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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15587794 No.15587794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what career should I pursue if I wanna live in japan

>> No.15587799

If Okinawa is Japanese enough for you, there's always the military.

>> No.15587803

What rate should I go for maximum comfytime in japan for military? could get into Navy easily

>> No.15587816


>> No.15587840
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Take the highway to the danger zone. You know you want to.

>> No.15587842

Navy here. Don't join the Navy to go to Japan. If you go to Japan you will be constantly at sea or under a lot of rules because of rape/murder cases.

Knew somebody in the Airforce though that was stationed in Okinawa and would fly over for comiket and shit though.

>> No.15587843

eeeh? that doesn't seem like comfytime.

>> No.15587849

but how else am I gonna get to live in japan ?

>> No.15587854


>> No.15587858

huh? how would i accomplish that?

>> No.15587862

Naval aviation is comfy as heck 95% of the time and the other 5% is badass man-among-men time. Both are great.

>> No.15587863
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>> No.15587869

i do not think it would be possible for a foreigner to live that sort of life

>> No.15587871

Volunteer to be in their human zoo.

>> No.15587883

I don't know if it will help, but here is my plan:

1. study CS and Japanese
2. get work experience while continuing to study Japanese
3. apply to jobs in Japan
4. if that fails, apply to companies with branch/HQ in Japan and ask for transfer
5. visit Japan recreationally and while there, scout out jobs and opportunities (do this throughout steps 2-4)

In terms of time, I'm behind schedule due to a bad experience with community college and lack of financial aid, but I'm no track now and due to graduate next year. My Japanese is just at the kana level with some vocab, so also behind, but not disastrously so.

The good thing about this is that if the Japan plan falls through, I still have the skills and degree to get a decent/good job here in the US.

Sorry for the blog, maybe it helps though.

>> No.15587895

You can live in a dumpster anywhere in the world

>> No.15587908

Probably something medical related to caretaking. Not enough young to take care of the old.

>> No.15587914

/jp/ - career advice from NEETs

>> No.15587926

Ah, since we are blogging, I'm a stupid idiot and I've failed lots of classes because I went through months that I couldn't get out of bed which made me retake a bunch of them and I'll probably delayed my title for 2 years or more and that's on top of doing 2 years of engineering that I absolutely hated.
Anyway I never failed any final exam and my average is 9,12 (out of 10), would a uni in Japan accept someone like this? A stupidly old fresh graduate with experience in menial jobs and nothing else for a masters/phd?
I'm certainly getting ahead of myself but who cares.

>> No.15587957

I have no clue, but in terms of wasting time, don't feel too bad. By the end of it, it will have taken me 9 years to get a 4 year degree. You can't possibly be worse off than me.

>> No.15587987
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I wish you the best anyway!

>> No.15587997

Thanks, the important thing is to keep going, even if it takes forever. Same with goals like going to Japan. Small steps will eventually get you there.

>> No.15588003


>> No.15588005

what are trying to say about my weight?

>> No.15588010

I honestly was not implying anything

>> No.15588013

that was very mean

>> No.15588046

Surprised noone said it yet, but simply english teacher via JET.

>> No.15588048

JET is the prime importer of westerners in Japan I guess. Basically if you have a university degree and your native language is English you can apply for an assistant teacher position renewable up to 3 years. It's not an actual teaching job though, it's more like being a trained English speaking monkey.

Downsides are you cannot choose where you will be sent so you will most likely end up in rural Nowhere Town, and Japanese children are all terrible little shits.

But at least you'll be paid for not doing much.

>> No.15588052

you were calling me fat
i don't wanna be a teacher.

>> No.15588065

No I wasn't. Where did I explicitly call you fat?

>> No.15588069

why else would you tell me to be a sumo wrestler.

>> No.15588093

Do they care about what degree you have?

And to the anons feeling bad about being behind on their degrees, don't feel too bad. I'm 22 and I'm about to actually start my 4yr degree.

>> No.15588098

Then your best bet is most likely to join a multinational based in US or EU that has branches in Japan. Either apply directly to Japan based position from abroad (difficult) or join up locally and ask to be transferred there when the opportunity arises (more likely). Make sure your skills are relevant to whatever their Japan branch is doing obviously.

>> No.15588103

All children are little shits, just like Tewi.

I would love to visit Japan for an extended period, but I don't want to straight up live there. Learn some moon and try tourism, should be easy to get into.

Hell, you might be able to create your own company for some of this stuff and it could fly.

>> No.15588104

The kind of degree doesn't matter, they just want uni graduates.

>> No.15588110

what is the best career path that has opportunities in japan?

i will base what i study in college based on that...

>> No.15588115

Because sumo is a rather unpopular sport in the West meaning that if you actually try you could probably get to Japan? You also wouldn't need to worry about a place to live. Oh, and being a sumo wrestler doesn't imply that you must be fat

Granted, Takanoyama didn't exactly have a good career, his winrate was about 50% but he still got to the top division of sumo

>> No.15588139

Neat, maybe I'll try escaping from life for some time in the future then.

>> No.15588145

leave me alone, creep.

>> No.15588150

Make me

>> No.15588154

CS is not a bad one, like I said earlier, its what I'm studying.
If you can handle it, though, someone else on here mentioned health care, which makes perfect sense since someone has to take care of old people. If you go that route, just specialize in care for the elderly.

You can phone in a CS degree, but you won't be able to do that with a health care degree, especially if you go the PhD route (which would be best.)

>> No.15588159

dude, back off. Seriously. You're creeping me out..

>> No.15588180 [DELETED] 
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Or what? What'cha gonna do, bud?

>> No.15588193

I don't know.

There might not be an easy answer to that (beside JET). It was easier to do a few years ago but the 2008 financial crisis decimated the foreign companies. A lot of these were in the financial sector and they don't keep offices in Tokyo anymore.

The most "mobile" job is probably software developer, foreign companies like Amazon JP, Google JP etc tend to recruit foreigners for this. If you're hell bent on trying to work for a Japanese company (not recommended) choose something else like translation, since programming is not seen as a real career in Japanese company culture, it's something you're expected to drop by the time you reach 30 to move into management.

Also, don't base what you study on college on what some idiot the internet tells you.

>> No.15588200 [DELETED] 
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Dude. last warning. get out of my thread. just walk away. go to a different thread. but you aren't welcome here anymore.

>> No.15588206
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Not him but I am his bodyguard! You have to get through me first!

>> No.15588211


>> No.15588214
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I'll take care of you, big guy.

>> No.15588216

Nice pea shooter mate. Still didn't convince me
Now that's at least something

>> No.15588220

please be careful. i have a feeling that this person is dangerous....don't overexert yourself...

>> No.15588241

but I want to live in Japan...I am willing to do whatever it takes to get me a comfortable life there.

>> No.15588304

Im in the third year of my three year degree and have the equivilent of one years worth of papers passed. By the end of this year I might have one and a half years worth.

>> No.15589406

My brother is a Marine and was stationed at Okinawa for a while.

He said it's fucking terrible over there and literally everyone hates you. When he was moved to Korea, he suddenly stopped sounding so suicidal.

I don't think it's a good idea, but this is just one anecdote so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.15589423

I'm finishing up next year. Took me 7 years since I had to start with basic math at a community college and ended up majoring in it. I almost beat you!

>> No.15589621
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IT and professional services have lots of gaijin so you don't have to be poor JETs if you've got the right major. You don't even need to speak much Japanese in some places because most of the work is in English.

Okinawa kinda gets boring when it's not summer after you've seen most of the tourist attractions. The diving is great, though.

>> No.15589633

Will you learn the Ryukyuan language?

>> No.15589645

I don't live in Okinawa, I just go there once or twice a year.

>> No.15589666

Funny, because this is literally my plan right now post-graduation.

I'm a software developer right now and my plan is to use the JET program as a way to get my foot in the door to the software industry in Japan. If I end up failing to get into JET, then I'll ride it out with one of the other terrible programs.

Thankfully, this has been changing really quickly in the past few years. Startup culture has been gaining huge traction in Japan because there's a void for actually good software development companies and ideas. In the next few years it's going to be a huge deal, and working culture at said startups tends to mimic western styles (ie Agile development, open floor plans etc). I would argue that if you're really hellbent on going to Japan, then software development is the way to go just because it's something that's fairly language agnostic.

That said, you'll have to be aware that you'll earn a lot less than if you worked at a western company. This is offset by the far lower costs of rent, utilities etc. I currently earn a fair amount of money, most of which is taken by the ridiculous cost of living.

>> No.15589700

Caretaker for the disabled people is a good job.

>> No.15589739

Is this a joke about the nips that were killed by that ninja?

>> No.15589753

I spent 4 years on a major I hated until I finally snapped and decided to stop going before finishing. I want to go back and get it over with but I simply can't go back to what I was studying before, my brain refuses to do any more of that garbage. Probably going to switch to some science like physics even though I don't have much aptitude for it but this means at least another 2 years, maybe 3. I just want a degree though and it interests me. I don't know what I'll do with it afterwards though since I don't really want to be an engineer or anything, I just wanna be comfy and in close proximity to my weeb interests.

>> No.15589763

Become a physicist, perhaps?

>> No.15589769

that's more studying though, plus taking it that far is for people who are good at it, whereas I'm passable I guess

>> No.15589936

Can you even get a job in Japan as a STEM major?

>> No.15590002

[Your language] teacher or model.

>> No.15590009

I'm in a similar situation to you. Physics is pretty much the only STEM that interests me, but I'm not good at maths and have trouble with the classes.

>> No.15590039

You can get a job anywhere as a US STEM major who knows [country]'s native language. Especially if it's something like engineering.

>> No.15590280

I have a friend in the military that can back up >>15589406

He said there were constantly protests around the base and even when they actually needed help (like after the tsunami) they were pretty much told to fuck off and let the japanese deal with Japan's problems. Not to mention all the rape/murders/drunk business really making them weary of soldiers.

Of course most shops won't have too much problem taking your money.
