No.15796937

Not him, but for me it's less about being poor and more about figuring out how to actually buy the game from Japan. It's pretty complicated if you've never done that sort of thing before.

>> No.15796950

It's pretty simple.
>go to Japan
>go to Comiket
>buy the game
>return to the embassy
>say you got your papers stolen
>enjoy the free ride back home

>> No.15796958

Remove the black of her suit, keeping the purple contour.

>> No.15796962

>Go to Japan
Yeah, that's not happening any time soon.

>> No.15796973

Tri wasn't even available at comiket. All you have to do is go on amiami, have a paypal account, and pay the bill they send you, paypal does the currency conversion by itself.

>> No.15796978
File: 177 KB, 850x944, FErika331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15797006

Bernkastel has the best butt in the entire Umineko cast.

You can try to prove me wrong, but you will fail.

>> No.15797012
File: 246 KB, 900x1280, Umineko Manga 4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to prove you wrong. I have actual examples, you don't.

>> No.15797051

The mere fact that I lust after Bernkastel's butt proves that it's above Ange's.

Otherwise, I wouldn't lust for it. Checkmate, Ange's Ass defender.. Ange's ass. AssAnge.
Checkmate, Julian.

>> No.15797061

>the girls at the boarding school only bullied Ange because she was twice as attractive as all of them were put together

>> No.15797077

Am I reading this wrong or does it really say that Trianthology is 12 hours long?

>> No.15797081

>Play time is I think it was about a little 12 hours.
Depends if you read it quickly or not, I guess.

>> No.15797134

You're lust for Bern's ass is based entirely on the fact that it's Bern's ass. It has nothing to do with it's actual attractiveness.

Or maybe they weren't even bullying her. Maybe all the girls at her school were actually lesbians and they were all just aggressively hitting on her.

>> No.15797138

Do you have a single proof to back that up?

>> No.15797149
File: 405 KB, 960x1218, Jessica outfit 5 &amp; 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, but it just ended up looking to barren. So then I tried to make it semi-transparent instead. Personally, I like how it turned out.

>> No.15797153

Back what up?

>> No.15797156

All of these. That claim that I only want to torture Bern's ass because it's Bern and that claim that Ange was aggressively hitted on. Hit on.

>> No.15797157

That ass.

>> No.15797216

Oooh, nice. I really like it.
That looks great.
I guess the chains didn't work?

>> No.15797236

No proof, just some reasoning. Bern's ass is NEVER displayed. It would make no sense for you to focus all your lust on an ass you've never even seen unless you're attracted to it's owner.

As for St. Lesbian Academy, there's no real reason. It's just an idea.

>> No.15797241

>Bern's ass is NEVER displayed
You mean fanarts don't cunt?

>> No.15797251

The chains were really annoying to make, and it just felt weird to single out Jessica for a domination-themed outfit. In the end I just figured it wasn't worth it.

>> No.15797354

No, they don't. You can't determine the quality of Bern's ass based on fan works. That would be like arguing that a flat character is busty or vice-versa based on their depiction in a doujinshi. And even if fanart did count, it's not as if there's some huge surplus of Bernkastel fanart that shows her with a great butt. Rather than becoming attracted to Bern's ass after seeing it in artwork, It seems much more likely that you just took your favorite character from this series and applied your personal fetishes to them. To begin with, spanking Bern goes completely against her character. She's meant to dominate, not to be dominated.

>> No.15797369

>your favorite character from this series
If you're suggesting that I like Bern, I'm gonna have to hurt you.

>> No.15797376

You certainly like lusting after her.

>> No.15797420

Sexual attraction isn't the same than love.
And spanking doesn't exactly qualify as lust.

No, I like Mion, I like Hanyuu, I like Beatrice (when she's not making faces), but I hate Bernkastel. If this wasn't a blue board, I'd gladly elaborate on how much I want to hatefuck her, but since we're supposed to be safe for work, I'm limited to complaining about how much I want to spank, bully and humiliate her.
I hate her so much.

Evil characters shouldn't be cute like Rika.

>> No.15797445
File: 527 KB, 600x800, Furudo.Erika.full.1339950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate her,
but I love her...
But I hate her.

>> No.15797459

Basically how I consider Bernkastel.

>> No.15797534

Not even once did I hate Erika, I always considered her an ally ever since Battler turned away from revealing the truth. She is a true advocate of TRUTH.

>> No.15797631

>true advocate of TRUTH

You mean a true advocate of her own head-canon?

>> No.15797652

No to mention she's a bitch.

>> No.15797970
File: 1.63 MB, 1680x2576, 1470828906246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15798286
File: 1.47 MB, 2452x960, lewd lineup alternative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went ahead and made a lineup of some of the semi-lewd outfits up to this point. I should finish Jessica and Beato's final edits soon, after which I'll update the lineup. After that is Kyrie's edit, which I've already started.

>> No.15798581

Lower Beatrice's vagina bones.

>> No.15798621
File: 1.46 MB, 2452x960, lewd lineup alternative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, thanks. Better?

>> No.15798686

Battler died. He was shot in the face.

>> No.15798834

Much better.
I really like the alternate outfits.

>> No.15798843

Also, there's a shading problem on Beatrice's wrist.

>> No.15799027

Yeah, me too. I'm starting to notice a trend where semi-lewds end up looking more balanced than the full-lewds. It's probably because adding clothes makes it less lewd but more complex.

Thanks. There's still a few other issue's as well. I'll be sure to fix them in the final version.

>> No.15799066

The semi lewds look more like one of those 'unlockable' outfits from a game or something.
Like Maria, Ange and Beatrice have lewd outfits but not to the extreme point of being ''sexualized'' (?)
Or maybe it's more realistic?

I don't know, I don't have the word for it.
Like the semi lewds are something you could see maybe the characters wearing, but the full lewds is something you would force them to wear in a sadistic grin way.

>> No.15799083

Although, now that I think about, we didn't make semi lewd outfits for Bernkastel and Lambda. We just went full lewd and stopped there.
Adding Bernkastel's skirt would likely do the trick but that fucking skirt is made of pure magic and refuses to move. The opening of the skirt will always point towards the viewer and it's weird as all hell.

And for Lambda, I guess I can cook up something by keeping the front portion of her skirt.

>> No.15799235

If there were an Umineko H-game, I imagine the semi-lewds would be the starting outfits, while the full-lewds would be bonuses you unlock by raising certain flags.

I kinda got fed up with Bern towards the end. Now that I've had some time off from her, maybe I'll go back and try to make something out of her outfit while I work on Kyrie.

>> No.15800146

>I kinda got fed up with Bern
That's a normal reaction, Bern's a bitch.

>> No.15800342
File: 57 KB, 150x105, 1471707531802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cat.

>> No.15800820

>12 hours long
Maybe the translation won't take years after all

>> No.15800824

Speaking of Bern, are we waiting the next thread to get more Battler bullying?

>> No.15800845
File: 106 KB, 600x484, 17370353_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been days since I was promised it.

>> No.15801112


>> No.15801116

Just finished Rim of the Pit. Thanks for the rec, seacats. I'm proud to say that I had the dark seance trick figured out except for who exactly did it.

>> No.15801164
File: 163 KB, 655x385, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15801183
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1470780768795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400th post for spanking the stakes.

>> No.15801282

so what you're saying is that even you know how ridiculous you're getting

>> No.15801312

Try again, this time with a proper punctuation.

>> No.15801353


I am writing the next chapter. I think I won't write the whole purple truth game in one chapter though, I'm at the end of the first twilight. I think I will post this at a new thread. But fuck, I've got to check it carefully. This game requires a lot of concentration.

>> No.15801366

This is why I don't like Purple Truth games. They're harder to write, read and play than normal games.

>> No.15801408

But they are more satisfying too, I guess. It gives me the thrills to write it.

I think I will write the whole game in one chapter after all. I want to check all of the purples before sharing anything.

Expect a long chapter, since it won't only have the game but before that a little scene about what happened to Ange at the end of previous chapter.

I'm really getting into this thing...

>> No.15801662

try again after pulling your head out of your ass

>> No.15801775

Give it another week and he'll be eligible for banning like those other two fucks. It's bordering on spam and I now have to use a filter to browse a fucking Umineko thread.

>> No.15802046

Sorry, I don't don't speak retardenese. Try with a proper punctuation and a decent grammar.

>> No.15802096 [DELETED] 

>Try with a proper punctuation and a decent grammar.
u avin a giggle m8?

>> No.15802108

You said that bullying Battler was fine but you seem to enjoy bullying Ange too.


>> No.15802333
File: 367 KB, 900x1277, Umineko Manga 8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's settle this.

>> No.15802406

In canon or in my head?

>> No.15802666

Most of the women have no canon ass shots, so it would be unfair to limit it to them. You're free to use your own interpretations, it is a poll after all. But please don't just put Bernkastel because you want to spank her. Or if you do, at least vote for some others as well. You can vote for multiple women after all.

>> No.15802688

I did. But honestly, besides Bernkastel, I can only see the Stakes, the Siestas, and Dlaner's group to vote for, given they're the only one with revealing clothes.

>> No.15802706

Yeah, sadly this poll is probably just going to end up being "Which Seacat's clothes show off their ass the best? +Bernkastel"

>> No.15802739

True. Oh well, I already voted.

Bernkastel+the stakes.
Yeah, I kinda let my lust drive me.

>> No.15802810
File: 1.11 MB, 3000x1108, Aunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, how about this?http://www.strawpoll.me/11171622

We have more material to go off of here, so hopefully the results will be better.

>> No.15802863
File: 219 KB, 800x451, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15802885

The fuck is Lincoln and what does he know about murders?

>> No.15802886

I might check it out. But I don't think Umineko was done wrong in the first place.

>> No.15802921
File: 2.39 MB, 600x335, 191a5e021d3b6eddb67009865fb10d1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15802930

>Battler lusting after Jessica

>> No.15802951
File: 2.36 MB, 960x932, jessica bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is literally his ideal woman. Blonde, busty, outgoing personality.

>> No.15802954

Dude Licoln, I kinda of get it you're a big deal, but come on m8. HIgurashi > Umineko
Sure Umi had more mature characters, but Higu had the more positive outlook on life and fuck you Licoln you were assassinated.

>> No.15802958

But I want a logical personality. LIke a detective.

>> No.15802960
File: 320 KB, 1128x642, image013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika, get away from the computer.

>> No.15802963
File: 416 KB, 480x270, ea5b7f9d69009607211fc267f8f2502c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15802972

Yep, Beatrice is definitely a boy.

>> No.15802973

Stop it Bern.
Detective 4 lyfe. Anyone that is anything but logical can go butt themselves.

Erika 4 lyfe.
Detective 4 lyfe.
Logic 4 lyfe.
Fuck you 4 lyfe.

>> No.15802976
File: 440 KB, 1000x475, Ougon_Musou_Kyoku_CROSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /jp/ still play this game? I have been itching to play it recently with other people.

>> No.15802977

So you're saying Battler's ideal woman is Kyrie?

>> No.15802980

>Erika telling Bern to go fuck herself
Ooooh boy, time for some punishment.

>> No.15802981

I play it lots. I want to play it with people on here one weekend.

>> No.15802982

Well why not?

>> No.15802999

Well, it WAS Kanon who did that. Do you think he did it on purpose?

>> No.15803008

>I want to see slight-boob reveal
>therefore I am a guy

Solid logic bro.

>> No.15803009

I'm talking about the stakes.
Lolis, big ass, big boobs, and lewd outfits.

Yasu definitely wanted to bang the servants over every piece of furniture in Rokkenjima.

>> No.15803036

Well, she does have the right body at least. I could see Battler trying to grope her as a joke, though I'm not sure how she'd react.

>> No.15803114
File: 370 KB, 651x900, __ushiromiya_ange_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_sofy__f569979c7292fda9d2ae4b0c15d33b7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool cool!
A weekend of OMKC sounds good. I just came up on a laptop recently and I just ordered an cable for my external hard drive, said hard drive has OMKC on it so I am going to transfer the game on the laptop and hopefully it can run the game.

I main Ange/Battler and sub Beatrice/Battler but I may learn Chesiter 410 and Lambdadelta given I like using zoning characters in fighting games cuz they piss people off.

>> No.15803117
File: 175 KB, 435x600, rg7_e11_warai1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it looks like Yasu actually made the Stake's boobs smaller, Unless pads were just a mandatory part of every female servant's uniform.

>> No.15803142

>posting meltyfaced pachinko sprites

>> No.15803179
File: 910 KB, 960x820, Ange bouncing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not that bad. Plus they're fun to work with.

>> No.15803203
File: 193 KB, 404x479, dla_akuwaraia1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: KNOX

>> No.15803542
File: 1.06 MB, 1440x2048, 006e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman my ass.

>> No.15803547
File: 396 KB, 899x480, 1VNIH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissing cousins is not that of a big deal in Japan, it wasn't even in Europe until a century ago or so.

>> No.15803550

Higanbana art is actually better.

>> No.15803711

Higanbana's art was specialized to reflect crayon drawing. I suspect that there will be a similar reason for why the characters look the way they do.

>> No.15804082
File: 116 KB, 800x600, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crayong drawing?

Anyway, should I make the new thread?

>> No.15804154

New thread


>> No.15804889

>On the first twilight, the witch appeared, and killed everyone

Everyone is dead, meaning the other twilights are meaningless. No one could be killed if they are dead
