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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15466144 No.15466144 [Reply] [Original]

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq
Old thread was archived.

Here we are again. How's everyone?

>> No.15466215 [DELETED] 
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Beat me to it. And I thought having the thread go under during shitposting hours would give me the best chance to get in first. Unless you are a fellow shitposter in which case congrats and thanks for carrying the flag on my behalf.

The artist I commissioned to draw my dolls is a disgusting lolicon pervert. Just like me. I feel this will be a fruitful relationship if somewhat expensive on my part.

>> No.15466301

Nah, not a shitposter, I just have nothing to do in the mornings on my way to work.

I remember that, how many pieces did you commission? Has he finished any?

>> No.15467137
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I'm waiting for a pair of shoes and an Obitsu dog to keep Hotaru company, but I just found out Canada Post might halt services at the beginning of July. Such frustration.

>> No.15467246

Post dolls with snapchat filters on.......... For research purposes.

>> No.15467544 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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A single bust piece and one of the four nudes I've asked for so far. But he also drew this for me overnight. He really liked Mei's underwear in the sample photo I sent and essentially demanded permission to draw her lewd so I gave it and this is what I got.

>> No.15467899

Lord almighty, this is the start of a beautiful friendship between you two, I'd say. He's a great artist. Has he drawn Kanojo yet? That would be interesting to see.

Also general question for all; would smart doll clothing fit a dollfie dream dynamite body? I don't think the jeans or the hot pants would unfortunately, but what about the other kinds of pants? T-shirts?

>> No.15467930 [DELETED] 
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jesus christ australia-kun youre fucking annoying and cringy as hell

>> No.15469189

Just paid someone in japan to preorder Rin for me at Dollpa hopefully I don't get screwed.

>> No.15469254 [DELETED] 

it's a lottery, not a preorder.

>> No.15469431

It really sucks I am considering asking if my head can be sent via FedEx.

I hope it all works out great!

>> No.15469931 [DELETED] 
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Don't fucken arc up dickhead like whats your problem?

>Has he drawn Kanojo yet?

Yes but it got deleted the last time I uploaded it here.

>> No.15470292

why is it when it I final have a real chance to get that SQ Lab head Canada Post goes on strike. I haven't bought Cookies shoes and looking for a blond wig for Tofu is just so bleh because I can't get it for who knows how long.

>> No.15470333

Poor fashion-kun. I feel so bad that your plans to get another unloved, badly dressed doll will be delayed a little bit.

>> No.15470436 [DELETED] 
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>Canada Post

haha you poor cunt rip in pieces

at least you should be able to save some money while you wait for Jamal and Abdul to get their pay rises or whatever the fuck your posties are bitching about. What exactly is the problem, anyway?

>> No.15470555 [DELETED] 

>What exactly is the problem, anyway?

can you please stop posting like an edgy teenager all the time? after over a year of the same shit you've become very annoying.

>> No.15470581

They get clothes, toys, new wigs and eyes. I take photos set up poses and pat there lil heads. I may be unskilled but my girls are definitely loved.

>> No.15470593 [DELETED] 
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>after over a year of the same shit you've become very annoying

Don't let the door hit you on the way out dudebro, I was here first.

>> No.15470643
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Can we just post dolls instead of fighting, please?

>> No.15470647

i feel like you buy new dolls way more often than you buy things to make your other dolls happy, though.

>> No.15470668 [DELETED] 
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The new dolls keep the old dolls entertained. If he gets enough they'll be able to form their own civilisation and worship him as God.

>> No.15470718 [DELETED] 

If Steven stops being abrasive I think he'll die.

>> No.15470719

I'm in love. I wish I were crafty enough to customize dolls like this.

>> No.15470761 [DELETED] 
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I'm not being abrasive. Just defending my good self against lord shitcunt up there.

I'm not the one giving fashion-kun a hard time, either. He doesn't deserve that.

>> No.15471353

This right here is what I have been working on. Creative hair placement for photos.

You feel like that because I don't post everything they get. Saddly nothing new will arrive by mail for a bit.

>> No.15471414
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Trying to put you in your place.
You complain about fashion-kun's sense of style when you can't even coordinate a decent outfit for your girls, let alone give your dolls names that aren't stupid as fuck.
That and you just ruin the atmosphere of the thread with your edgy, try hard attitude. It's really embarrassing.

>> No.15471545
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I agree Aussiebro is annoying as fuck, but there is absolutely no need to insult his sense of fashion. His dolls are among the best looking in these threads, and despite how fucking creepy he is, at least he can actually dress his dolls unlike the sinful Canadian.

>> No.15471653 [DELETED] 
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the fact that his dolls are one of the best looking in this thread is setting a really, really low bar.

>> No.15471703

Which one were his dolls again? The Misaki Mei one?

>> No.15472403 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1000x1500, CiLRJhAUkAAaQER.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You complain about fashion-kun's sense of style

But I'm the only one here who doesn't do that. I like fashion-kun and he doesn't deserve any of the tumblr-tier bullshit you cuntbags give him.

>That and you just ruin the atmosphere of the thread with your edgy, try hard attitude.

All you had to do was not be a cunt and you'd never have even known I was here. You made your bed, now lie in it. All you had to do was not be a cunt and you couldn't do that and now the thread is ruined for everyone and its all your fault. This is nobody's fault but yours. It's not mine. I'm only the problem you caused.

>> No.15472508

Now you are just makeing up shit. He has been like one of the few that don't shit on me relentlessly.

Maybe you should post your own girls. Show us your fashion Do you even have any?

One thing pattern I have noted for awhile now is this. People who own dolls tend to be more understanding of the cost and time it takes to get good at doll fashion and posing. Meanwhile people who post other people's dolls they find on blogs because they don't own a doll or are too self conscious about there own doll seem to be fucking cunts quick to judge.

Do I like every doll I see? No I don't be it sculpt or clothes there are dolls people post I don't like. But they are not mine they are other people's girls. So I try to point out stuff I like or I think is neat about there girls. I am trying because sometimes this place can be really helpful nice.

>> No.15472537

It's okay Aussie-kun, I appreciate your degenerate lolicon ass and your cute dolls. Mei is my favorite.

I'm new to these threads for the most part, but I don't really understand why fashion-kun receives so much hatred. Nor do I care honestly. If you want to pick fights with people over the way they talk or what they choose to do with their dolls then you're better off on /toy/.

>> No.15472579

I own two dollfie dreams and post them here often. You have spent far too much time and money on your dolls for them to look as shit as they do. All you have to do is pick up a fashion magazine or visit /cgl/'s casual threads (fuck you could even ask them for advise on dressing your dolls and I bet they'd be a great help), but you don't take any advice, even when it's offered to you on a pillow surrounded by kittens wrapped in a bow of constructive criticism.

The reason you are now so reviled is that you constantly ignore the kind advice we have given over many many months, and a number regular posters have just given up on you. What's the point in being helpful with you? You're never going listen to anything anyone says anyway.

>> No.15472581 [DELETED] 

>It's all your fault the thread is ruined
You're the one with the bad reputation. You did that yourself and calling me a cunt is funny when all you do is act like a chafed ass to people with simple questions.

Admittedly, that's a mistake on my part and was more a response out of frustration at the way he responded to you last time because he's honestly no better than you.
But why would I show my dolls to prove anything? I'd rather not have my doll be associated with this ordeal.
I'm only quick to judge his because his attitude is absolutely agonizing. If he didn't act like hot shit, I would just dismiss his girls and ignore them. These threads would honestly be a lot less fucking frustrating if you just toned the fuck down.

>Not picking fights
>On 4chan
Okay, senpai.

>> No.15472664
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>thinking that hiding behind the veil of anonymity means you're obligated to be an asshole when completely uncalled for
>inb4 "go back to tumblr, newfag"

Top fuckin kek go back to /cgl/ I promise you'll get more action there

On a less cancerous note, I'll be taking my girl to her first con in a few days. I'm nervous.

>> No.15472688 [DELETED] 

tell all of that to fucking aussie-kun. he's the only one thats consistently an asshole in this thread.

>> No.15472693

This threads "constructive criticism." is "that's ugly you suck" 99% of the time for along time. It's only recently I have begun to push back and be actively hostile. Why? Because I spent too much time and money making changes to my girls according to people's advice only to keep being shit on. Let's be honest here there is literally nothing I could ever dress my girls in that people here will like. I know this becuse my witch Cookie was over all liked and you people picked the shoes and that shoe advice still had to have insults added to it.

>> No.15472739

>Tell fashion kun you can't mix-match 2+ patterns in different shades of pink; need to stick to one pattern with solid color accessory pieces
>"Look guys I bought a belt in a different shade of pink, all better now!"

You don't fucking listen. I seriously wish you would just confess to having a mental handicap so we can accept it and stop being mean to you.

And the only reason people liked Cookie is because you bought a pre-coordinated outfit and put the whole thing on the doll, as opposed to that garish mixing and matching you do with your other dolls.

>> No.15472786 [DELETED] 

Belt was not ment to fix the "clashing patterns" it was ment to match the hoodie and add that colour to the torso.

Also this image is the volks outfit. I Replaced the striped shorts and Hat with a black skirt and custom made hat. I also added her black and red socks. Not the biggest changes but changes all the same.

>> No.15472838
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Belt was not ment to fix the "clashing patterns" it was ment to match the hoodie and add that colour to the torso. Also there was no comment on whether the belt was good or bad or if it helped with the hoodie. Just people saying I am retarded for trying to fix clashing patterns. After removing the offending socks no one cared and just wanted the hoodie gone.

Also this image is the volks outfit. I Replaced the striped shorts and Hat with a black skirt and custom made hat. I also added her black and red socks. Not the biggest changes but changes all the same.

>> No.15472900
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Also you two should post your dolls. Becuse I wana see them. And here is Cookie so you can see the changes when compared to the default volks outfit.

>> No.15473004

You took away the cute shorts and replaced them with a black skirt (OK) and maroon striped stockings (NOT OK). That necklace is far too big and I believe several other anons pointed out how bad it looks as well.

And here is where I give up on you every time I try to talk to you:

>Belt was not ment to fix the "clashing patterns" it was ment to match the hoodie and add that colour to the torso.

So you come here looking for comments on your dolls, and just completely fucking ignore the advice you're given, even when its friendly and in earnest. And everyone commented on the belt and how it didn't help the outfit look any less horrible. You just ignore what people write, read only what you want to read, and then complain when people are mean to you when you ask for comments on your dolls.

>> No.15473013

I don't see a attached image with your doll. You should post her.

>> No.15473190

>That and you just ruin the atmosphere of the thread with your edgy, try hard attitude. It's really embarrassing.
So true.

>> No.15473576

Do tell.

>> No.15473921
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I'm going to be going away for the weekend to a picturesque location with distant family. They probably know or at least suspect that I'm weird.

The question is, do I bring Miku, have a photoshoot and remove all doubt?

>> No.15473977

Introduce her as your girlfriend. Take a family photo with her included.

>> No.15474080

Well, I decided to check up on Sasara, as it's been a few days since I've had the chance to see her, and she has a little red stain on the inside of her right arm. And here I thought her dress wouldn't stain. I'm going to try rubbing alcohol, hopefully that works. Has anyone tried Volks' stain remover before?

>> No.15474093

There is something so unsettlingly charming about red eyed miku.

Oh no! That blows. Trust no clothes is my motto!

>> No.15474102

>Creative hair placement for photos.
Just take a little bit of time to go through some fashion magazine editorial spreads. The nice shit like Elle and Vogue. Its also good research material for creative lighting, color theory, interesting layout, and more lively posing.

I personally suggest having wig oil/spray on hand though cus as you can see the hair likes to fluff out when you try to separate it. Just put a little on your finger and make a gentle pinch/twist motion on the separated out strand. Voila, perfect anime curl.

>> No.15474113

I should also add that you don't have to actually sit there in the bookstore and read them since most of their older photosets have made their way online. I'd imagine the average /jp/er would be at least somewhat concerning if caught hovering around the Womens Interests rack at B&N.

>> No.15474256

I'm the one who told you the bodysuit looked bad, so sorry about that!

>I'm going to try rubbing alcohol, hopefully that works.
Try a magic eraser, too. Sometimes a stain will just be on the surface.

>Has anyone tried Volks' stain remover before?
Haven't used it myself, but I've heard it actually works quite well. Has a short lifetime once you open it, though.

Lots of people including myself use 10% benzoyl peroxide acne cream to treat stains. It can take more than a few treatments, but it works and might be readily available, depending on where you live. There's a guide to using it here.

If you do pick up some benzoyl peroxide cream, make sure it's oil-free. Don't know if there are any benzoyl peroxide creams with oils in the first place, but generally you want to keep oily things away from your doll, so always be careful anyway.

>> No.15474289

I agree with this anon. The socks are too dark to match and the necklace is way too large for her. Size aside, it also covers her bow tie.

>> No.15474486

Interesting! I also need a better lighting set up. Most of my stuff is for landscape photography it's only in the past year I have been doing stuff with my dolls and my outdoor photos look best by far. I think lighting is a major reason for this.

>> No.15474795
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>cleaner went to town on the thread


>> No.15474842 [DELETED] 

Enforced positivity is almost as annoying as pervasive negativity.


>> No.15474937

Yeah, I'm going back to that motto, too! Unless it's white of course.

Worst case scenario I can always replace that part of her arm I suppose, but hopefully it goes away with one or the other. I'd be very surprised if such a small stain were hard to remove.

>> No.15475037

No need to worry about it being permanent or anything. Even dark black stains can come out.

>> No.15475182

Don't use rubbing alcohol!!

Volks stain remover is just benzoyl peroxide. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Make sure it's 10% and contains no other active ingredients.

Alternatively, you can purchase RemoveZit. It's more concentrated BP cream made specifically for getting stains out of vinyl.

When you put the cream on, put the damaged part under a desk lamp to provide some heat. Check on the doll every few hours. The resin may bubble THAT IS NORMAL. It will go back to normal after removing the cream and letting it sit.

The heat will dry out the cream so you will need to wipe it off and re-apply every so often. The stain will go away with this method. Magic eraser and rubbing alcohol will not do shit.

>> No.15475193

don't listen to this guy. he seems to only half-know what he's talking about.

>> No.15475265

Yeah, don't listen to the guy who owns almost 20 resin and vinyl dolls. He doesn't know what he's talking about!

>> No.15475357

Well, my doll isn't resin, she's a dollfie dream. I'll try with the alcohol first anyway, since it's readily available to me, but if nothing comes of it then I'll go ahead and buy some BP.

>> No.15475392

Fashion-kun has a lot of dolls and he doesn't know what he's talking about either.

>> No.15475725

I'm not fashion-kun

I said vinyl AND resin ya dingus.

>> No.15475752

At least use isopropyl alcohol. I don't know why you want to use alcohol when the alternative is so easy to get.

>> No.15476069

>The resin may bubble

That's what I was referring to, my bad for not clarifying it.

Because I already have alcohol at my house. I'd rather test out what I already have than go out and buy something I don't need.

>> No.15476124
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Not previous anon, but I don't know if rubbing alcohol will do anything. It's a topical cleaner, isn't it? If it's anything like the stain I received from Mikuzukin, it's not just going to rub off. It's soaked into the vinyl.

I used the volks cleaner on Miku here. Left is the biggest, baddest stain of the bunch the day I found it. Right is some time after maybe 5 rounds of the volks cleaner. The rest of the stains came out after round three. I should do more rounds for this patch, but I don't want to take her off display for that long. I just think of it as a hickey.

>> No.15476139

You and previous anon are both right that rubbing alcohol won't do anything but clean the surface. I suggested a magic eraser because occasionally you'll get something that looks like a stain, but will just buff out with ease. Really, you should be giving a quick cleaning to an area you're going to stain treat anyway.

I think Sasara-anon has two bodies, so stain treating won't be painful for him. I always stain treat my girls to "good enough" because I don't want to see them in pieces for too long.

>> No.15476183


Yeah, I'll probably just stop by CVS or something and go pick up some BP cream then. Her stain isn't too large, literally just looks like the ink from one of the flowers on the dress transfered onto her skin. Almost like a vaguely flower shaped freckle. Also I don't have her old DD2 body anymore, I gave it to a friend of mine. So Sasara will have to stay armless for a little while!

>> No.15476644


That's why topical cleaners don't work. You need BP cream.

>> No.15477441
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Has anyone out there made a custom of pic related? I wanna say no cuz the arms but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

>> No.15478912

So which one of you faggots got kicked out for physically threatening the VOLKS staff about the Kagamine Preorders while telling others to spend money at Choo.

No wonder why they're fucking reluctant to deal with international customers

>> No.15478948

did this really happen?

>> No.15478966

Oh my god please tell me everything you know I am must know more.

>> No.15478993

Was this at Anime Expo or a store in japan?

>> No.15479022

That's fucking bullshit he should be banned from volks. When I went to the Dollpoint in Akihabra the people working there were very nice why anyone would yell at them is bullshit.

>> No.15479360



>didn't check the thread for a couple days and missed all the drama.

Hoo boy.

Still literally head-hunting. Literally heads, figuratively hunting. Heads feel like a big deal since it basically decides the "personality of the doll along with the faceup. Are there any places that give info on tinting or toning vinyl/resin heads to better match a body? It seems the consensus is everyone wants to manufacture pasty bjds.

>> No.15479412
File: 57 KB, 960x540, 13567510_947306678701475_3433082927718653734_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't check the thread for a couple days and missed all the drama.

You didn't miss much really. Just some mediocre shitposting.

>> No.15479422

is she okay

>> No.15479465
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Perfectly okay.

>> No.15479489

Truly the things of nightmares!

>> No.15481381

I think Anime Expo, there's a group of people putting their stuff to block the entrance to the booth

>> No.15481734

Nice to know fellow doll collectors act like spoiled rotten children. No wonder there's so much stigma associated with this hobby.

>> No.15481954

Come the fuck on. This kinda shit will not help in anyway.

>> No.15482708

If I handed over a bunch of money and a list of preferences, would anyone be willing to make me my daughteru? I am reluctant to fall in love with something I create myself. It would be fine if it's from someone else though

>> No.15482710

Make how? Pick out head molds and wigs and such? Or do you want a complete doll handed to you without having any input yourself?

>> No.15482751
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>> No.15482768

It sounds like a risky idea but it sounds like it could be kind of fun building a doll for someone else.

>> No.15482782
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facebook com/freyas.dolly.corner

>> No.15483086

That Eiji faceup is disgusting.

>> No.15483302 [SPOILER] 
File: 1002 KB, 1936x2592, 1467531806315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone kind decided to tell me about Irfanview, and I'm curious to see if it can clear up the issues I've had with my photos lately. I spent a good hour combing her hair today, and it's made a major difference in body/volume. Looks a hell of a lot better and cleared up a lot of those fly away strays. Late night Toromi. She should hopefully be getting a first outfit or sometime this month, as well as some better lighting..

>> No.15483315

God the Mayu DDS is so fucking cute.

>> No.15483328
File: 1.00 MB, 1936x2592, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! You know, honestly. It was her cheeks that struck me instantly with love. So adorably puffy and just wanna poke them cute. Shes a gorgeous young lady. I kinda bounced around this model and the Mirai model for a while, but followed what I felt at first sight.

>> No.15483333

Mayu was my first dollfie too. I got her from the Volks USA storefront when it was still open.

>> No.15483938

Oh wow that stuff looks solid. Maybe I will look to get the navi faceup there.

>> No.15483953

looks like choo is doing Nishizumi Miho of Girls Und Panzer.

>> No.15484024
File: 109 KB, 693x1039, CmXEOqaUMAAF1r0.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that's pretty neat, but I'll be holding out for a fluffy tank fairy to throw my money at.

It's good that Choo isn't in the pockets of the scalper cartels, though.

>> No.15484035

I hope her face won't be flat.

>> No.15484137

Mind sharing a source? I couldn't find it browsing through his cringy website for the few minutes I was able to endure it.

>> No.15484768

there faces are a bit flat. Mine has glasses so she looks fine. But when I take her glasses off I notice it.


>> No.15484797

Looking good anon.

Yeah, Volks really needs some competition so I hope Choo improves his face scultpting abilities and gives the smart body a bit more movement range.

>> No.15484808

Why would you name her Toromi? Sort of an odd name. She doesn't look very thick to me...

>> No.15485060

I thought her name was Tomori. Maybe anon just had a typo.

>> No.15485082

>I hope Choo improves his face scultpting abilities and gives the smart body a bit more movement range.
How come everybody speaks as if he personally performs every aspect of creating Smart Dolls? I can't tell if it's a genuine widespread misunderstanding or not.

Cults of personality are weird.

>> No.15485544

>I plan to make enough to go around
>say goodbye to buying dolls on auction sites, sorry!


>> No.15485705 [DELETED] 

is there any surgery to make themselves look like THIS?

>> No.15485710

is there any surgery to make yourself look like THIS?

>> No.15485716

Yeah its called a coathanger lobotomy.

>> No.15486164

It's like saying that George Lucas made Star Wars or blaming moot (RIP in piece) for every little fuck-up on the site.

Very common to attribute everything from a collaborative effort on one person who's the face of the operation, regardless of how reasonable that is.

When you're already at the point where dolls are beautiful to you (where many find them subtly disturbing), I don't see how this can be bothersome in the least.

>> No.15486788

His facial sculpts are still better than any DD released though..

>> No.15486921

I don't know about you, but Smart Doll faces look really unbalanced to me. The eyeholes are carved too low and the chin is very odd. There's no jawline and the shape of the head overall is like a narrow egg. Given Volks has had a lot longer to figure stuff out and some of their stuff still looks a little questionable, you can do a lot more with their head sculpts and even unpainted look very dynamic.

>> No.15487047

So, earlier on I was cleaning Sasara (checking for any other stains, I've got the one on her arm covered in some BP cream) and upon close inspection of her face, I noticed a very small and faint white splotch on her chin. Is it possible that this is some sealant that set incorrectly? It can't be a stain, and I've never let anything touch her face before. I tried rubbing at it lightly with a magic eraser, but it didn't really budge either.

Seconding this. Honestly, I find all smart dolls to be kind of ugly, Mirai being the worst of the bunch...

>> No.15487280

>I tried rubbing at it lightly with a magic eraser
Keep that shit away from her face.

>> No.15487297

Well yes, that much is obvious. I thought if it was sealant it would at least fade a bit but it doesn't seem like it did anything. I'm just curious as to what it is.

>> No.15487319

Is it totally smooth? Like, looking at it with a flashlight at various angles you can't see any irregularities?

>> No.15487389
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, 20160704_015701-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely flat against her face. In fact, you can hardly see it under direct light.

Sorry for the rather unglamorous shot; she's in pieces right now waiting for her arm to be cleaned up and her wig to be styled and fixed.

>> No.15487428

It's hard to see in your photo, but I'd guess it's a light scratch.

>> No.15487500

Yeah, the resizing totally butchered it. Just goes to show how light it is I suppose. I'm 99% sure she came like this, as I've never even touched her hand directly onto her face before. It's a little annoying but not too bad. I think it might just be a production defect or something.

>> No.15488119

what was the name of that site with dollfucking videos again

>> No.15488133

It's gone bro.

>> No.15488137

just remembered it's deephentai

what happened?

>> No.15488163
File: 108 KB, 599x899, 2015072822091484e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guessing the owner didn't pay their hostage fees or something judging by the page you get when you try load it. The site had been stagnant for a long time anyway. Pictures and videos of doll fucking can still be easily found elsewhere on the internet anyway.

>> No.15488167

she should shave. shameful.

>> No.15488168

I don't know why that guy ruined his Rin with armpit hair. The detailed vag is weird too.

>> No.15488208

Isn't he the guy who gave a doll a vagina with a tampon and some period blood?

>> No.15488209


Rin doesn't really do shaving.

>> No.15488211
File: 121 KB, 549x801, 20160126000500430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15490049

I can't wait for Choo to put Volks out of business. I hate their business structure and stupid way of thinking

>> No.15490053

You're quite silly.

>> No.15490521
File: 242 KB, 684x1024, 26216167212_c5f1702813_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, that's a good one. You're joking, right? Right?

>> No.15491041

I hear you brudda
Fuck Volks' business model.
But Choo still has a ways to go. His smartdoll line i simply don't find them artistic or unique enough to compete with Volks.
Volks puts out a work of art. Choo puts out a generic doll figure toy object.

>> No.15491092

Man these are so weird but I am strangely atrracted to them, I think I would have a lot of fun with one

>> No.15491197

Fuck, that outfit is gorgeous. I need to hire myself a seamstress and fast.

>> No.15492333

But this kizuna is beautiful why are you being snarky

>> No.15492356

You have to be trolling. That isn't even a Smart Doll let alone ugly ass Kizuna.

>> No.15492753

sell by looking at the sculpt, the eyes, body and hands that is definitely a smart doll...

I don't know what you're getting out of trolling since it's clearly a customized Kizuna.

>> No.15492793

What are you doing?

>> No.15493043
File: 96 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the car /jp/

>> No.15493537


>> No.15493538

I think the car you bought for your doll is of the wrong scale.

>> No.15493763

There's another doll on the floor working the break and gas pedal.

>> No.15493951
File: 100 KB, 450x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an unmodified Miki Hoshii head.

>> No.15494610

You have to be retarded and blind to even fathom someone who owns a Smart Doll to have the customization skills to make a Smart Doll look like a Dollfie.

>> No.15494615

Smart dolls look flat, with no facial depth and definition. It's very easy to tell that's not a smart doll.

>> No.15494864

I know this is just a sad attempt at bait, but I really can't hold back saying that the mouths are totally different on this sculpt than on Kizuna. Sage for irrelevant bullshit.

>> No.15496650

Pretty sure it's a troll anon-san

>> No.15497977
File: 122 KB, 600x900, breakeric1439643639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I just got a smart doll the other day and I'm just not feeling it. The photos all over the web looked so great. I was so excited until I got her in my hands. I spent a lot of money on her and I've never sold a doll before but I think I might just sell her at a loss locally and use the funds to begin a custom DD-06 project.

>> No.15497992

>The photos all over the web looked so great.
It's easier to forgive how flat her sculpt is when you can't look at her in three dimensions.

>> No.15498012
File: 601 KB, 800x1228, 1451184145393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the different Dollfie Dream bodies? I'm a little confused by DD/DDS/DD3 etc

>> No.15498025

DD is the standard body type, about 60cm, very lean sculpt.

DDS is the dollfie dream sister body, which as far as I know, is the exact same as a DD, except shorter.

DDdy is the dollfie dream dynamite body, she's shorter than a standard DD but I'm not sure what her height is relative to DDS. DDdy are thicker all around and their bust piece ends higher on their torso than DD, they're meant to look good in underwear and bikinis and such.

MDD are the MSD size version of dollfie dream, they're about 45cm if I recall correctly.

Someone can fill in any blanks for me if I missed anything, but those are the basics and you should be able to guide yourself from there through Google.

>> No.15498037

DD = main body line, 60cm tall, basically default

DD1/DD2/DD3 = different versions of the main body line, think of it as mk. 3, version 3, etc. - older versions get discontinued when a new one is introduced, but you can still find older dolls with it

DD1 is the first version of the dollfie dreams and the only one that uses strings like resin dolls, everything else has an internal skeleton

MDD = smaller loli doll, about 40cm

DDS = smaller teenage body, about 50cm - just a bit more petite than regular DD

DDDy = curvy/sexy version, 60cm, basically DD with bigger hips and breasts

All the other types have an older version too, so you can find a DDdy with a slightly different body when buying an older doll
(although I don't think they were called DDdy2, I think they were introduced when the main line was at the second version so they went straight from first DDdy to DDdy3, correct me if i'm wrong)

>> No.15498041

+ just check it on volks website, they have descriptions with pictures and stuff


>> No.15498044

>DD's are about 60cm tall.
I think they're closer 57 cm if you want to be more specific. DDS's are about 55 cm.

>> No.15498082

OH wow, I never realized how big these things were, even though I've seen my fair share of doll images. If you made me guess this morning I would have guessed somewhere like 45cm.

I guess when they're in the photos they're always surrounded by doll-size objects, though there are enough everyday objects in the pictures lying around that you'd think I'd have figured it out at some pont.

>> No.15498087

I kinda know that feel. I know my Ebony would be less loved if it was not for the fact she wears glasses. They help make her look no flat, but when I take them off she looks noticeably flat.

Also the DDH-06 is the best head I have too girls with that head!

>> No.15498095

I almost think I should strip my girls and take comparison photos. With DDS, MDD, DD3, DD2, Obitsu 50, and Smart Doll I have a nice cross section of body's.

>> No.15499983

Please don't. No one wants to see your dolls naked or poorly clothed you walking mentally challenged fashion disaster. Plus, someone has already done that:


>> No.15500182

Holy shit calm down on the snarkyness they were just trying to be helpful

>> No.15500267

You're either fashion-kun or you're new here. Either way lurk more post less.

>> No.15500274

Clearly someone does if earlier on in the thread they were asking about the differences between the body types. So sorry if this is too basic to suit your elitist tastes.

Do it anyway, anon. More comparison shots never hurt anybody. If you're willing to provide them I'm sure they'd prove to be helpful in one way or another.

>> No.15500278

All your pointless hostility It's clear you have brain problems. But don't worry with some time and effort someday you will be able to talk to people like a real person. Maybe someday you will be able to talk to people offline about dolls!

>> No.15500298

doll thread sure is autistic these days

>> No.15500311

I posted a link to body comparison shots right in my post. Here I'll post it again.


It is literally due to a single Australian and a delusional Canadian. This used to be a nice thread before they came along.

>> No.15500335

Yah it's great when we don't post and this thread goes days with none new posts. It's my favourite thing ever! Truly a strong community!

>> No.15500444

Thank you. Here, I'll post this again for you too, in case you missed it:
>More comparison shots never hurt anybody.

Quit bitching and moaning when people want to contribute.

>> No.15500517

>It is literally due to a single Australian

I don't really mind fashion-kun except for the fact that he's enabling our resident shitposter.

>> No.15500568

Just imagine how much worse it would be if Fashion-kun was from New Zealand.

>> No.15501383

Does it even have DD and smart doll pictures?
I don't see volks there at all

>> No.15501771

I was going to say this, it doesn't have vinyl dolls let alone Volks.

>> No.15501961

That dollection site doesn't have DD comparisons, but you can find some very easily by just using google.

>> No.15502309
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Sooky Lala detected.

Can't handle a bit of banter, huh? How about if you stop talking shit to and about me, maybe I'll have no reason to reply.

>> No.15502362

I post less than I used to because I don't like the kind of community you two create.

>> No.15502437
File: 279 KB, 1365x2048, CmbZJ3_UcAE4s2_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15502510

I'm not him, but recently it looks like these threads are full of petty assholes sniping at each other over retarded things and calling it "banter."

>> No.15503023

So instead of trying to better the community or contribute more, or even just interact with newcomers or just ignore the "problem areas" as there is no such thing as a perfect community, you distance yourself from it and do nothing, negative or positive, to try and change it.

WHY are you complaining again? You do know it takes more than two people to form a community, especially when a majority of said community hates aforementioned two people, right?

>> No.15503114

>So instead of trying to better the community or contribute more, or even just interact with newcomers or just ignore the "problem areas"...
I do do that. I said I post less, not never. Sorry if the way I put it implied otherwise, it wasn't my intention.

>> No.15503157

It sort of felt like you were attributing to the deterioration of the community on just two people. I personally don't have anything against them. But I just don't understand comments like that.

This is already such a small and niche community. Doll threads on /toy/ are full of nothing but recast debates and bashing doll owners, most forums are ghost towns. I think I speak for most people who lurk this thread when I say that I'd rather not see the only tiny community we have fall apart. Naturally there's going to be tension between people every now and again, and debates are inevitable. But letting that stop participation just leads to the death of the community.

Honestly it's so bad, half the time I can't tell who's shitposting and who's serious.

>> No.15503257
File: 933 KB, 1200x1087, DSCF5277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a rough comparison among Volks DD, besides boob sizes.
Theres a significant height difference that I dislike.
Volks DDII are shorter than DDIII

>Scale-wise, is Beatrice really that short compared to Kirika?
>Is Kirika really that freakishly tall compared to others?

Not sure how they compare to Smartdoll, etc.. but its something to think about. It might not scale well if you're picky like me.

>> No.15503320

It looks like regular height differences between humans, I wouldn't call it freakishly tall

>> No.15503323

>>Is Kirika really that freakishly tall compared to others?
Isn't she just wearing platform heels?

>> No.15503335

Well technically, they are all wearing some sort of high heels.

DDS, DDII, DDIII are similar in size, but have notable height/size differences.

I believe a DDS Kosmos would be even shorter than Beatrice if pictured.

>> No.15503437

All of them are wearing heels, that said some are probably bigger than others

>> No.15503441

Kosmos was a DDIII, MOMO was DDS
(unless i'm mistaken but i'm pretty damn sure)

>> No.15503450

yeah kosmos is dd3

>> No.15503484

They all look so cool!!

>> No.15503486
File: 818 KB, 1107x867, DSCF5278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres another comparison for height/size.
And generally, DDS amd DD3 has greater joint mobility than DDI, DDII.

Its probably Kosmos' foot attachment that makes her shorter appearing than other DD3s.

>> No.15503768
File: 489 KB, 1280x1920, kirika-melty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my contribution, a comparison shit between Kirika (DD3) and Melty (DDS).

>> No.15504010

What stand is that?

>> No.15504500

Both are the Coolcat 12cm thigh stand.

>> No.15505472

I can see Kirika's bra!

>> No.15505615

Yeah, the shirt is pretty thin so I really should use a solid colored one but I couldn't be bothered for this picture.

>> No.15505776

Melty's eyes are really neat. Where are they from?

>> No.15505927

Blue Rose Garden, type YA-16.

>> No.15506054

Any suggestions for the best type of Coolcat stand for a DDS?

>> No.15506088

I like thigh stands. I think they look the least stupid when they happen to be visible.

>> No.15506172

>I like thigh stands.

Also, go for 12cm if you have limited space and/or want multiple dolls to stand close to each other. 15cm if not.

>> No.15507426

>Visit y!jp, check for DDdy clothes, nothing too impressive
>Check for DD clothes, awesome outfits fucking everywhere

I would really rather just commission someone for doll clothes than settle for a DD3 body. Does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.15508824

Are there any cheap chinese dollfie knock-offs that "jest werk" I want to buy my first doll but I don't want to spent too much money.

>> No.15508854

> I want to buy my first doll but I don't want to spent too much money.
Its better if you didn't buy your first doll but w/e.
But to answer your question, yes.

>> No.15508857

How much are you looking to spend?

>> No.15508886


like 50-80$ tops I only want the basic body that is compatible with all the official dollfie crap later on.

>> No.15508897

Yeah you're not going to be able to walk into this hobby only spending that much dosh man.

>> No.15508912


b-but mother china can do anything right guys? It's just some plastic doll.

I have a 3D printable design that I wish I could print but I don't have a printer yet.

>> No.15508920

I'd be impressed if there was actually a 3d printer on the market that could make a near perfect doll part that isn't jagged as fuck.

>> No.15508954
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, P4160699_display_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually it's already possible. I used to fix 3d printers a year back and with some fine tuning you can get near perfect finish.

The design is everything the tool itself can be tuned easily.

>> No.15508956

Oh god that thing is hideous

>> No.15508968

That is simply unrealistic. As much as we can try to help you, the result will be shit if you insist on that budget.

Yeah, what this anon said.

China is smarter now. They're not cheap China from 20-50 years ago. They're still fairly cheap though, just look at recast of resin BJDs prices. But China isn't as cheap as you think these days, price and quality wise.

>> No.15508970


free design


Pay some $$ for the premium designs.

>> No.15508983

Do you have any examples of near Dollfie Dream quality? Because from what I see on that site it's all trash.

>> No.15509019
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x844, 3dp_smartdoll_top_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are some people printing near life sized BJDs but the files are difficult to find or never released to the public. Hopefully in the near future there is going to be more because as of now 3D printing is still a niche thing.

>> No.15509043


My own attempt at 3D printable doll that I never finished. It's too much work for something you can just buy.. but looking at the prices now I might get a 3D printer instead and just finish it. This damn "hobby" is too damn expensive for what it is after all it's just fucking PLASTIC.

>> No.15509045
File: 83 KB, 984x1193, 52353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.15509054

If that's honestly how you look at the dolls you might want to try another hobby.

I'm not trying to say I'm one of those people out there that has a 24,000 page backstory for their dolls but I do feel at the very least an emotional connection with each doll I own.

I've been away from them for over 8 months now and the thing I'm most looking forward too when I get back home is being able to see them again.

>> No.15509091

>This damn "hobby" is too damn expensive for what it is after all it's just fucking PLASTIC.

Thats like saying computer gaming is expensive for what you're getting, silicone, plastic boards, and some metals.

Or, photography lens are too expensive when its just some glass, plastic and metal.

Or that diamonds are fucking expensive when its just some fucking carbon!

>> No.15509092

Plastic, and a 3D printer. And textiles and sewing machines. And robots and lasers. Well, maybe not the last things.

>> No.15509093

I didn't realize they were so big to begin with. I want one of those extra large ones though!

>> No.15509099

$2500 for a complete, limited edition, resin set from Dollmore. See their Trinity doll line.

>> No.15509115

Do Resin dolls exist that are closer in style to a dollfie dream? The resin dolls I have seen have unappealing facial features (To me at least).

>> No.15509127

Most resin doll will not look like dollfie dreams.

Volks maintains near exclusive control for their dollfie dreams look and appeal.

Thats true provided custom commission jobs are excluded...

>> No.15509185

It's only going to get more expensive if you insist on printing out your own base body. You'll need to buy clothes, wig, eyes, and commission a face-up from someone. Add that up with all the shipping costs and it will probably be around the same price as buying one of the standard models from the Volks store, which comes with everything listed above. The standard models may not be unique, but they'll give you an idea of if you want to continue with this hobby or not.

>> No.15510089

2d doll, SQ Lab, and I think Luts has one or two anime-style heads.

>> No.15510460

I've been a fan of these for years but could never even dream of affording one, what with being neet and all. However I finally got a job and even though it's not much I want to start saving up for a really special doll that I'll devote all my extra time and money to (since I'm not ever gonna have a real daughter )

I've read the faqs and such but I'd like some more in depth information. I'm mostly interested in a custom doll but stuff like the face ups and eyes I don't really know where to go for that and I'm not skilled enough to make them myself. Any other resources I can read?

>> No.15510530

Just lurk on auction sites for custom heads you like or buy one then commission someone whose style you like to give it a faceup. Check instagram and tumblr for artists and popular forums for reviews. It's pretty straightforward. Some full custom ones can end up being expensive though. There is pretty much nothing else to really tell you; don't know how "in depth" you're looking but this is about as deep as it gets. KK Workshop is incredibly expensive and hard to get a slot, but very series accurate. People on the dollfie dream tag on instagram may have just heads or many heads flipped over and those are faceup artists, so look there.

>> No.15510593

Okay, I'll check out the auction sites some more. I always liked mini dds the best, and I like faces like the one in the op and >>15502437

I don't think I want to recreate an anime character. I don't have a clear idea yet of what I want except that I want something similar to what I mentioned. I've got nothing but time in the end so I'd like to take my time with this since I want something very long term that I can focus on but I still wanted to find a good starting point. The face and head are the biggest thing for me since I don't think I'll have any trouble picking out clothes and accessories.

>> No.15510637

The dollfiedreams forum has a section where faceup artists advertise, some do good work and some are just mediocre. Might be worth checking out. You'll need a head first though, if you're set on a MDD then a DDH-01 might be best or you could wait and see how the upcoming DDH-10 turns out with custom faceups.

>> No.15510729

Do those come out in the 16th or is it just the festival? They look quite nice, I think I'll keep an eye out for those, they might be what I want. I'll also lurk the dd forums. Thank you for all your help.

>> No.15510836

DDH-10 is probably the direction you'll have to end up going in since it's the most normal looking for a MDD. DDH-01s are nice and all but they do look heavy lidded even when done right or just plain angry which those are pretty ugly and modding them to have more open eyes would rack up cost.

>> No.15510895

Yeah I see what you mean about the heavy eyelids. It's looking like I'll go for a DDH-10 probably.

>> No.15511224

It's not that hard to sand it you know

>it's just fucking PLASTIC.
You know you need to pay all the humans involved in the production process too right? And it's pretty time consuming

>> No.15511865

I think the DDH-6 is cute that's what my MDD is.

>> No.15512640

Would the doll thread judge me for buying (and posting) a 1/6 obitsu?

>> No.15512665

I don't think so. My first doll is a 1/6
Obitsu, and I've posted her a couple times with no ill response.

>> No.15512836

I love seeing the mini dolls. I wish they would be posted more often. The maid ones that Azone did a while ago were super cute.

>> No.15514030

Absolutely not, anon. The more the merrier! I'm dying for a mamachapp myself.

>> No.15515389
File: 118 KB, 889x617, IMG_0791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lurked the dollthread for a while, and finally made the jump and bought a doll. Her name is Shiori; I bought her around a week ago while traveling in Japan. Any advice on places to buy tiny 5 inch wigs and 12 or 10 mm eyes, preferably for cheap?

>> No.15515719
File: 91 KB, 451x693, tumblr_nq25c7WuZq1sfxrjmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that a Parabox head?

The Parabox english website sells everything you'll need.

>> No.15516262

She's adorable, congrats! Make sure you love her and spoil her lots. Alice's collections has a wide variety of small dolly items i think.

>> No.15517389
File: 141 KB, 900x506, 20160705_170517 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's a Parabox head. The shipping is so expensive though - it makes me wish that I had bought more things in the physical store.

Thanks anon! I can already feel a hole in my wallet from buying her and some clothes for her, but it was 100% worth it. And thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to check them out.

>> No.15517454
File: 167 KB, 1776x1184, Cm_7GW_UsAARsTe.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The shipping is so expensive though

Shipping is not the greatest of my concerns at the moment though.

I heard that Parabox is making a 40cm version boy body. This is good news as the trappy shota rapebait little brother character to my girls that I've been playing around with in my head for ages may actually come to fruition.

>> No.15520103


share the files you kind anon.

>> No.15520477

Thanks for almost making me jump, anon. Current rate has been around this for like a month now.

>mini dolls
Considering even 1:12 is standard dollhouse scale, I don't consider a 1:6 to be "mini".

>> No.15521413
File: 151 KB, 1184x1776, Cm_7OWnUMAAk3MG.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back in the good old days it was AUDD$1:105JPY and a dollarydoo was actually worth more than a freedom buck. Those were good times for me. Many things were bought.

>> No.15522582

Requesting alice in wonderland style outfit pics.

>> No.15525088
File: 163 KB, 1426x949, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting pictures of my girl i took this weekend.
she has no name.

>> No.15525101

What sculpt is she? She's really pretty.

>> No.15525921

She is absolutely adorable. But it's sad she has no name.

>> No.15526311

I'm ready for my next dolly anons. Who does a good face up in Australia? I'm still not sure if I want an 06 or 07 but I'm ready to buy the body so it's time to start shopping around.

>> No.15526431


I'm just really bad at coming up with names.

>> No.15526460
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>> No.15526592

Any europoor know how to avoid taxes (customs) when buying on smartdool store?

>> No.15526596
File: 303 KB, 930x1400, 1395471620467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever made stencils for face ups for DD?

>> No.15526608

cross your fingers

>> No.15526628

Sadly 100% of my EMS packets go straight to customs even if they are undervalued.
Anyway, as soon as I posted I realized that I could just use forwarding service... not sure why I didn't think about it first.

>> No.15526663


>> No.15527800
File: 309 KB, 1000x667, _MG_7890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'll give /jp/ the benefit of the doubt and let them name my new girl.

>> No.15527846
File: 441 KB, 667x1000, _MG_7897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another picture of her.

>> No.15528071


>> No.15528118

I think something with "ko" in it would suit her, like Koharu. I think that would be perfect; mature, but feminine. That's the vibe she gives off.

>> No.15528135


She is too cute!!

>> No.15528398



>> No.15528792

Well, sounds like her name is Koharu. Sounds just fine.

>> No.15528937

Hell yeah! I'm glad you liked it enough, I look forward to seeing more from her.

By the way, would you be open to the idea of having a friend to talk about dolls with? We can email if that's cool.

>> No.15528971
File: 225 KB, 1024x1535, 1460811463463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing. Post one and I'll send one.

>> No.15528984

mfw the person replying isnt even the owner

>> No.15529011

Hey man, I'm always up for new friends to talk to dolls about. My throwaway is roriloliwaifu @ gmail.

>> No.15529350
File: 117 KB, 693x1039, 1460109548272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the mix up guys. I didn't mean to imitate anyone.
I thought
was the owner tossing a name suggestion out,
hence my encouragement.
However, whoever is the owner of the new doll, congratulations! She's sweet.

>> No.15530148
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, CmZCny3VMAAc4Gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15530704


>> No.15531787

What a terrible shirt

>> No.15531884

At least he's not wearing some 'cool' nerd-cred shirt he paid $50 for.

>> No.15533592
File: 610 KB, 1313x876, _MG_7949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to name her "Kohaku" actually.

Not because of Tsukihime though, but after someone's cat who's name is Kohaku.

>> No.15533733

Even cuter! I hope we get to see more of her.

In other news, I can't seem to find anyone willing to accept custom clothing commissions for DDs. I have money that needs to be spent on clothes for my waifu, dammit.

>> No.15533796
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2446, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

I hope I'm not being annoying by posting in the thread too much.

>> No.15533828

Not in the slightest! New content of cute girls should always be welcomed. You're pretty good at photography too, so it's always nice to see.

>> No.15533830

You have a cute doll that you know how to dress well and care for. Post away! It's in no way annoying.

>> No.15534358
File: 902 KB, 935x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks... Here's a picture of her current outfit. Thinking about changing it but I'm too lazy to take out the doll outfit bin.

Though I am tempted to dress her in a Fashion-kun inspired outfit.

>> No.15534387

I'm interested to see how that would look. Ah, this makes me miss my own girl. Almost two weeks in and I almost have the stain on her arm gone for good.

>> No.15534431 [DELETED] 


She is great. Cute face, interesting eyes, Beautiful outfit!

>> No.15534474 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 2319x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is great. Cute face, interesting eyes, Beautiful outfit! That said you can't compete with my Style.

>> No.15534491
File: 1.11 MB, 2319x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is great. Cute face, interesting eyes, Beautiful outfit! That said you can't compete with my poopy Style.

>> No.15534708
File: 471 KB, 1280x1920, monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with using a monitor as a background. Need to try again when I have better lighting conditions.

>> No.15534738

Wow that looks really photoshopped. I am not sure how you could prevent that effect.

>> No.15534744

It is a bit shopped actually since the foreground was much darker than the background.

>> No.15534781

The light and shadows that're being cast on her doesn't fit with the light in the photo on your monitor so it's going to look pretty strange unless you carefully examine lighting. It doesn't look like natural light at all, you can tell it's just the light in your room. This is a really neat idea though if it can be worked out.

>> No.15534806

Yeah, that's indeed not easy to get right. Having proper daylight will help but shadows will still be an issue.

>> No.15535799

Damn that's cute

>> No.15537238
File: 762 KB, 834x1251, _MG_7988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about Kohaku showing her forehead made me think of Inori maybe.

>> No.15537546

who is fashion-kun?

>> No.15537767

You'll know when he posts.

>> No.15537862
File: 414 KB, 1077x718, DSCF5229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I /fa with a sword and pipe on /jp ?

>> No.15537995

100% doll effay

>> No.15538773

He's some guy whose dolls are named after food.

>> No.15540270
File: 97 KB, 693x1039, CnU6oZpUIAEEbHa.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also a Canadian, from memory. Which explains a lot. It's not his fault he's Canadian and I just wish more of the folks here understood that he's not the way he is on purpose; and that he can't help it. We should be more understanding of people suffering from Canadatism.

>> No.15540378

>put in a green background
>take a picture
>put in the actual background
>take another picture

Then you can use the green to create a layer mask from color levels and adjust foreground and background separately

>> No.15540607

Where can I buy the overall?

>> No.15540881

It might be TC Doll's, but they've been sold out of them for a while.

>> No.15541143
File: 593 KB, 1307x2048, 27623451623_0d32b17929_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't let your daughter go out dressed like this, would you?

>> No.15541189

If she promises to be preyed upon only by women, I'll allow it.

>> No.15543015

No, you can see too many joints. That's so lewd.

>> No.15543376
File: 290 KB, 1200x1600, 22454323068_be01b92e39_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about now?

>> No.15543611

I wanna see some dolls cuddling with each other.

>> No.15543760
File: 208 KB, 900x1350, 1395471258395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15544486

Fine by me. At least now doll-perverts won't be making a move when they see her.

>> No.15544576
File: 1000 KB, 1200x1600, 22859167002_b750052ac2_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no! It seems she slipped and fell.

>> No.15544659


why is her head always tilted to the fucking right?

>> No.15544671

She just wants attention, doesn't she?

>> No.15544688

because the owner is uncreative

>> No.15544732
File: 336 KB, 1200x1600, 17897952856_4b74cf7127_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty sure she wants a little bit more than just some "attention".

>> No.15544766

There's a line between artistic and lewd, and you've crossed it.

>> No.15544863
File: 321 KB, 1200x1600, 18901485248_9e5a02be40_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to keep going, see what happens.

>> No.15544962

Are those even your dolls?

>> No.15544984
File: 736 KB, 2048x1536, 15889059996_f240a65e3f_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



try stop me

>> No.15544986

Are you sad because you don't have any?

>> No.15545032
File: 96 KB, 693x1039, CndWn6zUkAAAqX8.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I have some and they're quite cute

>> No.15545062

Why don't you post scantily clad pictures of them then?

>> No.15546413

I need a billion band aids to use on my doll.

>> No.15546508
File: 59 KB, 612x816, 20160715_214522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because my camera don't good and my camera skills don't good either.

>> No.15546782

any one want to adopt my dolls when I kill myself

>> No.15546786

Ouh, I don't like that one. Long neck and square shoulders.
Reminds me too much of myself.

>> No.15546957

No you must live on to care for them! They would be so sad without you.

>> No.15546961

How easy is it to remove and install new eyes? I feel like I'm going to go crazy since I'm super neurotic about making sure they're perfectly symmetrical and aligned.

>> No.15547197

It's easy enough that anyone can do it unless you have huge chubby fingers or something. Removing is literally pushing the eyes out and cleaning off whatever was used to stick them on in the first place. Volks likes to use glue which is a pain, but not hard to clean off.

Putting in new eyes is just trial and error until you're satisfied.

>> No.15547417


Oh man, I might have kinda big fingers. Anyway, I had this one store bookmarked, it was called Ersaflora or something and now I can't access it. I remember it had really high quality looking ones, anyone recommend any other?

>> No.15547546

Depends on what kinda eyes you want, I'm really only familiar with where to get animetic eyes (as opposed to realistic ones) and if that's what you're looking for then I can recommend Lizanna for resin eyes and White Dolly Story for acrylic. WDS sells their eyes on Taobao though but if you don't want to deal with proxies etc then you can also get them from Kaleidoll.

Besides these two I find it's hard to get high quality eyes readily available, some of the nice ones are mainly sold at events (Hisyo) or their shops opens up once in a blue moon and sells out in a short time (Blue Rose Garden). Occasionally you can find some of these at 3rd party retailers such as DollfieWorld.

>> No.15547910


Two of my girls have Lizanna eyes and I love them.

>> No.15548183

I would. But wouldn't you rather talk it out, anon? Maybe you'll feel better.

>> No.15548276
File: 281 KB, 1224x1632, 20160717_152013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to an anime convention today and found this.

>> No.15548331

Did he even try? That wig is a mess.

>> No.15548346


I can't help but think he didn't I mean if you're going to have her on display for thousands of people to see, I would think you'd put more effort in. I'm not familiar but isn't what she's wearing an Idolmaster outfit, too?

>> No.15548352

Devils advocate here I guess. But, eh. It was probably a quick a setup as one could do in an event with 10k+. I'm sure moving around between booths, photos, and just being there for the day and the excitement was demanding in itself. Who knows, maybe he'll have opened up the door to more girls in the future. It's a conversation starter nonetheless. Surely it wasn't intentional, or I'd like to hope not. We all have to learn.

>> No.15548626

It looks like Chihaya's DD outfit. Actually, if I think about it, it really just looks he took the Chihaya dollfie and swapped a Miku head onto it.

Not exactly the pinnacle of effort, but then most of the people there may not have ever seen a dollfie in their lives, so it is what it is.

>> No.15549486

Seconding this. I took my girl to a convention not long ago. All that moving around made it difficult to keep her wig looking presentable. Plus her socks caught some stains... Somehow...

>> No.15549708


What could it be?

>> No.15549837

I'm going to take a guess and say it's a doll.

>> No.15549863

Now that's some sharp detective work

>> No.15550055


Never change, /jp/.

Am I reading it incorrectly, or does that timer have over a year to go?

>> No.15550070

Nope, it's just over 1 month and a half.

>> No.15550111

Oh! Well damn, now I feel silly. I'm excited to see what it is, in any case. I should probably start saving up.

On a separate note, I somehow got lucky enough to snag some of the normal skin heart hands off y!jp! I'm excited, Sasara is going to look adorable with them.

>> No.15550382

It's probably going to be well over a year before anyone gets the doll in their hands though.

>> No.15550781


It's going to be Rin and Len preorders.

>> No.15550965

Preorder and lottery so close together? Unlikely.

>> No.15555059

Does anyone know where I could get short teal wig for Miku DD?

>> No.15555647

My SQ Labs head is here. Now I need to get someone to do a faceup and pick a body. Looking a Freya for the faceup right now.

>> No.15556517
File: 747 KB, 1267x950, IMG_0036666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered from them through facebook, don't bother making an account

>> No.15556619

It just send me to their Ebay page which has nothing at all
Do I actually need to make facebook account?

>> No.15556805

I tried making an account at their JP website with no luck. reason i contacted them through facebook and just ended up buying from them there.
I'm 100% their ebay is dead
best chance to buy from them is facebook

>> No.15556968

They sell on YJA though you'll have to deal with the normal proxy bullshit.


>> No.15558060

I'm a good and innocent (non lewd) doll parent if you are serious

>> No.15558198

did you do her face up?

>> No.15558872

new thread >>15558870
