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File: 226 KB, 1280x960, 1464167279195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15684874 No.15684874 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15684938

random is good practice

>> No.15684948

sweating is cheating

>> No.15684949

Is there even one HD Pop'n cab on official e-amuse anywhere in the US?

>> No.15684964

playing standing up is cheating

>> No.15684989
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Kureha a cute

>> No.15685008
File: 1.65 MB, 2345x4165, rasis is cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rasis a cutest

>> No.15685034

>getting spanked by Daiuchuu
Too real.

>> No.15685299


Pop'n cabs always look so shiny.

>> No.15685328

nice meme

>> No.15685619

tfw no round 1

>> No.15685630

I think my playstyle is so shit it will forever prevent me from getting good.

Who the fuck uses their pointer finger to hit 1+2 chords?

>> No.15685855

>tfw 80% clears don't count in my book

Fuckin' IIDX. Filling me with modesty.

>> No.15685897

Let's DDR!!

>> No.15685916

How do I trick my round 1 arcade to fucking update their old ass fantasia cabinets?

>> No.15686097

tfw getting one in GA next year

>> No.15686474
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Post lewd jackets

>> No.15686510
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>> No.15686678

Beginning of 2017 right?

>> No.15686778

Speaking of Daiuchuu, what are the other meme songs in SDVX?

inb4 Brain Power

>> No.15686868

Don't know the official date but I saw a job listing that said it would open during spring.

>> No.15686997

There are no pop'n cabs on official e-amuse in the US.

>> No.15687172

fuck debtty daddy

>> No.15687334
File: 532 KB, 500x281, feels good to be a ganster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw one is opening in NYC in 2017.
Fuck chinatown fair

>> No.15687448


Fuck just all of these songs. Fuckin' IIDX. I hate it!

>> No.15687483


>> No.15687584


>> No.15687636 [DELETED] 

are there any furries that play rhythm games

>> No.15687710

every1 that plays rhythm games is a furry desu

>> No.15687725

No, especially not Pop'n.

>> No.15687811


>> No.15688048

You don't, none of the R1s in the US have up to date Pop'n cabs.

>> No.15688052

why not

i wanna play eclale


>> No.15688070
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Even her crying face is cute

>> No.15688108
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>> No.15688119

tfw they're never gonna fuckin open one in Michigan

why does my state suck

>> No.15688129

michigan boys ww@

>> No.15688135

Hey can someone help me actually get GLAssist to work

The reddit guide says
>Running GLAssist for the first time will ask you to direct to where your LR2.exe and LR2body is located

But that is not a thing that happened and I can't read enough Japanese to navigate the program to do anything manually

What do?

>> No.15688151
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>> No.15688312
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>tfw only nip machine is 2 hours away
>tfw it isn't sdvx
>tfw neetbux can't afford a controller

>> No.15688324

better start blowin dudes for money then anon

>> No.15688334

can someone tell me what the name of the menu song in Lincle is? It's catchy asf but I can't find its name anywhere

>> No.15688370

living here is suffering my dude

I'm going to Youmacon in the fall and I'll finally get to try IIDX there, but I'm probably gonna suck because I've only ever played it on my keyboard.

>> No.15688454

halp pls

do I try reinstalling it?

>> No.15688467
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, CoXLl_kVMAA6VM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't anybody talking about Museca? That game is what always takes most of my credits

>> No.15688471

no asc or data so i cant play it
looks interesting tho

>> No.15688576
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1464999051744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


museca sim and asc WHEN

>> No.15688624

IIDX System Music Power Rankings
1. Empress
2. Gold
3. Everything else

those buttons would be so expensive

it's mad fun but it feels like a mobile game because no matter how bad you fuck up, you can't fail

or maybe you can and it's just kinda forgiving? i've flailed my way through 14s with a score of like 700k and i felt like i should have failed. Either way, the game's biggest problem is that it only has like 10 songs.

>> No.15688655

Is anyone playing Infinitas? I never installed it and i don't know if anyone still plays it.

>> No.15688822

> no matter how bad you fuck up, you can't fail
you mean like every other BEMANI game...

>> No.15689018


are you ok anon

>> No.15689024
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>no arcade buddy to drive me to round1 on weekends

bad feel, i need a car but friends would be nice too

>> No.15689027

where are you located

>> No.15689034

erm, i live 20 minutes from the lakewood round1

>> No.15689051 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 500x281, 1471215550649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm also means eastridge mall r1 just so you know

i'm up in northern california sorry senpai

>> No.15689071

i went to san jose round1 once, it was pretty cool. i like how the arcade is so separate from the bowling. i hate hearing all the bowling noise behind me while playing iidx

>> No.15689362


They added rivals and some more shit, slowly getting better, but i still don't feel like paying for it

Don't forget the foot pedal, rip

>> No.15689568


there is not a single useful walkthrough for this on the internet

>> No.15689866

>you mean like every other BEMANI game...
Yep, there's no way you can get a AAA and miss like 6 notes at the end and drop from 95% to 78%

>> No.15689870

well no one will help me with this

but I just scrolled until i found a song that wasn't impossible and after a few tries i actually passed it

i'm so happy i could cry

>> No.15689892

I don't remember much about installing it but if you click on the cogs of glassist if the second tab shows Lunatic Rave 2 you should be fine.

The third tab asks where you wanted to save your sorted folder at. I just have it in a custom folder under songs.

Just follow the rest of the instructions here https://www.reddit.com/r/lunaticrave2/wiki/index (assuming you're not already doing that)

>> No.15689915

I'm trying but the problem is they updated GLAssist so the menu buttons aren't even in the same place as they show on that guide

I can't find the one that they point to with the star on it at all

>> No.15689957

Can you take a screenshot of your glassist layout

>> No.15689999
File: 30 KB, 1001x837, glassist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see it's different from what they're showing me on reddit so I'm completely lost

>> No.15690023

wait I think I might've figured it out

also @me nice quads

>> No.15690026

It is pretty different but the star is not showing up because you don't have a scale installed.

Click the + sign and add a url, it is on the wiki. http://www.ribbit.xyz/bms/tables/normal.html is the normal scale, which is most likely what you want.

Once you do that the section in your image reading 表を選択して... If you click on it you should now see 通常難易度 (or something like that)

Then click the tag button next to the minus sign.

>> No.15690052

awesome thank you! it works!

time to become a real rhythm gamer..

>> No.15690095

Here's to SPA charts with bullshit endings

>> No.15690105

Fuck programmed sun

>> No.15690140

what are some fun ddr songs

>> No.15690185

i really like the healing vision songs but i only play cs versions

>> No.15690213

I can't stop crying... buckets of tears!>>15690140
Spin the disc
My summer love
Kind Lady

>> No.15690275

Shoutout to I Was The One

>> No.15690584
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>tfw mission failed at 99%

>> No.15690603
File: 107 KB, 594x960, 13932796_652597301564249_4570281564225020937_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one hell of a song name

>> No.15690656

after clearing most of the 14s i tried AZAKA on 15

i won't do that again

>> No.15690660

It's like INF-B《L-aste-R》 meets HΨ=世界創造=EΨ.

>> No.15690672

Speaking of Museca, after I got used to the layout I blasted to 15s in a very short time.

Guess the pop'n player in me isn't dead.

>> No.15690692

The buttons are just a IIDX turntable on top of a microswitch, plop a nutella jar cap on it and you're good to go.

>> No.15691871

Shoutouts to virtually every another chart in 9th style

>> No.15691873

museca buttons feel so cheap, it feels like the game was made and designed in some tier-5 chinese whatever
no other game feels as cheap in Hey/roundONE/sega whatever etc.

Technorch was playing street fighter in Hey 3 days ago and I missed him, I even brought my sugoi kimochii disc for him to sign for my weebland visit

>> No.15692041
File: 137 KB, 526x436, end my life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in Akiba playing blazblue at hey on Friday. You're telling me I could've talked to technorch? Is this how people feel about meeting celebrities.

>> No.15692315

How hard is it to play iidx for the first time on an actual cabinet if you've only ever played it on a keyboard?

>> No.15692395

I actually really love Museca, it's my favorite game outside of iidx.

>> No.15692500

It's a whole new game

>> No.15692668

Attack on dwarf is a fun song but those fucking laser still throw me off at points

>> No.15692723
File: 187 KB, 550x550, 52684056_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do songs that has her in the jacket so good?

>> No.15692836


>> No.15692910

>tfw 2 round1s within a 30 minute drive but too autistic to into arcades

>> No.15692919

>sugoi kimochii disc

original art or the revised version

>> No.15693688
File: 374 KB, 352x352, Starlight_Dance_Floor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>song jacket has koishi on it
>But it's a th8 song arrange

>> No.15693752

that's the album art it even says it right there

>> No.15693806

You're going to be mercilessly assfucked by the turntable alone. The key spacing, timing windows, and how fucking awkward it is to play at a comfortable height unless you're a manlet will be pissing on your grave.

>> No.15693864

should be doable as long as you use your thumb to hit 3 to scratch

>> No.15693906


I don't use my left thumb at all. I play with 6 fingers on 7 keys. Not a great plan.

>> No.15694003

You're fucked. Start with 1's.

>> No.15694025


Why 1s? I'm 8th dan man. I'm just noting my playstyle is really starting to rear its head.

I do try to force myself to use my thumb for 1+2 chords by it just feels so kludgy.

>> No.15694035

sorry I thought you were the guy who was transitioning from keyboard to AC for the first time

>> No.15694037

DOn't start with 1s, 4s or 5s should be fine

>> No.15694040

Oh yeah sorry me too

>> No.15694065


Ah, I see the confusion.


Will do. Hopefully I can get over that 4 wall within the year.

>> No.15694135

I'm a girl and 5'4" so I hopefully won't have that problem at least

Any advice though for quickly getting used to everything else? Are there any simple rules to using the turntable that I just wouldn't think of having never done it before?

>> No.15694242

the first and most obvious is that during Backspin Scratches you'll have to continue turning the turntable in a direction, then flick it in the other direction at the end of the note.

Depending on your style and size of your hands you may or may not be able to pull off 1048+pinky scratches, or you can play "standard" with (assuming 1P) middle, index, and thumb on keys 1,2,3.

Wrist scratching is cheating.

Don't attempt to scratch left to right, because of the positioning of the turntable you'll want to go up and down.

Because scratching is dynamic, if you're not using 1048 you'll have to get used to moving your hand for S+1 (thumb), S+2 (Thumb or Index, personal preference, I use index), S+3 (Thumb), and combinations of those: S+1+2 (thumb+index), S+2+3 (thumb+index again), and the slightly difficult S+1+3 (thumb on 1, index on 3, or thumb on 1, right thumb on 3, or kludging it with a single thumb across 1+3)


>> No.15694320

Yikes ok this is gonna be real hard isn't it

Thanks for the advice

>> No.15695486

Is it just me or do you have to hit the Taiko drum REALLY hard to get it to register?

>> No.15695530

probably just a beat up machin

im a total weakling and i find taiko less demanding than popn, physically

the buttons in iidx are really heavy toooo

>> No.15695562

That's a relief, I thought I was somehow messing banging things on surfaces up.
Although I didn't notice any difficulty in pushing the Beatmania buttons.

>> No.15695595

Yours probably broken, mine needs no strength at all desu.

>> No.15695633

I was playing on a public machine thankfully. I'd be super pissed if I paid for one and the thing didn't work.
Was still really fun even if it could've been in better condition

>> No.15695724

fuckin hell

This worked fine yesterday but today I open the game and none of my difficulty folders will open at all. I've tried deleting and re-adding the GLAssist custom folder, as well as trying an entirely new difficulty scale, but still when I try to click on each level in-game nothing happens.

This is so frustrating I wanna just give up.

>> No.15695751

ok, got a 3rd one to work. Disregard me for now. Still, there needs to be some kinda LR2 tech support

>> No.15695761

Poo fart in vag

>> No.15695769

Thank you so much for your input

>> No.15695778

what does glassist even do

>> No.15695808

I downloaded that 60gb zip file of songs. GLAssist basically just sorts them into difficulty ranges for you so you don't have to scroll for ten years to find what you're looking for.

I literally just started playing so it helps to be able to sort out easier songs.

Out of curiosity, is there an equivalent of the LR2 'beginner' range in actual IIDX? I'm probably specifically wondering about Lincle since I think that's the style they have at the con I'm going to in the fall. I wanna try the game for real but it'd suck if there was nothing I could pass at all.

>> No.15695815

honestly i would just download the bms songpacks from bms.bemaniso.ws if you want to practice for a real machine

>> No.15695821

I've been playing this game for 3 days; you think I've actually gotten into sows yet? I'll figure that out once I stop sucking at the game.

That being said, I'm willing to draw something for one of you guys if you'd send me an invite...

>> No.15695822

Wait, can't you just go into LR2 settings and turn on the Difficulty Folder option?

Lets you sort by difficulty, doesn't it?

I hardly use LR2 though, correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.15695832

bms.bemaniso.ws is open to everyone tho

>> No.15695846

Everything I've read says GLAssist is necessary for sorting out low level songs

Wait.. yeah.. I can actually download stuff from here

I'm confused but I'm not gonna complain

>> No.15695892

Ok so how do I get these to work
Just unzipping them and loading the folders into the game like usual isn't working; the songs show up as unplayable.

>> No.15695933

i used 7z since it handles tar correctly and just added them like normal songs
i also dont use glassist fwiw

>> No.15696026

tried 7z and still not working

I'm gonna try to see how my song folders that do work are organized and see if I can fix these so they.. look similar.. or something

I'm completely computer illiterate i have no idea what i'm doing

>> No.15696068

I'm a genius

I noticed all my working songs had the .bme files on top of the .ogg files in the folder, so I just renamed all the .bme files in these songs so that they came first alphabetically

and now the song runs

don't ask me what the fuck I just did but it worked

also yay! I think with practice I can probably pass at least the 5's on these by the time the con rolls around!

>> No.15696071
File: 704 KB, 720x404, SDVX difficulty curve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try unzipping them under Jap locale if you haven't already.

Oh also - the bms site itself is kind of broken, try downloading the songs individually and loading them in. Should work out.

>> No.15696084

>file name

>> No.15696096

I have been, but thanks! Renaming files is seeming to work right now.

>> No.15696565

Level 14 SDVX charts are such a pain to play. I could clear Dawn of Asia and Playing With Fire, but everything I tried after that rapes me.

>> No.15696583

Do right-handed people typically play IIDX on 2P side? I'm on 1P and wondering if my scratching would be more accurate with my right hand on 2P

>tfw 5'3" manlet

>> No.15696724

I think most people play on 1P side. For my own personal preference, I prefer 1P because I would prefer to have my dominant hand (right) hitting the buttons as much as possible.

I think everyone has that line of thinking at some point, but if you consider how many buttons your scratching hand can actually reach while being in control of the turntable, it's not that many. Unless you're very confident in your off-hand to hit the majority of buttons, it might be a tough switch.

tl;dr your scratching would probably become more accurate but your main keys would likely get worse. But it's all dynamic anyway, you going 2P might work out great. Play which is most comfortable for you.

I was floored that they actually opened one in Massachusetts. It's about 30-40 minutes away and a huge money sink but I love playing on cabs. Been going regularly.

>> No.15696755

As someone who initially learned and got up to 8s on 1P and then switched over to 2P, it really doesn't matter what your dominant hand is. I'm a righty and I actually play better on 2P. I played a lot of instruments growing up, so I'm better at fingering with my left hand predominantly and carrying rhythm with my right.

It took me a while to get back to where I was on 1P but I feel like I can definitely scratch a lot better on 2P (my main weakness).

>> No.15696807

2p right hander here

I'm stuck at 9dan so I'm taking a break playing other games

>> No.15696811

right hander on 1P. I personally am really fine with pinky-scratching lefthanded, I feel like it just takes getting used to, like WASD controls.

But I've only started playing recently like a few weeks ago and am clearing 5s and 6s.

>> No.15696853

This is why a tier list for 14s exist. Lots of higher 14s need one of your hands to move all over the place while the other hand is on the knob.

>> No.15696918


Turn on auto turntable, it's less shameful than missing the turntable every time by a couple cm and then screwing up.

>> No.15696921


You'll be fine with pinky scratching


maybe consider killing yourself

>> No.15696927


I think a lot of people who can actually do 11's and 12's you will find tend to prefer the 1P side, and it's the people who have been playing since before 2000 who tend to pick the 2P side. Of course most of those people have had adequate time to adjust and can surely play on the 1P side if they had to.

>> No.15696967

i'm right handed and i play 2p side but i'm bad anyways (6s)

it seems slightly easier for me to move to the turntable with my right hand/arm, it's just a little bit more quick and controlled

same reason i can do trills in stepmania with my right hand better than my left hand

>> No.15696983


Are you new to IIDX or did you play 5 key and that's why you're on 2p side? Go to 1p and I bet you'll have better timing once you get your other hand able to scratch.

>> No.15696992

i played 5 key games before ever playing iidx and i also play 2p side so i can play iidx with my bf at the arcade, he plays 1p

>> No.15697066

I play 2p because the only reason I'm playing IIDX is mad mass

>> No.15697074

Because it doesn't look as fun as SDVX.

>> No.15697093

When I said mine is the one in my city. It's working flawlessly. Too bad yours don't work, maybe it's old.

>> No.15697300


What a masochist.

Shame about all those charts cause his songs are all great.

>> No.15697314

The only non mad mass 7 I've passed is insane techniques sph, and I just passed Beachside and Red sph (10s) last night

>> No.15697363


Oh, well, now I can see where you're coming from. Mad Mass songs are pretty fun until you get to 10s, then they become literally impossible.

>> No.15697420

But the charts are also good.

>> No.15697580

Just like how Kero 9 destiny has Sakuya on the jacket.

>> No.15697735

original, mild a shit

>> No.15697823

you're just bad at scratches

>> No.15697832

exh or inf?
i can clear p much every 14 exh but 14 inf's rape my behind

>> No.15697840


Nah, scratches simply have nothing to do with the song. They don't go to the beat, the scratching in the songs, anything.

It's one whole lane permanently set on S Random.

>> No.15697856

There are a couple bursts of 24ths that are questionable, but otherwise the overwhelming majority of scratch sounds are keysounded just fine.

You sound bad.

>> No.15697872


>> No.15697889


It's not me man. Heavy scratching songs are well known for being among the hardest in the entire game.

Long Train Running, Beach Side Bunny, Plan 8. All harder than fuck and it's because of the scratching.

>> No.15697897

You're allowed to say that scratches are difficult, but saying that they're impossible on 10s is silly.

>> No.15697966

Plan 8 is just a shit chart.
Shakunetsu are both great, it just needs a different skillset.
It might feel like it's off the beat because of how scratching works.
If you take apart your dao and give it a spin, or just try and 7+scratch on an empty lane, you'll notice there's a little delay between you pushing on the wheel and it registering as input. Thankfully it's a mechanical delay, and is 100% consistent every time.
As soon as I learned to compensate for that, scratch songs became a whole lot easier.
Just listen to handclap videos for a week.

>> No.15697970


I guess I forgot where I was, a veritable den of autism.

My mistake.

>> No.15697982

I meant 7+scratch for 2p btw

>> No.15697984

Go be bad somewhere else.


>> No.15698006

bro scratches arent hard just look at the worlds best player destroy this song xD

>> No.15698014

The world's most skilled player.
Keyword skill.
Scratch charts are hard, and he has the skill to overcome it.
Just as he has the skill to overcome Mei, another incredibly hard chart with little scratching.

>> No.15698021

Please reread >>15697897 .

>> No.15698096

where do i get replacement springs/switches for my dao popn controller

>> No.15698232

copula whence

>> No.15698406


SDVX the animation when

>> No.15698475

Left Hander, 1P here.

Probably because I used to play piano so I'm used to key runs with the right and stretching out for chords/rhythm on the left.

Also my left hand is slightly larger by about a key (can only hit C-D on my right, C-E on my left on the piano) so it's a tiny bit better for pinky scratching.

>> No.15698490


>> No.15698792
File: 300 KB, 1296x972, IMG_20160816_182640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, my virgoo turbocharger arrived yesterday, I played some KSM with it for a few hours and I thought the left knob felt a little loose, so I pulled lightly on it and it came off and I seen this, what do I do?

>> No.15698802

Talk to virgoo and let them know the situation, including this picture.
If they refuse to refund/replace, chargeback.

>> No.15698812
File: 57 KB, 960x584, 14067676_1058996170815963_5147647576898872189_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15698851

Just use the hex key that's included to screw it back on.

>> No.15698895
File: 939 KB, 1905x1043, LN 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who helped you the other day, I spent the entire day completely fucking knocked out. Sorry.

The reason why Glassist was made because LR2's difficulty is all over the fucking place.

Look at pic related, this is all 12s on the Long Note scale that is sorted by GLassist. Absolutely inconsistent as hell.

You can't actually rely on the difficulty listed on the song, which is one of the major down sides of the game. The whole point of GLassist is to accurately sort the difficulty to it's actual difficulty.

>> No.15698900

put the knob back on then tighten the set screw with the included hex key.

It's on the side near the bottom.

>> No.15698907

It wouldn't hit almost anything because it registers new scratches from neutral.

>> No.15698918

The knobs are designed to come off like this if you need to replace the encoder, just screw it back on with the included hex key

>> No.15698921


You can take the knob off from the top?

Nice. You have almost completely take apart the DAO to get at the knobs.

>> No.15698937

Thank you, it seems to be working fine now

>> No.15699501
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1000, 58441388_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace a cute

>> No.15699581

Not flat enough to be Grace.

>> No.15699591

Tfw can't pass second heaven hyper

>> No.15699599
File: 3.21 MB, 1708x1891, 58483557_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she can stuff her chest with those purple eyes that speak in gibberish.

>> No.15699608


I love tiny hats. They're just so worthless and cute.

>> No.15699743


Is grace a robot? Why does she have those seems down her torso?

>> No.15699986

They remind me of you anon~

>> No.15700065



>> No.15700124 [DELETED] 

I've seen a dance pad costing $10 near my job. Should I buy it?

>> No.15700244

Draw something of Cindy, send it to the sows facebook

>> No.15700282

woah thanks I'd heard about that but no one ever told me where to send it before

spose it's pig drawing time

>> No.15700692


Is this mechanical delay the same on arcade?

>> No.15700930

Not him but absolutely. Some arcades have an even larger delay, like the (seemingly badly maintained) round1 in Osaka.

>> No.15700993

Details? You mean in actual NYC, or on Long Island somewhere?

>> No.15700997

LR2/Glassist players: i have 2 JKOC's and 2 psx to usb (one plain, one inpin for ps3) anybody got consistent turntable response? mine seems very inaccurate/sends extra signals.

>> No.15701006

Broadway mall in Hickville
A quick subway ride away from 42nd.

>> No.15701052

Ps2 to usb convertors are always finicky with kocs for some reason
According to some on pigs forum all you need to do is increase the polling rate on the port to 1khz and it works fine but I've never had success with it

>> No.15701062

Hicksville is Long Island. Subways don't go outside of the 5 boroughs. Or do you mean LIRR?

>> No.15701106

Is there a difference between HD and HD* ?

>> No.15701113

The *

>> No.15701242

I believe one of them is the same as the other plus +1.0 offset, for the newer, laggier monitors.

I use HD* personally because I've got a bunch of input lag.

>> No.15701295

How the fuck do I stop messing up trills I wanna kill myself

>> No.15701334

Stop sucking. It sounds simple but it works.

>> No.15701402

do them with your wrist rather than your fingers

>> No.15701406

Body paint?
Maybe it's part of her underwear

>> No.15701426


Worked for the inpin but not for the no-name one.... either way thanks!

>> No.15701447


Play 5 key and get used to why they got inserted into gameplay, or shut up and practice them. thats really it. 5 key will actually help.

>> No.15701514

Wait what does 5 key have to do with trills

>> No.15701573



5 key is where they started and they're trickier to do than they look. The lack of the 2 extra keys IIDX has helps you focus on doing the trill right. It helped me at least, trills went from being a potential game-ender to something I could do in my sleep pretty quickly.

>> No.15701671

We got new 16s

>> No.15701679
File: 100 KB, 960x720, 14063784_1137452406327891_4172096931142584900_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you forgot your image

>> No.15702148

Original anon here, never played on arcade. They're constructed the same way, though, so it will definitely be there, but it'll depend a lot on how it's maintained. In my experience the lighter the turntable the less delay there is, but too light is just impossible to play with. I prefer my turntable pretty firm compared to others.

>> No.15702319


>Rasis hugging Grace


>> No.15702346


fucking flugel arp:eggy, they really hit the limit of how many effects you can jam in a song. that's the one thing that bugs me about sdvx versus all other keysounded bemanis, is that perfect timing doesn't equal a song that sounds perfect without flaws. it still sounds like a mess and only makes sense if you're watching the chart.

>> No.15702417
File: 289 KB, 350x353, flugel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15703178
File: 170 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We /u/ now

>> No.15703401

Popn controllers back in the US storehouse

>> No.15703814

thanks for the heads up!

hopefully theyre still there tomorrow when i get the money...

>> No.15703841

O shit, sdvx controllers too. There are some already customized with copals too it looks like.

I wish the svse5 had an underlay that looked closer to the higher end svre9, I guess I could always print one out and swap it.

>> No.15703863

>Free shipping only for the USA!

Fuck you too Dao

>> No.15704049


Does he just include them or are the preinstalled?

I'm thinking he's expecting you to upgrade them yourself. Not an issue, just annoying.

>> No.15704443
File: 103 KB, 500x425, 56172431_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw failed Long Train Running [h]

>> No.15704525

Do you think Konami deserves the hate campaign casuals are making?

>Le fuck Konami xD

>> No.15704541

No, and Kojima was a shitty hack anyway

What I never got is the >Le pachinko maymay, because I don't see them running any.

>> No.15704570

They have tons of pachinko machine. Look up Sengoku Collection 1 and 2 or all the different Magical Halloween machines.

Also I don't know what Kojima did but I have a very strong feeling it was go over the budget. However even if what Kojima did was absolutely horrible (fuck the president's daughter). They handled his whole termination in the most buttfuck retarded way possible.

>> No.15704584

Literally nothing wrong with MGS Survive. In fact, the gameplay works great for action and horror elements. Gunning down zombies like mad or hiding from them using stealth

It's even obviously not canon to the main storyline. I can't understand the butthurt.

>> No.15704592

I've never heard of MGS survival till now. I don't really care about this whole conflict. Just saying they handled Kojima's termination really poorly.

>> No.15704601
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>> No.15704612

Oh, definitely. It felt like middleschool bickering. Childish as hell.

>> No.15704672

That's Japanese business for you.
>attempting spa
my arm hurts
i want off this train

>> No.15705168

Thoughts on Museca?

>> No.15705226
File: 69 KB, 164x165, 1471109278109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you forgot to change back from excessive rate/hard

It's fun. Some of the missions are really tough.

>> No.15705441


Vice doc on DDR. Even has an interview with Yoshitaka.

>> No.15705453

Only took 10 threads between this being announced and it being uploaded.

>> No.15705456

>beachside spa broke my dao unscrewing some of the turntable internals

>> No.15705461

don't worry if you're actually good you can just screw them back in, with loctite this time, and clear it

>> No.15705475

what are some fun fast paced songs in DDR

like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e64-_sZNAnA

i can only do the easier difficulties though but its still pretty ufn

>> No.15705483

I'm literally the only guy on earth who gets randoms this hard.

Every play video I see they gets these beautiful, flowing, symmetric randoms that look like a dream to play.

I think the machines might know you're kaiden or something, and give you a break. You deserve fun after all of that hell getting there.

>> No.15705609

nah it's because those videos are people farming randoms on premium free then posting the best score they got, which would naturally occur with the easiest random

"random is cheating" is a meme, in general songs get more difficult on random.

>> No.15706123

Nah, it's just people thinking that making Pachinko for japan only means they're 100% turning into a pachinko company.

Also they glorify MSG for no reason, it's good, but nowhere near deserving of the extreme praise it gets.

>> No.15706167

you gotta consider that normalfags don't even give a shit about music games

they don't know that konami maintains like 6 bemani series in japan

all they know konami for is metal gear solid, castlevania, and contra

and no, they don't.

>pachinko machine hahahhahahahaa why dont u make real video games again xDDDD

>> No.15706271

>Do you think Konami deserves the hate
>Beach Side Bunny exists in multiple games

>> No.15706327


Beachside Bunny is fun in Pop'n though.

>> No.15706385

Yes, seems like the people in this thread are completely ignoring how Konami treats its employees.

>> No.15706563

>hating shakunetsu

newshit detected

>> No.15706681

are there tools required to replace buttons and switches?

I was thinking of buying an fp7 from the us storehouse and ordering the replacement parts with it but am worried about how difficult it is to replace the actual parts. I'm not an idiot, but i'm just having trouble finding a lot of info about the process of working with buttons and things.

thanks in advance, i've never been more excited to spend lots of money

>> No.15706698


this is not rhythm games
fuck off

>> No.15706713

this post also isn't rhythm games

you shouldn't need any additional tools, arcade shit is generally very easy to put together. buttons usually snap or screw in and as long as you don't blindly hulk smash the parts together you shouldn't break anything by fucking up.

>> No.15706811

thanks for the advice!

>> No.15706815

As you can see from their website, the buttons are of the same type as nornal sanwa iidx ones, so tool-less installation. The wires leading to switches have terminals, so they're replaceable too without any tools.
You can see this from here: http://www.gamo2.com/en/images/detailed/0/FP7_dike.jpg

>> No.15706827

thank you! sorry i didn't snoop around the site enough.

>> No.15706847


>> No.15706899

Am I reading this right? You need to plug 2 USB cords into your computer to use an IIDX ASC? I literally only have 1 working USB port on my laptop when my headset is plugged in...

>> No.15706907

my rainbow controller uses 2, one for the keys and one for the turntable i'd assume

>> No.15706915

Yep. The USB specification only allows 6 keyboard keys maximum, so you need two USB ports.

>> No.15706929

Well that sucks

If I can ever afford one of these things I better get my laptop fixed first

>> No.15706935

USB hubs exist

>> No.15706958

I have a virgoo portabledx and it only uses one port.

>> No.15707081


I always thought the second USB was for power.

You can run any number of inputs through USB depending on the PCB.

Like those Zerodelay boards. They can do dozens on just one USB port.

>> No.15707107

what are you on about m8 i love debtty daddy and all the other sampling masters songs

>> No.15707121

2nd USB on the Dao is for LEDs.

>> No.15707133
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>> No.15707153

yes, they've treated their non-rhythm game franchises like shit.

>> No.15707274

I think owning Hudson's stuff and doing nothing with it is their biggest sin.

I wish it was Nintendo or Capcom with the rights for Bomberman. They'd do stuff with it.

>> No.15707333
File: 26 KB, 480x360, mermaidgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is mermaid girl so good

>> No.15707350

It's because it still has to be PS2 compatible, since the controller port doesn't have enough power for the LEDs it grabs power from one of the USB ports. Other input boards like the arcin only needs one cable.

That is not true at all, the keyboard mode arcin firmware can do all inputs simultaneously as keyboard presses over USB.

>> No.15707389


you could use just one and have the lights on the controller off, or plug in the data one and plug the other into a wall usb

>> No.15707488



>> No.15707529

Jiggling boobs @ 7:45
Yes i'm thirsty AF.

>> No.15707676


I bought a bunch of buttons from the Sanwa official Rakuten store, all the shit arrived quickly and was able to replace the DJ Dao buttons with pretty much no effort.

>> No.15707765

>play iidx
>6s are easy, no problem
>7s are unreadable chordfests
>terrible self-taught playstyle to boot

fuck this fucking shit game i want to kill myself

>> No.15707798

Is there any other style other than self-taught?

>> No.15707827

I know right? I went full hardcore and ordered from the regular store even though i'm in the US.

>> No.15707895
File: 574 KB, 452x452, jk_003_0709_1_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Rasis swaying side to side is cute. Though the EXH chart utterly destroys me


>> No.15708103

I really love the part at 1:26. The chart is fun but that part is pretty much my entire reason for playing it.

>> No.15708648

your forbidden from killing yourself until your kaiden

>> No.15708845

>7 is too hard :(

Just wait until you reach the 8 wall. And then the 9 wall. AND then the 10 wall. AND THEN THE 11 WALL. AND THEN THE FUCKING 12 WALL

>> No.15708847

>that cheeky flower inclusion

>> No.15709147

If it weren't for The Limbo, I genuinely believe I could skip right to 10th dan and become a "9th dan refugee"

Fucking scratching.

>> No.15709153

>tfw still cant pass the safari

>> No.15709570

1-6 is the first stage, when you figure out "oh, these keys correspond to those notes"

7-8 is where you learn to comfortably read and scratch.

I'm stuck on 9 right now, as it's the "wait holy shit how do I read a series of fast 2-note chords" part.

>> No.15710432

Man, it doesn't matter what game, those nervewrecking last 20 seconds on a song you've been fighting with for days but is about to completely nail is my favorite feeling in the world. The heart pounding, the gut wrenching, everything but the music and visuals going silent and dark, it's fucking great. Bonus points if the song has a slow breather section before the final rush.

>> No.15710439


Every time I feel this way, Otto saying "Don't choke don't choke don't choke" is always going through my mind.

And whether or not I passed I add the "I knew I was gonna choke".

>> No.15710483
File: 132 KB, 576x324, sound voltex best logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone invite me to bemaniso.sw?
I have fast internet connection.

>> No.15710496


>> No.15710501

just draw some fanart of cindy and send it to their facebook page

>> No.15710536


>> No.15710606

There should be a "Dan Gauge" in addition to HC and EXHC.

So you can know whether or not you'd make it through a course/song.

>> No.15710678

This would be really cool. Same thing for SDVX, with Permissive Rate.

>> No.15711308


>> No.15711482


disgusting bare footer

>> No.15712013

Do copula bms files exist

>> No.15712018
File: 346 KB, 916x1200, Cp90QsGVIAAd9Qi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cleared Celestial Stinger EXH
>It's a B in this chart
>I barely have level 15 clears

Liking a song really helps you clear it

>> No.15712095

the full pendual bms doesnt even exist yet

>> No.15712104

how long is it ok to play at one particular machine for? i'm going to round 1 sometime this weekend and i don't want to appear like i'm hogging the cab

>> No.15712110

forever, as long as nobody is waiting behind you? what the fuck kind of question is that you autist

>> No.15712143


if you feel like its been a long time (you've played nearly 10 rounds) go walk around and check out the other machines but if nobody appeared at the machine while you're gone than go for it

>> No.15712264

always ask if there's a line or if someone behind you/watching you is waiting to play

otherwise,play as long as you'd like,just look around to see if anyone else would like a turn

Be especially aware of that if you're playing something like SDVX at PHM where they only have 2 cabinets now

>> No.15712285

Anyone notice among all rhythm games, SDVX seems to be the one where videos showing feats of great skill seems like anything but?

I'll watch someone Perfect a hard 15 or 16 and think "I can go do that shit right now" then I get to playing and can't get my gauge passed 10%.

I'd also put Gitadora on this list, but not as high simply because the exhausting physical nature of it.

>> No.15712306

>tfw SDVX here is so popular queue numbers are needed

At least there's Jubeat, Museca or IIDX if the queue is too long

>> No.15712346
File: 71 KB, 498x498, gfdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you guys would appreciate it more than /mu/ or /v/

GFDM Best Tracks - Both CD's included in here,ripped @320kbps

You can find a lot of this online if you look hard enough,but you definitely can't find it at this quality

mega dot nz/#!gYkB3BTR

>> No.15712355

>mega dot nz/#!gYkB3BTR

>> No.15712358


sorry about that anons

here's the link with the key

mega dot nz/#!gYkB3BTR!sJQqPW7Iuw0IP5IFd30ZqKMXmLmGtk1oBB1kA4-HTUM

>> No.15712361

decryption key?

>> No.15712368

yeah,I goofed here

haven't used MEGA since it went down last year and totally forgot about the url with key included



that link right here

>> No.15712518

That was how I felt when I cleared skill analyzer 8. Fucking pulse laser INF

>> No.15712977

how to get pcbid?

>> No.15713213

9th dan scratch songs gave me cancer

>> No.15713216


>> No.15713218

you can't


>> No.15713224

not like
at all?
no chance?

i'll suck some dicks

i just wanna play ddr 2014

>> No.15713325

post your area code and maybe youll get lucky

>> No.15713370

area code? why...

>> No.15713423

Palms or fingers for SDVX knobs?

>> No.15713578


>> No.15713583

straight-arming the knobs is cheating

>> No.15714050

there arerarely qeues for games. ive only seen iidx have a qeue once, and that was just 2 guys playing on the 2 cabinets the whole time and i didnt want to bother them

youll probably be fine, but if its like saturday afternoon just look around every once in a while to make sure youre not being rude

>> No.15714108

Guys I'm having massive problems
IIDX ac data (pendual) used to run fine, I've been playing it for about 4 months
Now the song starts to desync the longer the song goes until its completely unplayable
It's horrible and I have no idea whats causing it, 'launcher' is sucking up 70% of cpu usage and I don't remember if it was doing it before
I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me with this because this is all I want to do anymore, and all of the relevant information is locked up on sows

>> No.15714124

Ask IRC. /jp/ is not pirated video game tech support.

>> No.15714151

If you have the data you should be on sows.

>> No.15714156

That's just launcher mining for bitcoin. You didn't really think playing would be free, did you.

>> No.15714171

That gauge's great for clearing songs you'd never clear normally since it's so forgiving.

>> No.15714174

You should worry more about your health than people behind you since it's a niche game anyway. Let your arms rest a bit.

>> No.15714182

What channel?
Won't I just be laughed out
I'm not on sows
I just wanna play beatmania

>> No.15714194

>Wanting to be on sows if you already got the data you want somewhere else

For what reason?

>> No.15714304
File: 144 KB, 1000x1200, CqJoI4UUMAAgFGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace being herself

>> No.15714305

The only reason Asians are good at these games is because they don't have souls. There, I said it.

>> No.15714306

Ask on bemani girls discord then because if your not on sows with data they're just gonna kickban you from the irc

>> No.15714318

I'm saying you should not have the data if you're not on sows. If you thought you would be smart and get the data on your own, then you can also go fix any problems on your own.

>> No.15714338

I didn't think I would 'be smart and get the data on my own'. I just wanted to play the game and everybody from sows has talked to me like you have, with disregard and hostility
Beyond that I live in rural australia with shit all upload, so I wouldn't be any help on your private tracker anyway

>> No.15714346


She's totally a robot/android.

Why would you have a tattoo of your name on your chest? That's a fucking model designation, right there.

>> No.15714355

That's what happens when a small community gets monopoly on something for so long. They're a bunch of angry memers having a mental breakdown because it's easier than ever to get the precious data and you don't even really need to be part of them now.

>> No.15714357

Y are 14s so hard

>> No.15714375

Can I fit in if I only ever played Pop'n Portable since the nearby arcade closed

>> No.15714381

Don't worry about fitting in, just enjoy yourself

>> No.15714386

You're being treated with disregard because the data is not supposed to be outside of sows. You got the data all by yourself, so now go fix any problems all by yourself.

>> No.15714404

>Slept for 5 hours last night
>I play everything like crap

Never again

>> No.15714407

I didn't get the data all by myself. I relied on somebody else to source it for me. Just like everybody else.
Why are you trying to keep the data on sows? Are you trying to reduce the amount of IIDX players? I don't understand.

>> No.15714415

>I relied on somebody else to source it for me.
So go ask that person.

>> No.15714423

Didn't you know? Sows is affiliated with Konami. They officially get the data directly from them. Only they have the right to have it and no one else.

>> No.15714426

Are you new or just stupid?

>> No.15714427

Psun wasn't always this locked down. IIRC someone streamed their HDD IIDX on Twitch and got like 1200 viewers caused it to be like this.

>> No.15714446

Hey if you have a beef with one of the easiest private tracker to get on, then your alternative is bemanichan. Good luck buddy.

>> No.15714455

I have no beef. I'll join eventually. I have no reason to join at the moment.

>> No.15714467

Bemanigurl isn't a very pleasant nor helpful person to interact with, wouldn't you agree?
Is the answer to my previous question locked up on sows?

I guess I'm going to have to look into setting up Infinitas. How does that compare to the mess that was LR2? Also, can anybody guide me to some information on setting up infinitas, or is that on sows as well?

>> No.15714477

>Why are you trying to keep the data on sows?
>Why are you trying to avoid pissing off the company in control of making the games?

>> No.15714589

Is it not possible for something like ealocalserver to save scores?

I kinda hope it's possible soon. Literally the only feature I'd truly care about. That way if PSun ever dies I'll have something to fall back on.

>> No.15714809

no, all ealocalserver does is passes the network check on boot.

>> No.15714900

lmao sowsfags are delusional as fuck

>> No.15714925


Ha ha ha, I know, right? I mean who the fuck wants to protect something that they love?

I have a 5 year old daughter that's my everything, but I often leave her in my car in the hot summer sun and forget to feed her for a couple days at a time.

But she is precious to me.

Stupid fucking sowsfags.

>> No.15714931

i thought this thread was fun but people.kinda arent super nice huh

>> No.15714935

Yeah they are stupid as shit they can't even make proper analogies lmao

>> No.15714998


Stay mad, nosows.

>> No.15715291

Bruh does your daughter even have pendual

>> No.15715293

>he could have just went on the IRC or facebook and posted some shitty memes for an invite
>instead he chooses to be a bitter about literally the easiest private tracker to get on ever

>> No.15715330


Nah, son. She gets Tricoro and she fucking likes it.

Or else.

>> No.15715454

we're actually a lot nicer in person

some of us aren't spergs and can be bretty cool

I'll be at PHM R1 tomorrow if you're in the area,let me buy you a beer and we'll play some SDVX or something

>> No.15715823


i hope you realize that these posts are the equivalent of stealing something from a store, then walking back into the store when it doesn't work and asking for help

>> No.15715851


I once stole a keyboard and got a warranty replacement when the lights on it broke.

I had to piss and moan about deleting my invoice email and shit, but I got a new one.

>> No.15716060

I like how SDVX includes impossible to pass songs. Keeps the game interesting.

>> No.15716124

Hey all the people playing iidx/lr2 with your keyboard, what's your layout? do you use the default of lr2 with zsxdcfv? I'm having a hard time fitting my hands in that space and can't use all my fingers, so I wans wondering if someone has a better idea for a layout.

>> No.15716278

I use ASER YUKL and I do fine. I don't use my thumbs at all though.

>> No.15716296
File: 192 KB, 1200x675, wtf is this thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what you do. You go out, but one of these obscure things, turn it around and remove all these keys I covered in red.

There you go. Solid keyboard setup. Prolly buy a JKOC with what this would cost though.

>> No.15716325

better than lincle at least

>> No.15716464

Mine is ASDF JKL:. Don't use this layout if you want to use bm though. I've played on an actual iidx cabinet once and i couldn't pass a 6

>> No.15716489


The reason i was asking was mainly so that I could play without spending money, you know? I might just as well just hit the arcade or buy a dj dao if I'm spending money.

>> No.15716774

Oh the one in Taunton? I'm from Northern CT and have been wanting to go but its almost a 2 hour drive so I dunno if it is really worth it. What do they have there?

>> No.15717071

Played DJ Max for a while few years ago, looking to get into IIDX. Where to start?

>> No.15717087


>> No.15717114

unless someone has extra PCBIDs which i do ;) you wont get one.

>> No.15717120

So gingers are good at rhythm games too?

>> No.15717125


there's your problem, he's a piece of shit that is publicly releasing it because he got kicked out of sows in the first place

>> No.15717192

>some SDVX

Fucking dropped

>> No.15717194


Last I remembered I was a 10th dan with that layout. Passed about 60% of all 12s or so.

On AC I'm just breaking into 12s as a 9th dan. If only keyboard IIDX transfers to AC.

>> No.15717238

c-can i have one

>> No.15717245

ah, ik not in the area. it would be cool to have an arcade buddy though. would be a little embarassing since im so new though

>> No.15717249

Thanks senpai. I'd like to try the IIDX games too. How do you get an invite to bemaniso.ws?

>> No.15717353

sows users only m8, sorry.

>> No.15717362

i am a sows user, i'm even power user. i got ddr 2014 cause i thought i could play it without a pcbid, i didn't realize the game wouldn't even start.

>> No.15717502

if you're a sows user then you can ask for a PCBID in sows, now fuck off

>> No.15717517

The pcb begging thread is locked...

>> No.15717526

Ah in that case look for me,
Hint zebra

>> No.15717562

mexican flag?

>> No.15717688


>> No.15718200

Is there a way to use the mouse for turntable in LR2?

>> No.15718215

so I have a Virgoo PortableDX and i like everything except that I have sweaty hands and sometimes i can't activate the turntable because i can't grip it well enough.

what should i do to improve it? it's white so i was thinking about getting some clear skateboard grip tape or something

>> No.15718321

>How do you get an invite to bemaniso.ws
It's really, really easy. Just draw a picture of Cindy from Pop'n Music, and send it to their Facebook page in a message.

>> No.15718699

Sapporo's Adores has a 60 yen IIDX machine with a deal for a whopping 30 minutes of premium free. Truly, this is heaven.

>> No.15718710

What. Why. Did someone fuck up or.

>> No.15718759

It's definitely intentional. Keys feel slightly stiff, maybe it's new?

>> No.15718897

That anon from earlier. I did send fanart to the facebook about a month ago and didn't get a response. I considered cumming on mayumi, but as I said, I would be useless on your private tracker because I'm from rural australia and have no upload.
If I possibly could I would play at the machine. However there is no machine here.

>> No.15718907

send them directly to corin or whatshisface the other guy, by email or IRC.

>> No.15718909

also on sows you gain points that can be exchanged for ratio very easily. therefore "I have shit upload" is not an excuse.

>> No.15718910

With how lenient SDVX gauge is, I wouldn't really call them impossible to pass. Still, it is interesting to see what they can manage to pull off at the highest level.

>> No.15718914

I might do it in a while, so that people don't immediately link it to me from the thread.
Is DJ name exclusive? I would assume so, otherwise there would be one million Dolces.
If so, where can I check what names are taken? I'm going to Japan sometime and would rather have it sorted out before I go there.

>> No.15718950

>Is DJ name exclusive? I would assume so, otherwise there would be one million Dolces.

>> No.15718963

DJ SCRATCH here I come.
>7 character limit

>> No.15719022

I easycleared pompompompompinitloud hyper today

>> No.15719059

>Started playing SDVX a month ago
>277 plays on my card


>> No.15719117

I accumulated slightly over 50 card things
can I buy technorch's song from the last event? I mean the one from copula that's over
I also get a "card already associated with bemani account" when trying to pair it to my konami website account, send help

>> No.15719252

>pick rebouncekiller hyper
>forgot to take hard off
>fail it in front of my friends


>> No.15719559


Could have bough a fully supped up SVRE9 at this point.

>> No.15719654

Deemo is really fun desu

>> No.15719788

welcome to rhythm games

thankfully,you just began and can still abandon ship

I can't even imagine how much money I've thrown at rhythm games since I started playing

Weird to think that I only ever got interested in them after watching some guy spazz out to Afronova on a DDR USA cab back in '99

>> No.15719866

lmao just noticed someone posted my comic here

wasn't gonna share this one cause it's bad but thanks anyways

>> No.15719875

Actually I've known rhythm games for about a decade now. The reason I first played SDVX was the pop'n floor infection last month.

Two weeks ago I was trying out new 14s and failing them most of the time. Now I'm doing the same to 15s.

>> No.15719890

was thinking about getting one of those; is it any good?

and I assume the sanwa buttons are necessary, right? so expensive though...

>> No.15719903

see this is how I feel right now except with 3's and 4's

everyone starts somewhere, but the more you practice the more you improve~

>> No.15719916

Sanwas just make it more fun, omrons are not negotiable
PDX might look nice and everything, but it definitely ends up more expensive than the old reliable.

>> No.15719930

Do u have a website where you post them?
I'm quite entertained by the ones posted here

>> No.15719938


>> No.15719942

I use ASD [space] KL; and LSHIFT to scratch

But I acknowledge if I ever tried to play on a cab I'd be completely incompetent

>> No.15719947

hey let's be friends; I'm new too

>> No.15719979

I just post em in a dumb facebook group that a ton of people here also seem to be in

the rhythm game community is unfortunately small

>> No.15719982

If you want to transition to controller/arcade use vyni,p/ for 1-7 and numpad 7 or something for scratch.
This is for 2p of course.

>> No.15719992

It's been me most of the time
I have a crush on you

DDR to ITG: What does '16th note stream' mean?
ITG to DDR: What's a crossover?

>> No.15719997


it's a "casual" rhythm game etc etc but the music is fucking great

>sanwas just make it more fun

can you explain

also which omron switches specifically

>> No.15720003

>I have a crush on you


d-do i know you irl?

>> No.15720007


>which omron switches specifically

50 gram.

>> No.15720012


ITG had plenty of crossovers. I challenge you do do Delirium without crossover-ing.

>> No.15720016

Depends on your setup apart from that. 50gram is generally what you want to go for, but 100gram if you have light springs for some reason.

>> No.15720108

How do I get good at SDVX?

>> No.15720112
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Will a PS2 controller and adapter probably work with LR2 or nah? I'm new and not ready to spend the money on a real ASC.

>> No.15720113

Play any other rhythm game first then enjoy your free ride to 13s and higher.

>> No.15720144

I don't have controllers for other rhythm games.

>> No.15720159
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>he fell for the turbocharger meme

>> No.15720169

What the fuck does 'gorilla' mean? People who can 1048?

>> No.15720184

what's a turbocharger?

>> No.15720192

Just play stepmania or osu!mania.

>> No.15720208


Yes it will

>> No.15720242

A turbocharger, or turbo (colloquialism), from Greek "τύρβη" ("wake"),[1] is a turbine-driven forced induction device that increases an internal combustion engine's efficiency and power output by forcing extra air into the combustion chamber.[2][3] This improvement over a naturally aspirated engine's power output is because the compressor can force more air—and proportionately more fuel—into the combustion chamber than atmospheric pressure alone.

Turbochargers were originally known as turbosuperchargers when all forced induction devices were classified as superchargers. Nowadays the term "supercharger" is usually applied only to mechanically driven forced induction devices. The key difference between a turbocharger and a conventional supercharger is that a supercharger is mechanically driven by the engine, often through a belt connected to the crankshaft, whereas a turbocharger is powered by a turbine driven by the engine's exhaust gas. Compared to a mechanically driven supercharger, turbochargers tend to be more efficient, but less responsive. Twincharger refers to an engine with both a supercharger and a turbocharger.

Turbochargers are commonly used on truck, car, train, aircraft, and construction equipment engines. They are most often used with Otto cycle and Diesel cycle internal combustion engines. They have also been found useful in automotive fuel cells.[4]

>> No.15720251

>unironically recommending osumania to anyone when you can just fucking play lr2 with your keyboard


nice ok I'm getting one

hope ur right

>> No.15720255
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of course I forgot the image

>> No.15720316

Play fun songs.

>> No.15720367

uh holy shit ok this is more of a nightmare than I thought

Is there a PS1/2 to USB adapter out there that'll work for this and also using my dancepad in Stepmania?

After two hours of searching I'm not sure such a thing exists.

>> No.15720371

>sanwa buttons are necessary
not at all actually the stock buttons are just fine

i'm not a good player by any means but i've played on multiple cabs and the buttons feel almost identical

i did get the omron upgrade though, the .49g

>> No.15720379

make sure you get a super joybox by mayflash

i think that's the name

it's one of the best adapters out there, it won't introduce too much lag

>> No.15720431

LR2 is not good for beginners.

>> No.15720620

I'm a beginner and I'm doing just fine

If you download that 60gb torrent there are plenty of really, really easy songs

ok found this on amazon

there's a $30 one that's new, and a $13 used one that says it has no packaging or CD. Can you get the drivers somewhere else, or do I need to buy the expensive one?

>> No.15720942 [DELETED] 

Alright, so I'm thinking I might actually be mentally ill.

No sane person would get as mad as I do at them. I probably shouldn't play these games anymore.

>> No.15721017

If you enjoy and want to play them, there's no shame in seeking help. I don't have any right to say if you should or not as someone who has refused therapy, but it could be a decent option.

>> No.15721036

Alright, so I'm thinking I might actually be mentally ill.

No sane person would get as mad as I do at them. I probably shouldn't play these games anymore.

>> No.15721081


I deleted it because it was poorly written, not because I was ashamed of its content.


>> No.15721092


Please get help anon, I think about how you're doing sometimes

>> No.15721097

You need some happy pills.

>> No.15721124
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>> No.15721147 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 1383x1037, 1471737209199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's how I'm fucking doing. My arm is covered in bruises now.

>> No.15721168

holy shit anon seek help

>> No.15721181

OMFG How do you keep your TT sticker on, mines keeps peeling off.

>> No.15721182

jesus fucking christ man

>> No.15721202

Pls tell me you're at least kaiden

>> No.15721225

dude... there are plenty of psychotherapists that offer free or affordable care based on your insurance

seek them out pls

>> No.15721277

reported to CPS (controller protective services)

good luck owning an ASC in the future

>> No.15721292

I told you to get help before and you insisted how you were feeling was normal for anyone passionate about the game. I really hope you've realized this is not normal in the slightest and you get some sort of therapy.

>> No.15721319

Fuck you man I've been holding myself to not get a FP7 because it's a little too expensive because of shipping and taxes and then you go and break your equipment.

>> No.15721379


You act like I'm a fucking psycho. Rhythm games are the ONLY thing that make me angry to any degree.

Any other time, I'm a nice, peaceable guy.


If I were Kaiden, what could there possible be to make me angry?


Does this mean they're gonna come take away my Pop'n ASC, and my SVSE5? Oh god no!


I actually bought a couple new stickers from Dao when I bought new buttons and LEDs.


I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, this is not the last of my controller. She's been resurrected 5 times before and she'll be resurrected again. Everything on it is still fine. All the buttons, switches, lights.

Basically, what you're looking at is just a broken box.

>> No.15721404

You ARE a fucking psycho. It's only a matter of time until an important/mundane thing in real life starts frustrating you to the point of violence. You're gonna end up arrested.

>> No.15721431

>You act like I'm a fucking psycho. Rhythm games are the ONLY thing that make me angry to any degree.
>Any other time, I'm a nice, peaceable guy.

If you can get this angry at anything, you're genuinely mentally ill and you need to get help or kill yourself.

>> No.15721439


>you need to get help

Real fucking funny. I can just see me sitting in a circle with other insane people at a mental hospital wearing socks and pajamas. Everyone talking about how they have some awful addiction or hear voices or have some twisted delusions.

Then they get to me and I explain how I get angry at IIDX.

>> No.15721451

You're not sick because you get mad at "just" a game. You're sick because you get THIS mad over anything at all, to the point of violence.

I see my brother getting mad at losing at games and at most he'll lightly punch a pillow or throw the controller on some soft place.

>> No.15721456

You are history's greatest monster

>> No.15721465


Are you imply not everybody has the capacity for anger to the point of violence? That every violent act has been performed by the mentally ill?

What utopia do you live in?

>> No.15721475

No, tons of people get as mad as you do over trivial stuff.

They're all seeking treatment unlike you though. Or getting arrested and shit.

>> No.15721480


Well, I've never once harmed another human being on purpose in my life. So I think this is all being blown out of proportion.

>> No.15721483

But you also claimed your arm is full of bruises. You may not be hurting others but you're hurting yourself.

>> No.15721484

>Then they get to me and I explain how I get angry at video games (and punch my controller until the top of it caves in and my arm is bruised/bleeding)

>> No.15721509

are you Tera from FFR?

>> No.15721517

Dude, I'm saying this as someone who has been to a mental hospital twice, you need some form of help.

Believe me, this isn't healthy. Harming yourself and your possessions like this is not healthy.

You might think that it's only for "crazy people" but I can honestly say that people in there are just like you and me.

You don't have to deal with these things on your own, Anon.

>> No.15721549

>Getting this mad over a video game
Grow up. I hope you have an actual job and your parents are not paying for this shit but that's probably impossible

>> No.15721555

Wait a moment. I thought I was the only person with mental health problems in the thread.

>> No.15721559

You have to have some form of mental problems to play IIDX.

yfw dolce wakes up every day suicidal and drives away the thoughts by beating licht

>> No.15721567


>a video game

IIDX is a way of life sir. It is a damn near full time job.

>> No.15721626

>If I were Kaiden, what could there possible be to make me angry?

Ask Licht

>> No.15721698
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>go to the arcade 2 saturdays in a row
>i recognize a ton of people

i feel like im always being judged, this is maddening

>> No.15721719

if anything you should talk with them and make friends anon!

>> No.15721731

theyre really scary ;~;

one is a girl and the other is this not-young bald guy and the last is this guy who wears those cat earphones

>> No.15721733
File: 44 KB, 960x719, guesswho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15721734

>tfw you're at the arcade and someone tells you that you don't have to twist the sdvx knobs with your whole arm

>> No.15721745

I know your feeling all too well. Social anxiety is a real bitch.

>> No.15721747

beggars cant be chooses i guess
its actually way easier to talk to people when you have a slightly niche common interest like fighting games or rhythm games tho desu

>> No.15721764

im honestly not really that anxious, i just dont prefer playing next to people. i feel embarrassed since im worse than most people tat frequent there. its just really strange to stand next to someone so long and never speak with them, too

>> No.15721770

Say hi tbhtbh

>> No.15721792

If you miss a single note in a chord, do you lose life for that one note or the whole chord? I've never been observant enough to notice.

>> No.15721809


For what purpose have you done this?

>> No.15721814


>> No.15721839



>> No.15721942
File: 61 KB, 960x543, i did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at the arcade the other day watching some young-ish dudes play IIDX at a Japanese Round 1 in Niigata. One of them tried 8th Dan (but failed), so as a fellow 7th Dan-er I thought, what the heck... let's try it. Every time I try that course, gigadelic always destroys me, but maybe this time~ I thought.

The IIDX machine there had a video output that was connected to a monitor on the side, so I was watching them play for a bit.

A few minutes later, when they are finished playing, I decide to give it a go. Decided to use mirror, because rottel-da-sun. First and second stage weren't too bad since I had pretty much full health. Third stage hurt me a little bit, but I felt ready for gigadelic.

I kept messing up the rolls, and tried really hard to make it up with trying my best to hit every other note that wasn't in the roll. The ending was coming up and I was really doing the try-hard. I was not doing well, at all but I kept fighting through.

When the barrage of notes finally finished, I was in shock. Two percent. But I knew that I had to hit the last two notes, so I tried my best to keep my composure. This was exceptionally hard.

I heard voices over my headphones, but when I did it I silently cheered for my self. I look behind, and I saw that same group of Japanese players cheering and making excited Japanese sounds. I started waving at them and bowing my head down, really flustered and nervous. "Nice Job" one of them said as they walked away.

This was the highlight of my life. It will never get better than this.

>> No.15721995


>> No.15722007


>> No.15722037

