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15604214 No.15604214 [Reply] [Original]

powerstance edition

previous thread

>> No.15604324


I play rhythm games. I enjoy them. I don't know about the rest of you guys.

>> No.15604331

Who is the best navigator?

>> No.15604360
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>> No.15604373

>The Angry Guy's mental gymnastics from the last thread

Hot damn, the denial is real. Nothing more frustrating than unrelenting stubbornness.

>> No.15604385


You leave me out of this thread.

>> No.15604416

So, since my right arm is broken, can someone recommend to me a game where I can play with only one hand?

>> No.15604420

Who's the name of the girl below him?

>> No.15604424


>> No.15604442

I will literally Paypal 10 dollars to anyone who uploads a top own video of themselves playing Searching...Hyper on Pop'n to Youtube or wherever.

I simply cannot and will not ever pass this song.

I simply want to see the movements of it being cleared.

>> No.15604487


I have fun too desu. I can't imagine throwing my SVRE9 across the room, shit's expensive yo

>> No.15604505


>I can't imagine throwing my SVRE9 across the room, shit's expensive yo

Where's this coming from?

>> No.15604594
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>Be me
>Playing osu
>About to beat Freedom Dive

>> No.15604633


>> No.15604660


That's good and all, but what does it have to do with >>15604324 ? I think you're drawing line where there are none to be drawn.

>> No.15604661
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>Playing osu

>> No.15604692

They were both having a giggle at the angry dude from last thread.

>> No.15604696

Hey dude, just because the community and scoring is shit doesn't mean it's a bad game.

>> No.15604699
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>Not playing osu

>> No.15604702
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>playing osu

>> No.15604724

Real talk though. What would have happened had Programmed World not just shut down willingly? Just said fuck you to Konami's C&Ds?

Would people have started dying? Legs got broke? Homes burned down?

>> No.15604728

I've only played on arcade cabs, but I usually end up flicking the knob like 1/3 turn (my index finger starts on the top outside and ends up near the top inside, if that makes sense)


>> No.15604763

they would find and sue the living shit out of anyone using, developing, hosting etc it. nevermind if they would have a case or not, it would be entirely about draining the other side of their money.

>> No.15604776


Oh. Yeah. Fuck that guy. That guy was certainty a joke of a human being for loving so fervently his hobby of choice when there are so many normal things to like in this world.

What a loser.

>> No.15604788

Hey dude, there's nothing wrong with passion. The only problem is undue anger. We're not trying to make fun of you, it's just frustrating to have you be so stubborn when we were trying to help you out last thread.

>> No.15604790

They'd have to individually sue every single arcade though.

Maybe a few were under one franchise name, but isn't there enough international lawyer-y shit to be done?

Like claiming they aren't losing money and have no copyrights in the states?

>> No.15604805

suing every single arcade isn't hard when they force the host to give them the list with lawyer things
for the second question I'm not a lawyer but I asked a successful senior IP lawyer I knew from somewhere and he said they would have enough of a case to draw it out if not win outright.

>> No.15604811

[citation needed]

>> No.15604822


But I don't see what physical shit would have forced them to shut down.

So you're sued by some company on the other side of the globe, so what?

It's not like they can send samurai death squads to kill us all.

All I see it devolving to is a US vs Japan thing and I damn well guarantee they'd back off well before then.

>> No.15604839
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>> No.15604848


What? How do you get different people tell you what to do? I just thought it was Rasis or nothing.

>> No.15604910

What are you even on about?
I was simply joining in on lampooning this buffoon of a character. Just always throwing shit around and hitting his controllers.
What am embarrassingly pathetic example of a human specimen.
I mean, I don't want to go too far, but that poster's mother should have aborted him, even were it late trimester.
Anything would have been better than giving birth to such a humiliating pile of angry shit. She would have saved the money spent on those controllers, not to mention all the child rearing costs.

>> No.15604989

copypasta incoming

>I was only 19 years old
>I loved Meu so much, I had all the PURs and Albums
>I pray to Meu every night before bed, thanking her for the musical genius she has bestowed >upon me
>"Meu is love" I say; "Meu is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a pedophile
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Meu
>I called him a 3D Pig Disgusting
>He slaps me and sends me back to the basement
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay next to my Meu H doujins and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's Meu
>I am so happy
>She whispers into my ear "This is my Chikuwa"
>She grabs me with her powerful loli hands and pulls out my wallet
>I'm ready
>I spread my wallet flaps for Meu
>She penetrates my bank account
>It hurts so much but I do it for Meu
>I can feel my bank account dropping to 0 as my eyes start to water
>I can see all the Meu PURs dropping from the Generator
>She orders a lifetime supply of frozen chikuwa from Konami
>Meu lets out a mighty exclamation of "MEU!" as she fills my heart with her love
>My dad walks in
>Meu looks him straight in the eyes and says "PETTAN PETTAN PETTAN DAISUKI"
>Meu leaves through my window
>Meu is love. Meu is life.

>> No.15605009

Where is the part where meu inserts her 12 inch uncircumsized monster dong in you

>> No.15605024

I know americans really aren't known for being original about insults but "le basement dweller" is one of the dumbest things that get repeated way too much.

Is it really common to live in a fucking basement in the US?

>> No.15605032

Yukata Rasis

>> No.15605091

I wanted something that I could play on a keyboard though. I'm very bad at these dance games. (and there's only PIU in my city anyway)

Woah, is this the IIDX of dance games?

>> No.15605132

I was just going to ask the thread, is there any way to get PIU and/or Technomotion working on my pc? The pad isn't a problem, I can build.
I've got DDR AC data, Stepmania and IIDX ac data up and running so far.

>> No.15605157

I'm not too familiar with stepmania, how can i make it so instead of arrows i have bars similar to o2jam or iidx? i'm guessing a theme but i can't find any good ones

>> No.15605181

i can imagine this fucker walking into round1 and destroying all the machines before being kicked out

>> No.15605235

If you get a PUR card from the card generator then you can use that character as the main navigator.

Also I heard that inside said generator is a little Rasis. She picks a card for you.

>> No.15605250

I'd record a Perfect, but I don't know when I'm next going to the arcade. Can I get $10 for linking an existing video of a guy with bad technique getting a Full Combo.


>> No.15605277

Get cyberiastyle last approach, it comes with retrobar which is exactly what you're looking for and is one million times better than the default theme.

>> No.15605501

Really impresssive theme, suprised it was free, thanks

>> No.15605550

No worries man, this is where I get my sm files

>> No.15605571

idk what a simfile is or any stepmania terminology. i barely got the theme working

>> No.15605627

a simfile is a chart

>> No.15605889

Did Hideyuki Ono really get blacklisted by Konami? What would he even have done to do warrant that?

Didn't even realize they removed bluemoon in copula also. What a great song. Thank god for omnimix.

>> No.15605905

Which PS2 adapter is the least shit for iidx?

>> No.15605955


>> No.15605979

I never understanded this meme. Why a game is considered shit just because people don't like its mechanics? If the mechanic is broken on a structural level I can understand, but not on osu's case which is just to make it a bit harder.

>> No.15605997


So I recall viewing that video before. But I guess I couldn't find it before I posted.

I'd still be willing to pay but you'd have to create your own video. It doesn't need to be perfect, just original and at least a clear.

Judging by that video though it's just as kludgy and hard to clear as I thought t was. Really mean to that left hand.

>> No.15606013
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I don't know what this one is called but someone on sows said it was very good, i still get lag but i don't know if that's the fault of my setup or the adapter.

>> No.15606302


doaijsdofijojfwio odjfsoaijdf jsofjio jiofwea fdaijo
fiojweoifiojf mklsdakmfeiof iojgreijwvn (eh-eh-eh-eh) oirejfdfmkl fojij..... ojwef..... soijfiofjwi...........

>> No.15606330

Please do Howling next.

>> No.15606361



>> No.15606398

Konami brings forth the best stuff and then actively conspires against it

>> No.15606414


>> No.15606463

To be fair you can also hear "World beat" in Flashes' lyrics

>> No.15606481

They don't care about us. It's time to accept that. Arcade games are too hardcore for today's players anyway.

>> No.15606499

But Metal Gear Solid is unnaceptable


>> No.15606513

It is really Fox Engine? I thought it was only CG.

>> No.15606516

Good lord. I mean what sane man gets mad about something that they love?

I once knew a guy who had a 6 year old daughter. That little girl got raped and he went absolutely ballistic.

I just couldn't possibly understand. It's JUST a daughter. Let it the fuck go.

>> No.15606589

Nice try, angry guy.

>> No.15606651






>> No.15606687

well, the CGs are made with Fox Engine anyways

Have some Quell - the seventh slave - lyrics:



>> No.15606798

>Let's use this engine that took a lot of effort and money to make and is actually pretty good to make some pachinko videos ;)


>> No.15606832

Let's use these very well paid music artists and high-end $10k+ arcade machines to circlejerk in Japan

>> No.15606863

For a meme song Flower is actually pretty challenging.

>> No.15606958



>> No.15607107

the meme is the song not the chart.

>> No.15607150

How would I go about swapping SDVX button LEDs? Standard TC+ buttons if it makes any difference.

>> No.15607236

twist counterclockwise, remove microswitch holders, pull out LEDs, insert new LEDS in the same orientation (check lead lengths, one will be longer), do above steps in reverse, voila.

This applies for IIDX controllers as well.

>> No.15607280

Whats an example of a meme chart then

>> No.15607284

Thanks. Bit awkward to do but it worked.

>> No.15607325

>tfw no psun
>start sdvx
>wait for boot
>enter service menu
>switch to event mode
>wait for boot again
>press start multiple times
>wait for tutorial to boot
>skip gameplay tutorial
>skip UI tutorial
>play 3 songs
>thank you for your playing
>repeat everything
How would I go about automating this? I'm thinking about autohotkey, but detecting at what stage of booting I am is pretty difficult. The only method except pixel color detection I can think of is using HID light for start button but I think it doesn't flash on some boot stages.
Also is there some ready-made spreadsheet for sdvx3 scores?

>> No.15607326


>> No.15607342

inb4 Thank you for playing

>> No.15607442

the X is justified man

>> No.15607588

It took me 2 times seeing the chart to realize why it has so many Xs on it.

>> No.15607757

>latest pop'n floor infection songs still has Rasis II as a character

Rasis III in pop'n when

>> No.15607761

>That Osu thread on /v/ where one guy handed a sows invite after calling Osu a meme game

Fuck was it one of you? Should've asked for an invite too

>> No.15607766

Level 13 IIDX song

Screen starts flashing at the mid of the song giving you epilepsy

>> No.15607832

level 13 iidx song

its just mei with gambol timing

>> No.15607930
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Also Grace and the 4 enemies in pop'n when

>> No.15607953

can you add more than 5 rivals or is that the cap

>> No.15608221

is your PCBID your card file or is that two different things

>> No.15608266

PCBID is ID used to identify arcade machine, card file is used to identify e-AMUSEMENT pass. You can create multiple card files for different players and use them on one machine.

>> No.15608394

well in that case i dont have a PCBID so i guess theres no means of obtaining one right now is there

>> No.15608409

There is a begging thread on sows but most people demand at least a year on sows with good ratio.

>> No.15608489

The begging thread is locked and trashed now.

>> No.15608502

I guess they don't accept new members for now, maybe they will in future.

>> No.15608555

Are Taiko, Project diva and Osu banned in these threads?

>> No.15608561


No they're just not played that much, and nobody likes osu

>> No.15608564

no, it's fine
>Project diva
no, it's fine
it's not officially banned but you'll be made fun of for playing that shit game

>> No.15608569

Osu yes
Others are just not discussed much.

>> No.15608578

well that's good. I figured taiko was banned because I never see it talked about. I even bought a taiko drum for my wii.

>> No.15608582

i actually only used osu to try out my drum with the taiko simulator but the beatmaps are fucking terrible

>> No.15608602

I am still struggling to learn sdvx can't pass 14s and how do you play FX keys? I just press them with my palms but it's troubling when there are both FX keys in play with laser or a lot of FX notes. I tried to use thumbs but it's awkward as fuck.

>> No.15608610

What great rhythm games i can play on PC?

>> No.15608615

What game?

>> No.15608631

Lunatic Rave 2
K-Shoot Mania
DJMax Online

>> No.15608635

Can i play any of these on my keyboard or do i need additional equipment? Which of these i dont need emulator for? Thank you.

>> No.15608637

those are all playable with keyboard, but ksm is kinda shitty with a keyboard

none of them need emulators they're all native pc apps

>> No.15608641

The ones I listed are all windows-based and you can play all of them with keyboard. KSM without controller is no fun though and you'll hit a wall at 13.
Obviously, you can play arcade data on PC too but it usually requires controller and is a lot more trouble to set up.

>> No.15608645

>single FX

>double FX
Thumb + palm.

For the most part, anyway. Sometimes you juts have to memorise since they might have 1 FX hold for a second or two and then and another while you're doing other shit. It's awkward but you get used to it.

>> No.15608651

Which of these games is the most popular here? Thanks again, anon.

>> No.15608654

this thread mostly talks about beatmania iidx/lunatic rave 2 and sound voltex/k-shoot mania

>> No.15608662

press them with your thumbs mostly

if you have to hold both for an extended period of time and do something else, like the ending of lachryma adv, i put my palm kinda between them (in that example, it also lines you up to hit bt B+C at the end)

>> No.15608663

I don't quite understand what you mean, but if I'm playing mostly with thumbs and then double FX comes, I'll have to drastically lower my hand and move it to the right/left and that sounds awkward.

>> No.15608695

Here's some double FX examples. It seems awful at first but you should get a hang of it fairly quickly. Just watch a hand cam if you're having trouble with a specific chart.

>> No.15608696

>beatmania iidx/lunatic rave 2
Lunatic rave is beatmania emulator right? Is there any /jp/ approved guide to the game?

>> No.15608703

It is. Also:

>> No.15608705

Thanks, I got what you meant.

>> No.15608789

But it's more like the angry guy beating his daughter when he's angry, then saying he loves her.

>> No.15608797

Diva is really easy; I tried it out in a con and cleared a song on exrreme on my first try

>> No.15608835

It isn't like they could make a good game with it.

>> No.15608981

i too can lie on the internet
I just do it not on an anonymous image board so I can at least look cool.

>> No.15609007

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.15609026

Should I focus on trying to raise my hit accuracy or just clearing harder and harder songs?

>> No.15609032

alright give me your address
i'll be right over

>> No.15609048

Balance it

>> No.15609071

>got a rare (gold bordered) appeal card
>it's Tsumabuki


>> No.15609089

Kuivaniementie 12, 51200 Kangasniemi, Finland
I'll be waiting at the intersection

>> No.15609091

The double fx + lasers usually fuck me up too

>> No.15609154

not even worth the effort

>> No.15609160
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Tsumabuki is the coolest. Little dude probably gets more action with Rasis than the other three guys combined.

>> No.15609315




>> No.15609325


>> No.15609396


>> No.15609441

New Leggendarias? Sweet.

>> No.15609479

Actually, why don't more of you in this thread play Taiko?

Is it too easy/simple? Too Japanese? Too cumbersome to play "for real" (with a drum and not buttons)? Or is it just not appealing to you?

>> No.15609522

The scoring system is not good. The higher levels have some incredibly bad memotrash charts with speed changes resulting in notes overlapping in entirely unreadable ways.


The silly, fluid tween animations at 60 FPS are very satisfying, though.

>> No.15609556

>single FX
thumb. It's not awkward if your palms aren't touching the plexiglass, which they shouldn't be.
>double FX
Thumb + pinky, use your remaining 3 fingers to hit BT-B and BT-C and the other hand to work the lasers.

>> No.15609583

Taiko always seemed more about pulling off full combos to me, with the score being a secondary goal for people striving for perfect accuracy.

Dumb unreadable charts is a valid concern but only really applies to two songs that are barely playable even with normal scrolling.

>> No.15609630

considering Konami thinks they already won the battle wouldn't it make sense to upload the HDD rip to a filehosting

>> No.15609686

What game?

>> No.15609690

How? They go after data dumpers.

>> No.15609928

Can't data dumpers upload it on a disposable notebook one some park's wi-fi like some espionage shit?

Or is the problem the fact they can identify where the data leaked from and easily narrow down possible leakers?

>> No.15609945

>Or is the problem the fact they can identify where the data leaked from and easily narrow down possible leakers?
This. It's a speculation of course but considering there are not that much legit arcade locations, placing a secret stamp wouldn't be a problem for them.

>> No.15610104

I do play Taiko, but even though I was good in playing drums on RB Taiko is a little hard to read, since it's horizontal. Also, it's a bit expansive to play it where I live (4.40 moneys for two songs).

>> No.15610125

My dance pad just arrived.
I have dreams of playing most (good) rhythm games on my pc. I have IIDX and DDR/ITG working, should I work on Pump or SDVX next?
Pump fascinates me, but SDVX looks really fun.

>> No.15610167

If your dance pad supports pump why not?

It's recommended to try SDVX somewhere first before investing into a controller.

>> No.15610178

It doesn't. I'd have to get another one. But if I did I'd get one that supports Pump and Technomotion.
I live in Australia. SDVX doesn't exist over here.
Is there any way to try it out on keyboard? I'm aware of KSM, but how would you work the knobs...?

>> No.15610192

You can play it on keyboard and use keyboard to run the knobs in KSM, but it's kind of shitty to play with.

>> No.15610344

Are 3rd party bootleg soft dance pads reliable or is it better to get the official Konami pad?

Because I know this guy offering me X2 + the pad for the PS2 and is pretty cheap, but the pad is used. I don't think you can easily find brandnew original pads anyway.

>> No.15610354

DDR CS is pretty eh tbqh familam

>> No.15610366

I'm more interested in the pad. I can pirate/buy other stuff later.

I'm trying to get into DDR and other dance stuff. Is Stepmania the DDR equivalent of LR2?

I just want to play other stuff while my arms rest from IIDX.

>> No.15610389

LR2 is mostly a stopgap unless you've bested IIDX, whereas Stepmania is pretty much identical to DDR, just a little bit better in some ways a little worse in others. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing quite like arcade quality, but stepmania covers everything else.
There's a bunch of really quality simfiles (charts) you can easily find here.
I recommend the gpop touhou pad packs.
A soft pad is ok I guess, just don't think that it'll get you past old/ITG 10s (new 15s). It's like playing IIDX on 25g honeywells and an extremely light turntable-- Theoretically possible, but not really worth trying.

>> No.15610391

To specify, learning on a soft pad is fine, but trying anything beyond 10s isn't really worth trying.

>> No.15610404

>Stepmania is pretty much identical to DDR

That's perfect

So when I finally get good enough to try the hardest charts, my only option is to spend crazy money on an arcade-tier pad or simply go to an arcade? Got it.

Thanks for the charts by the way.

>> No.15610423

Those levels aren't anywhere near the hardest charts. It's like IIDX, once you get to a certain level, you're pushing what's capable for a human to perform on that particular format (10s for DDR and IIDX) and the difficulty starts to crunch up.
Also, if you can build or if you can commission somebody to build (it's just metalworking, crafts and basic electronics) building your own pad is much cheaper, especially when you factor in shipping.
No worries, hope you enjoy four panel.

>> No.15610429 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15610542

Soft pads are garbage. Save up for a Precision and then play on Stepmania with DDR timings.

>> No.15610562

precision's are kinda garbage too desu

they're really only good for itg style streaming

>> No.15610598

That is true. I wish Blueshark pads weren't so damn rare..

>> No.15610618

You should be able to do up to 12/13 DDR on a soft pad since you shouldn't need a bar for those, but once you start getting into the higher levels it becomes difficult to even pass the song without one. Unless you are RIN-GO! tier then passing anything beyond a 15 barless will be near impossible.

>> No.15610950

sccratch dat mofukken turntabble 100//

>> No.15611076

>not getting your invites from /v/

I've gotten 3 from there alone

>> No.15611222

Care to share?

>> No.15611245

Do you have a cute penis.

>> No.15611260

I'd spare an invite but I've got no dellar unfortunately

>> No.15611292

I was told not to trust strangers.

>> No.15611360

Anyone else coming to JunctionBox 8 today?

>> No.15611374

No. I'll be honest. It's pretty average and uncut

I'm actually very trustworthy. I'm that loser that girls would love to talk and complain about guys who weren't into them and I would listen and give advice but in the end I couldn't fuck any of them.

That's fine, friend. Thanks anyway.

>> No.15611380

Uncut dicks can be cute too

>> No.15611394

I can be the judge of that! Average and uncut sounds pretty cute to me.

>> No.15611433


Sounds cute to me

>> No.15611434

I'm too embarrassed to show.

>> No.15611508

Whether or not we ever get Copula data depends on this picture, anon. Do it for the good of the people.

>> No.15611632 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 160x160, 1469926842755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you put it like this, i guess I have no choice

>> No.15611863

i just started playing sound voltex and wondering the best way to get past mission where you need to play a multiplayer game

do i need friends? i let the timer run out when songs are loading but i never find people since i can only pass 13's

is there a good resource for info in english? ive done research but all i have i cobbled together from a bunch of forum posts

also is there a not embarrassing way to pick up your card after it prints? i feel like a clown with how much i like the cards. also how do i stop buying cards?

>> No.15611867

>do i need friends? i let the timer run out when songs are loading but i never find people since i can only pass 13's
play popular songs like brain power, lachryma, and bangin burst on adv, i often end up with other players when i pick those songs

>> No.15611869

Assuming you're in the US and on legit e-amuse, you should realize that the majority of people who you could possibly randomly match up with (i.e. all of Japan) are going to be asleep or at work in the early morning when you're playing.

Play stuff that's popular, and if you see the little shining logo next to the song, that means there's currently a match going on.

or just look at the guy next to you and quickly join his lobby in a shy kind of way

>> No.15611877

oh yeah huh, also its super annoying that maintenence time lands in the middle of the day. thanks for the tip about the shining logo, i'll look out for that

the guy playing next to me always skipped the lobby screen but i tried...
okay, ill keep those songs in mind

also is there a faster way to unlock songs or do i have to watch the long animation every time?

>> No.15611878

Either spamming the shit out of start or FX-L + FX-R will skip it, I think.

I know it skips the generator animation.

>> No.15612110

>Spend all my stamina and skill to clear song
>Statistik says it's merely a 11.2


Shouldn't take those ratings too seriously I guess. I have easier time with higher rated songs.

>> No.15612161


I don't play SDVX but is something like this what you're looking for?


>> No.15612264

thanks! that's super helpful

>> No.15612347

Why is Ha・lle・lu・jah so fun in all the games that it showed up?

Even the INF chart is easy

>> No.15612410

Great song, but the triple note spam in the EXH is annoying as fuck.

>> No.15612412

Are technomotion cabinets any good when they work as intended? there's a cinema with a pretty badly taken care of cab running stepmania, but they put Pump bars on it that are looser than a gay man after an orgy and the pad are pretty unresponsive.

>> No.15612579

What's the best way to map an analog turntable to be usable with LR2?

>> No.15612673

LR2 has no analog support.
AFAIK none of the sims in development have analog support either yet.

If you're rocking an arcin there's a firmware that delays digital turntable input a bit to fake the analog feeling in gameplay, but that's about it.

>> No.15612732

Dao controllers should work no problem.

>> No.15612960

Anyone got that chart of SDVX 15s by difficulty? I don't know what happened but I appear to have pretty much all the 14s under control and should start breaking into 15s soon.

>> No.15612984


>> No.15613020


Thanks. Since when are there so many 16s? I thought there were like 5.

>> No.15613025

is there a similar chart for 14s? and do the higher grades mean easier or harder?

>> No.15613112

SS is hardest and F is easiest. Stuff on the bottom is individual tier (some people find them easy, others impossible).

>is there a similar chart for 14s?
Don't have a link handy, but yes. Just search through the twitter in the link.

>> No.15613135

Why does sdvx need a chart like that for 14s when the game only gets hard in 15s

>> No.15613211


Fuck exactly off.

>> No.15613219

why does iidx need charts for every single difficulty above 3 when the game only gets hard in leggendarias

>> No.15613394

>outer limits alternative [a]
>button 1 got stuck while I'm playing


>> No.15613593
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>>15611360 (Me)

>> No.15613604

What's that in the bottom left about gensokyo evolved?
A play on the whole osaka evolved thing or whatever?

>> No.15613610

Is osu too easy

>> No.15613617

Not rly but it's not a rhythm game

>> No.15613626

Just comments and tactics regarding touhou songs (all 11) on DDR

EVOLVED series totally unrelated

>> No.15613630

looks like the situation got out of your limits AHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkillme

>> No.15613675

I want Bemanigirl to be my mommy!

>> No.15613680

Literally who?

>> No.15613685

Just kill yourself now. It would accomplish the same thing but significantly quicker.

>> No.15613745

>Grace is flat and cute

I agree

>> No.15613789
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>almost clearing a new song
>"I'll get it next time!"
>do worse than before

>> No.15613820

I don't get it.

>> No.15613840

Muscle memory sure is a fun time.

I always jump around songs for this reason. If I get a clear, nice, if not, I just play something else.

>> No.15613987

No. It's just not autistic enough.

>> No.15614069

you best be scanning and uploading some of that

>> No.15614316


>> No.15614522

can you get duplicated from the card generator in sdvx?

>> No.15614560

*duplicates i mean

>> No.15614621


>> No.15615623
File: 735 KB, 400x720, evilrasis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just to be clear, Grace is the character from this title screen who I've been calling just "Evil Rasis", correct?

I don't know what she did, but it clearly involves gravity, and war, and it made Rasis sad so therefore she is evil.

>> No.15615681

yes but grace a qt.

>> No.15615690

Tits or butts /rhythm game general/?

>> No.15615707


These games are getting awfully lewd.

>> No.15615763


>> No.15615816


>> No.15615820

Why don't we have a diva game for the 3ds? The controls would be like in the ps3 games, but star notes would be tapped on the touch screen instead of flicking sticks. Mirai is too easy and dumb

>> No.15615984


>> No.15615997

my feet always get mixed up when i play ddr

>> No.15616010

Just came across this guy and this instrument. https://youtu.be/FcJCxe1VSLA
Reminds me a lot beatmania, I'm assuming this was konami's inspiration.

>> No.15616035

you mean jubeat?

>> No.15616200

flat > thighs > butts

>> No.15616204

The MPC is almost certainly the inspiration for Jubeat.

Sampler keys in general plus a fucked up idea of how a piano looks like are the inspiration for beatmania.

>> No.15616215

are you talking about crossovers or are you just really learning how to play the game

sdvx feels a lot like a simulation of modern djing with knobs and sampling buttons being the primary tools used

>> No.15616218

>flat before thighs
This is why you're not kaiden.

>> No.15616238

Both + Thighs

>> No.15616252


>> No.15616457


>> No.15616465

i just started playing it when my round1 got the cabs

>> No.15616527

both+thighs senpai
i like my girl thicc

>> No.15616560

how did you manage to avoid ddr for 20 years living in america

>> No.15616752
File: 412 KB, 452x452, Hawawa_w!_na_tenkai!_EXH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I Picc Thicc!

Just look at this shit. How am I not just supposed to start masturbating immediately here?

These games are getting too hot.

>> No.15616995

ive been wanting to do the mission where you play a song with someone and never found randoms. i finally got the courage and asked the guy playing next to me if he'd play a song with me and he agreed. he finished his song and told me he'd be right back. he never came back and i waited 30 minutes and he never came back...

i feel traumatized, the wait was maddening and i know he probably feels bad. interacting with strangers is hard

>> No.15617061


What the hell are these missions people always mention? Do they just unlock shit?

>> No.15617076

it progresses the story and unlocks shit across other rhythm games as well

>> No.15617136


Does this story come in novel form? I'm kind of interested what horrible tragedy Grace imparts on cute lil' Rasis. I'm guessing she killed Blue Tsumabuki right in front of her.

>> No.15617221

*flat + thighs + butts

fixed for great justice

>> No.15617455

In one episode she sent Rasis into the equivalent of the Warp in WH40K or something


>> No.15617512

That's pretty cool, can we just like leave Rasis there and keep Grace as the cover girl?

>> No.15617539

Unfortunately the rest of the crew conducted a rescue operation and brought her back in the next episode.


>> No.15617566


>> No.15617609


>> No.15617618

im not an IIDX player but that looks slick

>> No.15617633

looks gay

>> No.15617663

very pretty

the store's down, what's the price? (and the price of the ps2 upgrade if possible)

>> No.15617681

>Your thundering sound become the flash light that pierces soul of crowd.
What did they mean by this?

>> No.15617705

>cries of thunder and leads a lot of people

the sdvx cabinet design is a national treasure

>> No.15617895

Virgoo finally working on a store of their own huh? Makes me a bit angry that i already bought an SVSE5.

>> No.15618102

Do you guys go to arcades? All arcades in my city are really out-dated.

>> No.15618134

In my city they are too. At least they found some shame and brought a Taiko machine... Without internet connection and only 32 songs.

So yes, we don't go to arcades, unless you are VERY lucky and have a round 1 near you.

>> No.15618142

What rhythm game would you recommend to a beginner? The only rhythm game I've ever played is guitar hero.

>> No.15618188

Osu, really. It's very beginner friendly and it only becomes shit when you get to harder charts.

>> No.15618216

Osu is not a rhythm game

>> No.15618227

K-Shoot/SDVX. Your experience may vary but it was my first rhythm game and I got a hang of it pretty quick.

If you do try it, I'd recommend the default K-Shoot layout (use AutoHotKey to bind FX to the Alt keys).

>> No.15618242

I hate the newer charts for SDVX. The camera moving in and out all the time is just way too distracting for me.

>> No.15618248
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason not to go. Not pictured are 2 IIDX Copulas and 2 Musecas

>> No.15618252

You're not these guys that says that Mario Kart is not a racing game right?Please, stop.

>> No.15618313

Mario Kart is a slot machine game with a racing minigame

Osu is a mouse aim training game with a rhythm minigame

>> No.15618347


I've played Rhythm Games for years but can never seem to get any good. I'm now 30 and think any period of getting good is over. I can't be a 30 year old playing DDR and my local arcade has a real broken IIDX machine with terrible sound.

I'm stuck to playing home versions of Beatmania. I'm tempted to re-live my high school life and buy the home version of para para paradise.

>> No.15618368

What does it mean if chart has Voltenizer Maxima behind it when playing?

>> No.15618632

By that logic all rhythm games are buttons aiming games then.

>> No.15618689

he's right tho

osu is barely a rhythm game

the only purpose of it is to improve your mouse skills for fps, etc. when you play it at a hard enough level that you consider it a music game instead and have to buy a little drawing tablet for your pc so you can draw cocks while mashing two of your keys, it's trash.

>> No.15618694

It means he's gonna watch you play and you have to impress him by playing good

>> No.15618704

Well like I said, it gets shit when you git gud

>> No.15618712

why even call it a rhythm game then? there are few to zero transferable skills with any good game like iidx, sdvx, pop'n, or ddr

>> No.15618721

He looks so goofy spinning with track on slams.

>> No.15618830

You know that osu have others games modes than standard right?

>what is beatstream

>> No.15618907

>tfw no hddrip bf to cuddle with

>> No.15618947

I listened to USAO's stuff since hardcore syndrome 2 and +bh I never thought he'd make it into being a IIDX artist

>> No.15619012

>tfw still failing this song


>> No.15619024

new dm ashura song in sinobuz

>> No.15619073

Is this a successful career path? indie guy to Bemani artist? Does Konami pay well?

>> No.15619101

You're not Japanese, so I wouldn't bother trying.

>> No.15619114


I don't think any job in Japan pays well.

>> No.15619150

What the fuck. Getting hundreds of Slows and getting Cs of all things.

I never get Cs, only Bs and up. I'm playing consistenly, pretty sure I'm not doing anything different than usual. Can my PC suddenly change the game for no reason? I'm not one to blame other things instead of my own skill, but this time I'm pretty sure I'm not doing way worse than I normally do.

>> No.15619161

Why would anybody play this over Maimai? Looks like shit tbqh familam
>inb4 washing machines
You should give Maimai a try before writing it off as a meme

>> No.15619195


To be fair, both BS and MM I have only seen on YT so I don't know if they're good or not. But they both look fun so I don't have a problem with neither of them.

>> No.15619205

Pick one

>> No.15619291
File: 100 KB, 1920x1218, 10506671_694945553915284_5010297417495401536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK
wheres my fucking virgoo iidx real edition

>> No.15619313

You mean the modes that imitate other, good games? Why would you ever recommend those over the superior originals?

>> No.15619352

DAO's pretty chill.

>> No.15619381

DAO's pretty jewish

>> No.15619466

What is the absolute minimum I can get away with for running stepmania cyberiastyle lagless?

>> No.15619522

Because they're easier? That's the whole point of the conversation.

>> No.15619559

486 processor and a piece of cardboard for the gpu

>> No.15619790
File: 219 KB, 573x700, 55409887_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace a cute

>> No.15619861

grace is a slut

Rasis is cute

>> No.15619870

Both a slut
Both a cute

>> No.15619901

Stepmania, then LR2->IIDX
or K-Shoot->SDVX
or directly into DDR->Pump.

>> No.15619908

Anon, you can't have more than one waifu.

>> No.15619984

Is pump>ddr?
I've been playing DDR for about 6 months and can wreck most 17s.
Should I look at getting a pad?

>> No.15620000
File: 356 KB, 452x452, jk_003_0687_2_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dislike: nothing

what a slut

>> No.15620043

Pump is better for doubles play. Hold off on pads until kyle ward tells everyone if he’s selling his or not. They’ll blow precision out of the water.

>> No.15620431

Rasis wears a bikini with Vol-R and Vol-L on her nipples, and you call Grace a slut?

>> No.15620469

pump is a meme game with only a few positives like kpop, free doubles/switching between doubles and singles in a set, double charts that don't suck and pads that feel almost designed for doubles, and neat co-op charts

More than one waifu will destroy your laifu.

>> No.15620538


DAO's a fuck. I emailed him asking him if he could build me a Pop'n controller with Sanwas and the shit said no.

I know he doesn't offer it, but he's buying a hefty supply of Sanwas from somewhere for his other controllers so I figure where ever he's buying them from must also sell Pop'n buttons. I also am willing to bet he can buy them for a fuck load cheaper than I can.

So it was a simple affair of him just giving me a quote for them, adding that price to the controller, me paying that, then him buying and installing them. I didn't care how long it took, but it was quite easily done and this Nip mother fucker just basically told me to go fuck myself, like he had no idea what I was talking about.

Might as well just reply to every non-Japanese email with "Me no speaky da English"

>> No.15620663

>Ctrl+F Gitadora
>0 results
god damn,how many fucking casuals do we have here?

Post your favorite GITADORA charts

You do play on Master,don't you anon?


>> No.15620664

Have you considered that maybe his connection for Sanwas doesn't supply him with the popn buttons? He'd surely put that option on the main site if he could, it'd be free potential money.

>> No.15620697


No, I'm almost certain he could get them at the same place.

I'm guessing he just decided it's a pointless option as it's ludicrously expensive and almost no one would buy them. Plus he might have to actually have at least a few sets lying around so that's all sorts of money tied up into something for an unknown amount of time.

Either way, I get it. I'm not actually mad about it or anything.

>> No.15620768



>> No.15620774

it looks cool but at master you might as well just play real drums

>> No.15620786

If you don't email him about stupid things like you did he will give a proper response.
Plus literally why do you even need Sanwas for a pop'n controller? you're slapping hamburgers with your whole hand, not like it makes a difference.

>> No.15620824

>he plays a rock band ripoff

>> No.15620830


Only play the dora half.

I'm not great, I can pass up to like 5.60s and usually get in the 75ish% range.

That fucking high hat control pedal is an enormous pain in my dick. It's rarely used at all until it's used in like every song. There's no easing you into it.

>> No.15620836

>It's rarely used at all until it's used in like every song. There's no easing you into it.

This is true of some skill in every non DDR bemani game.

>> No.15620872


Almost every IIDX song has at least some scratching. I will agree with that with scales on Pop'n though. Fuck me they really make the 41-2 wall hard as fuck the get over.

>> No.15620878

Use the hi hat pedal to keep the beat on anything below a 7.Every drummer learns this early on,it's basically your body reminding itself to keep with the rhythm.

I have been playing for 15 years,git gud,faggot


>> No.15620887

>git gud,faggot
im already good at real bemani games my friend

>> No.15620902

ice burn

>> No.15620903


I'm not sure if I have shit configured wrong but with the pedal pressed the high hat doesn't register when I hit it. I figured this is just how real drums work.

But this also means I can't just press it every beat willy nilly for fear I might actually need to hit the Hi Hat on that beat.

>> No.15620908

>Playing "drums but not really" for 15 years

Why didn't you learn the actual drums? Sounds like a waste.

>> No.15621004


>real bemani games


>"drums but not really"

I want both of you to die horribly. You're clearly both mentally retarded and chronic shitposters so your lives have literally no value. Be dead with you.

>> No.15621011


You have to admit, almost all bemani games aren't even remotely like a real instrument. With Drummania, at the higher levels, it's basically playing the drums.

Video games are more fun, though, so yeah.

>> No.15621023

>Why didn't you learn the actual drums?

You can use this logic to IIDX as well. Why play it instead of learn to be a real DJ?

>> No.15621028


So you think the games being like an instrument but not really is a cornerstone trait for all Bemani games?

I like that it's literally just playing the drums. And I like that KBM was literally playing piano. I wish more of this would come back.

>> No.15621326
File: 374 KB, 414x499, tmp_10635-1448217714491297187376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents enrolled me into jazz drumming classes when I was 8

Again, git gud,faggots

>> No.15621600

>comes into the thread not wanting to discuss his game and just brags and spouts memes constantly

i dont have anything against the game but i dont think i'll ever play it since it'll remind me of people like you


this boy seems pretty cool though

>> No.15621626

obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbE5a1I9qUs

>> No.15621675

What's wrong anon, you can't into rhythm?

I admit that I am being harsh by calling other anons faggots,but I don't get why anyone would even be afraid of playing a series that's as old as bemani itself.

SDVX,IIDX,GC,and other rhythm game players. Why can't you into GITADORA?

do you guys suffer from social anxiety or something?

>> No.15621715

Access to Gitadora is much less than DDR/IIDX/pop'n/SDVX/whatever, so you shouldn't be surprised that people rarely talk about it.

Guitarfreaks is garbage, and Drummania is better, but I don't think the series is fun in general. Combo-based scoring systems are bad.

>why anyone would even be afraid of playing a series that's as old as bemani itself
What gave you this idea.

>> No.15621720


I was on your side, man. It was extremely obvious to me you actually played the drums.

>> No.15621727

>Plus literally why do you even need Sanwas for a pop'n controller?

The Chinese ones feel super cheap and fragile and they're loud as fuck. I've never played on a Pop'n cab before but I'm damn sure the Sanwas won't feel that flimsy.

>> No.15621821

I would love to have a set of Gitadora cabs but they're so expensive. At least I have a GFv8 and soon a DMv8 cab I can play on regularly :S

>> No.15621867

See it in person every weekend. I get a crowd that watches me play, I finish a set and I always ask if anyone if anyone would like to play next or jam along with the dual cab co-op play. Response is always "no thank you" or "I would just embarrass myself" and it's very odd when I'll go play initial d or something around the corner. I'll walk past the GITADORA cabinet and watch the same people that were too embarrassed play.

They always play on novice and there's nothing wrong with that. I'll stick around and watch them play a song and then congratulate them, regardless of pass or fail,usually give them a fist bump or high five, and tell them to keep playing as it's genuinely fun to watch others play.

I realize GITADORA is dead outside of Asia, but people see a DTX kit in front of them and suddenly freak out over the complexity. All that I'm wishing is that more people played it

and we're on 4chan,calling you all faggots is second nature

>> No.15621908


Do you actually play at home or exclusively at arcade?

If you do play at home, what kit do you use?

>> No.15621943

Real djs only press one button at the start of the song nowadays m80

>> No.15621961

I play exclusively at arcades nowadays.I've already got a few kits at home, a 6 and 8 piece that take up a lot of floor space,having an electric kit would be too much

If you want to play at home, download DTXMANIA,get a few simfiles,and connect a Yamaha DTX series drum kit to your pc.

I've played it with a DTX550 at other people's houses and it feels really good, with the exception being that with the arcade cab,everything is fixed into place. Where as you can adjust most DTX kits slightly. Sometimes moving a cymbal or Tom an inch or two can make fills and polyrhythms much easier to manage.

>> No.15621988


I already have a setup. I play HDD Data XG2 with my Behringer XD8USB. I was just curious what you used.

I kinda regret getting that kit. Yeah they look great but there's an aluminum ring around each pad that gets in the way. The arcade doesn't have this. Also, if you hit it, it might trigger a pad close to it and cause a miss.

>> No.15622081

getting powerful tired of practicing to be honest
think i'll just stay 9 dan forever

>> No.15622106


How long have you been 9th Dan?

>> No.15622117

9 months
i've cleared 30 12s and i can't stand the grind to clear new ones anymore

>> No.15622132


>> No.15622140


Yeah, I'm stuck there too. I was just curious what sort of flaming nightmare the grind to 10th Dan looked like.

And it seems it makes everything up to that point look like a how to play tutorial. This fucking game.

>> No.15622187
File: 158 KB, 600x936, 13873195_10210035904711985_2124284980637038848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 episodes in 2 weeks

that was fast

>> No.15622201

Same here. Getting addicted to SDVX now doesn't help either.

>> No.15622204

Dude... Came here to complain about basically the same thing

Was about to FC a difficult jump map with HDHR and I got to the end and then DIDN'T SEE the final spinner (my skin makes them almost invisible on HD) so I failed at the last fucking second because I didn't spin it

I have NEVER been so angry at this game

>> No.15622443

so how can filthy gaijin purchase the new virgoo iidx controller? and how to get one with the ps2 cable?

>> No.15622500

Wait until the Virgoo store is open, they ship worldwide and shipping is included in the price.

>> No.15622508

Is their store even up yet? It doesn't look like its actually for sale right now

>> No.15622511

their official store isn't up yet, but the controller is listed on taobao

ok, will do

>> No.15622569

>tfw no bemani arcades in city
>only two ddr extreme machines and shitton of PIU NX machines

>> No.15623005

At least there aren't literally 14 DDR cabinets in your entire country.

>> No.15623249

This will cost, like, $1000 right?

>> No.15623350

220 usd for base model, at least on taobao

>> No.15623383

Possession in SDVX when?

>> No.15623392


>> No.15623418


That LED effect on the turntable is pretty neat. I wish it didn't stop when you spun it though.

>> No.15623499

Id totally buy one as a second controller for dp.

>> No.15623713

Where do you live?

DDR was popular as fuck. Even in my shitty country there are hundreds of Supernovas.

>> No.15623726

If they bother to give the rest of the world easy access to RB and Jubeat with their respective international versions, why can't they do the same with fucking Infinitas?

They can make an international version of it so us subhuman disgusting foreigners wouldn't soil the precious japanese purity of the original version.

>> No.15623744

So THANK YOU FOR PLAYING is invite only now, right?

>> No.15623747

>rest of the world easy access
infinitas isn't that difficult to access for foreigners. just buy bitcash

>> No.15623807

is there any way to get pop'n'music 21 to work? i keep getting error 403 cause i think i don't have a working psun pcbid
also e-amuemu doesn't work with pnm21 right?

>> No.15623835

I don't know if that works with popn, but you can try ealocalserver.exe.

>> No.15623852
File: 872 KB, 2116x3000, (C86) [grand-nauts (Hirose Madoka)] Sugoi Ushi (Beatmania) [English] {NecroManCr} - Page 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits all the way

>> No.15623869

>usao makes it to iidx
>only makes meme songs

>> No.15623879

I can't be the only one hearing the huge delay between the button presses and the song

>> No.15623890

it worked, thanks anon

>> No.15624049

>usao makes it to iidx
>doesn't make generic j-core songs feat. prettyface female singer

>> No.15624063

Retarded delay is a feature ;)

>> No.15624141

Does anyone got the solution to this error from emulated arcades (BemaniPC)?
W:LoadSoundMain: create directsoundbuffer failed: /data/sd/system/sram21/sram21.2dx

>> No.15624264

Is it possible to run older games on MAME? If so, where I can download them?

>> No.15624305

Define older. I can run THE FINAL on mame but why would anyone play that if you can play much better stuff?

There's some stuff on Emuparadise you can download.

>> No.15624318

It's not as good as you think it is
The improvements bemani have made are generally positive ones, and with omnimix, unanimously positive ones
Beyond that I know that anything that runs on system753 (or whatever it was) won't run.

>> No.15624332

Last I checked you could run most of the beatmania games on MAME (but none of the IIDX games) and I think one of the pop'n and DDR games were supported.

>> No.15624493


>> No.15624903

>but none of the IIDX games

Good. Beatmania turned to shit when they left 5key

>> No.15625101

>why would anyone play that if you can play much better stuff?

I'm very bad at 7k so I thought that maybe the old ones might be easier to me.

Thank you anyway.

>> No.15625119

You can play IIDX with 5key legacy on just to ease into it but it's more fun to just play really low level 7k stuff until you get used to it

>> No.15625179

>ksm got updated
>refuses to launch when detecting SDVX songs
>Added sorta like skill analyzer from SDVX
>Masaka actively takes down all links to 1.5 in a matter of hours
What the hell? I don't play ksm anymore, but why the hell did he do it and why does he care so much to issue takedowns everywhere while copying SDVX even more?

>> No.15625184

>attempting to understand japanese devs

>> No.15625279

Wew, just downloaded 1.5 a few weeks ago.

>> No.15625311

it makes me mad that iidx doesn't have the real 5key charts for the few songs that were in both games, instead it just blocks lanes

>> No.15625624

I don't know about AC, but I remember CS DistorteD did have the actual 5key charts for songs that were in both games.

>> No.15626939

how about osu mania?

>> No.15626953

Who makes all these charts for IIDX? You never see any credits as it's a game that can't be beaten so you don't get to see names of chart makers.

I can imagine it's a small army of employees as mapping a keysounded song with thousands of notes in a way that is fluid and enjoyable to play would take a few days, I imagine. A few days on one chart that's only one difficulty of one song. Out of 8 total.

Must be a nightmare to do this shit.

>> No.15626973

1 day? You literally only need to know basic music theory anon.

>> No.15626983

it's a bad ripoff of O2Jam which is in turn a ripoff of LR2 which is a simulator for IIDX.

tl;dr it's shit.

>> No.15627044


You clearly missed the keysounded part. I could make a chart in Stepmania in 22 seconds just spamming 8ths and 16ths. This is not what they are doing.

Unless it's largely automated they have to have one key be a specific keysound for so many beats or measures, assign another keysound to another key in such a way as to not produce a nonsensical charts. And these are single keysounds from a pool of several hundred or even thousands for one song.

There's a lot more going on to making these than you're giving it credit.

>> No.15627565

From my extremely limited experience in making BMS, it's possible for a single person to do it, provided you already have the original MIDI, BPM, and cut out stems from individual tracks rendered.

There's a variety of slicer and paster tools that will automatically assign keysounds to keys at the correct times and paste them all into BMS editors, after which all you need to do is add the BGM track and move all the keys to wherever you want them (or keeping them silent for easy charts), as the timing is already done automatically.

Took me a few days to learn it all, but it's not a massive undertaking.

>> No.15631048

How do i play beatmania on PC? How do i get into rhythm games on PC in general?

>> No.15631058

this question has been asked many times

tl;dr if you're just starting out for rhythm games in general download stepmania, then you can go to LR2->IIDX or K-Shoot->SDVX

if you're already interested in beatmania start with LR2 then transition to AC data after you build/buy/steal a controller

>> No.15631068

This, and if you wanna know where to get IIDX, lurk moar hint: piggy place

>> No.15631135

I tried to follow reddit guide but all links to the game are dead...
