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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15622191 No.15622191 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>15602167

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.15622283

The number of views for various countdown videos really makes me amazed at just how popular Yuzusoft is.

Natsu Ecchi countdown movie https://youtu.be/FPHNWOZyxKQ is at 47 views.
Tsumikoi countdown movie https://youtu.be/CnGjOOtNbMM is at 224 views.
Kimi to Yumemishi countdown movie https://youtu.be/vVLPpl7lRYM is at 360 views.

Floral Flowlove countdown movie https://youtu.be/Bagt1ANVdBw is at 3,469 views.
Senren Banka countdown movie https://youtu.be/ZAxv1EuQvPg is at 16,070 views.

Saga Planets and Yuzusoft are completely in a different league compared to all the others but Yuzu still has four times more views than all the others combined.

>> No.15622301

I've been reading nothing but good things about 千恋*万花.

>> No.15622350

They spend a lot of money on marketing.

>> No.15622370

Yeah, Akihabara was full of it. Pretty much every shop with eroge had Senren Banka ads.

>> No.15622388

But it means they have those money to spend.
If their games were not that popular in the first place they'll have no way to market them like that.

>> No.15622409

I wish I could contribute to their success...

>> No.15622411

So, Senren Banka and Floral Flowlove.

Which is the better game?

>> No.15622438

I wouldn't know because I wouldn't touch floral flowlove

>> No.15622492

Senren Banka has Hoshino so it's automatically better.

>> No.15622532

So, generic moeshit and generic moeshit.

Which is the better game?

>> No.15622545

Better than chuunishit for 13 year olds.

>> No.15622547

I'd say generic moeshit.

>> No.15622554

Seesh, chuuni games are for intelectual people who capable to take fictional information seriously.

>> No.15622587

Waiting for the great all ages era

>> No.15622596


The top is as expected dominated by Senren Banka, Amatsutsumi and Floral Flowlove.
Otome Domain is still doing great in July.

Rewrite+ position is abysmal even for the repack, especially with an anime airing. No wonder it's not uploaded yet.

>> No.15622649

Key isn't relevant and probably will never be relevant again. Anime and visual novels have moved on from last decade.

>> No.15622664

>カスタムメイド3D2+ ACT.2

I wish I could like this game but I'm not a cuck.

>> No.15622669

No wonder they going full EOP pander.

>> No.15622770

my favorite word I love VA say, no matter the context

>> No.15622796

Consider me interested.
What's the circle name?

>> No.15622802

It allows them to sell games without actually making new ones and with their unbelievable slow schedule for new releases they probably have no chance of surviving in the current eroge/galge market anyway.

>> No.15622899

Harmonia was planned for 2015 and it's not released yet and even then it's a small kinetic novel.
Angel Beats was planned to have six parts and there is no new info after the release of the first one.
They are still trying to live off Rewrite which is now freaking five years old.

No wonder they lost all the relevance.

>> No.15623020
File: 2.04 MB, 1402x787, Screenshot (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have your own sword-loli wife
I don't know how to continue from this.

>> No.15623152

At this point I'm not even sure Key plans on releasing a full-fledged VN ever again

>> No.15623218

Anyone here got a C;C 100% save file?
I 100%'d it on my ps4 but I want to have a save on PC as well


>> No.15623220

That's kinda unfortunate. I want to see something with Na-Ga's designs/illustrations again. He is really good.
It's too bad that his talent is wasted with a company that doesn't release anything notable.

>> No.15623223

Don't know if it's true, but VA might be diverting resources into SagaPla and tone work's. The latter's newest game seems to be trying hard to be 癒し系 and SoL drama, we'll see how it goes
Key seems to be riding on their previous works atm, ye. Maybe waiting out for more resources before trying a new writer/artist? I dunno, they seem content with where they're at atm

>> No.15623232

>The latter's newest game seems to be trying hard to be 癒し系 and SoL drama
It is? I figured it would be more in hoshiori's line of no drama with some moving moments here and there.

>> No.15623239

Tsukihime remake will strike back, if it ever gets released.

>> No.15623246

is there a true route in Senren Banka or can I just read best girl's route (Murasame)?

>> No.15623258 [DELETED] 

Inoue Itaru is certainly not content with how things are there. She complains on twitter from time to time and deletes tweets later:

Some of those are pretty worrisome though.

>> No.15623260

Hinoue Itaru is certainly not content with how things are there. She complains on twitter from time to time and deletes tweets later:

Some of those are pretty worrisome though.

>> No.15623262

No true route. Read best girl's route as you please

>> No.15623264

That's not how you spell Mako.

>> No.15623272

Yeah I didn't follow it closely enough before its release to know that. It was a pleasant surprise once I started going through the game.

>> No.15623279

That doesn't sound good. Maybe VisualArts now really focuses on their other brands.

>> No.15623284

She also sounds very depressed

>> No.15623290

>You will never have your own [...] loli wife
Ah, what would I be without eroge.

>> No.15623294

After the maeda's health problems probably they're seeing key as a hopeless case now.

>> No.15623328 [DELETED] 

Thank god for that. I prefer my women to have boobs.

>> No.15623336

Thank god for that. I prefer my women to have boobs.

>> No.15623349

It's been the top game on amazon for a few days straight, not bad for a rerelease.

>> No.15623374


>> No.15623380

Not him, does Koharu also have a route?

>> No.15623381

Why are you posting your own tweets here?

>> No.15623382

Suicide when

>> No.15623384

story-wise yoshino's route is so freaking bland, it's pretty much just about yoshino and ichaicha with her that's it, they solve the curse problem easily without knowing what it actually is, what happened, and doesn't go into details like rena's route. if I remember correctly her route is also 1 whole chapter shorter than rena's.

>> No.15623386

Is tofu really that cheap? What the fuck.

>> No.15623399
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It's possible to find it this cheap.
I wouldn't count on it being good though.

>> No.15623411

I dunno, maybe you're right about that. It's a game about the passage of time I think, so.
Well Na-Ga took over for AB!, and there seems to be little to no production work going on, so that all comes into play. Also PMS heh
Incidentally, his twitter was just active recently.

>> No.15623414

Because if the game has a real main heroine, it's her, it's about the one route that gives a shit about the plot properly.

>> No.15623417


>> No.15623445

Yeah, Maeda Jun is quite active with his twitter lately after being discharged from the hospital.
There is some hope but I guess from the business point of view it's quite hard to use him as a scenario writer now. There is always a quite high possibility of his work becoming a posthumous work with the whole range of possible grim consequences on the team and even investment itself.

>> No.15623451


She has boobs. Kinda. You see it the first time in that bath CG.
I'm still not sure if I want to do her route or not though. Yuzusoft really has a tendency to make characters worse in their route than they were in common I feel. Or at least one of the authors. Maybe the guy who wrote Meguru in Sanoba Witch also did Mako in Senren Banka. Maybe. It just feels so similar. You have a girl that likes to tease the MC to an extend is confident and all. And once you enter the route it's just "dokidoki" shyness for 99%, and the "old" character almost disappears and only shows in rare occasions just to immediately disappear again.

Well, I'll see. So far I only know that I won't be doing Rena's route for sure. She ain't a bad character, I quite like her, but no. Just.. no.

>> No.15623465

>You have a girl that likes to tease the MC to an extend is confident and all. And once you enter the route it's just "dokidoki" shyness for 99%, and the "old" character almost disappears and only shows in rare occasions just to immediately disappear again.
I fucking hate this and I would sucker punch every writer who has ever done this.

By the way this reminds me that Yune from Amairo did the exact opposite of this.

>> No.15623483

Meguru almost explodes when MC holds her hand in the movie though (this is still in the common route). I haven't seen what's in her route but that doesn't sound very out of character.

Rena is a dropped at the design stage character. Yes, writing, but I ain't looking at THAT for extended periods of time.

>> No.15623502


Meguru isn't out of character in her route. Which is why I liked it. You basically just get to see what's behind her shell, so to speak. It makes sense story-wise. Still doesn't change that Meguru in common is mostly VERY different from how she is in her route, and that's.. not necessarily that good.

Personally I still enjoyed the route a lot though, as I don't mind a change towards the "worse" to an extend. Because that kind of thing is completely natural when you get to know someone more.
Let's say Meguru would've worn her glasses all the time, I would've never bothering with her route. I just don't like "megane girls". But as it was, I didn't mind. I didn't like it, or preferred it, but it doesn't change who she is, right? I suppose you could call it somewhat more realistic that way.
On the other hand it also means that while I really enjoyed Meguru's route (with a few exception like the Protag repeating the "I'm sooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!111elf" and "this bittersweet taste!!!!" or whatever way too often), I wouldn't consider her as one of my favorite heroines of "recent" eroge I read. A bit weird maybe.

>> No.15623510

>A gentle, kind girl who is good at looking after household chores. Speaks in polite form all the time and often asks people close to her to be her master.
>Very mature and calm, this character may seem like an ideal-Japanese-woman (Yamato Nadeshiko) type character, but don’t be fooled; Yune is actually a hardcore sadist, who loves watching the blushing faces of not only Tooru, but the other heroines as well.
Holy fuck that sounds like my ideal girl. I have to play this.

>> No.15623631

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could remind me of a visual novel. It was originally released as all ages and then was released with an h-version

>> No.15623663

Are we ever going to get another kamige again or was Sakura no Uta the industry's last gasp?

>> No.15623665

You're acting like SnU was 10 years ago.

>> No.15623679
File: 869 KB, 1600x900, ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート1.00-2016-08-02_08-58-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a moege this game sure has a lot of real fuckin' assholes

>> No.15623685

Do I get to bang miss Red Bean in アマツミ?

>> No.15623688

Because it goes all full shitty drama once you hit a route, for no fucking reason and based on four short conflict scenes in a row in the common route.

>> No.15623697

I don't mind, at this point I really just want to fuck these hotties.

>> No.15623724
File: 1.63 MB, 1296x758, 2016-08-02 20_21_31-アマツツミ - こころ3 -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap.

>> No.15623759

Why are you posting EOP shit here?

>> No.15623820

Why do you guy's only translate really shitty disposable media? Japan has some of the best literature in the world, most which has remained untranslated. Not trolling, genuinely interested

>> No.15623831

None of us are interested in translating since westerners are retarded scum. Wrong thread?

>> No.15623832

Translating the "best media" is really freaking hard, particularly if you want to maintain all of the original's meaning and depth. If you translate "disposable" media somewhat poorly, whatever, it's not a big loss. But translating "the best literature"? You do that poorly and you've butchered a work of art. So, people are far less likely to do that. Only people with a lot of talent, skill, experience, and plain writing ability are equipped to translate "the best literature" properly and those are extremely few in number.

>> No.15623837

Ask in the correct thread >>15612200

>> No.15623840

send help

>> No.15623887

>That list of confirmed kusoge in the OP

>> No.15623944

Sengoku Koihime?

>> No.15623957

Where to buy seconhands in Akiba? I want a game but have very limited amount of money so full price is a bit too much.

>> No.15623992

Hey! Amagami is good!

>> No.15624012

Really? It should take you under 30 seconds to find a second hand store in Akiba that sells eroge

>> No.15624027

Sofmap AM, Sofmap Akiba 1, Sofmap Akiba 2, Trader 1, Trader 2, Trader 3, Medio, Toranoana AB, Lammtarra, Getchu, Melonbooks 1, Melonbooks 2 etc.

>> No.15624069

Try not being poor and getting a proper job

>> No.15624096

Are you implying that getting a job makes you not poor, because most people who do work are also poor

>> No.15624283
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>> No.15624311

Isn't this about loli sword? What is this cow doing here?

>> No.15624330

Being better than snarky loli sword.

>> No.15624395


I really don't understand why Yuzusoft punches these scenes into their eroge. They are unneeded. It's a fucking eroge. You don't need to-love ru ecchi moments.

But at least it got better. Noble Works introduced most girls with a fucking panty-shot in some of the dumbest ways possible. One exception or so. But every now and then, they still pull this one. And then they act is another one comes, but joke about it and don't let it happen. It's so.. weird.

But well, to be fair.. this isn't just Yuzusoft either. But it somehow feels like they really add this stuff in REALLY dumb ways.. or perhaps I'm just not reading the eroge which do it even dumber.


Not really, from the common route the miko and ninja feel like the main heroines. Sword is sometimes there, sometimes not, it's kinda weird. But well, it's a sword.. ghost.. thingy. The cow is barely even there.


You jest.

>> No.15624445
File: 498 KB, 1280x720, あけいろ怪奇譚_DL版-2016-04-20_08-28-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having ecchi scenes makes sense to me, given that these games are practically selling sexy girls to a lot of people. Showing off how attractive/sexy the characters are before the actual sex begins makes sense in this context. It's demoing the merchandise.

>> No.15624508


Pretty sure you can do it better than in clichéd shounen manga ways. Even Senren Banka has relatively fine sorta lewd scenes before any sex happens.

Also sexual tension is probably something better to build than just flatout "ey look, he got his face in huge titts cause they crashed into each other in a really dumb way!!!". You know, sorta blueballing, but not really, because later on you actually get the real thing.

>> No.15624521

what is it you prefer then, dear anon? A girl landing on a guys nuts when he's sitting on the floor already and then rubbing her backside all over it?

>> No.15624557

You're literally reading ecchi shounen manga with porn...

>> No.15624621


You don't have to force things like that. The scene with Mako where you see them just sitting close and eat some fish is good enough to build some tension. There are a few more scenes with her that built sexual tension without anything actually visibly super lewd going on. (well, accidents are usually not building sexual tension anyway.. they are an accident after all)
If you want to actually be really lewd, it has things like a simple bath scene, where the girls talk among themselves. That works fine.


The point is that ecchi shounen manga pull certain things because they cannot actually portray sex. So instead of having a scene with tit-sucking, you just get the guy falling onto the tits. Same for the crotch.
But if you can actually do whatever you want, because it's an adult only work anyway, these things.. make little sense.

>> No.15624633

I think what you're misunderstanding is that people LIKE those ecchi scenes... check out our /e/ board here, even.

>> No.15624672


I don't think /e/ actually has many scenes with a dude in a weird situation with a girl. The board is more about suggestive/lewd images of girls.. I think.

But anyway, I can see that some people like it. Otherwise they wouldn't be used.. I'd hope. I'm sure there's even an eroge completely about "accidents".. I think I've heard about something like that before.

>> No.15624741

Holy shit, senren banka is actually really good, I thought it was just the meme game of the month, but this seriously might be the best vn I have read in 3 or 4 months.

>> No.15624746

>this seriously might be the best vn I have read in 3 or 4 months.
What's the competition?

>> No.15624750 [SPOILER] 
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>A girl landing on a guys nuts when he's sitting on the floor already and then rubbing her backside all over it?

>> No.15624778

>mad because an anime game uses anime tropes

>> No.15624955

>The cow is barely even there.
Might pick up.

>> No.15625107

Urara is best Doshikuro.

Whoever recommended this game last thread, or the thread before, is a hero.

>> No.15625144

Rec's for moege, or nukige with imouto route and good art?

>> No.15625254

Really liked Evenicle.
How does it compare to Rance Quest gameplay wise?

>> No.15625265 [DELETED] 

I recently began teaching myself Japanese.

I'm having trouble getting Kanji compounds to stick in my head, though.

Anyone got any good recommendations for beginners?

>> No.15625275

Just dropping by to say Kana is really hot and her route didn't do her justice at all.

>> No.15625284

I'm pretty sure I'm in Ichou's route right now (just past the scene where they actually had sex).
Does Urara actually get better? I couldn't stand her voice and her attitude.

>> No.15625298

They'll stick in the process of reading eventually.

>> No.15625302


Fucking agreed.

It's really too bad, I was looking forward to hers the most but it was incredibly meh. Every other route except for onee-chan was significantly better imo.

I hope the next Silky's game is in the same setting

>> No.15625312

I've learrnt a few words like 大人気 and 日記. But most of the time it's like "I saw that earlier. The fuck did it mean again?"

>> No.15625332
File: 1.44 MB, 1285x749, Amatsutsumi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl hands down.

>> No.15625343

It takes a while, but yeah.

>> No.15625345

After repeating that question for ten times for each word you'll remember it. Don't worry and don't force yourself too much.

>> No.15625440
File: 895 KB, 798x621, kukriku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akatoki started pretty strong. I loved the prologue, and was really looking forward to how the relationship between the 2 friends and the protag would develop---then the heroines appeared...walking tropes instantly attached to the protag for no apparent reason, they don't even bother to explain why the protag instantly gets recruited into the elite force despite supposedly being terrible, and of course they wrote the friends out of the story because they couldn't be bothered to develop them as characters any further...

At least Kukuriku-sama is around to brighten my day.

>> No.15625445

I'm glad that you are enjoying it, As I said its actually a pretty good game but most of people avoid it just because of its title.

>> No.15625464

I didn't know that Blond haired, blue eyed greys existed.

>> No.15625471

Aye. I started reading it a few days ago, and I'm an extremely slow reader (because I'm shit at Japanese), so I haven't made as much progress as I wish I had, but it's a really enjoyable VN. I'm wondering what the chuuni girls route is going to be like, now.

I'm surprised that it's not a well-liked title.

>> No.15625473

Double agreed. At least I got some great faps.

>> No.15625490

Hitler may have lost the war, but he conquered the stars.

>> No.15625703
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Thank you, based anon

>> No.15625721
File: 107 KB, 960x544, 2015-07-13-231727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amagami is good
Right on, anon!

>> No.15625727

GOAT in my heart

>> No.15625750

Stuff like this is much more erotic than accidental titty grabs or MC falling and accidentally pulling down a girl's skirt.

>> No.15625796
File: 92 KB, 960x544, 2015-11-27-234854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about belly licking?

>> No.15625838

Please stop, my dick can only get so hard.

>> No.15625843

I want to lick

>> No.15626069 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 1285x751, 1470178235637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting that second opening in アマツツミ

>> No.15626199


Sadly some shit posters only see that it's console only so they automatically call it shit without even trying it. Photokano was a huge step down sadly (but still good), because the girls were too perfect and the conflicts kind of trivial. Tomoe was the best route in how it blended conflict with the theme of photography, that last scene where mc uses the sound of the shutter to give Tomoe courage, fucking art. I have a feeling Reco Love will be the same.

Anyways, Amagami is goat you can't seriously say you love galge and not have played it.

>> No.15626204

The anime is better.

>> No.15626222

I think its because photokano didn't have that sprinkle of darkness and conflict like amagami did. It did through the routes, but they felt out of place and random.
It was repetitive and lacked connecting the characters together.

The funnest stuff were the after school dates, and how it felt like an actual game, not writing.

>> No.15626268
File: 115 KB, 1123x671, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Mako in Senren Banka. She was cute.

pro: Date(s), "normal" stuff, some of the music (even the sex-scene music is actually really good..)
cons: Story, lack of her teasing and such

The story was really on a level, where I'm wondering why they even bothered. Common wasn't nearly as bad. It's just one shitty thing they go on and on about, which is dumb. (they even outright state in the epilogue it was never an actual problem..)
While that can be still somewhat accepted, the.. "climax".. was just ridiculous. Holy crap. That car. That randomness. That solution. I just don't..

But. Mako is cute. Should've really done more with the relationship and not focused on the silly plot nobody cares about and was WAY overstaying its welcome.
Now then, another route or not...

>> No.15626340

>I think its because photokano didn't have that sprinkle of darkness and conflict like amagami did.

I agree 100%, photo kano needed a hint of darkness. The mc feeling like he was not good enough for haruka, the faceless students talking badly of mc, Nonoka being jelous of haruka, tomoe being an outcast, and the secret between mc and his sister were all steps in right direction but were either resolved quickly, never actually a problems, or was more sad than dark. The secret between mc and his sister was never even a problem, all Nonoka does about her jelously issues is run away, and mc never gets talk badly about after haruka defends him. Tomoe was the only character that had a problem that was constant throughout, and her situation was more genuinely sad than a "conflict". It's not as if she was bullied. PhotoKano was too clean, things should have gotten dirty between Nonoka and Haruka, MC should have kept getting bullied, or maybe haruka's friends could have told her that she needed to choose MC or their friendship. It was too happy go lucky, honestly it was too real, people actually solved conflicts quickly with words and rather quite without much quarrel.

PK needed drama.

>> No.15626385

Is there a recommended route order for C;C or is there an enforced route order?

>> No.15626391

> lack of her teasing
But that was the best part about her ;_;
Mako was my only reason to be intersted in this game, now I don't have a reason to waste my time with it, thanks.

>> No.15626577

No teasing? Thats usually the best part of older sister types, also in the start she makes fun of MC for staring at her, was that the extent of her teasing?

>> No.15626593

Doing decent in my nip studies,

What is the agreed upon most retard easy to read VN out there?

>> No.15626599

Can someone explain why Yuzusoft games are so popular and so well-received by fans? I'm playing Senren Banka and this just seems like a completely generic/mediocre moege

>> No.15626601

anything by light

>> No.15626608

Ask DJT. This isn't a beginner help thread.

>> No.15626610

People have bad taste

>> No.15626611

Do you just hate moege in general or something? If so you won't like Yuzusoft titles. Their fans like generic/mediocre moege so that's what they make.

>> No.15626614

High production value and cute girls. You don't really need anything else unless you're trying to pretend that you aren't playing anime porn games.

>> No.15626616


But it is a VN thread you dense nigger.

>> No.15626618

This is false
Tons of games have cute girls and don't sell as well. The market is oversaturated with cuteness.

>> No.15626624

Marketing, and yes most of the work is generic dull shit.

At least right after the intro

>> No.15626626

Yeah just a tad

>> No.15626629

>newfag who doesn't know Japanese
>going around calling people niggers in /jp/
Absolute cancer.

>> No.15626644
File: 258 KB, 800x600, 2011-02-24 03-37-50_くれよんちゅーりっぷ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crayon Tulip.

>> No.15626646

Exactly what are you looking for? It had cute girls, funny scenes, is more than just sol, the pacing is good, so far there has not been a scene I wanted to skip. It's no SnU but it's pretty good.

>> No.15626654

Usually when two people read a moege, and one likes it while the other doesn't, the difference is that one thinks it was funny whereas the other did not. That kills the game.

>> No.15626665

Next time don't spread the cancer by responding, just report and ignore.

>> No.15626713

Or the other one has read a shit ton of VNs and wants to punch his face after seeing the same boke/tsukkomi get recycled VN after VN

>10 minutes prepping/talking about dinner/eating
>30 seconds of cute flirting

>> No.15626722

If you did not think the breast touching scene with murasame was funny, you need to find a new hobby.

>> No.15626729

Well there's two things about your post. One, if someone is wanting to punch his face after seeing recycled content, then that means they didn't find it funny, right? Same thing I said. Two, I find it ironic that you're lamenting the lack of "cute flirting", when the cute flirting in moege is almost invariably just as recycled as the comedy.
I just read a moege and laughed really hard at 1 scene, but barely even chuckled throughout the rest of the common route. Food for thought.

>> No.15626734

What else did you expect? It is very clearly marketed as a moege, were you expecting fucking Muramasa out of it?

>> No.15626745

>were you expecting fucking Muramasa out of it?
I don't get all the posts like this.
Some moege are well written and high quality, like Lovely Cation 2. Someone can be disappointed with a moege and not be some anti-Moege chuutard.

>> No.15626751

>reads moege
>get angry when it's moege

I will never understand chuunifags.

>> No.15626759
File: 898 KB, 1154x721, 2016-08-02-194155_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma not completely out, or is the version on ab an all ages version?

It ending at the scene where you're talking to sensei, and there was only one lewd scene with the girls together

>> No.15626765

I hope >>15626745 makes you feel dumb

>> No.15626769

Hard to compare. Similar but the one major difference is that you have 5 party members only in Evenicle and there is no real grinding while Quest not only has grinding but has like 30+ party members

Play Rance VI

>> No.15626781

Yes, I agree.
Except moege should be about cute moe flirting, or at least primarily that.

I wouldn't go to a standup comedy show to watch them lift weight and talk about nutrition.

>> No.15626784

This is fucking retarded. There are plenty of eroge out there that are a level above your typical shitty ecchi anime. Just because you have no standards does not give you the right to assume that nobody else has standards.

Yes, there are less eroge like Sakura no Uta and Muramasa than there are eroge like Senren Banka. But I have every right to stick around for the former.

>> No.15626809

The thing is, moege is, as judging from the "moe" aspect of the name, about getting the reader to fall in love, or otherwise you know 燃え about the girls. It's Japanese slang, you know what it means. That is accomplished in many ways, and cute flirting is just one way, and not necessarily a big one at that. I would argue general character interaction and character development is more important to feel moe than just "cute flirting". I would say, cute flirting at times is a nice pay off, but is definitely not something that should be the focus at all.

I think the obsession with icha is kind of like kids always wanting to eat dessert. Yeah, it sounds nice, but when you actually start eating dessert 24/7 with no meat and potatoes you won't have a good time.

>> No.15626816

Its funny, all companies need to do is grab a good LN writer.

LN authors actually have to compete against other writers, or have a base, and go through a whole screening process before they get their shit released. Just talking about the relevant ones like dengeki or GA.

>> No.15626818

No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to read senren banka. I am lucky enough to be able to enjoy both. Maybe you will feel more at home on /lit/.

>> No.15626822

The popularity of Senren Banka and Yuzusoft in general indicates quite clearly what a majority of eroge consumers prefer. And it's on a level of typical silly ecchi anime. I prefer it too.

>> No.15626823

Yeah, because eroge writers are picked up off the street, or are the ramen delivery boys who stick around to make an extra buck some nights

>> No.15626835

I know, but I was referring when authors build up a good 10 minutes of SoL and gets to a good shuraba scene or icha scene and only do a few seconds of it and suddenly next day.

Not to mention
>sex before kiss scenes

Its like you are implying they even do moe in generic moege

>> No.15626838

You used the wrong word there. 燃え is used for a coolness feeling from chuuni games.
A cuteness feeling you get from moege is 萌え.

>> No.15626840

> it's on a level of typical silly ecchi anime
With the added bonus of going after the girl you want to

>> No.15626843

They're more or less interchangeable since it's a pun off both of them.

>> No.15626845

>Lovely Cation 2
Is the second better than the first? The first LxC wasn't that good and filled with forced drama, at least in the route I read.

Aokana and Daitoshokan are probably the two moege I've enjoyed most the past few years. Yuzusoft titles don't even rank for me.

>> No.15626853

Most of LNs are shit, good LN writers are minority. No different than VNs.

It was said at the start of this thread but I think a big part of the popularity is due to the high percentage of budget that Yuzusoft dedicates to marketing, and making the game attractive (cute art, 1080p version). Saga Planets is mostly riding on Yuzusoft's marketing since they're doing joint marketing campaigns and it has helped their popularity a lot.

>> No.15626857

>sex before kiss scenes
Is there any game that follows the proper order? Like kissing first, then a few scenes with petting, and then sex? I'm reading LxC2 and was extremely disappointed when Seine and MC fuck without even kissing first. All that dating and buildup in the beginning and then they just throw it all away.

>> No.15626859

>Is the second better than the first?
Yes and said forced drama is almost non-existent.

>> No.15626860

They are never picked up though? They start their own doujin in their close friend circle, one guy wanted to do his shitty writing and the other one do shitty deving.

most of these guys have been in the circle since the 90s, and new ones are lucky to even make it out alive.

>> No.15626865
File: 159 KB, 800x450, loli sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the consensus on 千恋*万花? Is it good?

>> No.15626869

Not the guy you've been talking to, but I kind of find that a bit sad that you say you prefer that kind of eroge over something like SnU or Muramasa. I say this as someone who enjoys all kinds of eroge. Yeah, I can throughly enjoy the $10 steak I picked up at Wal-Mart, but I would never say I enjoy it more than the $50 steak I got at some popular steakhouse. That's just retarded in my eyes. But to each their own I guess.

>> No.15626870

>Is there any game that follows the proper order? Like kissing first
This is pretty weird, even if you're having a once stand sex-only night with someone the first thing you do is kissing.

>> No.15626880

>any game that follows the proper order?
No, welcome to ero "throw all the character development to the trash" ge.

Hatsukoi 1/1 actually did that though, like whole season wide gaps before development.

writing was absolute shit though

>> No.15626884

Not that guy but I'm expecting fucking murasame out of it.

>> No.15626887

>Like kissing first, then a few scenes with petting, and then sex?
No, best your going to get is a Kiss scene and the a sex scene.

>> No.15626891

> I say this as someone who enjoys all kinds of eroge.
I don't think you do. If you did you'd enjoy both kinds equally in a different way depending on what you're expecting from it. Which is fine, we all have different tastes, you don't enjoy moege as much. I enjoy both scenarioge and moege depending on my mood, I often alternate between the two, but I just can't enjoy chuunige no matter how hard I try.

>> No.15626897

I want the industry to die and be reborn as an all ages.

>> No.15626898

I greatly preferred LC2 to LC1. I read 2 routes of each (Sera/Aya -> Seine/Wakoto) and I considered both LC1 routes pretty bad but considered Seine's route incredible and Wakoto's pretty good. I read Daitoshokan too but they're completely different styles so I hesitate to recommend it as being similar to Daito. Basically, the writer of LC2 worked somewhat hard to develop a "real" relationship that's genuinely meaningful. Whether it was successful or not is up for debate but in my opinion it resulted in a game that's on a whole nother playing field than most moege with harem casts and comedy common routes.

It has one fatal flaw in my opinion, though. One, the protagonist is a blank slate. Blanker than blank. Girl asks MC about himself, the scene fads to black before he answers and time-skips til he's done. He does significant things, which is how the relationships end up feeling meaningful, but conversations are dominated by the female characters, unlike Daitoshokan for instance. The number of H scenes is questionable but since I found both girls incredibly hot I wasn't bothered.

>> No.15626899

We get it guys, you don't enjoy things. Can you let other people enjoy things you don't enjoy without the victim complex? Show me on the doll where the moege touched you.

>> No.15626909

Maybe I'd be more OK with it if I haven't watched literally hundreds of anime with wacky scenes involving the protagonist touching a girl's tits, falling face first into her crotch, or walking in on her bathing or changing clothes.

The point is that this stuff gets fucking old, and this is coming from someone who isn't completely adverse to moe. I just want my moege to actually be good.

>> No.15626910

It depends, the quality of the different routes (different writers) varies greatly.

>> No.15626918

Well I don't enjoy them equally, but I do enjoy them, hence the analogy I made. I've spent most of my free time the last few days reading アマツツミ, and I've been enjoying it a decent amount, so to say I don't enjoy generic moege would be a lie. I enjoy both, but the high I get from reading a truly well done scenarioge is much higher than the one from a generic moege.

>> No.15626921

Moege moeta my brain cells.

>> No.15626922

I think what makes it worse is that it's drawn out even more in VNs. Harem anime can be pretty short, around maybe 6 hours, but moege can last up to 30 hours. It's a long time to be exposed to generic cliches, unlikable girls, and bad writing, so I tend to be a lot more strict when judging moege.

>> No.15626934

I understand you anon. The removal of shitty cliche scenes like this would make moege a lot better.

>> No.15626935

and 25 of those hours are everyday activities tier.
not even slice of life, its just life.

can't they get good writers to balance it?

>> No.15626942

So are you completely disregarden Senren because of that one scene at the start?

>> No.15626950

>good writing would make novels better
What a tweeest

>> No.15626951

Man bumping into a girl that is late for school with toast in her mouth then having her fall panties first into your face as you grab her tits is sacrosanct. You jusy can't remove it, that's heresy. Might as well remove hotsprings and beach scenes while we are at it.

>> No.15626958

why the need of cliche scenes when you can just make an alpha mc that doesn't need luck bullshit?

its that simple

>> No.15626959

You think it'd be obvious, but from what a lot of anons say here, there are people who actually enjoy this shitty writing.

>> No.15626965

I love bad moege

>> No.15626968

I think the problem is some people get triggered by those scenes even though they are typically omages to other works, or time honoured traditions.

>> No.15626970

so you like moege?

>> No.15626971

It's not even just the Murasame scene, there's >>15624283 too and probably more that I haven't gotten to yet since I only just started chapter 3.

I don't hate the game because of it, but it certainly makes it a lot worse.

It's even stupider because unlike ToLoveRu, which can't show actual porn because it was/is a shounen manga, Senren Banka is an EROGE. It doesn't need this childish shit. It can show them having sex instead like real human beings do. If they expect me to pop a boner over this shit when there's sex scenes ahead then Yuzusoft has no idea what they're doing.

>> No.15626978

So what do you suggest, wait 3-4 months for the next game you deem worthy for us to play and cover our eyes and ears to all else? Or reread SnU for the third time?

>> No.15626989

I feel like most of what people don't like about eroge can be traced back to the fact that people pay for eroge by the hour.

>> No.15626991

Keep reading and keep getting laughed at, it's the way of life

>> No.15626994

No not at all, I've been saying this whole time that I'm able to enjoy essentially all eroge. What astounds me is that some people like these poorly written parts of them. I have zero problems with people liking moege as a whole, because as I've been saying, I like them too. I just feel they'd be better off without a lot of these cliches.

>> No.15627001

so you are saying the scene would be better written if she had fallen on his dick and her hips suddenly went out of control and MC ejaculates i side of her?

I agree, missed opportunity there yuzu.

>> No.15627009

Not him but that's retarded too. Can't tell if you're trolling or just being intentionally obtuse.

>> No.15627016

Yes, the only reason I learned nip is to deflower qt animu moege girls

>> No.15627018

I didn't mind the Murasame scene much as it's pretty quick and isn't an accident cliche.

Falling on top of a pair of melons is tired and needs to die though.

>> No.15627023

I mostly agree. There are other things I learn Japanese for but the prospect of fucking the shit out of cute-as-hell VN heroines is one of the biggest motivators.

>> No.15627025

Traditions need be respected.

>> No.15627034

I dunno about other people, but Lena's "girl finds porn, oh ma gawsh kyaa" scene had me laughing hard.

>> No.15627063
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Murasame is best girl

>> No.15627072

So hers is one of the better routes?

>> No.15627088
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, SenrenBanka_2016-08-01_00-17-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her's was probably the best route, but I still have a couple left.

>> No.15627089

Picked up.

>> No.15627098

Neither did I, actually. I just really like the cover when they first appeared.

Only downloaded this on a whim because I saw certain CG. Not really sure how it will out either, haven't even finished the prologue yet.

>> No.15627106

Yeah I picked it up for certain CG too....just finally got to the parts where they show up. Obligatory Hotaru best girl.

>> No.15627111
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This got me too good

>> No.15627142

Is this like your 5th VN or something? These kind of scenes are all over eroge even the scenario focused ones. They're otaku culture at this point.

>> No.15627151

Marketing is not a silver bullet. It can't make popular something that has no marketing value to begin with.
And it's pretty obvious that Yuzusoft has money for the marketing because the are popular.
A lot of companies do have marketing campaigns that won't lose to Yuzu on scale or spent money but they often don't come even close in terms of popularity.

>> No.15627164

Oh shit, was it worth it? How long is it into the route?

>> No.15627175

It had a few issues. There's a few points which I felt either dragged on too much or were glossed over. Like with the issue of her being a sword spirit thingy: they find her body preserved for hundreds of years because lol magic, and then she just "moves" to the body like it was nothing in 2 or 3 lines. It's not until two entire chapters or so where they bring up the issues with this. Also, if you're the kind of person who despises heroines pushing the protagonist away constantly because "it would be better for you to forget about me" or similar, then you should know that she struggles with the fact that she's not a person until close to the end.

Though I guess that also brings me to the fact that I loved the relationship between her and the protagonist and the way their bond grows, they play off each other quite well. Murasame herself is also a very lovely girl.

In short, the plot side could have been much better, but the moe was top notch and ultimately that's what I wanted so I enjoyed it greatly.

>> No.15627179

>I can throughly enjoy the $10 steak I picked up at Wal-Mart, but I would never say I enjoy it more than the $50 steak I got at some popular steakhouse

Why? If the Wal-Mart steak was really more delicious for you personally than that other $50 steak then there is nothing wrong to admit it as is.

That's even more prominent with eroge because they have almost the same price no matter if it's Muramasa or Senren Banka. If you enjoy things like Muramasa more than Senren Banka that's fine. The other way around should be totally fine too.

>> No.15627181

I can't comment on whether it's worth it yet because I don't yet know what direction they're gonna go with it yet. I'm optimistic at the moment though. It's not far in but not close to the beginning either. Right beforehand >>15626069 this happens so it got me pretty pumped up to see how they handle it.

>> No.15627185

Actually I've read over 120.

I just have standards.

>> No.15627188

Prolly because he doesn't

>> No.15627194

Yeah there really is nothing wrong with liking the other more, I suppose I just fail to understand it. To me it's sort of like saying "I like eroge with mediocre writing and cute girls over ones with great writing and cute girls."

This anon understands.

>> No.15627197


I prefer used goods, thank you very much.

>> No.15627207

Money is not really a determining factor of quality. A better comparison would be someone enjoying their grandma's everyday average cooking more than a fancy restaurant dinner. They enjoyed this one too maybe but due to certain factors they prefer the common thing they eat often to it. Some might say what the hell, that shit is delicious and masterfully prepared, how can you enjoy that average home cooking more? But it happens.

>> No.15627223

Writing quality is a totally subjective metric to be honest.
The only thing that matters is if it is enjoyable or not.

>> No.15627237

>"I like eroge with mediocre writing and cute girls over ones with great writing and cute girls."
Thing is the girls are the decisive factor for a lot of people who play eroge. If someone didn't like the designs or personalities of the girls in say SnU much, they might enjoy some average moege witha a couple girls they really like more.

>> No.15627243

Well let me blow your friggin mind. These are novels. Thus, a large part of the girls comes from the writing. More than the art, even. If people were truly satisfied by art more than writing, well, there's literally a non-stop barrage of nukige with cute girl art. See how tolerable the writing is.

>> No.15627250

>These are novels

Did you purposely left out the VISUAL part?

>> No.15627258

>More than the art, even.
No he didn't.

>> No.15627272
File: 492 KB, 1920x1080, ナイスボート.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't expect you to pop a fucking boner every time someone falls on a girl. In eroge and even anime this is usually played for comedy and slight erotic tension, not for total boners.

>> No.15627284

God I've had this discussion a billion times. You're reading 30,000 - 50,000 lines of text for 30-50 hours. The process of reading is way more significant than the art because it's what you're doing practically the whole time. The visual aspect of VNs is simply less meaningful and relevant than the novel part. Visuals are nice, particularly for h-scenes, but they don't carry a VN and they certainly don't carry characters. A girl is more defined and more developed from the hours of text than she is from her tachie. You're right, girls are the decisive factor for a lot of people who play eroge. And it's precisely because of that that well-written eroge with thusly well-developed girls attract people. You don't see "hot nukige slut #4531" winning any character polls.

As I mentioned, try reading nukige with good art and bad writing. It's unbearable. The girls suck. Because what you're doing ultimately doing is reading a novel, not looking at a picture book, and what the girls are largely developed from is the writing, not the visuals.

>> No.15627288

I think the most important part are the VAs, I would be reading LNs all day otherwise.

>> No.15627293


>> No.15627296

These are games. Erotic games.

>> No.15627302

The fuck does that have to do with my post? Let me make it simpler: Someone likes girls in random moege more than girls in a scenarioge. That someone likes said moege more than the scenarioge as a result. Are you too autistic to understand this?

>> No.15627307

Ah yes, games with the wildly fun gameplay of clicking to advance text tens of thousands of times.

>> No.15627311

Visuals are important too. A lot of people won't even come close to a game if they don't like visuals.
And it's not only for eroge. It's the same for ranobe too.

>> No.15627314

Lads, is Hanasaki any good?

I've kept putting it off, but Inori is right in my strikezone for heroines.

>> No.15627320

Anon delineated between vns with "mediocre writing" and vns with "great writing". You defended preferring mediocre writing because people decide VNs on girls. I responded by saying that vns with great writing have better girls due to their improved character development. Do you understand, now?
I simply said that visuals are less meaningful and relevant. Anyone who would argue against that is not something I consider worth listening to. They may as well be holding CTRL to look at CGs for all I'm concerned.

>> No.15627322

Pretty good moege, try it.

>> No.15627328

Kamige fags hate moe because it rehashes to many cliche and uses ecchi in porn games, which is somehow bad. Kamige hate masterpieces like amagami became no porn, which is somehow bad. Kamige fags FSN and Umineko because they are written by "meme writters" aka too popular and in english, which is somehow bad. kamige fags hate layline series because it's too shonen. Kamige fags hate kamige because they release once or twice a year, and can't even agree if it is or is not kamige.

Exactly what do kamige fags like?

>> No.15627329

>try reading nukige with good art and bad writing
Nukige are different because you read them almost for sex exclusively.
In case of moege you have a chance to enjoy life with a girl you like.

>> No.15627336


>> No.15627351

Shit I fell over when I read this.

>> No.15627360

>I responded by saying that vns with great writing have better girls due to their improved character development. Do you understand, now?

Thing is, character development is not a magical thing that makes girls good. If you don't like how a girl looks and acts you won't suddenly start liking her later unless she changes radically and this will only rarely happens. Also some moege also have decent writing in terms of girls and relationship even if they have shit for plot.

So you are wrong. Better writing does not imply better girls. Sometimes they are better, sometimes they aren't.

>> No.15627361

At least in akiba-kei visuals are more important because they are the first decision factor for a customer.
You might have a fucking masterpiece there but if no one reads it, it's totally useless and won't have any relevance or influence.

>> No.15627371

Nukige was basically just a catch-all for games with bad writing. There's plenty of nukige-cum-moege that fulfill the role of moege with the production values of a nukgie.
Seems like you've got the completely wrong idea about how characterization works and really everything you just talked about. It'd be tedious to teach you everything here so we can just agree to disagree.
I don't see what relevance and influence in the public has to do with anything.

>> No.15627389

This. Try plastering Akiba with adds for an eroge with Mob Psycho 100 art and see how well it does.

Art is the first crucial factor you need to not fuck up if you want someone to read your "amazing story", unless you're called Ryukishi007 or another well established brand. Hell I don't think even Ryukishi will sell shit these days.

>> No.15627392

>If you don't like how a girl looks and acts
You do realize like 95% of how she acts is infused in the text, right?

>> No.15627398

Is this some kind of "appeal to pleb"?
I only recognize actions if they are visible in tachie. Anything else is non-cnaon.

>> No.15627404

This, I don't even read manga because it doesn't have any voice.

>> No.15627414

I suppose there's a level of idiocy that just can't be reasoned with.

>> No.15627415

Yes. And it can be amazingly written and still be a shitgirl (for instance a character type you just don't like.)

No please, enlighten me. How can you say with such certainty that a more developed girl you hate is better than a less developed girl you like?

>> No.15627418

>At least in akiba-kei visuals are more important because they are the first decision factor for a customer.
It's kind of sad how otaku culture has become. You used to have quite a few doujin titles with poor art and poor production values hit it big in the earlier days of PC VNs. You just don't see that happen anymore.

>> No.15627420

This explains it.

>> No.15627422

Relevance and influence make things actually popular.
Popularity attracts people who like similar to the market.
Popularity, relevance and influence bring more similar things to the market.
It's an active selection process that even drives out of the market things that are unpopular and are too far from things that make the core of the market.

>> No.15627428

Well, most old art is trash so the difference really isn't that big.

>> No.15627433

I really don't see how that's relevant to the current discussion.
The idea is that one is significantly more likely to like a more developed girl than a less developed girl. So in a generic scenario about like a "mediocre game" vs a "well written game", it's generally safe to say people will like the well written games based on girls more than mediocre games based on girls.

>> No.15627449

People buy things from established brands that make stuff they enjoy, or writers, or VAs, or artists. The market was much younger and less saturated back then so people tried out new things even if they had bad art. Now there's no need to take that risk. Why buy some random doujin game that looks like shit instead of the moege from one of your favorite brands? Otaku don't see a reason to. However if you start off with good art people will give a chance to new brands. Look at Otome domain's success.

>> No.15627459

Yeah, market saturation is a scary thing. With the current amount of different games, ranobe, anime and other shit coming out you have to differentiate and select things somehow.
There is no way in hell someone could look through all the doujin games nowadays.

>> No.15627469

>There is no way in hell someone could look through all the doujin games nowadays.
Hadler is the hero we need, finding JQV for us

>> No.15627474

>more likely to
Exactly. It's simply more likely, not certain. Why are you surprised some people enjoy a random moege more than a better written game? It happens relatively often.

>> No.15627488

It's relevant because the discussion had begun with a lack of understanding about how people enjoy moege more than some abstract quality writing that is much less popular.
A lot of people who currently enjoy moege were attracted to the market by moege to begin with. Why they should enjoy something they have no interest in?

>> No.15627569

>one is significantly more likely to like a more developed girl than a less developed girl
Not really. A lot of emotions are based on simple emotional triggers.
Simple, easy to understand and easy to reason about is usually more likable than convoluted, overdeveloped with a lot of complicated parts.

>> No.15627581

Both are actually likable but again designs and basic personality traits are the main attractors.

>> No.15627606

Reco Love was delayed for 2 months, fucking shit.

>> No.15627640
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x712, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really complained about this scene? It was less than 20 second and it didn't even result in a "HENTAI!!!!" punch to the face that pans up to the sky. Honestly it was a kind of refreshing take on such a staple scene. Also, holy fuck she is soft!

>> No.15627642

The route order is somewhat enforced.

To explain, the first time playing through the game you WILL get the common end, whatever delusional triggers you chose. After finishing the common end you can then enter individual heroine routes, which you can do in any order. However, there is a true end, and in order to be able to see it, you'll have to finish all of the heroine routes.

For the heroine routes, I recommend the order :
Uki > Hinae > Hana > Nono
The order of the routes is based on their relevance to the main plot.

>> No.15627658

What are the chances of Aquaplus making an 18+ version of uta2?

>> No.15627661

I've threatened their 社長
You will see the announcement in september

>> No.15627669
File: 35 KB, 256x300, 45614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send more anon, i NEED to see these boobs.

>> No.15627677
File: 137 KB, 960x544, 95060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously if I was one of those people that bought the original utawarerumono I would be super pissed and feel betrayed. Twin slaves taught in the arts of pleasure, no porn. It's against human rights.

>> No.15627702

Shit sucks, but gives me more time to procrastinate on deciding how badly I want to rape my wallet.

>> No.15627707

Just fuck me if the preorder bonus and DLC are not shared over both version, I spent 4000+ on PK dlc alone.

>> No.15627715

Shit, I bought the BD Box of PhotoKano just for the codes.
Didn't bother watching any of it either.

>> No.15627719

it was shit fyi

>> No.15627740

Reco Love anons, which version do you plan on getting?

>> No.15627751
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>> No.15627763

As a fan of the original Utawarerumono who doesn't own any consoles I've felt betrayed for the past year.

>> No.15627774

Idk if it's the version I have or I'm somehow skipping the choices for the routes, but I'm only getting the harem scene in 僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。

is the version on nyaa not the correct one?

>> No.15627827

Did you download the すごいエッチ version?

>> No.15627861

I downloaded both すっごいえっち! version and this one 僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。 + 予約特典マキシシングル + レーベル + イラスト

Didn't see any of these scenes shown here https://exhentai.org/g/857275/fe448b798f/ other than the first set with all the girls

>> No.15627912

Are you continuing on past the group scene in the bath?
Because the heroine routes branch out after that after the beach scenes.

>> No.15627950
File: 1.68 MB, 1291x753, Amatsutsumi4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her cuteness knows no bounds.

>> No.15627959

After the group bath scene I speak to sensei >>15626759
, look up in to the stars then white screen and the game ends, unless it's just crashing which is probably why

>> No.15627972

Who are these "kamige fags" even? Considering what seems to be the working defition of kamige (something moogy and pals hyped on Reddit and Twitter), I don't think being a kamige fag is a good idea.

Not to say you can't enjoy those "kamiges".

>> No.15627973
File: 42 KB, 526x200, who is he quoting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went to a shitskin country for vacation, and it was to my great surprise it seems 壺 completely blocks some countries from even viewing it.

Exclusive browsers don't work either. After returning to the great U.S of A everything works fine now, even my rounin.

You can always count on Japan to be racist as fuck I guess, but at least not being stuck with this thread for VN discussion is pretty great I guess.
All the best to those that are.

>> No.15628003

>So I went to a shitskin country for vacation
>You can always count on Japan to be racist as fuck I guess

>> No.15628040
File: 39 KB, 300x300, ChJVDLyUUAAAN-r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunparade March is the greatest kamige ever made.

>> No.15628113

Really now?

>> No.15628133

Anyone who doesn't buy the 姉 version should be shot for bad taste.

>> No.15628138

The 妹 version. Bonuses for not having the disgusting gaijin cow too.

>> No.15628147
File: 119 KB, 960x544, 2015-11-29-045420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not grabbing either for now
Maybe after reviews are out, if it's good I can buy both versions.

I'll just replay amagami to fill in the void

>> No.15628149

God that font is hideous.

>> No.15628319

I'm buying the version that allows me to kill you.

>> No.15628382


Marry her and take her name. Will be fun.

>> No.15628403

picked up

>> No.15628411

I have Ukrainian last name that literally ends with チンコ. I guess I'll have a hard time at self-introductions if I'll ever go to Japan.

>> No.15628439


>> No.15628478

Does it start with ふにゃ?

>> No.15628529


>> No.15628571

Are you sure you want to read 20k lines about the subjectivity of equality when treating human lives and how society should still never tolerate such act under any circumstance before being able to do so?

Well, please look forward for it. Maybe at end of it you'll me able to say 「 ハッピーバースデイ、僕!」 a little better.

>> No.15628693
File: 83 KB, 1149x274, ftw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikocon supports DRM now?

>> No.15628715

Probably butthurt that all the major releases are quickly uploaded nowadays so he couldn't profit from his jewish VIP scheme as much anymore.

>> No.15628819
File: 1.83 MB, 1296x758, 2016-08-03 18_18_43-アマツツミ - こころ5 -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smiled every time she appeared. The other 2 girls feel kinda dull by comparison.

>> No.15628824

Damn the sprites look bad compared to the CGs.

>> No.15628830
File: 1.51 MB, 1296x758, 2016-08-02 20_53_42-アマツツミ - こころ3 -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the better looking one.

There are 2 characters with worse drawn sprite than her.

>> No.15628852

too deep didnt' reed

>> No.15628979

Mom and Mana are pretty dull, Kokoro is alright

>> No.15629125

Kamige is just a really good game. Sometimrs you read a game that was good, but not incredible. That's not a kamige. A kamige is the next level past good. Don't think too hard about it.

>> No.15629157

I finally gained enough confidence to play non-nukige in Japanese and started Hanasaki Workspring earlier today. Right off the bat I'm having enough fun that I know I'm going to be sad when it's over.

I imagine I'm having enjoying it more than I should given that at this point given that I probably don't even recognize what the common moege cliches are, but then, everybody starts somewhere.

>> No.15629181

But that's an NTR nukige.

>> No.15629193

I've heard it's a game for cuckolds but on the off chance I wasn't being memed on it'll leave that much more of an impression.

>> No.15629220

Why did you choose Cuckasaki Cuckspring?

>> No.15629230

Come on someone upload the Koihime Eiyuutan already, I want to see my favorite character again after 5-6 years.

>> No.15629238
File: 315 KB, 1280x675, ntrspring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inori's route definitely was memorable.

>> No.15629263

I don't necessarily think getting tired of moege is so much about recognizing moege cliches as it is, just gradually coming to realize how long-winded VNs are in general and losing one's tolerance for sitting through a boring common route. This means that, as long as you pick good, funny moege you won't really get tired of them, but at the same time your standards for what's entertaining will rise as you become aware of how tediously long common routes can be.

>> No.15629264


It's games that are very well received by a lot of people. (i.e. not JUST popular, but also really well received) It has not much to do with what you personally think of it, though I guess statistically speaking it's rather likely you'd like it as well. But I'd argue it's normal to not be into the "common" kamige, once you got a bit around in eroge. That's also the case for anime and such. You'll probably find your gems somewhere else.

>> No.15629282

That doesn't sound right to me. Anything that relies on a bunch of people liking something doesn't sound right to me. It makes more sense to me that a lot of people like it because it's kamige, not that it's kamige because a lot of people like it.

>> No.15629346


A kamige is a title assigned to a game. That can only happen if people actually read it. If we take your definition, a kamige would be one even if nobody would read it or know about it. But we don't call those kamige, right?

>> No.15629355

All it takes is one person to read it and consider it a kamige - note that "kamige" is not an objective term. A really really good game that literally no one has read is a potential kamige just like any other game. Obviously, we don't call these unknown games "kamige" because we don't know about them. If we knew about them it's likely a lot of people would.

>> No.15629369

it almost feels like half the people here don't play the games themselves and form opinions based on other people's

>> No.15629401

How do you list all of those and not mention kamifusen?

>> No.15629412

Sorry, forgot about it. But yeah, definitely worth visiting.

>> No.15629425
File: 193 KB, 1440x810, SenrenBanka_2016-08-03_16-03-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Senren banka.

Pretty satisfied. The plot was nothing special and I ended ctrling through quite a bit but the icha icha and ero were both top notch which is what really matters for moege.

Was kinda disappointing that mako changed quite a bit right after starting her route. Fun route though.

Lena route seemed to be the games main focus but that's arguable. Also, the gaijin humor in it was bizarre as fuck to the point of actually being entertaining.

Glad they didn't skimp out on the side heroine route hscenes. They were hot as fuck.

>> No.15629437

>I ended ctrling through quite a bit
>Pretty satisfied.

>> No.15629444

Moebuta standards, nothing to see here.

>> No.15629571


The moment I started Murasame's route Mako was more fun again already.

That said, I quite enjoy how Yoshino is in Mako's route and she seems to be similar enough in Murasame's as well. Is she also rather different in her own route?

>> No.15629589

Thanks, I'll leave Rena's route for last then. I like this thing where the most important heroine/route ends up being someone else. I remember Himakoi pulled this one really hard, the cover art and main menu did a well job at deceiving you. I wish there was a tag for this.

>> No.15629595

Yoshino stays the same in her route: just as boring. I hoped a bit she'd pull a Yune but no.

>> No.15629597

Not sure why you'd seriously listen to someone who admitted to skipping through most of the game

>> No.15629600

How dare you enjoy things!

>> No.15629608

That's what you took away from everything?

>> No.15629612

Not him, but most reviews I've read basically say she's the closest to being the main heroine because her route solves the most plot stuff.

>> No.15629614

Suree, but who would engage in conversation about a game with someone who skipped most of it? If Rena's the main heroine due to plot then that means he skipped most of her route. So he's not someone to talk about in regards to these things.

>> No.15629620

Most of the game is random flirting and Japanese humour, less than 10% of the text is important to the plot.

>> No.15629621

Who knows what he qualified as plot? Nobody knows. Once you start skipping it's a bloodbath.

>> No.15629626

if you believe the last few threads this place is full of djt and machine tl readers anyway so i'm not sure what your point is

>> No.15629629

"quite a bit" is pretty different from "most of it" though

>> No.15629633

It's all about the implication. The implication that everyone posting here has native-level comprehension. It's like etchings. You can ask a girl up to your room to look at etchings. That's cool. She can say yes or no, it's cool. But if you ask a girl to fuck? There's no implication! It's not cool. As a western community, we have to survive on the implication that the language barrier is non-existent. If we approached every conversation with the mindset that we're discussing games with machine-translators and language amateurs nothing would ever be properly discussed. Everything would be a back and forth mocking each other's Japanese. We have to pretend. We have to rely on the implication.
6 is quite a bit of 10

>> No.15629637

A lot of people come to this thread, if you judge its user base only for the regular 2 or 3 idiots asking DJT questions I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.15629640

>implication that everyone posting here has native-level comprehension.

Have you been here the past few threads? My Japanese is far from perfect but we get a new djt poster or machine TL fag every thread asking what is an easy vn to read. Besides, I won't blame some one for skipping text in some second rate vn that everyone will forget in two months time.

>> No.15629643

Like >>15629637 says, those are few in number compared to the total number so the implication is maintained. Furthermore, I won't blame him for skipping either, I'm just a little confused as to why people are discussing the game with him when he skipped so much.

>> No.15629650

I was thinking Kokoro and Kyouko.

Wasn't even considering the mom and actually forgot that Mana exist, for shame.

>> No.15629651

Maybe they are more interested in having an excuse to say what they want to say than actually have a conversion. Or they skipped just as much.

>> No.15629654


Keep in mind that the common route essentially solves everything of the plot as much as you want it to. The other routes are just "another arc". As such there isn't really anything "main" or whatever, as in theory the whole problem is solved already anyway.

The different routes then add different things to it as they please. Mostly related to background stuff. Which is unfortunate, as this part is quite a lot worse than the actual "story" during common. Mostly because it just feels so very irrelevant. At least that's how I've experienced it so far. But I'm not going to touch Rena's route ever, so I can't say how things work in her route.

>> No.15629656

In moege I skip all parts with no females on screen. Exception for cool friends or homo scene with grandpa. Also skip scene where the author is saying how beautiful a town or setting is, most of those scenes are shit. SnU did it right however.

>> No.15629661

I wouldn't be satisfied if I didn't ctrl. I still got everything every route offered though. It's a skill you get from playing a lot of eroge.

>> No.15629662

It's sad in some games when the male sub characters are better than the heroines. Why do they make heroines boring outside of h-scenes?

>> No.15629664

>Why do they make heroines boring outside of h-scenes?
Isn't it usually the opposite?

>> No.15629665
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, god damn anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exception for cool friends or homo scene with grandpa.
but how would you know if the friend is cool or grandpa scene is homo in the first place if you skip it?

>> No.15629670

I just replied to him because he's like the third person to confirm that, you're reading too much into it.

>> No.15629673

Honestly, sometimes you have literally read the scene before soo many times you know exactly what is going to happen, also I always stop when the audio changes because it typically signifies a change of topic or tone, obviously you read all cg scenes completely.

>> No.15629674

Let's be real most of the reason we play these is for the H-scenes. We wouldn't go through all the boring and uninspiring dialogue/situations if it weren't for the porn. Of course this isn't every game, but it applies to a lot of moege with bad writing.

>> No.15629680

Audio cues, if the music got goofy I'll know I missed a joke.

Also my first instinct is not to skip, I typically read the start of every scene.

>> No.15629683

Not much to read into. Dude skipped, that's that.

>> No.15629685

This discussion made me curious, what are your favorite moege/ish games of all time? Maybe a top 5 or something. I'm guessing Daitoshokan is gonna be in most lists.

>> No.15629699

Some people can't even agree on what is a moege.

>> No.15629733

1) Daitoshokan
2) Lovely Cation 2
3) Tonakoi
4) Seikishi Melty Lovers
5) Hoshi Ori

>> No.15629740

Hi Quof

>> No.15629748

Fuck off, cocksuck that machine translation reader on Reddit, not here.

>> No.15629751

And you are okay with that? Why would the writer do that to the readers? I don't get it.

>> No.15629759

As far as I can tell, what people like him care about aren't stories or anything like that. They're essentially reading moege as one would watch a cheap action flick - nothing matters except the high-octane icha and sex. The story's bad? It's boring in general? Doesn't matter. They're reading for specific things and if they have to skip to get to it they don't care.

>> No.15629762

Who? I am honestly amazed how some of you guys can keep up with all these twitter and reddit people. I was even more surprised when someone guessed who I was on vndb, and I don't use social media or reddit, I am a random no one. Scary and spooky.

>> No.15629773
File: 1.74 MB, 1275x715, 2015-05-17 19_03_44-キミのとなりで恋してる!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been shilling Tonakoi for awhile, it's no surprise for someone to put 2 and 2 together. Also I'm more a 4channer than reddit or twitter not that it matters.

>> No.15629777

Big coincidence then. You have the same 5 games ranked in about the same order.

>> No.15629781

No you were right. He's commenting meta, not saying he's who you were replying to.

>> No.15629802
File: 909 KB, 1296x768, 20160804010511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15629805

Reading C;C and I am right in the middle of ch 7 and I am losing interest. Somehow this game feels longer than it is. It isn't a bad game though.

>> No.15629813


That is indeed quite a thing. For example I'd count Akatsuki no Goei. Everything really mean happened in the past and is of not much relevance in the game. And everything that seems mean ends up being not so bad at all. (i.e. maid route)
Same for Tsuriotsu, for the same reason really.

On the flipside I'm not so sure about Hapymaher. The atmosphere is just not very moege for most of the time I feel. A moege with a protagonist with defined psychological problems and whatnot just seems not quite right. Also headache plagued, sleep deprived, resorting to sleep pills a lot, being always pale and whatnot alongside of that.

>> No.15629837

Moe is a kind of art style. I think most people use moege when they should be using galge. Like Lovely x Cation, it's more of a galge or a bishoujoge than a moege.

>> No.15629843

I just think of moege as being games based on feeling 燃え・萌え for girls. Lovely Cation was like that for me so that's what I called it. I think galge is pretty dang widely encompassing if I remember its definition correctly. Like Last Cavalier is a galge because you mainly interact with attractive women, therefore galge.

>> No.15629851

You can't use those interchangeably. 燃え isa hyped up "fired" up type of feeling, it's completely different from 萌え.

>> No.15629854

Then you would be calling games like amagami moege, which is just wrong.

>> No.15629859

Mate... moe is a pun off both of them. This is the second time someone in this thread didn't understand the word. I'm getting a little weirded out.

>> No.15629873

It is a pun but they are not interchangeable, and that in it self is a big boke tsukkomi trope.

>> No.15629874

No, it doesn't work like that in text. Maybe if you hear it spoken but you're making yourself look foolish using it like that here.

>> No.15629879

C'mon guys...

>> No.15629886

Honestly it's your fault for using Japanese in /jp/, there is a reason why most people don't do it. There is always some nerd that needs to fill his ego by telling you how wrong you are.

>> No.15629889

Lesson learned.

>> No.15629892

Daitoshokan is the best 燃えゲー I've read, with Dies Irae being the best 萌えゲー

>> No.15629897

Just makin yourself look silly.

>> No.15629904

Using the kanji wrong, Daito is 萌えゲー、 dies irae is 燃えゲー go back to djt.

>> No.15629923

>Dies Irae
I refuse to believe anyone actually liked that shitty game aside from the usual Twitter circlejerkers who don't have any opinion of their own.

>> No.15629926

Well you're pretty narrow minded then

>> No.15629929


>> No.15629934

Moogy has good taste, he would not lie.

>> No.15629941

Go back to IRC.

>> No.15629943


>> No.15630069

gramps go with the time it's discord now.

>> No.15630092

I actually fell asleep shortly after posting that which is a pretty poor way to carry on a conversation. Anyway, I wanted to start with a moege, remembered /jp/ talking about it and the production values seemed good.

There are a lot of VNs in that category, so after that it was mostly process of elimination. I didn't want anything with a fantastic premise, absurd setup, or outright comedy game, which narrows the field a lot. After that I wanted to dodge anything where it seemed like the girls might be rather generic or some of the routes were completely phoned in (though strictly speaking I have no way of telling whether that's true for Workspring or anything else, really) and it seemed like it would work.

If she's the land mine, then the other heroines are safe, right? Right?

Though actually I feel like I may know a bit of what to expect given that I've seen /jp/ talk about it some.

>> No.15630102

You're getting meme'd fellow anon.

>> No.15630124


yes because the overwhelmingly positive reception and high votes on EGS dating back to 2009 were all influenced by #tanoshimi and its become one of the best selling eroge of all time simply because moogy said it was good, solid theory

the conspiracies you guys build in here get more retarded by the day, step it up

>> No.15630128

I feel like I'd actually like super-long common routes, unless they were actually just poorly written padding. I tend to like pointless SoL and my general experience with anime and other games is that they're over too soon.

>You're getting meme'd fellow anon.
Well, it happens.

Also the game sold pretty well, so at the very least it's got some mass market appeal that I'll probably be able to enjoy as much as anyone else.

>> No.15630138
File: 886 KB, 806x628, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't want anything with a fantastic premise

You'll miss out. Now I'm reading Yoakemae and it's very likeable so far. And the text is ridiculously easy, so even if you lack confidence, you should be okay.

>> No.15630141

>unless they were actually just poorly written padding.
Aye, there's the rub.

>> No.15630150

What i mean is that there is no ntr in the game. One heroine jokes about how her vibrator is better at sex than the mc and one other talks a bit too much about her old crush. There's no cucking in the games. There's a feature in the game to make your own scenes and that's where those screenshots come from.

>> No.15630174

Vibrator = Machine Cuckoldry

>> No.15630177

Prepare to shit bricks at ch.8.

>> No.15630203

I've missed out on a lot of great works up until now (in many different mediums) and will probably miss out on more in the future. Every now and then I do pick up one up, so we'll see.

I figured there was no outright NTR or else the flames would have been a lot higher, but I actually thought some of the more absurd screenshots were American jokes that had been put into the game. Well, some of them would have been harder to explain than others.

>> No.15630236

Conspiracy or not, Dies Irae is still fucking shit and you must have the brain of a 14 year old if you actually think it's anything more than a slightly better F/SN

>> No.15630244

Fate is kamige, retard.

>> No.15630290

I'm sure it is when you've only read 3 other VNs.

>> No.15630305

Dies Irae feels pretty kamige having read more than 300 VNs, and FSN is easily above average

>> No.15630540

Why are deadpan lolis always so terrible?

>> No.15630547

Look mom, I'm being contrarian!

>> No.15630702

What compels people to try to be such a special snowflake? Sure, it's cool around here to act like stuff heralded by EOPs isn't good, and that's partially because F/SN really isn't the greatest thing ever like a lot of EOPs make it out to be. That being said, if you play over 100 VNs and won't admit that F/SN is above average, then I'd really love to know what VNs you've been playing.

>> No.15630813

Because deadpan is a shit trait on anything.

>> No.15630960

You're a shit trait on this world.

>> No.15631005

Fair point.

I just get annoyed at the extremely lazy writing involved with them, especially how they almost always ruin everything as well.

Intimate moment between two people? Send in the loli to break it up.

>> No.15631289

Now that's terribly specific. I've never seen anything like that before.

>> No.15631753

Best loli kind is lolibaba.
And right after is mature loli imouto that takes care of her oniichan.

>> No.15631869

I'll take the genki loli imouto that takes care of her oniichan too.
Anything that isn't deadpan, emotionless or a bitch is good.

>> No.15631960

I'm just trying to remember where that specific instance sticks out to me from. I think it was a 2015 Giga title.

It had a really fun tsundere in it.

>> No.15632034

Is Muvluv worth reading? I just realized that it got a Windows 7 re-release with X360 content and that maybe I should finally get to it.

>> No.15632044

Not really. If you'd read it when it came out, it was worth it for the spectacle, but the story is pretty bad and there are plenty of more visually impressive games nowadays.

>> No.15632049

I find lolibaba pretty jarring because of the body/personality disparity. It's as jarring as seeing a child's mind in a grown up body.

I guess I still need a degree of believability in fiction works.

>> No.15632057

I dislike kid personalities but love loli bodies. The dilemma.

>> No.15632064

Does anyone here play Costume Maid 3D 2? I really like this game but can't into 3D girls after all.
Is there games similar to it where you can customize your girls, raise them, have sex skills level and such but with 2D art?

>> No.15632067

Same. Actual kids are annoying and dumb, but lolis are hot.

>> No.15632076

So it's not even worth it for Alternative?

>but can't into 3D girls after all.
You're taking the whole 3DPD thing too far. 3D anime-style is for all intents and purposes, 2D.

And there's Custom Reido series and xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata, with the former being closer to Custom Maid in content. I really wish KISS would make more of these games instead of Custom Maid, it's gotten really stale by now. I barely even played the 2nd because the personalty types, dialogue, and VAs were so bland. I liked the bigger world feeling of some their 2D games.

>> No.15632082

>So it's not even worth it for Alternative?
I think it is. There's just so few sci-fi VNs like it that I think its worth it for fans of sci-fi and action.

>> No.15632088

>So it's not even worth it for Alternative?
It's a Hollywood summer action flick in VN format, plus a bunch of politics infodumps and bullshit pseudoscience. It's also way too long for its own good with a lot of shitty filler.

If that sounds interesting to you, go for it, you probably won't be disappointed.

>> No.15632117

>You're taking the whole 3DPD thing too far.
It has nothing to do with 3DPD, I just didn't like 3D models compared to 2D drawn CGs.

I played xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata 2 and was pretty good but still nothing compared to the gameplay features CM3D had.
Custom Reido seems to have a lot of only SM play and slaves and shit like that. I wished they were more vanilla though.

>I really wish KISS would make more of these games instead of Custom Maid
Me too really. But it seems CM is too popular to let it go now. I really hope we can see xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata 3 soon.

>> No.15632158

I thought Alternative was good and it definitely had a strong impact on me (it was one of the first few scenarioge i read so maybe it's the circumstances+nostalgia), Unlimited is enjoyable if you like anime military training, but fuck playing through Extra for it.

>> No.15632440

I really don't understand why anyone would play a Kiss game for vanilla considering they are a company that specializes in NTR and BDSM.

>> No.15632635 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 929x728, vnreader_problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with getting VNReader to work? I can't install Edict dictionary through the GUI (runs for a bit but nothing happens). How do I install it manually? I found the file I needed, moved it to the right folder and extracted it, but I don't know what to do now.

>> No.15632686

uninstall it and learn japanese instead

>> No.15632714

He can learn Japanese using that tool, you know.

>> No.15632739 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1602x901, 1470289802204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoujo minority spoilers behind the spoiler.
I had a bad feeling before I even mounted the iso. Who throws a away a perfectly good ex girlfriend?

>> No.15632743
File: 614 KB, 1000x989, 1470272784981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should ask in the new thread for more replies but

How would a game work where the female lead appeals to male otakus and male lead appeals to funjoshis?

Like the guy is hot and does 壁ドン and opened shirt stuff pandering to girls
and the girl is cute and does cute things that pander to guys

>> No.15632748

Just in case you missed the memo, hanasaki work spring has a mode that lets you create scenes like the one you're seeing in that screenshot.

>> No.15632750

it shares traits that are common for both otoege and garuge
like tropes, comedy, hijinks side characters and so-on

>> No.15632758
File: 505 KB, 751x423, 挑発.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I thought I've been posting the ass all this time

>> No.15632769

What does アチャーmean?

I get it mixed with my native langauge and it means yes
but could also mean in a sarcastic way

>> No.15632778

It won't work.
The closest thing you might get is probably Dies Irae which technically speaking is constructed like an eroge that should appeal to male otaku but actually it's totally a fujoshi bait and has huge popularity among fujoshi because of its male characters and their peculiar behavior traits.

>> No.15632783

I saw that and glazed over it - is it just a slut being a slut, or does it have any substance?

>> No.15632796


I remember leyline had a protag who was almost like this on the route with the pink haired girl

It was pretty romantic being lost together keeping her warm 姫抱っこ and stuff, she also seemed very deredere and seems like she was the protag of the story for a while.

>> No.15632818

Yeah, leyline was like that too. I remember that pronounced fujoshi pandering was getting on my nerves quite a lot during trial.

>> No.15632842

Wanted to ask this for a while

How do you feel a eroge as a media?

Its just text, with static images that might change when you click and music with voice acting for some characters.
Its not animation its not a book its a odd blend.

I mean books, manga and anime costs less, VNs go for the same price if not more than a game yet lack all that much interaction have far less coding and effort put in by tons of people.

Do you think they should be cheaper given the content given to the reader?
Like perhaps a bit more expensive than a book but less than a game or something else?

>> No.15632845
File: 61 KB, 640x374, 8FjaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it...

>> No.15632850

It does have a story, but quite frankly the protagonist made so many bad decisions that I just skipped through the middle portion of it.

>> No.15632857
File: 837 KB, 1319x742, TiMNZfH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15632865

I'm not sure if that sounds promising or terrible, but I'm surprised it actually has a story after reading the premise.

>> No.15632876

its brings a different feeling than most media, it feels like you are following MC's life and its so long it feels like life.

great for escapism, and unlike LNs VNs have endings and waifus ichas

>> No.15632948

Have you ever played Sakurai's games?

>> No.15633012

Wow I just started SubaHibi and I knew there was yuri but I never knew there was this much. I am pleased.

>> No.15633043

Best Lucky Star yuri fanfiction ever written, in my opinion.

>> No.15633413

Roka is 2nd best girl

>> No.15633440
File: 314 KB, 1920x1080, SenrenBanka_2016-08-02_15-04-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her route was too short.

>> No.15633451

She's so cute and lewd.

>> No.15633511

Best being?

>> No.15633562


>> No.15633602


There's no girl with that name in Senren Banka.


I'd think most like Mako the most. Or the sword.

>> No.15633611

I'm the most partial to Rena.

>> No.15633615

It would've been Mako if her route wasn't so shit.

>> No.15633631
File: 2.53 MB, 2560x1440, img20160617183607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play it for the poser and the dress up myself. The models look like something straight out of a PS2 game, but still.

On a somewhat more related note, it's weird seeing pure love companies like Yuzusoft and Lump of Sugar making collaborations with KISS. I really have no idea what's the logic behind this considering CM3D2 is a whorehouse simulator and KISS keeps pushing content that these companies stay far away from.

>> No.15633692

google it, the images should be enough but if you're still not sure scroll down to the zokogu link

on that note, are there any good sites to quickly lookup jp phrases and slang? been using http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ but it's pretty lacking

the one cool thing about jp companies is how open minded they are to collabs in general. you see this a little in things that manage to become popular outside jp like the smash series but lots of jp-only console games/MMOs/mobage etc have done all sorts of collabs, from ones that make perfect sense to really odd ones

>> No.15633722


While Mako's route is not impressive, sword's route is quite a bit worse I'd say. Doubt my opinion will change on this given that I'm pretty close to the end I'd say. (8-4) Actually, once I'm done I'll probably rage a bit here how shit it is even though in theory it had potential. Seem like the closest thing to a true route too.. (whole cast working together on something for the future, events that are actually important and need to happen unlike just "explaining the past" which doesn't REALLY matter, a whole wrap back to the beginning of the story..)

>> No.15633763

>Seem like the closest thing to a true route too..
That'd be Rena's, really, it just gives the most feeling of that once you finish it.

>> No.15633808


All I heard about it was "explains the most", but that doesn't matter. Background is just background. I haven't read it so hell, I dunno.

In the end it doesn't matter too much. There's no obvious route enforcement or super special treatment of any heroine. You could even argue Mako's the true route, as she has the most ero-scenes and Yoshino simply based on her status in the common route and such.
Also people expect different things, but to me a true route is essentially exactly how sword's route plays out. Combined efforts of the whole cast. Important events that should happen regardless of if you go into the route or not, but get conveniently ignored in the others. (although that's also just not that good writing..) And creating a connection to how things started out and making basically a full wrap-around. So even if another route works like that as well.. doesn't change what this route did.

>> No.15633846


>> No.15633872
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634148

Moege about cute crusaders doing cute conquest things and slaughtering muslims when?

>> No.15634243

Never. Or ask >>>/pol/ to make one and stay there.

>> No.15634289

It'd end up a crappy chuunige sadly.

>> No.15634532


Is he right?

>> No.15634549


>> No.15634556


Wrong thread.

>> No.15634585

What eroge would Donald Trump play?

>> No.15634720


