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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15777227 No.15777227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The fucking great, amazing thing about japanese weeb culture is that it makes several extremely taboo subjects of western culture a little less unbearably harsh. I mean, it obviously also highlights problematic behaviors and interests, but the benefit it provides to westerners, for us to be able to face and consider certain taboo subjects in a new light, is something to be considered.

It also is a rallying point that brings together the international white working class of the first world, and that is also a good thing.

>> No.15777232

Japan is so fucking fascinating

>> No.15777243

A man who makes as much money as he does, doesn't need to be an attention whore about his weeabooism.

>> No.15777257

I don't understand your sentence structure. Is that correct English? What is that comma there for?

But yea that was something I'd heard about this guy, too. That he probably is quite well off. However, beyond that I also don't understand the point you're making. Why would an increase in one's income level influence the degree to which they publicize their niche weeaboo interests? Especially considering that the western anime fandom and otaku cultures explicitly correlate with the upper middle class?

>> No.15777277

>Especially considering that the western anime fandom and otaku cultures explicitly correlate with the upper middle class?
Wha? More like correlates with autistic NEETs living at home or on welfare.

>> No.15777286

I don't know what point are you trying to make exactly, but it sounds like cretinous babbling to me.

>Especially considering that the western anime fandom and otaku cultures explicitly correlate with the upper middle class?

What the hell are you even on about?
Most people here are penniless NEETs.

>> No.15777288

>autistic NEETs living at home
Yes, that represents the upper middle class very clearly. Because those NEETS are living on their parents' money, and their age-wise counterparts up the social ladder are not typically depressed shut ins with parental issues.

>autistic NEETs on welfare.
Hmm. I haven't considered this aspect of it at all. Do you have any other thoughts to share about this group of people?

>> No.15777290

Take that epic ironic weeaboo eceleb back to social media where he's appreciated. Your choice of image has robbed your thread of any purpose.

>> No.15777295

see >>15777286

I suppose my social classifications so far would have been more accurate 10 years ago, would you say?

I guess it may be the case that those upper middle class kids are growing older and finding out they're not in the upper middle class anymore.

>> No.15777301

Yea I don't post here much, you'll have to forgive me. I wanted to post this on /a/, but the mods there are pretty strict about generalized cultural discussions like this. /jp/ seemed like the better place. Just as a side note, that image is generally considered funny and acceptable on /a/

>> No.15777309

You don't have to be upper middle class to live at home. NEETs do not cost much.

>> No.15777312

Why? The guy in the image is a normalfag himself. Is it an ironic joke?

>> No.15777316

>Japanese weeb culture
But weaboos aren't Japanese by definition.

>> No.15777317

Do you really see that many weeaboos and hikis in the lower class? I don't think I've ever encountered that. The only example I can think of is that one homely, overweight hispanic autist anime reviewer who got big on youtube.

>> No.15777329

Anecdotal evidence. I know lower class weebs. One of them is a racial minority who struggles to pay rent.

It's not like we have a survey or something to compare with, so either way it's all anecdotal right?

>> No.15777330

>a rallying point that brings together the international white working class of the first world
think again

>> No.15777333
File: 133 KB, 1024x687, 1458427668309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy in the image is a normalfag himself.
I don't think we can really get away with forcing this to be about only two classifications senpai.

He might not be a part of our exact community, but insisting that he should be painted with the same brush as mainstream American culture is just silly.

>> No.15777342

Compared to the general population, the western anime fandom and weeaboo culture is disproportionately white. Yes, it's far from being a full blown ethnic nationalist movement, but by "rallying point," I just meant a common interest that generally brings the international white working class together.

>> No.15777352

You're polite so I will grand you forgiveness with a helping of suspicion. /a/ and /jp/'s culture can be very different and I suppose this is one of the highlights. Once upon a time, and even today at times, /jp/ referred to the unholy trinity of boards as /a/v/b/. /a/ might be surprised to see it grouped with /b/ and /v/, but that's how it is. I'm still confused about your thread, however.

He's outside proudly and effortlessly interacting with the outside world, even having ego-feeding pictures of himselves taken to post on social media. /jp/'s definition of normalfag is indeed far more strict than other boards, but even /a/ should be able to recognize this behavior as normal.

>> No.15777361

Just look at this image, guys. This is very funny, and despite the negative connotations it evokes for the mainstream, his confidence and uniqueness, his daring to stand out, is also, in a way, admirable.

It's just a fascinating combination of things, all thanks to our exposure to Japanese culture.

>> No.15777365

Lets' see here.
He has a job, a wife and he's an attention whore on the internet.
Yep, sounds like a normalfag to me.

>> No.15777375

Why is it admirable?
Perhaps I'm putting words in his mouth, but I'm getting the sense that this guy does this for the attention and not because he loves Nia. If you're not creating something, you honestly shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself or else you just look like a narcissist. Standing out isn't something good by itself.

>> No.15777386

>his daring to stand out, is also, in a way, admirable

No, actually, it's not.
He looks like a retard, and he is a retard.

>all thanks to our exposure to Japanese culture

It's a perfect example of a person who should be kept away from Japanese culture as far as possible.
All he's doing is ruining it for everyone else who is not a retard like him.

>> No.15777391

This guy is mostly an attention whore you know.

Also your crazy ranting sounds awfully American, are you ok OP?

>> No.15777393

>You're polite so I will grand you forgiveness with a helping of suspicion.
Gosh thanks. I'm surprised to hear this on 4chan, given the general direction the culture of the site seems to have been headed in these last few years.

>He's outside proudly and effortlessly interacting with the outside world, even having ego-feeding pictures of himselves taken to post on social media.
Okay, yes, I see what you're saying. This is a significant difference between his community and ours, but that aside, I don't think it can be overlooked that we have common distinguishing overlap with the community he represents, and I don't think it can be said that that community is synonymous with mainstream american normie culture. I don't think it's erroneous to view us and him through the same lens when considering the interactions of Japanese-Western cultural interactions as a whole.

>even /a/ should be able to recognize this behavior as normal.
Another difference between /a/ and here is that /a/ strives to distinguish itself as being independent of /r9k/ culture.

>> No.15777397

Another one.

>> No.15777405

Yes, I live in a poor rural area and there were a handful of weebs in school, only one of them financially well enough to be considered middle class. Myself included way below the poverty line, but I get government aid now which is the only reason I haven't killed myself yet.

Anime is escapism just like everything else. Video games, TV, whatever, just a different flavor. Lower classes enjoy the escapism much more since there's not a whole lot to love about their current life.

>> No.15777416

Plenty of NEETs are lower class because they are NEETs and freeters. Are you basing your ideas of otaku on youtube celebs?

>The western anime fandom and weeaboo culture is disproportionately white.
That's as baseless as saying /jp/ is disproportionately white. To use anecdotal evidence, I've seen lots of black rappers rapping about anime, but few whites singing about it. For that matter, /jp/ talks about rap all the fucking time to a disturbing degree, as well as seeming to contain a lot of non english speakers. I'd say /jp/ was disproportionately Hispanic and non-Japanese Asian.

>> No.15777417

>If you're not creating something, you honestly shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself or else you just look like a narcissist.
Hmm... this does make sense. However, something he has created, which I don't think any of us have, is a meme of sorts which has garnered lasting attention for probably several tens of thousands of people in Europe and the US. I mean, this guy is a recognizable face here, now. I don't even know the backstory of this, I just saved all these from /a/, after I started recognize him there. I won't argue it's much, but that in itself is an outstanding accomplishment for this community.

Furthermore, if nothing else, the social implications of his photographs are quite unique, and apparently deliberate. This isn't typical cringe material, for example, because he's doing it intentionally. There's not alot of stuff like this out there. I've seen someone do essentially the same thing on /r9k/, but that's it.

>> No.15777427

>All he's doing is ruining it for everyone else who is not a retard like him.
Can you calmly explain or clarify how so please?

>> No.15777432 [DELETED] 


>> No.15777436

Japanese pop-culture is definitely one of the
best addictions on this planet. It's an addiction
almost exclusive to Asians and Whites.

Just want to point out, if you referred to this stuff we talk
about on /jp/ - anime moe porn for ultra-nerds - as "Japanese Culture" to a Japanese, they would frown at you.

>> No.15777439

>his community and "ours"
>"we" have common distinguishing overlap
>view "us" and him

Sorry to break it to you buddy, but you don't really sound like you're a part of "our" community either. (As you even admitted yourself >>15777301)

>> No.15777443

>either way it's all anecdotal right?

Yes, I assume the government is not making any studies of this, at least not studies they're publicizing in any way. This seems to concern them very little. So it is all based on anecdote and exposure to the internet and social media, and I guess real life as well, in your case.

>> No.15777451

>the community he represents
What community does he represent? Rich daddy's boys addicted to conspicuous consumption? /jp/ utterly despises the otacool phenomenon. Do you see buyfag threads here? Check the archives for all the deleted posts in the shirt or daki thread.
In fact here's the last major thread we had on the otacool phenomenont: >>/jp/thread/14971964

>/a/ strives to distinguish itself as being independent of /r9k/ culture.
As does /jp/. No one wants those dramatic teenagers blogging about their social lives and they were loudly expunged from the premises years ago. If "/r9k/ culture" is identifying this guy as a parasitic attention whore then bring on the sad frogs because we're arcanine.

>> No.15777460

>Sorry to break it to you buddy, but you don't really sound like you're a part of "our" community either.

Maybe you're right. In using the first person plural, I was assuming that my browsing /r9k/ and especially wiz--chan would include me with /jp/. And in a way, I'm sure it does to some extent. But yea, I guess it's totally likely that /jp/ has it's own culture which is more specific than that classification.

As a side note, this term would not be taken well on wizardchan. It's far too macho and normalfag.

>> No.15777465

Why is that meme a good thing? What does it do for the otaku community? It puts a spotlight on it I guess. But going outside and loudly proclaiming your love of a hobby to the public is obnoxious. I don't go out and wave my gundams around because it's not warranted. To be quite frank, I don't like having the public attention or the public spotlight on otaku culture. Doing something obnoxious on purpose is even more obnoxious than those who are innocently ignorant of their obnoxiousness.

>> No.15777474

>It's an addiction almost exclusive to Asians and Whites.

That's just a load of bullshit. Plenty of browns here in europe into it as well. And in dubai as well but they're all rich fuckers anyway.

The typical american FGC experience is getting owned by a large black man at anime fighters too. You have no clue what you're talking about, whether about race or "japanese culture" as you call it.

>> No.15777476

>/a/ strives to distinguish itself as being independent of /r9k/ culture.

>As does /jp/.

We're just /r9k/ with a Japanese-y twist, admit it. lol

>> No.15777484

Are you a Brit, perchance?
Pleasure to meet you, my good fellow!

>> No.15777500

>What community does he represent?
Functioning harcore weeboos, I suppose.

>/jp/ utterly despises the otacool phenomenon.
So does /a/ in its own regard, towards especially the particular mainstream fandoms of the younger generation.

Thanks for the link. I'll save it for review.

That's going to have to be a new folder.

And lol at pic related. What a waste of money. Why does he need so many posters, all of different series? It's like the bumper of a car that's covered from window to fender in stickers, each covering a different subject, as if anyone is that interested in every little minute detail of your hobbies and interests. And I do also notice that the intention behind all of this is kind of so that other people will see it, or he will at least feel like other people can see it. But what impression he's trying to make, on others or himself through his idea of others, I'm not sure.

>> No.15777502
File: 543 KB, 1805x1200, 1458885996458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Forgot pic related, OP of the thread you linked

>> No.15777504

>I was assuming that my browsing /r9k/ and especially wiz--chan would include me with /jp/

Why? You don't have to be a virgin or socially awkward to love something like Touhou. There's a lot of overlap between wizards and weebs, but it isn't a necessary condition. /jp/ doesn't despise those who are 'normal'. What we despise are those who bring it up where it isn't relevant. Which is just about every thread on /jp/. The difference between /r9k/ and /jp/ is that /r9k/ will endlessly whine and antagonise 'normies' wheras /jp/ is just content to get on with their lives and fap to anime girls. /r9k/ will mock those who they consider beneath them in social standing whilst they rage against those with more social standing than them. While /jp/ considers it to likely not be relevant in the first place. Perhaps I'm generali sing though.

>> No.15777509

>Just want to point out, if you referred to this stuff we talk about on /jp/ - anime moe porn for ultra-nerds - as "Japanese Culture" to a Japanese, they would frown at you.

Yes, actually that's true. I have become aware of that through /a/.

However, whether they like it or not, the culture that engenders their baka hentai social rejects is extremely unique to exclusively their society, and has had an immense influence globally, both in white societies, and also (to a lesser extent) in latino and african american societies.

>> No.15777517


What does this word mean? I can't find it in the dictionary. You're not referring to pokemon, are you?

>> No.15777530

arcanine is a pokemon. He's making fun of /r9k/ by saying it as /rk9/ - ar-ca-nine

>> No.15777533

>I was assuming that my browsing /r9k/ and especially wiz--chan would include me with /jp/
I'm sure there's overlap, but those two places are focused on identity and not a hobby or interest. /jp/ talks about Touhous and Japanese stuff which happens to be a natural filter for a lot of normalcy, but you can be a housewife and it doesn't matter to me if you contribute to threads. Just don't blog about yourself. What makes /a/ and /jp/ good boards in my view is adherence to topical discussion (with help from great moderation). There are many imageboards for hikki discussion and I know I'm not the only one here that uses many other boards.

Old term for /r9k/- say rk9 out loud.

>> No.15777536

>If "/r9k/ culture" is identifying this guy as a parasitic attention whore then bring on the sad frogs because we're arcanine.
While, now that I think about it, I assume you would get some of that on both /a/ and /r9k/ (because the cultures do overlap here and there), yes, it is the case that /r9k/ is definitely more geared to that kind of perspective when compared to /a/.

Although, in recent years, /r9k/ has been visibly normalizing, as well. It is just not as /r9k/'y as it used to be; there's visibly more posters who do not share the social background of the original/previous userbase. They are called "failed normies" there: depressed dropout who, at one point, were socially functioning.

Also, alot of users on the board are functioning to certain degrees (often for little more of a reason than because it's necessary for survival), but keep it quiet and don't talk about it. There is alot of that on wiz~-chan too.

>> No.15777542

>What does it do for the otaku community? It puts a spotlight on it I guess.

It also casts it in a light that is friendly and accepting to us- which was my initial argument, because I was considering those photographs, and I noticed in myself that much of my very conceptual and ingrained understanding and relationship with anime and hentai was influenced by the taboo it holds in western culture.

I want to clarify: I'm not saying hentai is a good thing, or that we are the victims of unjust social oppression. That would be one of the obvious problematic aspects of all this, but the fact is that it exists. So, in a way, this man's funny images reminded me that I am capable of considering these extant things about myself without having to also incorporate into my consideration ingrained fear that the subject holds.

>> No.15777552

>To be quite frank, I don't like having the public attention or the public spotlight on otaku culture

I definitely agree with you there. I don't think my family has any idea how much I am interested in anime and manga.

I definitely prefer secrecy, but maybe things wouldn't be so bad if people in the US and Europe became relatively more understanding and accepting of weeaboo culture.

And to clarify, by "understanding and accepting," I don't mean "embrace with open arms," I mean "hate and revile it less through a more detailed understanding and familiarity."

>> No.15777557

>/jp/ doesn't despise those who are 'normal'.
Other anons in the thread have expressed rather the opposite.

>> No.15777565

How are those friendly or accepting? Those people surrounding him look creeped out. The worst you can do is remind the public that otaku stuff exists or they'll try to ban it.

>> No.15777567

>The difference between /r9k/ and /jp/ is that /r9k/ will endlessly whine and antagonise 'normies' wheras /jp/ is just content to get on with their lives and fap to anime girls. /r9k/ will mock those who they consider beneath them in social standing whilst they rage against those with more social standing than them. While /jp/ considers it to likely not be relevant in the first place.

It would be nice if this board was above that kind of a thing. Gosh, the identity meme-wars all over the place these days are so absolutely fruitless. There's so many more constructive things we could be doing together.

>> No.15777569

>(to a lesser extent) in latino
SA is bigger on Anime than NA.

>> No.15777581

>How are those friendly or accepting? Those people surrounding him look creeped out.

They don't look friendly, at all. That is part of the point of the photograph. But that is only one element of this photograph, one half of it to be considered. Because then, looking at him, he portrays the same subject (the caricature and concept he is intentionally representing) through a different lens, which is less harsh, less aggressive in nature.

>> No.15777597

Hmm, are you really sure about that? I have definitely noticed latinos are getting into anime in a big way (it's also getting pretty big in France and Russia, apparently). But in the first world west, we have gigantic anime conventions and stuff like that. As part of relatively similar cultural motions, we have furries and bronies, too, and probably their anime-explicit equivalents. I don't think SA is quite on that level yet.

>> No.15777609

>getting pretty big in France
You know France and Japan had a lot of joint works in the 80s-90s right? It's not getting, it's gotten.

>> No.15777623

Don't take the insults directed at this idiot or annoyance at /r9k/ bloggers as an attack on normal people as a whole. You can't take it easy if you're full of such hate. Besides, we need them for scans and uploads.
Hey wait a minute, this is going to be another /jp/ meta thread. Has it been two weeks already?

>> No.15777629

>I'm surprised to hear this on 4chan, given the general direction the culture of the site seems to have been headed in these last few years.

You most certainly are a post 2007 cancerous newfaggot

>> No.15777634

>insults directed at this idiot
It really took me a minute to understand you were referring to the guy in the OjPg

>> No.15777637

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I meant the guy in the pictures.

>> No.15777643

You know, when I wrote that, I was kind of expected to hear that. But yes, I don't deny that I have only lurked the board for 3 or so years, although my actual age is the same as that of the original anons.

However, despite getting into this general online shut in culture relatively late, it's not like I was a socially connected or functioning person in this society of ours prior to my getting into social media. So in many ways, although maybe not as much as some, I can identify to and identify with these cultures, and feel like I belong here.

>> No.15777646

Why does everyone know who the guy in OP image is?

>> No.15777651

>It also is a rallying point that brings together the international white working class of the first world, and that is also a good thing.
>working class

>> No.15777654

I don't know the full story, but personally, I saw one image of his on /a/, which for awhile was kind of an isolated thing. But then I started to simply recognize his face when other images were posted, and asked myself "Wait, isn't that the same guy as that one funny picture I saved..."

It now seems apparent, on this board as well as /a/, that many other people have had the same experience. Pure grassroots.

>> No.15777665

>/jp/ utterly despises the otacool phenomenon.

To elaborate, these kind of people have existed for a long time in anime/VN otaku circles and they fit in alright even if they're complete outliers. Let them buy a shit ton anime merchandise if that's what makes them tick.

The problem with otacool is that it's a complete commercialization of this aspect of a few otakus, all targeted toward outsiders. Buy all this useless plastic shit from goodsmile and co, it'll make you cool and otaku (both untrue)! It's 100% consumerism, none of these people participate in any community or create anything on their own.

>> No.15777668

Everyone but you is an oldfag

>> No.15777673

>The problem with otacool is that it's a complete commercialization of this aspect of a few otakus, all targeted toward outsiders. Buy all this useless plastic shit from goodsmile and co, it'll make you cool and otaku (both untrue)! It's 100% consumerism, none of these people participate in any community or create anything on their own.
This is, in my opinion, completely and entirely true. The focus of the original culture community is being enveloped by commercial interests. The exact same thing is happening / has happened to the traditional cultures.

>> No.15777679

>feel like I belong here

You don't.

>> No.15777680

Wow, so cool and edgy

>> No.15777681

>using plebbit tier buzzwords to defelct reality


>> No.15777684

Actually I have been on 4chan since 04.
I only ask because I find it ironic that many /jp/ers claim to hate social media yet they seem to know all these details about "e-celebs." I hate social media and know nothing about e-celebs outside what gets posted on 4chan. I've seen OP's image before but I wasn't aware the guy was "famous".

>> No.15777694

>since 04
Then you should know about most disliked ecelebs because they are typically discussed on relevant boards and raided

>> No.15777697

Congratulations on being the newest faggot on /jp/

>> No.15777719

The reason you "should" know who these people are is because 4chan loves posting about them on 4chan in threads much like these, which used to occur way more than they do now.

>> No.15777724

This is basically "I found 4chan several years after its inception and must be a special snowflake" the thread

>> No.15777725

Has this guy been discussed here often?

>> No.15777734

In all fairness it's anons here, and not me, who decided to bring so much attention in this thread to me personally.

>> No.15777735

Gee I sure wonder based upon most posters reactions on here in regards to him

>> No.15777771

They're probably just people from /a/. And I don't mean like how I'm from /a/ before the split, but from /a/ as in "only come to /jp/ for one thread"

>> No.15777782 [DELETED] 


>> No.15777806

Link a thread then?
I'm honestly confused, I have been a pretty heavy /jp/ poster since this board was created. I can't recall this guy being discussed here and the image hasn't been posted on /jp/ before assuming warosu hasn't lost all their old data or something. I too feel like I've seen this guy in other images but I can't pin a name to him. When I saw people responding like they knew him I assumed he was some youtube attention whore, but nobody mentioned his name and GIS only turns up a thread on may and some generic meme aggregater sites.

It reeked to me of being an /a/ meme that only crossies would know about, hence why I made the snarky comment about social media. If I'm wrong I do apologize.

>> No.15777826

With a quick search of his name on warosu there are posts dating back to 2008. Funnily enough it was frowned upon back then as well. I really don't think you can plead >10 years ignorance for something that you must have been living under a proverbial rock (even by /jp/s standards) to not know about one way or the other.

>> No.15777838

When was his name even mentioned in this thread?

>> No.15777845

Well I did once make a post thinking that #YOLO originated on /jp/ along with slaythegay, so it wouldn't be a first. I might have seen the threads and am just not remembering his name, which I can't do a thorough search for now because I'm posting from my phone. So, what's his god damn name?

>> No.15777870

I both find that funny and kind of relate. I could never tell if that one rapper shitposters posted was some guy who just shitpost on /jp/ or some actual shitty rapper they knew about. (Was it vipper or viper? Vipper definitely sounds like a channer name.)

>> No.15777889

>but from /a/ as in "only come to /jp/ for one thread"
This is exactly me. I only browse here rarely, or when I have a related thread subject I want to talk about, but am not allowed on /a/.

>> No.15777897
File: 42 KB, 479x720, gooddaytoyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, OP.
Don't stress over all the haters here.
Think what you want to think about weeb culture.
Just relax, smoke a doobie, and fap to some animu girls.

>> No.15777904

Do you like otakushit? Do you like Touhou? If so, then yeah you belong. If not you can fuck off. Pretty simple.

>> No.15777905

No, you're even less than that. I meant they spend most time on /a/ but come to /jp/ to participate in onahole threads or kig threads or gust threads or whatever general they confine themselves to.

You're just a tumbleweed that blew in and needs to blow back out.

>> No.15777923

>hehe im a newfag 2!

>> No.15777929

>Do you like otakushit?
Not probably as much as many people here, although I predominantly and almost exclusively consume Japanese media as my entertainment.

>Do you like Touhou?
Only have been aware of it for a couple years. I remember spending quite awhile reading on the internet, thinking "What the fuck is Touhou?" I still don't have a good grasp of it, and I don't see the appeal. The waifu's look gimmicky and shallow, and the vidya aspect looks boring.

As a side note, there is a subdivision of /a/ which has the opinions that Japanese otakus are unintelligent people with terrible taste in anime and manga, yet who have created a stagnant, locked consumer base in the industry which encourages mediocrity and redundancy from the studios, and discourages creativity, innovation, and studios who are willing to and can gain from taking risks.

>> No.15777938
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, n8umjWj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm an old fart who doesn't understand these kids and their youtuber celebs and their shitty memes or why it's in vogue to act like a complete retard nowadays.
It's like this image except the people actually are retarded.

>> No.15777956

Weeaboos, and I'm talking about retarded, autistic, 0 social skill shitheads, are some of the worst people I've met. The more anime is "embraced" the more awful people are brought to light. Every, EVERY anime/japan related event I've been to has been filled with these types. The actual decent anime/otaku culture fans I've met have been few and far between. I'd slaughter all weeaboos if I could just to attain a peaceful community where I knew for sure everyone was a decent human being. You sound like you'd be in the group I hate, OP. (About 90% of western anime fans are like this)

>> No.15777957

Since >>15777826 is being a bully, now that I'm back home and can do a proper search I see that his name is Melonpan. Sure enough he's been mentioned on /jp/ several times a year, although it's a bit hard to check since it's a common word. The name doesn't ring any bells, I guess I just never noticed that he had a name before. Oh well.

>> No.15777968

>I would slaughter
>I hate
>just to attain a peaceful community where I knew for sure everyone was a decent human being

It must be understood that this kind of attitude does not benefit you as an individual, or any community you would seek to be a part of.

>Weeaboos, and I'm talking about retarded, autistic, 0 social skill shitheads, are some of the worst people I've met. The more anime is "embraced" the more awful people are brought to light. Every, EVERY anime/japan related event I've been to has been filled with these types.
Can't say I can disagree with this.

>> No.15777978

>Only have been aware of it for a couple years. I remember spending quite awhile reading on the internet, thinking "What the fuck is Touhou?" I still don't have a good grasp of it, and I don't see the appeal. The waifu's look gimmicky and shallow, and the vidya aspect looks boring

I really hate you now.>>15777968
>It must be understood that this kind of attitude does not benefit you as an individual, or any community you would seek to be a part of.

I'm just being outrageous. I'm more hurt that I can't find decent people who are as involved in these hobbies as I am. It really sucks to hear "Omg I love otaku culture/anime! My favorite is [popular shit everyone knows]! What is a touhou? Is it a good anime?"

>> No.15778009

Yup, you're a newfag. That facet has always been a large part of 4chan.

>> No.15778026
File: 97 KB, 443x332, XFOAMeTVt8GnENUuQZF0SZDvvhM1KBfzjCJ4Yh5-95YSXK5iywETCcgTyYDyPUUyG4CyDMzIyfxxF2tQHFDKb7EyiW6okAGs_MyTWCBDp8ZrgdyUQQg6kWzaKKA2fhmaAVDV-5wWeIcItdV0hPHj64zJBIKkViheRJk=w443-h332-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The waifus look gimmicky and shallow
The fact that you refer to a character as a waifu just shows how much you jus don't get it. A waifu is in the eye of the beholder you see. You can like a character without wishing to marry them. For example, I like Suika because of her carefree nature. However I wouldn't say I love her, even though she's my favorite touhou character. However, some others may have her as a waifu because they do love her. A character taken in a vacuum is not a waifu as you put it.

>> No.15778034

People have taken to calling any kind of fictional girl "waifu" for some time now. I have no idea of the reason (maybe they think they are being "ironic" or something), but it's absolutely retarded

>> No.15778042

Interesting. >>15778034 is right, I was not considering that, and was only using the term after its self deprecating and ironic, humorously intended memetic meaning, but you do make an interesting observation.

>> No.15778043

Another example of people adopting a culture they don't understand.

>> No.15778049

It's due to casuals and newfags coming in and using terms without fulling understanding their context. Just look at the meme/image macro term misunderstandings they constantly take part in.

>> No.15778079
File: 201 KB, 433x326, 1471707893085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread, I like it

>> No.15778105

How seriously do you guys take your waifus.

>> No.15778115

I just call her my wife now

>> No.15778116

Marriage is a serious decision

>> No.15778117

Anyone seriously into Japanese culture who doesn't learn Japanese is a stupid poser.

Then again, in the case of OP, if he weren't a stupid poser he wouldn't create a basic weeaboo thread like this.

>> No.15778217

Anime and manga are at their biggest in France in the world besides Japan

>> No.15778237

>The fucking great, amazing thing about japanese weeb culture is that it makes several extremely taboo subjects of western culture a little less unbearably harsh.

no it doesn't

>> No.15778243

What OP really means is that he looks forward to the day he can look at loli in public.

>> No.15778269

He also pointed out that it "also highlights problematic behaviors and interests", so I guess that he just wants to eat his gohan from his two kotoba pinku kawaii bento in public without getting laughed at for being a gigantic Wapanese faggot

>> No.15778355

Why do people consistently forget that it's NOT supposed to be pink (or any girl color)?

>> No.15778375

Once you learn Japanese you have to leave most of the English speaking internet because of how disgusted you end up being with all the people around you (assuming you are the typical elitist faggot who populates /jp/ and not one of the internet socialites who enjoys contributing back to the Western fan community)..

It's a very dangerous step.

>> No.15778421

I like how entitled you sound.

Why should anyone "contribute back" to you?

>> No.15778452


>I have definitely noticed latinos are getting into anime in a big way
By latinos you mean Latin Americans? beacuse anime have been a popular in Latin America since the late 70s. same whit Portugal, France, Italy and Spain.
>(it's also getting pretty big in France and Russia, apparently).
You have not idea how big anime is in China, Taiwan, South Corea, France and Russia.

>> No.15778476

He didn't say "me." He said "the community." You're kind of proving his point.

Also, "contributing to a community" is not an abstract or difficult concept, and doesn't require quotes in the way you used them.

>> No.15778484

I can look at loli alone, right now. Why would I want or care about doing it in public?

>> No.15778489

You'll never stop being a simple weeaboo if contributing to the community is so important to you.

How about finding a job and buying what you want?

>> No.15778498

You couldnt sound more fat and american if you tried.

>> No.15778536

>besides Japan
I think you mean "outside of Asia".

>> No.15778617

No, i know what im saying.

>> No.15778683

That's so off the mark I'm genuinely interested to hear why you think so.
