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15249004 No.15249004 [Reply] [Original]

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Gust Memorial Cards (social.gust.co.jp/pc/event/a16v/mcard)
Countdown: mega.nz/#!9YAA0KrC!7ZkRSoRsIvr_wSEIIvUCY6CVoF7ay-gYRcA95NpWfkA
Valentine: mega.nz/#!cIonSbTT!SHJxP5keZuy-K6D3BKoQihVn3fEyIzM42ETp1AaD594
If you got a card that is not in the folders, please share them in the thread. For New Year and Christmas cards see outdated links.

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge English Story Playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhWtcwZ5Bzm10RI1TElB3Dnf7kj9UoARJ
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ [FLAC] C89 Gust Sampler CD

▶ [FLAC] Tagged Atelier Sophie Music (OST and Vocal, for Archives see outdated links)

▶ Atelier Sophie CG rip
pw: /jp/

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.15249356

>Atelier Escha & Logy Plus (decrypted) has been dumped:
What can I do with this?

>> No.15249541


import 3-d models into maya, and then export them into facerig and have GUST's parent company place a copyright take down your twitch stream.

>> No.15249713
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, 1450006357528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoshito Okamura is working on a new Atelier title as producer.
>Akira Tsuchiya is taking on the new products rather than those in a series.

Is this confirmation that EXA_PICO has been shelved? What a sad day.

>> No.15250070

Man, I feel kinda bad. Just dethroned blackraen in Audioshield on Lxa Ti-Cia...

>> No.15250270

>those in the series
Are they talking about EXA_PICO here? Is there any chance they're talking about Atelier for some reason, since all the other points talk about Atelier? It's just, they don't mention Surge Concerto anywhere else in bullet points, but it could be either translator skipping on the series' name (which is weird considering EXA_PICO is more niche than Atelier), or a confirmation that he isn't working on any games that belong in already established series, but on a completely new title (which would make more sense).
It's also interesting that they didn't just stop him from producing his titles completely, in any case. Means they still think his titles can make money. Maybe a sign of faint hope.
Also, not sure, would a completely new series in EXA_PICO universe count as a "new product"? Might be stretching it, though.
Need to see an original interview, in any case.

>> No.15250324

Does he treat EXA_PICO or Surge Concerto as a series? It could be a third series in that universe

>> No.15250343

The thing is, I don't think KT cares about EXA_PICO at all. Ar nosurge didn't even get enough budget to make more than five enemy models, for gods sake.

Best case of course is the next series in the EXA_PICO universe, since SC and AT are both concluded, but it's probably some new pet IP KT is trying to churn out en masse in the hopes of releasing a winner that they can then milk to death.

>> No.15250378
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, 12568954654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little longer until the English release of Sophie.

>> No.15250403

It still looks 100 times better than AT3.

>> No.15250470

In a previous release, KT referred to Gust's main IPs (for them) as "Atelier," "Surge Concerto," and "Yoru no Nai Kuni." Hopefully this would indicate they mean something that isn't a part of the "Surge Concerto" series but could still be part of the EXA_PICO cosmology. I'm honestly not 100% sure non-Gust KT employees even know Surge Concerto and Ar tonelico are related.

But yes, having the original interview text might give some more accurate information. Doesn't Famitsu come out tomorrow?

>> No.15250519

>KT referred to Gust's main IPs (for them) as "Atelier," "Surge Concerto," and "Yoru no Nai Kuni."
>I'm honestly not 100% sure non-Gust KT employees even know Surge Concerto and Ar tonelico are related.
Considering that they printed the Surge Concerto logo on Atelier Shallie cover art...

>> No.15250560

>Considering that they printed the Surge Concerto logo on Atelier Shallie cover art...

Only in one region though, and it was claimed to be a mistake later on.

>> No.15252475

I had to get back in there and take that back, but I mainly only play on Harder now. Lxa ti-cia and xio_proceed on Harder are glorious.

>> No.15252562

So do Hymmnos work well in that game? I'm waiting for a shipment but that's pretty much what I plan to use it for.

>> No.15252921

>playing audioshield to play hymmnos
Why didn't I think of this sooner
Guess I'll borrow my friends rig since I don't have one

>> No.15253075

Someone tell me about the Atelier games.

A while ago I bought 3 Atelier games for the PS Vita while they were on sale, but I have not played them yet as I don't even own a Vita.

Tell me about Atelier, friends. Is it a good game? Is it a grindfest? Will I get to do fun things with cute girls?

>> No.15253522

Nothing if you have to ask that question, I'm afraid.
Since the PS Vita is nowhere near to being hacked (let alone emulated), decrypted dumps are only good for ripping whatever assets/resources one can salvage from them without being able to run the games in a controlled environment (such as a debugger) or at least reverse engineer their binaries (in a disassembler or a decompiler; this is currently impossible because Vita's EBOOTs still have another layer of encryption which hasn't been defeated yet, so technically speaking all the dumps available at the moment aren't decrypted completely).

In other words, it should be possible to rip (Vita-exclusive) text scripts, event CGs and other graphics, BGM and other audio files, character and other 3D models and whatever the (very sloppy GUST) devs could have accidentally left in / intentionally locked out of the game.
Provided that the investigator is skilled for the task, that is.

I personally hope to see the scripts of Ciel nosurge dumped in the decrypted form, because having to manually look up every unknown kanji in the dictionary is a gigantic pain in the ass.

>> No.15253986
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>asking this just now after already buying three of them for a system you don't even own

You should first learn how to not be an impulsive buyfag, anon. And yes, I think they're great games with good combat, alchemy, music, and character interactions. No grinding is ever required to beat them either. I've only played the Arland and Dusk games though and I don't plan on playing the older ones. You'll get to see cute girls doing fun things and occasionally gay things as well.

>> No.15254118
File: 652 KB, 1920x1080, special_02_07a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like the next Atelier game might be in the June 9th Dengeki Playstation issue. I hope it doesn't take place too long after Sophie. The game doesn't have a time limit but doesn't it still have a calendar? How long does Sophie go on for? It would be great if the new game takes place only a year or two after Sophie. I'd prefer if Sophie and Plachta don't go over age 20 by the end of this trilogy.

>> No.15254162


I can't afford a headset, but this did inspire me to buy Audiosurf and try some songs in that. FLIP_ARPHAGE worked well, but I really liked omness chs ciel sos infel in it. Gonna try Hidra Heteromycin later.

>> No.15254353

Yeah. They're awesome. I've tried playing some more "normal" songs. Your standard electro, some rock, etc, but Hymmnos, cielns...

Something about how their algorithm works combined with Shikata's composition style makes for REALLY dynamic note layouts.

Plus, playing Ra Ciela Reincarnation on the open-air stage, I can almost imagine being Delta during the final Ar fight.

I never really liked audiosurf when I tried it but I didn't know the glory of gust soundtracks back then either. I haven't tried Hidra in shield yet, I'll have to do that tonight, sounds fun.

>> No.15254358
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Please tell me there is good Linca art. I've searched for years but never anything good worthy of Linca.

Hard mode: Marion art

>> No.15255183
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, IonVR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works pretty well for me on Hard difficulty. I'd play on Harder but my tiny apartment doesn't have the room for me to flail around like an idiot without smashing my monitor or smashing the controllers into stuff.

To be honest, Audioshield, Space Pirate Trainer, and this 5-minutes of dicking around in Unity with ripped models in pic all together pretty much turn the Vive into Earthes Simulator. It's cool.

>> No.15255476

>go to friends house to use vr unit
>play audioshield
>friend gets interested in the music
>what the fuck man.jpg
>3 hymmnos later
>wow man it fits.jpg

I may have just incited another fan

Full on Ra ciel reincarnation in VR when

>> No.15255520
File: 37 KB, 720x480, 1362514470514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to try EXEC_Over.METHOD SUBLIMATION/. some time too, that also worked pretty well for me.

Shame there's no option to just use your SteamVR background as the arena, 'cause I got a pretty cool Low Earth Orbit one that'd fit that and Ra Ciel Reincarnation perfectly.

The normal battle BGMs from AnS are fun too

Also Bad OVA Lyner because I feel like it

>> No.15255697

Actually just gave Harder another go, and it turns out I can actually just reach the further out notes right on the very edge of my chaperone bounds, but I also noticed it fucking loves giving me combos that are physically impossible to hit. Like purple on the far left then a blue on the far right immediately after, or crossing my arms from one edge of the area to the other multiple times a second. Also dethroned Blackraen on one song by style points alone, sorry!

EXSPHERE_NOSURGE is an absolute pain in the dick too, which is suitable considering who sings it. Controllers ran out of batteries before I could try some Hymmnos though

>> No.15255991
File: 960 KB, 1280x720, STILL20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidra Heteromycin works fantastically. Nay throws in a few cheap shots, but mostly only missed notes when my brain shifted into neutral and tried to block easy blues with the red shield and then threw me off my groove

>> No.15257920

Yeah, Harder is real, harder is life.
But you've inspired me to go back and full 10s everything in my EXA_PICO playlists on Hard tonight.

>> No.15258810

It's a good game, not a grindfest, and yes.
Worst case in any of the games grind wise is finding some very specific traits, but that's beyond the main game.

>> No.15259973
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New Atelier announcement on the 24th. Please don't mess this up, Gust.

>> No.15259979

Shouldn't they slow down with all these Ateliers?

>> No.15260032


>> No.15260099

Have read some stuff about the Ar nosurge second novel, and I just have to say this:
If you think that the normal endings are better outcomes for Ion and Nero than the true one, you are a horrible monster.

>> No.15260225

New Atelier is fine but when will there be a new game by Tsuchiya?

>> No.15260270

Apparently they will die if they do.

>> No.15260300
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>> No.15260333

Oh man, ice got me by .01 on Lxa ti-cia and I don't think I'm ever getting that one back.

Hardest song to play in AudioShield imo. The drums and the vocals make so many tight cross overs... orz..

>> No.15260356

Wish I had spare money for audioshield. Sounds like great fun. But I don't have a single piece of VR paraphernalia

>> No.15260546

Don't worry. VR is too good to go away. It'll only get better and more affordable.

I can't wait till the day I get to play a Tsuchiya VR game.

>> No.15260788

KT has successfully transformed Atelier into a yearly serie.
I do not like this but as long as they maintain a certain level of quality and cuteness I will keep buying them.

>> No.15260821

It's been a yearly series for almost the entire time it's existed. Lilie came out in 2001 and there has been a new entry every year since, as long as you also include the two Mana games.

>> No.15261479

I've noticed that the direction that the beats come from changes every time you replay the song, so it's entirely possible to just get a lucky/bad RNG roll on the songs.

Keep trying, if nothing else it's good exercise!

>> No.15261713

Sophie OST link is dead

>> No.15261773

Do NISA (Europe if it matters) restock/sell their limited editions after they're initially sold out? Sophie is close to being sold out but I don't think I'm autistic enough to buy a £75 game LE for a console I don't own yet. I'd be interested in buying it in the future when I actually do have a PS4 but I'm not sure if the LE will still be available at that point.

>> No.15261828

NISA America restocked the LE of Night of Azure but NISA Europe didn't.
I guess it will be the same for Atelier Sophie.

>> No.15261933

>Tsuchiya VR game
>Ar nosurge append
>Ar tonelico
>Ciel nosurge

It hurts just imagining it.

>> No.15262011

Did you ever play the Ar Ru DLC for Ar Tonelico 3, with the option to hug Ar Ru?

>> No.15262015

Elemia Island, I meant.

>> No.15262120


Fuck. I don't really want to spend £75 on something I can't even use but that Sophie LE looks worth it.

>> No.15262452

Night of Azure survey:
US: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/form/nightsofazure_na
EU: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/form/nightsofazure_eu

>> No.15264865
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Kind of stopped paying attention to months after the first few but it's definitely less than a year even if you're taking your time.

>> No.15265132
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Good. One of the advantages of removing the time limits in Atelier is the fact that you can lessen the gap between games. I'm sure some people want 30 year-old Sophie but I'd really like it if Gust could keep the time gap as small as possible. I guess we'll find out soon though since the next game is about to be announced.

>> No.15265632

>Atelier Linca and Marion

Please Gust, make this the next game.

>> No.15265676

>Atelier Pamela
>EXA_PICO game starring Pamela

>> No.15267218

Atelier Ionasal please

>> No.15267377

I would want this so much.

>> No.15267406

between missing Earthes and realizing that in the end she actually preferred Ra Ciela, Ion ends up sending herself back to EXA_PICO and opens up a shop in New Honokano as she works on a way to try and keep a connection to Earthes open even if she cuts off her oversight?

>> No.15267679

Considering she was sent to Ra Ciela by pretty much getting killed and how badly it would affect her family, especially her younger sister who saw the whole thing personally, she'd have to be insane to do that.

>> No.15268079

>Atelier Linca and Marion is entire game of Linca being clumsy and Marion getting stressed at not being married

I can just imagine if Linca got married and had kids who started calling Marion "Grandma"

>> No.15268085

You don't think she'd do it?

She loves you, after all.

>> No.15268160

Yet she misses her world and family, and things were looking up for her until she was forced to use the Genelogic Machine to get sent to Ra Ciela.

>> No.15268464

Hey weebs translate atelier violet.

>> No.15268492
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Reminder that Compile Heart>Gust

>> No.15268557

In terms of programmers and game designers, absolutely

>> No.15268603

This is false. Fuck off and don't try to start shit here.

>> No.15268667

In terms of what, fanservice?

>> No.15268685

DRM apologism

>> No.15269944

In terms of quality. It's objectively the better studio that makes the better games.

>> No.15269985

You're insane if you think Gust is worse than them in all aspects except for programming ability.

>> No.15270289

>In terms of quality. It's objectively the better studio that makes the better games.
You're not very convincing if all you can do is repeat >but it's BETTER when someone asks you for clarification.

Keep in mind that Atelier has been around since 1997 whereas Neptune has been around since 2010. Compile Heart is like a baby compared to Gust.

>> No.15270444
File: 48 KB, 243x243, 23423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, anon.

>> No.15270566
File: 53 KB, 600x735, 081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the success of Nights of Azure there is chance that Gust might add more yuri to the next Atelier games, right? I can't stand only having undertones to cling to.

>> No.15270629 [SPOILER] 
File: 996 KB, 1280x720, 1463880021567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophie did have subtext and I really like these two together a lot. I love yuri but Yoru wasn't for me at all though. I did say in the survey that I'd like them to have more yuri in future Atelier games and new IPs. I'm fine with TotoMimi levels of subtext but of course it would be great if we could get even stronger yuri. The main thing is really about them not obviously wanting the D. As long as there's nothing that kills the yuri then I'm good.

>> No.15270638

Sophie is so cute.

>> No.15270653
File: 707 KB, 1000x1057, 56992527_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think her and Totori are the cutest Atelier protagonists. I hope the new girl is 14 and loli-ish like Totori.

>> No.15270868
File: 17 KB, 576x384, mp4mp4mp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debatable. I'll also remind you that Koei Tecmo > Compile Heart.

Come to think of it, KT undeniably has the sexiest, er, non-2D females in the whole gaming industry, western or not.
By the way, I'll go bankrupt for sure if KT decides to port GUST games to PC.

There are these video files at the very least.

>> No.15270903

>I'll also remind you that Koei Tecmo > Compile Heart
In terms of gross profit, maybe. I personally prefer CH over KT, and Gust over CH.

>> No.15271111


>PC ports from the company that almost single-handedly gave Japanese games as a whole a reputation for lazy PC ports

I'd love to see some very high quality ports of Gust's library, but it's not going to happen.

>> No.15271218

It's weird that someone even brought up Compile Heart here, but I've always thought the three (or two now) companies are like the leaders in different types of girly games for consoles. You have KT with more old-fashioned cheesecake, Gust with warm feelings and strong emotions, and CH with high fructose moe.

>> No.15271252

>CH with high fructose moe
I would like them if that was the case. Sadly, though, Neptunia is filled with memes, bland stereotypical characters, shitty forgettable music and so on. It doesn't deserve to be compared to Atelier like it usually is.

>> No.15271314

Agreed. Atelier games are way more tasteful and don't deserve to be compared to Nep games at all.

>> No.15271326

Why does Gust enjoy body theft?

Why am I ok with this?

>> No.15272270

I thought both pander the same fanbase. /u/ or something like that.

>> No.15273321

AT2 is best AT

>> No.15273984

Why is crafting such a mess in ateliers? Crafting anything good is impossible without guide unless you are willing to put 200h into making crafting spreadsheets.

>> No.15274037

I guess some people enjoy it? If you want to go for instant gratification, there are always other genres to try.

>> No.15274219

Yeah, but it's also a technical mess between all the bugs (both NISA-introduced and Gust-original bugs) and incomplete features..

>> No.15276528 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 1282x724, 1463967019180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Waiting for the Undub to be 100% before I replay it.

No more Nisa bugs, and the Jakuri scenes that were not possible to view will be both available and translated.

>> No.15276686

Are they seriously not done with that yet? I thought it was out.

>> No.15276864

That's a beta that only has the fixed script. They're also fixing all the bugs they could find that were introduced by NISA or that were there already to begin with in the JP version, and also adding a lot of dummied out scenes and features, as well as couple additional things.

>> No.15278806

Is this an atelier h parody?

Google RJ139385

>> No.15278852

Today is apparently the day Atelier Marie came out. Maybe I have that wrong though, but it would be really cool if they announced a revamp/remake or a port of older titles in the series. Possible to do it to Ellie and Marie on smartphones or something.

>> No.15279547 [DELETED] 

It drew a lot of inspiration from the Atelier series at least. And since it's less hideous than RPGMaker-based games generally are, no wonder that it's relatively popular on both DLSite and Nyaa.

I'm more interested in Ar tonelico-inspired H-games, to be frank.
I'm probably looking in the wrong place, but anything remotely close to AT that I could find on DLSite was https://vndb.org/v18208
The problem is that MC fucks every single girl he comes across whether you want it or not. This is not what I seek in a romance. Anyone knows of a better candidate for "Ar tonelico with sex" on DLSite or elsewhere?

To clarify, I'm looking for an action RPG with male MC and voiced (!) romanceable party members with their own endings, which does NOT look like it crawled from the 90's (no pixel art and lower-than-phone screen resolution, please. That is, nothing based on RPGMaker. I'm highly allergic to it). Bonus points if the in-game text can be hooked with AGTH or similar tools.
Pic not really related.

>> No.15279553
File: 896 KB, 1024x768, RJ143307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It drew a lot of inspiration from the Atelier series at least. And since it's less hideous than RPGMaker-based games generally are, no wonder that it's relatively popular on both DLSite and Nyaa.

I'm more interested in Ar tonelico-inspired H-games, to be frank.
I'm probably looking in the wrong place, but anything remotely close to AT that I could find on DLSite was https://vndb.org/v18208
The problem is that MC fucks every single girl he comes across whether you want it or not. This is not what I seek in a romance. Anyone knows of a better candidate for "Ar tonelico with sex" on DLSite or elsewhere?

To clarify, I'm looking for an action RPG with male MC and voiced (!) romanceable party members with their own endings, which does NOT look like it crawled from the 90's (no pixel art and lower-than-phone screen resolution, please. That is, nothing based on RPGMaker. I'm highly allergic to it). Bonus points if the in-game text can be hooked with AGTH or similar tools.
Pic not really related.

>> No.15283377
File: 755 KB, 1875x2500, Atelier-Firis-Ann-Init.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right definitely seems like Fritz's daughter he mentioned.

Which would be funny if she's the protagonist since she's supposed to be skilled with a sword.

>> No.15283429

They kind of look too old. I'm hoping they're cuter in other illustrations.

>> No.15283598

Same as >>15283429
Total downgrade from Sophie and Plachta.

>> No.15283615

Looks like a pair of prostitutes who just fell into a lake
What the fuck are you doing Gust

>> No.15283629

They look cool and pretty. I like cool and pretty more than cute.

>> No.15283664
File: 84 KB, 603x640, l_573ee232df4e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looks a bit cuter here though. Maybe she'll be okay.

>> No.15283756

That actually looks good.

>> No.15283807 [DELETED] 

Yeah. She just looks kind of older on the dengeki cover. I hope it's the same way for the other girl. I hope Gust puts up the site soon. I keep refreshing it.

>> No.15284106


I think this may be Hidari magic at work. I recall similar art from him for Ayesha where she looks like she belongs in a retirement home yet she turned out young and cute.

>> No.15284112

Artist isn't Hidari though.

>> No.15284139


Yeah, my mistake. I had just woken up and for some reason thought Hidari was still working on the series.

>> No.15284577
File: 81 KB, 640x452, Phyllis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure NISA would have localized her name as Phyllis.

>> No.15285583

So is Atelier Sophie worth getting, or was it shit?

>> No.15285802
File: 296 KB, 980x653, patternity testing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Firis Mistroot (voiced by Kaede Hondo)
>Designed by Yuugen. The game’s protagonist.

>Learne Mistroot (voiced by Azusa Sato)
>Designed by Noco. Firis’ older sister and travel partner.

How do you end up with sisters looking that different? Was there an accident in a maternity house or what?
Regardless, both of them look fine to me, especially Learne with her archer/rogue-ish outfit.

>> No.15286093
File: 949 KB, 1920x2160, steampowered.com-app-468190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or the costumes aren't really suited for the fighting dynamics?
Hitomi's one is especially bad, as in it needs way more physics adjustments to not look like it's made of plastic.


>> No.15286219

It happens. My sisters are like the total opposites of each other. One is short and black-haired while the other is blonde and tall.

Anyway, I'm not too fond of this designs. Sophie was cuter.

>> No.15286423
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>“The setting is a little after the ending of the previous game. It’s based in the same world as Atelier Sophie, but it’s in an area considerably distanced from Kilhen Bell, where Sophie lives. The alchemy culture is more developed than Kilhen Bell, and there are a number of other alchemists in addition to Firis.”

I want to know how much is "a little after Sophie". To me, it sounds like maybe only a few months. Anyways, seeing Firis's 3D model makes me think she's young and cute after all which is definitely a good thing. I'm glad Learne is her sister too since I'd like Firis to potentially have a different girl to be yuri with. The high angle on the Dengeki cover makes Firis's breast look a little bigger but I think they're about medium-ish in reality. They're not over-sized cowtits so that's really what matters for me at least.

>“This time, you have one year to achieve your initial objective, and once you clear that objective, you can play the game indefinitely.

I'm also curious about this. So basically the main story takes place over a year and then the calendar stops and the rest is basically just endgame? If this game is only a year in length then hopefully that means the third game shouldn't have a big gap either. I'm guessing that Firis will visit Kilhen Bell and get to meet some of the cast from Sophie. The whole theme is traveling so it wouldn't make sense not to travel there.

>> No.15286438
File: 808 KB, 524x899, 1464098960476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her winter costume is really cute.

All of those costumes look horrible on them. They're just cheap cash-ins and I really hope people aren't stupid enough to give KT money for them.

>> No.15286452
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Learne looks a little better here too.

>> No.15286459
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3D model

>> No.15286642

>I really hope people aren't stupid enough to give KT money for them.
You bet.

Note that both of these need the base game, likely 3DM version.

>> No.15287002
File: 2.88 MB, 512x320, webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It happens. My sisters are like the total opposites of each other.

I'm sorry, anon, but that happened because they have different fathers

>> No.15288053

>thumb ring
>breast guard
Mmm, yes. The accuracy of this makes me hard. You don't often see realistic archer equipment.

>> No.15289256

Do you guys really prefer younger Atelier protagonists? Ayesha was my favorite, despite being the oldest.
I think 20~ish is the best age for Gust characters in general. Adult Rorona and Totori were far more likable than their younger counterparts

>> No.15289287

Is the US getting a physical release of Sophie for vita? Can't seem to find a clear answer to this on Google search

>> No.15289298

Ayesha is my favourite too, it might be because all the previous games had younger teenage protagonists, and by the end of Ayesha she's 21. I do like her clothes and voice the most as well.

>> No.15289345 [DELETED] 

About 20 or under is usually fine. I do prefer if they stay younger though. Totori was equally cute at both 13 and 19. Sophie is perfect at 16 and I simply don't want her to change much. If she were 18 or 19 by the end of this trilogy then that would be great. Main thing that matters is that they're cute.

>> No.15289506

I've seen it stated that Sophie will be download only.

>> No.15289542

fuck, they left ps3 behind
It was inevitable I guess but what a nuisance

>> No.15289607

I especially loved her narration upon entering certain areas

>> No.15290767

It's shit.

>> No.15290802

>Still no Sophie artbook scans
The wait is killing me...

>> No.15291016

I loved every character in Escha and Logy except for Escha. It got really boring to hear "EHHHHHHHHHHHH??!?!?!?!?!?" ten thousand times.

I thought Lucille or Wilbell would have been better characters.

>> No.15291700
File: 294 KB, 1444x881, 1464192549192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firis is looking good. I take back what I said about her looking older.

I do prefer younger but I'm good as long as they're cute. Anything up to about 20-ish is good. Sophie was perfect at 16. Also Totori was equally cute and likeable at both 13 and 19. I just don't want 30 year old adult women as Atelier protagonists.

>> No.15291733
File: 200 KB, 629x959, AtelierFiris-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like she's 15.

>> No.15291868

She does look old in the first scan though

>> No.15291891
File: 106 KB, 809x458, AtelierFiris-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just that particular illustration.

>> No.15292362

Which version of Mana Khemia 1 is better to play nowadays, PS2 (NTSC-U) or PSP (undub)?
I have a PC with PCSX2 and PPSSPP, PS2, PSP and a Vita to play it on.
I was going to play it on the Vita originally, but the font is making my eyes bleed even there, let alone on the smaller screen of the PSP.
I'll likely switch to PPSSPP, but if I have to emulate it either way, should I emulate its PS2 version instead?

>> No.15292480

PSP undub: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1-FBFXyMbdvUWxqUmtoZ25JcGM
PS2 NTSC-U: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1DDFA4E6D7BFCA0415828AD02C8109D15483BF77

Just in case anyone else needs them.

>> No.15292722

I haven't played the PSP version but people often say it was a terrible port. Play the PS2 version.

>> No.15293366
File: 711 KB, 1920x2160, manfaceremoval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removing the man faces has made the image file smaller.

>> No.15293413

Leifang isn't THAT manface. She still looks much better in 2U and 4 though. Same for Kasumi

>> No.15293781 [DELETED] 

Recompressing JPEG to JPEG generally makes new image smaller, but it this particular case quality went down from 95 without chroma subsampling to 90 with subsampling, so this is where size decrease comes from. Also, you left some room for improvement by leaving the manfaciest of them all, Christie, as is. And Ayane is womanfancier than many of your manfaces, by the way.

Yeah, I can confirm this firsthand: PS2 version > PSP version. There goes my hope for a portable playthrough.
I could live with silky smooth 10fps and frequent loading screens (playing uncompressed ISO at 333MHz helps with UMD reading speed, which was the most glaring issue I read about), but the font is nigh impossible to read and I just can't look at those sprites straight outta soap factory. Stretching 4:3 (PS2) images to 16:9 (PSP) was last nail in the coffin. Fuck that shit.

>> No.15293813

Recompressing JPEG to JPEG generally makes the new image smaller, but it this particular case the quality went down from 95 without chroma subsampling to 90 with subsampling, so this is where the size decrease comes from. Also, you left some room for the improvement by leaving the manfaciest of them all, Christie, as is. And Ayane is womanfacier than many of your man faces, by the way.

Yeah, I can confirm this firsthand: PS2 version > PSP version. There goes my hope for a portable playthrough.
I could live with the silky smooth 10fps and frequent loading screens (playing uncompressed ISO at 333MHz helps with UMD reading speed, which was the most glaring issue I read about), but the font is nigh impossible to read and I simply can't look at these sprites straight outta soap factory. Stretching 4:3 (PS2) images to 16:9 (PSP) was the last nail in the coffin. Fuck that shit.

>> No.15293864

Those shoes are a disaster.
And thigh-high boots with thighhighs? Which both have a cutout in the shins?

>> No.15293889
File: 99 KB, 765x431, AtelierFiris-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's fine. I don't know why people still get bothered by unrealistic clothing choices for Atelier girls. It's really not that bad.

>> No.15293893

I don't care about it being unrealistic at all. I just think it looks dumb.

>> No.15293957
File: 804 KB, 700x1000, 43561941_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linca had the best clothes in the series and she was a badass with the sword.

>> No.15293992
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>> No.15294780

Currently playing through Ar Tonelico Qoga, on Phase 2 now.
It's not that bad. I expected a lot worse from how much people argue about it.
The story is a great continuation of the previous games, and not really boring at the moment. Might change later, but at the moment it pretty much rides on the intrigue of just what the hell is going on with Saki and Finnel and what motivations the major players have for them. Maybe the explanation will not be up to par, but honestly, what has been explained before seems pretty consistent.
It may just be that I really enjoy when the characters run around like headless chickens, getting into machinations of everybody who meets them around the corner and try to figure out just what the hell is going on and what everybody's goal is. Including the information and goals the party itself covers up from one another. It's pretty fun to look at and puzzle about.
The Cosmospheres are great, and even the first levels seem honestly more fun than some AT1 Cosmospheres. I hope it isn't to the detriment of higher levels. Honestly, I don't like either Saki or Finnel much, but their Cosmosphere stories are honestly fun to watch, having actual antagonists in Cosmospheres helps a lot (though occasionally to the detriment of characterisation of "main" girls themselves).
The battles are a bit boring in an average way at worst. But honestly, even AT2, with the best battle system in the series, became kinda boring closer to the end.
The music (meaning BGM) is worse than AT1 and AT2, though. With some occasional breakthroughs, but still, overall less memorable.
Visual style is still GOAT. Wacky ideas are still GOAT. Mute is best grill.
Fanservice is a bit in-your-face but whatever, I've seen worse.
Overall seems like a great game to me. Or should I play more before saying things like that?
I just wish my half-assed "stream PS3 to laptop" solution didn't curb the resolution up to the point where it's hard to read text, but what are you gonna do without a TV.

>> No.15295091


>It's not that bad. I expected a lot worse from how much people argue about it.

Nobody screams at it saying it's terrible or anything. It's just... average. Mediocre. Not that great. It could have been much better but alas it was not to be.

>> No.15295108

I do remember hearing at least some people say how it was atrocious, and boring, and terrible.
And the thing is, while I will hold my final judgment until after I finished the game and had some time to calm down and reconsider it in comparison to previous games, at the moment, I do think it's pretty great.
It could have been better, though. But so could every AT game. They're great, but each one of them had at least a few things that bugged me a lot or annoyed me. Especially the second one.

>> No.15295111

>Fanservice is a bit in-your-face but whatever, I've seen worse.
If you're talking about purging, there's actually an extremely important, spoiler-heavy reason why it exists, although it'd be difficult to figure out without supplemental materials.

>> No.15295140

It too, but really, everything there.
Fanservice really was upped a lot there.
Though yeah, I guess, Purging is the most jarring. I think if everything besides Purging was still there, it might not have been so bad, though it would still be a lot more lewd than the second game.
Also, Purging isn't really a good battle mechanic either. If it had been interestingly implemented, it would've been easier to handle.
I also now wonder if I will be able to figure out the reason by myself. Is it really so obscure?

>> No.15295401

Honestly, if you leave Purging (with the sequences and all) out, the fanservice level wouldn't be any higher than that of AT1 or AT2.

>> No.15296584
File: 2.22 MB, 1762x1079, G1uBlqM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to post some scans.

>> No.15296588
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>> No.15296596
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>> No.15296598
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>> No.15296603
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>> No.15296615

Is that an underground town? I love underground hub areas.

>> No.15296617
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>> No.15296624
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Firis is from a mining town so that might be it.

>> No.15296644
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>> No.15296705
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Official site for Firis opens on the 30th.

>> No.15297238
File: 68 KB, 869x553, ion_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ion screaming as she is being tazed when she fails to answer the questions was much more stimulating than I was expecting.

It's a shame there's only a minute or so of that.

>> No.15298594

>Nobody screams at it saying it's terrible or anything
/v/ and every big, mainstream community does.

>> No.15301527


Since when have mainstream communities been relevant for commenting on JRPGs?

>> No.15301601

Also, who takes seriously what the /v/tards post?

>> No.15302163

Is Sophie worth getting? I saw one guy saying it was shit

>> No.15302580

Wow one whole guy

>> No.15302709

So far 1/1 of the opinions I've seen have been negative, that's pretty conclusive.

>> No.15303065

Overall reaction has been positive, both on aggregate reviews (amazon, etc.) and most individual reviewers.

>> No.15303071

You suck at finding opinions.

>> No.15303219
File: 99 KB, 800x800, Chc20-uVEAAn-BH.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophie is great. I haven't even played it yet but I can already tell. Most of the things I've heard have been positive.

>> No.15305652

Oh ok now it's 2/3 in favor so not so bad. I guess I'll preorder.

>> No.15308629

Amazon usually do release date shipping for Gust games? Not showing up yet.

>> No.15310110
File: 295 KB, 884x902, 1440335230197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there is still no atelier game as fun as mana khemia

>> No.15312055

>having to manually look up every unknown kanji in the dictionary is a gigantic pain in the ass.

Can confirm. Currently on day 700 of my first Ciel Nosurge play through. Which wouldn't be so bad, but I also apperently screwed something up somewhere and locked myself out of marriage.

>> No.15312124

Is there a wiki for this or anything? I have no idea what this is and wanting to read about it.

>> No.15312177
File: 168 KB, 700x730, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games from the developer Gust.

>> No.15312197

Ah playstation stuff :/

>> No.15312231
File: 153 KB, 960x540, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can always emulate earlier games
>▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

>> No.15312245

Okay, I have to pre-order Firis. Are there any guides for this? I recall there being a lot of complexity with where to pre-order things, when to pay, what preorder bonuses there are, how to ship (to US).

>> No.15312304
File: 99 KB, 960x540, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stores require a forwarder (proxy would work as well).
Firis site and preorder is not up yet.

>> No.15312448

There were a few Atelier games that came out for the Nintendo DS. One of these, Atelier Annie, actually had an English-language release, but the DS was region-free I believe, unlike the 3DS.

>> No.15312454

Wherever I look, I only see the PS4 version of Atelier Sophie. Is the Vita version digital-only in Europe, or is it just not getting released in Europe, or...?

>> No.15312469

The basic Regular Edition and Premium Edition will be available from places like amiami.com and cdjapan.com. The more elaborate combo sets the Gust shop puts out will require a forwarder.

>> No.15312474

I know the Vita version is digital-only in North America, so probably likewise in Europe.

>> No.15312750

>you will never be a cute girl alchemist doing cute things

>> No.15312761

can I be her cute tsundere adventuring friend instead?

>> No.15312826

Just check if you can trigger dates with Ion or if you forgot to give her any of the date items. The only way you can lock yourself out of marriage is starting the Terminate Pack before completing all dates, and you can even restart the game to a point before Terminate when you finish it if you did that screw-up.

>> No.15313628

Can you be naked in the new Atelier game?

>> No.15313762

Are there items that aren't in the memories tab that let you go on dates? She doesn't seem to be feeling up to any of the date cards I have, and I'm fairly sure I have then all.

>> No.15314099

Yes, some Cafeteria items.

>> No.15314187

I can't read this ching chong bullshit!

>> No.15314300

The hell? What are you doing "playing" the game then?

>> No.15314312

I finally bought a copy of Ciel nosurge Offline. There's no way to get the DLC that contains all of the voicing on to another memory card for use with a non-JP PSN profile, right?

>> No.15314346

Back up the game to a PC (the DLC is backed up to the same file) and load that backup from the other profile?
Just a suggestion, I've never used different cards.

>> No.15314670

Ah, that must be why, then. Time to load up my save just before Ra Ciel Fusor, I guess. Thanks a lot for the info. You're a life saver.

>> No.15314757

Found them
Compound cake, bipolar rectification vacuum tube, and El links

Guess that's what I get for not reading the wiki closely enough. >>15314670

>> No.15314808

Firis site is up. The music is really good as usual.

>> No.15316109
File: 72 KB, 450x800, Annie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annie was really fun, it's the game that got me into the series. Annie herself is really cute, too.

>> No.15317653

How the hell is Cocona so much ridiculously better in Qoga than she was in 2?
I like her so much here I've actually decided to make her route the first playthrough.
Now if only she actually had a Cosmosphere, it would have been fun to see her inner world. The game doesn't actually tell you much about what really makes her tick, either.

>> No.15317840

Because she's not a main heroine, and they decided to reserve all her development and deeper parts for the Hymmnos Musical that acts as an interquel between AT2 and AT3.

>> No.15318801

Well if you want cocona tick her off

>Buy all the geugo
>Love the geugo
>Limited edition? Scratch that USE IT
>feel free to bully the cocona
>im just writing random greentext
>oh wait she has bigbro complex
>her cosmosphere would probably full of gergo related materials, Croix and Cloche
>probably a closet yandere cause IPD

>> No.15319381

Because she grew up.

I'm so disappointed we'll never get an AT4 with her as a main heroine.

>> No.15319493

I don't remember what Cocona sounded like in 2 but I sure as hell don't like her voice in 3

>> No.15319527

Not very different, but the localization for AT3 gave her the same problem that Saki had: making her talk in third person.

>> No.15319564

anyone happen to have a sekailinked Ar nosurge save from just before you meet Ion?

There's a sekailinked save up on gamefaqs, but that's right before the final boss so it's useless for looking at story scenes earlier in the game...

>> No.15319790

That save isn't SekaiLinked: it only provides the costume change and camera movement options, and missing glossary entries.

Getting a SekaiLinked save to work with an US or EU game is impossible because the game flat-out refuses to load it due to thinking the save includes a piece of DLC that isn't installed in the other version.

>> No.15319812

Oh, that's a shame. So they went ahead and translated and dubbed the lines for Ion welcoming you back, but it's totally impossible to actually see them without ripping them from the game? That sucks.

>> No.15321201

Did they? I thought they just skipped it completely because >filthy gaijins deserve to play ciel nosurge without learning glorious 日本語

>> No.15321628

Do Gust games usually do release day shipping on Amazon?

>> No.15321699

My order history shows that I received "Nights of Azure" on March 29. Not sure if that means a universal "yes," but there it is.

>> No.15321863

I'd worry more about the lines clearing up plot holes than the ones about Ion welcoming the player back though.

>> No.15322091

Huh ok, so if they did it for that I'd assume they'd do it for Atelier too.

>> No.15325157

Finished Qoga. It's good, don't know why everybody dislikes it so much.
The fights get kinda annoying closer to the end, once you stop being able to beat enemies in a fist fight (though I did actually manage to do it again near the end), but that's about it, honestly.
It has the best songs, the best Tower, the plot is just a bit worse than AT2 and Cosmospheres are hand down the best in the series. Also, main characters, I feel, are overall more likeable here too (except for Saki).
Actually, I think I might have liked it better than AT2 (though not AT1). Still haven't sorted it out in my head completely, though.

>> No.15325314

Most of the people who hate it either gave it up after a short period of time or just couldn't get past it not being AT2-2. It's a fine conclusion to the overarching story, and it did some really neat things the first two didn't (namely having more than just the main heroines sing Hymmnos, as well as actually having songs for regular battle song magic). The battle system was meh, but that's really not the point of the series and at least IMO was meh in the other two anyway.

I was also a little worried going into it considering the reactions it gets in certain places, but once you get past the change to 3D it's just another game in the series with way more in common than it has different/bad.

>> No.15325464

Though AT2 also had the song snippets for battle song magic, and it and AT1 also featured other characters aside of the main heroines singing the Hymmnos songs.

Congrats on finishing it! Now you only have to read the AT3 novels to finish off the only loose knots:

>> No.15325473

The only problem I had with it was the lackluster battle system, the fanservice being shoehorned into said battle system so it's forced in your face all the time, and the fact that there were obviously meant to be more than just 3 party members but they got cut

Oh, and Saki.

>> No.15325482

>there were obviously meant to be more than just 3 party members but they got cut
There were? I didn't get that feeling, honestly.

>> No.15325485

Even eep odd fap

>> No.15325511

Well for one thing there's a Re-Organize Party screen that has no effect other than swapping out the playable character. If you weren't meant to have more characters to use, why can you swap the two AI ones around?

Also all the combat-capable characters who tag along with you and are implied to fight alongside you, and aren't doing anything most of the time after they join you, such as Rev. Gengai, Mute, and Jack and Krusche.

>> No.15325546

The Formation screen is also to change the active Reyvateil in the party.

>> No.15325551

And from going through the EBOOT's texts, there are no references to other party members, cut items or skills.

>> No.15325621

Oh right, EXEC_RIG=VEDA/. I also kind of left out EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. in that.

Instead I should say it was much more prominent in 3, with several other characters getting a turn.

>> No.15325637

But yeah, Tsuchiya explicitly said in interviews they wanted to actually show how every single Reyvateil has her own idiosyncrasies and preferences for song-crafting, not to mention AT3 taking place in a Reyvateil-dominated region. With that, it's no wonder they wanted to give the secondary characters at least one song that wasn't sung by the usual trio.

>> No.15325681

>Reading through the history of Sol Cluster on the wiki
You know, Kurogane turned out to be strangely sympathetic. Here's this guy, who just wants to save the planet from dying, and everybody fucking him over willy-nilly, and not even for better theories.
His main flaw was really his bad treatment of Tyria, which caused the effect opposite of what he wanted, and it was certainly something to hate him for. But it was really caused mostly by his own flawed premise of "shocking events move more than positive emotions". Or rather, "I can just cause shock with having any positive emotions for comparison, and it will all work out fine".
Otherwise, his actions were mostly alright and more far-sighted than what other people did. He mostly needed a rival so that his mistake could be conveyed to him.
Also, it's kinda weird how in the main game sacrificing the Planet for Tyria's life is normal you-definitely-haven't-lost-at-all ending, yet in her Binary Field it's a good ending. I guess her Binary Field kinda has a different purpose than the real world (show her what could have been instead of actually not letting the world die off), but it kinda seems like metagaming.

>> No.15325683

I'm surprised we didn't get a song in Surge Concerto with a male lead singer, considering they don't have the 'girls only' limitation

>> No.15325699

This is why Croix is the most based MC.

>> No.15325709

Except for the fact the guy himself sabotaged the whole Planet Regeneration Project he himself had made just to put at the forefront his absurd Human Evolution Project. That itself makes him go from far-sighted to being an irredeemable and egotistical idiot.

As for the normal ending, there's the problem of there not being any guarantee that they will be able to find a way to save Tilia's life before Ar Ciel dies, especially given they were far more limited in what they could do compared to the novels where she was saved regardless.

>> No.15325731

There are male voices from the chorus in Ra Ciel Reincarnation. Cosal singing would have been pretty great though. Maybe that's just me.

>> No.15325737

And in Class::EXPAJA;.

>> No.15325751

Yeah, but they're just part of the chorus and not the lead singers.

Hell, given how song magic works in SC we could have even had Delta singing at one point. I mean Cass technically is a genom now and he's harmonized with her, right?


>> No.15325770

Yeah, not to mention Delta was synchronized to the Ar nosurge Tube (aka: the same terminal that can simulate a Cielnotron) for a while. Maybe they couldn't get Dahna in for a song due to scheduling conflicts or something.

>> No.15325831

Didn't he actually do that at the very end, after he just gave up on the project having any chance of success? They didn't even have the Heart of the Land at hand, honestly, and everything was going bollocks even before that.
And I kinda interpreted Human Evolution Project as being just a bait for researchers to latch on. Basically, a surefire way to make humanity go extinct in the end. No way they were gonna survive without a Planet.
He still was egotistical and irredeemable beyond measure though, that much is certain. Idiot, not sure. More like, extreme misanthrope by the end of it, anime misanthrope at that.

>> No.15325847

It wasn't: the Human Evolution Project was his college thesis, and he always plotted to make it a reality everything else be damned, that also being part of the reason why he forced his way and made the developers in charge of the Betas give them reproductive organs, as he also did with Tilia. Similarly, the project always had chances of success, he just opted to scrap it out of pure spite and egotism.

As for the Heart of the Land, the original plan was complete the Tower's creation and then use Moocheriel to make the Heart using the data they had already gathered on them. Suffice to say that ended up becoming impossible after Rebirthia Protocol was sabotaged and ended in failure.

>> No.15325859

I know I'm gonna get a lot of flak for this, but Lyner is actually the best MC.
He's the only one of them with any agency to his actions, he's the only one who has an arc unrelated to the girls he wants to bang, pretty much the entire plot of the game is caused by his actions and shaped by his will and I generally found him pretty likeable for whatever reason. He's generic as hell, though, but he isn't bad. Also, he probably knows Hymmnos as well, since he spoke it while operating the Tower tech, and it would be an important thing to know for a future ruler of the city. He just never sang in it.
Croix is boring and has little in terms of personality (Lyner has a generic one, but it's still a personality). Aoto barely gets to do anything besides trying to protect the Reyvateils and constantly screwing up; he really seems to me more like a Lyner who was stripped of all his interesting traits (and there weren't many to begin with).
Honestly though, all three protagonists aren't really that good. They've got a little personality to them, and that's about it.

>> No.15325863

Yet his idiocy and denseness also ended up causing a lot of problems. Just play the Flash Cosmospheres and read the AT1 light novel to see how bad it went, but it suffices to say that his lack of tact got Aurica and Misha wrapped up into an almost-repeat of Mir's Rebellion.

>> No.15325868

I've gone through the Flash Cosmospheres, but didn't read through the novel, and I remember nothing there being an "almost-repeat of Mir's Rebellion".
Not gonna argue it wasn't tactless, though.

>> No.15325872

The almost-repeat of Mir's Rebellion was in the novel, and it consisted of most Reyvateils in Sol Ciel going crazy and attacking the humans. That was exactly the same thing that sparked the end of the Second Era.

>> No.15325889

>Also, he probably knows Hymmnos as well, since he spoke it while operating the Tower tech, and it would be an important thing to know for a future ruler of the city. He just never sang in it.
Lyner grew up knowing Hymmnos because he lived in Platina.

Croix learned Hymmnos specifically to sing for Jakuri. Not to mention he sang an improvised song.

Lyner is the protag for AT1 and Croix is a side character in AT2, so of course Lyner has more agency.

>> No.15327093 [DELETED] 

Just a question: Why Gust games are considered /jp/?

>> No.15327122 [DELETED] 

Its a legacy thing, just enjoy it.

>> No.15327127 [DELETED] 

It's a tradition.

If you want a mundane explanation, the core of these threads, Ar tonelico, is as much of a VN as it is an RPG, if not a VN with RPG elements.
Other GUST games have naturally flocked together with AT over time, because /jp/ is the only board where they can survive.

>> No.15327130

Your post reminds me my own impressions after finishing AT3. I took a long break after AT1&2 since I didn't even own a PS3 when I finished them so I could start the game without heavy influences. The fact that AT2 disappointed me slightly after AT1 probably helped, too. I liked it more or less as much as AT1. It's a good game, but a bit different from its predecessors in some aspects. I felt like Gust reverted some changes made in AT2 development for favor of solutions from AT1 - obtaining new recipes and synthesis, off the top of my head. Interestingly, ArNo switched back to AT2 mechanics (combat, recipes obtained in shops, synthesis only in shops). The music felt more "modern", graphics weren't ugly, level design wasn't bad (except Clustania District, fuck that thing) and I really appreciated a variety of endings for each character (with unique ending songs, even). I wish it had a bit more 2D backgrounds, though. Some town locations were simply stunning.

>> No.15327133 [DELETED] 

The Ar Tonelico games had a lot of essentially VN-style content.

>> No.15327168

Um, yeah, these were exactly the things I was thinking too.
And here I thought I was the only one with such opinions. Up to being slightly disappointed in AT2 after AT1 and, ironically, not having PS3 when I finished both.
Yeah, the backgrounds were really pretty, but it was kinda lost on me, because I was streaming it onto my laptop with 720x480 quality. That's what I get for not having a TV.
I really think Grathmelding/Synthesis was best in 1, combat in 2. Ironically, despite reverting the Synthesis system in 3 it still doesn't match up to 1 because of how there are no materials and because of little interface changes (such as not being able to make all the parts of the recipe from the menu of the recipe, easiness of changing the girl you're using, the lack of really cool background track) and also because it wasn't really all that useful, as opposed to 1, where while the game could be easily won without any tinkering with equipment, you had the capability to do so, and it was really fun, I might add.
I once heard that AT1 stole the system from Ateiler. I haven't played them yet, but if it is so, I might venture into them. Grathmelding in 1 was just pure joy.

>> No.15327245

>I once heard that AT1 stole the system from Ateiler. I haven't played them yet, but if it is so, I might venture into them. Grathmelding in 1 was just pure joy.

I'd recommend Ayesha or Escha & Logy. I'm pretty sure you'll have tons of fun with synthesis in these games. The system might look fairly complex at the beginning, but it isn't hard to understand.

>> No.15327605 [DELETED] 


So, you enjoy the Ar Tonelico franchise for being VN like. Which begs another question: why are VNs considered /jp/? I thought otaku would play endless JRPG and arcade fighting games nonstop?

Your videogame culture is interesting. You flock to calm and comfy games, like the Ar Tonelico and VNs, and the next moment you are playing frenzy games like Rythmn games and 2hu. Why?

>> No.15327786

>I once heard that AT1 stole the system from Ateiler
Atelier basically invent item crafting.

>> No.15328147 [DELETED] 

Why is anything besides touhou even considered /jp/? What is is point of /jp/ in the first place?

>> No.15328152

Man, I feel bad for Nelico. It would have been nice to do a side-quest where you get her a sharl body so she doesn't have to be left all alone in Kemokemo any more.

>> No.15328575

Maybe mind viruses don't feel any need to be with others in the real world. Besides, she would miss her "nice body" as a sharl.

>> No.15328914

And she herself said it, that her true form didn't exist for the time Ion was awake. The one in her Genometrics is no more than a sort-of Mind Guardian made from Ion's memories of Nelico.

>> No.15328985 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 483x500, 1441751037360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously asking why people can enjoy multiple genres of games? You might have some problems if the concept of enjoying multiple things is a foreign one to you.

Silly Anon, everyone knows /jp/ is a containment board to keep dirty NEETs away from the other, more wholesome boards.

>> No.15329195 [DELETED] 


Im asking why the people here enjoy a certain range of games not seen on other boards. The reason those type of games are discused here and not, for example, on /v/

>> No.15329225
File: 323 KB, 600x538, CVrpFR1UAAQmx9q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little longer.

>> No.15329234 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 1462x483, 1235221127374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is is point of /jp/ in the first place?
/jp/ was created to get Touhou and VN discussion out of /a/. As such, it makes sense for those contrasting genres to both be /jp/ material. ('Other weeb shit' that didn't fit on other boards was also redirected to /jp/.)

As to why rhythm games are /jp/ material, I have no idea really, other than the fact that a notable overlap in fanbase exists.

>> No.15329264 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 972x505, 1234552134006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-reading this post, it's rather ironic in hindsight.

>Don't allow any one thing to dominate this board
A quick look at the catalog reveals 2016 /jp/ to be entirely Touhou-dominated.

>I'm going to axe this board immediately if it doesn't turn out well and becomes a hassle to moderate.
I'm not sure if this is still the case, but at least it used to be that /jp/ was by a large margin the most time-consuming board to moderate relative to its number of posters.

>> No.15329467 [DELETED] 

So basicslly, Rythmn games, Gust games, and VNs, didnt fit with /v/ neither? Thats weird, dont they discuse every form of videogame?

Also, I see Touhou content posted on /c/ so, did /jp/ fail in containing the 2hus?

>> No.15329605 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 1429x159, 1BMSM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to conclude what /jp/ should be from the name "otaku culture" is a mistake. The name was tacked on after the fact because Japan / General didn't do a good job of telling anyone what /jp/ was.

Touhou was not "contained" like MLP was, there's no rule against posting it in other boards. Even /v/ threads survive as long as they are about the games and not wch 2hu u wud fuk. It was simply removed from /a/ because it was not anime.

>Rhythm games, Gust games, and VNs, didnt fit with /v/ neither?
Rhythm games didn't come to /jp/ until later. VNs, for the most part, don't have gameplay. Some have only branching points and some have no branching points at all, and are arguably not "games" at all.

It used to be that mainstream JRPGs in their entirety were basically banned from /jp/, resulting in shittons of autistic argument about how the Ar Tonelico games, being galge, should be allowed in /jp/ but that the more standard JRPGs by GUST shouldn't be. The board has gotten a lot more relaxed about the "no video games" thing, though, given that nobody seems to give half a shit anymore.

>> No.15330036

Big changelog is near.

>> No.15330093 [DELETED] 

It's funny how all that remains of those days is Touhou shitposting.

>> No.15330171 [DELETED] 

Rhythm games threads die extremely quickly on /v/ and the ones that survive for more than 15 minutes are filled with Mikufags, osufags, WUBBA DUBBA DUB meme spouters and discussions of dead non-arcade/amerifat rhythm games.

>> No.15330370

That's a big update. Good to see they are still working on it.
I will update the pastebins myself, when the Beta hits.

>> No.15330735

That just makes me feel even worse about what we did to her!

>> No.15335863

Where can I pre-order atelier sophie digitally? I want the pre-order bonus aqua suit costume, but I can't find where to pre-order digitally, will it be up on PSN eventually?

>> No.15336257

It will probably be an add-on code you get for buying the game within something like the first two weeks of release. That's usually how they do it for digital only titles.

>> No.15342178
File: 257 KB, 1447x1085, agenttwinpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing that but it won't recognize it. Also tried copying the addcont folder over, but it doesn't recognize it that way either. Finally I did more searching and can't seem to find a single person who has successfully used DLC across regions.

Oh well, I'll give up and play it on my Japanese account. Just annoying to format the Vita when I want to switch back to playing any other games.

>> No.15342376

My sophie LE just got shipped and the warehouse is in my state. Pretty hyped.

>> No.15343479

Nights of Azure is at -53% on Amazon currently, international shipping available.
amazon com/Nights-Azure-PlayStation-4/dp/B017GY07L4/

>> No.15343536

Sophie ETD Monday, time for cute alchemy

>> No.15344274

Yeah it's been low for a while, I got it for $26 the other day, went as low as $25 before it started going back up a bit.

>> No.15344363

Its true Atelier Sophie doesnt has almost fully voiced dialogue like the previous games?

>> No.15344369

IIRC at least on Vita only major scenes are voiced

>> No.15344419

Thats disappointing. Still getting it because fuck yeah Atelier without time limits. And because Sophie, Plachta, Corneria and Leon are CUTE.

>> No.15345678

Beta 4 is here: http://www.at2.metalbat.com/?p=622#comments

Make sure to recheck the changelog if you don't know what has been modified this time around.

>> No.15346008

It should be fully voiced in Japanese. Don't know or care about the English acting.

>> No.15347249

Been meaning to replay this for a while now, is betaflame's rip good? Only one I could find decently seeded.

>> No.15348861

Ar_Tonelico_II_Melody_of_Metafalica_USA_UNDUB_PS2DVD is the release the patches are created for.
Get it from http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=598931

>> No.15349118

Remind, are saves backwards-compatible between patches?

>> No.15349610

Oh, really? I already have that but the instructions seemed based on converting the NA or whatever version to undub with their patch first.

>> No.15349640 [DELETED] 

I heard moot is deleting /jp/

>> No.15349780

Saves are keyed to the SLUS number, and they have never modified that, so they will still work.

That said, you'd be better off starting the game from scratch, as many of the additions they made can't be seen unless you do that.

>> No.15349793

That's only if you don't have the undub's iso available.

>> No.15349795

I already played through the game once on Mir route (with Cloche chosen), and I wanted to see Cloche and Luca endings. Cloche by basically going only through the last part, with Luca I had a save right at the choice. I was considering also updating the game while I'm at it, but I'm not willing to abandon my saves for it.
Well, unless the game has a NG+ option I've been unaware of.

>> No.15350008

Luca is a slut and a whore.

>> No.15350162

Shut up, Alfman's dog.

>> No.15350221

Heh, I still remembered some ATfags right in this thread occasionally agonizing over how Cocona grew up to be such a terrible bitch 5 or 6 years ago.
I prefer cheerful loli Cocona though.

>> No.15350267

>and Saki

>> No.15350325

>There are male voices from the chorus in Ra Ciel Reincarnation
I thought they were just the usual Shikata's low range.

>> No.15350375
File: 82 KB, 1250x345, 1349350183219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel old for feeling this image is still new.
And >>15329195-kun, it's simply because they don't have the particular /jp/ autism.

>> No.15350396

The choruses in it and Expaja are credited to the Tokyo Philharmonic Chorus. The voices sound different enough to know that Shikata wasn't doing them.

>> No.15350523

Yeah, you're right. Whenever there is Shikata Akiko in a song I just kinda assume that.

>> No.15351305

Is the hymnos an actual language with its own grammar or shit or is it just like the Al Bhed "language" where it's just a letter swap?

>> No.15351344


>> No.15351457

I'm shocked people still have to ask that in this day and age.

>> No.15351482

I guess it's not normal to find ~six complete languages in five games.

>> No.15351513

Though Carmena Foreluna is debatable about if it's a proper language, while there's next to no information in how Ar Ciela works.

>> No.15351959

According to the tracker, my Sophie LE will be here tomorrow and is a day early from release.

Should be uploading the pics (non-scanned) tomorrow

>> No.15351977

tfw I won't get mine till the 10th.

>> No.15352044

Same here

>> No.15352109

My copy is one town over, rip sundays. The history theme is available on ps4, I assume the other two themes will pop out in a few days.

Bought a ps4 in april and this'll be my first atelier game, really excited to play some more alchemy games.

>> No.15352223
File: 94 KB, 1920x1080, ps4share.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theme

>> No.15352253

Jesus, that is a good theme. I would pay for it.

>> No.15353440

Is that Philomel "Jessica" Hartung standing in for Mana Khemia?

>> No.15353669


Fellow Eurofags? I've never pre-ordered games at the European NISA store before, so I'm curious whether they ship stuff in advance so it arrives on the release day.

>> No.15353751

I never bought in NISA store because they have the prices in pounds and not in euros, so everything there is expensive as fuck.
But probably they will send before the launch day, so don't worry.

>> No.15353866

Never ordered from them before either. I'm sure they'll ship it in time for release though. Could even be a day early if we get lucky, though if you're living in the mainland it might be different.

>> No.15354052

Does Sophie have any missable trophies?

>> No.15356377
File: 338 KB, 555x800, 57265078_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, one. You need to create the philosopher's stone before getting the ending or you'll have to do a second playthrough

>> No.15356383


>> No.15356527

Maromi needs to fuck off with this pairing. We still barely have any info on the game. At least wait until more of the cast is introduced. Can somebody tell me how to politely tell her this in nihongonese?>>15356383

>> No.15356536
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356546

Torrent where?

>> No.15356572

Got mine today as well. The cloth poster is really cute. Need to get some clips to put it on my wall.

>> No.15356640

Friday can't come soon enough.

>> No.15356967

Why does Shurelia's armor have big fake titties? Is she that insecure?

>> No.15357022

Would you play an Atelier game with a male MC? (Not just an option of one like Eschatology)

>> No.15357104

You mean iris?

>> No.15357134


>> No.15357435

Only if he is a cute boy

>> No.15357440

Almost except he didn't get his name on the game so I'm not gonna count it.

>> No.15357737

Tyria's does too. I think it's even more noticeable, because of the whole Purging business.

>> No.15357751

Huh, forgot because it's been a while since I played that game, just now started to replay AT1 and like I can't take shurelia seriously when she is wearing big fake titties and tries to fake her big girl voice

>> No.15357767

Is it faking? I just assumed the armor had some sort of voice filter for some reason.
And yeah, just look at Tyria 2->3 Purge scene.
What is even weirder, she doesn't actually hide her chest when she's in her normal clothes. Hell, they emphasize it, I think.
It may be just how the armor was designed, for some reason. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing the Tower engineers did.

>> No.15357893

>tfw no physical version for Vita

Why GUST? I even bought Escha&Logy+ LE and that got out of stock earlier than Sophie LE.

>> No.15358202

Her voice isn't faked, as she does sound like that when she's serious. And the Linkage does have a voice filter, as otherwise it wouldn't have the robotic touch it has (in the JP voiceover at the least. If it doesn't have it in the EN one, that's another tick on the "NISA ruined the series" list).

>> No.15358515

The lower screen though...it's so bad. Why do they not test these things to see if they're going to make a horrible clash with the UI?

>> No.15358984
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>> No.15359034


>> No.15359037
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>> No.15359120
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>> No.15359133
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>> No.15359597

He meant mana khemia.

>> No.15359620

Firis lewding it up

>> No.15359706

Seeing her like that, I can't help but think she is going to get sunburn.

Unless she has synthesized up some sunblock.

>> No.15359751
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>> No.15359896

Klein is the only one who is wrongly replaced. Lita wasn't an alchemist.

>> No.15361336

I would be okay with her as yuri interest for Firis.

I still can't get a good grip on her chest size. I wish they were a little smaller.

>> No.15363382

Alright, so I've done all the item dates in Ciel (I'm pretty sure). Now it's just a matter of waiting for Nelico to show up while Ion is out, right?

>> No.15363770

She looks cute but I really need to hear her voice. Those character trailers can't come soon enough.

>> No.15363936
File: 643 KB, 720x1280, dDDf32Dfdgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I haven't seen before.

>> No.15364210

Can you be gay in the new atelier game?

>> No.15364263

Why do I have to date Nerico?

>> No.15364279
File: 563 KB, 740x777, 57136351_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15364435

Sold with 2016 calendar on gust shop, it's not hidari though, it's noco (or yuugen) that drew it.

>> No.15364451


>> No.15366732

Because deep show she's a nice lady, she's so bored, and she knows that it's just for fun.

Come on anon, humor her, have some fun and help her get some things off that enormous chest of hers.

>> No.15367186
File: 80 KB, 1614x380, Screen Shot 2016-06-08 at 21.52.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can answer my own question.

Being EU is suffering.

>> No.15367208


Mine hasn't even started to be sent yet so be happy.

>> No.15367675

Atelier Sophie is too good. I swear, it fixed every single thing I disliked about this franchise.

>> No.15367881

Question to everyone in this thread: How is Atelier Sophie? If you had to rank the Arland games, the Dusk games, and Atelier Sophie, in what order would you rank them?

>> No.15367904

Sophie>Rorona +>Totori+>Meruru+

I haven't played the Dusk games yet so I can't rank them.

>> No.15367966

That is how it works, isn't it? After you do all the dates, Nelico shows up and berates you, then you get the option to Propose to Ion

>> No.15368044
File: 237 KB, 1171x1000, AtelierFiris-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More screenshots. I still think they need to tone Firis's breasts down a bit. She looks like more of a smaller type and not a busty one.


>> No.15368076

Why do people do this? Her name is Phyllis.

>> No.15368364

I'm playing Sophie on the PS4 now, and it's good, but something's bugging me.
The edges of the screen are noticeably cut off and I can't figure out how to resize the screen to fix it. I know the older games had an option to adjust this, but it seems they got rid of it?

>> No.15368380
File: 39 KB, 1057x336, 1452468734106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, I wont be home for another 2 months.

>> No.15368631

I don't think the game itself has such an option, but see if either your PS4 or (more likely) your TV does. Usually in the TV's settings there's something you can set to "just scan" or "actual pixels" or something similar so that it won't try to overscan and cause what you're describing.

>> No.15368641

On my TV this setting appears on the "Aspect Ratio" setting, for reference, though yours might put it somewhere else or have its own setting specifically for overscan.

>> No.15368765

Because that's the romanization Gust uses, for example on their web site. If they hadn't done that, I would agree with you without reservation.

>> No.15368766

Sophie = Rorona+ > Ayesha > the rest are pretty close in terms of enjoyment for me

Played them all like an autist

>> No.15368785

Are there missable events in Atelier Sophie?

>> No.15369382 [DELETED] 

I think you guys would love to have this
I dunno if that fellow vitagen anon comes here but I do so im sharing his work here

Nothing big, just Ion's loading animation from Ciel nosurge.


>> No.15369390

I think you guys would love to have this
I dunno if that fellow vitagen anon comes here but I do so im sharing his work here

Nothing big, just Ion's loading animation from Ciel nosurge.


>> No.15369477
File: 1.30 MB, 640x480, Yo, Buddy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, buddy.

>> No.15369508
File: 125 KB, 565x510, IT'S TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidence, I only frequent vitagen, aceg and gust threads.


>> No.15369517
File: 27 KB, 185x183, 1435042906236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i frequent skg, smtg, armored core general, aceg and fgog.

><<Raise Altitude.>>

>> No.15369531

The PS4 itself actually has this via the OS now.

Settings > Sound and Screen > Display Area Settings

Set it once, all games (are supposed to) respect it.

>> No.15369608

Saw in another topic someone saying it doesn't work in this game for whatever reason.

Anyway overscan is a dumb feature and should be disabled either way. Not sure why so many TVs come with it enabled by default in this day and age.

>> No.15370081

You're right, I do love to have this.

>> No.15370091

Thank you very much for these.

>> No.15370337
File: 27 KB, 469x227, sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're a lucky guy. Amazon in my country is a fucking faggot.
