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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15631309 No.15631309 [Reply] [Original]

The faggots of /v/ are trying to make parody of songs, Why dont we try to do some parodies ourselves?

>> No.15631310

Because that's fucking stupid.

>> No.15631332

Because we want to be as far away from /v/ as it is possible to be and still be on this site.

>> No.15631343
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Because we'd be just copying /v/, this kind of thing has to come from the heart.

>> No.15631376


i like /jp/ as it is. it's my favorite board actually.

>> No.15631474

We can try to draw a Doujin all together

>> No.15631480


>> No.15631521

I thought about trying to run a /jp/ sings / performs / tunes Vocaloids project for one of the classic Nico medleys but I don't know how to autotune or mix audio worth a shit so it went on the big pile of great ideas that will never happen.

>> No.15631536

that doesn't sound like a great idea my friend

>> No.15631594

>implyng anyone here has the energy to sing left alone to get off bed everyday.

>> No.15631595

This kind of comment is exactly why we don't do anything /v/ does, it makes them come.

>> No.15631631

You can't prove that it would have ended up as shitty as all the other great /jp/ projects. There's a first time for everything.

>> No.15631636

Idiotic hyperactive.
