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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 800x600, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1544906 No.1544906 [Reply] [Original]

So whose voices have you disabled in F/SN? I took off a couple people's cause they were really starting to grate on my nerves, and having the two at the same time almost made me quit.

Pic related.

>> No.1544970 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1545149
File: 22 KB, 285x321, 1225575909714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1544912

If I get tired of a voice for some reason, I just right click.

>> No.1544920

None as of yet. Then again I had to re-download and lost all of my save data so I'm busy fast forwarding through Fate.

THen I'll re-read UBW (GAR) and then I'll begin HF.

But I don't see myself getting rid of any voices.

Except possibly, Sakura. And that's only if her voice gets really annoying.

>> No.1544918


>> No.1544925

I actually like her voice.
But HF is really boring me so far, how many hours into it till it becomes interesting?

>> No.1544934

You faggots realize that disabling sakura's voice probably also disables dark sakura's.....right? You realize that RIGHT?


>> No.1544938


We care, why?

>> No.1544945

Welcome to /fsn/ fuckers

>> No.1544949

Have any of you guys uploaded the voice files already?

>> No.1544953

It's not like F/SN is good

>> No.1544955

None because I don't play this piece of shit.

>> No.1544960

But It is.
But It's not.

Yes, it is good.
No, it's shit.

Fuck you.
Fuck you and your shit taste.

>> No.1544996

F/SN is shit because /jp/ told me so. I refuse to play shit because /jp/ said it was shit. I refuse to judge things myself because I'm a tool. /jp/ is my god and I'm a faggot that likes cocks.
tl;dr fsn is shit because /jp/ said so and also I want to taste a dick because /jp/ said dicks are delicious.

>> No.1545012

Also, sister-fuck is awwwwright.

>> No.1545021

Don't feel bad, you're not the only slowpoke.

Now, for the Slowking prize, Where can i get the voices for my game?

>> No.1545032

From the PS2 release.

>> No.1545031

So we have less than 12 hours to find out about something before slowpoke becomes applicable?

>> No.1545034

Not really, I was actually referring to myself.

>> No.1545295
File: 138 KB, 810x656, 1225578001201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1545106

WTF? Got into Day 5 of HF, and have no voices any longer since when Shirou finds the bruise on Sakura

>> No.1545126


I guess you could say he's so shocked he's speechless.

>> No.1545130


Well, if you go about saying OMG HF RELEASE more than an hour after its release... then yes, slowpoke. Slowpoke at 'announcing it', that is.

>> No.1545141

yeah maybe, that or messages fucking winstaller is good for nothing installier

They came back a little later

>> No.1545402
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>> No.1545408
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>> No.1545169

where do i get the voice pack?

>> No.1545186

don't know, I got the RN DVD ISO sometime ago, check isohunt or /rs/ for extracted tracks

>> No.1545199



>> No.1545204

In which day the route is good?

>> No.1545218

I'll turn it back on once I get to that part; her super-breathy, squeaky, normal voice makes me want to rip out my hair.

>> No.1545219

it goes mute for a few scenes, and the n the voices come back.

maybe the Sakura abuse wasn't in the PS2 port?

>> No.1545216


>> No.1545217

When was the voiced patch released anyways?

It's depressing that I played the first two routes without it.

>> No.1545225

get the 3.1 quickfix patch

>> No.1545278

ITT: are the voices worth taking the time to get them?

>> No.1545289

IMO yes, they add quite a bit to the lines in the form of emotions, clarity, etc

Be prepared to raaaage at some character's voices though. If you haven't watched the anime, at least (same voice actors).

>> No.1545290


Since I already had the voices installed from the UBW patch, I opted not to install them again with the HF patch. Now the 3.1 patch tells me it can't find a valid 3.0 installation in my fate folder. Do I have to run the patch again and reinstall the voices?

>> No.1545308

I remembered the /a/ sticky of the first patch where I prayed for a voice patch so I could fap to Dark Sakura and Dark Saber voices...
The high heavens heard my prayer and voice fap was had...so this thread comes to me as....fucking sage

>> No.1545311

Yes. The UBW voice patch only added voices for Fate and UBW. If you want voices in HF, reinstall the patch.

>> No.1545320

Go suck a cock. Normal Sakura's the most irritating character I've heard in a long time. That said, I haven't heard Dark Saber/Sakura yet.

>> No.1545321


Alright, thanks.s

>> No.1545383

how do you disable certain voices.
I want to get rid of shirou voice acting I dislike the main character speaking.

>> No.1545398

nvm found the voice selector.

>> No.1545695

All of them.

Installed voice patch, hated every single character's voice.

>> No.1545724

Even Saber's? :(

>> No.1545741


>> No.1545748


so nanoka?

>> No.1545758

Even Taiga?!?!

>> No.1545779

sage for weeaboo shit

>> No.1545787


>> No.1545804


lol good 1

>> No.1545811

sage for shitty game

>> No.1545834

God damn fucking wapanese idiots, stop browing weeaboo material in this board, underage people.

>> No.1546194
File: 96 KB, 810x656, 1225586596739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to reward Saber so hard

>> No.1545852

Type Moon shit.

>> No.1546206
File: 35 KB, 150x150, 1225586738035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I don't have any chocolate. Fuji-nee ate it all.

>> No.1545863

/jp/ - America/General

>> No.1545873



>> No.1546233
File: 636 KB, 803x597, 1225587029832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Saber pose.

>> No.1545896



>> No.1545950

I never got the game to work in the first place, mostly due to lack of effort on how discouraging I found the animu. Wonder if I should try though, I did enjoy most everything else by Type/Moon. And I wonder if there's a retard-friendly install guide floating around somewhere.

>> No.1545970


Nah, don't bother.

>> No.1546281
File: 361 KB, 810x648, 1225587730966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lawd.

png to piss fags off.

>> No.1546372
File: 228 KB, 803x597, 1225589125123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1546395
File: 6 KB, 803x597, 1225589557110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1546401
File: 221 KB, 803x597, 1225589706338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1546215

Play F/ha and reward her from behind

>> No.1546228

That's more Saber rewarding you.

>> No.1546236


Most inappropriate image format.

>> No.1546245

Never played with voices to begin with. Much better without them.

>> No.1546250

If a 600kb png gives you trouble, I don't even want to think about how long it takes you to download VNs.

>> No.1546272


40 kb/s max speed.
5 gig download cap.
Final Destination.

>> No.1546309

png haters are annoying
go and save as that jpeg over and over again until there's only blocks left

>> No.1546322


>> No.1546403

Just because you're so technologically impaired doesn't mean that you have to set the rest of us back. It'd be like people complaining about CDs because they only have gramaphones. Goddamn LPfags.

>> No.1546405

aren't you the one that cant figure out your config settings?

>> No.1546428


>> No.1546437

Aren't we the ones who don't have any problems loading 600kb ?

>> No.1546457

but you cant go into your settings and change the output?

>> No.1546461

I could, but I won't.
Can't you get a faster connection ?

>> No.1546469

Oh wow.

>> No.1546470

We have no need to. To use a similar metaphor than the one above, I have a dvd player that plays cds and dvds. You have a cd player that can't read dvds. You complain that everyone uses dvd instead of cd. Does that make any sense? Get with the times, bro.

>> No.1546484

arent you backwards? jpeg2000 is the future

>> No.1546490


The point is that I have a DVD drive, but it's wasteful to use an entire DVD for something small that would fit on a CD without loss.

>> No.1546513

An stupid analogy coming from an idiot.
Who didn't see that coming?

>> No.1546526

>without loss.

>> No.1546527

Yeah and people who complain about Crysis' required specs are fucking morons who can't afford a proper 5k$ computer.

Also,that metaphor is bullshit,as this is not a compatibility issue. My CD player CAN play DVDs in this case,but it does so at 13FPS. But it could run them properly if the producers used a proper format (which is supported by both,the CD and the DVD player!).
But since they didn't,people who don't own a DVD player won't buy their DVDs which leads to less income.
And that's why most companies try to keep their products as much down- and upward compatible as possible: so more can buy their shit.

tl;dr you are a stupid fatso.

>> No.1546541

I didn't read this thread but I agree with this guy's tl;dr.

>> No.1546547

I have to put it in nice simple terms so you jpeg people can understand it. Should I have used smaller words?


>> No.1546552


>> No.1546556

How tall are you, anyway? 4'5"?

>> No.1546558

ITT : poor people argue about how using their bandwidth is unfair.
Get a real ISP, fags.
You're the most useless namefag of the board, drop the name

>> No.1546587

Dunno. 164cm
How about no?

>> No.1546599

Anonymous Jones is a retard.

PNG for a GAME SCREENSHOT is fucking retarded.

This thread is stupid.
