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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15552616 No.15552616 [Reply] [Original]

Post your touhou art here or something.
I don't know.

>> No.15552736

Why people call it "art"?? they're just drawings goddammit

>> No.15552760

We have an OC thread you know

>> No.15552763

Looks nice! I love the shading. You can post your art in >>15460017
or >>15548387
There's also >>15537389 if you'd like to draw with others.
I recommend posting in the OC thread rather than making your own, so that other threads don't get bumped off of the board. Keep up the good work.

>> No.15552774 [SPOILER] 
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Because it's a skill that you hone over time with practice.
At what point do you stop calling it a drawing and start calling it 'art'?
Do you have a blog or something, OP? I like your style.

>> No.15552820


First you call it a drawing, not just vaguely "art". I don't see people calling musical works, liteature works, etc as "art".

"art" and "drawings" are not the same, yet people use them as equals.

It's wrong

>> No.15552832

This is where I post my stuff since you were wondering.

>> No.15552833

How would you define art?
I refer to musicians/writers/directors/actors as artists, but art is a very personal thing, so it's different for everyone.

>> No.15552893


I believe they're works people, we, make. There, you show who you are, what's on you mind, etc our imagination... what makes us beautiful haha

The thing I don't like it's how people use the label... Like, for example, going into a forum, be it Touhou's... There, you find a sub-forum: "Art", there, you post and talk about drawings and only thing related to that world... THEN, there's another sub-forum: "Music". Or, another one, "fan-fiction"... but there's an "art" section already. Why do people separate them?
It's like, egoistic...

That's my problem...

>> No.15552975

That's a wonderful way to put it. Thanks for that insight. I've always felt too uncomfortable to call my drawing art and I can see where you're coming from.
I'm not sure why people separate things like that, maybe to make it more accessible to non-creators who are specifically looking for music or drawings. Like a marketing thing.
The world is a strange place.

>> No.15553032


Thanks to you for not going "screw you" mode, I was afraid I was going to get that initial response, since it's a delicate matter...- anyway, it may be what you said, nice (that sounds actually right, now that I think about it), or anything else, God nows what we humans do haha

btw I was focused on starting the debate, but gosh I feel incomplete for not saying "wonderful work, guys"

>> No.15553093
File: 208 KB, 830x1200, CmxAL5AUIAAzDss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that guy posting all his doodles on twitter.
