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15425229 No.15425229 [Reply] [Original]

So you think Zun's synths are weird, huh? Name ONE (1) song that would be made better by the removal of zunpets.

I'm waiting.

>> No.15425241

Who the fuck dislikes zunpets? Do they also think Touhou would be better if it didn't have all those annoying bullets?

>> No.15425242

One one?
Why did you list one twice?
Nobody here said the synth is weird.
Are you lost?

>> No.15425909

The trumpets are horrible and piercing

>Do they also think Touhou would be better if it didn't have all those annoying bullets?
Yeah sure. The series should have more lasers instead, and things like Unzan's punches and Kagerou's howling around the screen.

>> No.15425953

Bloom Nobly.
It went to shit as soon as the ZUNpets took over the melody from the opening piano, and got WORSE when it moved on to the ZUNpet chorus.

>> No.15426019

Name one cover/remix of a Touhou song that features trumpets. If people like hearing Zunpets, why are they never included in fan arrangements?

>> No.15426041

Because they're all UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ, melodramatic bullshit with horrible vocals, or cruddy "metal".

>> No.15426236 [SPOILER] 
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>not loving the romantic trumpet aka the best soundfont

>> No.15426795

Mokou's theme didn't need the trumpets, especially when the song was arranged fine up until the last section without them.

You only asked for ONE (1) but I'll give you some more.

Wind God Girl (should have used piano for the lead)
Last Remote (not sure what instrument i would use to replace the trumpets in the final section but they get really screechy here)
Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind (some of the worst trumpet abuse by ZUN. gets grating after a while)

The trumpet is ear-piercing and really is overused by ZUN. It's fine for some specific sections and it works better at lower pitches. ZUN uses it for entire songs and often at high pitches. He has no idea how to use the damn synth in the first place.

>> No.15426814

>Wind God Girl
curiously enough, the full ver. HAVE a piano, but in the last part

>> No.15426843

Kagome Kagome

>> No.15426846

although I already like the zunpets one, I think it could be better

>> No.15426862

desu I would consider this one of the better uses of ZUNpets, especially the middle section with the lower pitched trumpets. Feels like that's how the synth was mean to be used.

>> No.15426891

Actually, there are people nowadays following into ZUN's teachings.


This is the result.

>> No.15426901

These are actually all in my top 15 ZUN songs, and I like the trumpets in all of them except Emotional Skyscraper.

I admit, I fucking love ZUNpets, since he is one of the composers who can use them well as a continuous instrument, and in the game that might piss off some by its mere mention, the song Battle Against a True Hero also managed to capture a similar effect in its final crescendo. Similarly, ALL re-arranges of this song fail to capture the ZUNpet effect.


While we are on the topic, the one thing I wish ZUN would do is bring back the violin and piano, as he used them in DiPP. Probably the most romantic and emotional of his songs were in his early CDs and transitional to Windows era, which has been largely replaced with the "shock and awe" of intense works with powerful crescendo.

His CDs still largely avoid this, but I have not seen a similar romantic employment since NToJ.

>> No.15427024

What a hallow imitation.

>> No.15427101

Disagree heavily, the building of the melody around the ZUNpets makes this song.

>> No.15427113

So you like it?

>> No.15427136

I quite like them in Mokou's theme because it builds well to it through her theme, but I do prefer the piano parts.

>> No.15427150

I know you're being a smart ass, but calling something hallowed doesn't necessarily mean you like it.

>> No.15427248

The only song I can think of that would be better without ZUNpets is Lunatic Eyes. There's just something about the chorus that sounds off to me. Not sure what instrument would have been a better choice, but horns wasn't the answer.

>> No.15427393

Of course I was being an smart ass. I am not saying that the song I posted was the best thing since Jesus beating up bankers, I am saying that it was quite the decent effort.

Certainly better than just making an arrange from an already existing ZUN song.

>> No.15427567

There is an art and skill involved in re-arranging someone else's composition so that your style and voice shows through. A good arrange is going to sound more like it's own thing rather than just swapping out the instruments in a MIDI file.

>> No.15427576

Though I will give that song this much, it has better arrangement than ZUN's very typically poor efforts (but he'll never change his sound profile at this point).

>> No.15427604 [DELETED] 

>it has better arrangement than ZUN's very typically poor efforts (but he'll never change his sound profile at this point).
>sound profile
What do those two have to do with one another?

>> No.15427734

On the topic of ZUN's music and CDs, is DiPP canon? It seems off.

>> No.15427970

>is DiPP canon?
haha no
It's just ZUN writing some kind of semi-ironic 2deep4u mystery story that doesn't particularly mean anything.

>> No.15429010

Sad. I liked the VIVIT cameo in the Dichromatic Butterfly dialogue.

>> No.15429055

If you mean hollow as "having empty space," I will agree, and say that whether one likes the intentional minimalism is entirely up to the listener. It does stand in contrast with ZUN's style.

If you mean hollow as "without significance," I disagree entirely, and say the theme marks a distinct departure in the tone and the interpretations of the characters following its appearance, which carries on throughout the rest of that game.

I don't want to go on a derailing tangent, but the term "hollow" can have an negative interpretation completely unrelated to the actual composition of the song.

>> No.15429618

I like Zunpets, but Border of Life went overboard with them I think.

>> No.15429637

Immortal Smoke only uses them at the height of the song, and they're used very well there. It's what Border of Life should have done.
Wind God Girl is built around trumpets, and the instrument fits the very lively and jazzy feeling of the song.

>> No.15429806
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I don't know about removing them, but "History of the Moon" definitely goes full dog-whistle with them at 2:22.
I actually think that's the single highest zunpet note he ever hit.

>> No.15429833

His low saxophony trumpets that started around UFO suck. IN piercing trumpets are the best

>> No.15429941

Ghost Lead.

>> No.15430021
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send help

>> No.15439931

that is a good song

>> No.15441745

Border of Life
both of them

>> No.15441789

The final "Border of Life" is OK for it, though. Its supposed to be a swan song, so it makes sense for it to border on cacophonic intensity.

You are right about the first one, though.
