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File: 97 KB, 800x589, Uyoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1573932 No.1573932 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if these guys would see you?
1. Be nice to them
2. Run
3. Insult them

When you're non-japanese, that is.

>> No.1573951

I find it ridiculous that most weaboos ignore all aspects of Japan which aren't related to anime or manga.

>> No.1573950

4. Genuflect and NIPPON BANZAI

>> No.1573953

key the fuck out of the van, of course.

>> No.1573954

I'd rig their van's stereo system to blast out 「HOWLING」 whenever they try to use the megaphone.

>> No.1573956


>> No.1573958

4. It's a Furude shrine conspiracy.

>> No.1573969

I lol'd.

>> No.1574000

Despite op's choosing game, Is it for real that if they see you when you are non-japanese and what happens next?

>> No.1574015

glare at you really hard maybe

>> No.1574031

>if they see you when you are non-japanese

As opposed to becoming Japanese and returning later?

>> No.1574036

perhaps a terrorist act?

>> No.1574058

Actually, I mean a tourist american or whatever the racism.

>> No.1574061

Why does liking anime and manga mean I have to like everything else as well? Is this some sort of law I'm required to follow?

>> No.1574067


I doubt they would do anything on the street.

It's like White nationalists in America, sure they might be violent, but rarely when others are watching.

>> No.1574070

I fire bomb the dam construction site.

>> No.1574076

Higurashi much?

>> No.1574082

It's a hobby dude.

>> No.1574093

Try to join them. Yes I'm not Japanese, but I think they're awesome.

>> No.1574095

Is that the jap version of v&

>> No.1574102

A real weaboo must know all aspects of japanese life. If not, then he is just one of the sheep.

>> No.1574113

It is the only path.

>> No.1574114


>> No.1574132
File: 32 KB, 334x445, 1226087813536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's exactly inside that van?
Should I expect some paramilitary squad to break out of it at any moment to clobber the shit out of me?

>> No.1574135


*has gained +1 jp knowledge*

>> No.1574136

Depends on what kind they are.

>> No.1574159


They won't do anything if they spot you in a highly populated area.

>> No.1574172


>> No.1574173


Do the Japanese have a phrase similar to "Dey took our jerbs!" ?

>> No.1574185

I'm fine with being a false weeaboo.

>> No.1574192


>> No.1574200


Thanks, but I wasn't looking for a literal translation. I meant the redneck term "Deey took out jeeeeerbs" (think south park).

>> No.1574210


These groups don't rally against that.

They basically just want the USA to GTFO, bring back militarization and give power back to the emperor.

They don't give a shit about illegal immigrants doing low wage jobs (some minor Yakuza related groups may, though).

>> No.1574216
File: 167 KB, 370x347, 1226089892043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1574220
File: 115 KB, 1024x779, 1226090031273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x]1.Be nice to them

I'm an African. It's physically impossible for me to be afraid of an Asian. How many Asians does it take to equal the brute power of one African?

This picture for example. It takes 2 Asians to equal one Australian. But it takes two Australians to equal one African.

>> No.1574232

Your pic made me laugh hysterically.

>> No.1574246

I'd flash them a peace sign and say "konnichiwa nihonjin" in a heavy British accent.

>> No.1574255
File: 161 KB, 480x678, 1226091080470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking yes.

>> No.1574279

This is good. It it does, the rest of Asia would isolate Japan in distrust. Shit. Time for revenge, nida. <`∀´>

>> No.1574300

>They basically just want the USA to GTFO, bring back militarization

I actually want Japan to get back their military. Why should America have to look after Japan. One of the reasons why noone bothers to mess with Japan is because they know our US bases are in Japan. N Korea or China doesn't fear Japan's small JSDF. N Korea would have attacked Japan years ago if we didn't have such a strong friendship with Japan. Japan should be wasting billions of dollars a year building up their own military.

>> No.1574305


>> No.1574317

I'd be awesome if Japan rebuilt the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army... seriously, have some national dignity again.

>> No.1574315

The japanese army/navy could have been much stronger if the victors of WW2 wouldn't have raped Japan by forcing them to dissolve the IJN&IJA.

With other words, america is the only reason why Japan doesn't have a large army nowadays.

>> No.1574333

>>1574315 here. Cont'd
Also, the DRPK wouldn't stand against Japan so or so. Look at them, their army hasn't made any equipment updates since the 60's. Their warships would sink to the bottom of the ocean because of old age. Srsly.

>> No.1574337

It takes one, because they have a baseball bat and you don't you macho faggot.

>> No.1574339

Well, from the Department of Intended Consequences: because of the pacifist constitution we forced on Japan, a large proportion of Japanese are now indeed pacifists. (Although I'm sure the continuing significance of the A-bomb attacks is also a factor.)

>> No.1574347
File: 229 KB, 730x422, 1226093291478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that pic. Goddamn chinks and koreans stole all of them after the end of the war. Isn't it time to retrieve our stuff?

>> No.1574349

lol niggers

>> No.1574355

What is that? Howling?

>> No.1574358

Do you really think that the normal japanese person admires america? It's nothing but a collective fear of nukes.

>> No.1574379

just ignore them

>> No.1574391
File: 254 KB, 902x600, 1226094536949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maritime self defense forces could take on the DPRK any time.

>> No.1574405
File: 293 KB, 972x1200, 1226094744165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan militarization: Gundams, Ganmen, Metal Gears, Evangelions and loli android soldiers.

I approve.

>> No.1574417
File: 17 KB, 610x380, 1226094840100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are Type 1 Chi-He tanks, production only came late in the war (1943) and of the handful that where built (less than 200), they were only deployed to the home Islands and the Philippines

>> No.1574416


>> No.1574419

My point was that, after having been around for 60 years, a lot of Japanese people seem to take the ideals behind the constitution seriously.

>> No.1574433

The main gun caliber looks rather small.

>> No.1574439


>> No.1574448

And like in all westernized countries, some start to think differently again. Like the uyoku dantai.
And since 90% of alla japanese people are more or less racist, only future knows which radical decisions Japan will take soon.

>> No.1574460

Think about it, the tank was intended to be used in heavily forested areas. Having a large gun in the middle of the jungle is not something which sane people would consider.

>> No.1574492

If I was Big Kim and I wanted to war with Japan, I'd send in spies to blow shit up, because then, due to Article 9, Japan can't retaliate by bombing Pyongyang -- that would be non-defensive warfare.

>> No.1574520

You are already driving a tank in the middle of the forest. The diameter and length of the barrel is not the limiting factor for driving there.

>> No.1574521

And what would happen IF Japan would retaliate by annihilating Pyeongyang?

>> No.1574530


Thats the opposite actually. The Type 1 Chi-He was designed in response to the fact that Japanese tanks were unable to fight Americans tanks. Before Japan used large caliber but low velocity cannons for defeating infantry, they were generally very short and fired HE shells that could fight entrenched infantry but had little effect on more advanced American tanks. The Type 1 Chi-He had a new, smaller caliber but high velocity 47mm cannon (similiar to the the Panzer III's 50mm cannon)

>> No.1574563

But the overall size is. And (relatively) small tanks can't have guns that are too big for them.

>> No.1574584

o| ̄|_

>> No.1574581

how could I insult the japanese A team???

>> No.1574600

It would be unconstitutional. There's always some faggot who would get those responsible impeached.

>> No.1574664

Indeed, how could you? They'll totally kick your ass.

>> No.1574665

These guys are annoying as fuck, but at least they support the US military (aka me).

>> No.1574705

They do?

>> No.1574727


>>1574114 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyoku_dantai
>South Korea and the United States are traditionally regarded as allies but more recent organizations direct their criticisms against these countries too.

My wife tells me that the ones here in Okinawa seem to be fairly pro-US military.

>> No.1574745

You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.1575216

I would join them. They're right, you know.
