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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1545433 No.1545433 [Reply] [Original]

>Other differences are more subtle. Some elevators are covered with scratches, a kind of vandalism rarely seen in Japan. And parking lots contain cars retrofitted into low-riders and painted purple, while Japanese tend to stick to white or gray.

>In the beginning, the Japanese did not understand why the Japanese-Brazilians played loud music, failed to sort their trash perfectly and did not seem bothered about arriving late to appointments. For the Japanese-Brazilians, their grandparents’ or parents’ often rose-tinted image of Japan seemed outdated at best, and they felt unwelcome.

and they wonder why they're not wanted

>> No.1545942
File: 29 KB, 295x248, 1225583759925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you. I don't like niggers.

>> No.1545464


They think they are playing a IRL MMORPG in Japan

>> No.1545469

Why does Japan love little brown girls so much? Japan could have chosen any other Nation to be their miniature home and they choose Brazil. Brazil has the highest amount of Japanese outside of Japan.

>> No.1545489

lol brazil

>> No.1545521

I'm from brazil.
Ask me anything.

>> No.1545530

Why do kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

>> No.1545537

>Japanese did not understand why the Japanese-Brazilians played loud music

Jap's don't know about Brazilian Jazz. Maybe if Japan's music didn't fail so much the Japs would feel the need to blast their music too.

>> No.1545553

I spy a butthurt HUEHUEHUE

>> No.1545564

It's basically the same every country they go.

Ask someone if they like Brazilians and see what they have to say. If you're not talking about football, of course.

>> No.1545571

Brazil fucking sucks. I'm not surprised.

>> No.1545597

>>Another reason for the improvement in relations may be that Japanese unwilling to live next to Japanese-Brazilians simply moved.


>> No.1545608


Brazil women > dogs > Japanese women > USA women > Europe women >>> Korean women.

>> No.1545649

Basically, it is in most cases a good idea to not leave your native sociosphere for good. You have been raised to live in YOUR society and many here can't even accomplish that. How do you think you'd do in Japan? Seriously, this is a hint some people should get here.

Of course, if you take the step, it can turn out to be the best decision ever. Nevertheless, don't expect the people to welcome you with open arms. Especially, if some low-lifes have ill-famed your people beforehand.

I'd throw out foreigners who resist to adapt (starting from refusing to learn the native language, via obvious and repeated misdemeanours, to crimes), for our and their own good. This has nothing to do with racism. They are idiots who hate the country they live in, love their "home" country (even though some have never seen that country), but don't want to return. What kind of logic is that? Adapt or get out - it's easy like that.

>> No.1545697

I am brazilian. Motherfucking japs are everywhere here, being overly polite, individualistic and diligent with their tasks. God damn you japs, if you want to live in another country, adapt to it's culture!

>> No.1545761

>Adapt or get out - it's easy like that.
>Hurf durf, I'm a tough talking conservative who would soil my panties in a real conflict.

Here's how I see it. The world and/or culture doesn't belong to anybody. I should be able to move where I want, and live the way I want (as long as I'm not disturbing my neighbors). Culture is not static. I'm sick and tired of you conservatives talking about preserving a 2000 year old culture. Cultures should be slightly changed for each generation. Otherwise, why should our children exist? If every child lived the same repetitive existence there would be no point to existing. The universe wants diversity. The purpose of existence is diversity and originality. My personality was shaped after observing the personalities of the people around me. If the world was nothing but me, there would be nothing separating me from nothing. Hence, the reason why 94% of Asians are lifeless/corporate drones.

Immigration should be an equation. If there are 3.5 million Chinese living in America than 3.5 Americans should be able to live in China.

>> No.1545903

>Hurf durf, I'm a tough talking conservative who would soil my panties in a real conflict.
In US terms, rather almost a communist.

I'll tell you straight, many foreigners around here are douchebags. It's mostly the youth, and that's what's worrying. For example, if you see a car with 70 miles an hour within city boundaries you can bet it's a young foreigner. If you hear there has been another injured or killed person at the central station, it's always a young foreigner.
This is no narrowed view. The "native" youth is full of idiots, too, but although the foreigners make up an extremely smaller percentage of the population, most crimes or misdemeanours have its cause in the foreign youth.
They interpret the local nationality as curse, embrace their ancestors' culture, which is more medieval than what is now en-vogue where they come from. The old geezers are okay, but their young ones don't learn their lessons.

It simply can't go on like this. And maybe the best solution for everyone is to have them leave. They may return to their beloved home, and we can move on.

Culture is bound to mingle, and it should mingle, since it equals to progress. Even so, nothing good can come from mixing too different cultures.

>> No.1546246
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>This post hurts my brazilian pride.

>my brazilian pride.

>> No.1545938

Why are you defending niggers and spics? Is it because you're one of them? I wouldn't be surprised if you were.

And don't talk down on Asians when they're the only immigrant communities to actually be a benefit to society.

>> No.1546292
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>10 Brazil 1,313,590

Nothing to HAUHAUAHUAHAUHE about

>> No.1546044

Said the asian to the spic

>> No.1546342
File: 24 KB, 300x400, 1225588475811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is simply fascinating.

>> No.1546095

I'm spic/jew/negro. I'm everything you ever wanted to be.

You blame the youth for all the problems, but isn't it the culture that changed the youth into what they are? If the brits treated the Muslims better they wouldn't be trying to take over the island. Just look at the American Muslims, do you see them starting any trouble?

African Americans *didn't choose to be born in America. It was the whites who came to their lands. It was also the whites who brought the blacks into their lands. Shouldn't it be the Europeans who should adapt to the native African Australian's culture.

And in the case of the Mexicans who are descendants of Europeans and native Americans, they were on the American continent centuries before the Europeans arrived. The butthurt Europeans are now trying to build a border to keep the Mexicans out of their own lands.

Europeans are just mad that they sucked at exploring. The Japs, blacks, Indians etc... had already explored the entire world centuries before the Europeans set sail. But in the end, the history books are written by the winners. Europeans "discovered" America despite the fact that the native Americans already discovered it centuries ago. The whites "discovered" Australia despite the fact that the native Africans had already discovered it. Hell, even Hawaii and South America was already discovered, centuries before the Europeans got their filthy hands on it.

Thread = reported for neo /n/.

>> No.1546114

you're kind of deviating slightly into individualistic cultures vs collectivist cultures. getting into that, i don't think either point of view is "correct" but i've noticed that arguers for both sides are often equally arrogant in belief. what we were talking about was whether neighbors should be accepted despite their obnoxious behavior. of course, what is irritating to the japanese probably isn't irritating to brazilians, but you have to think about who is really being more insensitive here. i don't even think it's a racial issue either. if americans go to france and actually act like stereotypical americans, the same thing would happen.

>> No.1546124

What Nation are you from?

>> No.1546381
File: 90 KB, 393x505, 1225589305941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr but this seems to be a discussion about negros now. Picture related.

>> No.1546141

>The universe wants diversity.

Except diversity amongst first world races, amirite? Diversity amongst third worlders is a-ok though.

>> No.1546146

>The Japs, blacks, Indians etc... had already explored the entire world centuries before the Europeans set sail.
That is, by far, the most retarded statement I've heard all week. Go back to Middle School History class.

>> No.1546144

>Europeans "discovered" America despite the fact that the native Americans already discovered it centuries ago.

The native americans could have been left there for another 10 millenia and still not have accomplished anything of note.

>> No.1546148

>Hence, the reason why 94% of Asians are lifeless/corporate drones.

Better that than a nigger rapist.

>> No.1546161

The Maya were actually getting somewhere when Europeans showed up. Writing, math, astronomy, etc. For the rest of the Americas, though, you're completely right. Savages.

>> No.1546165


They created powerful empires, created a writing system, built massive cities, farmed, built roads, codified laws, developed advanced astronomy, wrote poetry, and developed metallurgy

>> No.1546164

The Maya were at probably the same level as the Etruscans and Minoans were in terms of development. They were nowhere NEAR renaissance europe. Plus, it's funny how liberals ignore the savagery of south american 'civilizations' when gushing about how 'advanced' they were.

>> No.1546168

if i said australia would you believe me?

>> No.1546170

Brazil's economy is nothing to sneeze at. Brazil is the third or second strongest economy in America. Also, it's unfair to compare any race to the Japanese. Hell, even comparing the Chinese or Koreans to the Japanese is unfair. The Japanese are the model race. Their Nation's economy is the biggest in the world. The only western Nation that can compete with Japan's economy is the USA (a.k.a the Nation with the most minorities). Their IQ is the second or third highest in the world. Their crime rate is the lowest in the world. The Japanese are so elitist that they complain about the Korean and Chinese crime rate in Japan (which I might add China and Korea's crime rate is lower than Europe). They come to western Nations and out perform us in academics. Tokyo's infrastructure is vastly superior to Beijing and New York combined.

>> No.1546171

You mean the south americans or the amerindians to the north? Because the former weren't at the level of even Rome, let alone Renaissance Europe, while the latter didn't do anything.

>> No.1546177


30% of the entire population of Germany was killed during the Thirty Years War over if they thought bread and wine turned into a dead guy

>> No.1546180

I love fiction, don't you?

>> No.1546186

Troll spotted.

>> he Japs, blacks, Indians etc... had already explored the entire world centuries before the Europeans set sail.

lol whut? Japan?

>> Australia despite the fact that the native Africans had already discovered it


>> No.1546187

Give China some time to catch up, soon their superior government will overpass the head start that the Japanese had.

>> No.1546183

fucking average apart from being exceptionally slutty

>> No.1546185

People should just stay where they're born. As a white person, I'm sick of having these fuckin chinks move into our upper-class neighborhoods and act like we're anything alike.

>> No.1546188

Yea being burnt to the ground let them rebuild a modern infrastructure.

>> No.1546434
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>> No.1546436
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, 1225590201541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, actually. Pic related.

>> No.1546195

>And parking lots contain cars retrofitted into low-riders and painted purple, while Japanese tend to stick to white or gray.

hahaha oh wow

How come this is a culture shock? Oh your car is purple, I don't think I can relate with you, sorry. Nips are being ridiculous.

This post hurts my brazilian pride.

>> No.1546197

>Their Nation's economy is the biggest in the world

GDP (millions of USD)
1. United States 13,807,550
2. Japan 4,381,576

>> No.1546204

I doubt that it was exclusively their own bad. Society is to blame, too, perhaps even for the majority of the problem. That doesn't change that the situation at hand is unacceptable. Looking at the solutions there are two ways: integration or extradiction. The first thing has been tried for years and has beared no fruit. Contrary, things have even worsened.
It doesn't matter that it can't be ruled out that the natives are responsable. The foreign youth as it is now can't be longer allowed to roam freely. There has a border to be drawn. And surprisingly the border is already there. Why not put it to good use?
You can call that evil, you can call that unjust, but rather an end with horror, than horror without end.

If the US doesn't want immigrants anymore it's their good right to refuse to accept immigrants. (As long as they aren't forced to accept a certain immigrant according to international law.)

You seem to like to change topics, though. Couldn't care less about who explored the World first as long as it is fully explored now. Columbus was an idiot, anyway.

>> No.1546205

Actually it was proven that the chinese HADN'T circled the world before the europeans, much less reached America.

>> No.1546209

I doubt that it was exclusively their own bad. Society is to blame, too, perhaps even for the majority of the problem. That doesn't change that the situation at hand is unacceptable. Looking at the solutions there are two ways: integration or extradiction. The first thing has been tried for years and has beared no fruit. Contrary, things have even worsened.
It doesn't matter that it can't be ruled out that the natives are responsable. The foreign youth as it is now can't be longer allowed to roam freely. There has a border to be drawn. And surprisingly the border is already there. Why not put it to good use?
You can call that evil, you can call that unjust, but rather an end with horror, than horror without end.

If the US doesn't want immigrants anymore it's their good right to refuse to accept immigrants. (As long as they aren't forced to accept a certain immigrant according to international law.)

You seem to like to change topics, though. Couldn't care less about who explored the World first as long as it is fully explored now. Columbus was an idiot, anyway.

>> No.1546213

Butthurt Whitey detected.

>> No.1546218


>A proposal by a group from the Liberal Democratic Party that suggests Japan should let the immigrant population rise to 10% of the national population over the next 50 years.

For the record, Japan's population is still something like 99.4% Japanese. Guess people can say bai-bai to that.

>> No.1546220


Almost all of thr list is attributed to the Maya, Inca, Aztec, Zapotec, Chimor, Ayamara and Tarascans. The North American natives got a few things, the Mississippian cultures were very notable in their advances but destroyed itself from over intense agriculture in the late 1400s narrowly missing the Europeans, same goes to the Ananzi. The Iroqouis had decent sized towns (as big as your average European town, about 3000-5000 for the bigger ones), were well organised and could have gotten somewhere given that the Confederacy was created in only a hundred years or so before the Europeans. The Pacific coast tribes lived in a perpetual feudal society and had little feuding statelets of 5000-13000 people but this can be attributed to the denser wildlife and more abundant food avilable to them

>> No.1546223

we should call each other out on ad hominem arguments and personal insults

>> No.1546227


It might be small compared to the US but it still the second highest GDP in the world

>> No.1546232

You said it was the biggest. It isn't even close.

>> No.1546240


I'm not that guy, I'm just a guy masturbating to touhou doujins and posting in imflammatory /jp/ threads, my hands are very busy right now

>> No.1546239


So not even bronze age level of development, thanks.

>> No.1546242

Ah I see. Good times.

>> No.1546247


Exactly my point, 'civilizations' sure why not. 'Advanced Civilizations' not by a long shot. All real culture and development in the Americas worth mentioning were south of the Rio Grande

>> No.1546254

1 United States 13,807,550
2 Japan 4,381,576
3 Germany 3,320,913
4 China (PRC) 3,280,224
5 United Kingdom 2,804,437
6 France 2,593,779
7 Italy 2,104,666
8 Spain 1,439,983
9 Canada 1,436,086
10 Brazil 1,313,590

Enjoy being number 10 brazil

>> No.1546265

"One boy studying Japanese at Torcida one recent morning was Bruno Da Costa, 15, whose Japanese maternal grandparents had emigrated to Brazil. With his parents, Bruno had moved to Japan at the age of 1, but he was unable to express himself in Japanese. He said he understood most of his favorite cartoon on television, “Naruto,” but movies were beyond his comprehension."

>> No.1546267

Their GDP/capita is on par with France and Italy, all while their working time per worker is among the highest in the OECD. The reason for Japan's economic strength is solely their big population, which they are loosing.


>> No.1546273


He had 14 years to learn the language, during the early years when it's easiest to learn a new language, and he's still studying? What a fucking spic.

>> No.1546275

>Better that than a nigger rapist.

Wow dude, you have issues. Now I know why you've turned out the way you did. A black female stole your lunch money when you were a child. Ever since that day you locked yourself up in your parent's basement ranting about your hate towards females and Africans.

You're all talk and no walk. The only thing worse than a butthurt racist is a butthurt racist who suppresses his feelings from his peers. I have a solution to your problems. Go up to an African and shout "nigger!" Once you let go of all your inner hate you'll become a decent tripfag.

We blacks enjoy our lives at the expense of others. The point to existence is self joy. We might say cheesy things like I'm doing stuff for the next generation, but at the end of the day it all comes down to how you feel. The chemicals of pleasure that we get from taking, is the same chemicals that we get from giving. There is no such thing as good or bad.

P.S. Nothing gives me a bigger hardon than when I walk past a chicken boned racist (such as yourself) who is too scared to say something to my face. People like you wait for others to move before taking action. Instead of /b/logging about your problems why not go outside and solve your problems. If we ever met in person, I promise not to break your face.

>> No.1546293

You must be insane if you believe that there's not ethnic diversity in Europe, the barbarian invaders didn't just fucking disappear. Just because they are all white it doesn't means that they belong to same group.

>> No.1546305

>He said he understood most of his favorite cartoon on television, “Naruto,”
Well, Naruto is certainly lighter stuff.
>but movies were beyond his comprehension
Even an average /a/tard should be able to understand Japanese movies without subs.

>> No.1546298

Perhaps the same could be said of many Mexican-American kids.

>> No.1546299

ITT, internet tough guys. You're posting on 4chan yet you're trying to identify yourself with the drug-selling, firearm carrying scene of black culture. Funny.

>> No.1546315

>We blacks enjoy our lives at the expense of others.

Thanks for admitting it, you are the scum of the earth.

>There is no such thing as good or bad.

Yes there is:

niggers best defense is to say "try saying this stuff in the ghetto because they will kill you"

So basically they prove the point in their defense against it.

>> No.1546318

>Perhaps the same could be said of many Mexican-American kids.

>Perhaps the same could be said of

>> No.1546319

How do you know they're racist if they don't say anything?

>> No.1546326

>We blacks enjoy our lives at the expense of others. The point to existence is self joy.

Holy shit, if only you guys would just admit it.

That's all I ask.

>> No.1546340

>The point to existence is self joy.

You seem to be failing at hedonism pretty bad given your living standards.

>> No.1546356

Jared Taylor on Japanese immigration policies:


>> No.1546355

>ITT, internet tough guys. You're posting on 4chan yet you're trying to identify yourself with the drug-selling, firearm carrying scene of black culture. Funny.

What? When did I say I was packing heat? I have the body of an Asian school girl, but this is athens we're talking about. I could beat athens with my hands tied behind my back. According to some of athen's research, black's are physically stronger than whites. Also, when a white man calls an African American a "nigger" a switch gets pressed in our African brains that increases our brute powers by 30%. I've seen it before, needless to say, it wasn't pretty.

>Bawwwww, I'm good and you're evil. Bawwwwww.

>> No.1546364

0.2 SD stronger (that's african americans by the way), means nothing compared to 15 IQ points in difference.

And why are you copying us? If there is any nerd culture it was whites who pioneered it, why copy us?

Everyone knows blacks commit many crimes.

>> No.1546365

Your country is funny.
When call someone a nigger here he brings us our tea and goes back to direct his cotton picking friends

>> No.1546368

dude, just shut up. he's on here, so he's probably similar to you and the 'stereotypical' 4channer. if you two were to meet, there's no doubt that you'd become fast friends, as neither of you would have the balls to do anything contrary.

>> No.1546375


Biggest weeaboo ever.

>> No.1546377

I want Athens, the black dude, the Alice roleplayer and I to all play smash brothers together. I bet we'd have a real hoot.

>> No.1546382

Brazil should be fucking bombed.
End of the story.

>> No.1546384

>To make itself an attractive destination for immigrants, the experts say, Japan will have to undergo a difficult cultural transformation for which the Japanese-Brazilians pose an elementary test case. If even they cannot gain acceptance, what chance will there be for immigrant groups that may be ethnically, racially, religiously and nationally different from native Japanese?
lolwut? Where did that "even" come from? How are these spic mongrels not "ethnically, racially, religiously and nationally different from native Japanese"?

>> No.1546388

You can feel the RAGE by the way that they smash the buttons.

>> No.1546389

We should just make a bioweapon that specifically targets third-world minorities.

>> No.1546390

i'd be for that.

>> No.1546391

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

gtfo out ISM, aka jones

>> No.1546392

And then who will clean the toilets? You? Because I surely don't want to.

>> No.1546393

I'm saying that threats you see on a place like 4chan from e-thugs are stupid, whether you're black or white. And arguments that follow logic like "x is naturally predisposed to be stronger than y" are fundamentally the same as those used by whites to brand all blacks as rapists or thieves - they claim it's in the blood just as you claim that being black makes you stronger. In other words, by employing that line of rhetoric, you perpetuate the subjugation of minorities because you're buying into what wonderbread wants you to believe.

>> No.1546394

Source on OP's image please?

>> No.1546397

Gee it sure is /n/ in here now.

>> No.1546398



>> No.1546396

athens, you really are amusing.

Those differences (both in strength and intelligence) are caused more by socio-economic status than anything else. A larger percentage of blacks are poor, therefore a larger percentage are criminals. More whites are raised in environments conducive to learning, therefore more whites are better at learning. Think about it.

The only real reasons to hate niggers are a) the invention of rap music and b) affirmative action. And because they look different, I guess, though hating people for what they can't control is pretty pathetic.

>> No.1546402

P.S: ISM is a stupid fag

>> No.1546404

>b) affirmative action
That's a reason to hate liberals, though. "THINK OF THE AFRICAN NIGGAS" is a shout more likely to be heard from the mouth of a blond Liberal Arts student than from anyone else.

>> No.1546415

"Jealousy breeds hatred" is what I had in mind. But that too.

>> No.1546407

Oh yeah?

No more coffee and banana for you now.

>> No.1546409

/n/ - Niggers/General

>> No.1546410

>"try saying this stuff in the ghetto because they will kill you"
They probably would break your nose, but you'll survive.

I just don't like people who talk the talk but fail to walk the walk. Unlike the rest of my fellow /jp/ers I don't hate athens. I just don't like it when you whine about things. 90% of your post consist of winning about history, females, Nations, or Africans. You act as if we care about your opinions. Quit whining so much and start enjoying your life more; I feel embarrassed for you whenever I read your butthurt comments. You seem to think the Caucasian race is so superior. Well look at the society the whites have created. I can lurk the streets at night saying/doing whatever the fuck I feel like without the fear of anybody stopping me. Now compare that to athens, who's stuck in his parent's basement ranting about his feeling that's he's been suppressing his entire life. I'd probably be like you too if I had so much built up feelings within me. Let it out; oh wait, you cant. You fear getting your nose broken by a physically superior African. So much for you legendary western society. Honestly, you Caucasians are a joke. But I guess in the same way the Nubians became the kings of Egypt, I've become the king of the west (and I did it all by simply being a fearless brute).

Enjoy typing your feelings away, dork.

>> No.1546413

Blacks are no different from whites or anyone else in terms of intelligence. Philosophy of justice agreed, don't bother it about it.

>> No.1546416

I can live without that

>> No.1546417

Yes you are

>> No.1546421

And why are you copying us? If there is any nerd culture it was whites who pioneered it, why copy us?

You say that on an imageboard about Japanese culture.


>> No.1546418

The most radical interpreations of affirmative action (quotas and whatnot) were phased out or declared unconstitutional before most of the people posting here were born so a discussion about it doesn't have much relevance today.

>> No.1546419

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1546420

White people being racist, on my internets?!

>> No.1546423



>> No.1546426


>> No.1546427

/r/ graph of whites and blacks in different socio-economic environments. I've seen it here before.

>> No.1546429


>> No.1546431

Holy shit! WTF

>> No.1546432

>Now compare that to athens, who's stuck in his parent's basement

Try again, I probably live in more expensive real estate than you do. And I rent it.

>But I guess in the same way the Nubians became the kings of Egypt

Hahahaha, oh WOW!

>superior africans

By the time I've finished writing this post, 500 african children will have died of preventable diseases. How does that make you feel my negro chum? How does that make you feel? If you are posturing at hedonism here, you are surely failing, because as that anon said, your living standards are so god awful it's a wonder you can keep a straight face while pretending to 'enjoy life'.

Africans are a dying people.

>> No.1546435

in b4 some moron takes your joke about nubia seriously

>> No.1546439

Do you want to know what I think? Then I'll tell you. I think that in time the Jim Bonds are going to conquer the western hemisphere. Of course it won't quite be in our time and of course as they spread towards the poles they will bleach out again like the rabbits and the birds do, so they won't show up so sharp against the snow. But it will still be Jim Bond; and so in a few thousand years, I who regard you will also have sprung from the loins of African kings.

>> No.1546444

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!! omfg, this picture is hilarious! so true, too!!

>> No.1546456

>I **probably live in more expensive real estate than you do. And I rent it

Nah man, I'm doing fine. Though I don't have any delicious white women to rape at this moment, life is going good.

>500 african children will have died of preventable diseases.


P.S. I would say "enjoy your 50+ million people who died from cancer you albino freak of nature" but that wouldn't be nice, now would it?
