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1537379 No.1537379 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/.

Do you prefer 2D girls or 3D girls.

>> No.1537381
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>> No.1537403
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I could if I applied myself. I'm sure anyone here could. But why change anything at all when 2D is so nice, won't bitch to you, and will always love you?

>> No.1537389

hi jimmy

>> No.1537383

90% of /jp/ prefers 2D

>> No.1537384

2D. No discussion needed.

>> No.1537387

Sauce on 2D girl please.

>> No.1537388

2D, but only by like an 80/20 majority

>> No.1537392


But isn't that because 90% of /jp/ can't get real 3D girls anyways.

>> No.1537401



>> No.1537408

the fag speaks the truth.

>> No.1537410


Because you'll never feel the warmth of her body, smell the fragrance of her hair, or even hear the sound of her heart beating next to you because she's not real.

>> No.1537415

Not when I travel to another dimension to meet my 2D waifu, then you'll see!

>> No.1537416

What's the name of the girl on the left? The "3d girl".

>> No.1537531
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Sauce on the 2d girl on OP?

>> No.1537426

My air freshener smells good enough. So do the sheets when they're done being washed and dried.
A heated blanket and a body pillow is also a pretty nice combination if I do say so myself. As for the hearing of a heartbeat, who gives a shit? I've never experienced this, so I naturally have no yearning to do this.

>> No.1537428


So you prefer 2D simply because you've never felt any of those things from a 3D girl before?

>> No.1537432

Both are good only on paper, or only on your screen.

>> No.1537437

Too much work for something that just might be nice? No thanks. Yeah, they might be nice, but most of the things a person thinks up will be tenfold better than anything in reality.

>> No.1537447

that's 2d, bro.
I think you need to learn your dimensions.

>> No.1537453

>As for the hearing of a heartbeat, who gives a shit? I've never experienced this, so I naturally have no yearning to do this.
Just get a metronome.
Largo = sleep
Andante = normal
Moderato = excited
Allegro = doing cardio
Presto = needs to take it easy.

>> No.1537587
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>> No.1537492

Most people here would prefer 2d because they have no chance in hell to get a 3d girl. Easier to say "WELL I DON'T WANT ONE" and delude themselves into thinking that is what they really want than to come to terms with being doomed to die alone.

>> No.1537493

sage for string theory

>> No.1537495

Those are all nice things, but they're offset by reality.

>> No.1537497

Enough of this "you won't feel her warmth" bullshit.

I think OP meant which girls you think look better.

>> No.1537503

I enjoy both

>> No.1537517

Sorry, I'm too busy fapping to my shota to look at girls.

>> No.1537518

dammit, again?

>> No.1537521

sage isn't gonna do anything, moron.

>> No.1537526

Fuck the deluded faggots in this thread. I'm gonna die alone because I'm too socially awkward for proper contact with females.

>> No.1537536

lol what

I wrote a similar theory when I was like 14 years old without any sources.

>> No.1537538


>> No.1537541

2D girls are god

>> No.1537543

then you obviously know your dimensions.

>> No.1537544


Yes it is.

>> No.1537545

2D doesn't drip blood everywhere, keep you up all night because she's drank too much and started vomitting, get disgusting illnesses that she spreads, in turn, to you...

>> No.1537549

>>1537536 here again.

You know what, this sucks. This sucks, because I wanted to write a book about this too.

Fuck this world.

>> No.1537559

Not everyone here is deluded, some of us are just assholes.

>> No.1537577

After playing Chaos;Head I have become extremely bitter regarding 2D girls. I wish to formally extend a royal "fuck you" to Seira-tan.

>> No.1537678

I guess I belong to those other 10% then. In fact, 2D does nothing to me. They can be a lot of things, but not attractive.

>> No.1537817

what's not attraactive about 2D
they are drawn in perfect proportions with flawless skin

>> No.1538012
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3D tsundere is annoying, so 2D I guess.

>> No.1538013
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You will alwauys be mine Alice.

>> No.1537866

Is right you can't talk, kiss, drink and so on with "2D girls" unless you want it all to be one way.
I love good art and I can understand fantasies you might have, but I`ll never get this "2D over 3D" thing.

>> No.1538045
File: 93 KB, 850x782, 1225462763032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently the old /jp/ moved.

>> No.1537918

3D. 2D is often good for porn or cuteness. Or both. I could be happy with 2D if I didn't have 3D.

>> No.1537979


When did fags like these migrate into /jp/? I have been absent for a few months due to no internet access.

>> No.1537997


When did fags like these migrate into /jp/? I have been absent for a few months due to no internet access.

>> No.1538015


Apparently the old /jp/ moved.

>> No.1538018

I guess they call it a 2d-fetish for a reason. Some people just aren't satisfied with 3d after fapping to 2d because their visual needs aren't appeased with 3d women after seeing 2d.

>> No.1538035

Can you fuck a 3d girl? No. I prefer the world of 2d thanks.

>> No.1538038

3D is acceptable only with pixel shading.

>> No.1538263
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>> No.1538278
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>> No.1538323
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>> No.1538330
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>> No.1538335
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>> No.1538336
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>> No.1538337
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>> No.1538340
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I don't know about your catholic church, but here in russia, monks and nuns are free to marry.

>> No.1538342
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>> No.1538348
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>> No.1538377
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How in god's name do so many threads turn into religious discussion?

>> No.1538257

I prefer looking at 2d girls over talking with a vast majority of 3d girls. But I'd prefer 3d girls that have both similar interests and good looks. They have to exist, right?

>> No.1538262


>> No.1538282

Well, 3D feels better but most of them are just bitches asking for one night stands, or if you want to get serious, you will just find them fucking some other guy in random homeparty's.

So I guess, 2D > 3D.

>> No.1538299

Prefer them for what?

>> No.1538300

The average 3D girl does not look like the one in OP's pic. Most have horrible skin and curves in all the wrong places. And they certainly don't make up for it with their personalities.

I prefer 2D girls because I can be confident that they aren't with me just for my money and they won't cheat on me with some guy I've never even met.

I would, however, make concessions for a fujoshi. It would be nice to have a girl that knows how I feel and understands my hobbies. I am so lonely. ;_;

>> No.1538307

CON Takes time away from your hobbies
CON Takes you away from your friends (friends?)
CON Costs a lot of money
CON You have to listen to her whine

PRO Is your hobby
PRO Costs no money
PRO Doesnt whine
PRO Easier to find
PRO Can toss her away
PRO Perfect

>> No.1538312

Z coordinate is our enemy.

>> No.1538314

also, big shiny eyes, thick, lushious hair, perfect bodies... y'know...

>> No.1538315

I prefer 2D girls because 2D girls usually have slept with less than 2 men. I draw the line at 2 men.

>> No.1538316

She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real

>> No.1538319


Well, dependent upon the 2D they can cost money. But, I'd be willing to wager, they're still cheaper than dating.

>> No.1538320

CON Ultimately destructive in the long run

>> No.1538321

so are real wimminz...

>> No.1538328


How so? When was the last time you heard someone criticize the Catholic Church for not allowing their monks and nuns to marry because of their devotion to God.

>> No.1538329


Go back to chernobyl, stalker.

>> No.1538351

I never understood how the catholic church claims to be christian yet they do it so wrong

What part of 'dont worship idols, lol' do they not understand? Fucking faggots and their Saint of Every god damn mother fucker.

>> No.1538353

ITT pro-skub vs. anti-skub

>> No.1538357

Catholicism is basically Christianity with every single part of it done totally wrong.

>> No.1538362


Russia is primarily Eastern Orthodox, if I'm recalling correctly.

>> No.1538370

Protestants are whiny teenagers "fighting" the system of their mean parents.

>> No.1538372

Religion hijack?

>> No.1538891
File: 90 KB, 850x637, 1225477729085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the fact that even If I was one of the "cool people" I still would never reach my goals of meeting someone good looking enough to meet my standards. Hell I could be a male model and still never meet a woman that meets my standards of beauty so why the fuck would I settle for 3D with all it's hideous imperfections?

>> No.1538761

The ways of the Lord are mysterious.

>> No.1538866

It's not that we can't get girls we can they would just be disgusting hideous whales. Our standards are warped and tainted from years of anime and VNs what we are left with is unsatiated appetites for females that are impossible in this world thus our love for the 2D.

>> No.1538870

That and 3D girls have hideous flaws and blemishes not to mention they are fat our 2D waifus have non of these things.

>> No.1539011


In a double whammy for the female gender, new research shows that 40 percent of women report sexual problems, but only 12 percent are distressed about it.
