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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15528846 No.15528846 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>15490078

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Sengoku Providence:

>> No.15528940

Is it strange that I've only gotten Golds from single draws in FKG, rather than 11 draws? Could it be that the changing seed is of greater benefit than the extra Knight?

>> No.15529016

I tested it for you.
Got a bronze.

>> No.15529071

No, I mean, the only Golds I've gotten besides the generics were from single pulls. Christ, if I only got golds from them, that would be absurd.

>> No.15529271

Friendly reminder that Nutaku's undergoing maintenance in four hours (3 - 5:30 AM EST).

>> No.15529892
File: 1.22 MB, 954x635, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (100).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled 150 stones (40 of them I desperately gathered from all possible places, like maxing out affection of 30+ girls at once today) for Tree Peony, got Manryuu and Lily instead.
I love designs and sprites of both of them, but I wanted my friggin Botan. Will just buy that 5000 Yen ticket and pick her next time, rolling is too stressful.

>> No.15530225

>There's still people that gets surprised over ULMF idiocy

They eat shit, the Aigis community there is the worst cancer possible.
That's why Nutaku loves them and post all the news in their board.

>> No.15530487

Apart from that stealth bonus cost points for Valkyries, did any other change happen with the patch? Also, extended maintenance.

>> No.15530493

>stealth bonus cost points for Valkyries
On nutaku? I didn't even notice they changed something.

>> No.15530502

Yeah, you get bonus points from killing a large or boss-like enemy with them now. Instead of one you get two or three respectively. It's nice.

>> No.15530525

Investigating a bit more there are some comments from the guy that datamines in the wiki that seem to explain why, they seem to have imported the enemy entries from the event from DMM directly without changing their properties, keeping those bonus points that were implemented globally on a patch there. Probably any enemy outside the event will still give 1 point.

>> No.15530529

Maintenance's over.

>> No.15530532

Only one guy said that.

Memento's in-game map dialogues are fine. Somehow. They just dropped the ball literally everywhere else.

>> No.15530545

> google translate is totally fine
Yeah, right.

>> No.15530572


Everything except Memento's introduction reads coherently. It's obviously not high quality, but it's not google translate either.

>> No.15530596

Probably multiple translators. One of which only uses google. Or just doesn't know english for shit.

>> No.15530618

I wonder how freemiums on nutaku are holding up
My team is getting assfucked on the last map, though I managed to 3star the others without trouble.

>> No.15530623

I would try but I went in into the first G map without three healers by mistake. That was ugly, managed to 1 star it though.

>> No.15530707

still strongly debating whether to aim for 150 or 250 SC stamp card

>> No.15530748


>> No.15530757

If you can afford going for 250, you might as well get 50 more and shoot for 150 for two months.

>> No.15530784

Come on Nanaly, this is the eighth rainbow for that last skill-up... I don't want a repeat of Gellius's 16 total for 5/5.

What's been your worst rainbow streak anons? Alleviate my pain with some of yours.

>> No.15530819

Anon, even Google isn't that bad. It doesn't spit out TRIPLE negations combined with other obvious errors.

>> No.15530871

I tend to have more trouble with 4/5 than 5/5, oddly enough.

I think Lilia took eight or so rainbows before a skill-up though.

>> No.15530906

>Gellius's 16 total for 5/5
Elizabeth is 4/5 after 31 rainbow, that bitch doesn't want to get her skill maxed.

>> No.15530918

Ouch, I wanted you to alleviate my pain anon. Now I'm drowning on fear.

My deepest condolences.

>> No.15530992

Rolled the stones from the event and got me another Vincent and Liddy. Dunno what to think about her, any of you use Pegasus riders at all?

>> No.15531003

Pegasus are useless on nutaku until they port balance patches.

>> No.15531030
File: 101 KB, 739x630, Liddy_AW_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid it was so, well, she's pretty cute and considering my Gacha luck I won't be complaining.

>> No.15531134

Aren't they pretty useless post-balance as well?

Mid-cost unit that gains cost on kills and has a stationary AoE after skill, they're almost as bad as samurai when it comes to not knowing what they want to be.

>> No.15531155

In some cases they are awesome cost-earning machines, when they can kill large amount of enemies very fast. Plus you get whole cost back on withdraw.
Many players prefer pegasus riders over soldiers for subjugation maps.

>> No.15531416

So, is there any way to keep track of your Vote Tickets after casting a vote or will you have to manually keep track of it yourself?

>> No.15531582


I'll tell you only if you put some votes toward Heliconia

>> No.15531590

Voting booth -> Midpoint announcement -> Vote history.

Who would vote for that banana girl when you have the perfection that is Sweetpea?

>> No.15531612


Because sweatpea has unsightly giant cow tits and a weird giant pink weapon. Her slow movement speed on maps further reflects her fatty, burdened nature. She also has an ugly, scowling face half hidden by glasses.

>> No.15531665

How do the current Nutaku flower knight girl popularity standings look like atm? (Idk if they're visible so sorry if it's impossible to answer right now)

>> No.15531676


Toad Lily has got this in the bag.

>> No.15531678
File: 44 KB, 457x349, sshot-1064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15531683

Thank you!

>> No.15531718

Why is memento not on the event banner underneath the game?

>> No.15531741

>Why is flamel not on the gacha banner underneath the game?

>> No.15531825

I'm pretty sure the most retarded crowd will vote for Oncidium despite her victory in DMM version.

>> No.15531831

Hopefully someone mentioned it to them about that.

>> No.15531864


Then let us all vote for Heliconia, it's the only way to stop this from happening.

>> No.15531931

Really? Time to comeback to Nutaku to boost my waifu

>> No.15531937

Nice try. You've almost, just almost, prevented me from voting for Purple Tulip.

>> No.15532097


But Purple Tulip does not have that confident, boyish charm. The modest chest and slim waist. The waifish legs. Heliconia is like the proud and slightly tsundere imouto that you never had.

If Heliconia is to win, we either get a new 2 star version which would be easily accessible, or a higher star, stronger version that can be used in your forever team and still contribute. It's win-win.

>> No.15532121

They did it multyple times in the chat, it will not change anything.

>> No.15532161

>Heliconia is like the proud and slightly tsundere imouto that you never had
And I'm really happy it stays that way.

>> No.15532204

Honestly, I wasn't sure what to do since my #1 fav girl isn't a contestant, but supporting your #2 is the most reasonable option. I considered supporting someone I don't really care about who is another anon's favorite girl, but I ultimately ditched the idea. Sorry anon, it's too late to convince me.

>But Purple Tulip does not have that confident, boyish charm.
I prefer her soothing voice and calm nature.

>If Heliconia is to win, we either get a new 2 star version which would be easily accessible, or a higher star, stronger version that can be used in your forever team and still contribute. It's win-win.
You know it's the latter - we'll get 1 rainbow (1st spot) and 2 gold (2nd and 3rd) units added to gacha machines.

>> No.15532385

If you're not voting for Strawberry you've made poor decisions with your life.

>> No.15532403

Anons, You have to realize that since I voted, the results will be Convallaria, Convallaria and Convallaria. No matter what I or you guys vote.

>> No.15532407

I'm voting for perky tits-chan and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.15532473

Nutaku will fraud the election anyway so expect the results to be exactly the same as seen on DMM.

>> No.15532496

With Camillia as well?

>> No.15532572

This is pretty low-tier bait, even for you.

The more likely scenario is that the artist/voice in question would be unavailable for such-and-such I'm watching you, Black Baccara fag, so they'd have to defer to fourth place or make do with only two new brides or something.

>> No.15532605
File: 294 KB, 505x480, Oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could've prevented this.

>> No.15532615
File: 301 KB, 600x835, __ichigo_flower_knight_girl_drawn_by_sasayuki__da452df5bd54ebcf75ce6251a031778c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can say no to best 2* waifu?

>> No.15532664
File: 696 KB, 800x884, I see your Ichigo and I raise you a Mint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15532671
File: 582 KB, 850x1200, 51435138_p5_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15532691

Respectable choice, but we were talking about 2*

>> No.15532731

So if a 2* girl wins, will the new version also be 2* or what?

>> No.15532739

Not really, Rainbow if 1st place, Gold if second or third most probably.

>> No.15532748

Great, then I won't have any reservation about voting for a 2*.
I'm hoarding votes until the halfway point standings are announced.

>> No.15532802

>I'm hoarding votes until the halfway point standings are announced.
This makes no sense.

>> No.15532814
File: 408 KB, 1273x800, Sasayuki blastoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure many votes will be swayed once we have some firm candidates. And I would be surprised if the general populace is aiming for 2* or 3*. Still, an honorable and worthy endeavor, I'm probably the only one voting for these myself, or at least Royal.

>> No.15532821

Not him but why ? None of my favorites are eligible and I don't know who I want to vote for. I'm just going to wait and vote for a girl who has at least a slight chance to win.

>> No.15532830

Also not him but while in your case is understandable, on his case he wants to boost that 2* to lure people like for example...you.

>> No.15532843 [DELETED] 

>voting for Purple Tulip

Kind anon, thank you for your support. To the victory of best 2*!

>> No.15532847

I just have no real preference for any of the girls so I don't want to pick anybody if it just turns out that no one else was voting for her.

Waiting for the halfway point, then see if any of your guys' favorites are in the running and send votes her way.

>> No.15532850

>voting for Purple Tulip

Kind anon, thank you for your support. To the victory of best 4*!

>> No.15532854

I vote for Toad Lily

>> No.15532865

Reminder to 2* voters that snark loli Purple Pansy is the best 2*.

>> No.15532868

But the 250 stamp card will let me cost reduce some of my best units as well. That's the only appeal.

>> No.15532881

Would be nice if Royal Princess can get the same treatment as Alstroemeria, too bad she isn't as popular as her.

>> No.15533104

I'm voting for Rose Diana. She deserves this!

>> No.15533105

It's a shame none of the event girls are eligible, or else I'd have put every single vote into Lavender.

>> No.15533111
File: 26 KB, 300x300, シロツメクサ_進化前表情_喜び.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15533120

And the slutiest one. The only purity you will take from her is the backdoor one.

>> No.15533128
File: 134 KB, 652x907, Alllll innnnnn!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn brother, those are fighting words! Got your back comrade!

>> No.15533147

Second H-scene can't come fast enough.

>> No.15533151

I'm probably going to vote for her too, she's the cutest

>> No.15533164

>None of my favorites are eligible
In this case, it's actually does make sense. I just assumed that it's extremely unlikely to not have at least one girl from the pool you'd like to support - in this case, voting from the very beginning would be the best course of action since she could get some votes from undecided people in the 2nd half. My absolute favorite girl is not in the pool so I'm voting for someone else I really like.

>> No.15533168

Don't get your hopes up, we're talking about FKG, I wouldn't be surprised if her 2nd scene was the same boring generic vaginal sex

>> No.15533181

White, pls.

>> No.15533185

Probably, but after teasing it like that, they're gonna have some really disappointed fans if they don't deliver. FKG devs love to deliver, so we'll see what path they take.

>> No.15533205
File: 456 KB, 1273x800, Rose Diana always values good company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another salute for a true man. We shall burn bright!

>> No.15533272

>Rose Diana
This is one of these name changes that make no sense whatsoever. I mean, why would you take a girl named after one rose cultivar and rename her to another, entirely unrelated rose cultivar?

Still, she was one of the first bronze girls to get a character quest and a new SD form, so she's actually pretty popular. She's also Sasayuki's favorite, so we may even see more of her in the manga.

>> No.15533287
File: 151 KB, 800x1067, Completely safe and pure underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully, they end up fixing their names once they roll up the skill translation fixes.

>> No.15533297

She has a character quest? Shit yes. What do you think the average wait time is for it to be imported to the too-lazy-to-moonrunes crowd?

>> No.15533340

Nearly everyone has a character quest on DMM.

She got hers almost one year back, so if Nutaku is on schedule, you can expect it in around two months.

>> No.15533364

Is the 80 stam map the best one to get tickets? I'm under the impression that the 40 one is better, can someone clarify it?

>> No.15533377

2x40 gives 42. 1 80 run gives 40.

You can thank me by sending Royal Princess / Rose Diana a few tickets

>> No.15533379

40 x2 will give 2 more tickets over 80 map. So if you are going purely for tickets its slightly more efficient.

>> No.15533389

40 is marginally better, but the effort of clearing twice as many maps isn't worth the benefits, at least in my opinion.

You may also not want to focus too much on collecting right now, since the second half of the event will start featuring event-only secret gardens that provide the best ticket ratio out of any map, by a factor of about 4.

>> No.15533547
File: 371 KB, 960x640, heliconia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyebrow waifu, best waifu.

>> No.15533548

Thank you guys, I want to farm these maps a lot, I want the 4k tickets prize.

>> No.15533869
File: 148 KB, 680x657, mistletoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't notice that.

2* cameos were easy to spot, but looks like Mistletoe is around in the manga too.

>> No.15534099

Which brings up something I was wondering: it appears there's no difference between the 3600 and the 4K levels. Is this the case? If not, what's the difference? I've been gunning for 3600 because it looks like you get all the same things.

>> No.15534145

3200 is same, might just be more ampys. Looking at jp wiki, think that's what it is.

>> No.15534157

DMM event had 15 more ampules for the final tier's rewards, but Nutaku has changed event rewards and requirements before, so I think asking for confirmation is the best course of action here.

>> No.15534189

No, 3200 level gives less gacha seeds.

>> No.15534212
File: 435 KB, 775x467, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew! Finally. Now get in there and fight!

(My first/only rainbow I got from the 'spend $50 and get a 6* free' campaign)

>> No.15534299

Can anyone confirm that voting doesn't take away from the ticket total for the event rewards? The person on discord made it sound like it didn't, but it looks like it does. If it doesn't, then where can we find our total ticket amount and not just the amount we have to vote with?

>> No.15534351

I'm honestly not sure why people expect that -not- spending tickets on the event that asks you to spend your tickets is somehow what will give you the rewards.

You shouldn't be asking if spending them takes away your rewards. You should be asking why you wouldn't spend them in the first place.

>> No.15534463

DMM Aigis under maintenance.

>> No.15534488

You are a bit late.

>> No.15534495

I know, that makes sense, that's why I really want to believe that spending them doesn't make them disappear. But I have no way of knowing, because it sure looks they're just gone. Unless we're supposed to keep track of them based on our vote counts? In which case goddammit. I shouldn't have to do math, I don't care if it's simple math, I shouldn't have to do it.

>> No.15534517

So you can connect the dots, but refuse to do so because you're too lazy to calculate the actual result.

Tell ya what. There's this amazing tool that lets you do simple math called a calculator. You should try it.

>> No.15534524

Well, once I was mad that in 2 ten draws I got nothing, in two singles got 2 golds, this made me mad as fuck and wanted to try singles more.

>> No.15534526

I mean you're not the only person I've seen ask, so I'm not going to single you out for doing it, but I really just... don't get it. It's a question that I literally cannot comprehend because it's one that flies in the face of the entire purpose of the event.

>> No.15534566

It seems that I may be alone is voting for the glorious goddess that is Scarlet Salvia.

>> No.15534574

Well I'm dumb, for one, I won't deny that. But when I see the number drop every time I submit a vote it makes me wonder, coupled with the fact that it's not like I'm at all familiar with nutaku (just started playing this a few weeks ago), and for all I know they would make an event where you either vote for your waifu or you get event rewards but not both.

Anyway, I'm still voting. I'd just like to know for sure.

So, reading comprehension is 9th grade, right? Good luck my friend.

>> No.15534592

Is there someone I can ask about the 3600 vs 4000 tickets rewards? No rush, I mean the event just started, I was just wondering. The only thing I can think of is more ampys like someone else said earlier, but I just don't see how you could possibly interpret "one of each ampy" as additional ampys.

Well, I'll shoot for 4K anyway, since I gotta make sure my favorite knight gets in the top three.

>> No.15534646

I feel the same, but with Olive. Don't give up, friend!

>> No.15534685

JP wiki says it didn't matter if you used them to vote, I'll take their word for it since they already did this once.

>> No.15534932

DMM Aigis is back up.

>> No.15534958

Dmm's rewards were more ampys for 4000 vs 3600, not sure what nutaku will do though. You could ask on the nutaku discord

>> No.15534999

Does anyone know if Dogwood, Strawberry Candle or Leucocoryne H-scene still have the third person cuckoldry or is it back in first person again?

>> No.15535012
File: 900 KB, 1203x801, right here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about how many tickets you collected during the event not how many you have at the end or all the "vote your waifu!" loses the sense.


Sometimes i wonder why people don't checks the in game event info first... just lazy?
Yes, probably.
Your answer is right there, see?

Vote Cyani/Sweetpea, FKG needs more meganes.

>> No.15535050

>Your answer is right there, see?

You can't actually be that stupid, right?

>> No.15535068

I'm not the one asking the same fucking question every day.

>> No.15535073

Was going to split between Nymphaea and Convallaria, but Nymphaea looks like she'll need a lot more support.

>> No.15535076

A 6* is going to win anyway, there's still people that believes they are getting the winner for free after all.

>> No.15535079

You are the retard who fails basic reading comprehension though. Perhaps you can use your clairvoyant autistic abilities to explain to us the difference gained between 3600 and 4000.

Hint: There's currently no difference and that's why the question is asked you dumbfuck.

>> No.15535080
File: 292 KB, 650x330, duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people this dumb?

>> No.15535083

I concurr they could have writed that list better but it's like you have to be agenius to understand you are getting an extra Ampy at every rank or they could just stop at 3600 don't you think?

>> No.15535086

Or like these guys that continue asking "who should i vote"?
Like if there some secret and you need to vote the correct character or you will not win anything.
Yes, yes they are.

>> No.15535091

The tiers aren't cumulative though, they're totals for hitting that threshold. Randomly having one cumulative row in that list if that is even what is happening is fucking retarded, hence people asking questions.

>> No.15535092

Here's the more or less official answer: nobody knows. I'm not pulling your leg, that's what it says on the Discord notice.

But going for 4000 was hardly worth it on DMM, where they gave you a total of 33 ampules, so I can't see anyone doing it for the rewards anyway.

>you're getting an extra ampy each round
That's not what is written there.

>> No.15535104

Sadly not, there was no way anon..

Like i've said, they chould have written that list better, still they are the same guys that still have to fix all these broken skill descriptions and started using the "third person" during the H-scenes, you actually HAVE to try understanding what they mean.
Also, yes, i was kinda a jerk in my first first post here >>15535012
This event is just a retards parade with all these questions i've seen in the chat and elsewhere... that was surely a normal question though.

>> No.15535114

I've just sent a ticket through Nutaku support, will post the answer as soon as I get one.

>> No.15535169
File: 248 KB, 961x639, Do it for her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing your homework brothers?

>> No.15535180

Sorry, these lv. 100 dragons ain't gonna catch themselves.

>> No.15535220

>Regarding the typos in the banner for the 2k~4k event rewards: the devs are aware. But they have more urgent things to work on (future content) right now. Do not tag or PM the devs about it. No, the members of the chatroom (including mods) don't know what the correct text should be so don't ask us either

>> No.15535252

With buffs to rogues, bandits, avengers, maids, monks, samurai, ninjas, sailors, rune fencers, archers, chrono witches, priest armors, melee tacticians, tokens, and various skill awakenings.

>> No.15535313

Where the hell did they put this?

>> No.15535336


>> No.15535337

Saw it on unofficial status update channel on their discord myself.

>> No.15535350

>Towa Ability: changed to 'ヘイスト' (haste); just by being a team member, all units' wait period after an attack decreased; effect added to AW Ability '時空干渉'.
Holy shit thats OP. I guess its not as strong as her skill, but with both active my witches will become killing machines

>> No.15535543
File: 266 KB, 960x639, vote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my best !

>> No.15535586

Now that's what I wanted to see. I hope the sum of all her votes doesn't equal the three guys voting for her here. Keep on brother!

>> No.15535618
File: 832 KB, 960x638, do it for her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it four.

>> No.15535645
File: 622 KB, 960x640, ViolettaPansyDay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me, scrubs. Do you even waifu?

>> No.15535651

Hell yeah. Could we even make her go top 10? Nice, I'm sure Sasayuki would be proud.

>> No.15535704

Top 10 seems doable, but top 3 is pretty unlikely.
I bet the winners are going to be Orchid, Baccara and Alpinia

>> No.15535729

I realize hoping for her to be top 3 is almost impossible, top 10 would already be a blast. About your probably winners... I wouldn't mind Baccara or Alpinia desu, orchid would be a shame with her already having the outfit.

>> No.15535771

As long as Orchid doesn't get 1st again, at least she should still get something new if she ends up 2nd/3rd

>> No.15535777

How useful is Morutena? (Black in DMM)

>> No.15535803

On DMM who would be good to awaken 2nd, Iris or Chydis?

>> No.15535806

Doubtful. They would just reuse assets and be done with it. Hell, I would see more probable a gimped gold version of her with the bridal DMM art.

>> No.15535846

Okay, added this morning, no wonder I didn't see it.

>the devs are aware
>Do not tag or PM the devs about it.
Gee, I wonder why people keep asking them. Maybe that's because simple "it'll stay as it is, we forgot to remove some rows" or "it's a bug, we'll fix it 'soon'" in "news" section would solve the problem. They should at least know that much.

>> No.15535857

It sounds a bit like "fuck you guys you're annoying" they should learn how to communicate better

>> No.15535882

>in "news" section

Silly anon. Nutaku FKG devs don't use the News section. They only use Discord and tickers. The News section makes too much sense.

>> No.15535902

Seconding this question, because I need to make the same decision.

>> No.15535915

Anyone playing the new semi 3D game?

>> No.15535995
File: 1.49 MB, 1004x1369, 46857991_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always vote Healbomb. It's useful in tough situations and a godsend in desert maps.

I don't think you guys want to waste your awaken mats on a +10 MR.

>> No.15536030

Well the +10 MR sucks, sure, but even pre-AW, Chydis has a 122 attack lead on Iris. And it only gets worse after AW.

But yeah, healbomb is helpful.

>> No.15536068

Chydis is strong enough as she is at CC70. They're not really losing much if they awaken Iris instead.

>> No.15536208

Any tips for a newfag on DMM aigis on the current event's ninja map? I 2 starred this week's ultimate maps but I can't even 1 star that piece of shit from last week. Just need that last star to max out too...

>> No.15536237

You wont clear all the maps until you have a good team, specially in star trials where the higher the cost, the more harder they get. If you want, buy some buff and try your luck there.

>> No.15536243

Better than not getting her new sprite, even if it's not new

>> No.15536272

Nutaku FKG team answered my ticket regarding confusing Event Reward tiers:

>Hello <username>,

>A revised event banner will be uploaded on Friday, the 15th of July.

>We apologize for the inconvenience.
>The Flower Knight Girl Team

>> No.15536288

To be fair, the ninja map is harder than the last several star trials. I've been playing about four months and I was able to get min-cost/max skill on Kokoro and not-Sinon by clearing all of the maps, even if it was 1-2* for the god maps.

This ninja map is a load of bullshit, though, and like the other anon, I can't even clear it.

>> No.15536382

I cleared it with the help of 3 HA, other than that all was normal to me.

>> No.15536452

In shooting girl's event, where can I see how many medals I have?

>> No.15536574

just rolled Vincent... is he a bro or a faggot?

>> No.15536576

A bro and a father.

>> No.15536585
File: 355 KB, 1200x1699, 053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best dad

>> No.15536685

They could just be indecisive and want someone passionate about their favorite flower knights to sway them. Although I haven't seen anyone asking, so I don't know the context.

In case anyone here's wondering, though, >>15535169
has the right idea.

>> No.15536873

I wanted to vote for Cymbidium, my votes now goes to Cyani or Sweetpea.
FKG lack of Meganes hurts me.

>> No.15536923

Wait, why isn't Cymbidium eligible? I didn't even realize she wasn't on the list until now.

Actually, there are a lot of knights that aren't on the list. ...Why though? What's the criteria?

>> No.15536932

Dunno, i don't even remember if she was eligible during the first DMM event though.

>> No.15536943
File: 253 KB, 640x800, c9697bea1e3a3058a6d2c5a9e83b7a52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have her scenes? sadpanda gallery is lacking
anyone play this game?

>> No.15536944

Phalanx! >:)

>> No.15536994


> there's still people that believes they are getting the winner for free after all.

You don't want to know how many people came to chat with that belief. They are outnumbered by people who can't find the voting booth.

> They should at least know that much.

Agreed on 'should'. But they don't.


We get bride Oncidium no matter what happens in our poll.


For some unexplained reason, our poll only includes the girls available at launch. None of the girls added with events.

>> No.15537031

Bonus stages more like how the hell did all five of you miss that fucking chest

>> No.15537072
File: 270 KB, 961x642, a9ac79e50eb41638eacf6b8bed1ae934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just rolled her. I already have awakened Cloris, Belinda and Kokoro so is she worth my while to level? She's quite cute though(not as cute as Kokoro still) but she won't be minimum costed is what really bothers me.

>> No.15537095
File: 31 KB, 221x269, Praise be Gellius christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up getting 24 stars, Berna does eat mummies like a champ, what a woman. And Gellius endured heroically with his hp going so low I couldn't almost see yellow, sasuga our savior.

>> No.15537098

She will be untargetable for the rest of the battle after the skill activation.

>> No.15537151

What the fuck is between her legs

>> No.15537155


>> No.15537156

Puffy vulva

>> No.15537170


>> No.15537213

Chocolate Cosmos's second H-CG is a little weird on Nutaku. It's missing the blush and sweat from the DMM version, looking more like the first CG.

>> No.15537255

>blushing and sweating
Oh my god, she must be ill and the danchou is taking advantage of her! Can't show that with our nutaku-brand censorship policies!

>> No.15537265

In fact, comparing the two, it really looks like the Nutaku's version is some unfinished version. The lighting is different and her hair is a little off too.

>> No.15537287

The artist probably applied those effects along with pixelation so when he was providing the devs an uncen version he didn't bother redoing the finishing touches

>> No.15537290

Just let them know on Discord and they'll look into it. I think I remember something similar being brought to their attention not long ago and they said they'd take it to the JP team to find out what happened. Not sure what ever came of that one, though.

>> No.15537332
File: 225 KB, 960x640, hina cr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled two Hinas and combined them, and like that guy in the last thread I have 300 DC and was wondering if I should even bother with buying Saki

I have Spica and no gacha blacks :(

>> No.15537413

You'll want her one day, even if you have Hina, Saki has assasinate skill and AW attack speed up. This can really come in handy for certain maps.
Hina is great to use over Saki most of the time though.

>> No.15537519

fuck it I bought her
don't have anybody else to use these 15 black fairies on

>> No.15537563

Should have waited for Nagi, since the last rebalance, right now she is the best ninja

>> No.15537582

Wait? How long?

>> No.15537592

Nagi should be the next recollection event, we had Imeria a while ago, so she will be coming relatively soon after those long breaks.

>> No.15537599


absolutely disgusting

>> No.15537610

I say she is worth every bit of it, the ammount of damage she can deal with that attack speed is OP, plus she have higher att than Saki, making her shurikens land more often on high def enemies, you'll be amazed how she melts those black armors.

>> No.15537622

Nagi may be better for dealing damage, but Saki is amazing for assasination, they're different niches really.

>> No.15537657

Saki's assasination was reduced by a lot, making it proc way less, I think it was around the same patch that introduced the Sword Master awakening. I remember using her in Vepal maps and she couldn't kill the big fishes the same as she did in the pirate event, she became more of a dead weight than a good unit.
I'm hoping that with the 2nd awakening she gets something really good.

>> No.15537665

If you ask me, I would choose reliable damage vs RNG shanenigans any day, if I wanted RNG I would choose Cypria who have better a way better IK moddifier.

>> No.15537671

You forgot Liana?
And we don't know how long its take for Nutaku to start to do something. We only have one event in next month, or it's just bullshit they said to damage control :^)

>> No.15537685

They don't care about damage control in ULMF, if they said that means they are actually doing it for real.
Still i expect at least 2 months before Nutaku devs start getting the control over it.

>> No.15537687

Silly anon, we won't be getting Liana, it will cause more problems that good, imagine the ones who got her from gacha vs the ones who got her easily from event.

>> No.15537702

They could just give a free Iris to every player who got liana in the gacha. It wouldn't be that hard.

>> No.15537729

So would I, it doesn't stop assasinations being her niche even if it is shit now.

That sucks, I haven't used her myself for a long while, she was certainly great for assasinations when I did use her though.

>> No.15537736

Way back then, when NutakuDev was a more active guy in the forums, he mentioned that Liana's event would be omited because that issue. Times changed, so maybe they would give a free Iris, but then everyone who didn't get Liana would rage, you know the best course of action would be to leave that thing alone and forget about it.

>> No.15537747

Speaking of Ninjas, with the recent buff to them on DMM I'm thinking about finally leveling one up but both event Ninjas seem pretty shit overall but my only other option would be the gacha gold female one. Is the gold my best choice or do the event units pull ahead in AW+?

>> No.15537771

>both event Ninjas seem pretty shit
You didn't bother to read what the other guys said aboud Nagi right? besides she was before the patch among the best DPS units, and now she will ramp up a little.

>> No.15537774

As Nutaku's fan, i'm fine as long as Nutaku still hosting English Aigis, i don't care about event or unit, i'm happy if they're happy
The gold is pretty good, she has better normal skill than Hina, very good support.

>> No.15537780

Best solution would be to put Iris in the trading post before Lianas event comes up and make it a simple trade, Liana for Iris. Explain its because she wasn't supposed to be in the gacha due to being an event unit and hope people understand/defend them and that Liana will be the next event.

Those who had Liana leveled then have to make a choice, but its better than nothing happening.

>> No.15537793

Nagi is an event unit bro.
Hina procs true damage and has way more damage output naturally than the gold one, it's like comparing Gina to Uru.

>> No.15537806

I was moreso talking about the two plat event units I guess, and considering Nagi isn't a drop event who knows when the revival for her will happen.

>> No.15537811

>Liana for Iris
That doesn't make sense, it's like choosing to give one eye for another ear or something like that, that choice is stupid.

>> No.15537827

I'm talking about the skill
And more important, the gold has range boost which is great

>> No.15537834

There are only two event ninjas: Azami (Plat one) and Nagi (Black one).

>> No.15537860

The gold one looks hag tier ugly, I preffer not using a ninja at all than that horrid girl.

>> No.15537885

more powerful than ever with the token buff, sure to deal excellent damage

>> No.15537934

And thats why it would keep people who don't have Liana happy, those with Liana are having to sacrifice what they have and have likely leveled in order to get what they should of had in the first place.

The choice is stupid but it shuts people up and makes nutaku look better in comparison, the choice is in the hands of those who have Liana.

Companys shouldn't be too nice, they need to keep people wanting more. This way would already be a huge concession, just giving Iris to those that have Liana would be insulting to those who have pulled other blacks.

>> No.15537968

Are you saying Liana is better to have than Iris?

Because fucking lol.

>> No.15537981

Still doesn't make sense what you say, that exchange is irreasoneable to say the least.

>> No.15538002

Nope, I'm saying that your time and probably money will go to waste to get another unit which it was their fault we didn't get at all, at that point it isn't even an investment or an equal exchange.

>> No.15538056

Its really not a bad deal, If they increased the gold cost from 100k to 1000k I'd still trade my 50CC50 Liana for level 1 Iris

>> No.15538067

All this talk and delusion for an unit we won't be getting at all.

>> No.15538072

Can't you let us pretend for a bit?

>> No.15538077

Good thing I didn't bother to CC Liana at all in the event this would happen.

>> No.15538085

She's worth 2 witches after awakening.

>> No.15538096

To be honest, it's true that Liana's collection event is near, so near that I don't think that Nutaku will have the hang of the game yet, so they will exchange for another event type (Nagi one for example) or completly forget about that and keep going, no B.Iris and no Liana event.

>> No.15538126
File: 510 KB, 626x885, 1457974461347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they will be so awesome and gotten use to it that they change the event to have B.Iris in it instead of Liana and we will all get a min cos B.Iris.

This will never happen but would be hilarious if it did.

>> No.15538148

Reduce Lianas cost by 2, add 2 cost to Iris and maybe 5 skill levels.
Fairly simple really, but would ruin a cash cow that is a much wanted black.

>> No.15538156

you have some problems bro...

>> No.15538169

That and story on the event.

Was just for fun, i'm under no illusion that that is possible, just would by funny.

>> No.15538267

Or Nutaku unique event and another silly girl as event black unit :^)

>> No.15538394

Remember, a futa dark elf.

>> No.15538956

Futa dark elf who looks like goblin, with huge lips and nose.

>> No.15538970
File: 772 KB, 856x465, no ranged units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These early game missions revivals are fun.

>> No.15538995
File: 1.23 MB, 962x639, Gacha 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as she's a mature dark elf with huge boobs, I'll accept a futa.
On another note, did the 11 roll for the gold ticket. Results are exactly as expected.

>> No.15539033
File: 225 KB, 960x1050, 7ELQRSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some fun with that one, too, but my account is newer and my units are less fancy.

Definitely fun cheesing it compared to how I had to do it on Nutaku, though.

>> No.15539145

God that nanaly figure looks awful. Should have coupled it with nanaly herself.

>> No.15539691

>tiger hermit is dead
He was a total dick to fight in both of his phases, but now I'm sad that he's gone.

Prince, what have you done?

>> No.15539739

I wonder if the new valk having the Guandao is a nod to the chinese Guan Yu statue or just coincidence.

>> No.15539818

> all these new china maps
So I guess china story arc soon?

>> No.15539994
File: 940 KB, 959x639, MidResults.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First midpoint results are up for FKG.

>> No.15539995

First half results are out for the popularity contest, heralding mixed blessings for Nutaku: Oncidium is at #2, so they can probably reuse the bride art with new stats as a gold, but Black Baccara is topping the poll and I can't imagine Okumoto Yuuta to be easy to commission. He's an amazing artist, though, so props to Nutaku if they actually pull this off.

Also of note: Sweetpea has over five times the votes as a certain insignificant creature.

>> No.15540055

> "We will not let assets go to waste" - the alt versions of DMM's winners in DMM's version of this event will show up at some future time. Don't ask when.

Looks like we'll be getting less brides total.

>> No.15540069

>rainbows and golds at the top

Not that I expected otherwise, but fuck Nutaku's playerbase as usual.

>> No.15540072

Only plebs are allowed to vote or something?

>> No.15540089

So who should I be voting for?

>> No.15540105

Toad Lily or Convallaria for now.

>> No.15540118

I kind of predicted this shit to happen, but what can you do.
I bet if you asked players why they voted the way they did, they'd say "I wanted a free rainbow."

>> No.15540126

DMM FKG back up

>> No.15540137

Looks like more second tier affection scenes have been added to DMM FKG.
Green Foxtail, for one.
Also, a new mission chain, it seems. Cleared several stages of it at once.

>> No.15540170

Sigh, why Orchid goddamnit. I can accept the results but getting one less character is stupid. I wonder if I should start dumping my votes on Alpinia and Sakura/Toad lily.

>> No.15540173

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. I wonder what kind of gacha machine will the winners be added to. Does anyone know if it was the usual "spotlight" machine on DMM?

>> No.15540181

I'm going to dump mine into Toad Lily, so if you would as well, that'd be great.

>> No.15540206

This fucking community jesus christ.

>> No.15540222

From Discord:
Also, we will enter a short maintenance at 11:30 UTC to release Mission 13, a new Gacha Machine as well as deploy a couple of fixes. Please make sure you are not in a Stage at 11:30 UTC...

>> No.15540229

At this point i don't see why i should care about voting anymore.
>Only 6* and 5* on the top 5
Not even surprised with all these retards believing they can get them for free.

>> No.15540248

At least we should try not getting Orchid on the top 3. Even if that means voting Alpinia or Sakura.

>> No.15540251

Thanks facebook and twitter.

>> No.15540252

Please vote for Toad Lily so we can at least attempt to undo the Orchid bullshit.

>> No.15540288

I'm surely doing that, i've burned all my tickets for Cyani without regrets.
There's no way she can get up there though.

>> No.15540359
File: 884 KB, 960x640, Let&#039;sDoIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can salvage this.

>> No.15540391

I dropped Nutaku but this makes want to me come back to vote for my Toad Lily

>> No.15540394

She'll get my votes. At least 2000 of them.

>> No.15540396

You should definitely do it. She has a solid chance. And if she does get it, it'll probably make its way to DMM eventually.

>> No.15540430

I dropped because my account have a bug that all my slots in team 1 are unusable

>> No.15540446

Did you fill out a ticket?

>> No.15540532


Here is a rank comparison between DMM and Nutaku, omitting girls that are excluded from Nutaku's poll (every girl up to and including the Lechenaultia event was available for voting on DMM, which is why Camellia could get a top spot in the contest). Red Tulip (52 -> 18), Salvia (59 -> 31), Magnolia (44 -> 15) and Kurenai (54 -> 26) had considerable increases in rank for the EN side, while Cyclamen (14 -> 41), Spiraea (28 -> 60), Nymphaea (26 -> 53) and Phalaenopsis (22 -> 49) were especially unfortunate.

In addition, DMM had around 8,85mil votes by day 3 during its run of the Lechenaultia event, while Nutaku has 1.45mil votes. Not bad at all, let's hope that Nutaku can keep this up. New art by Okumoto Yuuta could go a long way in ensuring future success, I've wanted to see another girl in FKG by him for a long time.

>> No.15540534

I'm splitting my Sakura and Toad Lily votes. Might as well get somewhere with those two.

>> No.15540564

I'm going with 3:1 with the one being Alpinia. No reason to boost Toad or Sakura to have Orchid remain 3rd. Got to boost both Alpinia and either Sakura or Toad.

Do the results get refreshed before the final count?

>> No.15540585

Nutaku really should put a disclaimer on their Facebook/Twitter/Discord that the winners wouldn't be given out for free and just be relegated to Gacha.

Because the results painfully reek of "I want this unit for free".

Going to go Convallaria to hopefully raise her to 3rd.

Looks like DMM had good Nymphaea tastes.

>> No.15540654
File: 776 KB, 960x641, ed5542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her artist improved a lot, her new art looks nothing like the old ones.

>> No.15540661

Looks like a totally different character, not sure I like it.

>> No.15540669

You can always keep one of older skins.
I like that they give you something different as an option, since I dislike many non-evo/evo skins.

>> No.15540716
File: 1.28 MB, 960x640, Eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underwhelmed by Green Foxtail's new art.

>> No.15540724

>look at the new FKG h scenes on sadpanda
>vanilla everywhere
Just why

>> No.15540732

How many non-vanilla scenes even exist in FKG? It's pretty sad, really.

>> No.15540771

I've been voting for Alpina since Moneti's art is literally the only reason I'm playing.

Yes, I'm aware I'm not going to actually ever get her. But if I'm not going to get her, I might as well not get a bride version of her.

>> No.15540813

Remind me the first poll in DMM when the poor guy spent all his vote or her, yet she landed nowhere near the top 5.

>> No.15540821

Well, she might as well get a 5* version since she's 3rd. Better chances to get her than a rainbow that's for sure.

>> No.15540836

What, are the bride units not going to be exact copies of the original?

>> No.15540841

Completely different, even the rarity.

>> No.15540842

1st place is rainbow, 2nd and 3rd are golds.

>> No.15540851

Oh, I didn't know that.

What about sex scenes, are those going to be shared, or do they get a separate bride version?

>> No.15540857

Separate, with bride costumes.

>> No.15540862

Neat. Thanks for the info.

>> No.15540894

shes is so cute, and my first 2nd AW,I am glad I got 3 of her

>> No.15540916

I think she's cute too. I personally find her first picture to be the best drawn though.

>> No.15540920

Yeah, I like her third sprite, but her irst is still the best, I wanted them to change the mini sprites too

>> No.15540986
File: 274 KB, 497x387, fkg gambling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys see how new event at DMM FKG works? With betting and stuff.

>> No.15540996
File: 500 KB, 848x515, nazuna the bookmaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are even these little descriptions for every racer.

>> No.15541003

What is this?

>> No.15541010

Did you read story text of first part?
Various flower knights during their vacation are participating in boat racing. And you now can place bets on them. Every day at 12:00 JPT winning girl is decided and you get rewards according your bets.

>> No.15541032
File: 2.03 MB, 380x700, NZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

727 is quite fat.

>> No.15541036

St. Paulia's was pretty forceful, IIRC.

So was Lavender's, but she wanted it rough, so...

>> No.15541042

She's just healthy. Deliciously healthy.

>> No.15541066

When will she get a scene?

>> No.15541085

When she becomes playable character as 727 days login bonus rainbow.

>> No.15541184

I can't remember exactly but seems like they fixed some, not all, of the skill translations?

>> No.15541210

I really dislike that design, she doesn't even show that royal aura of hers. Looks like your average moe character.

>> No.15541252

I totally expected a downgrade in the art, she was one of the few who I really liked her evolved art, makes sense that the second one is bad.

>> No.15541366

At what level blossomed char regains max level evolution stats? My blossom Edelweiss is at 50 already, and she's still much weaker than 70 evo.

>> No.15541369

>Because the results painfully reek of "I want this unit for free"

My thoughts exactly. This is embarrassing.

And Rose Diana is a 29... I can't believe Violetta Pansy dude is beating us

Guess I'll just go all in on Toad Lily then. She's the only one near the top I care about except Orchid, but like everyone else I don't wanna get gypped a bride.

>> No.15541434

Around 65-70, with the extra perk coming from the last 10 level. You would need to max the 2nd affection for the massive bonus.

>> No.15541441

Voting for a top 5 girl because your favorite is far behing is stupid. There is still 10 days left, the results can change a lot.
Personally I'll keep voting for my favorite, I don't care if she doesn't win.

>> No.15541449

2/10 bait

>> No.15541456

Huh ?

>> No.15541468

>There is still 10 days left, the results can change a lot.
DMM rankings changed very minimally from day 3 onward, the biggest difference being Camellia taking the third place from Flowering Peach.

I don't think anything outside the current top 5 has a chance of getting into top 3.

>> No.15541486

Lower rarity girls can gain some nice bonus if they managed to get into top 10, but not sure if Nutaku would do the same.

>> No.15541505

You might be right... The gap between 3rd and 4th place is huge.

>> No.15541508

Hey, if I thought she had any kind of chance, I would continue voting Rose Diana. But the numbers don't like. 7K compared to 156K? It's just not gonna happen, buddy. Might as well try to make a difference.

>> No.15541525

*lie dammit, the numbers don't lie

>> No.15541552

>Camilla taking the third place from Flowering Peach

Shit taste, Japan.

Oh well, at least we got June bride in exchange.

>> No.15541715

But Camellia is a good girl. Rolled her quite early, I like her a lot.

>> No.15542047


Them fuckers just jealous, bro. Keep voting for your waifu.

Based on the votes I can deduce that there are two glorious and magnificent bastards who are voting Heliconia, myself being one of them.

We are a select and tight knit brotherhood. The elite of the elites. Our camaraderie and shared vision of the one true waifu will carry us to the end.

>> No.15542086

It's alright brother. I'm proud of those 8k votes. Now it's time to try to not make ourselves look like fools by not re-electing Orchid again, as cute as she also might be.

>> No.15542185

>not re-electing Orchid again, as cute as she also might be
She's very cute in her own, retarded way. It doesn't mean she should be in top 3, obviously - that's why my votes will go to Toad Lily.

>> No.15542205

Almost 1500 votes, was aiming for 2k but I might reach the max reward at this rate. Seemed a bigger ordeal at first.

>> No.15542247
File: 358 KB, 499x471, shootinggirlspromo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try this? GoBoiano is giving out Shooting Girls codes on their FB page. Is it a ticket code or a specific girl?

>> No.15542387
File: 217 KB, 961x639, Delicious armpits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I love this stage. I might not have gotten Pallis yet but seeing Harissa's armpits always fills me with an abstract kind of joy, and the tin cans are pretty nice too.

How fares the silver hunt gentlemen? Got those 24 stars yet?

>> No.15542418

fuck that map
Trying to get Pallis for days and I haven't gotten any drop besides Wilfred

>> No.15542427

Got 1 Pallis on my way through the event. Farming for Christopher and Rosalie, but no luck yet.

>> No.15542473

>I can't believe Violetta Pansy dude is beating us

Come at me bro.

>> No.15542595

23*, I can definitely get 24 but I keep accidentally getting a unit killed on Slay the King of the Dead. Should probably get back to farming for Daniella sooner or later though. Managed to farm 2 so I could finally CC Nanaly earlier, now I need 4 more to AW her. And probably like 15 more for various other AWs later on.

>> No.15542739

How good is Memento? If I were to use 7 SC, would she be worth it?

>> No.15542749

Necromancers are useful, but Memento herself is pretty bad for a Necromancer, especially since Metus is an event unit. Definitely not worth 7 SC, since she's only important for her Skellingtons to stall bosses with. So her own cost and Skill Level aren't important.

>> No.15542751

The main purpose of Necros is pretty much to spam their tokens to delay really powerful monsters like the Magic City Golems. Their attacks are pretty slow, so DPS isn't really their forte (Metus being the exception).

Mincost won't be incredibly important, so just get what you can and save those SC.

>> No.15542769

>Slay the King of the Dead
Wait, so the current EN Aigis event is about killing the dad of the event girl, and the current JP Aigis is also about killing the dad of the event girl.

Who's next on the chopping block? Hell ant queen dying in front of her princess daughter? Goblin funeral march map where the war boar carries the goblin queen's coffin? Chronodemon's son coming from the future to avenge his father?

>> No.15542786

Got 21 stars so I started trying to farm silvers, 2 christophers so far

>> No.15543042

Who is the artist in charge of drawing Nazuna?

>> No.15543084

What the hell is doing Twiska from brandish in PeroPero? Is that a collab or something?

>> No.15543109

Extra Trivia: Ziska in the JP version was a card only available by purchasing the Brandish Vol. 6 manga for a code. It also came with a small tie bag for a smartphone.

Imagine not using best girl Maya.

>> No.15543114


Sabanegi. Other illustrators are listed here, though the list is incomplete: http://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/index.php?%E3%82%A4%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC

>> No.15543161

Everything needs more Maya.

>> No.15543169

There's parodies from tons of stuff in PPS, it's not really that surprising.

>> No.15543245

Still forever disappointed with how under-utilized she was at the rushed ending.

>> No.15543303

Someone has a free slot? I need some helper on Nutaku FKG. I dropped long ago but come back to vote
ID : 221826276

>> No.15543531

But she is the original one not a parody.

>> No.15543537

Thanks kind anon.

>> No.15543719
File: 296 KB, 320x400, 99595ff152e1143d348db5837e186c50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he just meant a crossover character. Peropero has a lot of girls from VNs and a few from other dmm games(mostly hitsuji from what I've seen). There being a a character from a popular h manga isn't that surprising.

>> No.15543759

They fixed "St. Paulina" on the normal gacha banner, which was bothering me for ages.

On the flip side, they broke character story translations.

>> No.15543849

She deserved a better game, and a VA. So did Eva.

>> No.15544195

Looks like koikake art.
She's really cute, but too different. I guess I'll keep one normal and pretend the other one's a new character.

>> No.15544520
File: 429 KB, 851x511, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your betting going?

>> No.15544523

I went all in on Edelweiss and that little shit failed me.

>> No.15544537

I didn't know this exist

>> No.15544738

I placed bets on all of them, honestly. That way I'd get rewarded no matter what.

>> No.15545091

Has anyone here got a Legend from their pre-registration draw for Demon's Kitchen/Gochimusu? I'm still stuck with 2 SRs for nearly 2 months now.

>> No.15545093

>these fucking boat names
Eagerly awaiting Potoooooooonibasu

>> No.15545188


Thanks for the response

>> No.15545259

>Metus being the exception
You gorgot that Agnes was a very good magic burster and now with their skill awaken (around 1k* 3 hit she is a golem killer too) She is a gacha unit tho.

>> No.15545430

>whale shows a guide with multiple blacks and 2 AW Princess and Healers
>pointing out that not everyone got such a thing
>you get tagged as arrogant and somehow you criticized him doing that

Why the Aigis community is so shitty?

>> No.15545452


>> No.15545539

If the guy has simply made a video of how he beat things in the hope it gives others a idea of how to beat it, then it is arrogant to point out that not everyones got such units. You'd also be criticizing him for not using units most people have.

If he's tried to make a proper guide explaining what things need to happen then its best to just look elsewhere as he doesn't understand guides or constructive criticism.
The community is shitty and closeminded but there are also decent people who can give actual help.

The differences between the two are very important.

>> No.15545542

Not 1k, more like around 1.5k, when she is paired with Odette's skill awaken its like she does true damage.

>> No.15545727
File: 187 KB, 1280x800, 13708399_1622725121375349_2636884848597227397_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Slay the King" in the current N-Aigis event, he linked this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTKTXw_X4UY
He commented saying tha he rolled the map with the team showed in the screenshot, tht he got all the drop and these last 6 units were used just to slow down the King.
Honestly i don't think he showed his team as help for anyone but if i'm in fault here i can accept it.

>> No.15546297

Will Prince ever fuck the goddess?

>> No.15546299

His video is kinda close, that vampire lord was replaced by 6 units for stalling, he also replaced weaker healers with slightly stronger ones, the dwarf with Bernice and most importantly Olivie and Anya for a weaker version of both.

I'd bet an AW Claudia and AW Imelia could take their places if you used their high leveled skills at the right time unlike the video which didn't need skills used at all.
It really doesn't look like it'd be hard to replicate that video in terms of strength(excluding duelists which are weaker in the guys picture), the biggest problem is the exact timing needed.

>> No.15546314
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1412, 5 SC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Goddess fucks with many princes alright. Only tears and shame left.

>> No.15546410

>AW Claudia and AW Imelia
I have them both maxed and nope it doesn't work, Claudia attacks too slow to give the final hit before she dies, and Imelia when he skill is over you need to remove her instantly because she is fucked up after the next hit. Can you please link to the video you are reffering to? because only linking to the SennenWar one isn't really useful at all.

>> No.15546480

Not him but why don't you try this one? I swapped chydis which unfortunately I don't have with my lvl 46 AW Iris. Claudia being lvl 50. I'm sure you can swap Rikka if you don't have her with other units since there's plenty of room to bring more with this setup. I even used Fedora instead of Iris on the right so no burst healing. You will need to time your skills though.


>> No.15546501

What exactly is killing Claudia? A high level AW Bernice should be killing the Lich king according to the person who recommend the strat, though you'd still have room to replace her with another duelist, hopefully one with MR and decent health.
Both Imelia and Claudia should be killing the trash and a normal lich according to the video and shouldn't come close to dying, Bernice is the one who should be dying. If Imelias skill is getting her killed against the normal lich then don't use it, you should have plenty of time.

>> No.15546509

That's why I asked to link the video, I thought you where reffering to the hard map (the mummy and vampire one)

>> No.15546518

Those new BGM's in Aigis are pretty bad, sound like some 80s detective series or something like that.

>> No.15546534


This guy >>15545727 talked about the mission "Slay the king" and posted the video to it.
I then replied to it and you thought we were talking about the last mission "Undead swarm"?

>> No.15546544

Oh, you wish.

>> No.15546547

Yup, that sums it all.

>> No.15546558

Hey that's cheating, that is a cartoon!, I was thinking of magnum of things like that....And just now I ended in another map whose BGM sounded like the one in those bad pornos...that was funny indeed.

>> No.15546827

>And just now I ended in another map whose BGM sounded like the one in those bad pornos
Kinda fitting since Aigis also has a fair share of "bad pornos".

>> No.15547047

Yup, you know that the stages are only a way to the prince get his "reward"....something along the lines of "you did well, meet me at my room", all with those BGMs.

>> No.15547115

I think my Helena is broken. 9/10 SL, but -3 CR. She just refuses to go down further.

Which is kind of a shame since I use pirates instead of archers, so at mincost and after AW she'll usually be a better first deploy than a soldier.

>> No.15547579

1 guaranteed new (one you don't have yet) rainbow gacha campaign at DMM FKG.

>> No.15547773

I'm having this weird moment where I thought the DMM FKG event was about to be over on Monday because we've been doing boat races and all of the accessories are purchasable, but then I see that there are 8 days left in the event... right?

Did they roll out the whole event within the first week? What's the second week even going to be for?

>> No.15547805

> Did they roll out the whole event within the first week?
Your memory is acting up. First part was released on 7/11 maintenance. Second part was released on 7/15 maintenance. Since second maintenance came 3 days earlier than usual, they are giving more time for second part.

>> No.15548156

new thread
