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15277533 No.15277533 [Reply] [Original]

Helping Patchouli learn to swim!

>> No.15277584
File: 127 KB, 849x594, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drowning the purple bean sprout!

>> No.15277613

Her hair is way too fluffy for how wet she would be if she was just taken out of the water. If she was just taken out of the water, why is she laying like that? If she wasn't just taken out of the water, why is she wet? What is the point of this image?

>> No.15277627

sh-shut up!

>> No.15277638

she was probably dry before someone splashed water/suggestive fluid on her

>> No.15277713
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>> No.15277717

I want to masturbate with and ejaculate in Patchouli-sama's hair!

>> No.15277818


>> No.15277880

First thing that came to my mind when seeing this thread

>> No.15277966

Explain it to the non-cool kids? I don't like rap.

>> No.15277999


>> No.15282946

"Th-the water's cold, I-I'm scared, and d-don't think I didn't notice you staring at my feet!"

>> No.15283102

But the feet are out of focus!

>> No.15284901
File: 610 KB, 1200x900, Patchy Soaking Feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can't swim either Patchouli!

>> No.15284964

Helping Patchouli to drown!

>> No.15288649

What's your favourite swim stroke? What's Patchouli's favourite swim stroke?
I used to be best at breaststroke and okay at butterfly.

>> No.15288724

I would have Patchy sign up for my swimming lessons, and then at the last second inform her that she would be required to swim nude as to not clog up the pool filters! I want to see the look on her face as she realizes that she has to be butt naked in front of me for an extended time! I want to see her face be bright red as she swims around, trying to hide herself under the water! And then an entire group of spectators would barge in while she's still naked, and out on the pool deck to dive! I want to see her dive right at lightning speed to try and conceal her nudity, and then she would scream at me and call me an asshole while hyperventilating! That is my Gensokyo Dream!

>> No.15289801
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I'd like to stroke Patchouli's breasts, gently.

>> No.15289861

I also want to masturbate with and ejaculate in Patchouli-sama's hair!

>> No.15291075

In my piss? Sure.

>> No.15291349
File: 680 KB, 850x540, Patchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never sensually massage Patchouli's perfect, soft feet. It hurts ;-;

>> No.15298900 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Patchy and her new shampoo.

>> No.15299369

I used to be quite good at swimming when I was younger and won some awards. I liked freestyle and that one where you move your hands in a large circle.

>> No.15305887
File: 370 KB, 1000x929, 25203813_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using patchouli as a flotation device!

>> No.15305994

Freestyle best style
Sidestroke is also pretty dope

>> No.15306243


>> No.15309356
File: 47 KB, 222x222, wsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see Patchouli, the most crucial step after becoming acclimated to the water is putting your face in. As a average human head weighs about as much as a bowling ball, being able to put your face in the water is crucial for maintaining not only good form, but to prevent fatigue. From there, you learn how to breathe correctly in a rhythmn. By the end of this lesson, we will hopefully be able to do a rudimentary kick and breathing cycle with a kickboard.
For this part of the lesson, place your hands on the edge of the pool. Now with your arms extended out, simply put your face in the water and blow bubbles. If you have played any woodwind or brass instrument, imagine simply slowly blowing out all the air you can manage before taking your head out to breathe once more. Try this for at least 5 cycles.
After that, we will try doing this in motion. For that part, you will be gripping a kickboard and simply walking foward. This step may be tricky since we are adding in movement, but it's a gradual process.

>> No.15310052

The other day I fantasized about teaching Fuuka (from yotsuba) how to swim. I would start by having her float on he back, while with my hands I hold up her body to prevent her from drowning. I'll "accidentally" touch her ass while doing this. Then I'd teach her the breast stroke movement, so she gets in the water and practices the motions while I reach under her and "accidentally" grab her tits and then apologize and say I just wanted to hold her body up again.
Then later that day I'll fap to the recordings from the secret camera in the changing room where Fuuka changed.

>> No.15310063

That you, Koiwai?

>> No.15310153

No, koiwai-san and jumbo-san can't swim either.

>> No.15310169

I can't stop staring!

>> No.15310839
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>> No.15310876


>> No.15310877


>> No.15311936
File: 628 KB, 1200x850, ...I can't stop staring!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to make her really flustered looking at her naked feet like that!

>> No.15314009
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>> No.15314120

Fatty Patty is EXTREMELY modest! Just the THOUGHT of wearing a swimsuit and exposing her chubby jellybelly, thick thighs, fatty breasts and bare feet mortifies her!

She'd rather swim in her clothes then expose her fat body! But unfortunately for poor Patchouli, she didn't think about what would happen when her clothes get wet! So she just gave a bunch of boys a peep show! She ran out of the pool area totally red-faced!

>> No.15314126
File: 450 KB, 495x700, I can see through her clothes!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my image!

Now I'M red-faced!

>> No.15314149
File: 337 KB, 1200x1696, patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that girl living next door in the haunted mansion?
You'd better learn my name cause it's Patchy~!

>> No.15314165

I want Patchy to get super horny just from sticking her smelly feet in my face! And then I want her to bully me for being a disgusting pervert who gets turned on by a girl's smelly bare feet!

>> No.15314221
File: 473 KB, 1200x1064, Watamashley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reference...means Ashley is popular.

Take that, Tomoko.

>> No.15314296

Wario is friends with three little girls.

>> No.15314331

He probably takes creepshots of them and jerks his 4 inch garlic dick to them

>> No.15314417 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 900x900, Wahaha mah nose drills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wario's taking over a Patchouli thread!

>> No.15321530
File: 882 KB, 850x793, Patchouli 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that one pic of chibi Patchouli throwing a book on the floor?

>> No.15321852

Why is she glowing?

>> No.15335605


Which would explain her facial expression as well
