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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.74 MB, 2752x1693, weebtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15415950 No.15415950 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15415980

This picture looks outdated if anime/manga is in the socially dead zone.

>> No.15416037

i don't see how cosplay is socially dead, they are literally socializing in that photo

>> No.15416070

But video games and card games are as normal pandering as they can get these days. To not talk about how in the latest E3 everyone is trying to follow the Hearthstone boom, which is both a card and a video game.

>> No.15416351


>> No.15416413


>> No.15416487



>> No.15416488

Looks like I'm socially dead, what else is new.

>> No.15416526
File: 421 KB, 988x1136, shushou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op's is full of shite


>> No.15416599

Who's the JAV slut?

>> No.15417303
File: 111 KB, 752x1000, little-japanese-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a low high power level socially acceptable dead according to this.

>> No.15417999

>high power level.

>> No.15418175

I think you have to unite all the points corresponding to your interests and your social/power level is in the centroid of the resulting polygon

>> No.15418194

That girl doesn't look Japanese to me

>> No.15418217

This, OP is dumb.

>> No.15418690

Calling martial arts high powerlevel is laughable. Nobody's ever been called a weeb for taking karate.

Calling kawaii shit socially acceptable seems like it's cheating since the only time that's true is when an attractive female is into it, which holds true for most of the stuff on the socially dead side as well.

Calling architecture low powerlevel seems suspicious too since I don't think I've ever run into anyone that actually knows anything about it other than "it looks cool."

and yeah there's no way people will think you're less of a weirdo for watching anime than if you play fucking yu-gi-oh

>> No.15419414

Nobody remarking that JAV, like other porn, is mainstream enough to neither be high powerlevel nor socially unacceptable (for porn)? Same, to a lesser extent, goes for idols nowadays, they've become totally mainstream.

And where are eroge? Doujin games? "Hentai"? Denpa? Drama? Moe (as kawaii is on there as well)? Mobage? Netoge? It's pretty clear the creator of this chart doesn't know shit about weeb hobbies.

>> No.15419573

>nobody's ever been called a weeb for taking karate
exactly, that's why it's high on "socially acceptable".

exactly, you can be "into it" with only the barest amount of interest, hence low powerlevel.

>> No.15419866

It's not my fault only the Japanese and Europeans make non-shitty cars.

>> No.15423865

Shinto is pretty socially excepted and considered a good reason to be interested in Japan by Japanese.

>> No.15425518

>kawaii shit socially acceptable


>> No.15429713

I assume eroge is socially acceptable and high powerlevel.

>> No.15438429

Ai uehara

>> No.15440590

Are you fucking kidding me, idol-otaku culture in Japan is the equivalent of cosplay-otaku in the West - absolute human failures.

Why would a jaypee trying to emulate the lowest of the hobbies be considered high powerlevel?

If anything, at least there can be decent cosplayers. Being a fruitless fan amounts to nothing.

As a side note, doujinshi and board games could have their own picture.

>> No.15440600

Quality page 10 bumps, 3 days in a row.

>> No.15440616

Not the mad bumper, but I think the topic has the room to be more interesting than some of the other stuff around.

>> No.15440760

To be fair that post was me parachuting into this thread and it was around page 5 only.

>> No.15444945
File: 3.01 MB, 480x270, 1449964433371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese Food
> Low Power Level
captcha was food

>> No.15446223
File: 61 KB, 422x624, 1456775250075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murasaki is more representative of literature than Murakami

>> No.15448312

p sure that's osamu dazai pictured, murasaki was a woman

>> No.15448318

fuck, akutugawa, not dazai

>> No.15448727

Where the fuck are trains on that list?

>> No.15448733

On the tracks, heh.

>> No.15449202

Murasaki is in the OP representing history and culture

>> No.15449236

Anything is acceptable in moderation.
