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15537182 No.15537182 [Reply] [Original]

When choosing your favorite 2hu, do you factor in fan interpretations or canon only? Is it even possible to have a purely canon view of a character anymore?

>> No.15537200

Canon characters are very bare bones with the exception of a few.

>> No.15537204

I think I unconsciously combine fan interpretation and canon into my own version somehow. It also depends on the character, since some get more exposure in official works than other.

>> No.15537220
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This one. All I know is that she is wicked, and a fugitive bastard. That's all, and I love her!.

Also Miko. I like her way of thinking, and her fashion too! kinda.

...I'm not into many doujin/fan works.. I think I'm safe

>> No.15537235
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I'm gonna save you some time and just tell you Marisa is the objectively favorite twohu.

>> No.15537273

>Is it even possible to have a purely canon view of a character anymore?

Probably not, but you can at least filter out the worst memes. The same goes for any series, really; if you've ever heard anyone else discuss it, your own opinions are necessarily colored by that to some extent. But even so, it's okay, because fan works are a big part of what makes Touhou great.

>> No.15537296
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My favorite Touhou has more than enough canon on her to even need diving into fanon.

>> No.15537299

>When choosing your favorite 2hu
That's a laugh.

>> No.15537309

They don't make memes of my favourite touhou. There was one meme actually, but nobody remembers it anymore. I'm glad it didn't become a thing and the focus always stayed on her good, well-meaning nature.

>> No.15537355


>> No.15537384

My apologies! I meant to say when she chooses you.

>> No.15537411

I don't think I ever had fan interpretations when my favorite 2hu become my waifu for life.
Most of her fanon stuff is shit and way out of character either way, but it can sometimes be fun to see some fan interpretations as long as you don't take it too seriously.

>> No.15537415



>> No.15537417
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The worst is having an unpopular 2hu who is only used for specific horrible memes and fetishists.

>> No.15537432

I mix both. I mainly judge on what was done with her in canon but then think of the potential she has for fan works and my own imagination.

>> No.15537440
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I liked her in the games and loved playing against and as her between SA and soku, but the fanon helped my impression of her a lot too. Thankfully the fanon didnt pin any bad memes to her.

>> No.15537450

No and I'm not telling you memesters.

>> No.15537530
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>> No.15537565 [DELETED] 

ops mean to reply to >>15537415

>> No.15537575

ops, was suppose to reply to >>15537415

>> No.15537609
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The only thing the fandom gets wrong is Unzan talking to anyone but her. She gets less fan attention than Medicine, but I'm glad she got in the fightans. In fact, this is a great scenario.

>> No.15537805

I choose my favorites based on looks and abilities. Canon personality and backstory and gameplay comes later.
Most of them are taken from fighting games, though since it was my first real exposure to Touhou.

>> No.15537824

Common fanon's interpretation of Okuu itself is pretty bad.

>> No.15537854
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For some characters, it's more or less impossible to have a semi-full mental image of them without resorting to fan material. Many Tohus are as good as non-characters, with literally two lines of vaguely described personality.

For others, there are plenty of materials, and they appear as fully fledged characters, or at least ones with developed profiles (PMiSS, SoPM, BAiJR, etc.), so it's plenty possible to base your impression of them on entirely official materials.

None of this stops fans from filling in the gaps on their own, and some fan interpretations have become so widespread they eclipse the official statements (Satori, Flandre and Koishi come to mind). For me, having invested a lot of emotion and writing into some of them, it is sometimes hard to keep head-canon separate from real canon. The images mingle and tend to get projected over one another.

On the edge of the coin, there are fan interpretations perfectly slotted into established personalities. It is not beyond the realm of plausibility that, say, Kogasa has a few personal relations within the village, or that Sakuya sometimes drops by to do some shopping.

It's all a matter of balance.

>> No.15537883
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Kogasa is one of the few low-stage girls to appear frequently enough to have a consistent personality without resorting to fanon material. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in her own game somewhere down the line.

People like Momiji, Koakuma, and Daiyousei fans are the strangest. Pretty much 99% fanon.

>> No.15537910

Canon ONLY

Fanon makes things fucking weird in some cases,

>> No.15538011

If the next game is a Phantasmagoria I really hope Kogasa is in it

>> No.15538033 [DELETED] 

I use both but lean towards cannon. I sometimes combine cannon with the real world. I should also say that I'm from the perspective of a human when interpreting 2hus. It's why I can say Remilia is one of the worst 2hus (Tenshi is number one) because of the stuff from cannon on her and her species. It's why I also think there should be something like PMiSS for all the new girls.

>> No.15538057
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I use both but lean towards cannon. I sometimes combine cannon with the real world. I should also say that I'm from the perspective of a human when interpreting 2hus. It's why I can say Remilia is one of the worst 2hus (Tenshi is number one) because of the stuff from cannon on her and her species. It's why I also think there should be something like PMiSS for all the new girls so i can have a good solid foundation.

Still I stand by Aya as my favorite even with the bad on her, she got me into 2hu.

>> No.15538093
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The framework is canon, but since there's plenty left undefined I kinda just fill it in myself. I don't really subscribe to anyone else's fanon.
The memes are dead, thankfully.

>> No.15538108

I think fanon interpretations do influence my decisions quite a lot and affect how I think of them. But I do try to stick to what I believe ZUN had in mind for the character.

Ahhhh I really hope so too!! Hoping for beautiful rain themed danmaku.

>> No.15538460

You just dont like them. The fanon usually leaves in her birdbrained side(canon), her wicked side, (also canon), and lastly the love of her family (probably canon). They just make her even cuter and sweeter, which is no different from what every other fanbase does for their favorite Touhou.

>> No.15538534

Does her being dumb have to be mutated into excessive moeness with mentality of a kindergarten?
I'm not asking for edgy or over-the-top badass Okuu and I don't mind cute things, too.
It's just I think Okuu has it goes a bit too far and it's pushed only by her eating sound.

>> No.15538593

Which 2hu has the worst fan interpretations and which has the best?

>> No.15538611

Don't know who the best is but worst is easily overly-moe Flandre.

>> No.15538613

Worst, probably Sakuya

Best, Marisa

>> No.15538627

I take that back a bit, overly-edgy Flandre is also terrible. Flandre belongs in a good middle ground between psychotic and adorable

>> No.15538637

Very possible actually. I'm very loyal to canon creations. I know fanon sometimes says something which ends up being nodded by ZUN, but it usually goes in-depth about what was already created.

>> No.15538646
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I agree sometimes it is over exaggerated, but its not like that ALL the time. Some interpretations dont even think of her as dumb at all, just silly, sheltered or innocent with roughly the mentality of a teenager or so. They exaggerate it though because people find it cute and pet-like. The unyu thing only added to her potential cuteness as a pet.

>> No.15538690

Not sure for worst. I don't care for Tenshi and Yuuka interpretations of M and S.

As for best, dunno again. Seija has some excellent fan stuff, even when it's "OOC" for her. I also am fond of Doremy.

>> No.15538696

Oh, yeah, Marisa does have some nice interpretations

>> No.15538735
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Alice for worst.

Seiga for best just because its basically consistent with the canon.

>> No.15538814

Also Sakuya. There's a reason I only like canon Sakuya - her careless, easy-going, eccentric and spacy personality is actually fun and feels like a real, quirky and flawed person. Fanon Sakuya is your template chuuni LN edgy bitch, especially when people take that "perfect and elegant maid" thing at face value.

In fact, that fully applies to the entire SDM - they're fun to follow when their flaws allow them to complement each other's eccentric personalities, whick makes their interactions interesting - and they turn unbearable the moment they go perfect grimdark boring shit (hello, Memories of Phantasm).

>> No.15538867

Momiji is the worst.
The best are probably Miko. How else would you depict a former prince with cool cape?

>> No.15538875

What if Flandre is actually none of these?

>> No.15538914

Flandre is actually mostly antisocial and arrogant.

>> No.15538922

Did you mean asocial?

>> No.15538931
File: 127 KB, 289x325, 289px-Th145Mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanon is generally close enough to canon for my favorite Touhou that it's not too bad to follow both. She has a decent amount of material for her. I generally follow my own ideas and canon. I think >>15537273 hit it quite well.

I tend to follow more with Inaba of the Moon & Inaba of the Earth's interpretation of her relationship with Kaguya and her demeanor in general. I can't help but feel after living for 1000s of years and killing each other constantly that at some point you mellow out but still play pranks on each other. Sometimes deadly (IN) but that's ok since you're immortal.

Although I think the idea that she's obsessed with Sumireko is dumb. ULiL did some weird things and I think people took relatively harmless interactions way too far. Nothing wrong with having friends but people went too deep into it.

I feel like Memories of Phantasm actually hit a pretty decent compromise with Flandre based on the very small canon information we have on her. We know she's actually kind of goofy, we know she wants to play, and we know she's stuck in the basement. It didn't turn her into some super edgy killer but it also didn't make it "Remi's so mean for leaving her down there Flan did nothing wrong". Flan's a tough character to nail down and it did a decent job not going too far into some interpretations of her while still giving her time (which was obvious that a doujin work would do considering her popularity).

Sakuya was "cool" which I do think is generally true but her running around saying "Mistress will be angry you interrupted my cleaning" and "I at least have to make you waste a bomb" in EoSD is cute and funny, which most interpretations lack.

>> No.15538946

Yeah, Seiga does seem to have the least fanon.

Or maybe it's just that her basic personality has so much troll that nothing more needs to be created.

- uses a dead, probably poisoned poet as a meatshield and yuribait
- bores holes everywhere, including getting out of a shonen anime styled water trap by boring through the ground
- uses fetuses as projectiles
- literally stole Christmas
- lives in Nth dimensional hammerspace
- taught a Buddhist prince about lichdom

Plus she's a canon used goods old Chinese woman who makes a natural elegant boobhu.

>> No.15538978

Alice is one of the worst, because both "Alice is a moe-bot who's tsundere for Marisa" AND "Alice is a super cool killer, let me post that line about her taking Reimu's life again" are wrong. She IS kind of tsundere for Marisa but not to the point where it defines her, and she isn't some incredibly dangerous youkai magician. She's just kind of indifferent to people in general.

We know it's confirmed that she's friendly to people, lets travelers stay in her home, and performs puppet shows for the human village. She's just kind of autistic and comes off as creepy so most people don't stay, and she LOVES to fight. She's a hospitable person that just kind of keeps to herself more often than not but really likes battling. Very few interpretations of Alice come close to this.

>> No.15539622


>> No.15539837

>- uses fetuses as projectiles
wait what

>> No.15539910
File: 502 KB, 694x981, kaku seiga and miyako yoshika (touhou) drawn by zounose - 9ab9a396b3d6dbaf52bbd32d4b9b64a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil Sign "Yang Xiaogui" & Path Sign "Tao Fetal Movement"

Yang Xiaogui is "a sorcery which involves taming dead spirits using dead foetus corpses to use as tools."

>> No.15539935
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I discovered her through the games and she became my favorite before I knew how the fanbase viewed her, so I would like to think that my views on her are purely based on canon.
That said, it's very easy to mix fanon traits with canon.

>> No.15539948
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something about this series disappoints me in that most of the characters have so little character that the reason we like them is because the fandom set up so much for us

i love touhou, but dammit i'd love for a lot more real canon info on a lot of the characters. the canon info for half the characters is restricted to a few lines of pre/post bossfight dialogue and some small character profiles I have to read a wiki for. It's really jarring to hear people talk about how much they love "how well developed" Yuugi or Nazrin is or some shit and they're usually referring to some fan doujin or something. There's just so little canon I find I'm forcing myself to like the characters. I doubt I'd even like half of them if the only Touhou art in existence was drawn by ZUN and there was no fanart.

>> No.15539967

Worst is either Alice, Aya, Nitori, or Flandre.
Marisa is typically the closest to her canon personality in fan works, albeit with some traits being greatly exaggerated. It's pretty hard to do Cirno wrong, too.

>> No.15539970

I'm with you, but I hate how many people make the 2hus tune to their own head cannons and forcing their view on others. Alas that is the appeal of the characters.

>> No.15539973

To add basically I want another PMiSS either from the same or from a different perspective.

>> No.15539976

There's also the official fanbooks if you need more info, anon.

>> No.15540014

I factor in my dick

>> No.15540071

I didn't choose the Youmu. The Youmu chose me.

>> No.15540163
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Sadly enough, it's fanon over canon for me; like bkub's Chen, fuente's Parsee and the like.
In fact, instead of saying "favorite characters", it's more like "favorite interpretation of said characters".
Hell, even characters that aren't based on any fanwork is based on how I personally interpret them; like Mokou being a cool big sister type.


I do know how to differentiate fanon and canon, so I at least have that going for me. That said...

>Is it even possible to have a purely canon view of a character anymore?

I'd argue that it is, but it's just difficult. After all, personal interpretation is still technically fanon. So unless you can keep track on what is and what isn't, let's just say you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.15540241
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I'm vaguely aware of some fan interpretations, but I prefer sticking to canon.

>> No.15540455

Worst, easily Sanae with all the slut meme

Best, dunno propably the less popular characters

>> No.15540651
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My favourite is Eirin. She doesn't need any fanon because she's very strong, insanely smart and pretty nice to humans. I do like how fans draw her with big tatas, though.

This helps. Alice clearly has the best fanon with jaypee's obsession with labeling her as a fuckdoll. Worst is Frandoll.

>> No.15540715

SCoOW vol.2 was just released and it contains main character's impression amd ratings about the enemies they encountered in games.
It's pretty nice.

>> No.15540731



>> No.15540748
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A mix of both since following canon only could you to hate some characters like Reimu who's been butchered in FS lately.

>> No.15540766
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>Reimu who's been butchered in FS lately.

>> No.15540778
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Something about her being a pushover maybe? I don't really know fanon Nitori any more than that.

Huh? No, seriously, huh? Mind elaborating?

>> No.15540906
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x960, 1427477064073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did she become a killer who doesn't mind pointless murder?
I always though of Reimu as someone who takes it easy and find solution to her problems using Danmaku.

>> No.15540914

Danmaku is for people that abide to the rules, and Dorkula had broken them hard

>> No.15540917

So she was lying when she said that she doesn't mind murdering people for no reason?

>> No.15540929

Smack talk. You should really try them sometime, it's fun.

Plus, if she wasn't lying, there would probably be more corpses lying around.

>> No.15540937

Cool engineer who can make anything mechanical.
I think that's how she is usually portrayed.

Other interpretation or usually minority or something on a scale I can just shrugg it off.

>> No.15540939

She didn't say "for no reason", she said that killing him was "not necessary" (無用), as in she could have let him go if he wasn't such a stupid shit who thinks that Reimu is a youkai shrine maiden

>> No.15540945


Only the strong should survive.

>> No.15540955

Men can't danmaku and he's just low-tier youkai who broke important law.
She would resort to danmaku if it's one of those OP, almost unkillable girls or those who cause incidents that can still be reverted back to normal.

Just like when she said she would kill Remilia in EoSD.

>> No.15540965
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Shit-talking is the second national sport of Gensokyo.

>> No.15540966
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But that doesn't seem to fit with what >>15539967 said.
Unless that anon think being the ultimate engineer is a bad thing, in which case... I don't have any argument. Ah well.

>> No.15540980

Moreover she could have let him go if:
1) He hadn't broken the rule of "don't dabble in prohibited magic if you're a human living in the village"
2) He hadn't returned to life in the middle of the village, caused a huge ruckus, then fled like an obvious villain
3) He hadn't potentially harmed Kosuzu (i.e. a fellow village human) in the process of doing the above

Drac-kun simply fucked up on several levels, pretty much making it impossible for Reimu to let him go. He was seen by too many people, with Reimu in pursuit, and it would have destroyed her already teetering reputation if anyone saw him again, ever.

Meanwhile humans who desire power flock to Miko and Byakuren daily, without repercussions. And that's not even mentioning devoting oneself to one of the myriad gods, adopting a tsukumogami, or any of the other methods of dealing with mortality that aren't explicitly forbidden.

>> No.15540981

Alice fanon is pretty fucking awful.

>> No.15541006

That reminds me that Patche is best in canon.

Kind of an asshole, kind of adorable (her obsession over Suika/oni, bridging into SWR, was great), lazy and asthmatic, powerful and easily angered.

So many times I just see her as "the smart girl" or "in love with Marisa/Alice" in fan works.

>> No.15541011

That's why I asked "why" because I think Nitori is not badly treated, at least not on Momiji level.

People still empashize on good thing she is good at, when some characters might have them thrown out of water in favor of small or even made-up details that cater to their fetish.

>> No.15541012

Patche is also the most sociable person in the SDM, and perhaps the only one who even attempts to be understood by outsiders, as seen in BAiJR. Which really makes the "shut-in" depictions of her grate something awful.

>> No.15541016

People don't seem to get that she's not a shut in, she just has an awful lot to read, research, and write.

>> No.15541022
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>> No.15541023


>> No.15541028

Marisa indeed said she is always inside the library in the latest SCoOW, but yeah I don't think she is an asocial.
She speaks with everyone just fine like in SSiB.

>> No.15541041

Seiga is a rare character because her personality, memes, and sex appeal all cater to people who enjoy her wicked and immoral behavior.

>> No.15541051

This art looks so familiar, but it seems like it's a crop. Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.15541056

I hate it when someone still try to force fanon cuteposting in canon work discussion like this
>>15475949 >>15486287

At least you just want to troll.

>> No.15541063
File: 143 KB, 600x675, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_fujisaki_dahoma__62700a37a86001b66890dd2a1ebb56d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a setting where people are often at worst morally ambiguous (coughbyakurencough), an honest-to-gods arsehole can be a breath of fresh air. Seiga's more of a putrid sepulchral exhalation, but that's the next best thing.

>> No.15541081

And then Seija came. Junko is also kind of mad bitch. At least Seiga is still affiliated with a faction and has compassion.

In other words, ZUN start introducing more evil characters at this point.

>> No.15541084
File: 3.62 MB, 600x6835, 2hu canon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15541107

Junko is...interesting.

Misguided rage, justified but rather poorly.

Eventually actually gives up.

Also the heroines will probably ally with her in the future. Nobody likes the moon.

>> No.15541115

My guilty pleasure is the "Marisa has a yuri harem" meme. I love it.

>> No.15541123

Man, right off the bat with the wrongness

While Marisa and Reimu "don't" work together in the games, statements from people "they've" beaten suggest they actually do, and they do set out usually at the same time during incidents. Thing is, you can't depict that. It's like how danmaku battles are totally abstracted in most of the games, since BOTH characters should be dodging. This is even further supported by stuff like FS where, hey, they work together almost always.

And I ain't ever cried from anything in Touhou.

>> No.15541125

Fuck this image. If there's anything worse than bad fanons, it's retards preaching about strictly following canon and getting it completely wrong.

>> No.15541132

>Thing is, you can't depict that.

He could have done it in IN but he wanted them to also be the stage 4 boss.

>> No.15541133

I wouldn't have liked Reimu and Marisa as a team in IN anyway, funny enough.

>> No.15541134

2hu canon as in "I hate fanon so much so I just call the opposite and call them canon".
It's more of bitching than stating facts.

>> No.15541147
File: 104 KB, 648x913, __letty_whiterock_touhou_drawn_by_asahina__e38480a9982812b7822be1af88c70784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find any good vanilla Letty doujins

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.15541174 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 768x1024, 33174f4fc24dab7aa4d301f9dcbcc55f2544bd5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling all too well.

>> No.15541240
File: 239 KB, 850x606, 2ecf6331b2f6ceecbcb1bda40afd68f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Artist is Hidari, circle Left Side. You may know him from Atelier series.

>> No.15541243

Aha! I knew it was Atelier/Hidari!


>> No.15541248

It boggles my mind how some people continue to be completely deluded with the fortune teller. He dabbled in completely forbidden magic, Mamizou says that looking beyond Gensokyo and inviting dark magics is taboo. He commits suicide and comes back through dark magic and negative emotions as a youkai. That's quite obviously breaking the laws of Gensokyo and upsetting the balance, and he was stupid enough to make a big scene of it in the middle of the village.

Even then if he was truly honest about just wanting to be left alone, he would have run instead of fucking monologuing to Reimu like a supervillain and explaining what he was. If he hand't overtly mentioned he was a jinyou and explained how he came to be reborn, she probably wouldn't have cared.

If he wanted to become powerful he could have just fucking become a hermit or studied magic or devoted himself to Miko or Byakuren or any multitude of things but he chose the worst possible avenue.

Also Danmaku is the "solution" to problems BECAUSE Reimu is so much stronger than everyone. Half the reason spell card rules exist is because youkai have no shot against her in a full power fight, so danmaku makes youkai feel like they have a chance and can cause incidents.

Reimu is blunt and lazy, talking shit is common in Gensokyo, and above all she seeks to preserve balance in Gensokyo. The fact that she's kind of a dick is the best thing about her. Nothing in FS ruined her, especially not the fortune teller story.

This image gets posted all the time and it's awful. Not only are half of the interpretations wrong, they're incredibly preachy about their wrongness. Sakuya in particular is completely fucked, yes she is devoted to Remilia and has the utmost loyalty/respect for her but she's also a goofy fuck and far from perfect. Yukari's is retarded because she is grooming Reimu and attempting to keep the Hakurei barrier strong, not wipe them out. The idea that Reimu/Marisa and Keine/Mokou are not friends is bizarre considering there's a host of canon material that keeps them together. Mokou's interpretation seems particularly ruthless and coldhearted for a character that's friendly and helpful to lost travellers, but quiet. The idea that she'd only be friends with Keine "because she protects me" is laughable, she's fucking immortal. CiLR blatantly says they've been friends for years and Keine is one of the few people that truly understands her.

>> No.15541260

Dude, it's an image made by a walfasfag, don't overthink it

>> No.15541261
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Without knowing more about what precipitated the whole "son murder" thing, I'm not sure how misguided her rage even is. She's clearly smart, and shown to be capable of being perfectly calm and reasonable when dealing with people who aren't tangentially connected to her family life collapsing.

>> No.15541269
File: 2.07 MB, 1600x1800, daf41b4d34faf3faa17fc97abe6a709d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think it's pretty darn misguided to want to start a genocide cause your son was killed.

Then again, that was from suns being shot down, right? Probably just a few more causalities from something like that.

I should say though, that I love me some Junko. I'm quite happy with her motivations, whether or not they're entirely reasonable.

>> No.15541301
File: 469 KB, 2025x2864, 56789107_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to be fair, we don't know what Junko's previous attacks entailed, but if we assume she gradually escalated things with each attempt, and considering just how long she's been at this business of seeking vengeance against a bunch of quasi-immortal assholes, you can really only go so far for so long before the mass-murder option comes up.

>> No.15541310
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>> No.15541317


>> No.15541320

I've got problems. Don't worry about it.

>> No.15541370
File: 487 KB, 723x687, Sakuya_SSIB_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they nailed Sakuya nearly perfectly in SSiB, she's shown as the careless,easy going, spacy and yet also being elegant and graceful all the time.
The Manga even manage to show how she's too overconfident in her abilities at the battle against the moonie. Also her her amusing relationship with Remilia(she's both her servant but at the same time is like a mother to Remi.)
Compare this to Forbidden Scrollery were she just seems like a moe maid.

The sad thing about fan interpretations about characters like Sakuya is that they're not needed, because the characters actually got an already established personality.

I don't mind fan interpretations were they exaggerate some personality traits a little,like her love for the mistress. But often this just goes way over the top making it terrible.

I still want to see Sakuya's cat's tongue in action in a canon work, seeing her slowly carefully sipping hot tea would be the best.

>> No.15541373
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Okuu, just in game, was enough for me to consider her the best 2hu despite how the fandom treats her.

>> No.15541666

I still don't understand why she's dumb when Ravens are the smartest birds alive, isn't she like better than the tengu who are crowlike?

>> No.15541731

Alice always had bad interpretations but I like her in any way and she isn't even my favorite 2hu. Every one of them is pretty amusing in some way and there's enough variety to keep her interesting.

I hate the masochist Tenshi. It's hard for people to take you seriously in favorite 2hu threads where mentioning her will get meme replies.

Best interpretations are probably the more "mature" 2hus like Mamizou and Seiga. Because they're the designated mature characters in the fandom, they act visibly more adult and closer to canon than typical childish moeblob interpretations of "younger" 2hus.

On another topic, while I couldn't get what is Sekibanki's exact personality in canon, the fandom is very, VERY consistent on making her the tsukkomi, regardless of who her partner is.

>> No.15541765
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From her DDC profile:
>Her personality is slightly prideful, and she's recalcitrant towards both humans and youkai. It seems she takes a somewhat cynical view of things.
>The previous summer, the religious leaders had been causing riots in the Human Village.
>While the humans and youkai had been rising up, though, she was living quietly by herself, viewing the fads in a negative light.
Banki is a bit of a downer, really. I love her anyway.

>> No.15541770
File: 345 KB, 315x170, Master Spark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not hard to go off canon only when your favorite is the number 2 girl in Gensokyo.

>> No.15541775

>It's really jarring to hear people talk about how much they love "how well developed" Yuugi or Nazrin is or some shit and they're usually referring to some fan doujin or something.

I'm sorry you hang out with people who can't separate fantasy from fantasy and reality.

>> No.15541791
File: 421 KB, 679x889, 1445980004482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then again, that was from suns being shot down, right? Probably just a few more causalities from something like that.
No it wasn't you fuck. Houyi married her and killed her son long after the ten suns incident, long after his wife Chang'e took the elixir of immortality and ascended to the moon. Junko conspired with one of the ministers to unseat Houyi and kill him, and ever since she's borne a grudge against Chang'e, probably for being a dumb bitch who accidentally left her husband and turned him from a hero into a monster. But Junko actually forgot about all that in the long centuries of rage that followed, so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.15541809

Maybe she's not complete idiot, just too focused?

>> No.15541820
File: 79 KB, 1023x722, __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_toutenkou__f5454ff834633b4b73624ed22d281e86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravens are slightly smarter than crows in reality if thats what you're asking. ZUN didnt even really give that many examples of her being pants on head retarded despite the fact other Touhous call her birdbrained/idiot so I dont believe she's as dumb as people think she is. She speaks coherently and proper and knows enough about nuclear physics and engineering to even come up with her own ideas on how to use nuclear fusion for advances in technology like metallurgy.

>> No.15541825

I should add, she can merely just be immature or childish and not simply dumb, which I think is more accurate.

>> No.15541851

Yumemi is my favorite.

Is fanon for her even a thing?

Renko theories aside, not considering it fanon or canon until it's confirmed or denied.

>> No.15541886
File: 400 KB, 1200x1700, 26633903_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kinda get that.
ZUN adds chaacters, he wants to add new characters. He could've used Sanae for HM, as fitting as she is in the religious thing, but didn't. He could've used the Watatsuki sisters in some game, but didn't, because limitations. (why weren't they involved on LoLK anyway? isn't Yorihime supposed to guard the Lunarians? I still don't know the actual reason of their absence).
He tends to go on, instead of focussing on the ones that already are there.

Touhou have dozens of characters, all mixed in a silly world. There isn't room for many development
In the games, they act rude, "villanous", etc.
Their actual day-like personalities it's on the mangas, and profiles, and books, etc. And not everyone is the protagonist of those stories.


..blah Hatate got me, she's the worst. I barely know her in canon, so, all I see, is a social loser, potential tsundere, (yandere?), a wannabe.. and a loser geez

>> No.15541895
File: 115 KB, 781x581, 57435703_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmmm don't sure. I've played Sanae's route of Hisoutensoku the other day, and... well, Utsuho didn't surprised me. How Sanae handled her at the end of the fight.. She forgot what she was doing! and was dummie enough to believe Sanae lies

>> No.15542027

As much as people say "oh, I wish ZUN would tell us more about X minor character," that's really a double edged sword.
Every time ZUN goes and revisits a character people get pretty upset, because what ZUN adds usually conflicts with whatever you've filled in the blanks with in the meantime.
Kinda like how everyone got pissed when ZUN said Momiji was not a fan of Aya.

>> No.15542062

Well you pretty much have to keep up with the official mangas and print works to get the kind of backstory you want for most characters. There is quite a bit of it actually, things like Kourindou, FS, WaHH, BAiJR, and PMiSS are pretty good. I quite like the Lunatic saga (SSiB, CiLR, and Inaba) as well. They flesh out quite a good deal about the characters.

The problem with wanting ZUN to reveal more about his characters and their backstories is although it'd be pretty satisfying and clear up a good number of mysteries (i.e. where did Sakuya come from? why does she have her powers and why is she serving Remilia?), it would also destroy a large number of fan interpretations. ZUN is pretty enthused with the "doujin spirit" of his work so I don't see him wanting to do that unless it is necessary. A lot of people are drawn to Touhou for the fan content and I think ZUN feels it would hurt Touhou and his fans if he ruins their headcanons or whatever.

>> No.15542082

I don't think ZUN gives a fuck about his fanbase or the 2hu doujin scene

>> No.15542129
File: 188 KB, 916x990, wwwwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I for one want to see these delicious tears

>> No.15542148

>Miko or Byakuren
He killed himself before they showed up.

>> No.15542222

This made me think of what the reaction would be if Reimu/Marisa/Whoever just casually mentioned having a boyfriend in one of the mangas.

>> No.15542343

Reimu or Marisa I can't see happening without shenanigans, but there are plenty of people who have semi-regular contact with human males. Keine has already been (briefly) shown working with a male teacher. Kosuzu has to have at least a couple of male customers. Akyuu probably has an arranged husband we aren't being told about. Mokou's said to be opening up as of late, so maybe there is a guy crazy enough in the village to strike an acquaintance with her.

>> No.15542350

don't get so mad, the backstory is weird

>> No.15542352

Who the hell wants to date Marisa and Reimu?

>> No.15542354

>why weren't they involved on LoLK anyway? isn't Yorihime supposed to guard the Lunarians? I still don't know the actual reason of their absence
Isn't that because ALL the Lunarians got put away except for Sagume, who had to try dealing with it for whatever reason?

>> No.15542363

That's a strange way of putting it.

I'm sure he doesn't care, for the most part, how fans interpret the characters so long as they're not "canon", but he still quite obviously loves the Touhou fanbase.

>> No.15542365

It is. The Lunarians couldn't touch Clownpiece due to the immense impurity she carried, either for fear of becoming corrupted, or something else. The rest of the Lunarians were put in a Dream World copy of the Lunar Capital and allowed to think things were going hunky dory, situation normal.

>> No.15542442
File: 627 KB, 689x962, 1467178485511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i got lucky with Eirin because her character is pretty good handeld in non canon works.
It sucks though that she is pretty underapreciated.
I do have to agree with the Anon who likes Eirin with big knockers

>> No.15542463

I don't know how anyone can answer the "worst" question differently.

I factor in only the fan interpretations that I like. That's what they're there for, after all.

>> No.15542848
File: 729 KB, 1073x800, TFW all these stupid secondaries making dumb fanshit of her being uncharacteristically evil Also in B4 some dumb faggot bitches about her mist for the dozenth time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her amusing relationship with Remilia(she's both her servant but at the same time is like a mother to Remi.)
This is one of many reasons SDM is my favorite faction.
and Remilia is half of my favorite sisters.

>> No.15542861

This, if they were 3-D aesthetically and without magic powers people wouldn't be able to tell them apart from normal women.

>> No.15543971


>> No.15543980


>> No.15544022

That smug Remi in a high-chair is so endearing

>> No.15544069
File: 146 KB, 324x262, 1380237539489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa is literally perfect though.

>> No.15544078

>mfw it's Rinnosuke.

>> No.15544083

Most older fan interpretations of Nitori are either overly shy and gentle or lol random.
Nitori in MoF was clearly a bit two faced, and SA show that, given any sort of power, she abuses the fuck out of it.

>> No.15544101

Suppa is dead and buried, Ch(e^x)n is a rarity.

>> No.15544131
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Anon, simpatico!

>> No.15544132


>> No.15544167


>> No.15544230
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>> No.15544234

Something about this thread that makes me feel /jp/ hates the fandom. I could understand that but isn't the reason Touhou becomes big after EOSD is because of the fandom? I mean without it the franchise would just be about a STG game.

>> No.15544245

>I mean without it the franchise would just be about a STG game.
That's not a bad thing.

>> No.15544305
File: 266 KB, 548x800, yuuka_x_yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I'm cool with that. I mean, I always see Kourin as an aloof big brother type, but a boyfriend's fine too.

I'm guessing "perverted camerawoman who delights in taking panty shot of various female characters".

Ah, generalizing. Don't you love it?
Seriously, don't do that.

Although I do find it funny that some anon here would throw "secondaries" to absolutely everything; even pictures or doujinshi that's never meant to adhere to canon whatsoever.

>> No.15544350
File: 788 KB, 985x644, A_Smile_of_Betrayal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a misunderstanding. I don't mean Kourin as the boyfriend. I meant Kourin having a boyfriend. I think its more funnier due to cruel irony.[\spoiler]

>> No.15544411
File: 272 KB, 1148x952, 1302534443326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sound and character palette. also cards.

my favourites are patche, remi, chen, myon, mokou, sanae, satorin and okuuorin

as you can see they are all or the red or the green spectrum. and sanae i love just because she's insane.

>> No.15544448
File: 14 KB, 400x250, 14122794934900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the deal with fortune teller is there was no deal with fortune teller. nips(and therefore zun) are not human beings in our sense. remember the world war, sino-jap wars, their own feudal society, their current soulless "society" where they torture their classmates as kids, for fun. nips are more akin to rats. they feel no empathy towards other humans and definitely do not feel it towards imaginable characters. it's a good thing slant-eyed shitstains are dying out.

moe culture isn't about "pure love towards one's imagined waifu because you are lonely irl" as is the case with you autists. it's just fetishism towards infantile and feminine characteristics. even their fucking religion is fetishism, what do you expect. that's why you see sararyman and married nips paying to hang out with schoolgirls or such obvious bullshit like rented friends. they do not mind the bullshit because there is no substance- it's just fetishism.

you can see the lack of empathy in all mongoloids actually- from ottoman cruelty to maoist crimes.

>> No.15544454

That's a unique view, my man, I'll keep it under consideration.

>> No.15544531 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 517x724, 1468665536008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that was embarrassing. But that works too.

I don't know, I think that can be applied to practically every human beings.
By the off chance that you are serious, then I got nothing to say.

>> No.15544669
File: 239 KB, 700x1061, dc362430fac932c4dd7c34badbd8222c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you can't. every race have a concrete psyche model which can be traced through their religion, myths and society. europeans have proper Christian moral. mud-breeds of araby and more developed niggers have self-serving clan moral. mongoloids are fetishists with almost robot-like psyche. australoids and capoids aren't intelligent enough to be worth mention.

>> No.15545037
File: 2.46 MB, 1600x1200, 411cbe726c901ca883cd9991e47ed0f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-serving clan moral
>almost robot-like psyche

So, basically, Christians.

>> No.15545995

>self-serving clan moral
Except for the part where modern Christians are disgustingly altruistic to the point where they welcome their own cultural demise and extinction. See the actions of the Catholic and Anglican church in regards to the refugee crisis and their full-throated support of bringing millions of high birth rate Muslims into the West at a time when Christianity itself is dying out in the West.

>> No.15546293


>> No.15546384
File: 1.34 MB, 1400x950, 25779719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religion founded and focused upon guilt and the avoidance/deflection/absolving of guilt
>major church of said religion known for corruption, including the world-wide cover-up of child rapists over numerous decades
>being altruistic in anything they do

That's funny. You're funny.

>> No.15546585

Can you all kindly fuck off somewhere else? It's /jp/-Otaku Culture, not /jp/-Half assed anthropology

>> No.15546602
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She's just perfect.

>> No.15551896

>something about this series disappoints me in that most of the characters have so little character that the reason we like them is because the fandom set up so much for us

>i love touhou, but dammit i'd love for a lot more real canon info on a lot of the characters

You should take a look at the reaction to the recent confirmation about Ran to see how most people respond to new information about characters that doesn't jive with their "headcanons". It's ridiculous

>> No.15551954

Canon only, though operator Reisen is kinda cool.

>> No.15552138
File: 288 KB, 604x605, 34b84ff13c3d3cabc307a5647f1e8f16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer canon interpretations. Making up traits about a character so that I like them feels like cheating.

I never talk to other Suwako fans, because I'm afraid that they're just going to be lolicons or epic memers.

>> No.15553778

Reminds me, before I got into Touhou I thought Suwako was just some cute frog loli who was childlike and fun, going by pictures I saw.

Really not the case in reality. She's cute but obviously mature.

>> No.15554021

She indeed loves fun and challenge.
The difference is she has her sinister and shady side as goddess of curse older than Kanako.

>> No.15554294

Ravens ARE crows. In Japanese both Aya and Okuu are referred to with the term "karasu".

A Raven is just a stocky/beefy crow, which funnily fits how Okuu is fucking huge compared to most of the cast.

>> No.15554363
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>>15541820 here
I already know this. Theres enough behavioral differences between ravens and crows though to warrant calling the raven, a "raven" rather than calling them both just crows. Japan just chooses to not distinguish them by name though for some reason even though its technically correct to call both of them crows/karasu.

On another note, even though Okuu might be considered dumb, both of them instinctively are great at using tools which is probably why Okuu was so easily able to figure out how to use her powers and control rod to help operate the fusion reactor. Shes a little slow, but then also smart in her own way.

>> No.15555832

yeah that manga's cool

>> No.15556075

I'm still upset thet she was so easily tricked by Sanae.

>> No.15556163

Serious question here; WHY is this board ALL tohou? How does one even get into tohou? It's all pixely and untranslated? What am I missing???

>> No.15556209
File: 482 KB, 1300x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helps when the fan versions of you're favorite aren't radically different from the canon versions.

>> No.15556246

I really like it when Suika goes all cool serious mode, like the scene in WaHH, but I find fandom never gets this.

>> No.15556265


>It's all pixely


>and untranslated


What am I missing???

Play touhou games, achieve score. get rekt by small girls in silly hats. Read the manga and whatever doujins look appealing. Watch Marisa Stole the Precious Thing for the upteenth time. Come back here to discuss their feet and how to reach Gensokyo.

>> No.15556281

>Marisa Stole the Precious Thing

You mean Overdrive

>> No.15556384

Except people who discuss feet don't play games at all.

>> No.15556391

>Zun goes back
>Adds things that seem conflicting
>Leaves loose ends to fuel fan arguments
You really dont want him going back to things.
I'm also salty Reisen went fron gun hands to a retarded toy trumpet gun.

>> No.15556865

>WHY is this board ALL tohou?
Because several years ago on /a/ Touhou infected threads left and right and people got annoyed, so a board was created to contain Touhou. For better or for worse, that board is /jp/.

To get into it, start by playing Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil and then play the rest from then on, and don't give up. You could start with Touhou 1 and the PC-98 series but if you got turned off from those I wouldn't be surprised (besides, it's shaky canon and experimental days until Windows). Read everything that comes with the games, watch 1CC playthroughs if you have to, but yeah, do that and it's easy enough to see why this series is stupidly popular.

You don't have to beat games/get 1CCs yourself. These games are fucking hard, and nobody sane would blame you for your failures.

>It's all pixely


>and untranslated


>> No.15558092

Th-thank you anon. You're awesome, I'm excited to play.
