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File: 583 KB, 452x452, tmp_29503-Everlasting_Message_EXH565577126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15776667 No.15776667 [Reply] [Original]

/jprg/ - Rhythm Games General

Everlasting Edition

Previous Thread >>15750908

>What are you playan?

>What scores are you workan on?

>Playan at home or at R1/DnB?

>Hopes & Dreams for future songs on your game of choice?

>Will the US ever get Chunithim or MaiMai?

>> No.15776712
File: 378 KB, 1030x850, 58753761_p16_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace is bored

>> No.15776733

Can we get a petition going to replace Rasis with Grace permanently?

>> No.15776787

Nope, Rasis is best girl

>> No.15776949


this isn't /vg/ you fucking faggot

>> No.15776958


>It's the "all I do is make threads early to intentionally shitpost and don't play any rhythm games" Guy

Kill yourself my man

>> No.15777153


No, Grace is a disgusting slut.

>> No.15777169


>> No.15777322
File: 279 KB, 700x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw laser songs

Fucking Matsudo

>> No.15777332


Hidari Migi Hidari Migi Hidari Hidari Migi Migi

Fuck you, that's not helping!

>> No.15777636

For what purpose, you colossal nig?

>> No.15777695

drunken iidx is best iidx

>> No.15777790

That doesn't sound like fun. I can already barely play a 3 sober.

>> No.15777792


drunken pop'n is best pop'n.

>> No.15777891

>new djmax never
life is suffering

>> No.15777971

Didn't you hear about that PS4 game coming out?

>> No.15777981


>> No.15778003


>> No.15778015

>songs in DLCs
so no new content? im going to ignore it

>> No.15778018

Yeah it's basically Trilogy but without any new songs but with songs from the later games and probably DLC up the ass.

>> No.15778041

its shit

>> No.15778085
File: 1.24 MB, 1800x1190, 58634604_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Rasis is your favorite?

>> No.15778211

rabbit kimono rasis a cute

>> No.15778258
File: 103 KB, 712x717, 1365645773598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get into rhythm games? Why is there no link to a comprehensive guide for getting into rhythm games in the OP?

What games are available?
Where can I get them?

As far as I know, there is only one pop'n machine and one iidx machine in my entire country, and they're far out of my reach. I've only played some Stepmania years ago, and a bit of Taiko and Museca in Japan. But now I'm back home and this land is barren.

I imagine not liking anything with more than 5 keys limits my options even further.

>> No.15778279

The easy way is console games like Project diva, Superbeat xonic, or even importing the taiko games if you want. Most of these are on PS Vita but you can play Project Diva on PS4/PS3 too.

If you want something more "serious" like pop'n or IIDX, look up Lunatic Rave 2. There's a lot of guide out there to get started.

There's also K-Shoot Mania, a simulator for Sound Voltex, but it might not be very fun without a controller.

If you like the stuff, I recommend getting an ASC (arcade style controller) on site like gamo2 (djdao) or Virgoo.

>> No.15778368

Thanks, that's pretty comprehensive. I'll give Lunatic Rave 2 a look, and play some emulated Rhythm Heaven Fever on the side.

>> No.15778394

I didn't think that autism would rampant in the one place where people actively discuss rhythm games.Sorry bros,but page 10 and autosaging threads are grounds for a new thread.eat a dick autismos :^)

Do you have an arcade near you? Specifically Round 1 or Dave & Busters?

>> No.15778407

No. I live in a cold European country where arcades are dead.

>> No.15778504

well then the answer is home games

You can always go the home emulation route just like >>15778279 has stated

Even Europe has a few DDR cabs lying around at some places,I'm sure there's a family center near you with an Extreme mix just waiting to get played.

You can also try Groove Coaster on your phone,it's free to download on Google Play

>> No.15778545

>Why is there no link to a comprehensive guide for getting into rhythm games in the OP?
There is a pastebin, but the OP decided being early was more important than putting actual info into the post.

>> No.15778564

Just draw some fanart and send it to the bemaniso facebook! It's soooooooooo easy!
At least I tried.

>> No.15778626

They don't send invites for fanart at the moment, apparently.

>> No.15778720

Just ask for invites on /jp/. We've been hanging out together for so long now that we all trust each other

>> No.15778742

Can I please have an invite, friend?

>> No.15778775

this some itg bullshit

>> No.15778849

Chunithim isn't that hard

it's a fun game,but so far there aren't any charts that are pure bullshit

13Dan requires more skill desu familia

>> No.15778949

Why the nips are so egoist? They make all these fun games just to keep for themselves. ;_;

>> No.15778985

Anything labeled World's End are meme charts.

>> No.15779007

It's not japan in general, it's Konami being a terrible company.

If Bemani was a Capcom thing we'd still have console releases.

>> No.15779014

Because the last two OPs have been faggots


>> No.15779015

The current wave of millenials and generation x in Japan actually want global incorporation not just in their vidya,but want for their culture to be revered and happy to have more foreign appreciation

however,the suits up in SEGA,Konami,Taito,etc. are still old business men that harbor some kind of resentment from the the west and push for isolation in their systems

However,it's only recently that with management changes at Konami,SEGA,and a few other companies that are even thinking about appealing to the west for the first time since the early 2000's

Proof enough is R1 moving over and DDR A having a full US release

just give it time and we'll have Nesica,AllNet and other services here in the states

>> No.15779045

>1st paragraph

So, 2020 will be a start year for this right? Can't wait even more then.

>> No.15779056

>By 2020 I'll probably be a 32 year old doctor

Then again, I've seen businessmen in their 40s-50s play pop'n while still wearing their suits.

>> No.15779063
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1186, 39453762_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those little jackhammers near the end of her song


>> No.15779072

Maybe sooner than that Anon

R1 wants a bigger chunk of the Arcade market here in the states.They have been opening up several new locations all over the US,and in order for them to do so,they would either need to

A)Bring over as many existing games from Japan to the US,both new and used

B)Once option A runs out,have another production run of everything that is a staple at R1.

If you follow people like Mark Hensen (OMGKon!) he works at R1 and has more insider knowledge than the average person,not just that,he's responsible for training all of the newest techs and does have just a little bit of influence at R1 at this point

He's pushing really hard for Chunithim right now and also published a poll on the R1 facebook page asking people what games they would like to see at R1,want to take a guess at what's #1 at the moment by a huge margin?

>> No.15779105

There's a detail I forgot to mention: I don't live in the states, so this will not happen soon to me.

>> No.15779201


What's to resent? The fact that the only reason they get to be a sovereign nation is because we let them be? Do they honestly think it's the SDF keeping China at bay?

Ungrateful fucking Nips.

>> No.15779217


Top three are Western Princess Rasis, Goth Rasis, and Yukata Rasis.

>> No.15779223

i know i just hate charts like that
the game itself looks like a ton of fun tho

>> No.15779242

Paris' game center Arcade Street closing on October 10th. There goes the only arcade that had a decent selection in Paris (and maybe in France as a whole). There was Pop'n, IIDX, DJMax, Taiko and DDR among other games.


>> No.15779246


Was it too haram to remain open?

>> No.15779282

Inb4 a mosque opens where it was

>> No.15779307

Anyone know where to find decent LR2HD (720p) skins? Endless Circulation links are down, and all I've found is a Spada that doesn't work properly ;__;

>> No.15779360

I got mine from here http://www.beatmania.co.nz/lr2hd720themes/ and it is working just fine.

>> No.15779401

eh, registration is broken and I'm too lazy to create a fb account.
I guess I'll just play on sd.

>> No.15779415
File: 54 KB, 397x464, 4L_SWbDQw8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the framework for osu is open source, would it be possible to use it to create a BMS player that doesn't suck like lr2?

>> No.15779422
File: 203 KB, 1200x1600, this is your home now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.15779443

osu does have pretty good mapping tools, though, however bad the maps created and their userbase is.
And with a fork, you could have your own timings (read:iidx/pop'n timings), your own scoring (read:iidx/pop'n scoring), pretty much everything you'd want from a bms sim. The rest could be hacked together, like actual bms support.

>> No.15779446
File: 102 KB, 538x556, 4L_loK71vLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where in my post did I say I played osu?

>> No.15779484

Nvm, found endless circulation.
For others searching for it, it's in
mega dot nz/#F!4ZIW3JyR!y6KtBuHaSXqCiwxJVbZDTA
along with some other skins

>> No.15779507

>Be me
>Go to Dave and Busters
>They have DDR
>Touhou songs
>Didn't eat
>Halfway through Night of Nights on expert
>Pass out

>> No.15779568

Of course it's possible. Is there anyone that CAN do it though?

>> No.15779572

Help this guy out instead. https://github.com/exch-bms2/beatoraja

He's working on supporting LR2 skins right now i think.

>> No.15779621

>tfw can't pass the 11's wall

My fingers hurts on harder songs. Why my eyes can follow the chart but my muscles can't?

>> No.15779640

I will play SDVX again if this happens

>> No.15779721


>6 of these posters are literally mentally retarded


>> No.15779733

Once its all muscle memory you can just sit back and relax.

>> No.15779777


Oh yeah I could've just included the mega links but these are the ones from the beatmania.co.nz

Tricoro and Spada skin: https://mega.nz/#!6cw0FaDT!N6FgXPQkLCWYXSZIW3vUfARYsAaEQSQskm5ZrSyVVwU

Pendual skin:

Endless Circulation Self-Evolution:

>> No.15779783

lower 11s was my limit too.

I hope I can finally break it when I stop using the keyboard and play on a proper controller.

>> No.15779809

Tbh keyboard is easier than controller, but is way less enjoyable. You can break the wall, you just need to play more.

>> No.15780029

I was starting to reach the mid upper 11s but took a long enough break of 2 weeks to set my skills back tremendously. Ever since then I didn't have the heart to keep practicing as much as before. That's why I'd rather start over with the actual controller since it's the intended way to play anyway.

>> No.15780071

Grace is my favourite Rasis.

>> No.15780085
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What's the names of these little witches?

>> No.15780132
File: 1.27 MB, 270x180, 1462592801446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope I can finally break it when I stop using the keyboard and play on a proper controller.
You're in for one hell of a rude awakening if you seriously think that keyboard to controller transfers smoothly for IIDX.

>> No.15780155

Let's not start this shit again. I know it's completely different. I'm no casual and have already accepted I'll pretty much start from scratch.

>> No.15780179

Does anyone own a C33 I can get a picture of its insides?

>> No.15780216

This is promising. Thank you for sharing it. I'm surprised I didn't see mention of it sooner.

I keep praying for something that will pick up where LR2 left off.

>> No.15780220


Definitely should have taken another swing at writing that post.

>> No.15780232

will these (http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/sanwadenshi/item/ilumb_223/?s-id=borderless_browsehist_en)) fit into my turbocharger sdvx controller?
i kinda want something snappier than the default micro switches it came with

>> No.15780289

>would it be possible to use it to create a BMS editor that doesn't suck


>> No.15780299

i don't fucking know I can't read


>> No.15780428

Sounds comfy, I'm actually starting to get okay at 3s on the keyboard but it's gonna be like starting over when my FP7 gets here.

>> No.15780477

yes d2mv-01-1c3 is the recommended switch for both sdvx/iidx buttons

>> No.15780538

>I can already barely play a 3 sober

oh good I'm not the worst IIDX player in this thread

>> No.15780556

america release when

>> No.15780561

how would keysounding work though?

>> No.15780562


Wew that clicking can fuck right off

>> No.15780570
File: 18 KB, 246x204, 1386708885120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start from scratch

>> No.15780611


>start with scratch*

>> No.15780615

draw me a cindy and i'll shoot you one

>> No.15780706
File: 718 KB, 1536x2560, cindy fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but check mine

This is as good as I can get. Not doing it ironically by the way. I'm actually shit at drawing. Shoot me an invite if you guys want. I'm a pretty cool guy.


>> No.15780726

there's a difference between being shit at drawing and not even trying.

Like you didn't even try to color it in decently.

>> No.15780733
File: 25 KB, 579x622, cindy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon dude i suck at drawing too but this was my cindy that got me an invite

>> No.15780738

I was going to let it colorless because my pens aren't for coloring. They're for painting my gunpla.

This is better than mine overall by a mile but I like my tits better

>> No.15780745

I'd send you an invite for that but I'm too new and can't invite yet

>> No.15780758

Remember me when you're finally able to, friend. I'm not in a hurry to become a member.
You have my mail.

>> No.15780803

>tfw slowly, excruciatingly building up money in my paypal account to buy omrons and turbochargers

the neet lyfe is, in fact, complete suffering

>> No.15780821

Invite sent, don't let me down.

>> No.15780877

inb4 ratio watch within a month

>> No.15780916

I won't bro. I'm a model citizen and a stickler for the rules

>> No.15781121

Did you donated blood or something?

Because that's what happened to my friend once.

>> No.15781156
File: 656 KB, 552x600, sidney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get an invite too? :>


>> No.15781351

Going from 14s to 15s in SDVX is like going from 9s to 12s in IIDX.

>> No.15781503

Play Daiuchuu Stage, probably the easiest 15.

>> No.15781506

That almost happened to me once, but that's because it probably wasn't a good idea to play it no bar right after i had played Possession.

>> No.15781522

Cawol and Ashita.

>> No.15781524


To be honest, even going from 15s to 15s in SDVX is like going from 9s to 12s in IIDX.

>> No.15781526


I cleared my 22nd 15 earlier today. Of course they are all low hanging fruits but the rest are a completely different game.

>> No.15781532


I still think some charts require you to have three hands to do. There's just no way otherwise.

>> No.15781567
File: 755 KB, 600x600, 600px-Gekkou_ranbu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure when

>> No.15781583

So that's it then? We're just gonna let this /vg/ faggot take over the threads? SDVX was a fucking mistake.

>> No.15781597
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>> No.15781601

>SDVX was a fucking mistake
This. It's no surprise that most SDVX players are Osu kiddies. Fucking weeb bait trash.

I propose a new rule. If you were not introduced to rhythm games through one of the following, you are not allowed to post in these threads:
Guitar Freaks
Drum Mania

>> No.15781606


Quote every post you seem to be attributing to one person and I'll show you you're wrong.

Or are you going to cry more about this thread not being /only the game I play general/?

>> No.15781616
File: 50 KB, 514x600, 6053808i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I played IIDX and pop'n long before SDVX...

Also, what about Jubeat ?

>> No.15781633

I started with DDR and my main is SDVX

fight me

>> No.15781651

Jubeat is Neo-Bemani trash. Only old guard Bemani qualifies. So you could throw dead games like Keyboardmania and Para Para Paradise in there but I've never met someone who started with either of those.

>> No.15781672

jubeat and reflec beat are unironically shit games and everyone who plays them is a fucking casual

>> No.15781683


Don't you fucking dare compare Voltex to Osu! you elitist fuck.

Voltex is actually fun and actually hard. Don't pretend you are above it.

>> No.15781684

I only play Jubeat when the lines for IIDX and SDVX gets too long

Definitely agree that it probably has the lowest skill ceiling in all Bemani.

>> No.15781690

There's nothing wrong with playing Neo-Bemani trash. Just as long as you didn't start with it.

>> No.15781711

This is exactly my opinion on Jubeat. Also at the arcade I go to it has a better selection of tracks than the weird Pop'n cab they have set up.

>> No.15781729
File: 58 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you bought a piece of merch at a very cheap price

For some reason I really enjoy the koisuruuchuu sensou Celica figurine

only cost me $15 new in box

today was a good day

>> No.15781735

museca is more fun than sdvx tbqh, only weak point is the song list due to its newness

>> No.15781751

yeah i really wish museca had more songs

but even if they add songs it likely won't be good ones, it'll just get more shitty touhou/denpa/anime opening style music

why do no games even come close to iidxs songlist

even ddr has had some of the best older songs removed for no reason

>> No.15781753

I started playing it after the 1+1/2 update. Now working on getting 900k+ on all 15s.

Guess the pop'n player in me isn't dead.

>> No.15781764
File: 27 KB, 189x256, 299098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related for $10

>> No.15781812

beyond licensing issues

IIDX and DDR have a very long history with tons of originals

MUSECA and SDVX are still relatively new,especially MUSECA and if they want it to be successful then they need to incorporate what's both hot and familiar with players

No doubt that MUSECA will come out with originals in time,but it had such a shit start right out the gate that the playerbase sharply declined until the 1/2 update.

Hell,I enjoy MUSECA a lot more now since they fixed everything that made the game into a chore.Cleaner and easier UI,updated visuals,greater expansion on graphicas and understanding on what they do exactly.I just wish that the buttons/wheels were MAYBE a tiny bit smaller and more compact.

I have huge hands so it's not a problem for me,but a few friends that I'm trying to get into MUSECA don't have giant bear paws to play with,so it's a little more difficult for them to play some of the charts.It's still easier in relation to SDVX and IIDX,but at the same time it's just as enjoyable in small sessions.

I'm just focusing on leveling up my graphicas at the moment and it feels rewarding when they level up.

>> No.15781832


I started with DDR in 2003 and your words still offend me, sir.

>> No.15781847

I think it supports it, you can put effects for keys and keysounding is just that you have an incomplete song and the keysounds, if I'm not mistaken.
Or do you mean if it's possible to grab a random song and keysound it? Cause that seems like a really hard thing to do on any program, bar perhaps fl studio if you're the author of the song.

>> No.15781859

I guess that's the fukushima effect right there

>> No.15782249

nah i'd say museca fares better than sdvx in the licensed songs department because it doesn't just add whatever the fuck people throw at konami, and the contest songs also actually have some quality control to them

also modern iidx music has shit variety compared to pop'n, jubeat and reflec. i honestly don't get what people see in it anymore unless they listen to edm/xcore exclusively

>> No.15782448

i guess most of the songs i like in iidx are really old

but there's not enough hip hop/jazz, eurobeat, or ravey electronic music in the games anymore

>> No.15782832

does it count if I started by listening to the beatmania soundtracks but played SDVX before I played IIDX on the same day

>> No.15782849


to be fair I'm pretty sure copula has 星屑ディスタンシア and pendual has 時空トラベローグ and even spada has Funny Shuffle so we've got at least one per game.

SDVX has that swing remix of Fire Fire, that one vocaloid Bad End Night song is in swing, and there's also シャ ビ ドゥ 素敵な恋の魔法 which is close enough.

>> No.15782890

I think the Bemani community should expand beyond an aging group of men who are now mostly in their thirties. That means inviting more people in and they're going to start with the newer games.

IIDX is fun but it is in no way beginner friendly. It only took them, what, 23 releases just to make Beginner charts available in the main game?

>> No.15782905

Stupid logic. We were able to overcome the high entry barriers. So should all the new kiddies. And besides, DDR is making a comeback so they can play that if IIDX is too hard.

>> No.15782959
File: 167 KB, 480x270, 1466009794797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes my dream of playing songs at a decent level in front of people.
I guess I'll pay them a visit this month.

>> No.15782967

Not sure why you consider DDR acceptable but not SDVX. I mean I don't even much care for Jubeat but if people want to play it then by all means.

Osufags are only welcome if they renounce that trash heap though.

>> No.15782997

DDR is old guard, SDVX is not. SDVX has all the waifubait to lure in the niwaka. Even in its current state with all the anime OPs and what not, DDR is still a much better game than SDVX.

>> No.15783163

>"I am this much of a fucking elitist"

>> No.15783180

I want 3y3s normal to be a person so I can beat it to death.

>i'm a 5 all the way through until the last 10 measures when i become a 9 hehehe :)))

>> No.15783237


Scarlet Pinheel is kind of swing-ish too imo

>> No.15783266

Anyone know if there's an arcade with a half decent selection in the UK? I'm struggling to find one with a single machine worth playing

>> No.15783307

VEGA arcade, my dude.

>> No.15783326
File: 983 KB, 1200x1116, 56043967_p42_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one way to make a badass song cute

>> No.15783563

Thanks, just a shame it's so far away from me. I'll just have to go next time i visit the queen

>> No.15783640
File: 33 KB, 348x383, 14157669505787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drummania ps2 didn't come with a controller, it just tells you on the back of the box to buy a yamaha electric drum kit

what the fuck

>> No.15783734
File: 94 KB, 600x450, cbffb4c5-fb0d-4698-93be-8c8956a8cd07_watermark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DrumMania did have a KOC though

>> No.15783768

Are you retarded? IIDX has more fuckable girls and I'm sure everybody wants Goli to draw doujin already.

>> No.15783770

What's even the most reliable way to hit that segment? I usually just end up rocking my hands back and forth, but I feel like there's a better technique for that pattern that I don't know of.

>> No.15783776

i still don't know but i mashed my hand on the keys just the right way to pass it with an 86% after about 30 consecutive tries so i'm going to avoid thinking about it for the rest of my life

>> No.15783781

Do you lads mean the 5+7, 4+6, 3+5, 2+4+6, or the stuff after that? Because both just need a little bit of practice

>> No.15784247

Last time I used irc was more than 10 years ago. How the fuck do I reach sows' irc channel again? Is there a specific server? Do I literally copy paste "irc.bemaniso.ws" and click join? I feel like an old man trying to use a PC for the first time.

>> No.15784594

>tfw I passed my first 16 in DDR
"I'm So Happy" Challenge is so much fun and honestly not that difficult, it is just physically draining like all other high level songs.

>> No.15784713
File: 64 KB, 455x628, 1451127078942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSUN replacement WHEN


>> No.15784744
File: 93 KB, 300x438, cindy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made you one last time and i didnt got my invite, i feel cheated

>> No.15784960

I'm not the same person desu

>> No.15785999
File: 209 KB, 570x552, 58641830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy thread is sleepy

>> No.15786056

Are there any sleepy songs in BEMANI games? Only thing that comes to mind is 5.1.1

>> No.15786076

>go to the arcade
>someone tries to talk to me

every fucking time
i don't care about your shitty clears you 6dan piece of shit kill yourself

>> No.15786078


Thanks for keeping up out autistic reputation. Good work.

>> No.15786088


>guy playing a song
>gets an 80% clear
>literally jumps from the bass platform and starts yelling and does some kind of touchdown dance, i shit you not

Do these people have no shame

>> No.15786091

earth scape


>> No.15786103

Until level are you can cleared in DDR on condition that nonbar?

>> No.15786110

how many feet from the ground is a iidx cab's buttons?
i want to switch to a standing setup and have it be close because im an 8dan sitting down and just clearing 9s is a chore and hurts my hands standing up at the arcade

>> No.15786135


2.887 ft.


>> No.15786196


is that with the bass platform

>> No.15786200


I don't think so.

>> No.15786271

are you from 2chan with that shitty grammar?

if your question is

"Up to what level can you clear a DDR song without using the bar?"

Then my answer is DDR 16's

in ITG I can do up to 13's no bar,mostly stream stuff

>> No.15786343

I think english is difficult than 19's
Well, I can't clear 19

>> No.15786359


Yeah, well, your kanji are pretty hard, too. I need 5000 of them and they all have several readings?

Fuck all that noise.

>> No.15786460

Get used to kanji is more gain experience

I happened to find I don't know kanji.


To learn


Piece of cake, right?

>> No.15786768
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>> No.15787140

I'm going to Shinjuku in april-may next year to play at Taito station.
Is there anything I should know and anything nearby I should check out, that you know of?

>> No.15787194

It's like learning english then.

>> No.15787218

Not that nignog but if you like beer there's a really nice brew-pub slightly south of Shinjuku station called Watering Hole.
It's really only 3 things in the end: business, clubs and a lot of both niche and large shops. even stuff like lolita fashion has a lot of shops in shinjuku, all very small, all scattered around.

>> No.15787248

I'll write it down, thanks.
Really anything is helpful because currently my plan is 3 weeks of nothing but Bemani at taito.
I'm staying within 10 mins of the station.

>> No.15787258

Is having 200 g switches+springs really as bad as people say or is it possible to do good long-term, even though the setup is that heavy?

>> No.15787262

If you have mega-strong hulk hands, go for it. You'll feel weird when you play on an arcade cab though.

>> No.15787272

200g is arcade default. KAC was played on 200g until the 5th.

>> No.15787301

Does PC have any actual good rhythm game that doesn't look like it's just a visualizer?

>> No.15787307

Stepmania? LR2? every modern konami arcade game?

>> No.15787317

Stepmania is such a chore to go through the song list. Sometimes when you go up one difficulty on a song, the difficulty gap just jumped.

>> No.15787340

I have no idea what this post means. Can you explain further?

Most issues you have with inconsistent difficulty ratings, etc. can be handled by simply downloading better song packs.

If you're really not good, there's no shame in learning with low-level DDR charts. From there, move to casual ITG pad stuff from good step artists like Mudkyp, Jayce, Zim, iamchris4life, and Mute. After you're comfortable with that, you can try learning hard pad charts (Speedcore packs, etc) or entry-level keyboard charts (i can't stand this faggoty overstepped jumpstream trash so I don't have any suggestions here)

>> No.15787558

There's an arcade in every major city/city ward in tokyo. Take walks around shinjuku, harajuku, shibuya and maybe roppongi and the area east of it, they all have sizable arcades.
If you're willing to reroute your plan a little, the Adores in Sapporo might still have the 60yen/play + half hour for 430yen deal going.

>> No.15787563

The Smile of You is kind of sleepy.

>> No.15787582

There should be a random that rerandoms every measure.

>> No.15787591

That's called S-random.

>> No.15787594

Read it again.

>> No.15787690

I fucking loathe most keyboard charts since they aren't interesting in the least bit and are all just constant 16th note jumpstreams. I solely play StepMania to help with pattern recognition in DDR/PIU songs so I'm not flailing like a fish when I first try a new song at a high level.

>> No.15787749

Thank you for being honest about the 2chan thing

honestly I welcome foreigners willing to go out of their comfort zone to talk with us

I don't play keyboard stepmania because 1.fuck that noise and 2.pad packs are infinitely better because I have an ITG cabinet at my disposal.

but if you want some consistency in chart difficulty,just do what >>15787340 is suggesting

a lot of step artists don't know what the fuck they're doing and just wing it at chart creation

but you're always in good hands if you have charts by HappyFeet,Mute,Zim,IAmChris,and if you want artists that do the weeb charts,CondorTalon,Gpop,and Huzure do a really great job at it as well

>> No.15787794

Noise that you want to fuck
1. Learning kanji
2. Keyboard stepmania

Definitely recommend that Gpop lad. His touhou community packs are incredible.

>> No.15787815

never said that I didn't want to learn kanji,I only know a small amount and honestly,it's difficult as fuck to learn another language.English,Spanish,and French so far and wanting to fug asian women and play vidya from nippon is the only motivation for learning it.Slowly but surely

and again,fuck keyboard charts since I do have a custom cab running SM5.I'd rather train my legs than my fingers at dance games.I also play IIDX and SDVX so I'm good on learning other finger focused rhythm games

>> No.15787840

Local rule exist in amusement arcade
That is line

・Normally line up
・Play reservation sheet

Sure( ^o^)

>> No.15787847
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>sightread cleared a new 15
>can't pass it again

>> No.15787848

Line makes sense.
I don't understand how the play reservation sheet works. Could you elaborate?

>> No.15787877

Thank you
I will hone DDR's skill as well as english's

>> No.15787888

Thanks for the recommendation guys, I'll check it out.

>> No.15787902

Here you go.

>> No.15787938

keep it up anon,make sure to visit often.I don't care if you're working on your english,as long as you try that's all that matters.The more you do it,the better you get at it and the more you understand it.

But I do have a question for you

How is Chunithim over there? I've seen a few people play it on Youtube and it looks interesting,but do you think Chunithim is a game that will be played a few years down the road?

>> No.15787961

Tangerine stream is p sleepy

>> No.15787965
File: 79 KB, 560x594, img_1_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It rule, if exist this such pic

1,the line exist
2,You write name on entry sheet
3,Player write the check mark before play

namely, line on paper

>> No.15787988

Not him
From what I've seen during my August visit it seems to be immensely popular everywhere, 5+ machines in a lot of arcades and most are occupied. If they keep expanding it and having events like bemani it shouldn't die down for at least 2-3 years.

>> No.15787989

Huh. Seems simple enough. Why is this used? So that you can leave the line and come back?

>> No.15788059

It seems similar to the token system

Where someone leaves a token or card designating them a space in line. Except with this it's by name instead of token/courtesy

But to piggyback

What happens if someone cuts in line or doesn't honor it?

>> No.15788069

I'll try!!!

>How is Chunithim over there? I've seen a few people play it on Youtube and it looks interesting,but do you think Chunithim is a game that will be played a few years down the road?
Recently, Chunithim is popular game
Game balance is just right from beginner to senior
However, might Nostalgia(KONAMI) is killer

>> No.15788091

For example, It prevent the line obstruct people

>> No.15788139


>> No.15788150

How did I forgot BabeL ~roof garden~

I remembered using 6x speed and a x2 ojama for this

>> No.15788159

Become I'm sad

Well, that would not occur except mistake

>> No.15788202

Has nobody ever done it?

That seems very unlikely

Over the last 15 years of arcade gaming I've seen a few people get into arguments over cutting the line, but people do something about it

Would you in Japan just let someone bully you like that?

>> No.15788288
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Japanese like line up

>Has nobody ever done it?
I not see
Probably pretty bad player to be exposed at 2ch

>> No.15788346

What is the highest level you can clear no-bar in DDR?
I think English is more difficult than clearing 19s. But I can't clear 19s...
There are some rules for arcades (Game centers).
1. Line up
2. Use a reservation sheet
I will hone my skills in DDR and English.

>> No.15788723

only place i ever saw a reservation sheet was at round1 machida and no one ever used it
then again they also had 6 iidxs and 6 jubeats so there was never a line longer than 1-2 people, and it seemed to take care of itself; there was no cutting or people hogging machines or anything

>> No.15789728

Roppongi has no arcades at all. I've also never seen one in harajuku.
Main areas are shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Akihabara. There's also a bunch of Korean titles at a place in komagome.

>> No.15789736

Twinkling, from pop'n music

>> No.15790137

Thank you for correction
However, maybe some meaning had changed

>> No.15790149

original has a hard to define meaning. we can't tell the meaning very well so he fixed it without trying to change the meaning

>> No.15790162

new psun literally never holy fucking shit

>> No.15790186

So many men, so many translations(´・ω・`)

>> No.15790199

heh, well fixing grammar can always be done in a few ways, but i wouldnt worry about those little nuances yet

>> No.15790211


whenever you want to ask a question,just remember a few things

>What is the highest level you can clear no-bar in DDR?
(noun) ----- (verb/action)(missing information)

Start a question with "What" if you are referring to an abstract thought

Start a question with "Who" if you are referring to someone directly

Start a question with "When" if you are referring to a specific time

Start a question with "Where" if you are referring to a specific location

Start a question with "Why" if you are asking for follow up information to a previous thought or idea

noun = your audience or a specific person

verb = action

missing information = what information are you missing?

>> No.15790332

I'm ordering parts for a iidx controller and I have a kinda silly question about leds in buttons. So for the sanwa button they have a lamp holder and i can just plop in lamps, correct? I really don't know how it works. Also, what size or style or lamp should i look for? thanks in advance.

>> No.15790449

I search fixing grammar on google
I don't know popular it...

Thank you('-'*)

>missing information
I would know pretty hard
I don't know connection of long sentence

>> No.15790511

>less than 500 slots left on sows

better get an invite soon...

>> No.15790619

to connect a long sentence,just place a comma "," wherever you would normally pause while you speak.

Sound Voltex is a wonderful game,but Rasis is my only reason for playing it.

>> No.15790827

Is Infinitas worth the subscription fee and is there an easy way for Westerners to pay via credit card?

>> No.15790854

>some Indian kid puts in credits for IIDX
>goes to step up full of beginner songs
>leaves halfway during the first song
>the game is now stuck in step up with all beginner level songs

Fucking tourists

>> No.15790861

Happens all the time with DDR though you obviously can't lock in the difficulty

>> No.15790871
File: 60 KB, 960x960, 13118956_1056055754465831_8405958126930973214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Music GunGun2!!! is set to 3 songs
>tfw people put in their credit and leave after 1 song
>tfw when they only choose the default song,which is the super mario bros medley
>mfw 2 free songs

>> No.15790877

>california extreme (basically the arcade game room from an anime convention expanded to be its own thing)
>ddr x3 cab
>some casual plays it, picks happy mode, then leaves after their first song
>have to wait through two songs on beginner mode

>> No.15791130
File: 137 KB, 600x600, iidx_button_lamp_housing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming you mean the lamp holders for the iidx buttons and the 33mm square buttons? Though this info should be the same for most other buttons, at least 60mm sdvx buttons are the same.
The lamp housing that goes in the holder should be like the one in my picture, at least if you buy chinese buttons.
The lamp housing (red in the picture) has two holes in the bottom. Your leds leads go through those, and then you just wrap them around the lower poles as in that picture. Simple.
As for installing it to the led holder, you just press it in. There are contacts for those two poles to conduct electricity. Real simple stuff.
As for the size of leds, my housings came with 12V 5mm leds, but I measured the housing and I'm certain it can house up to 7mm diameter leds. Though I would just play it safe and get 5mm leds. Get whatever color you want, though rgb leds won't work without extensive reworking.
As for the style of the leds, what are you using to power them up? If you are using arduino or some other microcontroller, 12V leds will be dim but they won't need any resistors before them. 3V ones would be better in that case, but then you have to make sure you limit the current going to the leds or they'll burn out.
Did this answer your question? If not, feel free to ask more.

>> No.15791158


I really wish I could find a place to buy the LEDs Dao uses in his controllers. The ones in your picture are so terrible, I'd rather have no lights.

>> No.15791227

Then why not buy them from Dao? Sure, they're quite expensive with 1.80$ a pop, but at least you'd get what you wanted.

>> No.15791241

He probably means that the shipping is too expensive. 1.80 a pop ain't too bad, but ordering a set of 6 LEDs to Europe is roughly 10 bucks + 30 shipping.

>> No.15791339


This is such a good song. Why isn't this in iidx yet? i can already imagine it being a scratch heavy 11.

>> No.15791388
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Oh I do. I like to have variety.

I even asked if I could use a C33 PCB on an FP7 so I could use those 7 colors LED products and apparently the turntable mechanism is completely different.

>> No.15792555

Just ordered IIDX 5th and 7th style. What am I in for?

>> No.15792566

Shoulda got empress.

>> No.15792618

Not paying $150. Gonna wait for an auction on that one, since I love the tracklist.

>> No.15792628

a ps2 modchip is like $30 dude

>> No.15792640

Yeah, but I love the physical copies. I'm a sucker for collecting.

>> No.15792643


You're in for towel usage, particularly for 5th Style with it not having Hi4.

On the subject of 5th Style, it's a god damned shame that doing the HDD load doesn't enable actual nonstop song play in Expert Mode. LR2 still wins there.

Drill Mode was a very nice idea, I just wish they would have used stock percussion and keyboard sounds rather than snips of existing songs.

I really wish I could program a BMS player and include a kind of Drill Mode for practice use.

>Loop continuous play of Nageki scale climb and fall
>Start at 100 BPM
>Increase ~5 BPM every time you AAA the measures
>Decrease BPM if you get C or lower

>> No.15792654

Drill mode sounds amazing. Which styles had it?

>> No.15792661

That sounds like heaven.
>rerandoms every time

>> No.15792668

get Gold too it's a great ps2 style

DJT is underwhelming and everything pre-gold is unplayable on hdtvs

>> No.15792675
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>DJT is underwhelming

>> No.15792686

>everything pre-gold is unplayable on hdtvs
DistorteD has the same offset options as Gold.

>> No.15792696

my bad, i confused offset with not having lanecover

mendes and dazzlin darlin are the best songs in DJT

>> No.15792793

Lane cover has existed since CS RED.

>> No.15792798

it's been months since i've played it but i'm certain that it is missing some modern feature

maybe green number?

>> No.15792809 [DELETED] 

Yes. Green number was added with Gold CS.

>> No.15792812

Sorry /jprg/, but I came here to ask for the specific song on this shitty video.


I'm not exactly sure if this should be here, but I do think the music is from SDVX. Apologizing from the get go.

>> No.15792820

Yes. Green number was added with Gold CS. White number still exists, though, so it's not difficult to just calculate what you need (600 BPM scroll rate is equivalent to 290 green number). The setting is saved per song, so you only need to do it the first time you play something.

>> No.15792855

An - LittleGameStar

sdvx ii if i recall correctly

>> No.15792875

>An - LittleGameStar
Thank you. I knew /jprg/ could help me on this.

>> No.15793015

Do I need to download any drivers for my FP7? It just came in and when I plugged it in it said it failed to install the drivers.

>> No.15793055

5th and 6th. I had forgotten that 6th had it.

The concept would work well in current times, with medals/trophies everywhere to encourage progress.

>> No.15793231

And time to air

>> No.15793366

Well, now my problem is that it would work perfectly but it constantly moves the mouse down if I have it set to y-input and to the right if I set it to x-input, which causes it to be impossible to select a song in LR2.

>> No.15793502

Pure shit

A good game

>> No.15793512

That doesn't sound right.
have you checked inside the controller, if all cables are snugly in place?
Also, you could reinstall device drivers, if there are any.

>> No.15793532

I don't think I have a proper tool to open it up with. I just got it.

>> No.15793544

I'm pretty sure it's magnetically held together

>> No.15793593

It has screws, senpai.

>> No.15793597

Then it's some other controller I'm thinking of, sorry.

Have you tried a screwdriver?

>> No.15793634

Put goreshit in bemani

>> No.15793639

the virgoo controller has the button panel attached by magnets. you can still unscrew it on the bottom though which is how you adjust tt distance and remove/attach the ps2 cable

>> No.15793665

My screwdriver doesn't have the proper heads to get anything on the sides or bottom off and the top screw just won't come out.

>> No.15793679

well, shit.
Dao recommends using a 250 Hz refresh rate for the controller, have you done that? Just in case you haven't, have you tried to spin the turntable around a bit, if that would resolve it?
And of course, have you tried taking it out and plugging it in again? :^)

>> No.15793680

I support this notion, some of his breakcore/dnb style stuff would be amazing in here.

>> No.15793713

How do you set refresh rate? I've spun it around but I don't see any response to that input. I've tried it on every USB port on my laptop. Once my buddy is back I'll test it on his to see if it's my computer that's fucked which would be okay since I'm getting a new one as soon as a few more parts are in and I've got a NTSC-J PS2 coming in as well.

>> No.15793727

I think my laptop is stuck at 60 Hz for refresh rate but I don't know that that has to do with this.

>> No.15793763

Have you seen goreshit in stepmania?

It barely works, but speedcore/happy hardcore charts in official Bemani games wouldn't take advantage of it

>> No.15793889

Do you mean that spinning it does nothing?
If so, there's definitely something wrong with the innards of your controller.
Best case: some wire is not properly connected, and the turntable is sending garbage readings because of that.
Solution: recheck every wire inside the controller after you get a suitable screwdriver.
Bad case: There's something wrong in your controller's electronics.
Solution: email Dao for help. He might give you instructions on how to troubleshoot the problem and send replacement parts after the problem is pinpointed.
Also, if you have a spare usb stick lying around, would you like to try a live usb and test if the turntable works on that? Then we could establish if it is a driver problem or not.

>> No.15793895

I confirmed that the problem is with the controller as it forces the cursor to move up or down even on my friend's computer. Anyone know how to open an FP7 up or what parts I need?

>> No.15793917

Goreshit's speedcore wouldn't work, but stuff like o'er the flood would be excellent.

>> No.15793919

I just tried it out on my friend's computer so I don't think the driver is the issue and moving the turntable doesn't change the way it's consistently moving the cursor down. I just emailed Dao.

>> No.15793925

Dao website says that the bottom is held with magnets, as does reddit. Maybe you can just pull it open after removing the screws?
here's what I read: https://www.reddit.com/r/bemani/comments/43ficm/how_do_i_open_a_dj_dao_fp7_emp/

>> No.15793938

fp7s have had magnetic bottoms since 2013 at least
you're not supposed to undo any of the 12 tiny screws along the edges or the 4 screws in the feet
just grab a foot and yank

>> No.15793951

Is there a video of someone doing this? I don't want to fuck it up.

>> No.15793965

are you retarded? just pull on the foot, the whole panel will come off.

>> No.15793975

Where should I grab from? I'm pretty fucktarded when it comes to this shit.

>> No.15793982
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>> No.15793983

The tiny little round feet your controller has. Or the sides.

>> No.15793998

Thanks, I figured it out now but all of the wires look to be in the right places.

>> No.15794011


nah m1dy is about as far as it should go

>> No.15794014

Don't look, make sure they're properly on. They should have small connectors, right? At least make sure you disconnect and reattach the turntable one, from both ends if possible, to make sure there's no disconnect there.

>> No.15794064
File: 3.45 MB, 5312x2988, 20160904_182842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I've got going on. I've pushed everything in. If there's anything obviously wrong in the picture tell me. I can't reach under the black disk thing.

>> No.15794132

How can Bemani even compete?


>> No.15794153

Who do I talk to on IRC to help with account ativation? Corin? Didn't receive email to confirm account so I must have been literally retarded and mistyped my email.

I want to believe this happens like all the time so I don't feel too bad.

>> No.15794172

>find out PJD X has a "random notes" mod
>it's only an option on like 2 quest songs and not a challenge item in free play
Hey, let's add in some fun but not let the player have it.

>> No.15794173

I was just listening to tomboyish love for daughter and the first song would be a boss scratch heavy another chart

>> No.15794183

By sueing Kyle Ward.

>> No.15794185

Okay, I unplugged and plugged anything having to do with the turntable back in and it still thinks the turntable is constantly being used. I can't reach under the black disk.

>> No.15794249


You just got it right?

It's set on analog TT input. Hold Start + Select + 1 for a second or two and it'll stop doing that.

I have to turn this on every time I plug it in. Maybe he tweaked the firmware a bit recently?

>> No.15794261

I've tried that and it doesn't help. With the different commands like that all I can do is switch whether it moves the cursor constantly down or right.

>> No.15794315
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a long way to go. Fuck me.

>> No.15794326


Do you ONLY play LR2?

You could down grade the firmware to before it had analog shit.

I know for a fact I had my LR2 working perfectly before I upgraded its firmware to 1.17.

>> No.15794335

2000 songs are more fun to practice

>> No.15794402

Once my NTSC-J PS2 comes in that'll be what I'll main but I'm concerned that even that might not work if it's registering my turntable as constantly turning.

>> No.15794452


Unplug the encoder and see if it stops.

>> No.15794459

Which part is the encoder?

>> No.15794467
File: 340 KB, 1594x897, encoder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one. Either your encoder is always firing or the PCB is sending a signal it shoudn't be.

>> No.15794485
File: 45 KB, 650x381, gamepad_properties_1.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also open this screen up and take a screenshot so we can see it is showing up as always on.

And I just reread your previous posts.

Are you playing on 2P? Because Start + Select + 1 is not the same as Start + Select + 7.

The latter is what changes the axis the other switches between digital and analog input.

Also, try having it plugged in and rebooting. This has gotten me out of a couple jams.

>> No.15794504

For what it's worth, I've had problems with my really old Dao PEE where the TT would constantly register as spinning in one direct on my PS2. I had to unplug it multiple times and try again with plugging the controller back in in different orders, e.g. PS2 plug before power USB or power USB before PS2 plug. I think I also tried spinning the turntable as it powered on. I don't remember. It was always fussy. Never had problems after swapping for arcin, though.

>> No.15794525
File: 155 KB, 1279x554, SwitchesBetweenTopAndMiddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It switches between the top and bottom on the x/y axis thing.

>> No.15794529

It's a 1P also. Gonna try unplugging the encoder.

>> No.15794541

Unplugging the encoder didn't change anything and Start+Select+7/1 commands just switch between x and y (cursor constantly to the right or constantly down).

>> No.15794578


So 1 switches it to X and 7 switches it to Y?

Sounds like your PCB isn't 1.17 firmware then.

Try Start + Select + 4 then to activate mouse wheel mode.

>> No.15794586


Just to go way back to the start of troubleshooting. You are plugging both USB plugs in right?

>> No.15794611

If I plug both USBs in, I can't even get the LEDs on. Literally no response if both are in or if just the bigger USB is in. If I remove the bigger one and just leave the smaller USB in, then what I've explained already is what happens.
That didn't do anything and the commands and response I referred to are on Gamo2's page for the controller.

>> No.15794619


Plug in the bigger one, then the smaller one.

You should hear that plugged in device sound t the same time all the leds light up.

If that doesn't work try rebooting with them both plugged in like I said.

It needs both of those plugs to function.

>> No.15794630

I just did that to no response and I also just restarted but I'll try that again.

>> No.15794671

Yeah, I can't get that to work. Even turning it off and on didn't help.

>> No.15794680


Are you plugging them into two separate ports or a hub?

I can't imagine Dao didn't make sure it worked properly before he shipped it off.

>> No.15794683

Two separate ports. I don't doubt his quality control but I have no idea what to do.

>> No.15794689


And you tried two ports on the other computer you tried?

>> No.15794698

I can't be certain on that one because my friend plugged it in himself in the back of his PC but he's in my room with a laptop so I'll try on his right now.

>> No.15794710

Well, his laptop doesn't have two ports on any one side, so I can't test on that.

>> No.15794759

Tried it on another friend's computer and it reacts the same way as on mine.

>> No.15794770

talk to dao then

>> No.15794779


And all the buttons register fine on >>15794525 this window, right? You just can't see any lights?

>> No.15794780

I am; he's trying to figure out the problem with the two USB cords.

>> No.15794786


>> No.15794795

fuckin hell technika is hard to play on vita

>> No.15794801

I don't really want to get that one specifically because of the touch controls. That being said I love 575.

>> No.15794812

im kinda liking it aside from this weird rear touch pad mechanic
also getting it for free helps a bit w/ my enjoyment

>> No.15794817

Well, fair enough in that case.

>> No.15794819


Fuckin' brutal. I'm thinking you have a faulty board.

You could try unplugging everything on the board to make sure. All 9 buttons, the encoder, and the ring LED.

If it still does it then then it is 100% the PCB. I'm guessing a poor solder job on the wires going to the USB plugs.

>> No.15794831

If I unplug everything, what should I be looking for as the response? Sorry if that's a stupid question.

>> No.15794843


Just the same constant movement with the cursor.

If it's doing that with nothing to possibly be an input there's clearly a short in a trace somewhere or at the solder points. Either way there's probably not a lot you could do about it. Just confirmation.

>> No.15794850

Thanks for the help, if Dao doesn't tell me anything helpful soon I'll get too unplugging everything.

>> No.15794852

>>15794850 (You)

>> No.15794876


You're in a real tight jam here. Because if it's the PCB like I think it is one of two things needs to happen.

1. You'll have to send back the whole controller in which case everyone gets fucked on shipping twice, essentially doubling the cost of the controller.

2. You're going to have to get a few basic tools (pliers, phillips screwdriver, allen wrenches) and take apart that whole right side panel to replace the PCB which you could probably get Dao to "lickity split" ship you for free if you are stern about it.

I hope you payed with Paypal.

>> No.15794896

Fortunately I paid with Paypal.

>> No.15794916

Since I bought it from the US warehouse is there a chance I won't have to pay much on return shipping?

>> No.15794944


Nah, shipping is largely based on size instead of weight these days. That box would be more expensive to ship next door than a 70 pound dumbbell across the country.

I would strongly recommend trying option 2. I know I made it seem scary but It's pretty simple. Just those 4 knobs and 8 screws.

>> No.15794964

Which one in the pic I posted is the PCB and how would I go about taking it out and putting one back in?

>> No.15795189

The source already existed. Nobody did anything then, why would anyone do something now?

>> No.15795215

Does Happy Sky CS (or any of the earlier styles) have really tight or wonky timing compared to later CS styles/AC? I've been getting Bs on songs I normally AA.

>> No.15795224
File: 352 KB, 1594x897, pcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's your PCB. It's held in by 4 screws but the way the controller is built they are hard to get at.

Here's what you're gonna have to do.

1. Unplug everything from the PCB (11 connections)
2. Remove every lamp/holder/switch from the controller (Part boxed in Green. Just grab them and twist, they should pull right out)
3. Organize them so you know which parts go where (1,3,5,7 / 2,4,6 / Start,Select)
4. Unscrew the white nuts parts (Circled in Yellow) and remove the square plastic holding pieces under them. The buttons can now be removed entirely.
5. Now unscrew the knob things (Blue) and lift out the whole panel, it will still be connected to the PCB and held into the controller by the USB cable so you're going to have to be gentle with it.
6. There will be 4 nuts on the opposite side of the bolt the knobs were on. These need to be removed by holding them with pliers why you unscrew the hex bolts on top with an Allen wrench.
7. With these removed the clear acrylic panel can now be separated from the opaque black panel. (Note: If you were ever going to change your underlay, this is how you'd do it)
8. Now you can see the Phillips head screws on the opposite side of the black panel. Hold the nuts holding in the PCB with pliers and unscrew them with your screwdriver.
9. Ah Jesus Fucking Christ, I just realized this shit is a little more involved than I thought it was (Boxed in purple). Fuckin' Dao.
10. Just fuck my shit up.

Well. If you still want to try you can either destroy that plastic wire management piece, or undo the four screws on the right outside panel then undo the screw holding it in.

I'd still do it, but it's a little more involved and you might not want to try.

>> No.15795252

That didn't look that bad until near the end, so I'd agree with you. I'll hope I don't have to pay too much out of pocket to resolve this.

>> No.15795271


You shouldn't pay anything out of pocket to resolve this. This is his problem.

But yeah, it's just 4 more screws and one nut you have to remove. I think the exterior screws use the same size Allen wrench as the top 4. I was just running way short of characters for my post.

>> No.15795281

Alright, thanks, I'll see what Dao suggests and I'll probably ask for further help if he just wants to send the part.

>> No.15795310
File: 35 KB, 500x375, ppps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to buy a pic related because there's no fucking arcade machines anywhere and this controller seems to be pretty alright and not too expensive. I've got a US ps2 slim that has freemcboot all set up. Do I need to do anything more to get around the region lock or will freemcboot do it for me?

>> No.15795316


Isn't PPP basically just Dance Maniax with an extra sensor? Why are you so obsessed man? There's gotta be like only 30 songs if that.

>> No.15795325

I don't know why but I really disiked what little Dance Maniax I played and fucking loved PPP, but also my shit tastes happen to align perfectly with the tracklist. And I really want to see my roommates drunkenly participating in parapara.

>> No.15795333


Remember, since you payed with Paypal, if he doesn't bend over backwards to fix your issue, you can just fuck him over and force a reimbursement. Then just take your money and your free controller and buy an Arcin board for it.

>> No.15795341
File: 413 KB, 452x452, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maxima is looking at you when you play this

What do

>> No.15795420

Hello brother of Spurdoland, where do you recide, for I have ASCs?

>> No.15795603

Not that anon but
hello brethren of spurdoland
Do you have ASCs near the capital?

>> No.15796111

>3 weeks without playing IIDX

Good bye skills.

>> No.15796129


Are you me
i've been hella busy for 3 weeks and played like twice
every night after getting home i check my psun rivals and see them slowly getting more and more wins on me, it's awful

>> No.15796170

No for I have moved from the southern parts of the country to the north to study, but luckily for you, you have the only arcade in the damn country. The owner is also nice.

>> No.15796213

Yeah, I know. A real nice arcade too, I should get the monthly subscription when I have enough free time to actually git gud. Or just build controllers. Or both.

>> No.15796807
File: 63 KB, 400x600, 5868945i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleared skill analyzer lv. 9
>sightread cleared a couple new 15s

Today is a good day

>> No.15796829

sweet blog dude

>> No.15796865


Whew, glad you got him and not me.

I was about to share with everyone my joy of getting my first ultimate chain.

>> No.15796867

sweet blog dude

>> No.15796878

This meme gets funny every time. Upvoted.

>> No.15797062

I cleared my first 16 today even though I've cleared harder 15s before

>> No.15797097

sweet blog dude

>> No.15797144

>tfw when want to play iidx but dont want to move all my shit on my desk

>> No.15797204
File: 339 KB, 1280x939, picfromgoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump it up or DDR?

Thinking of buying a metal pad.

Would a metal pad with 9 arrows suffice or would I get subpar quality

>> No.15797298

well pump pads are supposed to have bigger arrows (the outside 4, at least) than DDR. The metal between is smaller. 9 panel pads are best for DDR and Technomotion.

>> No.15797638

nah it's me

tfw i haven't played since i went to round1 last month

school is hell

>> No.15797641

>contract with the landlord has ended
>probably more of a "see you soon" than a "goodbye"
They will probably re-open elsewhere or something

>> No.15797761

Pretty much every 13, but New Gravity is the only 14 I can clear

>> No.15797774

>61% Rasis, 39% Grace
I can already see Grace fags trying to justify the result

>> No.15798013

You can reasonably clear 15-16 without bar. Scoring well/full combo is harder, probably 13 is the limit there.

>> No.15798038


My first rhythm game was FFR. Suck it.

>> No.15798399

>tfw played down scroll and everyone called u a bahamut-x dickrider

>> No.15798553

Just downloaded Groove Coaster 2. What is with all the non-shit songs being locked behind a pay wall. Literally all of them have sounded like the same garbage so far.

>> No.15798685
File: 18 KB, 478x469, DJ-Max-Black-Square_PSP_LOGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.15798711

>black square
>it's not a square

>> No.15798830

Game has a very good soundtrack and the mission mode is actually challenging but the autocorrect ruins the game by default.

>> No.15798884

the weeb version doesn't have it and that's what you should play

>> No.15798998

Fuck, I didn't know they released a version without that annoying thing.

>> No.15799093 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 600x374, 1473126980604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From now on, you're not allowed to post here anymore is pic related wasn't your first rhythm game.

>> No.15799100

has it been dumped yet

>> No.15799102

Grace PUR when

I would have an excuse to dump money to the generator if that happens

>> No.15799144

>I Can't Possibly Be Serious: The Post
We're both old guard, but the difference is that I'm not senile yet. Even putting aside the IIDX pretty girls, DDR also had pretty girls and as far as I'm aware, there isn't a correlation between waifubait, anime OPs, and how good a game is.

>I think english is difficult than 19's
>Well, I can't clear 19

Top tier humor.

>> No.15799473
File: 210 KB, 600x848, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New coconatsu

>> No.15799487
File: 11 KB, 147x132, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15799549


i want to hug_ that triangle

>> No.15799833
File: 60 KB, 597x470, 1435567558955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you find those for so cheap anon?

>> No.15800231


Make a proper thread after this one gets archived

>> No.15800320

Why is Toxic Vibration on SDVX so fun?

>> No.15800419

Do I just Ctrl+V an imgur URL on the Image textbox for uploading a torrent?

>> No.15800665

pulled the trigger on a pump it up metal pad, I haven't been keeping with the scene since the Exceed 2, is there a stepmania compilation with just officla piu song I can download somewhere?

>> No.15800677

Where'd you get the pad? And I have the same question.

>> No.15800705


You can download a few PIU packs here http://stepmaniaonline.net/index.php?page=downloads..

I have no clue if they are official stepcharts, however. But why else would you label these "Pump" instead of Keyboard if they weren't?

>> No.15800953

what the fuck is a niwaka

>> No.15801011

Does anyone have experience in making SV controllers?

I'm looking for cheap rotary encoders, so I went to Aliexpress, but they can't into English very well.

Are they okay or are there even cheaper ones?
Because I don't really need 10 of them.

>> No.15801023

Those seem similar to the ones that are the cheapest in a SVSE5. Probably are okay.
I'm using these, though they are a bit above your price range:
The only problem I've noticed during building is that their shafts are a tad short, making fitting the knobs a bit hard.

>> No.15801035

I bought some shit encoders similar to those (20ppr though) for 1 dollar each off ebay and they worked well until they started spazzing out and skipping everywhere and then they shit themselves after a few months.

It was worth the money, but my homemade sdvx controller was pretty shit anyway so I'm not too mad about it.

>> No.15801045

Thank you. I think I got all the parts I need to make a cheap sdvx controller, but there's another thing.

Just to let everyone know, I have zero experience in electronics, so if we anyone give me some advice on what I should consider to do/not do, that would be nice.

>> No.15801047

Btw, I followed this page for parts.

>> No.15801072

Sure. Just ask here and I'll probably answer, since I'm doing the electronics for my controller soon-ish.

>> No.15801118
File: 9 KB, 871x397, retardedsdvx controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of building SDVX controllers.

I was thinking about building one with a twist.

How fucking retarded would it be to build something like this goofy number?

Would it just fuck my SDVX muscle memory just right the fuck up?

>> No.15801124

are the square buttons still BT-ABCD and the rectangles still FX-AB? if so, that'd be weird as heck and probably really hard to play on

>> No.15801126

You think that's retarded?

I'm going to build a pop'n/sdvx hybrid.

>> No.15801139


Yeah, they're all still the same buttons, just rearranged. I feel like it's be more ergonomic in the long run.

But as a level 9 player, I fear it might fuck up what meager skills I already have.


Go for gold and throw in IIDX AND EZ2DJ.

>> No.15801142

it really wouldn't work because you have to hit lots more notes with the BT buttons than the FX, FX is kinda designed to be hit with your thumb or palm, they have less intensive note patterns than the white buttons

>> No.15801170

Can't I use the encoders as turntables?

>> No.15801188


If you really really really want to, you could probably rig a pulley system between the turntable and knob.

>> No.15801247


Like an actual belt drive turntable.

>> No.15801263

That's what I was getting at.

>> No.15801463

Does anyone know where to get EZ2AC, and if it can be played on Windows 7/10?

>> No.15801474

Endless Circulation was leaked from you-know-where and is on Nyaatorrents. It runs on W7.

>> No.15801958

How can I buy a SDVX (III if possible) cabinet? How much it cost?

>> No.15802003

Well,you're going to need to have a contact somewhere in Asia that can get a hold of one from a mom and pop arcade

then you're going to need to bypass the eamuse server connection in order for it to boot

but as far as cost goes,well that's where it varies

I've seen a few cabinets on KLOV for 8grand a while back,almost a year ago and that was in used condition

Not sure what they go for nowadays since they're not really popular in Asia anymore.It's still a game that's played by a decent number of people and it's still getting updated,but Chunithim seems to be the flavor of the month over there,so the appeal of SDVX has dwindled over there

>> No.15802087

Looks possible. Thanks.

>> No.15802104

it's very possible,but if money isn't an issue then go ahead anon,it's piss easy to bypass the connection requirement


>> No.15802276 [DELETED] 

Move on over boys

page 10 and autosaging

>> No.15802290

literally kill yourself

>> No.15802314

just don't post in it

>> No.15802373

do not post in this thread

>> No.15802389

what's the best place to buy a ddr mat for pc?

I found this one which looks nice but I haven't checked how trustworthy the sit is yet

>> No.15802413

Don't buy anything from DDR game ever.

>> No.15802457

Got it. What are some good places?

>> No.15802487

Who the fuck made you leader of these threads? Fucking end yourself.

>> No.15802497

If you're in Europe then your best bet would be getting one of these http://maty-taneczne.pl/produkt/mata-taneczna-ddr-usb-ex/
The other alternative would be an omega pad from precision dance pads.
Other than that you can try finding a used cobalt flux or something.

>> No.15803642


>> No.15803737


Reminder the OP of these threads has said he doesn't play rhythm games and is intentionally shitposting and creating new threads early for no reason, check the archives

don't let this /vg/ newfag piece of shit ruin our threads

>> No.15803762

Link? That'd be pretty funny to read.
