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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1573334 No.1573334 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1573338

Sakuya isn't this mean.

>> No.1573349

Kerno is sure angry

>> No.1573364

I ''love'' how half of the OMFG RAAAGE XD and/or crap Threads are shitposter tripfiend based.

>> No.1573385


It's not Kerno, it's Cheerno.

>> No.1573391


I wonder why is that

>> No.1573396

Because Anonymous ain't the main faggot anymore.

>> No.1573400

We didn't make the 'Threads' though, so how is it 'shitposter tripfiend' based?

>> No.1573405

>ponpo !tC/hi58lI
You're still a newfag.
And a pain in the ass.
I'm just pointing the obvious.

>> No.1573406

Well, you're a shitposter and a tripfriend.

You can solve this.

>> No.1573415

He's, basically, a FAGGOT.

>> No.1573418

Irony is made of ferrous fibers.

>> No.1573421

He's a tripfiend in denial.

>> No.1573429

"Anonymous" called me a "newfag"...so this is what it's like....to be owned....

Hahaha. Alright i'll delete the 10 characters in the "name" field and suddenly all will improve, right?

>> No.1573430
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But iron isn't made of fibers.

>> No.1573431

I'm a tripfagging troll, and I'm PROUD DAMMIT!

>> No.1573439

Delete one character from the end, and nothing will change at all, including your tripcode.

>> No.1573441

That's why it's ironic.

>> No.1573443


>> No.1573445

Transformation complete...whoa I suddenly feel like an amazing poster. You're all gay!

>> No.1573450


>> No.1573454


>> No.1573458

Hey, Jones, you forgot my lessons about faggotry, or you just improved your posts?

>> No.1573468

Tripfags are such bakayaros

>> No.1573465

10 characters.
``ponpo'' is five. # is one. That makes a 4 character tripcode. Removing one makes 3.

Learn to reading comprehension.

>> No.1573471

Anta baka?!

>> No.1573475

>Anonymous of Russian Federation
>guy who didn't distinguish eroges from VNs

>> No.1573477

Yes this.

Us anonymousfags rule! High five, brother!

>> No.1573480

He's a russkie, so mistakes with words are to be expected. Still, I would have hoped he knew simple math.

>> No.1573486


>> No.1573489

Tripfag -> Namefag -> Anonymous

One step at a time.

>> No.1573492

So, I guess anyone with a trip is Cirno and 'anonymous' are the other three?

>> No.1573496

And four character trips can be cracked in minutes. I just can't imagine someone having for character trip (ex. Qwerty#uiop from /l/)

>> No.1573498

lol pan

>> No.1573500

Yeah, mate, sure, with you on the scope, I'll be sure to value more the life of an insignificant tripfag.
Just keep circlejerking, you're not making a fool of yourselves or anything, just keep shitting up for no partial reason.
You're right.

>> No.1573503

ponpo you're the one who can't count.
That's 9 characters.

>> No.1573510

We're enjoying, thank nyou

>> No.1573514

Anger level - why /jp/ "tripfags" are better than /jp/ "anonymous" posters.

I actually didn't count, I just said a number in order to laugh at the fact that doing something like removing letters from the 'name' field would improve anything at all, as per that retards suggestion.

>> No.1573515

ITT: We debate the interesting topic of which trip counts are correct or not.
And extra shit that ain't worth a topic mention.

>> No.1573524


>> No.1573532

What's happening in this thread?

Never have I dreamt of seeing the day tripfags would troll tripfags for being tripfags...

>> No.1573536

Oh shit HACCKKEEDD my /jp/ trip life is now ruined.

I'm sure i'm so significant that everyone engrained their trip in their minds too, bummer. Okay, new trip time ~

>> No.1573542
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It's not, it's a Cirno thread.

>> No.1573546

Jones is bored, boy.

>> No.1573548

Admit you chose such a short word in hope someone would hack it.
You enjoy it.

>> No.1573558

Actually it was just ease of typing it out at first. I underestimated the unhealthy rage level of /jp/ anonymous posters.

>> No.1573568

You know that was only Jones, right?

>> No.1573581

End yourselves.

>> No.1573589

You know that was only Jones, right?

>> No.1573619

Every raging 'anonymous' in here is probably just Jones.

>> No.1573625

Secure tripcodes are for jerks

>> No.1573635

Whut. I made 5 posts in this thread. Not that I mind, but you should give credit where credit is due.

>> No.1573649

>I made 5 posts

>> No.1573657


>> No.1573666

>Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪!TapsqdZp4A

>gay Jew

>> No.1573695

Gay Jew? No, You!

lol i'm a poet and I know it
