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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1535449 No.1535449 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most 日本人 thing you did today?

So far I've

- Eaten ramen
- Boarded an overcrowded train twice
- Waited until the light said go before crossing the road, despite there being no traffic
- Posted all about it on an imageboard

>> No.1535566
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I live in Japan so my routine is pretty Japanese

- Woke up and put away my futon (yes, I sleep on a futon)
- Put on my rice cooker, took my mackerel and green onions from my mini-fridge and prepared them, all while maintaining the seiza kneeling position
- Said "itadakimasu" and ate my breakfast
- Turned on a recording of the NHK morning callisthenics workout, and proceeded to do callisthenics
- Sat at my computer, completely oblivious to how they work, opened internet explorer and twintail (my nichanneru reader)

That's...basically my day up to now

Good morning by the way

>> No.1535597
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>> No.1535453


>> No.1535461

>Waited until the light said go before crossing the road, despite there being no traffic
You must not live in a city with a fuck ton of traffic light cameras.

>> No.1535465

I hugged my loli imouto

then I woke up and sat at my computer for the next 12 hours

>> No.1535469

why? do you get arrested for crossing the road without permission from the traffic light system in your city?

>> No.1535470

Enjoy your 1984.

>> No.1535506

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's see

- showered in the morning (honto no nipponjin bathe in the evening)
- drove to work (honto no nipponjin take the train)
- had nothing to do since my boss was out of the office, so i read manga and played solitaire (honto no nipponjin would do busywork and stay late)
- came home and ate undercooked chicken
- installed, patched and played some wanko to kurasou (honto no nipponjin would not use a translation patch)

I guess the undercooked chicken part. Not raw but as close as I got to anything ore wa nippon kyou :(

>> No.1535511

I played an MMO, masturbated to illustrated children, and didn't leave my room.

>> No.1535516


>> No.1535522

We have a winner here

>> No.1535535

I played single player RPGs, masturbated to 3D Japanese girls, didn't leave my room, I'm currently eating ramen (Nissin miso ramen, with kikkoman Japan-brewed soy sauce) with hashi from my pinku bento


>> No.1535545

Overslept and skipped work.
Ate fried rice.
Played an MMO
Fapped to loli
Posted on an imageboard.

>> No.1535546

>single player RPGs
Nice fail.

>> No.1535598

I've been playing eroge virtually nonstop for the past 30 hours.

>> No.1535610

The only Japanese thing I've done so far is wake up in Japan. I did watch a bunch of Gundam this morning so I can edit Wikipedia from work later, though.

>> No.1535613


>> No.1535633

Damn, that kinda sucks man.

>> No.1535641


>> No.1535658

ITT: failures

>> No.1535692

>Eaten ramen

Did you say "itadakimasu" and eat the whole bowl in about ten seconds?

>> No.1535703

Said "itadakimasu" and ate my breakfast

Gaijin that say this with other gaijin or by yourself piss me off. You sound gayer than a truck full of Elton Johns.

Turned on a recording of the NHK morning callisthenics workout, and proceeded to do callisthenics

What teh Fuck? Do you think you are from a Haruki Murakami novel or some shit.

>> No.1535821

quote much?

>> No.1536161
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Woke up. Things pretty much snowballed from there.

>> No.1535829

i played a lot of touhou music on the piano

>> No.1536504

I did the same stuff as usual.

- Posted on an imageboard
- Watched anime
- Fapped to loli
- Said itadakimasu/gochisousama

>> No.1536506

>You sound gayer than a truck full of Elton Johns

why did I lol

>> No.1536535

What's the most American thing you did today?

>> No.1536544

I ate McDonald's for breakfast and I sat around being fat and American.

>> No.1536545

Ate some shit at McD's.

>> No.1536552

I killed a man, then sold the corpse to some McDonald's nearby.

>> No.1536560

I called my little brother bro and he called me aniki.

Oh well.

>> No.1536564

Did you sing Bohemian Rhapsody afterwords?

>> No.1536571

Hell yeah I did. Miku joined in, then all of Nicodou. It was the best murder ever.

>> No.1536577

I sold a man a gun (without a background check) which he used to kill a man whose corpse was sold to a nearby McDonalds.

>> No.1536589

i made a gun

>> No.1536603

I saw him kill the man. But I minded my own business and read my manga.

>> No.1536611

I am not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training.

Also, I worked out while listening to video game music.

>> No.1536612


>> No.1536616


>> No.1536619

That's just like me except I don't work out anymore =[

>> No.1536621

that's just like me except I have never worked out

>> No.1536653

>What's the most [Japanese people] thing you did today?

OP's sentence translated from Chinese makes no sense.

>> No.1536658


Registers are flopping free
We have to dump the core

>> No.1536977

Slept. Woke up at like 5 am. Ate. Went on computer. Played with my JP 360. Played with my JP DS. Ate. Went on computer. Watched some boring tv for like 14 minutes. Ate. Sitting here right now eating.

Going to bed soon.

This is basically my life! And thank god for welfare.

>> No.1536983

Went out with a japanese girl and tried to communicate in japanese.

>> No.1537132
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>> No.1536986

I pretty much just got out of bed.

But I always wait for the green light before I cross the road.

>> No.1536988

Don't worry, it makes as little sense going from japanese.

>> No.1536993


I voted.

>> No.1536998

Japanese things I did today? I ate a ducky mouse.

>> No.1537017

Let's see... I woke up this morning. Japanese people wake up from sleeping don't they? I put on some clothes. I don't think they do that... I ate breakfast. Now I KNOW they do that! I then proceeded to be alive for about the next 15 hours.... that's about it.

>> No.1537041

I'm sorry to hear you passed away. You'll be in my prayers.

>> No.1537056

I have been "Hikikomoring" all the day, like al the days.

>> No.1537066

I had fish for breakfast.

>> No.1537073

Thanks. It was pretty rough for a while there. I guess I took the whole Japanese thing a bit too far by actually killing myself.

>> No.1537082

I just got back from Brazilian Jujitsu, which is related because it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more badass than your shitty Japanese jujitsu.

>> No.1537086

Added an introduction in Japanese to my myspace. As I learn, I hope to have a 100% bi-lingual myspace.

>> No.1537090

You have a myspace.

This alone means you should get out.

>> No.1537101

rofl. ive had a myspace for too fucking long. i abandoned it for 2 years but just revived it. Dont really know why. I dont message anyone on it.

>> No.1537107

