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1553358 No.1553358 [Reply] [Original]

Is sumo wrestling awesome? y/n

>> No.1553361


>> No.1553368


>> No.1553374

Like most sports, the Japanese suck at it, so sumo is funny to watch for all the lolrage and drama when Hawaiians, Samoans and Russians win all the major titles, despite the racist restrictions on them competing (no more than one gaijin per stable lol)

At the moment that's the only thing worth following in the sumo world

>> No.1553375

You know, I'm actually kind of surprised sumo wrestling isn't more popular her in the US. I mean nothing is more manly than a couple of big fat guys wrestling right? And everyone loves big fat guys. And we have plenty of big fat guys.

>> No.1553377

don't want to watch fat dudes slap each other's flab

>> No.1553382

The fat guys in the states aren't in good shape, though. They're lazy, weak pudding fat, not muscle with more mass for good measure fat.

>> No.1553388

But they are simply big fat guys, not athletic. I went to high school with a guy who always bragged about how he wanted to get into sumo, and that no one could pick a fight with him since a truck crashed into him and got more damaged than he did.

Finally, he did get a chance to face off against another big guy from another school who was seriously thinking of sumo for his future, and got owned.

>> No.1553389

I always thought sumo wreslting was aweosme. They're surprisingly agile, and i'm surprisingly typo

>> No.1553390

But they are physically fit big guys. In America, we only have big guys who are big just because of fat and beer. Quite honestly, it's boring. I'd rather watch judo. But seriously, I'd rather not watch ANY sport. I'm not a watcher, except for the World Cup, don't know why, it's weird.

>> No.1553401

How do the sumos manage to be fat AND super strong? I can see a normal fat guy having some more power from like inertia and shit, but the sumos are like fat body builders. It's weird.

>> No.1553398

i hate fat fucks like that. seriously, it wouldn't be a sport if the only requirement was to be a fat tub of lard

>> No.1553423

That's true, but I was thinking more along the lines of bigger Pacific Islander types and the people who are able to be fat, but still strong. People like them because they tend to be funny and charismatic. People tend to respect them because they're huge and strong. They're like the perfect fat people.

>> No.1553425

YES, that's the biggest thing with sumo. The fat classmate I mentioned was pretty damn slow and clumsy, and lost his breath easily.

He and a lot of others I've known were also under the assumption that all sumo was with fat guys, despite the fact that there are various weight classes.

>> No.1553434

Body builders are not strong. They sacrifice strength for mass. Weight lifters are strong.

>> No.1553450

Sumo wrestlers probably eat a lot of fattening foods, but also a lot of high-protein stuff, and they also work out.

Plus, if you're fat and you work out regularly, obviously you're gonna have more muscle than the average person because moving your fat ass is a workout in its own right, so it's like a double-workout.

>> No.1553461
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Don't watch Sumo wrestling but Akebono is awesome.

>> No.1553463

is he mexican?

>> No.1553464

I'm pretty sure a body builder is strong.

>> No.1553479

Not as strong as weight lifter, a sumo wrestler (any class), or a swimmer. They damage their bodies to get so huge.

>> No.1553482

I bet a body builder could punch your head off easier than a swimmer could.

>> No.1553484

Actually, I believe not.
A slap from a swimmer would prolly break your neck.

>> No.1553490

You only need so much strength to punch. Mass and timing are more useful. Punching hard does not = strength.

>> No.1553510

Swimmers are toned and designed more for endurance than anything else.

A body builder at least has a bunch of muscle.

>> No.1553516


A body builder has a lot of muscle. LOOK AT HOW MUCH MUSCLE HE HAS. I bet your head would go flying.

>> No.1553534

bodybuilder: looks strong
swimmer: is strong

>> No.1553539

somehow i read bodybuilder as babybuilder

>> No.1553545

How can someone made out of muscle not be strong

>> No.1553550

Because they aren't efficient, they're just fat.
One could be as strong as those Mr universe guys in a much smaller package.

>> No.1553557
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Big muscles aren't always gonna be that big a help outside of looking "cool."

>> No.1553558

That means little asian kung fu / ninja shits is the strongest in the world because they can take your head off in the smallest package ever!

>> No.1553563
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>> No.1553565

It simply means AHNULD was never the strongest man.
he probably couldn't lift those half ton rocks they lift in championships.

>> No.1553573
File: 23 KB, 280x384, 1225701254373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little kid was labelled as the worlds strongest human pound for pound.

>> No.1553583

So now muscles are fat.


>> No.1553587

Watch they way they move. They are excess weight.

>> No.1553588

I could kick his ass

>> No.1553590
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>> No.1553600

He'd break any limb of yours he could touch. You'd need a cudgel to not die against him.

>> No.1553603

i think he meant "big" not "fat"

>> No.1553625
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1225702270092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with someone stronger than you must be great. Don't say it; I know.

>> No.1553626

You're gay, or sex with the strongest woman; that would be the strongest sex?

>> No.1553628
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1225702457823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could he break my limbs from underneath my car?

>> No.1553629

I like being dominated and like dicks, but I'm not gay or anything.

>> No.1553644

He could lift your car.

>> No.1553649

Liking muscl-ey women is gay?

Liking womens is gay?

Just as a precaution, I only like strong women when they're 2D and look like >>1553625. Notice how they still have nice girl things like boobs and such.

>> No.1553650

Lets say we use weight lifting as a form to measure strength. It has several weight classes. So we know that mass is definitely a factor in measuring "strength".

Now if we get a body builder with a same mass swimmer, most likely the swimmer would have more strength than the body builder.

Not saying that a body builder isn't strong just that pound for pound a swimmer would be stronger.

That is how the kid ( >>1553573 ) got the label of being the strongest human in the world though most of us (being greatly optimistic here) can lift more than he can.

>> No.1553657

That is a really lame technicality that still doesn't address the issue of who would be more likely to punch your head off.

>> No.1553661

Notice they say "strongest pound for pound", not "strongest".

Go eat a musclegirl's steroid-enhanced clit.

>> No.1553668

THAT ISN'T REALLY AN INSULT. IT SOUNDS QUITE NICE ACTUALLY. Or are you one of those guys that doesn't like girls?

Come on, look at them. How could you not enjoy the idea of just being held down by them and raped for an hour?

>> No.1553674

I wouldn't like to touch one of those miss universe things, except with a crowbar, thanks for asking.

>> No.1553676
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>> No.1553680

I don't even have to look to know that they're probably ugly; I'm talking about delicious 2D wimmins, not 3D.

>> No.1553685

It's like a small penis!

>> No.1553687

Once again, I wouldn't touch those with anything else than a hammer or crowbar.
I'd rather stay alone.

>> No.1553688

Oh, hey, a worksafe image. Look at that.

>> No.1553690

The clit is basically a very tiny head of a penis, so it isn't all that weird that a large one would look like that.

>> No.1553722

So what is the female equivalent of the shaft?
