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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15447722 No.15447722 [Reply] [Original]

>Hello we are twins grew up in Canada. We admire Japanese culture and we are planning to debut as an idol in Japan!

Do they have a chance?

Also which twin would you cuddle


>> No.15447740

>Do they have a chance?

>Also which twin would you cuddle

>> No.15447747

didn't some ugly britbong make it big in Japan? I don't remember her face

>> No.15447762

Awful. Absolutely awful.
You did this, Sayori. I hope it was worth it.

>> No.15447771

There was also a Swedish tranny who was briefly popular

>> No.15447776


you don't mean the actual hairy muscle guy right?

>> No.15447780


>> No.15447786

ehh looks kinda like those guys the japanese girls go for at host bars

>> No.15447800


>Do they have a chance?

I don't think so but future could poveme wrong.

>Also which twin would you cuddle

Pink one.

>> No.15447852

is it their eyes?

>> No.15447875

Guys at host clubs are ugly losers

Often I see them hanging around the clubs in Kabukicho in the morning pissing their lives away

>> No.15447914

At least they make dosh ey

My friend is an ex-host, he made shitton of money but he blew it all on weed/prostitutes and now he is NEET

>> No.15447932

I watched the entire video to see if the kid in the background would move.

It was really cool when his mom showed up

>> No.15447996

There's no way in hell two Canadian land whales are gonna make it in Japan.

>> No.15448011

Is this a cringe thread? If so, cringed hard.

>> No.15448098

>tfw I just realized theres a shitton of people in the background


>> No.15448116

I saw them on showroom. Their Japanese seems very good. Unfortunately for them, they will never be anything other than goofy foreigners in Japan. They're delusional.

Also they're pretty damn unattractive minus the purikura shit.

>> No.15448124
File: 121 KB, 335x335, 1463395941583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's showroom?

>> No.15448148
File: 54 KB, 598x399, xMX1Npece7LzqLIwhpK6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trauma of this was too big for japan

>> No.15448283


>> No.15448587

plesae don't tell me they are the same

>> No.15448785

Japan loves fucked up teeth tho

>> No.15448941

No chance. No chance in hell.

>> No.15449133

nah this is just bunch of weebs dancing with cosplay

>> No.15449137
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 20141122_548386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15449145

fetal alcohol syndrome ahoy

>> No.15449154

And yet there's dental clinics fucking everywhere

makes ya think

>> No.15449159

hell no they look mad jewish

>cuddling 3D

what are you doing

>> No.15449161

They are known as the potato shark twins on girlchan

https://lolcow farm/pt/res/67171.html

>> No.15450998

I think they are kind of cute.

Not in a physical way, though they are not really ugly, but more in an attitude way. Most self-called weeaboos you see online do it on an "ironic" way, you know: "ha ha I'm such weeb trash, anime sucks here's a picture of my daki wearing a MAGA hat", so it feels kind of refreshing someone being a weeaboo in such a genuine way. The whole "we want to become idol singers in Japan" deal is just so naive and innocent I can't really hate them. Am I explaining myself correctly or I'm just rambling?

>> No.15451065

I really dislike this recent trend of idolshit threads bypassing my filters.
You have a thousand different generals, please use them.

>> No.15451096

If you're asking seriously, then you could've left out everything but "they are naive and innocent, so it is cute that they are trying to become idols."

>> No.15451308

He had to establish that he was a jaded fuck like the rest of us instead of a naive super-weeb, or we wouldn't take him seriously.

>> No.15453816

All I see is people going "ewwww gross", "creepy" and "unsettling" about incest.

>> No.15457599

The girl who even tried going to JAV? Applemilk1988

>> No.15457619

Well, it was nicknamed girlchan, anon.
If I remember correctly it was made when moot cracked down on /cgl/'s gossip threads- so it attracts a certain type of ugly person.
It's much like kiwifarms, something that thrives on the misery of others.

>> No.15458189

fat as fuck
