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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 981 KB, 534x300, clownpiece_a_slut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15343702 No.15343702 [Reply] [Original]

They go here. Do not fear judgement, friends.

Inspired by >>15342692.

>> No.15343710

What's Yoshika's favorite game system? The Seiga Genesis.

>> No.15343712

Reimu entered Youmu's room one day while she was watching anime. "What'cha watching?" said Reimu. Youmu said, "Yuyuko Hashuko!".

>> No.15343716

A couple of fairies told a man to kill himself. He replied with, "Die you say? Sir, no"

>> No.15343724

What's it called when Bigfoot tries to go real low? An Urban Legend in Limbo.

>> No.15343726

Did you know Mima is popular on the internet? They make a lot of memes about Meme-a.

>> No.15343734

When Yuuka does a magic spell, she shouts "AlaKazami"

>> No.15343738

Shameimaru got really irritated one day, so much so that she went "Aya Carumba!"

>> No.15343750

Why is Momiji so loyal and zealous towards Aya? Because she made the vow "MY LIFE FOR AYA!".

>> No.15343802

What did Orin say when she saw Utsuho's new power? Oh, coo~

>> No.15343837

what did nitori say when she saw a kitten?

>> No.15343928
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>experimental jokes

>> No.15343975

Knock knock
Who's there?
Which two
Which two who?
wich 2hu wud u fuck

>> No.15343980

By experimental, I meant jokes that have a clever or funny idea in them, but where you haven't thought of a good delivery for them yet.

>> No.15343993

What is Tewi according to Suwako? A ribbit.

>> No.15343995

Ah okay, I thought you were going to post some avantgarde jokes or something.

>> No.15344036

What did Chen do when she got scared? She Ran away!

>> No.15344071

What is Kyouko's favorite search engine? Yahoo!

>> No.15344101

Why can't Yukari find a job? Because there's a gap in her resume.

>> No.15344104

these are all shit

>> No.15344111

I'm gonna improve and steal that one.

>> No.15344114

Why is Sakuya never late to an appointment? She's always on time!

>> No.15344120

What does Keine do after watching porn? She erases history.

>> No.15344182

What's Yukari's preferred clothing store? Old Navy

>> No.15344211

What did the Mexican Cirno say when she was surprised? Ay carámbano!

>> No.15344280

Why are cheap electronics and a futa SDM doujinshi similar?
They're both Maid in China

>> No.15344329

Why does the Yama Write like this aaaaall the time?
>because she has a Sticky a-key

>> No.15344581

How is Ichirin feeling today? She's on cloud nine!

>> No.15344742

Have any of you seen the new horror movie starring Cirno? I thought it was chilling.

>> No.15344807

Made me laugh pretty hard.

Your joke is bad, and you shuld feel bad for even considering it.

>> No.15345402
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>> No.15345445
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What's Kogasa's favorite food? BOOgers!

>> No.15345463
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>> No.15345523

your fuckin life

>> No.15345568

It's a little heartwarming to see your jokes from last years joke thread to get reposted by others!

>> No.15345576

What does Suika say when she's in the mood? "Boy am I horny!"

>> No.15345584

This ones actually pretty clever.

>> No.15345619

Why did Reisen go to town?
Oh, just to do some Eirins

>> No.15345628

Someone post the Reimu, Marisa and Sanae one

>> No.15345644
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Hey Kogasa, what's going on?
Oh, nothing Nue

>> No.15345685

Too good.

>> No.15345840

That "lame and experiment joke"... just happens to be my wife!

>> No.15346417

What's Chan'ge's least favorite month?


>> No.15347027

why do the men of the human village like ran?
she's foxy

>> No.15350917

Why does Ran have eggyolks on her tails? She is eggcellent!

>> No.15350946 [DELETED] 

What do you say when an israelite offers you thoughts on philosophy?
fuck off 2kike

>> No.15352399

I made Tenshi some peach cobbler the other day. Her hat's really messy now.

>> No.15352919

touhou racism – they all look the same and only tell eachother apart by their accessories

>> No.15355314
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Here's an old joke and overused joke that still makes me laugh.

>> No.15355832

Why does Sagume never goes to the toilet when she goes to circus ?

Because it's full of clown piss

>> No.15355881


>> No.15357509

Knock knock
Who's there?

>> No.15357515


>> No.15357864
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Knock knock
who's there ?
A who ?
Awoo !

>> No.15357955

best joke itt

>> No.15358900

What's Cirno's favourite operating system?

why doesn't Cirno like Microsoft?
because they skipped 9.

What does Reisen have for breakfast?
Raisin toast.

What does Mokou have for tea?

Junko is the type of person who hates change.

What's Sagume's favorite search engine?

If Reimu was a cow farmer, what noise would her cows make?

>> No.15358920
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Awoo whole night!
Awoo whole day!
Awoo the whole night long till you notice me! Awwo! Awoo-awoo-awoo~!

>> No.15358922

If Chen created her own Linux distribution, what would it be called?


>> No.15358946

I like the sound of Debichen better.

All the jerks here probably use Flandora The Explorer, though.

>> No.15358947
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Knock knock
Who's there
Is that you, curry

>> No.15358967

Who is Donald Trump's favorite 2hu?



Her ability to control borders

>> No.15358989

And because of the gap in his tax returns.

Just kidding. Those claims are bullshit, and I like the guy. Just needed material for a crappy joke.

>> No.15358995

Who is Sagume main in league of legends ?

twisted fate

Which Touhou enjoys the most the French Revolution ?

Sekibanki, cause she don't care about the guillotine.

Which Touhou was born in Azerbaijan ?

Doremy, because the capital is Baku

>> No.15359000

What does Kaguya have in common with a bicycle?

They both need chains to work.

>> No.15359350


>> No.15359401

I actually laughed. Good show, Anon.

>> No.15360255

If Flandre was stupid and sexy she'd be Flanders

>> No.15360307


>> No.15360416

whats funnier then a dead fairy?
a dead fairy in clown costume

>> No.15360433 [DELETED] 



>> No.15360439

What is the difference between a clownpiece and a onion?
No one cries when you chop up a clownpiece.

>> No.15361118


>> No.15361593

For those who understand French, this one is the lamest I got.

Where does Momiji lives ?

In a pyramid, car c'est là que la Momie gît. (because it's where the Mummy is resting)

>> No.15361693


>> No.15361753
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>> No.15361816
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>> No.15361845

Tragedy or comedy? You decide!

>> No.15361888 [SPOILER] 
File: 788 KB, 1920x1200, 1465336018982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eirin has a good reason to sell medicine.

>> No.15361997

It's a comedy because the characters are better off at the end.

>> No.15362016
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That was very mean, please apologize.

>> No.15362023
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I'm completely serious, that's a defining trait for comedy.

>> No.15362026


>> No.15362028
File: 1.35 MB, 1312x2000, medisinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Eirin want to sell Medicine, though? It better be a damn good one.

>> No.15362032
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Them's fightin' words.

>> No.15362491

What is Rinnosuke's favorite TV show?
>Kourin The House

That bucket girl is a pervert.
>Asked for her name, but she said "Kiss me".

What does Reisen say when her favorite food arrived?
>"Udon get!"

What are the rabbits preparing for?
>An all-night par-Tewi.

Stranded on an island without my favorite cat girl.
>I have no Chens to survive.

Clownpiece is interested in Taoism.
>She heard they have a clown prince.

The ferryman of Sanzu River is bad at writing.
>She forgets her comma see?

What is the current Child of Miare's favorite letter?
>A 'Q'.

The Human Village is well guarded.
>They have their own Keine Unit.

What does a Komeiji and good food have in common?
>They are both (K)oishii.

>> No.15362557
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those weren't half-bad

>> No.15362561

What are Yamame and Kanako's ideal sweet?


>> No.15362579

Tragedy entails those one would consider "better off" or "better than you"
Comedy entails those you would consider your "inferior" or "not well off in general."

/jp/ isn't something bad happening to a good person.
It's bad and pathetic things happening to pathetic people

>> No.15364579 [DELETED] 

What do you call a gopnik oni?
Суйка [ьлят]

>> No.15364588

What do you call a gopnik oni?
Суйка [блят]

>> No.15364827


>> No.15364871
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>Суйка [блят]

>> No.15364953

The only good ones

>> No.15365320
File: 77 KB, 600x748, --hong-meiling-touhou-drawn-by-terajin--0f95f65ebd5a4e23c52189afa2b6d2f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do ceramic dishes and a beautiful Meiling have in common?

They're both Fine China

>> No.15365983

Why did Sanae cross the road?
To fuck the other side of the street!

Why did Sanae cross the road?
To get to the STD clinic!

>> No.15366084

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Sanae who?
I'm a fucking slut!

>> No.15366236
File: 41 KB, 340x460, patch arrest him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you are wanted for crimes against humanity.

>> No.15367034 [DELETED] 

What did Eirin say when got arrested for slave trafficking?

"I'm only selling Medicine!"

>> No.15367071
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meiling is quite fine

>> No.15367180
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>> No.15367197

pls stop bullying sanae

>> No.15367827

You're right, they were full-bad.

>> No.15367863

Thought I will be able to escape but last one got me.

>> No.15368804
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>> No.15369573

This actually made me laugh

>> No.15370231

A short blonde, a tall blonde, a purplish blonde, and a completely purple are aboard a plane whose engines, landing gear, and pilot were shot down by collateral danmaku bullets. It is equipped with no parachutes. The four look down an open door to jump.

After a moment, the short blonde says, "I will use my power."
She jumps off, and launches a giant energy beam downward to break her fall.
However, her output is too high, causing a gigantic fire beneath her. She tries to dodge by angling her thrust, but it only makes the fire wider. When she lands in the flames, she gets a serious burn on her knee.

The tall blonde scoffs, and says, "I will use my brains."
She jumps off, then launches a hundred dolls into the air around her, all connected to her by string. Each doll puffs out their skirt like a parachute, breaking the fall.
However, near the end of her flight, she decides to show off a danmaku performance. She becomes so focused on it that she forgets about the fire. When a doll touches the flames and causes a chain explosion, she gets a serious burn on her knee.

The purplish blonde nods solemnly, and says, "I will use my spirit."
She jumps off headfirst, after casting a spell that makes her body hard as diamonds.
However, she kicked off the plane a little too hard. Her body bores into the ground, zips through the Underworld, then punches a hole straight through Chireiden. When she plunges into the fires of Old Hell, she gets a serious burn on her knee.

After having seen it all, the purple-head silently jumps off and flies home.

>> No.15372941

What do you call a slutty hell raven?
Utsu ho.

>> No.15374047

Yamame so fat, she don't spin thread, she spin rope.

Yamame so fat, she need 8 legs to stand up.

Yamame so fat, she give other people diabetes.

Yamame so fat, she tried to get on her web and got a 413 error.

>> No.15374383 [DELETED] 


>> No.15374396

Kero (9) Destiny: Rise of Awoo trailer leaked!


>> No.15376596

Last one got me.

>> No.15380883

How does Eirin calls her favorite pokémon ?

Hey, Entei !

>> No.15383446

Why does Sagume always walk backwards ?

Because she does the Moonwalk

>> No.15384047

You made me smile

>> No.15389500

I don't understand the kanako part...

>> No.15389724

This hits to close to home to class as a joke.

>> No.15390151


>> No.15390176

What about the candy part? I get Yamame because it's Yama-ame, I don't see any association with Kanako. Even the mountain part is maybe vaguely because she lives on a mountain?

>> No.15390191

I wouldn't think too deeply about it other than Kanako's association with mountains, that Yama-ame is roughly "mountain candy" and the joke is about sweets.

>> No.15390197

Kanako doesn't have any other association other than that she lives on a mountain though. That's my entire problem.

>> No.15390199

Oh wait I understand the ame part now.

>> No.15390205

Which is why I said not to think too deeply about it.

>> No.15396291

Why didn't Suika go to Reimu's party last night?
Because she heard they were going to dance until dawn.

A certain hell raven became famous on youkai mountain after causing an incident. Nowadays, this legendary figure is known by many names. The kappa call her "nitori", the crow tengu call her "okuu", but most just call her "u 2ho"

>> No.15402014
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>> No.15402370

a. 断酒*
b. 二・鳥, お食う*, you 2-ho(es)/to・ho*
*a. だんしゅ/ダンス, b. 食う as in 八咫烏を食う / う(u[→ゆう] )・つ(2→ツー)・ほ

>> No.15408643

I don't understand Russian but somehow I got this.

>> No.15409538
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What do you call Marisa when she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed?
An ornery magician!

Did you see Marisa in that performance last night?
She really stole the show!

What was Marisa's role at the wedding?
The brideshroom![\spoiler]

What's black and white and red all over?
Marisa, after I confess to her!
Because she's blushing and flustered.

>> No.15413061

What do you call a group of high-tension Japanese gopnik?

>> No.15413110

It's not funny if the punchline is going to be that obvious.

>> No.15413322

I think "took a burn to the knee" is the real punchline.

>> No.15413357

Took a burn to the knee isn't a punchline.

>> No.15413475

It's pretty humorous to me at least. In any case, the thread is about lame jokes.

>> No.15413503

Sure, but even lame jokes have a limit.
I'm just trying to understand where the humor lies within this joke, as I am having trouble finding any.
And there's nothing wrong with a little criticism. Anon will learn how to make better jokes in the future if he takes it to heart, I think.

>> No.15413563

The humor lies in people like you not getting it

>> No.15426810

What is Shrek's favorite shooting game?

eXceed 3rd

>> No.15428493

But that's the best one, way better than !Ikaruga.
