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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 600x120, Niconico_Official_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15369373 No.15369373 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is behind a paywall. You can't even load a video fast enough unless you pay.

>> No.15369441

Fast enough for what, Anon?

>> No.15369448

I don't know anon. Maybe I want to skip to a certain part but I can't because it hasn't loaded fast enough?

>> No.15369461

How are they supposed to get money?

>> No.15369549

You don't have to be a jew to get money.

>> No.15369563
File: 120 KB, 256x286, Th09MystiaLorelei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15369635


Ads like every other site? Paywalls should be if you want to turn off ads.

>> No.15369667

Maybe ads aren't enough, Twitch gets a share from subscriptions and if I don't recall that bad that was the only reason they were getting more money than Youtube even when having lower amount of viewers.

>> No.15369707

You should know by now that the Japanese are better than the Jews themselves at jewing you out of your money. Why do you think the Jew fears the Samurai?

>> No.15369806

nico doesnt have a lot of traffic for a website. It's mostly just japs and weebs but far more japs use youtube. I'm not sure how big of a company nnd is but it's probably very small.

It's a pretty shitty site anyway. It's full of obscure memes that most japs wont even get unless they are deep into otaku bullshit.

>> No.15369843

>It's full of obscure memes that most japs wont even get unless they are deep into otaku bullshit.
That's what's so great about nico though. Youtube is normalfag central.

>> No.15369912

Aren't there a few niconico preloader sites or whatever you call them? Or have they been discontinued?
It used to be you could go to a site and type in the nico nico URL and it would show up like you were a paid member.

Please let /jp/ be one of the few boards where normalfag is still used correctly.
It does not mean "normal person" or "one who doesn't share my hobbies or preferences". For the love of god go back to "normie" so I can mentally filter you.

>> No.15370151

Actually, that last thing was mean of me to say, sorry. I'm just really peeved about "normalfag" now being thrown around willy-nilly all over the place.

>> No.15371072
File: 1.23 MB, 1337x829, test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't there a few niconico preloader sites or whatever you call them? Or have they been discontinued?

Use mpv with youtube-dl, if you don't mind the occasional economy-quality video:

"mpv http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22704744"

>> No.15371504

>mpv and youtube-dl
I find it hard to use anything else nowadays. Qutebrowser keyboards and hints make everything comfy too

>> No.15372523

>I'm just really peeved about "normalfag" now being thrown around willy-nilly all over the place.
I think it comes as a result of online culture becoming a part of everyone's lives, and therefore, assuming characteristic which appeal to the majority and removing those which don't, on a massive scale.

Since 4chan does not have many barriers to entry, people who compose much of their identity online run into this if they choose to remain on 4chan.

>> No.15372660

Elevens going nuts over Line stamps and shit in the past few years made me nostalgic of MSN Messenger times.

>> No.15372675

>It's full of obscure memes that most japs wont even get unless they are deep into otaku bullshit.
Niconico also hosts an encyclopedia that helpfully explains most obscure memes to the uninitiated.

What Japanese meme purists think of this I don't know, but I've found it pretty useful.

>> No.15372960
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 6eY6ZpQB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this man?

>> No.15373244
File: 35 KB, 336x485, Hiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A buffoon who might have Aspergers, who really doesn't do much harm to anyone but is the butt of every joke for his ineptitude and illusions of grandeur.

At least Chris Chan was aggressive and profoundly hateful. This guy is just plainly mocked.

>> No.15373338


>> No.15374502

No idea who it is

>> No.15374575
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-06-09-234447_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even know that MPV could do NND. I am not sure how I survived so long without knowing that. Thanks anon.

>> No.15374579

No problem, and good taste for 音MAD

>> No.15374642

Does this make the video load as a premium member? Or is it just the usual mpv goodness

>> No.15374667
File: 102 KB, 687x400, 2016-06-10_8-18-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another tip is https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/watch-with-mpv/ addon for firefox.

>> No.15374854

Dowango is listed in Panama papers, btw.

>> No.15374911

Do uploaders even make money from nico? Can they monetize their content?

>> No.15375126


>> No.15378671

Literally who?

>> No.15378678
File: 996 KB, 1124x620, Donald kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't even upload decent quality videos without paying for it

>> No.15378819


nico is a horrible site but it'll live forever because of the stupid scrolling comments that nips love.

>> No.15378842

It can be funny when you have a ton of scrolling comments of people calling Grumpy from Snow White a tsundere.

>> No.15378994

v4c (yeah, call me some names if you like) has this feature, and it makes the experience more lively. Twitch plugins for the same thing are also enjoyable.

Westerns can't get into it because roman alphabets are not compressible enough to make witty/funny 1-10 character statements. Bilibili also employs it pretty well.

That depends widely. Since you are doing the encoding, whether it is high quality depends on one of two scenarios:
>If you are an economy user
Whether your content can be encoded to look good at 600kb/s and >=40mb
>If you are a premium user
Whether your content can be encoded to look good in >=100mb

And the encoding is entirely on you to accomplish, so you can sit for a few days and slowly render a few minutes of 480p content if you are willing to do it.

>> No.15379737

and tags, Nicopedia, and category ranking

>> No.15384296

>Whether your content can be encoded to look good in >=100mb
Does premium really have this limitation? You can't upload anything higher than 100mb?

>> No.15384312

Try it.

I think its a tad bit above 10240kb, but essentially yes. This is why you have so much 480p60 and 360p60 content, to save on quality for bandwidth.

>> No.15386496

You can download a greasemonkey script for an extra mylist here. Works for seiga as well

>> No.15386793

They are fast when you access to them in Japan.
Maybe, the bottleneck is international under sea cables.

>> No.15386839

I dont get why japs use it, dont you have to pay to upload?
Fuck that, Japan is expensive, use free sites to save money for that expensive fruit you can afford once a month.

Was there a worse purchase than google getting Youtube?
Fucking ads in my videos given how people got around pop ups.

>> No.15387291
File: 74 KB, 360x467, replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe, the bottleneck is international under sea cables.
I'm in the UK and this type of stuff makes me so envious of west-coast Americans.
They can play all sorts of games with the Japanese without COMPLETELY horrendous ping.

>> No.15387310

But look on the bright side, they hate Americans more than us.
Also many may still have the illusion brits and japs are alike, former empires, tea lovers, monarchies and well mannered. Atleast until the next RWC, atleast rugby fans arent football fan tier.

>> No.15387319

How does that stuff even work? I'm in Argentina and my ping to east coast US is around 300, to west coast is 150, to UK and Korea is over 400, to western Europe and Japan goes around 200.

>> No.15387328
File: 132 KB, 368x451, 50429313_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean to east US is 150 and west 300.

>> No.15387391
File: 1.94 MB, 7099x4206, submaine cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert, but I'd imagine it's a combination of the distance the data has to travel, the cables that your provider uses, and the quality of said cables.

At least with UK >Japan there's hope due to both countries being important economically, so that spurs developments. But ultimately we're always gonna be gimped by the laws of physics.

>> No.15387438

I've been using Nicovideo very frequently for almost 8 years, and I can tell you it's gone bad. The lack of a downvote and blacklist function has made the ranking lists worthless, because of all the spammers and stupid memes. Not to mention the abysmal speeds and general functionality.

>> No.15387476

Economically Japan is fucked.

>> No.15388100

Does this also capture the comments? That's my main reason for watching videos there.

>> No.15388235

Compared to 100+ countries, they're still doing better. Don't let Japan Times and the Economist brainwash you into the Jap Hateboner that's trendy right now.

>> No.15388430

why would they not put a paywall for a site that allows 18+ material

>> No.15388885

They are always in recession and old people greatly outnumber young. The Japs are fucked.

>> No.15388973

Same problems the rest of 1st world countries deal with unless you're under the spell that mass immigration and multiculturalism are the golden tickets to prosperity.

>> No.15388983

You idiots keep parroting this bullshit, but Japan is doing better now than it did even 10 years ago, and things are only looking up.
You just can't expect Africa/China levels of growth out of a country that deep into its post-industrial transition. If anything, Japan is handling things so much better than either Europe or America.

>> No.15389902

No, you can upload without a premium account (have always been able to), but you can upload better quality with premium (though still <100MB).

People use it because it's better than YouTube as a subculture community/ranking website, not as a video-sharing site. There's no alternative, unless Bilibili starts offering service in Japanese.

>> No.15389931

Yes, rankings have been becoming less and less useful. Since view stats can be machine-accessed, though, there are some third-party Nico ranking sites. nicovideo.me allows excluding certain tags. I also use ニコレポ a lot these days. One new recent feature that UNEI got right.

>> No.15390053

I'm glad Japan isn't a country that allows a lot of immigration, they need to breed more though. How are we going to have qt japanese girls to sing beautiful music and dance for us in the future if Japanese people aren't having babies?

>> No.15390214

The attractive ones are still fucking, so it's all good.

>> No.15392255


>> No.15392922
File: 36 KB, 290x444, japan gdp per capita outperforms west.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is doing better than the West on a per capita basis. Also, in a few decades automation will replace low-skilled labor so they will be fine while the West will experience trouble with the imported immigrant labor to sustain pensions.
