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15680933 No.15680933 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an EoSD appreciation thread, also known as the best 2hu faction thread

banned 2hus:
>Flandre and 2am memeposting
>black and white thief

>> No.15680957

So the first question for the thread is, which SDM would you want to fuck the most and why?

>> No.15680982
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Maid, because goddamm hot

>> No.15680986

You can't tell me what to do.
I like Reimu's needle shot type, but still can't beat EoSD on normal.

>> No.15680989

Sakuya because of OP's pic

>> No.15681008

Take your vidya discussion to its own board

>> No.15681012
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Why is Fla*dre more popular than her older sister?

>> No.15681029


Because best theme ever, kawaii psycho yandere lulz


>> No.15681034

I want to start an orgy in SDM!

>> No.15681036

But she isn't.

>> No.15681055
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That's a very nice painting

>> No.15681072
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what species is this?

>> No.15681074

I want to fuck Sakuya everytime she does her maid duties!
I can fuck her in the kitchen while cooking in naked apron. I can fuck her while mopping the floor and make her wet and slippery. I can fuck her while cleaning the down and pressed her breast againts the glass. Everything about Sakuya is hot sex!

>> No.15681089
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so you want to fug the sakuya, but does sakuya want you?

>> No.15681114
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>> No.15681116
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Is Sakuya the SDM mom?

>> No.15681125
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>> No.15681136
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>> No.15681144

Of course she is!
She is a 2hu. She gotta love cocks, especially a sex maid like her.

>> No.15681145

Little big devil!

>> No.15681161
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I want to murder every last scum that is in the SDM aside from Patchouli and maybe Koakuma.

Remilia for literally gassing Gensokyo and going on a rampage all for selfish reasons. Sakuya for being an enabler when she's older then Remilia. Hong Meiling because, sadly she's the cannon fodder of SDM.
Flandre because she might crack after Remilia and Sakuya. Sorry folks, sometimes you gotta solve a problem.

Moster first, girl second, never forget.

>> No.15681162
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>> No.15681171

Well disregard the Sakuya being older, I meant more adult.

>> No.15681173
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That's a tough choice. Sakuya because maid, Patchy because best SDM, or Remi because she'd hate it? Don't make be choose.

>> No.15681176

Please get out

>> No.15681177
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I don't know what's canon anymore. Does Sakuya really like Remilia?

>> No.15681181

Post the butcher Sakuya one.

>> No.15681183

Why don't just make an orgy?
Oh yeah, you still gotta choose who to fuck first

>> No.15681185
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>> No.15681190

Nicee.... I was actually looking for the human with the skin off.

>> No.15681191

Sakuya likes Remilia

How else you'll make a hot SM lesbian scenario or threesome?

>> No.15681192

bean baddy

>> No.15681198


>> No.15681206
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Why does Rumia's theme sound so different from any other theme?
Just the insuments and tone together don't match the rest of the game, or even further games.

>> No.15681209
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>> No.15681211
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Of course she does, what would make you think otherwise?
They're going to be together for the rest of their lives, they're basically married.

>> No.15681218

is that so

>> No.15681223

i wonder what happens if she ran out of toilet papers

>> No.15681236

she stops time and find new ones. The whole mansion suddenly smells like shit the second she deactivates it.

>> No.15681270
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someone should edit a remilia in this one

>> No.15681275
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>> No.15681445
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>> No.15681521
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Stop this!

>> No.15681536

What's she going to do with the rest of the person? What'd she do with the skin? Vampires only drink blood.

>> No.15681682

Meiling and Koakuma are youkai, ypukai eat humans.

>> No.15681755

Sakuya > Remilia > Patchy > Meiling = Flandre >>>>>>>>> Koakuma

>> No.15681809

Yes! Bless you anon.

>> No.15681861

Sakuya the ice cold murderer!

>> No.15681868

But Koma prefers semen.

>> No.15681890

Less grimdark more fugging

>> No.15681898
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Less grimdark, less fugging and more cutness!

>> No.15681905


>> No.15681912
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>> No.15681924
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Same reason her non-spell are random: she's the first thing that got made into the game and ZUN had yet to set what the game and it tone were so he just fucked around

>> No.15681925
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>> No.15681933
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>> No.15681996
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The big little sister

>> No.15682057
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>> No.15682066

get off your ass and do it yourself ya lazy bum

>> No.15682493

Not in my headcanon.
Well sort of.

She's a weak side character due to being a semen deprived succubus. She's like this because she's shy and has trouble approaching guys, /r9k/ tier social autism.

Isnt it cute, a succubus who's pure and shy?
I learned of this miracle from Umineko where the stake of lust was just a young girl trying to get a bf to show her sisters she's mature. Lust demons dont need to be lewd.

>> No.15682576

Because Flan-chan is a "innocent" blonde loli. It attracts most of the pedos, the kind that wants to "teach" Flan things.

The other kind of pedos are the ones who want to get their penises bullied by the young Mistress.

>> No.15682587
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Heresy. Remilia is petite and slender.

>> No.15682658
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Cute concept but almost anything can be applied to a no name midboss.

>> No.15682732

ZUN needs to elaborate on her, not sure why he hasnt.

>> No.15682760

If he ever does, it's going to be for the purposes of trolling hard.

>> No.15682772

Why would he? She's just a no name midboss, there's no reason why he would need to elaborate on her.

>> No.15682807

Anon, she nails the office lady look, a look no one else has.
I need this, please stop.

>> No.15682820

The best and worst thing about ZUN is that he pretty much does what he wants. He doesn't want to elaborate on Dai-chan or Koa, so he won't, even if a lot of people want him to.

Why doesn't he want to? For one thing, he's always doing something new. Older characters may show up here or there in the various manga, and most get an entry in the artbooks, but ZUN seems to care more about making new characters than dwelling on old ones.

Another reason is that the midbosses from 6 were never intended to be characters in their own right. He explained this in an interview somewhere, but they were intended to be basically like generic stage enemies, because who cares about midbosses? As it turned out, of course, a lot of people did, and these nameless non-characters exploded in popularity. From then on, he decided that if people were going to make them into characters anyway, he would design them as real characters from the get-go with names and profiles. Hence, we got Lily, and Tewi, and Momiji, and so on. But since he never did any of that for Daiyousei and Koakuma, he's not going to go back and do it retroactively just for completion's sake.

>> No.15683778
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Zun should sell out to China

>> No.15683822

ZUN here.
Koakuma hates Patchouli and bites her when she comes near, Patchouli doesn't even know who she is, and she's actually a sentient enchantment possessing a bird or something. Also she kills people.
You're welcome.

>> No.15683839


According to the Cross, she isn't evil, so what she does with the savage natives is justified, or at least not enough to send her into Hell. When the Cross starts burning her, THEN she's open game.

>> No.15683914
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Mei-Ling. The best thing about the SDM and she's outside guarding the gate.

>> No.15684037

>2am memeposting

Only a crossboarder would say such things about proud /jp/ heritage.

>> No.15684480

I want Sakuya's anus on my mouth.

>> No.15684792

Sounds like he's from /v/

>> No.15684807

More fugging and more cuteness I say

Only boring long talk and edginess that shouldn't be allowed
Touhou is only about cute and lewd!

>> No.15686012

I guess one could say you have shit taste.

>> No.15686319
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Sakuya's mind break complete.

>> No.15686743

What ate you talking about?

>> No.15686826
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I can see your pantsu Sakuya-san, You shouldn't be happy about that.

You dumb slut!

>> No.15686984
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A threesome with Patchouli and my waifu!

>> No.15687560

I want to have hot and intimate sex with Sakuya like in COSK-003. Remilia is a close second.

>> No.15687923
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Remi is a loving and kind mom.
