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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1551974 No.1551974 [Reply] [Original]

why is eveyrone in anime white?

do japs want to be white that badly?

>> No.1551981
File: 31 KB, 836x453, 1225679261997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because white is right. Also, white always wins.

>> No.1551990

Apparently, Japanese hate their self image, and wish to be the white man.

>> No.1552000

This troll is as old as anime itself.

>> No.1552025
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What I wonder is why they consider other Asians beneath them.

I mean, I can understand why they hate China/CORIA, because they've basically been at war since Genghis Khan thought it was a good idea to attack a small island nation. But what do they got against India or the Philippines?

>> No.1552044

Because by hating on other groups they fight for 2nd place after Whites. Generally light skin > dark skin in terms of perception. In India for example most of the celebrities are light skinned and look Persian more than Indian.

>> No.1552065


it's what americans really believe

>> No.1552074

shouldnt goku be considered an alien?

>> No.1552076

I'm Asian, always considered them Asian

General Blue was a white guy for sure though

>> No.1552081

How else am I supposed to see anime characters? They have big eyes and different colored hair. They may say they're japanese and speak japanese, but they sure look fucking white most of the time.

>> No.1552087

Japanese is the "honorary Aryan race."

>> No.1552096


The Nazis gave them that to egg them on to distract America.

Their NAZIS. You know they were going to remove it and kill them dead if they won.

>> No.1552094
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>>1552081How else am I supposed to see anime characters?

as Gackts

>> No.1552102
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or the cast of Hana Kimi

Anime=/=Average Japanese

just like the average American doesn't look like a Jim Lee drawing

>> No.1552111


the Nazi's have treated Asia with more respect than any other European country.

What the Nazi's DID kill though were... jews, gypsies, slavs, that's right, OTHER WHITE PEOPLE

Those Aryans were at war with the Anglo Saxons

Nazi's actually despised the white race, hence the need to purify it.

>> No.1552122

They see the characters as Japanese. If Brazilians invented anime then they would see them as Brazilians. When kids in Asia draw stick figures they don't draw them with slanted eyes and buck teeth. Same with African kids, they wouldn't draw stick figures with black faces and huge red lips with AIDS written on their crotch. The idea that anime characters look White is a Eurocentric view that holds no water because perception is subjective.

>> No.1552129

old troll and repost and american produced movie = fail

>> No.1552131


Another unintelligible scarecrow against Nazis

>> No.1552147

fail troll, stick to /b/ okay faggot

>> No.1552150




>> No.1552157


As far as I can tell, the Japanese have neutral opinions on anyone other than the Chinese & Coreans, who they absolutely abhor. Also, they think black people are funny.

>> No.1552185

>Also, they think black people are funny
who doesn't?

>> No.1552189

they've written books about it

in the past they looked up to China
then China got hooked on British drugs

then Japan got blown open by Chandler's gunboat

then Japan develops a twisted inferiority/superiority complex based on race

in WW2 they bid to dominate Asia but are defeated by a white guy's bomb

post ww2 GI's are fucking jap girls left and right and generally emasculating the country

>> No.1552219


>Japanese is the "honorary Aryan race."

Yes, and Neo-Nazis are an "honorary Aryan race".

They'd still have been lined up against the wall like everybody else.

>> No.1552224


>> No.1552228

Japs are whiter than you americanos

>> No.1552238

You don't seem to understand Hitler all that well. He actually LIKED the Japanese, and while he was well known for using contracts as toilet paper, he gave the US the perfect excuse to fight against Germany by declaring war against them when he probably could have avoided it for at least a few months.

>> No.1552241
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>>then Japan got blown open by Chandler's gunboat
Okay, this just sounds hilarious.

>> No.1552253
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>What I loved the most in this Japanese animation was the whiteness, there is not a single black nor mixed in there

I can't wait until they meet Killer Bee.

>> No.1552271

WTF stormfront has to be full of trolls...

>> No.1552276


>> No.1552287

>>1552253I can't wait until they meet Killer Bee.

coolest Thai guy or coolest Thai guy in manga?

>> No.1552292

Durr he is negro.

>> No.1552303


lol NO

you want proof?

Killer Bee can't rap

All negros can rap

thus Killer Bee=/= Negro

on the other hand, Thai People cannot rap, but they try

thus Killer Bee= Thai guy

>> No.1552324


Kiraibi CAN rap.

>> No.1552327



>> No.1552333

Don't come in here making sense. This is /jp/, man!

>> No.1552362

Suck ma schlong boyo.

>> No.1552398


he tries

everyone hates it

>> No.1552411

japanese people find there eyes to be embarassing. Thats why most animes have big wide eyes because they find it beutiful. Hence most actors are white.

>> No.1552438

Who gives a fuck what others think?

>> No.1552455
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>>1551981 white always wins.
Is that so?

>> No.1552461
File: 24 KB, 600x420, 1225686191240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so?

>> No.1552476

does not compute

>> No.1552482


A++ Would read again.

>> No.1552493

Yeah because that's totally a legal move.

Look, we've been over this. Schneizel was butthurt because he lost, so he pulled a daredevil stunt to save face.

>> No.1552928


>> No.1553180

Breaking News: the japanese are white

>> No.1553213
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>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1553216
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Hey guys why don't cartoon characters look white? Do white people hate who they are?

>> No.1553219

we all want to be yellow.

>> No.1553223

How does he look white?

Japanese have lighter skin tones(at least ideal Japanese people do) just like white people.

>> No.1553257


>> No.1554342

Holy shit. That makes the image so much better.

>> No.1554375

>Nah, my son doesn't think he's some Jap ninja..the only reason he likes Naruto at all is because the main character is white and so are the others on the show.

>> No.1554377


how the hell did that king get there

>> No.1554382

>But what do they got against India or the Philippines?
East Asians are *extremely* racist and distrusting about people with darker skin. It just so happens that Indians and Pinoys fit in with that.

Whatever, /n/ thread faggotry.

>> No.1554389

I hate america because they are racist.

>> No.1554394
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>> No.1554402
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No wonder so many people want to go to Canada.

>> No.1554445

But Japanese are white.

>> No.1554451


>> No.1554617


Japanese like tans though

>> No.1554644

Soul Eater

>> No.1554686
File: 61 KB, 805x482, 1225727058216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have big eyes and different colored hair.
They have colored contacts and wigs, or dyed hair at least, just like all young and hip Japanese.

>> No.1554707
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I think they just dont care. It's a cartoon so you can do whatever

>> No.1554733

