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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15617104 No.15617104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how long before a new Healthy Development of Youths law banning any sort of hurting of women's feels?

>> No.15617133

which 2hu would miss governor fug?

>> No.15617143

You are not welcome here.

>> No.15617159

Quick, tell me how bad this potentially could be for hentai and loli in Tokyo?

>> No.15617200

Pretty god damn bad if she decides to start pursuing a feminist agenda against the medium, while she couldn't ban 18+ shit all together due to the constitution, she got effectively kill comiket, make sales difficult, and so on.

The bad part is she is basically a known SJW.

>> No.15617216
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>she is basically a known SJW
You're pulling my leg right?

Like a "Haha, those silly girls" kinda way, right?

Because if not, then the Olympics cleanup has already begun

>> No.15617227

>Koike received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Cairo University in October 1976
>married a Japanese student in Egypt when she was 21 years old, but divorced soon after.
>began to work as an interpreter and translator of Arabic and later served as Secretary General of the Japan-Arab Association.
>supports economic liberalism, promotes administrative and budgetary reform, and insists on further advancement of the status of women in the working world. Her motto is "Check, Challenge, Change, Creative and Communication.

Babby shoujo shit is safe though
>Koike has also actively promoted Japanese pop culture, appearing in cosplay as Sally from Sally the Witch in 2015, and stating during her 2016 Tokyo gubernatorial campaign that she wanted to turn all of Tokyo into an "anime land."

>> No.15617240
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Moderation is really lax today.
Don't take the absence of swift thread pruning as a sign that your slacktivism and outrage culture is wanted here.

>> No.15617243

>Implying this isn't extremely relevant to /jp/

>> No.15617244
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>Cairo University
>served as Secretary General of the Japan-Arab Association
This is way worse than any sort of SJW nonsense!

You don't understand, this is much more than just SJW cleanup and UN bullying!

>> No.15617245

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15617250

>Heisei 28
>Still being a memetext purist
Stopped being funny 3 years ago m8.

>> No.15617254

Just take your memes to /pol/ or whatever other shitty board and keep them there.

>> No.15617259

Slow the fuck down here, she was part of Koizumi's cabinet she can't possibly be all that bad.

>> No.15617262

>As a conservative nationalist, she belongs to the Diet members' league to support the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform.[21][22] Koike is one of the five Vice Secretaries General of the Diet Members' Committee of Japan Conference (日本会議 Nippon Kaigi?), the country's largest conservative think tank and the main revisionist lobby, once chaired by Tarō Asō.

>She is a member of the Diet members' group to promote Yasukuni Shrine visits, led by Yoshinobu Shimamura, and goes to worship the war dead at the shrine on War-End Day, 15 August, almost every year.

>Her foreign and security policies are often regarded as hawkish.[7][22][26] She suggested that the prime minister revise the interpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan to enable the government to exercise the right to collective self-defense.

>Koike has also actively promoted Japanese pop culture, appearing in cosplay as Sally from Sally the Witch in 2015, and stating during her 2016 Tokyo gubernatorial campaign that she wanted to turn all of Tokyo into an "anime land."

>> No.15617265 [DELETED] 

Proved him right.

>> No.15617270

Ishihara supports those first three too idiot.
>muh sally the witch
Yes your All Ages anime is safe, the problem is >>15617227

>> No.15617274

>muh greentext purity bawww
Cry harder text autists.

>> No.15617289

Dude, I haven't even been in /jp/ all that long and even I know that memetexting isn't a thing here. Try harder.

>> No.15617294

They weren't lying when they said /pol/tards are the niggers of 4chan.

>> No.15617301

>isn't a thing
It's a thing, as are a small number of autists that cry every time they see it, making it all the more worthwhile.

>> No.15617323

Bullshit. Memetexting is way more prevalent on other boards. Compare /jp/ to places like /pol/ and /v/ and it's not even a close.

>> No.15617327

Fuck you. Until you convince chinese moot to create a /japan/ general board you have to put up with it.

>> No.15617331


>> No.15617336

This is not complicated.
Politics go on the politics board or even the international board. Otaku culture discussion goes on the otako culture board.

>> No.15617356

The Tokyo governor directly influences otaku culture you retard, remember Ishihara?

>> No.15617389

Yes, I remember the world ending just like it will again for the 2020 Olympics.
This is not the place to recruit for your twitter army.

>> No.15617393

>Implying it didn't
You know how many lewd manga we lost?
