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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15430689 No.15430689 [Reply] [Original]

It's Summer /jp/!

>> No.15430707

how can neat neet feet beat the sweet heat?

>> No.15430717


Beach episode of course.

>> No.15430718
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I wish it wasn't.

>> No.15430752

It's so fucking hot please kill me jaypee

>> No.15430757
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How hot is it? Only 19 Celsius here

>> No.15430762
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30 C

>> No.15430764
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It's over thirty fucking degrees here, that's nothing to be happy about you kuso frog.

>> No.15430866
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"Hey anon, you gonna get in the water or what?"

>> No.15430906

It's 89 Freedom degrees here. I'm so glad for AC.

>> No.15430910 [DELETED] 

*Tackles Marisa into the water*

>> No.15430983

I can't believe people here think 89 is hot. You probably think 10 is cold, too. Why don't you guys come to the upper midwest?

Growing up I remember -30 degree days and a summer where we had 110 freedumb degrees for a week straight. You guys don't know shit. And I'm sure it's even colder/hotter in places like Australia or Canada.

>> No.15431000

Summer is all about smoking weed and going to the beach

>> No.15431006

Why do base caps look so good on girls

>> No.15431067

Today kids, we shall learn about climatology.

>> No.15431078

>Why don't you guys come to the upper midwest?
I live in Michigan. 89 is fucking hot. I mean it happens every year and it's going to get hotter, but it's still fucking hot. It gets fucking cold here too, but I like the winter.

>> No.15431692

too hot

>> No.15432114
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In some places YES

>> No.15432124
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You're too strong for the rest of us, senpai

>> No.15432326
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Come join the hot and humid summers of the south, anons. We can stay indoors all day and try not to kill ourselves!

>> No.15432364
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It was 44C/111F here today jaypee. Now 12:30 am and still 85F. Why would anybody live here of their own accord? Why would anybody decide that this is a place people should inhabit? It's not fair.

>> No.15432621
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>> No.15432704
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Winter is objectively the best season.

>> No.15432754

Fall > Winter > Spring > Hell

>> No.15432844

Please wipe your feet before entering /jp/.

>> No.15432852


>> No.15432958
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Natsu da!!!

>> No.15432971

God I hate summer, the bugs, the heat, the stickiness, it's all just so awful.

Anyone wanna channel winter gods for an early winter with me?

>> No.15432978

Move to Finland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krt49hQFBPs

>> No.15433306
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happy summer solstice btw.
I thinx I showed up too l8 tho... 1st thread on /jp/ was invaded by heavily armed wabbits
>long hot summer

>> No.15433314
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The calm before the melting.

>> No.15433329

Who else comfy w/ the A/C cranked up?

>> No.15433351

I'll have to spend the whole summer working in a badly ventilated apartment with no AC in one of the cities with the worst climate in Europe. Send help

>> No.15433670

>I'll have to spend the whole summer working
Sounds awful.

>> No.15434011

no thanks I'm insecure about my body and I don't want to take my shirt off, everyone will see my hairy belly and man titties

>> No.15434025
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I would rather get into that sweet sweet melon resting down there.

>> No.15434238

i went to the beach this year and didn't give a crap about my ugly whitu pig body and had fun

>> No.15434425

I hate amerifats too.

>> No.15434434
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Nothing comfier than that. Summer is nice.

>> No.15434438

The genki look.
It's attractive.

>> No.15434790
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Nah, Patchouli asked me to rub sunscreen into her back.

>> No.15434842


This shit's the worst. It's cooler in the engine room of the shitty submarine I work on than it is outside.

>> No.15434900

Don't you disrespect the USS Connecticut, you shit.

>> No.15436423

Summer toho girl when?

>> No.15436993

Summer is too much of a shit season to deserve a dedicated tuhu

>> No.15437011


I just fapped to this. Does that make me a lolicon?

>> No.15437032
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That's a moot question, since all adults are lolicon

>> No.15437040


>> No.15437075
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Summer is the best season as this is the time all the out of staters finally leave.

>> No.15437193
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It's 35 in the summer
But it's 20 in the fall
Based autumn

>> No.15437460
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>> No.15437657

Nobody lives in the Southern hemisphere.

>> No.15439456
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It's only 60 F where I am right now. I'll make sure to take it extra easy for your sake, /jp/.

>> No.15439602

I live in Canada.
Summer is the only time I'm not depressed

>> No.15439648

98 F
kill me, please

>> No.15445977
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>> No.15446385

nice 15c/60f here. The only downside is that it doesn't get dark so sleeping is a bit difficult at times

>> No.15446444
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I can't take it easy with this heat and high humidity. At least the thunderstorms make for nice entertainment.

>> No.15446497
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37 here

>> No.15446518

where are you from anon?

>> No.15446537

I live in Central Europe.

>> No.15446575
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It's 91 degrees F here. It's not too hot to enjoy life, but I can't leave my house because I don't have the gas to go to a lake or beach like normal people do. I wanna go swimming but I can't.

>> No.15446597

Humans can maintain the temperature of their bodies anon. That's why people in Florida say that 40 degrees F is freezing, because their bodies are used to the 110 degree weather.

>> No.15446680

It is never too late to learn how to swim!

>> No.15446692

I can swim. But I have no where to swim.

>> No.15446809
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>> No.15446817

How did you get your doggy to go into the pool

>> No.15446839

a god

>> No.15446846
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it would cost ~30USD just to get to a place where I could swim

Don't forget to get some fresh air every once in a while /jp/!

>> No.15446861

Since it got warmer outside I left my cave on almost every second day. Bicycling outside is especially fun.

>> No.15446869

I hope you crash

>> No.15447044

*tackles into the sand*

>> No.15447048
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that's great! have fun, anon

>> No.15447969

Yes! Time to work in an air conditioned store all day, literally getting paid to walk around in circles for ~6 hours while construction workers & other outdoor plebs get to bake in the 85F degree heat.

>> No.15447990

Where the heck did all the trees go

>> No.15448019 [DELETED] 

/fit/izen here with an off-topic question. Can someone explain to me what /jp/ is all about?

>> No.15448023 [DELETED] 


>> No.15448045 [DELETED] 

@ one five four four eight zero one niner


>> No.15448050 [DELETED] 

It's a secret I can't tell you

>> No.15448105
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Today? 104 Farenheit was the high

>> No.15448179
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>> No.15448188
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35C (plus HUMIDITY)

>> No.15448417
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It hit 75F here a few days ago. I almost died. I'm glad it rarely gets that hot here.

>> No.15451685

Can this NEET

>> No.15452148

fuck, I just realized I didn't go outside today. I'm trying to get more sun, I really am, but my habit is indoors-always, so it's hard to remember.

>> No.15453659
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>> No.15454964
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50 C outside, 39 C inside

>> No.15455017
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>50 C
What the hell? That's not just summer. That's hell.

>> No.15455080

Why would you want to get more sun? You wanna get cancer?

>> No.15455117
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I used to like summer.
I changed my opinion after summer started throwing meteor-sized hailstones every few days.

>50 C outside

>> No.15455125

Objectively correct

>> No.15459690
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>> No.15465367

pretty lightning

>> No.15465468

It's 105 degrees here during the day
I want to die

>> No.15465872

tfw the area you live in has nice weather but its incredibly boring

>> No.15466201

>there is no beach volleyball 2hu game


>> No.15467327
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That sounds like heaven.

>> No.15467331
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Brought me a chuckle

>> No.15467352
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Spending Summer with /jp/!

>> No.15468502

"Yeah...uh.. just let me finish fapping to your bodies first."

>> No.15468669
File: 1.15 MB, 838x1467, c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c250c2c2c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still kinda autumn down here...

>> No.15476449

>Marisa would play beachball with you, completely oblivious to your perverse sexual list for her sporty body

How does one cope with this

>> No.15476464
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i want to take mokou to the beach!

>> No.15478196
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>> No.15478210

summer days

>> No.15478288
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You take Mokou, I'll take Keine.

>> No.15478415


Also Canadian here. I'm depressed regardless of season. Summer i don't care for. I'll take it over the dead of winter frozen hell but spring and fall are more my style. 25 C is as warm as i can tolerate. Above that i can't manage.

>> No.15478473
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Just be yourself

>> No.15479272
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21 C is about when I start melting.

>> No.15485812
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>> No.15485819
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>> No.15494553
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>> No.15495321

Right now it's hovering around 30c. Doesn't sound that bad but I sweat like a motherfucker so I prefer the cold instead.

Heard it hit 42c or so a few months ago

>> No.15502349
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