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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15755325 No.15755325 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>15722517

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Sengoku Providence:

>> No.15755495

Isn't there a table about stamina/player level of FKG?

>> No.15755629
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 242584jp-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started Kamihime project because of the bondage girl on the ad. It's cute and fun, with some small amount of rape. Anyone have experience playing it?

>> No.15755657

Everyone who is playing it is on ulmf discord, since its union-oriented. Significant amount of people dropped it tho, too grindy. Advent events require you to complete ult stage like over hundred of times, and you cannot auto it because auto doesn't use skills.
I'm just doing raid events for hime rewards and union event during burst times.

>> No.15755703

i don't mind relaxing grind. I guess I'll have to see.

>> No.15755873

For Nutaku FKG, what is the optimal way to do raids for Medi leaves?

Kill for yourself? Tap and host?

>> No.15755919

tap and host them if they're big bosses, you can do whatever you want to the smaller ones

>> No.15756008
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>> No.15756012

You refresh the page and enter the game until you get a raid boss, then you kill it. Any of a given number of activities (feeding affection items, feeding fairies etc.) will also get you shortlisted for raid boss recruitment, but refreshing is by far the easiest. After 2 or so days you should've gotten a decent number of leaves, so you can do the event maps and share the spawned raid bosses or, if you're greedy, just do fairy maps and such with your stamina.

FKG devs didn't like the scummy nature of refreshing 50-100 times in order to trivially clear raid boss events, and resolved the issue in the FKG dev way: by giving the players an even easier way of getting themselves on top of recruitment lists, and giving bosses 4mil-15mil HP so that 10+ people can get event items from them.

>> No.15756017

I thought Steam didn't allow straight pornography on their store?

>> No.15756097

I have to agree with this as the fastest way, refreshing got me a maxed Southern Cross in 2 days, 1 run of each map and then back to 13-5 leveling.

>> No.15756164

How good is Yuyu as a witch?

>> No.15756210

She's comparable to Belinda attack wise being just a few points lower at 535 for Yuyu and 533 for Belinda without AW buff for either, she's cheaper especially if you have Olivie.
Lastly she's great for War of magic too if you're struggling with it and not buying the buffs.
There are better witches but she's great when mincosted, if I could mincost her she'd be 9 cost when AW, Belinda would only be 12.

It all depends on what witches you have really whether its worth it.

>> No.15756589

It doesn't have nudity.

>> No.15756780

Kill for yourself. Don't try to be nice to other people and screw your own gain rate. There are a ton of raid bosses out there and two weeks to get nothing but the unit and their flowers. Everyone else will manage. Kill as fast as you can so you're not just throwing away raid points. Nutaku having half the raid points of DMM really hurts in these events and forces you to stay glued to the game as is.

Host after you're done if you want.

brb, preparing for apocalypse

>> No.15756807

Anything noteworthy about the next FKG stream? Looks like I'll probably miss it for work. And when can we input codes from the last one? October?

>> No.15757082

>Big Bang Empire on Steam

This is fucking cancer jesus christ

>> No.15757625

It's a spinoff stream, so expect fanart, small talk about the plot and promotion of the manga, LNs, Comiket goods, Hanahime collaboration and other side projects. We may even get something about the fourth LN, perhaps?

And yeah, it takes a good while before the codes are enabled for broadcasts, but the reward girls are on the weak side so it's not like you're losing much by waiting.

>> No.15757758

>take pornography off
>put it censored on steam
>create a nudity patch

See Sakura Dungeon, Nekopara, Huniepop...

>> No.15758093

but at least its something new

>> No.15758095

How do you get the codes?

Not in this case though. H scenes just don't exist.

>> No.15758115




>> No.15758118

>How do you get the codes?

Need a premium subscription to NND. There's a link on the stream page that lets you apply if you have one.

>> No.15759042

Second awakening when

>> No.15759093

It's okay as long as vanilla version doesn't have porn. Steam doesn't care about """unofficial""" 18+ patches.

Example: sakurwa series and its """"""unofficial"""""" patches.

>> No.15759112 [DELETED] 

>Have Chev and Asscat as my only golds
>need some other classes
>do a couple rolls
>Get Rama and Camilla

>> No.15759290
File: 36 KB, 566x390, Never Dig Up!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Come back from vacation, see the ticket gacha on Nutaku FKG and I end up using the saved 100 stones I had.

8 silvers.

That makes 13 11-pulls without gold. And the guaranteed tickets gave me one duplicate out of the three gacha golds I have. The other being Gerbera who has some dubious skills. The legend continues.

>> No.15759320

Tweet the devs or something. I get a gold nearly every 11-pull.

>> No.15759979

I expended flower stones for days refilling stamina, until I noticed that the these numbers were going down.
Am I the only retarded that did that?

>> No.15760009

Fucking Aigis for android crashing when I finish a mission. I really hate it this bullshit. You should automatically get the completion and items the moment it the moment the mission finishes.

>> No.15760528

Random stupid question.
Is that website known as "General Nataku" or it's just because it's a "General thread"?

>> No.15760739

Really sucks how so many maps require Anya. Damn bitch.

>> No.15760772


>> No.15760777
File: 431 KB, 1198x797, sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the 10+1 roll for the 5* ticket and got setaria, the 5* ticket gave me oncidium so that's pretty nice
>rolls a 10+1 in the dmm version and didn't even get a 5 star

>> No.15760884
File: 103 KB, 225x414, 4671b435cc34f3379e227d0cc27b1be9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translate it weebs (please)

it does nothing when i use it

>> No.15760912

i think it says that you're a faggot!

>> No.15760925

i have her and have never used her and i've beaten some level 10 majin maps

>> No.15761091

What alternative is there for her?

>> No.15761109

It's not like she's a healer, I don't see why you what role you would absolutely need her for. I do have some pretty strong melee units from Gacha, but none of them are really like Anya much. Plus Anya is two different roles depending on if you skill awaken her, I don't know which you're referring to.

>> No.15761209

Buff dispel. Removes 1 buff from target.

>> No.15761240

DMM FKG is back from maintenance. Looks like they added a 6* Alstromeria as login reward for 350 days.


>> No.15761252

Oh, and the collaboration flower is DMM points only. ;_;

>> No.15761257
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Oh baby. Turns out I still haven't reached the required number of days, though. Oh well.

The gacha for the collaboration with Hanahime Absolute is up now too, and you can get Nightmare (err, Knightmaher?) for 5000 DMM points. They also added second evolutions for Viola, Tsubaki/Camellia, Cosmos and Lavender.

>> No.15761260

>bloomed cosmos
fug i only have her in the nutaku client

>> No.15761264
File: 428 KB, 484x444, here it goes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lavender needs to talk with you, danchou
I'm scared to click that.

>> No.15761267

Everything will be diejoubu.

>> No.15761285

The fuck.

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission "The End of the Dark Knights" begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

>> No.15761296

She's available in the Limited 1/3 and Premium gachas too, but her rate isn't boosted. Better crack open your wallet if you want her.

>> No.15761299

Well that's a disappointing event, at least the silver drops are good I guess.

>> No.15761301

No Anon, you will not-
>it's true
The fuck...
>still no Yurina
What the fuck is going on.

>> No.15761317
File: 258 KB, 960x640, alstroemeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, I have all four of the second evolving girls this week. Too bad I also have 9 more girls and now Alstroemeria to get to level 70.

All of them have 3-target attacks, though, so I'll be set pretty much forever on the ultimate front once I get around to evolving them.

>> No.15761330

Is her stats any good? Or is it like that free sapphire they gave on Aigis?

>> No.15761351

Slightly nerfed second ability (25% attack to two party members, rainbow standard is 35%) and skill (2x damage to all targets, rainbow standard is 2.2x-2.4x), compensated by the fact that her first ability is the much-coveted skill rate up.

>> No.15761356
File: 489 KB, 486x629, CuteUpgrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I'm pretty blown away with the second awakening for Tsubaki.

Still sounds pretty decent, though I do have a fair amount of skill up units. I guess I'll level her.

>> No.15761358

>comparing FKG unit stats to Aigis unit stats ever


>> No.15761363

Oh, and her H-scene looks nice, though it isn't anything too exciting.

I was just using an example to get across what I meant. Basically I was asking if it was nerfed for a rainbow.

>> No.15761374

FKG does have the equivalent of Aigis sapphires in Wintersweet, Agave and so on, which are ostensibly golds but have heavily nerfed stats because they're broadcast/LN freebies.

>> No.15761378

>all targets
Speaking of this, Lavender's skill targets 4 enemies, but unless I'm suffering from some weirdly specific amnesia, I don't recall ever seeing more than 3 enemies at once. Was this an oddity from back when the game first launched?

>> No.15761389

It probably is, like Yamayuri requiring only 1 100-year dragon.

Also a relic is her "increase recovery from heal panels by 3x" ability (shared only by Gentian, I think), which was nigh-useless when she first came out but also made her her on par with Cymbidium on ultimate maps.

>> No.15761445

Event is supposed to have Nenya and Kagerou or I guess Calliope and Harissa again

>> No.15761512

At least there will be event instead of another 4 weeks break.
Still, skipping introduction of dark knights and jumping straight into their demise is weird, but seems like they just don't give any fuck about consistency.

>> No.15761518

Oh, and it pretty much confirms that Fran, Anna and anniversary goodies, and Eriza are skipped forever just like Yurina, Chloe, Noel and so on.

>> No.15761604
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Awful color scheme for her costume.

>> No.15761631

I assume its autumn themed but totally doesn't fit the hair color

>> No.15761638

There's a way to see how many days I've logged on FKG? I play it more than a year but I didn't see to have got the girl yet.

>> No.15761661

Anyone know the srial code for Kamipro?

>> No.15761664

Those delicious tits, though. She really has grown.

>> No.15761698

I don't think there is a way to check your total login days, but when you are close to the next login bonus, during the daily login reward, there will be a notice running at the bottom of the screen to tell you how many days left for the next reward.

>> No.15761701

I see, thanks for the info

>> No.15761744
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That ear-twitch is really tempting.

>> No.15761806
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Bloomed Lavender is moe.

>> No.15761960

>Shiropro x Aigis collab
My 3 days of playing Shiropro will finally pay off.

>> No.15762696

So we have to clear some maps in shiropro to get a unit in Aigis? Or what?

>> No.15762697

What is the best map to farm black fairies? Also, is it even worth it to do them since Phalanx 2 gives so many rubies and is only three stamina?

>> No.15762704

I've been playing FKG on DMM for a while now, but never paid much attention to stats. How important is equipment? How to choose which girl gets what? What equipment should you level?

>> No.15762754
File: 681 KB, 1294x758, 0ElOrVc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she'll remain completely useless

>> No.15762763

Different person, but I dunno if they mentioned the Aigis-side rewards yet though. But for Shiropro you can get the equivalent of 30 SC for reaching a certain point in Aigis. It's likely there's a similar reward for the opposite.

>> No.15762768

>30 SC
Thats a lot
Hope it won't be too hard

>> No.15762774

I've found that equipment is super important early on, but becomes progressively less so the further you go on. For Event Girls, I just give them a full set of event equip. For non-event girls, I prioritize giving them a +1000 Attack Silver Ring first. Then just slowly add on other random stuff if I'm lucky enough to get a dupe to unlock more equip slots.

>> No.15762793

Equipment is important for whale fights (you can get extra 100k of stats if equip every flower knight on whale), and can give you needed edge in extra dungeons.

>> No.15762813

From daily revivals, which heavy armor is better?
Maribel or Miranda?
In my opinion, Maribel is kinda shit even with the AW skill and passive desu.

>> No.15762884

They're both shit
Just use a Bernice

>> No.15763120

If you have a single worthwhile black to use and level then you'll need black fairys and lots of them. Black fairys are worth 10x what any ruby means and I have 60+ black fairys sitting doing nothing. The best map for getting them is the dailys if not dwarfs vs giants is the best.

>> No.15763167

shiropro is that castle girls game right similar to aigis?

>> No.15763354

Yes, All-Ages only though.

>> No.15763819
File: 1.23 MB, 960x640, p.fuwafuwa.moe-ucwksc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my third rainbow. First on July 27, second on August 10.

>> No.15763828
File: 275 KB, 1272x716, tiddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to try shiropro
>get medieval japan aigis with growing giant samurai girls
Wow this game is weird

>> No.15763973
File: 163 KB, 346x244, 2222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will miss having enough gold posts for daily draws for a month.
Kanpani Girls 2nd Anniversary event starting soon.

>> No.15764097

Any help with shiropro? There are some things I don't understand

>> No.15764229

You lucky bastard. How about you give me some of that luck?

What's the problem?

>> No.15764631
File: 2.34 MB, 958x1274, i cri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I got a new one this time.

>> No.15764681


Congratulations on getting Hop. Now go feed her all your ampules and watch her solo (team support abilities required) raid bosses while insisting she's not drunk.


I really liked the enemy design, what with the cute hiding ninjas. Too bad the grind stopped me from getting too deeply into it - I dropped Aigis too: TD grind wasn't for me.

>> No.15765247 [DELETED] 

How do I check how many orbs I have with this new Aigis UI?

>> No.15765334

Go to the class change/awakening page (left middle button under Unit) and click the button in the bottom right.

>> No.15765379
File: 17 KB, 475x183, 天穹ノ彼方の錬星郷 X指定 - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Win 10 AND ABOVE, not even a single word from game management for last several days despite release being scheduled for today, seems like SoraKana is going to be even bigger wreck than KamiHime.

>> No.15765595

>Win 10 AND ABOVE,
I somehow doubt that they actually understand what does that phrase mean.

>> No.15766283

Muv Luv has really done a great job at making me not want to play their game before it even comes out. I understood the time sensitive two slot reserve. I came late, no big deal.
This slot machine on the other hand, nah.

>> No.15766373
File: 907 KB, 986x670, kamihime project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I unlock ero scenes in Kamihime Project?

>> No.15766567

16:30 JPT, SoraKana still not released, no tweets or other info.
Was there any DMM game which was released on time, without bugs and series of urgent maintenances?

>> No.15766687
File: 564 KB, 1149x586, 78acc862ea24e25c447c75c881b2de4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see Aigis monsters in ShiroPro

>> No.15766709

Why is best girl fighting along monsters?

>> No.15766923

Since shiropro character sprites have numerous expressions, Sybilla's unchanging deadpan face looks hilarious

>> No.15767022

Level up the character.

>> No.15767024

Since dev tea usually swaps out Kagerou for Harissa, does that mean that the 50/4 dark knight map drops two Harissas?

>> No.15767076

I'm glad I had so many bandits AWed, they are terrific against dark knights.

>> No.15767107

I haven't played ShiroPro in a while, but didn't someone say something about needing progress of some kind in it to get something in Aigis? Do I need to hop back in and start poking at this map?

>> No.15767134
File: 374 KB, 1277x716, 24563784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complete lack of sound effect and voice acting during your attack phase makes battles feel awkward as hell.
And the animation is a bit too slow, I hope there is a speed up button later.

>> No.15767140

its on maintenance, i doubt they would be like that, let's wait a little and see if it gets better after maintenance

>> No.15767148

Its not maintenance, its "prereg gacha screen appearing randomly" bug, devs said you should hit ctrl-f5 few times or clear cache or do vodoo dance if it appears.

>> No.15767149

It's actually running right now, need to clear cache and refresh a bit to get into the game.
Quite slow and buggy at the moment though.

>> No.15767153

dang, gonna try it now then

>> No.15767187
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Also holy shit these maps are hard. I don't think dmm had such difficult events in a while

>> No.15767197
File: 1.58 MB, 1146x646, 7 star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, wasted my gacha luck on a game no one cares about.

>> No.15767203

Holy shit, it's always like that, impressive, and nice saber

>> No.15767205

> I don't think dmm had such difficult events in a while
What. Its fucking trivial compared to, say, Mirno's star trial.

>> No.15767209

Dono and Prince level reward for ShioPro, not sure about for Aigis.

>> No.15767221
File: 161 KB, 1382x784, ss+(2016-08-30+at+09.46.38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True quality japanese coding.
Hundreds of non-compressed non-minified js scripts, with forced no-cache, on non-scalable server dying under load.

>> No.15767227

I used to farm 12-5 for SG and the occasional ampule easily maxing units before receiving new ones, but with event maps now dropping life stones I switched to them. Thing is I'm amassing lots of them and I already had bought the rainbow flower and raising units is now getting quite slow. Should I keep farming them or switch back to exp?. Do life stone rewards get better in the future?

>> No.15767245

Wow. That's surprisingly easy.

>> No.15767247

The hard part is actually getting characters to level.

>> No.15767293

You also need some limit breaks to get to scenes, if I remember correctly.

>> No.15767306

1st scene requires 1st lb, and 2nd scene requires 3rd lb.

>> No.15767362

Funny, clicked on "switch me to all-ages version" link in "games list" of 18+ dmm, and it just let me in and allowed to play ShiroPro w/out any VPN or cookies fuckery.
Did they stop gaijin persecution entirely or I'm just lucky for some reason? (Probably all these thousands yen I wasted on shit games like Mononofu)

>> No.15767385
File: 23 KB, 277x203, No fucks given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I was, deep on my well contemplating pic related while meditating about my shit luck since I've never seen a flower stone drop since the beta where I got three of them. Did they nerf the drop rates or it's just me being me.

>> No.15767393

They are just that rare.

>> No.15767439

It mysteriously disappeared like two months or so ago, much to everyone's surprise.

>> No.15767456
File: 385 KB, 166x804, 0VVb0z0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we really get 30 SCs
Are the requirements the same? I'll need to level my shiropro lord to lv15?

>> No.15767461

Also, is there some kind of auto-complete in it? The best map I can clear at the moment is pretty damn long

>> No.15767467


btw, plating Kamipro since the start, the game is getting better with eeach update and they are giving more stones and rewards, events got better too, and my lucky has improved, two SSR girls already only using that gacha ticket, I have 5 now as a free player.

And the Union event was nice cause I could get a lot of things even when I didn't partake on killing the bosses.

>> No.15767471

after you finish a stage you can try the hard version of it, it's right beside it, and then after completing it a red buttom will be available besides it, IT is the autocomplete buttom

>> No.15767486
File: 24 KB, 181x190, cherrysage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, wait a second....

>> No.15767490
File: 159 KB, 960x640, cherrysageoriginal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutaku I thought we were past this bullshit.

>> No.15767498

We went over this last thread. Nutaku's policy has apparently switched to "censor the banners, leave stuff in-game alone".

>> No.15767501

She looks normal in the event banner at the bottom but we know by now that this means precisely fuck all.

>> No.15767503

That's...cute of them? But the banner at the bottom is actually untouched, making this kind of weirder.

>> No.15767509

She's fine if you draw her and when she's in the story cutscenes, at least.

>> No.15767523

That's good news, at least. Still kind of bizarre behavior, though.

>> No.15767540

With how eagerly the girls are undressing when growing or getting attacked, they should've just made shiropro a R-18 game

>> No.15767604
File: 1.38 MB, 1404x1750, 58719506_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15767616

Aisha and Memento banners on Aigis don't make a lick of sense either. Just nod your head and take solace in the fact that they at least stopped going full retard on this.

>> No.15767733

Did anyone receive their collab bonus yet? I'm level 6 on shiropro, and 200 on Aigis, but nothing on either of them.

They cannot keep fooling regulators forever tho, one day they will find out and nutaku will crush under load of fines.

>> No.15767759

Oh, never mind, I misread announcement. They will deliver presents at sept 20.

>> No.15767771

When are they going to deliver our rewards and or our pre gacha girls?

>> No.15767789

No date yet, probably after the server becomes more stable.

>> No.15767790

This makes me lose the will to play it

>> No.15767819

What is this 30 SC event thing?

>> No.15767828

If you reach 15+ level on both shiropro and aigis all-ages (shares data with other versions), you get 30 gacha stones in both games.

>> No.15767845

How long does it take to get to 15 on shiropro? Also, being rank 15+ in the adult version of Aigis is fine too? Just wanted to confirm as I am not sure because if it is both, why did you specify all-ages.

>> No.15767853

The same account is used for both Aigis-R and Aigis All Ages, and I assume it's because Shiro Pro is an All-Ages game. Just log in All-Ages Aigis once or something and you should be fine.

>> No.15767860

>being rank 15+ in the adult version of Aigis is fine too?
Data is shared, so you are same rank in both.
> why did you specify all-ages
Because they said
on twitter.
I dunno what they mean "18+ is not included". Maybe you need to login on all-ages aigis or something.

>> No.15767895

Maria or Fran? I am mostly interested in reinforcing my team against Bifrons

>> No.15767960

Honestly I think Fran is more useful for Bifrons. They both pale in comparison to the bullshit of Elizabeth though.

>> No.15768037

Can someone explain what that anvil menu in shiropro does?

>> No.15768061

Top row: build shiromusu, empower weapon
Second row: sell shiromusu, sell weapon
Third row: check weapons you have

>> No.15768142

I still don't quite get it.
It doesn't seem like you feed the weapons to your girls, right? So what are those shiromusu they're used for?

>> No.15768183

Shiromusu == your girls. Shiro is "castle" in japanese. You build them or roll in gachas.
You can equip one weapon of appropriate type to each shiromusu, and feed weapons to other weapons for bonus stats.

>> No.15768244

I've been wondering about this. Lechenaultia's skill says it hits 8 enemies. When would that even happen?

The wiki says something different, though, which makes me wonder if it was a Nutaku error, like a typo or something...

>> No.15768249

It's a noted Nutaku error.


>> No.15768258

That stones you use to build the girls can be used any other way?

>> No.15768292

do Dark Knights attack both blocked units? Or only one?

>> No.15768299

I never got Nazuna to appear when I hit HOME on the DMM ver.

Is it random if I wait for it, or can I tell right away its not going to happen?

>> No.15768302

Only 1.

>> No.15768307


>> No.15768343

Thats pretty damn useless then
Only Cornelia seems remotely useful because of her anti-undead/demon AW ability

>> No.15768351

Oh boy, Idol War Z on Nutaku is keeping me from participating in Dream Fest because they don't have the proper servers to allow so many people to play.
So my team is probably losing and there is zero I can do about it.
Maybe I'll quit the only Nutaku game I'm playing.

>> No.15768366
File: 543 KB, 950x740, YouSayThisFourTimesADayYouBitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so tired of seeing this picture.

>> No.15768381

But it isn't open right now

>> No.15768388

The times vary for everyone.

>> No.15768410
File: 300 KB, 1141x643, not so lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice to spend luck on this game

>> No.15768476

Wow, I know they're supposed to be castles and shit, but isn't that design a little much?

>> No.15768483

The only girl I've seen till now that looks like that

>> No.15768644
File: 123 KB, 450x637, 5578903678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She appears after a few seconds, so just wait a bit then retry if you don't see her.
Well, they do have normal clothes without all the castle parts when they aren't in battles.

>> No.15768782


Yeah... that's not gonna be 'hotfixed' away. The usual combat system designed with misguided priorities decides it: dropping.

>> No.15769345


Is there a /jp/ group for idol wars or are you playing on random strangers team?

>> No.15769446

>can't participe Dream Fest
Thanks Nutaku

>> No.15769454
File: 729 KB, 720x1280, dreamfest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh so it's not just me? I'm new and thought I was doing something wrong.

>> No.15769464
File: 452 KB, 940x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different reason for me.

>> No.15769476


Do you know why my participate button is blocked? I only had one battle ever.

>> No.15769502

Coming from the opposite end... Is anyone ABLE to get into this DF?

>> No.15769507
File: 903 KB, 576x1024, dreamfest combo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also is 10+ combos hard in an active team (assuming I can ever enter dreamfest)?

That is my last objective for sheet #2. She isn't wearing a tail-plug like that other catgirl but is still adorable.

>> No.15769514

10 is stupid easy. Just keep refreshing til you see "Combo Chance" on a command, and use the cheapest one.

Last card requires 100+, but you don't need to do it all in one DF.

>> No.15769522


Thats good. My first dreamfest last night only had like 2 players on and our highest combo was 3 or some shit like that.

>> No.15769534

Can't get into it. As expected of Nutaku

>> No.15769538

Btw, it's not the number of combos for your production, but your personal combo count.

You have to contribute to a combo x number of times.

>> No.15769550


So go cheap skills, and refresh points through roulette/quest?

>> No.15769559

Yep. Save up QP if you can before a DF.
If you're good at roulette, you can get 70 every time. Or play it safe and aim for the 40-50s, because getting 3x30 sucks.

>> No.15769570


I found it was pretty easy to get 70 the few spins I had last night.

Are the scouting SR roulette prize things similar? You actually click here you want it to stop and that is your prize?

>> No.15769589

>DF over
>couldn't participate
Good job Nutaku.

>> No.15769597

As far as I can tell, yes.

DF ended with no results to report. Guessing the festival didn't even happen server side. Good times.

How high is everyone on their overall performance? I'm struggling to break 600k, even with a fully SR +3xSSR team. They aren't max level, but jeez, hitting 1.1million seems like a pipe dream.

>> No.15769608


I'm the guy who started yesterday and the only SSR I have is the free catgirl one that just appeared somehow.

I haven't spent yet but this has rage of bahamut vibe to it that has me anxious.

>> No.15769656
File: 421 KB, 798x617, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten a single SSR so far besides the free one.

>> No.15769665



Is she 100% tsunder?

>> No.15769728

Just upgrade and limit break SRs and SSRs. Use spare Rs as training fodder

>> No.15770528
File: 1.13 MB, 715x1103, reverse trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew there were reverse traps in this.

>> No.15770855

>Network traffic is extremely high at the moment.
Well... This... This is worse.

>> No.15770868


Yea I can't get in either. Their servers are grossly undersized for this kind of event. The player base in theory is supposed to be divided up into multiple time slots to reduce congestion but it isn't working.

>> No.15770893

>Thank you for playing Idol Wars.
>On 30th August, we encountered a issue on Dream Fest.
>Due to this issue, the opponent matching process for some users
>wasn't proceeded.
>Now we have fixed the issue.
>Dream Fest is working properly.
>As the compensation, we sent a winning reward
>and a participation reward to you.
>Please check your Gift page.
>Idol Wars Development Team

Lies... You think an R ticket and some DOL will make up for this?! I'm just 23 combos away.

>> No.15770910

And they still haven't fixed it.

>> No.15770924

what game?

>> No.15770936

>Rion Kanbe is a woman idol who dresses in men's attire.

Idol... something.

>> No.15771220

Do be reminded that the FKG spin-off broadcast is to begin in around 6 hours.

It will be about FKG-related merchandise rather than game updates, but the usual NND premium rewards apply, so people who missed Lampranthus from the last broadcast can get her from here.

>> No.15771341

This Aigis event made me sad... People aren't allowed to die D;

>> No.15771436

Oh, you mean Nutaku. Tried to figure who died in healer event for quite a while.

Danchou didn't really die, he came back in DMM as rainbow crystals unit, apparently he was too annoying for denizens of hell to keep him there.

>> No.15771442

That line.
>...and no penis, I think.
You would think he would want to be more sure of that before he started the groping.

>> No.15771651

I've done like 7 x11 in FKG but haven't gotten any 6* girl, nothing weird here or this game hates me too?

>> No.15771686

Nothing out of the norm, try 20 times and then you can complain.

Old DMM threads had someone who had no golds in 7 11x rolls, for the record.

>> No.15771723

I've played for so long and never even rolled a 6*.

>> No.15771730

It's been nearly a year since my last 6*(only 1), so no it's not unusual to go a long time without one.

>> No.15771743

Should I just roll immediately at shiropro, or there's something I need to save up gacha stones for?
Doing 25+ stamina maps with 1* girls is getting hard, seems like I either lack levels or rarity, or both.

>> No.15771789

you can just do rolls or save up to do 10 rolls, since it has the chance to get Kai Shiromusu.

Gacha stone can also used for upgrade the capacity for weapon and castle girls, and add more slots for contruction

>> No.15771801

I have never got a 6 star girls from FKG aside from pity login reward.

Like Aigis, you mostly use them for character expansion.

You really need at least 3 star characters for higher level stuff. Especially one with spirit generation stratagem like the 3 star bunny girl with the headset.

Just complete the missions then do the 10 rolls.

>> No.15771903

If you're just looking to get to level 15 for Aigis, just do stamina refills instead of rolling.

>> No.15772222

I've done 13 x 11 without a 5* girl. Get on my level. Kill me.

>> No.15772321

Hows Yurina as a MR tank? Or should I use my black angel as a lightning rod for all the magic attacks and not bother?

>> No.15772454

In case anyone cares, the ninja drop on the 50/4 stam dark knight map is still there, it's just the guy ninja for some reason instead of Kagerou

>> No.15772467

It depends on the circumstances but personally, I prefer using angel. They're cheaper, higher MR and can take heavier beating. My Chloe do a really good job being a jailbait and I'm sure your Sophie (I assumed) can do way better.

>> No.15772561

The gods are sending the message that you should stop playing.

>> No.15772583

Eh, I'm trying to get it from work, but the network blocks are making it do weird stuff. Has an error message about terminating the connection to the comment server and then it keeps reloading the video feed.

Grabbed my present registration, at least, but I did want to watch it.

If they talk about the next novel, hopefully someone will be so kind as to share who the new girl is.

>> No.15772646

>collab event for 35+ SCs
>rewards a 10k exp fox
>second part of star trial starts
Collab events are really good for refilling my SC reserves after an item farm event

>> No.15772682

>rewards a 10k exp fox
You mean the one in shiropro if you beat sybilla on hard mode?
What kind of team you need for it? I've tried hard, and got defeated by first gobbo rush.

>> No.15772689

Yeah, It just might be that. I mean, what are the chances?

>Get 13 11-pulls on a row without gold or rainbows
>Get the same 5* girl twice from the guaranteed gachas at the start.
>Visa card refuses to buy gold from Nutaku (might be for the best indeed) . Relents for some reason only for that jewish step-up gacha. Succumb and roll a rainbow, by that time I think there weren't many lolis, probably just Hanamomo. Pray for anything but her, nothing against them, just simply more of a curvy onee-san type. Get Hanamomo.
>Manage to chain 14 50% failures with Momiji ( 1/16384)
>Spend 18 rainbow fairies to get a char from 4/5 to 5/5 and 17 to get another to 4/5 from 2/5.
>Manage to get a unit to 5/5 without fairies for the first time, unbelievable luck, turns to be Emilia, widely regarded as trash and fail to mincost her.
>13 Sanosukes, and that's after mincosting him and getting him to 4/5 and using him as fodder. Last three silvers from the shrine were him. Got one silver out of the full run on the current event. Sanosuke.
>Spent 500k yesterday on the shrine. Got only one silver. Sanosuke.
>Actually get something good out of a pre-reg gacha. The best unit ( that AR girl from that awful Shooting Girls game ) in only two tries. She's given for free just for login a few days anyways.

These are only a few occurrences, I'm sure I'm forgetting ( thank the Gods ) many more. Kinda amazing, in a painful way.

>> No.15772695

No, there will be an Aigis event tomorrow

-Collaboration Celebration Mission "Runaway from Another World" (異世界からの逃亡者) Begins (Until September 8th 10:00)!
+Completion-type mission with 'Senko' (千狐) as completion reward.
++Senko is a synthesis unit worth 10,005xp (can be combined with fairies for a max of 80,040xp).

>> No.15772741

So, does Idol Wars have actual events incoming or is it just new Gachas periodically? And if they do have events, what are they like?

>> No.15772953

Is it worth it to try remodel 2* into 3* in shiropro? Seems like you need tons of 2* fodder for it.

>> No.15773044
File: 43 KB, 335x113, 千年戦争アイギス - オンラインゲーム - DMM.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even in spotlight.

>> No.15773095

Thats retarded

>> No.15773116
File: 17 KB, 93x112, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+Completion-type mission with 'Senko' (千狐) as completion reward.

A reminder for anon to buy revive crystals if the event is too hard! soon

>> No.15773136

I just got 50 Flower Gem for the first time in FKG, in which Gacha should I spend them?

>> No.15773205

If on Nutaku, get the 5* ticket. If on DMM, just pick the one with the spotlight units you like more.

>> No.15773583


Are there lewd foxes in this game or just cute foxes?

>> No.15773624

There is only a scamming fox in this game.

>> No.15773632


Is she fluffy at least?

>> No.15773708
File: 60 KB, 255x296, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't lewd the fox.

>> No.15773711
File: 133 KB, 917x674, oshiro04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She certainly looks fat enough.

>> No.15773747


That tail is huge. I approve.

>> No.15773783
File: 525 KB, 608x948, 53668456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's as big as her after all.

>> No.15773893
File: 1.13 MB, 960x2559, mimosaattempts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saving up for the unlikely chance of getting Mimosa (and a much better shot at Rosemary), and well, I guess I can die happy now.

Speaking of these two, Rosemary recently had a rival (?) introduced in her Tanabata lines, so we might be hearing more from them in the future. Perhaps they will even go for a full-blown alchemist event, with Strelitzia and possibly Lady's Mantle (since it just wouldn't do to leave Alchemilla out of an alchemist event, and loli knight devs probably won't pass on the chance to make a loli alchemist out of a plant called the "little alchemist").

>> No.15773901


>> No.15773907
File: 304 KB, 318x389, originaltomatopastedonotsteal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15773921

But only one was from SC anyway.

>> No.15773934

Do they eventually repeat the events? I mean if you start playing late wouldn't that mean that you will never have the chance to get some girls?

>> No.15773985

Basically any game with events will have those events return as "Revivals". Though it's generally better to be around for the original event.

>> No.15773988
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20160831-120259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hey, the plat ticket let me finish my witch collection. That's something to be happy about right?

>> No.15773998

now max out all of them and do witch coven playthrough videos

>> No.15774007

Maybe if I get Towa.

>> No.15774230

>Though it's generally better to be around for the original event.

>> No.15774232
File: 155 KB, 760x640, rubinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used my platinum ticket and got...a dupe. But a dupe I'm quite happy to get, since I recently managed to make her one of my first awakened units.

>> No.15774251

Because a lot of times the Revival (on DMM anyways), takes place at the same time as a new event. So if you haven't done the original event, now you have to split your Stamina between both unless you give up on one.

>> No.15774270

And the non drop revivals are brought back through revival crystals and traded for in the trade post, which means an item collection that may take 1400 to max will almost always take more than 1400 to get the equal effect through revivals because instead of guaranteed skill up or cost down, it's a chance to.

>> No.15774294

Don't revival copies have a guaranteed cost -2 each? Swear I read that somewhere.

Or is it different for item collection revivals?

>> No.15774315

they have a higher chance than normal units, I think it's double? but going below the inflated event cost which is +2 is still very luck dependent.

>> No.15774452


You bastard, not only do you get your dream 6* waifu, you even get a DUPE of Viola Mk II. Srs Gratz.

>> No.15774487
File: 157 KB, 186x413, fkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, even between 6*s are levels.

>> No.15774499

She looks less dangerous like that.

>> No.15774531

It's not like she can do anything to you but bitch endlessly over how you're looking in the vague direction of another girl or how you're not paying her attention 24/7 anyway.

>> No.15774620


>> No.15774823

She's a big girl.

>> No.15774899

You can't even see her in that screenshot. Viola Mk II has to been seen in-game to understand that screenshot.

>> No.15775116

Oh for fucks sake.

Dreamfest is functional again, but I am only active player. I tried to solo-combo but it doesn't work and I can't advance my quest.

I spammed 15 solo actions within the 5 minute timer but none of it counted.

>> No.15775122

Same here I'm the only active player. Maybe /jp/ should make it's own group.

>> No.15775127


Are there more than 3 people playing this?

>> No.15775743

What's the tactic to deal with huge bosses in shiropro? They reach my camp faster than I can kill them and dono just cannot endure their attack even with healer's support.
Should I use those witch (or miko or whatever that class is) to slow them down?

>> No.15775791

Yes. they also good against heavy armored units, combined with gunners and that will give a little knockback against the enemy back a little and spear units, you are golden.

Also don't forget to use stratagems to your advantage. There are units that can place stuff to slow enemies down and stratagems that increase allies dps.

>> No.15775794

I usually just spam gunners around the area when the bosses would walk into, then put a spear unit to stall them and hope the gunners can kill them before they reach tono. Having girls that can use attack skills like lighting strike or falling rocks would help too.

>> No.15775937

Ok, I'm having a blast in Kamihime. I don't know how long that'll last. Discord, someone I asked told me that's a chat program? Is it English? I'm interested in going further in this game but I have to know what I'm doing.

>> No.15775975

It's as English as the people in the room are. It's like IRC but with mandatory accounts IIRC.

>> No.15775976

Nevermind, I found the wiki

>> No.15776115

Man, its so annoying that every second DMM game doesn't work right when your local timezone is not Tokyo. It took me several months to figure that dungeon you unlock with gold keys in X-OverD doesn't open for me because I have different timezone, and it records open time in JPT but checks my local time when deciding if its still open.
Now this Tokyo Exe Girls event is same shit, raid bosses start in JPT, but immediately disappear because I'm different timezone.

>> No.15776620

for ppl who play X-Overd you can join us on https://discord.gg/3qprg6K
We are still a few but we will grow stonger together !

>> No.15776771

This subjugation is ridiculous. And even the first 4 stam map of the second half is tearing me apart. Fuck this shit.

>> No.15776797

Another event unit with utterly shit AW art. Aigis, wtf.

>> No.15776816
File: 747 KB, 937x560, 千年戦争アイギス - オンラインゲーム - DMM.com (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone else is wondering too where the fuck is collab event, its in all-ages version.

>> No.15776825

oh, thanks for reminding me
I knew it, but logged into R-18 by force of habit and was wondering where it is

>> No.15776843

Holy fuck, that tank from last wave is even worse than completed mythril golem. Its really better to not attack it.

>> No.15776848

I thought I could take it until it oneshot my tank, healer and half of ranged slots

>> No.15776855

what the fuck is this 40/4 map I've had easier times doing level 8 majin maps than this shit

>> No.15776922

kamihime discord?

>> No.15776931

What is X-Overd and how is it?

I'm playing LoW and ever since the collab event began, I've been interested.

>> No.15776939

Looks like you need to cheese out the oni by deploying ranged units behind their backs.

More importantly, everyone's favorite faction is back in full ensemble, now with Bifrons' power-up gimmick. Beelzebub is looking to be the next target now.

>> No.15776945
File: 207 KB, 960x638, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No kidding, these two are pure bullshit
50/5 map is much easier, 3-star it on first try

>> No.15776962

What does that EXP unit do anyways? Should I even use her or should I consider it a trophy unit?

>> No.15776970

She's worth two black armors, which is an absurd amount of exp.

But she's cute so I'm keeping mine as a trophy.

>> No.15776976

80000 exp when used with 3 fairies.

>> No.15776987

I guess I'm going to have to buy the boosts on this one.

>> No.15776992

do you lose the all ages unit when you go back to r-18?

>> No.15776996

just use ranged units its easy

>> No.15777002

No, but it might be not available on 18+.

>> No.15777003
File: 733 KB, 1920x1968, Beelzebub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adult Beelzebub is humanoid
I like how he looks like a toku villain now, but SMT 'bub is so iconic that I'm somewhat disappointed we didn't get something like him.

I mean, look at this thing. You could spot him in a crowd of 10000 people and instantly say "yes, this is the embodiment of flies and pestilence".

>> No.15777017

That'd require me to have a ranged unit that has both good range and good hitting power.
I either have one or the other. Maybe I'll be able to save up enough crystals to awaken another girl or finally beat the awaken only unit map so I can finally get around to skill awakening Aisha, we'll see.

>> No.15777033

Their range isn't that high, a bunch of witches/mages will whittle them down easily.

Once only one of them is left, tanking him is very possible too.

>> No.15777038

Where would you recommend tanking them?
On the seperate paths before they merge?

I have a bad habit of throwing everything down at a bottleneck, which always comes back to bite me when an enemy with the ability to hit multiple targets stroll by.

By the way, on that Angel map on the SFW version, how do you deal with that angel with HP regen that fires at random units? It's absolutely frustrating.

>> No.15777042
File: 28 KB, 186x208, 1470946643443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Angel map on the SFW version
The only map unique to SFW version is the collab event

>> No.15777044
File: 260 KB, 755x246, 御城プロジェクト RE~CASTLE DEFENSE~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.com (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got 50 gacha stones, rolled 10.
2 5*, 1 6*, not too bad I guess? No shields or cannons, just classes I've already had tho.

What do I do with dupe? LB first one?

>> No.15777048

You're right, my mistake, but the Subjugation map

>> No.15777050
File: 675 KB, 1000x1421, 58760491_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard-bearer Kerry is cute

>> No.15777065

Fire oni goes bottom road, thunder oni goes top, I'd recommend killing the former first and tanking the latter with a valkyrie on the middle-left spot, with healers on further left.

I got the fire oni left at fairly low HP, so I "tanked" him by tossing Racua and some tokens at him.

>> No.15777072

Thank you very much for the advice, anon.
Will try that next time.

>> No.15777269

Or you can keep them as remodel fodder.

>> No.15777328

Not bad, Sunpu have low deploy and giant transformation cost with nice range to boot.

I don't have shield and cannon class and still does fine with magic, gunner, hammer, crossbow, spear and sword units combination. Never used healer units. and I have no idea how useful a shield unit would be when you can have hammer who is tanky and can still hits hard. Cannon would probably be useful against ranged boss units, other than that I can't figure out any uses for them.

Yeah limit break if you intend to use them in the long run and use the ones you don't need for kai upgrades or just keep them for your collection.

>> No.15777437

Damn I really don't have any pirate in my main team. Should I train one of the silvers, buy Mouret or wait for Sabrina?

>> No.15777687

Huh, it seems like Senko doesn't exist in R-18 version after all
Guess I'll have to relogin to feed her

>> No.15777742

So best use for Senko is to move a AW black from 75 to 99, right?

>> No.15777975

I'm debating between that or fast-tracking a CC1 black to CC80 and throwing away ~5400 EXP in the process.

Neither sounds like a great idea just because of the effort involved in taking an AW1 black to 75 in the first place. I'm not made of black fairies.

>> No.15777988

I found this Dark Knight's event quite fun, tricky, yet not unfair. It's great to actually use your brain a bit instead of falling to the usual routine or overpower with numbers.

Judging by this mess of a schedule we seem to have, it would be Nagi or Rorone next right? Would you recommend maxing Nagi or just dumping all SCs to the Goddess?

>> No.15778021

Random cannoneers spawning in the middle of the map or cavaliers running circles around the map while dark aura is in effect wasn't my idea of fair.

G maps were noticeably more straightforward and easier though.

>> No.15778216

Night-Maher looks fun.


>> No.15778230

How do i get Cloris on dmm?

>> No.15778256

Wait until her daily revival comes back around. She's been moved into that rotation.

>> No.15778257

Ranged units always target in reverse placement. In other words, place your squishies first and desired tanks last.

>> No.15778270

Well that kinda sucks. Thanks.

>> No.15778273

Yeah, but the benefit is you can get multiple copies now and CR her. Good luck.

>> No.15778282
File: 228 KB, 959x640, best witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it for her

>> No.15778283

huh shiropro is voiced how is aigis even popular when it has no voices?

>> No.15778302

Pretty much every semi-popular DMM game is voiced, its just aigis being aigis.
Most likely they are too greedy to invest into voicing every single character and story, and if they do voices for new chars only, it will cause uproar.

>> No.15778329

Anna and Katie have voices in commercials, but for some reason they won't invest anything into the game.

>> No.15778363

The game is going to be out of top 10 soon most popular soon if they don't do something. It's already consistently out of top 3. It's a shame that this game is going to die before I roll a single black.

>> No.15778448

Is there anything good about Despara? I have so many minimum costed witches already.

>> No.15778516

About 100atk more than platinum witches, higher attack speed, skill awakening makes her aoe machinegun

>> No.15779213
File: 73 KB, 600x848, She's perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's not to love about her, you swine! You will treat her with respect!

>> No.15779273

Wow, just realized that I could trick Nutaku into thinking I signed in on a mobile device with Opera.
Opera's developer tool has a function that lets you view what a page would look like on a number of mobile devices. I selected iPhone 6 and signed in and played a game.
Got both achievemetns. Now I feel zero need to purchase a fancy smartphone. What assholes for making such an achievement.

>> No.15779279

On Nutaku's Idol War Z on the Rare Gacha page, what is the "1Day3times Start Dash" gacha about? Why wouldn't I just use the "On the Sixth Time SR Guaranteed" gacha, as it is cheaper for the first few draws?
Does the Start Dash one offer something different? It's being pretty vague.

>> No.15779328
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Reminder to feed your fairies

>> No.15779395

Weren't these flowers cheaper?
And it isn't worth spending stamina on that shit, right?

>> No.15779398
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>> No.15779438

There seem to be two patterns: cheap character & expensive unlock flowers and the other way round.

Aside from that, I'm pretty much constantly farming the 80 stam event maps since they currently grant you ~17k gold, a bunch of crystals and the event currency you can use for all sorts of upgrade items or gold.

>> No.15779586

What's the point of these fairies? I can't seem to feed them to my good units.

>> No.15779605

They're only for gold units

>> No.15779681

>There seem to be two patterns: cheap character & expensive unlock flowers and the other way round.

The former is for ongoing events and the latter is for revivals.

>> No.15780103

You forgot her extra range.

>> No.15781034
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Holy fuck, the earthbenders meido is cool, I want one.

>> No.15781548

Seems like ninja onihime will get her event very soon and no more ninja shenanigans for us.

>> No.15781784

Do angels count as air units or ground units? Trying to solve the subjugation map at the moment.

>> No.15781851

Should I just used my plat gacha ticket or wait for the right moment? Boosted chance doesn't affect the ticket right?

>> No.15781888

Just do it now. It doesn't affect it.

>> No.15781906
File: 319 KB, 1600x877, I remember you anon-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I got Seria. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.15781912

Can't complain about more fairies assuming you didn't have her already.

>> No.15781913

Ceria gives you more fairies and her skill AW is pretty good. Good job Anon.

>> No.15781941

She's tanky as fuck. One of best plat

>> No.15781976

Time to CC her then. Gonna need more plat spirit tho.

>> No.15782132
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>Try out subjugation
>Get overwhelmed by Mirnos and the angel-cyclops-knight thing
>Still, this shouldn't be harder tha-
>Archangel swoops in

Holy shit. I didn't even get him to attack. Is he still Aisha in an Elder Troll body?

If so, this map doesn't mess around.

>> No.15782231

>Is he still Aisha in an Elder Troll body?

Yes. I still haven't finished it myself but it seems like AW Hibari would be really good here. I would use Gloria to completely wreck them but she may need to be AW to deal that much damage.

>> No.15782366

I wish I had her. My problem is that I have so many armors and not nearly enough fairies.

>> No.15782408

Forgot to ask. Do I have to deploy Cellia to get that boosted spirit drop rate?

>> No.15782420

No, you can just keep her in sortie. This applies to other characters with similar effects (Amanda, Kyuteri, etc.)

>> No.15782505

$60 Kerria step-up gacha on Nutaku FKG. Just Kerria. Sucks for those who pulled her earlier. Then again, a lot of people were pulling everyone EXCEPT Kerria during her spotlight, so maybe some people will want this. I'll pass.

People are saying step 3 is oddly rigged. You'll probably get a 5* even though 4* is supposed to be possible, but it'll likely be one of two or three girls. Lots of Lily Rubellum, Leuco, and Chocolate Cosmos pulls.

Step 4 gave me a Cymbidium though, who I didn't have yet, so...

>> No.15782598
File: 720 KB, 960x640, mx02xhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 4 gacha pool.

Anyone with $4 want to screencap the step 3 gacha pool? I want to see what the odds for 4* are on those.

>> No.15782620

8 runs of Commander's resolve, 40 stamina for 2 plat fairies. Feels bad.

>> No.15782647
File: 1.10 MB, 960x640, Panty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this for my free platinum of the month.
I already have the gold treasure hunter. Is there a point to using two treasure hunters? Is the platinum one better?
I'm not 100% sure what it increases the drops of, to be honest. Everything except units/fairies?

>> No.15782768

i can't log into dmm on my phone anymore... lame

>> No.15782984

Discord says it's a 50/50 chance.

So $10 for a 50% chance at a gold, and $10 more for a 100% chance.

Not a bad deal if you're missing most of those golds.

>> No.15783442

It's $5 for two guaranteed golds on DMM, so you're still worse off on Nutaku.

But yes, still not bad in itself.

>> No.15783796
File: 346 KB, 957x639, subjugation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what formation is everyone using? I'm not doing too well with this, because Liana reaches the armors only with her skill, and other healers don't seem to reach at all(from that spot)
Is there a healer with +range awakening?

>> No.15783874

>Is there a healer with +range awakening?

Nope. There really isn't. They give increase drop rate to Red Crystals, Revival Crystals, Item Event Drops, Affection items. Does not effect Gold Armor, Platinum Armor, Units, or Fairies.

>> No.15783929

Right. I have her AWed and she doesn't reach anyway. I guess you're somehow supposed to withstand it with only 2 healers, or maybe with a Chydis, since her skill lasts long enough

>> No.15783980

>Right. I have her AWed and she doesn't reach anyway. I guess you're somehow supposed to withstand it with only 2 healers, or maybe with a Chydis, since her skill lasts long enough
Or maybe bring your melee units in a lower area where they can reach?

Bring Berenice and Dine down a spot. Switch Saria and Liana.

However I have no idea why you're using Berenice considering she does no damage at all. It would help if you had a Mage Armor, Samurai, or Anya instead. Albeit, MA and Anya do magic damage and I'm pretty sure they have magic resist. I would use an AW Reanbell if you had one over Miruno and a Super Prince over normal Prince.

>> No.15784085
File: 117 KB, 938x992, No genders for low ranked angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got me an angel of my own. Time to check if I can use them right. Just silver though.

Speaking of angels, I took a peak of that subjugation you guys are doing DMM side. I would keel over so quickly hahah. Here's the video I found if anyone is curious:


>> No.15784113

>took a peak

Heh, that's froidian of me. I wonder what might have caused that.

>> No.15784123
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She might be just a silver, but she her feminine penis is the cutest
I managed to clear 450 kills by deploying 4 healers and getting rid of armors in favor of more offensive melee units, but that last rush is absolute bullshit

>> No.15784145
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Neil is great. Personally I've got Sophie so I don't use Neil much anymore but she's absolutely capable of fighting most nasties.

>> No.15784224
File: 75 KB, 682x283, proud samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell happens in her scenes?

>> No.15784279

You rape her. She rapes you.

>> No.15784285
File: 39 KB, 468x376, How you doin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems to be suffering from hymen deprivation. I know, I'm an expert on the field.

>> No.15784722

>Is there a point to using two treasure hunters?
You can AW one of them and leave the other alone. That way you can switch between +3% drop rate and x1.2 ATK and HP, or 5% drop rate and x1.3 ATK and HP

>> No.15785613

>So I got this for my free platinum of the month.

Is this something of dmm aigis? A free platinum each month or something like that? Im new in dmm aigis

>> No.15785642

I assume they mean from the ticket you get for spending enough crystals in a month to get a Legend (150) or S-Legend (250) stamp card. You get a gacha ticket that guarantees either a plat or black unit on the first of the month if you do.

>> No.15785881

It was indeed this: >>15785642

That's a good idea. I will do that. Thanks.

Thank you very much for the clarification.

>> No.15785950
File: 1.26 MB, 989x672, master is a lolicon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm ready to join a Union now. Is there one for /jp/?

>> No.15785992
File: 259 KB, 570x240, AishaObviously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the opportunity to skill awaken three girls.
I read up on some of their skills and some of them seem to be worse than the current skill.
Perhaps you can enlighten me?

Aisha, Iris, Chydis, and Belinda (sp?) are obviously improved (though time gets a bit worse), I'll be doing theirs soon.

Amanda, the bandit instead of doing 2.7 damage for 10 seconds will do a measly 2.0 times damage for 50 seconds but there is some sort of effect to all bandits (I think it says increase HP and reduce summon cost?)

Is Anya's good? It seemed to be.

Kate's skill although it seems good at first would result in less points per minute, right? Or maybe I don't understand it.

>> No.15786057

Amanda seems to double her Attack, and any other bandits have their HP doubled and their cost cut in half. Which is good if you have some other bandits leveled up and like using them. I wouldn't get rid of this skill unless you have Lyla or maybe Rorone..

Anya gets rid of her tanky skill that reduces physical attacks by half and gets a more offensive skill that doubles attack and attacks all enemies around her.
Not bad, but honestly her tanky skill is better.

Katie's gives her a 80% boost in def for 40 seconds. You're definitely going to get less points per minute with that skill. But it's not gonna matter too much if you just needed the reinforcements once.

>> No.15786064

Amanda's is great if you use other bandits and solid even if you don't, both effects (double HP and halved summon cost) are very relevant to damage sponges like bandits.

Anya's is personal preference, you can use her default skill if you want to keep her as a defensive unit and her SAW if you have enough tanks and want her on the offense.

Katie's isn't really that good since all you want her to do is ramping, so I'd pass on that.

>> No.15786077

Thank you very much, I think I'll pass on those three, as I currently don't have good bandit like Lyla or Rorone for Amanda nor do I have a better tank than Anya.

>> No.15786463

Ok just started kamihime. Why the fuck I can't hear any sounds? I've tried the game config and bashing that little button and nothing happened. I even tried both adult and all-ages versions.

>> No.15786625

new thread
