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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1552548 No.1552548 [Reply] [Original]

Two days, gentlemen.

I hope you're not voting for the old man who got us where we are and the dumb neocon fascist slut who doesn't know heads from tails.

>> No.1552553

What if I say, "No"

>> No.1552556

i have fat thighs

but i'm a guy

>> No.1552562

I figure not going is better than the coin flip method, since I haven't been following this election at all.

>> No.1552564

She also doesn't believe in evolution. Neither does Ron Paul, but Ron Paul is hilarious so it's ok.

>> No.1552571


Vote for Obama. Just do it, he's our last hope at America no longer being a shithole.

>> No.1552573

And it begins.

>> No.1552575

Another funny thing about Ron Paul.

His entire campaign was mostly internet driven, yet he doesn't support net neutrality.

>> No.1552578


Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. "I suppost personal freedoms the government should never tell you what to NO FUCKING ABORTIONS EVER"

>> No.1552583

But that's murder HURR! Every sperm is sacred DURR!

>> No.1552589

Can't be perfect.
I can understand the libertarian point of view but the legalization of drugs is beyond what's acceptable to me.

>> No.1552593

Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A


>> No.1552608

Just think of all the nifty hemp products you could get if hemp farming wasn't illegal. Like rope and paper.

>> No.1552611

Obama has his own town in Japan. That's more than enough reason to vote for the chap.

>> No.1552613

Obama's democratic congress gonna take mah guns
Mccain dealing with a democratic congress gonna get my internet throttled

This shit sucks.

>> No.1552617

Sure, completely awesome, we should totally allow potheads to exist so long as we get cheap rope and paper.

>> No.1552620
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>> No.1552625

Making it illegal encourages people to do it, so you get more potheads.

>> No.1552626


You realize Ron Paul would collapse the entire government with his tax "plan", right?

America either falls into a Dark Age, or goes into a Civil War II.

>> No.1552630
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>> No.1552634

"John Omaha" is the next president-elect and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.1552642
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>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
>Do not post

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1552645

I wouldn't mind drugs not being banned.

We all saw how well prohibition worked.

>> No.1552650

Actually, his tax plan would reduce government income by 40 to 50%, that's about what it was in the end of the 1990s.
Not as radical as you'd imagine.

>> No.1552655

Not a matter of effect, more a matter of morals.
Pushing it to the limit, we could legalize rape.

>> No.1552657

Obama is the Junichiro Koizumi of America.

>> No.1552660

Rape is a commercial product? How much would a Len rape cost in today's economy, anyway?

>> No.1552661


Guess what happens when you're in the middle of a costly war and you lose 50% of your funds?
We weren't occupying Iraq in 1990.
Hello shitstorm breakdown.

>> No.1552671

This why does it say "VOTE TUESDAY" at the top? There are no elections in Japan. PM Aso called them off.
That would be more on-topic for /usa/. Time for you to commit seppuku

>> No.1552668


Hemp doesnt have any THC, so you can't get high off of it

I should know

>> No.1552666

/jp/ - american politics

If you guys dont shut up I'm voting McCain.

>> No.1552667


You have a very odd definition of morals.
Most people with that liberal view see it as being moral so long as it's not imposing on another's freedom. You know, like Rape is.

>> No.1552675

Just for the lulz, I'm going to actually post in the hopes of furthering the thread instead because I really want to see you RAGE.

>> No.1552684
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>> No.1552687

Eh, Obama is quite likely to be just another neoliberal democrat like Bill Clinton. The top tax bracket should be 70%, not 39.6%. Progressives don't understand the another "New Deal" would require a massive redistribution of wealth for their infrastructure projects, health care, free college etc., not this wussy shit. I guess I'll just have to hope that he's another dishonest politician paying lip service to the backwards "elite".

>> No.1552690

Ron Paul is a Christfag who wants abortion made illegal and 'intelligent design' taught in schools. Don't mention that to his internet fans, they prefer to ignore it.

It's a good thing Ron Paul's core internet support group is too young to vote.

>> No.1552700

30,000 yen? But good luck, there's a massive Ren shortage.

>> No.1552711
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>> No.1552720
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>> No.1552719

Hey, FDR first ran on "balancing the budget." There's still hope.

>> No.1552723
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>> No.1552727
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>> No.1552732
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>> No.1552736
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>> No.1552737
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>> No.1552738
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>> No.1552742
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>> No.1552749
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>> No.1552756

Fuck you, sagefag.

>> No.1552750
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>> No.1552754
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>> No.1552752

By the way, skiddie fag, the 4chanspammer script you use will stop uselessly after image limit is reached, making it completely worthless as an autosaging tool.

>> No.1552758
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>> No.1552759
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>> No.1552763
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>> No.1552764
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>> No.1552767
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>> No.1552768
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Enter 「sage」 in the Email field.

>> No.1552772
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>> No.1552774
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