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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15422641 No.15422641 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>15380885

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.15422649

I don't have the patience for VNs anymore. Modern life has ruined my attention span. Last one I finished was Fate.

>> No.15422671
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>> No.15422706
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Honestly I'm more up for this, but only cause Korie Riko.


>> No.15422717

Will it actually be only Mareni this time?


>> No.15422722


I admit I haven't read anything by him. Is he bad?

>> No.15422728

I've only read Hoshimemo and AstralAir, but his SOL is boring as shit and both games used the exact same trick. I'm not really interested in reading anything else by him.

>> No.15422851
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Do you see yourself participating?

>> No.15422868


Looks like worst girl.

>> No.15423325 [DELETED] 

If there's a prize for button mashing randomly. That's what I did for the entirety of Baldr Sky. I was forced to change the difficulty to easy vs Makoto in Baldr Sky 2 and I remember it taking me an hour of retries to beat Noisheen on easy mode with all my basic ranged weapons. It was pretty frustrating since I just wanted to read the damn story.

I'll give learning comboes a shot this time round in Baldr Heart since seeing others pull off crazy comboes looks pretty fun.

>> No.15423338

If there's a prize for button mashing randomly. That's what I did for the entirety of Baldr Sky. I was forced to change the difficulty to easy vs Makoto in Baldr Sky 2 and I remember it taking me an hour of retries to beat Neunzehn on easy mode with all my basic ranged weapons. It was pretty frustrating since I just wanted to read the damn story.

I'll give learning combos a shot this time round in Baldr Heart since seeing others pull off crazy combos looks pretty fun.

>> No.15423451
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Nowadays you don't see probable heroines prowling around for bishounens other than the MC.

>> No.15423544

Eroge got boring.

>> No.15423556
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>game asks if I want to read the complex-ass paper
>Select no
>It's a meaningless choice
Well, it's probably for the best

>> No.15423660
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>> No.15423684

How's the game?

>> No.15423717

Part comfy, part boring, part spooky
I have no idea how far in I am but it's intriguing enough. Learning lots of new words too.

>> No.15423719

You must be really bad because I beat makoto and Dr. N in the second try.

>> No.15423744

Why aren't there more routes with yandere girls? You'd think it'd be more popular, but they're usually only a bad ending or in nukige.

>> No.15423745

I found Makoto quite easy, but 19's 'lol I'm invisible with a borderline OHKO attack' was annoying as hell, enough to go back to normal from very hard.
Also the mob fight before it is the worst, found it harder than almost every boss.

>> No.15423798
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how would it work outside of their route though

>> No.15423808

They wouldn't fall in love with MC until their route.

>> No.15423848
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but lots of games have borderline harems until you enter a route and then to find out she was yandere after you'd have to continue the harem hijinks that usually stops when that happens, otherwise she might as well stay deredere

>> No.15423922

Hi guys, looking into playing eve burst error. Are there any "complete" patches like for yu-no? Also (if not), any suggestions regarding version or general tips?

>> No.15424045

Isn't that one girl in Tsuyokiss a yandere? It made me skip her route. She seemed okay there even if she didn't get chosen so apparently the crazy only kicks in if she thinks she's got a chance/won already.

>> No.15424078

Yoppi tries her hardest to make Leo fall/lust for her from the beginning and she shows her colors halfway through.

>> No.15424305

>yes, this is saibaasupeesu-----.
no shit sherlock

>> No.15424525
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Just finished the Baldr Heart trial.

Things that I liked:
- The music. Kotoko singing the main theme.
- Combat mechanics. Just like Baldr Sky.
- Faeries. Taking weaponfus to the next level.

Things I didn't like:
- The writing. I feel like it's the same problem I had with Sen no Hatou's trial. Events don't flow naturally. Random shit just keeps happening without giving the reader any time to digest what happened. Like, when the MC discovers that the Faerie allows him to use weapons, shouldn't he be a little bit more surprised and/or suspicious? Wouldn't he want to find out all he can about what the fuck he's dealing with now? Instead, nope, he just accepts it and doesn't give it a second thought because the story has to move on. What exactly is the rush?

- The main cast, which ties into my last point. Characters pop up for convenience's sake and the story doesn't give you a good feel for who they are. Like really, the amnesic girl is gonna show up in MC's bed and ask to be the MC's maid? Baldr Sky excelled in this area where it slowly introduced all the main characters one by one through the excellent use of flashbacks to contrast the current day. By the time they showed up in the current day in the story, I knew who they were and was emotionally invested in their well being, even if they were antagonistic to the MC's goals. I could not care less about any of the characters in Heart, and in turn, I can't really care about anything that's going on in the story. Thus, when the big "reveal" happened at the end of the trial, it felt forced and stupid.

Overall, I'm fairly disappointed, especially when I count Baldr Sky to be one of the best games I've ever played.

How did you guys feel about it?

>> No.15424608


I haven't read it, but feel like you overrate Baldr Sky. Baldr Sky had one of the worst beginnings in eroge. The beginning is fine, even if maybe a bit long, but once you are past that and in chapter 2... the author goes full nuts. Within a few sentences he drops several random organizations and military forces on the player with fancy cool names that "do something". God when I saw that I wanted to so drop that shit. I especially love getting tons of abbreviations without getting told what the fuck they stand for. (most do get explained later on, but PLEASE!)

Once you are past that it's just your typical amnesia story with all the typical fuckups you can hope for. I can see most of the heroine-introductions as "well enough done" I guess, but.. the flashbacks in themselves weren't. There were too many. To the point I completely stopped caring about the crappy main-story and would've rather had a novel about a guy doing weird robo sports at day and meeting a weird girl at night.
Well, generally speaking: Too many flashbacks are never a good idea, if you ask me. And amnesia... I don't know about either.

So all that said, people still ended up liking Baldr Sky enough, so I have the feeling it won't be different this time.

>> No.15424620


>> No.15424635

プラネット ドラゴン looks like it could be good, everything else looks like bad moege.

>> No.15424645

Maybe プラネット ドラゴン but looks like another month of nukige + backlog

>> No.15424647


Uh, just realized my post looks a bit too harsh. "worst beginnings" is probably not quite right seeing what kind of shit is out there. And it's overall not bad. But they way it starts and establishes its setting and everything in the first few chapters.. I really don't like that.

>> No.15424654



>> No.15424668

Hence "maybe", "could be".

>> No.15424673

Probably going to try out that trap game but thats it.

>> No.15424684

I typed out "Maybe" for a reason

>> No.15424695

Did you play the trial? I didn't like how it started off, dropped it right away.

>> No.15424700

Gonna play the slime girl game just for the heck of it

>> No.15424735

Not yet. Initially I was just going to play it when it releases on a whim with no real expectations but ill check out the trial.

>> No.15424749

1. Otome*Domain
2. Koi to Koisuru Utopia

>> No.15424812

>However, it is now an era of lowered sexual desire where holding hands was akin to kissing. Labelled as a ‘lewd beast’ for following the customs from the past era, Yoshitsune awakened the sexual desires of the women around him, causing trouble non-stop.

lol this is some demolition man shit

>> No.15424814

Yep me too, I know its going to be nukige, but hope it wont be full of h-scenes.

>> No.15424828

I am also considering Otome Domain, but only for Yuzu.

>> No.15424834

スライム娘の育て方 sounds like it might be interesting, but I might try プラネット ドラゴン as well. えろゼミ~エッチにヤル気にABC~ is the only thing I'm really looking forward to next month though

>> No.15424925

No wonder they think the month is shit when they ignore all the nukige and only list moege

>> No.15425159

Why do you post brainless shit like this?

>> No.15425306

same to you really

>> No.15425600

Baldr Sky trial was nothing to write home about either, if you are seriously comparing Dive1+Dive2 as a whole to a trial you are retarded.

>Things happen too fast, MC needs to clinically analyze everything that happens around him
Kou and Tooru didnt do that, heck most characters dont to that because only drags the story around

In terms of story start Heart is better and has better pacing too. In terms of technical aspects/gameplay Heart is better too.

>> No.15425681

why the heck this kind of eyebrow a thing, it looks ugly as fuck

>> No.15425810

I think it's cute, reminds me of a puppy

>> No.15426916

>No Maybe-Soft releases on the horizon

Is there any company as... loony and surreal as Maybe-Soft with their eroge?

>> No.15426930

Sounds good. I've already got it in my sight for some time, but now I'm reading Nijuuei, which is kinda similar type of work, so maybe after reading something else I'll come back to Tousui Kitan.

>> No.15428231

Floral Flowlove's trial just got released.

>> No.15428913

If you haven't read a lot of fantasy/sci-fi it might be jarring, but there's a lot of that kind of world building where the narrative takes the assumption that the reader knows the lingo and the reader has to piece together what everything means. Baldr Sky isn't unique in that regard. As for everything else, I guess if you didn't like it, then there's nothing more to say beyond that.

I never played the Baldr Sky trial so I wouldn't be able to do a comparison. Instead, I was comparing the start of Sky to Heart's trial. Sky's start is slow and even probably boring, however, the time invested in developing the background and the characters pays off in full by the end of Rain's route. I can't really see anything like that happening with Heart's pacing. Sure, you jump into the action faster and shit happens, but it's at the cost (at least to me) of not giving two shits about the characters or the story.

You're putting words in my mouth in regards to what I want from the MC. MCs can be quick to take action, sure, I don't care about that. But the author spends absolutely no time explaining Sou's thought process that his actions end up feeling either completely contrived for the sake of moving the story forward or stupid.

Take, for example, when Sou meets up with the Faerie, she fuses with him and he can use weapons on his simucrum again. This is right after he was told he'd never be able to again, so this is literally a life changing miracle that just happened to him. The battle ends, Faerie disappears (falls asleep) and he doesn't give it another thought until he actually needs it again to fight Mao. How is that believable or relatable, unless the MC is just clueless?

I know we're going to have different opinions on the script, but I hope you can at least see where I'm coming from a little.

>> No.15428980

Man that headline really strikes me with the feeling that "this is a problem" (whether it's right or not)

>> No.15429109

It just means that people will pay good money for stuff they like and aren't swayed much by price differences.

>> No.15429131

I think pricing unreasonably high for fans is a "problem" because it's essentially price gouging those who like your work.

>> No.15429153

>price gouging those who like your work
The developers are just setting the price according to supply and demand. If you don't think it's worth the money, don't buy it.

>> No.15429181
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>> No.15429214

>If you don't think it's worth the money, don't buy it.
That's what I'm saying. Because high prices lower demand for non-fans, what ends up happening is most people don't buy it while sincere fans bear the brunt of the cost. And to be clear, I don't mean "fan" as in "anyone who likes it", I mean people passionate enough about it to eat excessive prices.

>> No.15429268

Terrible art.

>> No.15429272

>that anime-tier shading
>that bloom to hide the lack of detail

>> No.15429307

Those over-sized boobs are much more disgusting than any of your points. They are even bigger than Clochette's ones. Fuck that shit.

>> No.15429358

God I'm glad I like bakunyuu and VNs
The perfect world is this utopia.

>> No.15429398
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>> No.15429407

This looks extremely good, I'm really excited.

>> No.15429467

This looks extremely bad, I'm really disappointed.

>> No.15429471

This looks extremely average, I'm really ambivalent.

>> No.15429476

Ambivalent is a strange word. It means to be conflicted between emotions ("having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone") but I see it very often used to mean "doesn't care either way" which is actually the opposite.

>> No.15429557


>> No.15429572

But both meanings fit for that sentence? Average does not mean bad.

>> No.15429646

If it's Mareni by himself it will be the best eroge this year

>> No.15429960

Fanboyism is dangerous. Let's wait and see.

>> No.15429989

Maybe if you like verbose, meandering bullshit. I didn't last more than 30 minutes with Kagerou.

>> No.15429998

Get better at Japanese then.

>> No.15430066

>Fanboyism is dangerous.
It's not "fanboyism" you goddamn tool it's simple pattern recognition.

>> No.15430224

Could you possibly be any more fedora

>> No.15430630
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Dunno who the hell wrote Nagao characters' events but he sure fucked up that part. I mean Sadako never appears after her h-scene even at the main story, Akiko has only one character event for her h-scene then they never mention about their marriage or sex, Matsuba also like that one event one h-scene with no build up or anything like that. When you add Usa too which is kinda questionable but better than those, I'm not sure what the fuck he thought anymore. There are only 6-7 characters at Nagao anyway, how did he managed to fail more than half of them, someone should have checked or something.

>> No.15430669

He was probably a lolicon considering how Kuu and co turned out.

>> No.15430706

To be honest I think only Kuu and Aina had enough reasons to fall in love / have sex with Kensuke from Echigo's people so I was pretty fine with those two, but all others were disappointments. I could overlook one or two characters, but seriously all of Echigo's character events were too sloppy. They should fire him or something, he is dropping the game's quality.

>> No.15430714
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>not using her for sexual gratification instead

>> No.15431455

Yes, because anyone who doesn't like your shitty writer has to be bad at Japanese.

Fuck off back to your IRC channel, shitstain.

>> No.15431466

Not on either side of this, but really there is a tendency for those bad at Japanese to avoid and dislike the works of people like Mareni. No need to be so sensitive / aggressive about someone pointing that out in a jab.

>> No.15431525

Not on either side of this either, but just because you dislike something's verbosity doesn't necessarily mean you're bad at that language. I still cringe at really wordy shit in English.

>> No.15431585


Wasn't it common to test swords like that on prisoners/criminals back in the day though?

>> No.15431586

>Fuck off back to your IRC channel
it's always the same paranoid faggot

>> No.15431596

This makes me want to read something with Yukito Saori..

>> No.15431649



>> No.15431669


>> No.15431677

Don't worry I'll be gentle this time around.

>> No.15431733

I love Mareni but there's no denying he's one of the most polarizing eroge writers out there. I can't really blame people for not liking him as much as I do.

>> No.15431795

Because that sure worked with Romeo right

>> No.15431900

But there's plenty of difficult eroge out there and most of them are not as polarizing. Mareni might be a step above in difficulty, but if you are capable of reading something like Muramasa without problems then you can at least handle Mareni. But nobody (who knows japanese) complains about Muramasa.

>> No.15432926

What do you see? It works fine for me.
If you're talking specifically about the /hgame/ board then the web version is down, you have to access it through a DAT reader like Jane Style.

>> No.15433106

Mareni doesn't have Romeo's curse, so indeed pattern recognition worked for Romeo - the curse worked again.

>> No.15433327

Romeo was pretty good in Kouya, it's external factors that turned it into something average (because it's not bad, anyone who think otherwise didn't read it)

>> No.15433472
File: 3.67 MB, 2984x5104, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what came in the mail

>> No.15433479

That girl on the left is making a concerned face while also jutting out her ass and flipping her skirt
What's here problem?

>> No.15433493

A lack of D in her V.

>> No.15433554

I get error 521 server is down when I try to access BBSPink, it doesn't work on JS browser either

is it just me then? I noticed I can't access other boards. I'm right now doing some tourism down the bahamas, maybe 2ch blocks some countries from accessing it?

>> No.15433574

Has anyone tried it out?

>> No.15433672

she's just doing a senjougahara impression

>> No.15435413

Backlog month.

>> No.15435439

Nukige/backlog month

>> No.15435453

I miss tony's art
I wonder if he will ever draw for eroge again

>> No.15435541

According to EGS the trial of Lamination is shit.

>> No.15435649

Can the good parts finally come now?

>> No.15435653

Did you finish Rin's route yet?
That's the average route IMO.
The good ones are after that.

>> No.15435662

Yeah, I did. Rin was a bit slow too but still fun. At least it had Sui's craziness.

>> No.15435665

Yeah, I think all of the highlights of the game come are in the portions of the game after those two routes. Except for maybe Sakura no Ashiato in the second chapter.

>> No.15435678

I liked chapter 2 altogether. The twist on Akashi's character was great, and Thomas was there for comedic relief.

Makoto's route just lacked all the good jokes and puns. It's too obvious that it was written by someone else.

>> No.15435686

How do you feel about this guy's review of Sakura no Uta?

He liked PicaPica the most. Personally I can't agree with his points, but at the same time he explains his reasonings well and seems justified in his judgements.

>> No.15435692


How would they even 'lose' in love?

>> No.15435706

This may sound funny, but I would say that Pica Pica was too realistic to the point of being boring. The conflict with Reika was resolved in a real life-like but completely unsatisfactory way, compared to the massive buildup to that point. It lacked the magic and felt like a Schwarzenegger action movie ending with the bad guy saying sorry and going home, instead of being shot down mercilessly.

There was also way too much fucking explanation about pottery.

>> No.15435784

Very well put. And yeah, I'd say the pottery talks were Asou Ei's attempt to be like Sca-ji. Or at least like Sca-ji in Sakura no Uta.

>> No.15435791

anyone know where I can get Gekkou no Carnevale?
The torrent on nyaa seems dead and I can't find any living links.

>> No.15435794

Try the Nitroplus collection torrent.

>> No.15435805

Love is a game where the first one falling in love loses because he/she's at the mercy of the other person.

>> No.15435820


>> No.15435879

I skimmed through the review, but I can't agree with his points on Naoya being depicted as a half-assed genius.
I thought it was pretty clearly emphasized that Naoya was an artist that shines only when he 因果交流s with someone else.

>> No.15435993

I actually tried searching for one before, but I searched "Nitroplus" instead of "Nitro+"

>> No.15436425

How many Rance games do I have to play before I learn to switch out the magic users before fighting with ハニー?

>> No.15436585
File: 25 KB, 346x272, himegari2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started playing Himegari Dungeon Meister even though I don't understand japanese.

Game works but every few minutes I get this error message. If I click Yes, nothing happens and if I click No, game closes. It's very distracting.

What does this error message mean, and do you have suggestions of how to fix this.

>> No.15436601

Well that's certainly an error message about the program not working.

>> No.15436605

It says you should reinstall the program because there's corrupted data.

>> No.15436645

Search the archives.

>> No.15436662

Tried that.

Anon plz.

>> No.15436670

Were you in jap locale when you unrared it? Do you have full access to the folder it's in? Have you tried restarting the computer? Is it in your Program Files folder and not somewhere stupid that's restricting it from performing certain actions?

>> No.15436733 [DELETED] 

>Were you in jap locale when you unrared it?
>Do you have full access to the folder it's in?
> Is it in your Program Files folder and not somewhere stupid that's restricting it from performing certain actions?
Not program files, but in a very short path, three folders under the root of drive root.

>> No.15436741

>>15436662 (You)
>Were you in jap locale when you unrared it?
>Do you have full access to the folder it's in?
> Is it in your Program Files folder and not somewhere stupid that's restricting it from performing certain actions?
Not program files, but in a very short path, three folders under the root of drive.

>> No.15436746

>I recently started playing Himegari Dungeon Meister even though I don't understand japanese.

Perhaps reconsider.

>> No.15436753

Why, Kamidori didn't have a spectacular plot and I don't this will either.

>> No.15436773

This happens with all Eushully games if you download the dummy cut. You need to patch it. I'm not gonna help you with that part.

>> No.15436886

it has a darker plot that i thought was better at least but is there even an interface translation for it? if not you're probably not gonna have a fun experience

>> No.15436920

Yes, yes there is.

I have downloaded the append patch and the 1.03 version and the error message still happens.

>> No.15436937

Could one of you please translate me the error message, so that I could figure out myself what is the problem.

>> No.15436940

Sorry, but this really isn't the thread for this. The message only says data is broken, please reinstall.

>> No.15436942

Like I said it tells you to reinstall the game. That's it.

>> No.15436947

It's obvious what's wrong. This is a well known problem. Just do your research, then you will find the solution. How hard is this?
Every year, especially when the new Eushully game comes out, there are dozens of retards who ask this question even though it's already answered a million times in the last couple years. We just get sick of it.

>> No.15436950

Then what is?

And how do you suppose I search for an answer to a question which I don't know? I don't understand japanese and I can't copy this error message from the text box.

>> No.15436957

>I don't understand japanese
Please stop posting in threads which discuss untranslated Japanese games then.

>> No.15436959

We aren't a translation service nor a help desk for people who can't read Japanese.

>> No.15436960

There are no rules prohibiting it.

>> No.15436961

wow it actually has a TL, but i think that group did machine TL so i wouldn't expect much not to mention himegari is a noticeable step down from kamidori gameplay wise

and you should go to the hentai general on /vg/ for shit like this

>> No.15436964

Your every post is against the rules, because all requests must go to either >>>/wsr/ or >>>/r/.

>> No.15436966

Dunno where did you get it but just redownload a not dummy cut version from somewhere else. You can check anime-sharing or sukebei for that, I'm too lazy to search it.

>> No.15436973

Dummy cut version is not the reason for this error, though.

>> No.15436976

Fuck off.

>> No.15436977

The interface is not machine translated.

>and you should go to the hentai general on /vg/ for shit like this
No, this is /jp/ related and the thread creator did not prohibit people who can't understand english. I see nothing wrong in my questions.

>> No.15436980
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>> No.15436983

Ah yes, your attitude will definitely make people want to help you. Go away.

>> No.15437039

That error appears if you used a dummy cut or copied the game folder directly to another HD.

>> No.15437243
File: 88 KB, 1280x226, 大丈夫.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC tsukkomis during orgasm

any suggestions for comedy focused games? looking for something outside of asa project titles, bonus points for funny faces and the main comedy focus not being MC abuse

>> No.15437295


Is this the new "please let me sleep.. just three more hours.."? Okay.

>> No.15437432

Iam reading ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート and it's hilarious, the writer did a great job at writing a genuine comedy that's flow naturally.
Other one released this year is Tanaka Romeo's game
Also try Saga Plante's
花咲ワークスプリング if you haven't already.

>> No.15437441

I just couldn't stand the fairytale narration. I saw other people liked it but it was just obnoxious to me.

>> No.15437465 [DELETED] 

You're all bullshitting right? no one can REALLY decipher those squiggles?

>> No.15437476

Kanji are made of smaller radicals (think words being made of letters) so Japanese functions pretty much like a normal language with words (made of letters) fit into boxes rather than sprawled horizontally. When you understand that it should make sense.

>> No.15437480


>> No.15437711
File: 2.86 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mall to route was all around cute as fuck. What route to pay next...

Also, SakuUta on the projector is more awesome than I imagined.

>> No.15437712

Seems like it would gather many upvotes on Reddit.

>> No.15437714 [SPOILER] 
File: 298 KB, 790x596, 1466607427554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When protagonist rushes to find someone, Sca-ji gives you a futanari masturbation scene.

>> No.15437718

Can you buy me a gold account ^-^

>> No.15437722

was interested in it until i found out about the whole cat stuff, guess i'll look into it again

really didn't sound interesting to me

totally forgot about this, thanks anon

>> No.15437730

Buy a screen, god damn
What a bad wall to project onto.

>> No.15437734


Does the game work on windows 7? I remember hearing it wasn't compatible

>> No.15437752
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>> No.15437766

I see, thanks

>> No.15437771

Still it's not without it's problems. You need inmm.dll for looping BGMs, registry change to switch Win XP Mode to 24 bit colors, 800x600 resolution when you first run the game and then some way to make the videos run.

>> No.15440154

Any new loli games coming up?

I know にじいろばんび newest game is coming up, apparently it's not a game like usual though (also not sure if these types of doujin h-games can come up here)

anything goes lads, I need a good fap

>> No.15440179

I stopped playing loli games after monobeno

I just couldn't face the feeling I'll never live a life like the MCs in loli games

Monobeno was a real killer though

>> No.15440329

Chicchakunaimon! is coming out in July, I think.

>> No.15440468

Lowすぺっく is coming soon™.
But we had a lot of good games last year. Maybe you haven't tried ゆびきり婚約ロリイタ or 通心ぼ yet?

>> No.15440612

we had kodomo-h games for what, 3 years straight?

nothing this year so far from them though

>> No.15441182
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I hope she at least get some h-scenes.

>> No.15441203


No. I actually can't be sad anymore about any girl not having any scenes or not having a romance route in an eroge. It simply feels more natural that way.
Although sometimes I'd wish for side characters to have a semi-route, just perhaps without romance. Like going on a girlfriend hunt with Makoto in Noble Works. (I mean she's gotta be at least bi the way she acts)
Or something involving the girlfriend of the "best friend" in Hapymaher. (I'd trade her for her big sister any day as well, but that's another story..)

Some eroge really have fun female characters that are probably better of not having a romance route, but they really need to start thinking about other kinds of routes or side-stories. Don't have to be long. Could also be done for male side characters.
The way Eushully does it in Kami no Rhapsody is an idea, though they should've really put the h-scenes in the extra-menu and kept them out of the story. The excuse for those is mostly cringeworthy and retarded, doubly so when you consider that the dude has supposedly a girlfriend.. kinda.. maybe. The one exception is ultimately also retarded because it's a girl that seems like a main-heroine, but isn't actually one. (as in she wants to be the girlfriend, but when you get the choice.. she isn't one of them) Okay, that's Eushully writing I guess. And it's not a typical eroge either. But it does have an arc for every character that develops over the course of the game.

>> No.15441341

So the first movie in Nijuuei is protagonist's shadow coming alive. The second is the OP. The third is futanari masturbation. Bravo Sca-ji.

>> No.15441500
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I believe she will die as a tool for MC's character development.

>> No.15442130

Can I expect happy ending from あけいろ怪奇譚? I want to know what I'm in for.

>> No.15442138

Uh, yeah? It's friggin 2016. You think a game like that won't have happy endings? I don't even think there are bad endings for every girl, just a couple.

>> No.15442148

I only played two routes and both of them had happy endings, though it seems there's also bad endings.

>> No.15442473

the true ending of nanarin (akeiro prequel) is bittersweet, not happy.

>> No.15442490

The story end, but not the girl end, you only get the so-called "true" end if you don't get enough love points with Kotori. So, if he's concerned about happy endings with girls, the story end shouldn't be of concern. Same with Akeiro - you only get it if you have insufficient love points.

>> No.15442517
File: 87 KB, 801x450, img-f0ae502fa2980dbba0a7f96f7be37dd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready.

>> No.15442657

>one of them has a penis.


>But that makes it even better!

Yes yes.

>> No.15442662

One of them has a penis AND fucks girls. It's just wrong.

>> No.15442663
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I was excited for a new VA, but then I listened to the demo voices and it's fucking Kawashimarino

>> No.15442684
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, direct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, yuri with a penis for easier self insertion for males?

Well at least the MC is voiced. Now it just needs enough femdom, which is like one of the bigger appeals of the genre I feel. Although I gotta admit, I like it more if it's done in a not too strong way without traps. But I'll take what I can get.

>> No.15442718

>But that makes it even better!
What a placebo fucking fetish. You need to mention "a penis" somewhere in the description for it to work.

>> No.15442875

Hi guys. Could anyone share the following rare things:
https://vndb.org/r35780 - exactly that one
https://vndb.org/v9062 - win version if you have

>> No.15443239

But dude, how can I get Kazane as a mom but don't get a scene to fap to her?
That's a torture.

>> No.15443252

>yellow font on white background

it's not like i need my eyes anyway

>> No.15443377

the font color is white though

>> No.15443418


>> No.15444818


>> No.15444842

Is the trial version out? I just really hope this will get cracked on the release date.

>> No.15445210

They didn't announced a denuvo or something like that and its a mid priced game.

>> No.15445268

Any of you pals read CyberRebeat? It's a (now) free doujin game.


>> No.15445289



>> No.15445311

I just checked BBSpink

nobody gets angry, and just talk about the game, including running jokes and stuff its really nice why can't we be nice?

Also lots of people there seem to likeオトメ ドマイン
some prefer the MC over the girls

>> No.15445321


>> No.15445323


But we are nice.

Also a discussion where nobody is allowed to have a different opinion is pointless and shit. And unfortunately a lot of discussion platforms become that useless crap. Where people think you want to suicide bomb their family if you ever say something a little different than the others. I like 4chan.

>> No.15445324


>> No.15445335

I guess stuff like just randomly quoting game quotes and referencing stuff from games, a はつゆきさくら thread I saw was awesome people talking about girls they liked, giving short reviews or poems, almost every second post was a グルグルグしろう!、クイーキー or 恥ずかしいから死ね! and some other stuff just general funny/memorable moments in the game. Also the occasional really deep poem (or sarcastictally deep poem) about the game, it was pretty interesting.

I don't mind this thread but BBS seemed I guess...

>> No.15445361

Probably because they have threads individual to each game. Everyone there has read the game and can discuss it more than people here where maybe only 1-2 people are playing the same game at the same time and no one can contribute to impressions/reviews and such. We should organize a reading group where we can read older titles in the same time frame.

>> No.15445375

Didn't care for the last two Bare&Bunny nukige even though I love choco-chip's girls but えろゼミ is very nice.

>> No.15445384

I honestly don't think I'm expecting much from the scenario writer. This would go into the somedayI'llplayitmaybe category for me

>> No.15445395

Yeah that would interesting

>> No.15445451

Any suggestions? I'm thinking of something like Sayonara wo Oshiete, Axanael, or Mizuiro for something less dark. Axanael might be easier for people to get into and read because it's mostly dialogue. I'm not sure if most people here have played these already however.

>> No.15445454

Maybe stop considering this thread to be DJT.

>> No.15445465

I'm not saying it is. A game consisting of mostly dialogue is easier to pick up than something exposition-heavy no matter the language.

>> No.15445475

Games with shit writing, like Axanael, are harder to pick up than games with good writing.

>> No.15445477

I haven't read it I'm just throwing titles out there. What do you suggest?

>> No.15445484

It's a good older title that most people here probably haven't read.

>> No.15445488

I'm not sure if you're serious, but 神樹の館, i.e.霞外籠逗留記 Lite, could be a good choice.

>> No.15445489

Okay. When we get two more suggestions I'll make a poll and we can vote on it.

>> No.15445525 [DELETED] 

Perfect, the Moogy circlejerk has arrived just in time.

>> No.15445531

Instead of just crying, recommend something yourself.

>> No.15445542

It's not pretentious wankery, but I hope it will suffice.

>> No.15445546 [DELETED] 

>complain about Moogy circlejerk
>recommend a game Moogy loved so much he even wrote a long review about it

What are you doing?

>> No.15445575 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't know, I don't spend my days orbiting Moogy. Anyway, it's an entertaining game with an interesting premise. I can't remember a dull moment in that game, more people should read it.

>> No.15445578 [DELETED] 

>I wouldn't know, I don't spend my days orbiting Moogy
Coming from someone who keep screaming about Moogy every thread it's pretty funny

>> No.15445579 [DELETED] 

unfortunately, people do this all the while, talking crap about others for no reason (whether intended or not)

>> No.15445584 [DELETED] 

What a fucking blunder

>> No.15445629

I have the second one (along with other games in that pack), the first one was never shared and rose blood was shared at some point but the file is lost to time
Going to upload if I don't forget

>> No.15445648

Wonder if the Clover Day's Plus patch gets to Nyaa. Haven't read it yet and it's rather interesting to me how companies utilize e-mote as well. But it being just a patch(?)... some of those never really get uploaded.

>> No.15445763

It's not a patch, it's a rerelease with emote.

>> No.15445777
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Oh, fuck.
Why the most anticipated July game has to be delayed so much?

>> No.15446580
File: 129 KB, 500x281, 1463233516341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my 恋するユートピ torrent?

>> No.15446583

There is still no torrent for スライム娘の育て方 as well.

>> No.15446609

The eroge warez scene is in such sorry state you better be grateful you get anything at all.

>> No.15446678 [DELETED] 

Of course, Moogy.

>> No.15446923

Daitoshokan h-scenes are awful.

>> No.15446985

If we get a decent amount of replies we'll start on Monday. I can reupload any games if need be, just let me know on Monday.

>> No.15447004

100% agreed.

>> No.15447045

I disrespectfully disagree

>> No.15447095

Nah its like this for 2-3 years, I'm pretty sure we will get every not-nukige games in 3-4 days. I dont really see any big difference in it, at older days we were getting almost all of them at the first day while currently we have to wait for 3-5 days. Of course sometimes exceptions are happening and makes us wait for 3-4 weeks, but to be honest with a 100+ backlog its not bothering me that much.

>> No.15447162

The problem is there's only a single person uploading most of the stuff and they can quit anytime, then you're at mikocon's mercy

>> No.15447223

Mikocon saves the industry and the pirates at the same time, what a man.

>> No.15447310

Finished Kami no Rhapsody. I don't think it's worse than Kamidori to be honest. Most of its weaknesses seem typical Eushully issues. (shitty gui, shitty unintuitive ‎controls that are also kinda "laggy".. Kamidori was actually even worse with those except the gui)

The gameplay was quite fun and worked rather well. I liked that you can't grind, but they could've left the grind-quests out. Definitely a BIG step up from Kamidori though, which kinda fucked itself over.

Story was not existent until the final part which was only a big asspull. I actually skipped that shit, not worth getting a headache over.
Characters were mostly fun, with some side-characters > main heroines. Main heroines aren't even so "main" anyway.. I loved the epilogue with the chosen heroine. Was it even 10 lines?
The ero reasons were REALLY retarded and the ero writing.. yeah no. That could've been done better.
The MC was fine in the beginning, ended up pretty annoying though.

tl;dr: A fun game. Not sure if I do NG+ though.

>> No.15447477

>I don't think it's worse than Kamidori
but your entire post says otherwise

>> No.15447598

I'm not too experienced with literature, so I'm not sure if this is just due to my over-exposure to Japanese authors, but is it just me or do VN characters tend to be preachy as fuck? That image of an anime character saying "you're living life incorrectly" pretty much sums up a lot of VN MCs for me, or otherwise "sensei" characters. Either the MC goes around preaching to everyone or the "sensei" preaches to MC. It's really obnoxious. What I recall from reading western books is that "themes" and whatnot are conveyed implicitly through dialogue and story using various literary techniques such as extended metaphors. Whereas, VNs seem to just rely on explicitly having characters word-for-word enunciate the writer's philosophy with zero subtlety. This isn't a problem with all VNs of course but a huge number of them that I've read recently fall prey to this, heck even nukige do, so I'm really left dissatisfied here. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.15447631

I liked kamidori because both the game and the meta-game (crafting) were fairly entertaining.

No Eushully game since has really gripped me because the gameplay is usually slightly worse than kamidori and the meta-gameplay is shit.

I should really give himegari another try now that my fetishes are more developed

>> No.15447670

Yeah, I guess I saw several games like that.

>> No.15447691

Floral Flowlove trial was shit. It's a huge downgrade from Hanasaki. Now to wait for Senren * Banka trial.

>> No.15448010
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>> No.15448184

Well I guess my only option is to read the full game and masturbate to Nakamura Eriko's voice multiple times regardless then.

>> No.15448382

I preferred Madou to both Rhapsody and Kamidori tbqh. I guess its kind of a love or hate thing.

I was really fond of the senki setting first of all and the story wasn't too shabby. You know, I'd actually go as far and say that it was probably one of the best from their recent games, which of course still doesn't mean much since most of the newer ones have no plot.

As for the gameplay, I've heard many people talk about hating the RTS aspect, but nobody talks about the amount of choices you have to make in this game and how they affect the overall routes. I was really surprised when I first looked it up on the wiki and saw all these different requirements and outcomes/consequences.

Not to mention the different styles of gameplay in these routes. If you're going for magic for example, if you can expand fast and get the magic research up to a certain point you're basically set up for the whole game. Monsters are incredibly op and diverse and you can even conquer the flight path locations with Sylphs and Reapers really early on. In fact in magic route after you start producing/combining monsters you won't even need the generics.

Even the mentioned RTS side wasn't that bad, just unbalanced and not polished. For example you had tons of choices with how you wanted to play depending on the terrain, like demolishing birdges and wiping out enemy squads that were on it at once/Or just having ranged units stanby on the other side if the enemy themselves had no ranged or flight. Having that element chart and how they affected each other was also very nice.
The problem was the Al who of course made some of the beyond dumb decisions, especially how they would always run out of the defensive walls when sometimes the said walls even had trebuchets on them.

The game needed way more polishing on the gameplay side, but overall I had much more fun with it than something like Kamidori that I barely managed to finish just once.

>> No.15448395

As far as moege can go Floral Flowlove is decent one, but I loved the comedy and the comfy mood in Hanasaki too much for my own sake. the plot and the characters are taken way more seriously in this one. Saga Planet is aiming for a different experience from Hanasaki and that's what I didn't like. Not to mention that the main heroine is really bad. I may play it for Tokisaka Nanoa route only.

>> No.15448449

Could you upload this one, please?

>> No.15448485

Are you talking about Fate/stay night?

>> No.15448705
File: 3 KB, 800x600, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCA-自 goes as ACA-自 in Nijuuei credits. Embarassing mistake.

>> No.15448717

In Madou it was way too easy to just get neneka up to 50 super fast and then just coast for half the game on that

>> No.15448782

Otome domain's doing pretty well on sales atm

>> No.15448788


>> No.15448920

Yea normally if you just focus on leveling up 1 unit, that would crush mostly everything. For Aru/Eida route I just focused on leveling up Weiss only and that was it(didn't transfer levels).

But it got tricky when you're in war with like 3-4 nations. You need to keep decent units everywhere when taking them all at once. Well, you could probably manage somehow without them and crush everything 1 by 1 but thats such a pain.
Thats why for me monsters were great in Orphan's route where I didn't bother much with diplomacy. You didn't even need to level them up, the final tiers were already level 30-36ish.

In the end it depends on how you want to play the game, which is one of things I really like about Madou.

>> No.15448962


>> No.15448995


No, again, what it doesn't do so well is pretty much even worse in Kamidori, as far as I've played that at least. I think it has heroine routes, but that's kinda whatever to me. (The heroine in Kamidori were already terrible after not even 10 hours, the ones in Rhapsody are kinda terrible as well, but not quite that bad)


The issue with crafting in Kamidori is that it's crap. I've played Atelier. I've played some western Rpgs. Kamidori is just really bad in that regard, as it doesn't harmonize with the rest of the game. A lucky random level-ups can have the same effect as making a newer weapon. It just didn't work with the fire emblem esque battle system. While Rhapsody doesn't have anything like it, instead it actually has a solid working s-rpg system that works rather well. I'd personally change the mana-management in the game, but other than that..


Madou looks too "grand strategy" like to me. I'm not into that personally. So it's unfortunately not really an option for me. Maybe I'll try one of these Ikusa Megami games at one point, though.. I dunno. There's no way I'd start at the beginning.

>> No.15449089

Protip for Nijuubako, the Nijuuei fandisc. If the game doesn't display and run correctly, run the separate config exe in the install folder and turn off 同期.

>> No.15449288
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Now this is something.

>> No.15449299

Yeah Madou with more polishing would have been an amazing game
Is there anything kinda similar that came out recently? I already know about the obligatory Alicesofts, Eiyuu Senki, latest Eushully letdowns and all that stuff.
I'm just in the mood for some grand strategy with cute girls

>> No.15449302

Is this because the game is bad or because the Japanese dont like its sense of humour?

>> No.15449323

This is the site where if girls are cute the game gets not bad scores regardless of the quality.

>> No.15449332

Try it and decide for yourself.

>> No.15449333

Well, look at them cute girls getting bad scores.

>> No.15449339

I will not be able to determine why those people are voting like that by playing it myself. Besides, the conjueror school of thought - playing only games with 80+ score - seems to be pretty solid.

>> No.15449341

Japanese probably didn't like its quite obnoxious marketing strategy.

>> No.15449344

Please avoid mentions of Conjueror.

>> No.15449350


>> No.15449351

Pretty bad school of thought.

>> No.15449353

So I thought as well, until I looked up all the games I had really liked and considered worth the time, and all of them had 80+ score. At worst, some moege I thought were nice had 78-79. EGS is pretty reliable.

>> No.15449377


Completely staying away from anything sub 80 is, to be honest, incredibly weird. It's like being a casual among erogamers or whatever.
Mainstream works (as in works that are liked by A LOT of people) are usually written in a rather broad way to appeal to many. You'll enjoy something way more that isn't catered to "a lot of people" but rather does all the things you personally like the most. That'll be overall rated worse as it doesn't do something others like, but what do you care? For this to not become an issue the game in question would need to stay relatively unknown despite being really liked by the few who played it, and as such got an average high score. This happens sometimes, but it's obviously not reliable.

So yeah, 80+ gives you a higher chance to get at least somewhat entertained, but... especially in the 70-80er range you should find quite a lot of stuff that certain people love the shit out of, while others simply don't as it's not their fetish/genre/whatever. Luckily there's more than a number to tell you something about a game.

>> No.15449387

Well, this is excluding nukige of course. Fapping is in a league of its own.

In any case, sure, making exceptions for particularly interesting 70-80 games isn't a problem. But, it's also pretty rare to need to do that. And 80+ doesn't even mean casual. Check this out:
A doujin game with dense text and no sprites that deals heavily with child abuse has 80+ score. It's honestly just true that good games overwhelmingly end up with a score of 80 or above. Making exceptions for good-looking games is of course a rational and painfully obvious decision to make, but not one you need to make often at all.

>> No.15449395

i want to fuck monica so bad
why she is not uploaded yet...

>> No.15449406
File: 13 KB, 925x126, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you transphobic towards VN writers?

>> No.15449410

I'm redditphobic

>> No.15449411

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=14076#ad I can't see this

>> No.15449412

Why don't you just discuss it in reddit with your kind of people?

>> No.15449413


Well, I'm quite particular about this, as one of my favorite eroge routes is in a sub 70 EGS eroge. Seisai no Resonance, a chuuni yuri eroge, though the chuuni is more part of the relationship-building and a lot "softer" than your typical chuuni works.
I only read two routes of it, the first one was quite fine but had quite a lackluster ending, but the second (and true route) was incredibly well done, and I've not read anything better than that in the 6+ months since I've read that. It's also quite clever and interesting with its endings and how it works. The true heroine actually acts a bit like a typical chuuni protag at times which gives a nice perspective change for a bunch of not so good tropes. It handles its characters quite well. So well, that there was no way I could read the other routes afterwards and will come back one day and re-read it again. Sure the overall work isn't without flaws, but I'm damn happy do have read it. To me the best yuri eroge out there... actually scrap that. The only good yuri eroge out there. Everything else I tried was.. at best not interesting and boring. Including some 80+ EGS stuff like Okujou no Yurirei-san.

Perhaps this happens rarely. But it happens. I just think it's a good idea to keep an open mind and try to look at more than the score.

>> No.15449427

I went and read some EGS reviews and pretty much everyone is saying that one of the two writers is shit and that writer making half the game shit forced their hand in lowering the score. That, in addition to an over-resemblance to the game it pays homage to and a general meh gameplay, makes it reasonable for it to have a score of 69 I think. If you only play the good routes and are unfamiliar with what it's paying homage to (the reviews I read all censored the title so I couldn't tell you what it is) then it's reasonable you'd over-rate it compared to other players.

>> No.15449540

I loved them and used every single one.

>> No.15449555

This is bullshit, the game was alright as the company first game, the comedy was actually good, there is way more worse moege than this. I don't usually care for ratings but shiting on new maker that have potential is too much.

>> No.15449558

aren't people just giving the low scores because of the twitter drama?

>> No.15449561

What Twitter drama? And I've read the two longer reviews and they mention the game being bad and not funny at all.

>> No.15449572

something about the scenario writer harassing some artist.

I've played like half an hour of the trial and thought it was pretty cute and kind of funny.

Guess I'll wait for some unbiased reviews.

>> No.15449592

They actually tried promoting it on 2ch as the best eroge ever made so they of course get a decent bit of hatevoting now.

>> No.15449632

Any more details? Would love to read up on it and have a good laugh.

>> No.15449634


I actually read two routes by different writers, so I wouldn't say one of them is shit. I'd assume they mean Madoka, who has issues, but I'd not call it "shit". The route was fine, there was just no ending which felt more like a budget issue.. the company went down after it too.

That said, I don't know what it's supposed to resemble, but I have trouble actually believing that, seeing what makes this good isn't really "plot element xyz". And last time I checked something like 999 was still rather popular even with its major resemblance with ever17. I've read both of those and had no issue either.

And then the gameplay.. yeah. But you know? Something you spend 5 minutes on during the whole eroge (you aren't forced to do more than that).. I dunno. It wasn't even bad enough for me to say those 5 minutes were utterly horrible or anything. It was.. there.

>> No.15449641

>And last time I checked something like 999 was still rather popular even with its major resemblance with ever17. I've read both of those and had no issue either.

That's just EOPs loving Uchikoshi for some reason.

>> No.15449644

I wasn't trying to argue that your opinion was wrong, just that it makes sense for that particular game to have a low score despite you liking it so much.

>> No.15449649

Twists are fun, reason I'm really looking forward to the new game on monday.

>> No.15449699
File: 124 KB, 648x670, ZzCxKsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15449816


Is that even a VN? The last game flopped so hard in Japan that they completely westernized the shit out of this new one, last time I checked. Including "movie scenes" so that Americans don't have to read. Wouldn't be surprised if it had barely a story.

>> No.15449885 [DELETED] 

Guys, is this translated? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9z3gq3Slx8

I am new to VN so i don't know if there is a list of currently translated VNs, i wanted to play this one tho.

>> No.15449893 [DELETED] 

It's not even released yet in Japan. How the hell it's supposed to be translated?

>> No.15449948 [DELETED] 

Go check on VNDB for translated VNs, the game you posted hasn't released yet

>> No.15449983 [DELETED] 

This thread is for untranslated VNs. Go to >>>/vg//vn/

>> No.15450037

Venus Blood games might be your best bet.

>> No.15451144

Wait which Hikaru? Sakurai?

2ch hates the writer for being an obnoxious faggot both online and IRL, I'd bet it has to do with it.

>> No.15451566

>Wait which Hikaru? Sakurai?


>> No.15452162


Did Mimasu Kei really, finally beat the chinese?

>> No.15452174

Doubt it

>> No.15452194

Because nobody will go through the trouble of cracking idol nukige shit.

>> No.15452210

But Omokage was worth the "trouble" which was no trouble in the end?
I don't know. Both sides are full of shit so can't really trust either's points of view.

>> No.15452226

As long as 生命のスペア get cracked Iam alright. Man I just hope Akabei Soft Shachou get over his pirating autism very soon.

>> No.15452586

The game didn't get uploaded yet

>> No.15452685
File: 2.10 MB, 1719x1016, 7GIV9AVXB0S~(RP6IGT~EYQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shomin Sample Cross-dressing Ver.

>> No.15452788
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, 1442618011951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish SofthouseChara's latest game, Planet Dragon. The gameplay was a lot of fun, and kept me wrapped up into for a good 15 hours. I loved traveling around the systems running odd deliveries to earn enough money to customize and upgrade my ship. It was simplistic enough with a clear goal to accomplish, but just the freedom to travel wherever you wanted and do whatever in space was great. The overall feel of just being an average space delivery company, wandering around doing work to try and earn money really hit a sweet spot for me and I was easily engrossed in deliveries for the first 10 or so hours. Watching a fully upgraded ship just completely annihilate an entire pirate fleet was always fun.

That being said, the story and writing are still the biggest weak point. The prologue skips over a ton of character development hilariously fast, and the main plot felt really stale and lifeless. The slice of life scenes in space worked because of how slow and relaxed they were while still revealing more about the universe, but using that same style, all the plot relevant stuff felt so dull and sterile, like reading a textbook. As the reader you just hear what plot points happens, with very little of it really affecting the characters, or the characters really having that much effect on the world. Even the ending it just blazes through the last parts which I felt were more important, how the characters react to the changes in the plot. I would've loved to see more character interactions as well; the main 3 had a lot but the side characters felt a little shafted (to be fair I only have half of all the scenes unlocked so it could be that I just missed a bunch). A single new party member to the crew would have livened up the atmosphere and made the slice of life scenes a lot more fun as well.

Overall fun, simplistic gameplay with decent customization and exploration, but tends to get a little repetitive and doesn't quite hold out all the way until the end. The gameplay could have used a little more meat to it as well as some polish in places, but the feel of doing deliveries in space to make a living was a lot more enjoyable than I thought.

On a more personal note I would have loved if the ship's customization were a little more visually appealing. By the end of it my ship looked like some sort of deformed tetris stage instead of a space-traveling vessel.

>> No.15452846

生命のスペア trial will be available on 30. Iam hyped.

>> No.15452932

Lol this guy is funnier than I expected, it didn't get "cracked" because no one even bothered with "uploading" their idol nukige shit.

>> No.15452944

The secret to perfect anti-piracy is, as it always has been, to make something that no one wants.

>> No.15453087

It's also the way to bankruptcy, the real way to beat piracy is to make something good enough that people want to buy or make it so cheap that people don't mind throwing money at it.

>> No.15453093
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>> No.15453101
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>> No.15453108

>Only a 2 month wait
Well that's something to look forward to in the near future.

>> No.15453121



New 戯画マイン sure looks like a lot of fun with those collaborations.

>> No.15453214
File: 912 KB, 1280x720, collabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm all for collabs but these feel really out of place, would rather have ita-gundams than copying their movesets

>> No.15453235

I'm looking forward to it. I'm a sucker for tragic love and family themes. Also with one heroine and one writer they have less chance to fuck things up.

>> No.15453374

The point is that will never get you the perfect anti-piracy Mimasu-chan seems to be chasing. The only way to get that is to either use a fully-locked down system like the PS4 (where you can't sell eroge anyway), or just make something that nobody even cares about enough to pirate. Akabei seems to have chosen the latter approach.

>> No.15453453

>The point is that will never get you the perfect anti-piracy Mimasu-chan seems to be chasing.
I mean... there is. It's just expensive.

>> No.15453504

Denuvo is not that expensive, but for using denuvo first you have to somehow release your games at Steam or Origin though, which is kinda impossible for eroges. + change KiriKiri engine into something else, stop making 32bit games and start using 64bit, stop releasing trials or use denuvo at them as well. So yeah its not impossible but "really" hard.

>> No.15453706

So, Floral Flowlove. Anyone looking at it?

>> No.15453721
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saga planet is trying to become Clochette v2. They have a long way to go through.

>> No.15453722

Is short hair + kyonyuu the new boom? Baldr Heart has it too.

>> No.15453730

I wasn't, but I'm mildly interested now that I've noticed that Touta is the main writer. I'll check out some reviews I guess.

>> No.15453732

it's trying a bit too hard to be serious though osananajimi getting her head pointed by a gun and MC being semi-trained as a ninja and having some sort of vision superpower

>> No.15453744

Better throw some serious elements right off the bat than drama out of fucking nowhere like in their last couple of games.

>> No.15453749

I heard that it has too much religion talk which is a little turn off for me, but I guess I'll try it after the Yuzusoft's game.

>> No.15453752

I'll give a shot, description and the heroines are enough to give the common route a read.

>> No.15453835

Guys, someone played Wizards Complex from Windmill Oasis? Is it worth to read? Just so many novels, don't want to waste time for "meh" titles.
Also demo of Floral FlowLove... Eh... So many choices, too little time...

>> No.15453883

People like to praise Muramasa for its deep themes, but nobody ever says what these themes are.
Can anyone care to enlighten me? I haven't read it but I don't care about spoilers.

>> No.15453894

Conjueror-sama will.

>This here is the work that could easily be grouped together with War & Peace by human civilization in the future, when the initial skepticism about new mediums will be long blown away from visual novels by the passage of time.

>> No.15453912
File: 410 KB, 818x641, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijuubako is hilarious, at least the quizes are. And I really like the art. It got so much better from Nijuuei, well, not this one specifically, but other CGs.

>> No.15453926 [SPOILER] 
File: 544 KB, 812x636, 1466954733160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example this is a perfectly good CG.

>> No.15454106

It's decent enough.
Protagonist is a bit too useless for the type of game it is for me though. Main heroines are all pretty cute, sub heroines have route as well but they're short and the CGs looked pretty bad.
Main heroines voice cast is pretty good but you can tell some of them are still fairly inexperienced at H scenes, Marie Miyake especially.

>> No.15454725

if you wield muramasa, you'll be cursed. the curse is that if you kill a bad guy, you then have to kill a good guy. this is to remind the user "just don't kill", or if you do, you're just a murderer, nothing else, you're not fighting for justice, you're not a hero. the mentality behind is that no one has the right to decide who is a bad guy and who is a good guy. if they do, then people will just kill each other because they all think they themselves are the good guys and anyone else is evil. it's also unfair because people can be kind at one thing and evil at another

>> No.15454848

Was the last append patch for Amakano 2 ever uploaded?

>> No.15454907

It didn't get uploaded by girlcelly or mikocon yet, but according to AS you can get it from baidu; http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSi7OLs / password: dko2.

>> No.15454934

And still there is no スライム娘の育て方 torrent yet, seems like mikocon didn't even buy it.

>> No.15454963

Oh god only a single file with all three. That'll do I guess, thanks.

>> No.15455008


It's just Sunday, give it some time. I'm mostly waiting for Clover Day's Plus myself which isn't uploaded yet either, as far as I know.

>> No.15455180

>People like to praise Muramasa for its deep themes, but nobody ever says what these themes are.
I wouldn't really say they're very deep, they're actually quite easy to grasp but I really liked how the game presented them. Basically the different heroine routes focus on war and killing from different perspectives. The major premise of the game is the protagonist being cursed to kill someone they hold dear any time they kill someone else, and this 善悪相殺 (憎む者を殺したら、 愛する者も殺すべし) curse is obviously presented as something very negative. The reason the protagonist manages to keep on is that he ultimately attempts to stop a much greater evil. Much later on the protagonist comes at the realization that the curse exists to remind the user about the implications of killing another person out of spite and that the person in question too could have had their own loved ones who mourn their death, thus killing, no matter the cause is always unjustified.

正義編 Deconstruction on fighting and killing in the name of justice
復讐編 Cycle of revenge and the protagonist seeking punishment for his own sins
魔王編 Forgetting all justifications and remorse for killing people and fighting for what you personally find important / believe in no matter how evil it is to others
悪鬼編 Coming to terms with the curse and being a hypocritical murderer, yet the decision to keep on fighting with the goal of spreading the ideal behind the curse and eliminating war altogether

>> No.15455242

Anyone tried Otome * Domain?

>> No.15455274

Saw ChuSinGura 46+1 on steam

Didn't even know anyone was trying to translate it

>> No.15455328

What's with this trend of trap protag meets cute girls games?

Navel and ensemble have been making pushing out games with that theme every single year and it seems like other companies are catching on. Is it the new boom? I actually haven't tried one of them yet, while I like the concept it seems like the rehashes would get boring really quick unless they're significantly different.

>> No.15455682

Any chance somebody who can successfully download this can re-upload it elsewhere?

>> No.15455714

As somebody whose played a few of Ensemble's trap games, it loses it's appeal rather quickly after completely one or two entries.

>> No.15455768

The problem w/ trap games is that it pretty much requires a cookie-cutter plot for the crossdressing to be anything more than a token element. For example, they're all set in some kind of female dorm, because there must be a risk of getting caught at all times etc. etc.

>> No.15455789

Ensemble is just a fucking garbage company. So I say because "恋する気持ちのかさねかた" is one of the worst VNs I've ever read in my life and am thus extrapolating that everything they make is garbage. Sorry ensemble but what the fucking fuck, don't release gutter garbage like that.

>> No.15455825

I didn't even give that one a try because of how generic it looked. The only titles from Ensemble that are worth trying in my opinion are Naname and DamaMuko, Although I must admit I did enjoy Golden Marriage somewhat.

>> No.15455846

You are just exaggerating, I didn't read it just as >>15455825 but they are definitely not that bad, お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ is a pretty good game and ゴールデンマリッジ was kinda enjoyable too.

Well they are certainly not great either though, just your classic average eroge company.

>> No.15455910

I downloaded it because I wanted to experience a normal and generic moege, but what I got was a work below even feces in a gutter. Some games try to be good and fail, those are endearing. This game didn't even try to be good. It didn't even try to be anything. It was written by a hollow eyed intern, with no aspirations but to provide a bare bone ""characterization"" upon which to gracelessly stick pretty CGs. The work is neither a failure nor success, it's simply a grey blob that exists and sucks passion and happiness from all those unfortunate enough to approach it. Giving it any score would give it legitimacy, so I give it a what a fucking mess out of holy fuck never read this.
I am dead serious.

>> No.15456066

Minato is the best girl.

>> No.15456107

thanks man

>> No.15456151

just use jdownloader2

>> No.15456157

Ojonana is fun
I never tried their other games though

>> No.15456758

How's totono?

Spoonfeed me, where can I get it? I had a link bookmarked one but that was like 3 years ago

>> No.15456791

>where can I get it?
if there's no individual seeded torrent you can just grab it from one of the nitro+ bundles on nyaa. might take a day or so depending on seed availability though

>> No.15456812

The name "totono" annoys me immensely. Couldn't they have gone with something like KimiKoi like most games do?

>> No.15456817

But it's cute, exactly like Toronto isn't.

>> No.15456822

haganai made terrible abbreviations acceptable by the fact that nothing can possibly have as bad an abbreviation

>> No.15456827

Nothing communicates the name of something better than the particles. We all know this.

>> No.15456891

I don't get it. Do you play as a faceless main character in Otome*Domain or are you actually playing as the trap character the whole time? This is confusing the hell out of me.

>> No.15456911

On VNDB he has a face and he's a trap, so the second one I would assume.

>> No.15457053

Haven't played the trial but what I have seen hasn't gotten me excited for its release. Maybe their next game will be close to the level of HS.

>> No.15457062


>> No.15457066

Considering my backlog is basically only nukige and a couple of plotge, I guess I'll grab it for a change of pace

>> No.15457105


>> No.15458264
File: 68 KB, 800x800, LUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15458348

Can you upload the second game(Railway~ここにある夢~)?

>> No.15458594

Yes, but it's going to take a while.

>> No.15459125


>> No.15459177

Many thanks!

>> No.15459279

えろゼミ is out.

>> No.15459325

Thank goodness.
I almost lost to my dick and bought it.

>> No.15459504
File: 125 KB, 1364x768, beachboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it on Friday.
More eroge devs should do digital releases in this brave new "fucking nothing gets uploaded in a timely manner" -world. Seems to be working out well for Atelier Kaguya at least, since they're not stopping with the simultaneous DL-versions.

>> No.15459633

Yeah, I'd be more willing to buy digital releases more often if there were there on Day 1 instead of them getting put on DMM/whatever months after the fact.

On a different note I sure am glad Yuzusoft interviewed the same VA twice under different pseudonyms for their 10th Anniversary book, and that each one is about half the length of the other VA interviews.

>> No.15459906
File: 64 KB, 577x152, egs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a fucking moron. For years I've mentally bashed EGS for having a "shitty" search system because even if I knew what the game's title was, if I forgot the particular kanji I couldn't search it. But, today, by chance, I realized there's a フリガナ option for just that situation. What a blunder on my part

>> No.15459936

You could've just googled the title first if you hadn't known it.

>> No.15459959

That was my problem with it, what kind of search system relies on my googling something before I can use it?

>> No.15460163
File: 722 KB, 800x600, sugarcoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, why would you make the last cg the absolutely worst one?

>> No.15460378
File: 63 KB, 220x257, 849d7aadf6045a9b6d5288b050908738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That face looks like a true work of art to me.

>> No.15460447

I had my eye on this character, dammit Clochette, y u turn mi lecherus

>> No.15460462

You've got to understand that Kyonyuu is everywhere. So saying "x + kyonyuu" isn't meaningful, everyone's kyonyuu.

>> No.15460789
File: 92 KB, 800x600, 139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it resembles how the characters usually look more than that last cg.

>> No.15460818

The mouth and eye placements are still kind of weird, and the pointy jaws don't really help. When one of the eyes is that much off to the side it looks like they have a disease or something. Then again we still get shit like sidemouth in still frame CGs/sprites/promo art, so it's not like stuff like this is unheard of.

>> No.15460827

Yeah, the artist always draws like that so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.15461077

How do I extract the image files from Kirikiri's .xp3 files? I'm trying to get the sprites from WagaHai using various tools I've found, but nothing seems to be working. They all keep coming up with errors. I've played the game, and it doesn't seem to be corrupt. Does anyone here have experience with this who could maybe tell me what I'm suppose to be doing?

>> No.15461902

You've just gotta rely on the tools, man. If they don't work they don't work, not much you can do about it.

>> No.15461938

i just google the game title + eroge and the first link is always for egs

maybe ask in the vnts thread? my best guess if it's not working is maybe you're using tools for kirikiri but the game is using the newer kirikiriZ engine which isn't hacked yet afaik

>> No.15462003

What's the best one of those games?

Otome Domain seems to be getting good ratings

>> No.15462009 [DELETED] 

Many games also have their data encrypted, so you'd only have luck if someone hacks the encryption game of that specific game.

>> No.15462023

Many games also have their data encrypted, so you'd only have luck if someone hacks the encryption key of that specific game.

>> No.15462935

Reading White Album 2, finally got to Coda, I have one question though: were the unselectable choices in CC that lead to Haruki going to Kazusa's mother concert just a ruse?
Since, from what I gather, everything that happens in Coda is after Setsuna's route, then there's gotta be a lot more drama, suffering, and stuff.
Damn, I hoped for a painless Kazusa route in CC but I guess I was wrong ;_;

>> No.15463105

Yes, it was a troll choice

>> No.15463152

>Damn, I hoped for a painless Kazusa route in CC but I guess I was wrong ;_;
why would you read a drama title if you didn't want pain?

>> No.15463190

Fucking Maruto

I can't openly admit it

>> No.15463639

Yet another game that gives me stress because I need to be in Japanese clock region for it to run.

>> No.15463695

>I need to be in Japanese clock region for it to run.
I don't
And I never run into that problem on every single other atelier kaguya games.

>> No.15464458

It's a first for me too with them.
By the way, are you aware of whether or not Ero Zemi has a friggin option menu in-game? I can't find one at all, starting to feel kinda silly. I want to mute the BGM because it's pretty bad.

>> No.15464647

Hover your mouse around the upper right corner, a purple menu will appear. And I also didn't need to change clock region here.

>> No.15464668

Bless you.

>> No.15464823

Well, finished up with Erozemi pretty much. It got so boring I just skipped to the H-scenes which were pretty nice. I don't really know what I expected, but the writing and characters were all so painfully boring I couldn't stand to waste the time reading through it normally. At least 妹射精管理 or whatever had the whole "psycho break from masturbating too much" subplot, that got me to the sex scenes without too much trouble. But Erozemi is all about tests and whatnot so the setting doesn't prop up the boring writing at all. This is a rude reminder that hot scenes and good art don't "make up" for boring writing.

>> No.15464829

>This is a rude reminder that hot scenes and good art don't "make up" for boring writing.
We already learned that with ハラミタマ.

>> No.15464834

New thread

