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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 130 KB, 1097x1600, Horizon4C_0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15741444 No.15741444 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15742965
File: 599 KB, 1205x731, 4229da30e3c1174160b180b6acf84154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Js06 is back from doing Index? Sweet.

>> No.15743245

>Asama, you can shoot her! Hit her with an one that has a Yamata Takeru curse that turns her into a Shinto transvestite! C’mon!”
>Silver Wolf: “Um, I seriously doubt such a bizarre spell really exists. Right, Tomo?”
>Asama: “Eh? On, um… S-sorry.”

My sides.

>> No.15743870

So no explanation for how Futayo stopped her fall?

>> No.15743955

Finally, the last volume of NT was painful as fuck, I don't really know what the fuck is happening on Kamachi's head but NT went from "ok" to utter trash.

>> No.15743994
File: 207 KB, 600x787, 30544042_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with it? I'm not following Index, just vaguely aware that it's been kind of coasting along on its popularity.

>> No.15744032

OT (old testament) was mostly good, with some volumes where the story was cringeworthy but 90% of the time was ok.

NT (new testament) is literally Kamachi adding more trash to milk Index until everyone grows tired of it, the world building is fucked up. the character development literally stopped and he just pulled more new characters to continue another volume and then kill them on the next one, the story at this point doesn't make any sense at all and even some hardcore fanboys of Kamachi knows that NT is literally 20% good and 80% trash.

>> No.15744105

What character development? Everyone outside of Touma only had development teased at without actually going anywhere for a single volume at most or like Accelerator had a single character that was completely erased and replaced on their second appearance.

>> No.15746850

Gonna start 4A after I finish NT16

>> No.15747595

You better start 4A right ahead since NT16 is trash.

>> No.15748735

>Zaregoto anime (2002)
>Michibiki no Hoshi anime (2002)
>Read or Die new OVA (2000)
>Full Metal Panic s4 (1998)
>Saredo Tsumibito wa Ryuu to Odoru anime (2003/2008)

There's still hope for an OnC anime, right?

>> No.15748932

Hey, what about a /Kawakami/ discord?

It's not really needed, but I thought it would be nice.

>> No.15748999

Since this thread is so comfy, I might as well ask it here. When/why did discord become a thing? I swear I never heard of it a month ago, now every one wants to use it. Is it just a flavor of the month fad?

>> No.15749269

>Righteousness: “Judge. I’ll use my sign frame’s additional divine protection to take photos and send them over. It’s what I use for recon with my god of war, so it’s low resolution but easily enhanced.”

>When the image arrived, Masazumi enlarged it in the sign frame. Tsukinowa tilted its head a few times while increasing the precision of the zoomed in version and she showed it to Yasuhira.

>> No.15749345

It's pretty neat if you just set up a server for a group of people who interact on a regular basis. Like Skype group chat but better, plus voice channels if you ever feel like using them.
Personally I feel like it's here to stay, considering that it can replace both TS and Skype.

>> No.15749578

>When/why did discord become a thing

About a year ago advertised as a free skype and Teamspeak replacement.

Gained massive popularity in the gaming community for being lightweight and not charging monthly fees for voice connections or being a pile of shit like Skype. Now everyone outside gaming is using it too.

>> No.15754100
File: 808 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl.

>> No.15755176

Anyone has OnC complete and Horizon up to 3C in pdf? I'm useless using Calibre.

>> No.15755233

You should have asked for that a couple months ago. I had some now out of date versions in pdf but I got rid of them when calibre stopped being good at epub to pdf.

>> No.15755916

If generic harem suddenly stops being popular, there is.

>> No.15756523

Sooner or later, Dengeki will start to adapt old novels that sold well. Other than the big three (SAO, Index, Mahouka) they don't have many titles that sell well.

>> No.15756526

What a shame. Well, I'll use B-T pdf for now. Thanks anyway.

>> No.15757258

Why not simply use Calibre's e-book reader?

>> No.15757279

Because I want to read it in my Kindle.

>> No.15757292

Oh, okay. Why Kindle still doesn't support normal EPUBs is a mystery to me.

>> No.15757302

I have Horizon+OnC as azw3 files. I can upload them if you want. No idea what kindle generations actually support them though.

>> No.15757325
File: 48 KB, 150x225, 1369524092069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because copyright...

If you can, upload them and I'll test them in my Paperwhite.

>> No.15757437
File: 692 KB, 1205x731, f23567f1b26a8040fa18b93d545c7749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go. They work on my Paperwhite 3. If you have a previous generation they may end up with terrible formatting due to the different resolution, but I'm not sure.

>> No.15757520

Wel, it seems to work perfectly in my Kindle.
Thank you very much.

>> No.15757756

Man, still almost two weeks till the next Hexennacht novel and manga.
I don't even know why I'm so impatient, never happened to Horizon. Probably because we're caught up with Japan.

>> No.15758953

I started reading OnC recently, but somehow it feels entirely different from Horizon. I'm nearly half through 3-C now and I'm not sure what to think. Horizon has crazy characters, but everyone in OnC is just off the rails insane.

>> No.15759283

>After all, the main force of Team Leviathan was made up of inhuman people with carnal thought processes who were constantly intoxicated on the trippy narcotics produced in their own brains. But the truly frightening part was how none of them were aware of it.

>> No.15759423

That makes a surprising amount of sense. What volume is that from?

>> No.15759452

DC. It's extra bit that got cut from volume 7.

>> No.15760927

Cue Vangelis soundtrack.

>> No.15764072
File: 73 KB, 733x583, CrAICf7WAAAZqDt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm hyped for Hexen 3.

>> No.15764089
File: 32 KB, 411x412, CrAIMt5XYAEO0J9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawakami sure is a tease.

>> No.15764103

The detailed explanation of this moment is going to be great.

>> No.15764180

I'm looking forward to it already. Kawakami battles are the best kind of autism.

>> No.15765479
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>> No.15767578

Will Narumi ever figure out he's been going for her the entire time?

>> No.15767637

Ulqi is the best. I'm loving his weird seduction of Narumi the non elder sister character.

>> No.15768278

Panties scene was a dead giveaway.
Dragon is one awesome motherfucker.

>> No.15768395

I think I'd still go for the actual elder sister character were I in his position.

>> No.15768401

Dragons mind works in mysterious ways.
Or maybe he`s an amputeecon too. With family history like his it`s entirely possible.

>> No.15768457

Is there some weird Kawakami magic where you start thinking that wooing someone by cutting off their limbs is a fairly normal thing?

>> No.15768625

>She did not like being the butt of the jokes, but their aim would eventually drift to Crossunite or Asama. Yes, that’s right. It has to. I’ll make sure it does.

I love this group of assholes.

>> No.15769135

But isn't she actually older than Masamune?

>> No.15770848
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>> No.15771065

She's older than Masamune, but Narumi doesn't have any younger siblings, so she's not an elder sister.

>> No.15771757

Are her parents still alive?

>> No.15772290

Probably so, but they don`t have to have inherited names.

>> No.15773015

>So was there location between the city was and Novgorod’s original location.

This sounds incorrect to me, but I've been wrong many times before. If I'm understanding the message this is supposed to convey then would
So was the location between the city and Novgorod's original location.
So was the space between the city and Novgorod's original location.
So was the location between where the city was and Novgorod's original location.
sound better than how it is right now?

>> No.15774253

Looking forward to discuss kawakami with u guys i just started to get into horizon/owari right now

>> No.15774338
File: 3.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1449597910026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the madness, friend.

>> No.15774341

Welcome to the threads. Things are usually a bit slow, but feel free to ask about whatever you want.

Be careful about spoilers, though. Most everyone here is all caught up, so if you're just starting there'll be unmarked spoilers all over the place.

>> No.15774357

I agree that this doesn't look correct. At the very least, the "there" looks like a grammatical error.

>> No.15774371

Masazumi's character has changed quite a lot since 1-A. She was pretty awkward in 3-Plum at first, but now she fits right in. For her to be thoroughly infected by 3-Plum's madness after just a year shows she has quite a lot of talent in that regard.

This. The bizarre romance between him and Narumi is great.

Just like OnC, we've once again got a strange relationship between a standoffish girl and a dragon.

>> No.15774383


This is actually a bit strange. Does Date count as part of the Far East politically? I thought that only Matsudaira/Musashi had mandatory graduation at age 18.

Otherwise, why are all the leaders in Date so young? Mogami doesn't seem to have this restriction. It's the same for Satomi -- all of their leaders have been really young for some reason.

>> No.15774550

I dont understand already something, the powers in kawakamiverse ... there is a real explanation about all of them ? Cause i am watching horizon season II and they have baseball powers or what the fuck is that

>> No.15774580

Satomi is also Korea though so they shouldn't have that restriction. I have been wondering about Date and Mogami also though and also wondering if the 18 rule is new since the Musashi principal used to fight with the pope only 20 years ago but he seems way older than 38.

They just use magic energy to get some kind of effect to happen. What it actually does is up to the user to decide. The LN has a detailed explanation of how the baseball twins double pitch works.

>> No.15774589

Oh, I get it. "V" for "victory", because the "katsu" in his name means "victory".

>> No.15774682

Magic Power being ether in this situation, and the desired effects are based on offerings and such, although it all depends on which "spell system" (aka religion) they are using.

>> No.15774696

Shilled hard on Reddit and caters to their 'epic' userbase. Rebranded IRC with voice chat functionality. It's not a bad program but it does a bunch of stupid shit and caters towards the most 'epic', top of the iceberg internet users.

>> No.15775369

Right, Satomi shouldn't have that restriction, and from the looks of it Mogami doesn't either, so maybe Date's young leadership is just a coincidence.

Well, I remember that Honda Takakatsu received a special exemption from the Testament Union to keep acting as the Peerless in the East even in old age, and Motonobu obviously was far older than 18, so maybe the Mikawa folks got a special exemption. I remember Motonobu was called the Eternal Student Council President or something, so maybe ththat's what happened.

>> No.15775378

In other words, since Musashi is the only part of the Far East that's allowed to act independently, it's probably also the only place where the age restriction applies.

Mikawa was an exception, since its quasi-alliance with P.A. Oda put it out of reach of the Testament Union.

For that matter, maybe the weird situation in Date and Mogami is due to the Testament Union's weak influence in the north. The "spirit of resistance" and all that.

>> No.15775401


All matter in the world of Horizon requires ether for its existence. The various spells and other magic techniques work by manipulating ether through various concepts and other methods. There are various sorts of "schools" of spells, mostly aligned with various religious factions. So there are Tsirch spells, Shinto spells, Mlasi spells, etc., and also some other systems like Technomagie.

The anime doesn't include a lot of this kind of infodump, but if you have the time to read the LNs you'll find everything there.

The actual combat methods should just be taken as part of the setting. Tres Espana likes to fight with sports teams, so they do. This is just the regular sort of Kawakami madness.

>> No.15776878

The sports thing is just a joke about how IRL Spain loves sports. I think Tres España even gets described as sport freaks a bunch of times. This is Kawakami, he is half joke half serious all the time.

>> No.15777068

Okay, Uesugi hijinks are hilarious.

>> No.15777092

Dengeki's pretty late with the somewhat bigger, clean covers this time.
I hope we get Hexennacht 3 as big as Horizon 9-B.

>> No.15777096

9B for a great phone wallpaper.

>> No.15777348
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Nothing big this time, sadly.

>> No.15782436


>> No.15782891 [DELETED] 

delete this

>> No.15783261

Why don't Date just bring Masamune back up to speed after she loses her memories instead of using her as a figurehead?

>> No.15784971
File: 3.04 MB, 2048x1463, kuchie-004-005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fags, there is something bothering me, I'll start to read Hexennacht but what are the good things and the bad things about this LN? it is at the same level of Horizon or OnC?

>> No.15785059

I can't come up with a bad thing, honestly.

>> No.15785097

All the awful maids keep bullying that poor butler.

>> No.15785419

It's the usual Kawakami fun and madness, although it's more like the OnC style of crazy than the Horizon kind.

It does feel like a side project, though. There aren't as many characters, the world isn't as complicated, and it's pretty consistently lighthearted.

>> No.15785426

So far the story has seemed a lot more shallow than those two series. I'd be surprised if it lasts more than 5 volumes unless they manage to move to a new plot thread and keep the series going.

>> No.15786428

I get the feeling that OBSTACLE is supposed to be more, shorter, stories kinda like CITY rather than the epics that are AHEAD and GENESIS.

Maybe we will see some OBSTACLE animated in the future then.

>> No.15787711

I suppose no preview till Monday?

>> No.15790306

Finally caught up with the Horizon translation. It's both exciting to read the new chapters as soon as they're availible, but the wait is also painful. I'm conflicted.

>> No.15790821

Kawakamin addiction is a powerful thing. Everyone here can sympathize.

>> No.15790825

If you haven't read them yet, there's always City, OnC, and Hexennacht.

>> No.15790883

'Struth. I haven't read a single Kawakami thing in months and I am still buying books.

>> No.15792463
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>> No.15792653

Blame Kamachi throwing NT garbage and more blood sign dogshit.

Js06 is afk with that trash.

>> No.15792688

There were two Horizon chapters this week and Kamachi was always his priority. I don't see the problem.

>> No.15792786

There were three chapters this week.

>> No.15792859

He translates so many different things, and does them all at a faster pace than most other translators. Its silly to complain about him giving one thing priority over another. He finished NT, translated a new Railgun chapter, put out three chapters of Horizon, and a porn chapter all in about a week. That's pretty incredible if you ask me.

>> No.15792949

The way Satoyasu uses colors sure has changed a lot...

This. Js06 is such an outrageous translator that I'd be grateful even if we only got one Horizon chapter a week. It's really hard to find people that dedicated and that fast.

>> No.15793093

They've become pretty vibrant as of late, especially in Hexennacht.

>> No.15793257

Funny how that contrasts with his overly-gray chapter illustrations.

>> No.15795044

>porn chapter


>> No.15795128

js06 has a seperate page for translations of the 18+ style books.

>> No.15795830

Is Hexennacht out on the 8th or the 9th?

>> No.15795867


>> No.15796003

Even better. I can pick it up in the morning.

>> No.15796072

No preview yet?

>> No.15796187

Nothing yet.
It should be up at some point today.

>> No.15797016

I hope that one anon predicts the url for the preview and posts it early again.

>> No.15797029

Not really hard, they always follow a pattern.
This is almost certainly going to be it:


>> No.15799645
File: 132 KB, 460x656, pc_2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up.

>> No.15799667

For some reason not from the beginning this time but only chapter four; that's also everything we got.

On another note.
Kimitoasamade 2-A is complete.


>> No.15800762

It's here!

>> No.15801215

I'll have the EPUB ready later today.
And Hexennacht's third manga on Friday.

>> No.15801435


>> No.15801897

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.15805617

Sorry, something came up.
EPUB won't be done till the weekend after all.

>> No.15807589

Shit happens.
Kawakamifags know how to wait.

>> No.15808597

so guys i am gonna ask a question that maybe was already answered before but does any one of you have the edited images of volume 4a and 4b? and if you could do me the favor and posted or some link where i can download them ....

>> No.15808948

They don't exist. One of the editors had a hard drive failure and the work had to start over from scratch.

>> No.15813105

Considering Horizon's starting to wrap up, I wonder if Kawakami will start fleshing out the story a bit more.

>> No.15813366

Kawakami reposted the covers and something that looked like a game with very Satoyasu designs. What was it?

>> No.15813512
File: 106 KB, 640x311, obov_logo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like some sort of card game for smartphones.

He links to another account, https://twitter.com/O2F_official, whose description I think says that it's "the official account for the card game OO-FORMATION created by the author and illustrator of KSnH", which in turns links to http://oo-formation.net/
There'll be some sort of announcement(?) on the 30th of September, and the furigana on the title screen says it's pronounced "Double-O Formation".

Genre: card battle
Cost: free with in-app purchases
Platform: iOS, Android
a notice that it's not available on all models(?)

I guess Kawakami wasn't satisfied with just doing his doujin books for the entire OBSTACLE era.

>> No.15813690
File: 255 KB, 600x700, Futayo heart by Aipiepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished I read the novels sooner, she had alot of cute moments.

choking part comes after 3C, r-right?

>> No.15813724

Nothing from Kawakami in November.

>> No.15813763

3C is full of feels.

>> No.15813936

3C is overwhelming in a lot of ways.

>> No.15814016 [SPOILER] 
File: 624 KB, 1667x1200, 1473436592738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still at Team 10zo vs Mouri uncles

Tonbokiri got smashed by Sassa, her suffering ends there, right?

>> No.15814058

I'm sorry to say that the suffering has only just begun. You haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.15814127
File: 557 KB, 800x1747, Miss Da-san by blazpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it as bad as Nate's one-side fight against Nate Maman?

>> No.15814559
File: 671 KB, 1441x2048, 175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised, here's the third Hexennacht manga.
Nothing new; ends with the second light novel. Simply helps to visualize the fights, I guess.
There are some nifty comments from Kawakami in between chapters, though.


>> No.15814604

Thank you.

>> No.15814907
File: 162 KB, 1441x2048, 103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15815001

Love ya!

>> No.15815137

It's hard to judge since they are both different kinds of suffering.

>> No.15815256

I'll go pick up Hexennacht 3 in about four hours. Most stores open about 10.

>> No.15815284

Great. Looking forward to those pictures.

>> No.15815302

Umm, I don't know if it's just me, but i didn't think it was THAT brutal. Almost all that happened to the characters was foreshadowed since volume A. Also, some people say that Torii almost dies, but he doesn't even come close to actually feeling it (thanks to the good work of his friends of course), assuming you're talking about Yoshitsune and Matsunaga, that is.

>> No.15815303

It seems like a crossover between his various works. I hope we'll see some know OnC illustrations.

>> No.15815398

I've heard that's just how Obstacle works, reincarnation concept in full force.

>> No.15815451

Technically they're all worlds created by Kagami's sister and CITY come after that, so I don't know how he intend to make a crossover and keep it canon.

>> No.15815508

But how does that work? Kagami's world is the world of Genesis? Is it too in a process of dying? The world of City is inside a book? I don't know, man, there's just so many variables.

>> No.15815779


>> No.15815914

thank you.

Also wondering if you have the first and the second?

>> No.15816006


At the bottom.

>> No.15816025

Here's what it says about the story:
>The game is set in a world doomed to be destroyed. A party of sages-in-training leave on a journey to find out why and sell their services at solving a certain city's troubles, but as they do, they approach the truth of a mystery that occurred in a former era. The game provides a glimpse of the Obstacle Series, one of the concepts of the Kawakami Minoru world, and it is a must-play for fans.

The site also says the first major update will "add the Horizon world" under the tentative title "The King and his Eight Companions".

>> No.15816042

Are all the Obstacle worlds a creation of Kagami's sister? Or are all the worlds created by Kagami's sister treated as a single world in all of Obstacle?

>> No.15816089

It was foreshadowed as fuck, but I do give you the point of it being sad.
That scene was hype as fuck to me, and because of that I didn't feel as sad, also, they barely talked wit the guy. I felt sadder about Yoshiyasu and how she came to understand his and her sister's reasons a little too late.

None of those came even close to Alex's and Sf's deaths in OnC to me, but okay, they happened at the end of the novel and we had a lot more time to see their interactions,and the whole gravitas of the situation they were in.
Also, is Yoshitsune really dead? The way it happened felt a little anti-climatic to me.

>> No.15816186

Yoshitsune: it was left vague, which means to me she's not dead and will come back just like the Pope and Gallileo

>> No.15816351
File: 3.20 MB, 2976x2976, 20160910_105552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's get started.

>> No.15816371
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>> No.15816376
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>> No.15816381
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>> No.15816388
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>> No.15816392
File: 2.48 MB, 2976x2976, 20160910_110258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15816394

Hell yes. This is what I've been waiting for.

>> No.15816397
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>> No.15816401
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>> No.15816405
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>> No.15816410
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>> No.15816415
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Because I haven't started reading any of Hexennacht yet any of these images could be a spoiler that I should mark as a spoiler but don't know is a spoiler, so take care.

>> No.15816420
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>> No.15816425
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>> No.15816427

Is the discord thing happening?

>> No.15816431
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>> No.15816434
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>> No.15816440
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The last set of images have a very final feeling about them, I might just post them as spoilers.

>> No.15816442
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>> No.15816447 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 704x396, 1473474021284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girl in gas mask reminds me of something.

>> No.15816448
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>> No.15816455
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>> No.15816461 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15816464 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15816470 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15816473 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15816478

Are your hands huge or are these books tiny?

>> No.15816479 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.16 MB, 2976x2976, 1473474533657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15816482

Light novels are tiny.

>> No.15816484 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.62 MB, 2976x2976, 1473474600719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard light novel size, only thickness changes.

>> No.15816493 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15816495 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15816498
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>> No.15816502
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>> No.15816512

And I'm off to Soma city to hack 100 portals.

>> No.15816525
File: 704 KB, 1175x1600, Kimitoasamade_2A_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like I finished editing these right on time for some Hexennacht illustrations.


Thanks for these.
Some of them look like hell. I'm so glad we're getting these digitally.
Satoyasu is really going all out with the grays lately.

>> No.15816557
File: 131 KB, 1440x810, Nate happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to both of you.

Personally it's something I'd like, but I don't think it would really get used, or rather not that many would sign up.

>> No.15816769

I am now convinced that my Kindle is fucking with me. For some reason it suddenly stopped categorizing Horizon, Hex and Kimitoasamade as 'books' and doesn't show the embedded covers, while OnC still works fine.

>> No.15816826

And we got new chapter too

>> No.15817024

Hell fucking yes.

>> No.15817045

Hunter is so cute.

Is this a costume event or something?

>> No.15817650

OBSTACLE miko sure have some weird uniforms. Weirder than Horinouchi's, at least.

That uniform is really nice. By the way, it seems like the easiest way to differentiate the uniforms of the divisions are to look at what kind of cloak and what colour tie they're wearing.
By the way, looking through the old uniform illustrations, it says that while Hunter designed the Special Equipment uniform, Lisbeth >>15816376 designed the General Division's uniform.
In V2, the headmaster invited Lisbeth to come see Kagami and Horinouchi, apparently she thought Hunter would be the representative on Hexennacht until Hunter lost.

>> No.15817721

Yeah, he finally lost it completely.

>> No.15817731

I'm not sure it was ever explain, but the image behind each Hexennacht volume should clear something, since it show many parallel worlds.
And it could be Kawakami change his concept for Obstacle since describing it in City.

>> No.15817733

Masazumiface detected.

>> No.15817739

Oh, so next volume will have the #1 witch.

>> No.15818626

Halloween party.

You're way too handsome, Kagami.

>> No.15819278

Some QA I found accidentally.
No clue what's it about.


No illus story from Kawakami, sadly. Or I missed it.

>> No.15819441

Getting the page through google trnaslate is hillarious.

" Since the idea of ​​human beings there is no talent, such as, view of the world, characters, story, and do I when I came up with them, "will write high!", It will be a thing of the order of "you might guess." "

>> No.15819487

>"will write high!"
Sounds about right.

>> No.15820608

>Nine-Tail Girl: “That sounds like fun, so we will be doing it as well.”
A very Horizon-like statement.

>> No.15823895
File: 122 KB, 800x1183, 10666291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15824102
File: 618 KB, 1296x1812, Horizon Nate smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried counting how many times "bitter smiles" are mentioned in Horizon because I get the feeling I see it every third damn paragraph.
Here's my count:
1A: 2
1B: 15
2A: 23
2B: 33
3A: 28
3B: 40
3C: 34*
4A: 36
4B: 33

* One line that said "Heidi’s bitter smile lost its bitterness." was counted as one mention.

Does Kawakami need to expand his vocabulary?

>> No.15824128

It seems to be a trademark of his. I

>> No.15824169

A lot of light novel authors seem to have phrases they like using over and over. Whenever I see the key phrase in the overlord novels I end up feeling like a puppet who's strings were cut.

>> No.15824312

I can't imagine how that phrase could be used in more than one or two situations.

>> No.15824321

It's a euphemism for going limb, like when someone dies.
In an action-filled series like Overlord, there's probably plenty of use for it.

>> No.15824438

Oh yeah, There's also Heavy Object's "But Objects are synonymous with war!"

>> No.15824451

He looked both young and old, like a saint and also a sinner.

>> No.15824486

I'm reading 3B and there's a few "mental nods" going on, mostly Nate, Tomo, and Seijun.

>> No.15824555
File: 143 KB, 800x1130, Scans never.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawakami casually retweets porn.

>> No.15824561

The first thing I saw when I followed him was a retweet of Margot/Naruze futa porn

>> No.15824949

You're on another level of autism dude, seriously go to see the doc mang.

>> No.15825047

Kawakami loves those who love his works.

>> No.15825107

It's a nice attitude for an author.

>> No.15826290

Is there any information about the total population of the Horizon world?

>> No.15826402

If there is, I haven't seen it. I wouldn't be surprised if there were records in the encyclopedia, but it's not translated.

If I had to guess, though, it's probably below the tens of millions.

The Musashi counts as a territory and has a population in the hundreds of thousands, so I don't think there's anything equivalent to a 21st century major metropolitan area (i.e. a region with millions of people).

>> No.15826753

`tism is horizonthreads is a given.

>> No.15826786

It's pretty much a basic prerequisite. It's not enough to be autistic -- you need the right kind of autism to become a Kawakamin addict.

>> No.15828942

It wasn't very that tedious, all I had to do was Ctrl-F "bitter", count the times it wasn't said in relation to a smile and subtract that count from the total amount of hits for "bitter" for each volume.

>> No.15829053

>“Let’s go conquer the world. Come at us, world. We won’t lose again. Keep that in mind when you face us.”
>The idiot spoke to everyone from this closed space.
>“Let’s go make our dreams come true, everyone.”

That whole scene mirroring the stairs one in 1B forced me to put Ikou ze Minna while reading it.

>> No.15829810

I just noticed why is chapter 95 of 4-C translated there is a really big gap just curious

>> No.15829843

There are some chapters translated by people before js06 took up the project. If past trends hold, they'll all be retranslated.

>> No.15829862

ah I see thanks for the info

>> No.15830003

does anyone have the pdf of 3-A to 4-B i like to read while im going to places

>> No.15830206

What device? screen res?

>> No.15830319

ipod or Iphone preferably like the ones for the first 3 novels on BT

>> No.15830374

Is this any good?

>> No.15830477

Is there someone else having problems to access pomf? I can't even watch webms because it keeps saying that it took too long to respond.

>> No.15830490

It worked when I uploaded it.

>> No.15830518

it works thank you so very much if its not too much to ask for do you have ones for 3-b to 4-b?

>> No.15832859

Sure but I can't do it until around 6 hours from now.

>> No.15833221

thank you so much anon

>> No.15834357


>> No.15834721

thanks anon once again

>> No.15835744

New chapter

>> No.15836335
File: 1.35 MB, 1810x2637, 597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, horizonfags.

>> No.15838604

So, Manabu Ono is going to be a guest at Awa at the end of the month. Any Horizon questions I should ask him? (Besides the obvious season 3 when?)

>> No.15838622

>Manabu Ono
I don't know who he is.

>> No.15838655

Anime director

>> No.15838771

Is he reading kawakami's stuff

>> No.15838861

I'll rewatch Horizon again soon, but with some non-Kawakami friends, any advice?

He still loves Gin?

>> No.15838899

Are they anime watchers already?

>> No.15838928

Yeah, but they're not regular anime watchers.

>> No.15838961

I can't really give you any advice because I have no experience with that sort of thing.

>> No.15838977

Get ready to explain every single detail. Also, Toori may be a little grating to people who don't watch many anime.

>> No.15840144

I`m not sure Horizon is the thing to watch with non-addicts. It`s hard for addicts sometimes to get through the initial exposition, what do you expect from normies?

>> No.15840433
File: 401 KB, 1114x1560, 1419135469594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know Futayo's birthday.

Maybe Fukushima as well.

>> No.15840519

Ask him if he`s doing the I`m the best, just the best movie.

>> No.15840931
File: 299 KB, 1148x1600, Horizon4A_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone have these

>> No.15840935
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>> No.15840938
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>> No.15840951
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>> No.15840955
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>> No.15841144

Who could this cute girl on the right be?

>> No.15841188

Well, one of them watched all the Doctor Who seasons (even the old seasons), so I can't say they're in that category.

>> No.15841604
File: 270 KB, 1144x1600, Horizon4A_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pasted with the other half?

>> No.15848028

Some of them, but I'm gone for the weekend.
I'll post them on Monday.

>> No.15854675
File: 136 KB, 664x900, 16916031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Sayama ZOG?

>> No.15854745


>> No.15856366

I think that's Toori.

>> No.15856703

I think that was sarcasm, Mr. half satan.

>> No.15856867

Guys, i have a question.
Is Toori Motonobu's child? What about Kimi?

Keep in mind that i only read shortly before i go to sleep, so maybe i just dreamed that or something.

>> No.15857094

No? Their father has even shown up (indirectly) in the storyline. He's a wanderer who sends videos to his wife.

>> No.15861904

Do you think that Kawakami knows about the fandom his works have overseas, or the translation project?

>> No.15862009

I think he's referenced some things in his twitter before. The Kawakami bingo sheet got a mention once, so I think he knows overseas fans exist.

>> No.15864938
File: 3.66 MB, 2793x2000, Horizon_4A_004-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that one anon.

>> No.15864955
File: 3.91 MB, 2763x2000, Horizon_4A_002-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15864961
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>> No.15864971
File: 3.67 MB, 2762x2000, Horizon_4C_002-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15864978
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>> No.15864989
File: 2.72 MB, 2793x2000, Horizon_4C_006-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15867948



>> No.15868091

It's here!

>> No.15868124

>In every world out there, the crazy people don’t realize how crazy they are.

Reading this is like seeing OnC all over again.

>> No.15868131

If anything, Kawakami's taken it to an even more extreme level.

It used to be that not realizing one's own craziness was a special attribute for certain super crazy people, but now it's a standard trait!

>> No.15869060

>would she drink the green health shake that the Special Equipment Division uses to get through their all-nighters? Well? Hm!? …Sorry, that was so unreasonable I lost my cool for a second.

>> No.15871553

Why is Marfa so based?

>> No.15871558

It's the power of the great Russian tradition, the purge.

>> No.15871564
File: 2.07 MB, 1800x1800, 28984210_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side effect of being Russian.

>> No.15871664

Does it take too long o reveal what's in the center of Novgorod? I got some Noah vibes from that.

>> No.15874833

It will be divine prayer academy which will like a severed head or something I bet.

>> No.15875161


>> No.15875598
File: 80 KB, 647x906, Cs9OYr_UAAAy94F.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15876166

>“That is the Black Witch’s power. It is a spell we call Concept Erasure,” she explained. “It is the opposite of the power that created this world. The power to destroy this world and erase anything in it is used on whoever loses.

Things are getting really interesting! We saw concept creation debut all the way back in OnC, but this is the first time we've seen direct concept destruction (instead of canceling out positive and negative concepts).

>> No.15876444

Doesn`t apocalypse in Horizon function in the same way?

>> No.15876467

Sort of? We don't know the mechanism behind how the Concept Erasure spell works, so it's hard to say for sure.

The apocalypse in Horizon manifests as the destruction of ether, which seems to act as the medium for all concepts, so it's somewhat distinct from erasing concepts.

And according to the spoilers for later volumes, it's caused by destiny, which humans used to create the Testament, wanting to commit suicide. The results are different.

On the other hand, the Hexennacht concept erasure doesn't seem to have done anything beyond removing certain parts of history and memory.

>> No.15880851

It can't since they didn't forget that Masazumi dropped her glove into the mini apocalypse.

>> No.15886025

Are we sure it`s actually portable apocalypse and not some approximation? I`d imagine you can`t contain something like that.

>> No.15886878

Right. At the very least, Elizabeth and the others can't be confident that the distortion in Avalon is exactly the same as the real Apocalypse. After all, if they knew exactly what it was, there wouldn't be confusion or a need to research it.

>> No.15890560

It was all of the odd phenomenon in england thought to be a part of the apocalypse compressed into one closed space due to ley line manipulation.

>> No.15891360

Anyone have the 10 point~ background explanation image?

>> No.15892708
File: 193 KB, 400x666, Horizon timeline simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, right?

>> No.15892716

Yea thanks

>> No.15892940
File: 175 KB, 957x1280, 14374556_1298023423550636_1057510851_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends
Went to a local book-off around 2 weeks ago and found some horizon novels for $3 a pop.
Who else physically owns Kawakami novels here?

>> No.15893209

No kidding, where exactly is that?

>> No.15893272

Gardena, CA

>> No.15893288
File: 3.73 MB, 1810x2649, 2016-09-27-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, I guess.

>> No.15893377

What does it taste like?

>> No.15893388

Glue and paper dust.
Also goddamn vuescan author changing how saving files works for no reason.

>> No.15893556

A bunch of I I'd imagine.

>> No.15893728
File: 2.84 MB, 2976x2976, 20160314_224449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 16kilos of Kawakami paper.

>> No.15894547
File: 186 KB, 1094x1600, Horizon4C_0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15895753

Do you live in Japan? That must've killed in shipping otherwise. Bought a guitar online from jp before and paid $100 on top of what i bought it for.on shipping alone.

>> No.15895814

I do live in Japan but all those books are still in my home country.

>> No.15895827
File: 173 KB, 1177x780, my heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15895861

Neat, I thought js06 was busy translating HO.

>> No.15897668
File: 540 KB, 858x1200, 59174617_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone figure out what the gods of war in the top half are?

>> No.15897836 [DELETED] 

I have not visited 4chan for about a year, since when have Kawakami threads moved here?

It's a good thing that I came across it anyway, maybe you guys will help me regain the desire to read Horizon.

>> No.15897855

I'm pretty sure they are Genbu and Seiryuu. Not sure about the one with the spear.

>> No.15897896

Tachibana Dousetsu, maybe.

>> No.15897906 [DELETED] 

Since the mods were dicks and would delete the threads in /a/.

>> No.15898247 [DELETED] 

That was just one newfag mod, probably wouldn't happen now. Still, I like having a thread up for whenever I need it and threads never die naturally on /jp/ without reaching the bump limit, so I'm cool here.

>> No.15898285 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but trudging through all of the cancer that are the Touhou threads around here almost makes it not worth it.

>> No.15898382

It's the Palais-Cardinal.

>> No.15898517

I really wanted to know more about its specs, since they said it was the strongest god of war of Hexagone Française or something like that.

>> No.15898819
File: 1.23 MB, 1800x2573, coverImage_2203257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15898882

Just believe.

>> No.15898897

How many cours would it even take to adapt OnC?

>> No.15898967

I'm actually curious if they're going to adapt all the volumes of Zaregoto in the OVA format. I don't think something like that would work with OnC for example. Maybe they could adapt OnC in movie format with one movie for each arc? We could keep a consistent quality that way.

>> No.15898988

After the first two arcs I think there's a bit too much material per arc for that to work well.

At least 6

>> No.15899561

>finally finish wheel of time
>time to catch up on horizon trans, where was I?
>load up bt app
>immediately there's a masturbation joke

I'm home.

>> No.15899922

>masturbation joke

Pretty mild start for Kawakami.

>> No.15903598 [SPOILER] 
File: 483 KB, 1089x1600, 1475202314702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15903728

Now that was a hell of a manly confession.

>> No.15904029
File: 102 KB, 640x904, CtkwFUzVMAEyzoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Determination to pierce.

>> No.15904840

>…Front, right, right, front, right, left…

B-A-B-A-Select and you`ve got 30 lives.

>> No.15905145
File: 83 KB, 363x452, Miss Da-san by Phalanx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's a vanilla one and doesn't involve multiple guys.

So mad with the previous tank's toilet scene.

>> No.15905149


>> No.15905187
File: 279 KB, 1072x1200, CpuqvbOUsAAuqQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search [ANGYADOW (Shikei)] on Sadpanda, it's the 200 pages one with Futayo and Masazumi as cover.

I need to find a way to get that unscanned doujin, the preview looks vanilla and the artist likes drawing her eating sweets, it has to be a vanilla one.

>> No.15905481
File: 595 KB, 875x1000, 23208547_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy Urqui. Smooth as fuck.

>> No.15906033

What an excellent scene.

>> No.15906658

So we got a thematic confession, a saccharine confession and a manly confession.

>> No.15906723

All sorts of OTPs blossoming left and right is one of my favorite parts of Kawakami novels.

>> No.15906746

I wouldn`t call Tenzo`s a saccharine confession. He was in very real danger, and his own goddamn team was expecting him to get owned for their amusement.

>> No.15906796

Yeah but the confession itself was really sweet.

>> No.15907591

Does anyone have the apk download for the new Kawakami game OO-Formation? Google store has it at PEGI 18 and so it's region locked

>> No.15907965

Alright, give me a minute.

>> No.15907977


>> No.15908376

>those limbs
I haven't read that for yet, did Urqi take a page from Munishige's book, or was she already like that?
