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1554005 No.1554005 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand how you fags can like Shiki over Shirou, I mean damn he has a body made of swords,Can replicate a blade that uses the second magic,Is in damn good shape,Can cook. etc..

>> No.1554007

>Is in damn good shape

>> No.1554008

>can cook
See, if you remove the can cook part, then you create an opening to introduce twin maids.

>> No.1554012

Shiki is a harem lead and killer, Shirou makes a good husband and hero fanboy.
The former gets better reception than the latter.
Also, judging characters by Combat Skills is lame, even for 4chan.

>> No.1554021
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>> No.1554028

I don't get where Shiki having a harem comes from technically Shirou also has a harem.

>> No.1554030
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No, Shirou is PART of a harem.

>> No.1554038

Shiki is an assassin that runs over walls using the limits of human ability with a hax skill. He's innately strong and talented because of his genetics in that even if someone is sucking his life force, he's still alive and athletically fit. Also, bastard in bed.

Shirou is a hero-type that uses hax swordmaking and needs the power of an artifact embedded in him to become strong. Also, he's more misogynistic than Shiki.

Both can cook.

>> No.1554040

Shiki: Tokie, Akiha, Arc, Ciel, Hisui, Kohaku, Akira, Sacchin and Sion.
Shiro: Rin, Saber, Sakura, Rider, Caren and Ilya.

You decide.

>> No.1554046

Caren is not part of Shirou's harem.

>> No.1554050

Put Len and Taiga in there.

>> No.1554055

I don't facepalm everytime Shiki speaks at least
I like the "concept" of Shirou but the fact is that it's fucking annoying to read his bland interactions with the whole cast.

>> No.1554059

Rider isn't as well. Rider wants that archery girl bad. And why is that dude forgetting that Shiki has Arihiko's sister longing for his cock as well as two lolis in Ren and Miyako?

>> No.1554063

Taiga? Really?

>> No.1554067

Rider's hidden desire is to have a threesome with Shirou and Sakura actually.
Don't let fanwork with Rider stalking Ayako influence your opinion/

>> No.1554066

>Shiki: Tokie, Akiha, Arc, Ciel, Hisui, Kohaku, Akira, Sacchin, Ren, Miyako, Arihiko's sister and Sion.
>Shiro: Rin, Saber, Sakura, and Ilya.

>> No.1554072

Rider loves Shiro but lusts after Ayako actually.

>> No.1554075

Yes Taiga.

>> No.1554077

Little dream scene on PS2 port preferred over the PC one, eh?

I still prefer Rin fuck from behind.

>> No.1554078

Erm.. he fucked Rider in HF. And in FHA. (well both in a dream, but still...)

>> No.1554079
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Ilya is better than all of Shiki's harem combined, so the choice is obvious.

>> No.1554080

You will be surprised of the amount of Doujins that cater to Rider lusting over Ayako.

Doesn't make much sense, but you know.

>> No.1554081

Come now Shiki is in bed or dying of anemia half the time he is strong when the Nanaya blood kicks in, The only thing Avalon does for Shirou is help heal him.

>> No.1554082

Ren is more than a match for Ilya.

>> No.1554083


My gf <3

>> No.1554085

Not even.

>> No.1554086

He is a fucking Zombie walking in Fate.

Well. in UBW and HF it doesn't matter that much.

>> No.1554089

Shiki spends his time with his life force being sucked out of him for several years.

And he only gets sick once a month before Tsukihime kicked in. And only bedridden like that during Tsukihime proper.

Learn to distinguish.

>> No.1554090
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Pairing supported by Typemoon.

>> No.1554091

The only girl action I support for Rider is with her sisters.

>> No.1554094

Also, Shiki does NOT need to train and his body remains in excellent condition as Ciel appraises it. Shirou trains a lot to achieve superhero-dom.

>> No.1554095


>And he only gets sick once a month

>once a month


>> No.1554096

I'm not even sure what you guys try to prove at this moment.

>> No.1554097

Hey, for someone who gets his life force sucked out of him on a daily basis, that's pretty good.

>> No.1554102


That's...not even what bothers me.

It's the once a month part. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1554106

Like I said, it's still a good rate considering he should be dead with his life force being sucked everyday.

>> No.1554109

When Akiha PMSs, she can't spare energy.
Quite simple.

>> No.1554111


(╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.1554120

Shirou is too bitchy and one of the worst VN characters ever, but his supporting cast makes up for it. He has Sakura cooking him food everyday, Saber, Rin and even Illya going after him as well. I envy him and loathe him.

>> No.1554121

Simple. Assassin who kills you before you know you've been killed > Misogynistic Superman.

>> No.1554122
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Rider x Ayako is canon.

>> No.1554124

..It's a dream.

>> No.1554127

Just like all the Rider and Shirou scenes amirite?

>> No.1554134

I see a lot of fan-portrayed bullshit of Shiki.

>> No.1554137

Not fan portrayed if they all came from the games.

>> No.1554138

Rider wants to tempt Shirou in all cases.

>> No.1554142
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Even in your dreams, F. O. E.!

>> No.1554143


Rider does rape her in Fate and UBW after all. It's also reveal she loves Shiro to a degree in F/HA.

What's the deal between Caren and Shiro? I noticed a few HCGs so can someone explain?

>> No.1554146

You haven't played nor really read any of the info about Shiki, amirite? Coz it shows.

>> No.1554147

Caren is fucked not by Shirou but by Avenger.

>> No.1554162

At first, I was a die hard Shirou fan. But when I compared him to Shiki, he kinda came off as retarded.

>> No.1554169

Lancer > Assassin > Kuzuki > Shiki > Shirou = Archer

>> No.1554172

Hate on Shirou as much as you want, it is undeniable that he gets more character development than 95% of all eroge and anime protagonists. That has to count for something.

>> No.1554175
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I think a lot of you believe this to be the real Shiki which is simply not the case.

>> No.1554177

It's funny how angry people can get over fanwork.

>> No.1554181

Shiki has no character development the only thing moving on his side was the plot.

>> No.1554182

Shiki = DPS
Shirou = Tank

Just go with your preference, fags.

>> No.1554183

I really don't find Let attractive. Ilya is much hotter.

>> No.1554185

Not all development is good.

>> No.1554188

Shiki doesn't need to develop his character because he doesn't come off as a retard.

>> No.1554190

If you're referring to me I was just stating quite a few people seem to take this to heart.

>> No.1554191

No, he just comes off as a nothing with hax.

>> No.1554192

Not really. But it IS badass. Also, didn't he do something similar to Nero?

>> No.1554194


>> No.1554196

She stalks Ayako a lot in F/ha.

Though yes, her sisters are delicious.

>> No.1554198

You just don't read Tsukihime well enough nor the other games Shiki has been in. In short, you don't really get Shiki at all. He is hax, I give you that.

>> No.1554216

>Nanaya blood kicks in

you're kidding right.
He IS Nanaya. He's just forgotton it after all this time. But at the same time, he knows it.

He just chooses to remain Tohno, because his life as a Nanaya was rather short-lived.

>> No.1554228

No you're kidding doesn't matter who he is his h4x doesn't start up unless something non human is about to kill him.

>> No.1554230

Yes he is Nanaya but it doesn't matter his h4x doesn't start up unless something non human is about to kill him, All that trained assassin shit was passed on through their inbreeding.

>> No.1554240

>When Akiha PMSs, she can't spare energy.
>Quite simple.

This is actually a rather elegant situation.

Also, keep in mind that SHIKI is draining energy at the same time that Akiha is giving it.

>> No.1554248

It seems all of you are a little bit confused, so allow me to clear your mind.

Shiki Tohno, the kid that grew up with the Tohno family, is an useless anemic whimp, he's got determination, I admit it, but he lacks the power to stand up to it, and always gets saved either by his bloodline persona or some of member of his harem, WITH his haxed plot armor.
The real deal is Shiki Nanaya, he's got only Len but hell if she 1000x better than Ilya.

Emiya Shirou instead is awesome, you can be in denial how much you want, but he's got determination and fuck he gets things done, especially in UBW and HF, wich is canon if I recall correctly.
And before you call Archer Arm Hax, I want to remind you that he went over the 3 projections still mantaining his resolve to save Sakura, defeating Kirei and destroying the great grail.
Also, his harem isn't made of psychocit killers.

>> No.1554251

shiki in tsukihime IS a badass

however in meltyblood he was a fag

>> No.1554262

I like both.

>> No.1554271

>Also, his harem isn't made of psychocit killers.


>> No.1554273

At least she gets better.

>> No.1554279

The same could be said of any tsukihime girl, so your argument is null and void

>> No.1554295

Sakura was broken goods, was under the influence of avenger, was going insane by absorbing the servant's souls AND the crest worm kept playing with her, and pretty much she directly killed only her grandfather, the rest of the victims were the shadow's, angrya manyu's, work.
No, I don't count servants as people, since they were spirits in the first place.

In contrast Arcueid is a bloodcrazed vampire forced to use her own power against herself, Akiha is a demonspawn waiting to inverse and become a mindless man eating monster and Ciel is a coldhearted shitty whore that goes around mindcrushing people that knows too much.

>> No.1554322

Not to mention that Shirou has one perfectly sane girl (Rin), which is more than Shiki can ever hope to have.

>> No.1554325

saber is normal

she just eats alot

>> No.1554328

She has gender issues and a death wish. That is only perfectly normal by Nasu standards.

>> No.1554329

Satsujinki -vs- Archer

>> No.1554345


The God of DEATH vs. Archer?

Archer is fucked, obviously.

>> No.1554360

More like a NON-CHARACTER vs Archer.
Debating about Satsujinki is fucking worthless

>> No.1554366

As I remember it, Akiha was quite tame even after becoming a mindless bloodsucker.

Sure, she forced the doll into a closet every now and then, but she was adorable doing so.

>> No.1554373

Shiki is the one with plot armour?

Haha okay, enjoy your delusions.

>> No.1554380

Only because she felt some kind of satisfaction by drinking Shiki's blood, also if I recall correctly that wasn't a proper inversion, it was Roa that fucked up her mind forcing her blood demon to awaken.
Too bad Shiki will probably not go over twenty years old, so once he dies Akiha will still go on a rampage.

Yeah, Shirou had Avalon AND Saber's powers, wich is a better explanation than Shiki's "I'm trained against abominations and monsters" bullshit.

>> No.1554404

Er, wouldn't she revert if he died? Or is time some sort of factor in this?

>> No.1554416

If Shiki dies, she doesn't have to share her energy.
Psychologt factors aside, she'll actually last longer.
Also, in Akiha's true end, assuming Ciel saves him and gives him proper 'curry' lifeforce, he and Akiha can live long enough.

>> No.1554429

Inversion comes when the human part of their mind gets too weak to hold their demon's impulses, it happened with Akiha's father when he got old, and happened to SHIKI when Roa killed his persona to take his place.
In that ending the inversion didn't take place because Akiha got too tired from supporting both her and Shiki, but because Roa forced her to inverse by killing her mind.

>> No.1554443

Actually I remember reading somewhere that Shiki's mystic eyes were too much for an human brain to handle, so in the end he'll die from exhaustion, also he would have died even sooner if Aoko didn't give him those special glasses.
But maybe the source was wrong, can anyone confirm/deny this ?

>> No.1554449

If he doesn;t use them (aka glasses) or just puts them out, he can lead a happy, blind life.

>> No.1554632

UBW Shirou > Fate Shirou > Shiki > HF Shirou

>> No.1554639

Rin = Akiha > Rider = Hisui > the rest

>> No.1554660

>R. Shiki > UBW Shirou > Fate Shirou > Shiki > HF Shirou

>> No.1554767


>> No.1554776

If I recall, he can still see the lines even when blind.

It's not really his EYES literally, it's just a psychic ability.

He'd need to take out the part of his brain that controls sight.

>> No.1554797

Shiki can get 100% perfect dodge-rate vs. even bosses with one application of Focus. Add to that his Mystic Eyes barrier-breaker skill at 130 focus and he's capable of killing anything without worries for himself. The only issue is making sure he has enough end to use his higher-tier arms, and making sure you don't run out of SP to use Focus. He can also pop Valor + Soul at the same time to do insane damage. Works well with Ryougi for their double attack.

Shirou? 9 Lives is a decent arm, but you have to have a shitload of will to use it. He has tough out the ass, decent enough HP, and a superior version of prevail for free. Add to that Guts for a full-HP restore, and he's one of the best tanks you can get outside of Takumi and Sacchin. More like a regenerator than a tank, though. The problem with Shirou is that aside from being able to take hits like a champ, he's pretty much useless. Even his combo attack with Sakura is bad, for the fact that Sakura is useless, too. Whereas Shirou can take damage, Shiki can avoid it completely, and issue out immeasurable damage with his perfect-hit rate when countering + revenge + attack.

Shiki is simply better.

>> No.1554801

Oh, and Saber is a better tank than Shirou, too, just for the fact that she has the ability to use Guard if she really needs to not be hurt and can do insane damage for a tank. Plus, Saber can pop 5 SP to double her move range, too, making her capable of getting anywhere, whereas Shirou is slow as fuck.

>> No.1554803


Actually, it is:

>"I was trained as a toddler to fight against abominations and monsters"

I like Shiki more than Shirou, but I have to agree with you.

>> No.1554806

Arc says it's a circuit that opened connecting his eyes, and the brain processes.
Facing death ALL the time would mean either putting out his eyes or going mad ( regardless of brain strain).

If he puts out hies eyes and can't perceive, the brain wont have to process anything and get blown up.
Still, we do lack details over the eyes as of yet.

>> No.1554814

Ryougi's and Nanaya's eyes work fundamentally different though.

>> No.1554813

Wrong. Arc doesn't understand psychic powers, anyway, as they're Alaya's domain, which is sort of a schism from Gaia, which Arc is a spirit of. Shiki's power is actually the ability to perceive unnatural things. When he died, his mind perceived the void, or Akasha itself. When he came back, his ability had mutated to also perceive death.

If he put out his eyes, he would still see the lines and points, just nothing else. Psychic power doesn't actually need his eyes to work. In fact, he'd probably be more powerful if he did that, just like Tohko said of Ryougi when she was going to put her own eyes out.

>> No.1554820

Can't you faggots go back to Star Wars or whatever and just let us enjoy or FUCK YEAR SHIT BLOWS UP AND DICKINGS SHOUNEN?

>> No.1554821

Well, that's true. But what holds true for her generally holds true for him, too, since Ryougi is just proto-Shiki anyway. He cannibalized all his concepts for the next generation.

>> No.1554822

Damn, how dare I try to understand a bit better one of the FUCKING CONCEPTS THE STORY IS BASED ON.

Back to punches.

>> No.1554829


Kill yourself.

>> No.1554846

If you seriously believe that the concepts of any Nasu story run deeper than "here's a guy with some cool hax, here's some other guy with hax, now let's watch the fireworks NOW SUDDENLY RANDOM INSANITY" in any meaningful sense, you are severely delusional.

>> No.1554852
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>> No.1554857

Average type-moon fan

>> No.1554858

One can choose to oversimplify ANY work of fiction everywhere, or just enjoy the fictional world and it's mechanics.

I'll take what let's me enjoy most thing properly, instead of being a whiny bitch about things I do not even pay for.

>> No.1555039

This was before he over used them in each and every route in Tsukihime, He is going to die at an early age.

>> No.1556735

This thread is awesome. It would be a shame to see it get bumped off the board.

>> No.1556743

Type-Moon is Yugioh for sexually repressed fanboiz

>> No.1556785

Most of the reason why I like Shiki more than Shirou is because Shirou spends most of his time whining about how he doesn't want anyone getting hurt.

>> No.1556807

Shiki will prolly die at an early age.

Unless. I guess...A wizard fixed it?

>> No.1556812

Ah yes, Magic.

What can't you do?
Other than actually solve problems. Yeah Magics no good at that.

>> No.1556814


Shiki does that, too.

the difference is that you don't have to listen to him do it CONSTANTLY.

>> No.1556818

Dead Apostle Shiki is the obvious answer to that problem.

>> No.1556819

Shiki isn't voiced. Shirou has a terrible voice.

That's really my only complaint about Shirou.

>> No.1556821

Oh Christ.

We're all fucked.

>> No.1556822

I wonder if that'd actually change his eyes in anyway.
Would he be closer to death because of it?

>> No.1556831

Same VA as Rivalz and Sasuke.

>> No.1556869

Christ Shiki fanboys are horrible.

They probably sat through FSN going




>> No.1556872

Also, Shiki feels more self insert than Shirou, letting the wimps and neckbeards on here feel more awesome and proud of themselves.

>> No.1556876

Well that explains the success of it then, doesn't it?

Wimps and Neckbeards are the majority of people that play these sorts of games.

>> No.1556878

Oh shit, it is true!

>> No.1556880

Actually, it was more like





>> No.1556888
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Kouhei is my favorite VN protagonist because he is the one I can most relate to.

Fuck you guys and your crazy magic-slinging ubernerds.

>> No.1556895

but he sucks. do you suck, anon-kun?

>> No.1556912

why is kouhei strangling that poor woman

>> No.1556918


>most relate to


Kouhei can't help but choke bitches left and right.

>> No.1556926

So his suckiness is what you relate to the most? Or the least? ...You lost me.

>> No.1556945
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>1. Anonymous can relate to Kouhei.
>2. Kouhei sucks.
>3. Anonymous, by relation to Kouhei, sucks.

>> No.1556966

Ah. I understand now, thanks. Fascinating.

>> No.1556968
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Shirou is a real man's character.

>> No.1556975

No I didn't. I just went,


>> No.1557016
File: 65 KB, 428x509, 1225766950175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, just what we needed, an ancestor Shiki...
