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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 207 KB, 720x540, 0a99bd0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15242749 No.15242749 [Reply] [Original]

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq
Old thread: >>15131722

ITT only beautiful, well-dressed dolls allowed.

>> No.15242766
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>> No.15242769
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>> No.15243217
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>> No.15243286
File: 121 KB, 1024x1022, CifxuptUkAAA8Sn.png large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looks like she belongs in that twiglight zone before Cheese TV started every morning when I was in primary school.

>> No.15243922
File: 464 KB, 800x800, miku-now-with-boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That outfits hurts.

>> No.15244155
File: 120 KB, 750x500, 4408586_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I posted before scrolling so reposting here.
There's a couple doll photography tip blogs out there, but the Antique Lilac one helped me a lot. She's got some good basics on angles and lighting. Her dolls tend to be a bit more fussy porcelain looking (shes an older woman who used to make art dolls before getting into bjds) but her tips are pretty solid. Pic related, gorgeous LOTR inspired scenery.

>> No.15244398

Okay I have to agree. Usually I try to defend you anon but an all-grey outfit is not the move. Your photography is certainly getting better though.

>> No.15244636

I know it looks bad that's the point. OP's post says
> ITT only beautiful, well-dressed dolls allowed.
Plus there is the title of the thread.
Thus I post a Humourous poorly dressed Cake riding a flamingo.

>> No.15245480

fix your flag

his photography is getting better but i think his posing is still pretty awkward. arms, especially.

>> No.15245618

Image is from October 16 2015.

>> No.15245703

my comment about your poses still applies to the photos you posted last week. the arms always look pretty stiff.

>> No.15245928
File: 102 KB, 693x1039, CilA5n2UgAIGDU3.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how about we all stop picking on Fashion-kun and go back to lewding our dolls like we used to?

>> No.15245946

>our dolls
you don't even post your own.

>> No.15245966
File: 67 KB, 540x405, tumblr_o6ykzdPTKI1v2h342o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Photos that are decent enough quality for me to want to share are few and far between and I try to avoid reposting otherwise you'd have the same pictures of Mei's lolibutt and Nadeshiko's epic camel toe over and over.

>> No.15246039

send her jogging and it might make sense.

>> No.15247563

I just wish more of you posted your girls more often. I like seeing them.

>> No.15247620
File: 492 KB, 960x1280, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an old pic of my girl I posted awhile back.

>> No.15247706
File: 335 KB, 918x1632, 20160514_151329_resized_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a random pic from my cell phone. At work now so it's all I've got.

>> No.15247881


What would you recommend for someone who does indoor shots but has no source of light (no windows)?

>> No.15247902

a light box.

>> No.15248567
File: 839 KB, 950x1267, IMG_001456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only took 2 months for this outfit to come in

>> No.15248886

cute as fuck. worth the wait if you ask me.

>> No.15249407
File: 116 KB, 533x570, 123534534432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of my fellows anons enter the lottery for either of these cuties? If so, did you win?

>> No.15249473

Requesting bloomers for the bloomers god.

>> No.15249530
File: 520 KB, 845x1126, IMG_000444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll repost this pic for you

>> No.15249610

Man I dig that hoodie. Plus she is all like RAR!

Are multi tone wigs a huge pain? I think they would be but I don't own one.


Both outfits are cute. But man am I digging that wig. She is super adorable!

>> No.15249637
File: 799 KB, 2092x3264, Estel_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. Most of them are heat resistant fiber, so they're really easy to manage. You just have to be careful with dark colors, as you would for a wig made of any fiber.

Many are colored with pearlescent powder, which can rub off. I use a baby's toothbrush to style my doll's wigs, and the powder discolors the toothbrush. I always pick pastel wigs and have never had any problems with staining. I would not put a dark multi-tone wig on any of my DDs.

>> No.15249812
File: 380 KB, 1440x2160, makoto10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't posted pictures of my Makoto in ages so here's a recent one.

She looks awesome, you should post more photos.

I entered for Rin. Haven't heard anything yet which doesn't bode well.

>> No.15249852

I somehow kinda wished I had all those dolls and hope that I won't. This is confusing

>> No.15249882

God your doll is cute as fuck. Her face is adorable.
Hope you don't mind me asking where you ordered her clothes from.

>> No.15249900

The Kuma shirt is from aliexpress from a seller "Betrust Co.,Ltd" with bloomers from nine9style
>>15248567 is MDD Asterisk Marine Blouse Set from Dollfieworld. sadly I think i got the last one on dollfieworld, but they still have the regular DD set

>> No.15249930
File: 588 KB, 2189x1459, flamcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm i think i will stay away then.

She is quite cute i like her a lot.

So here is Cake in a new outfit! I also want to try Maple in this too!

>> No.15250136
File: 289 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o7bft7c7YS1v2h342o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's literally impossible to go wrong with black and white.


I don't believe you to be a legitimate herald of this god of bloomers, what can you do to prove that any donation I make will not just go into supporting Israel's illegal occupation?

>> No.15250154

Are those Touhous I see in the background?

>> No.15250158

>no windows
Where on Earth do you live? a Prison?

>> No.15250176


A hospital, the bed near the window is always occupied and smells so I don't want to put my doll near there.

>> No.15250256

You're taking pictures of your doll in a hospital? Does she by any chance have a nurse outfit?

>> No.15250375

Seconding >>15247902, though you can rig up your own lightbox or diffusing equipment easily. Look for tutorials for product and sales photography, like for Ebay and Etsy sellers. I used to get pretty good results using a desktop Ott-lite, two yards of cheap white fabric, a cardboard presentation board from Walmart and some cardboard wrapped in tinfoil as reflectors.

>> No.15250385

Does she have a custom faceup? May I ask where you commissioned her from, or was she an artist head?

>> No.15250787
File: 351 KB, 1224x1500, recursion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a tripod, open aperture and long exposure times. even a 20w incandescent lightbulb 4m away from the object will do with enough exposure.

or light a candle

>> No.15250857

Yeah, it's a custom faceup. The artist is kingbunny98, you can find them on Flickr and the DD forums at least.

>> No.15252930
File: 2.12 MB, 2736x3402, photoshoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I kinda bought this outfit because it was too cute! But I am not sure what kinda photos I should be taking with it. But some photos of a photo shoot seemed like a cute idea. Plus my images seem to come out better when I take photos of the girls doing things and not posing for the camera.
So here is Maple taking photos of Cake.

>> No.15253239
File: 3.79 MB, 1024x7229, 1444188950638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're getting better at this.

now eliminate the stands.

>> No.15253327

He didn't even bother to use a decent camera for an entire year, so I doubt you can get him to do that.

>> No.15253399
File: 1.49 MB, 2660x1564, assa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15253487

repeated beating with blunt words does seem to have an effect in the long run.

>> No.15254132

Any tips on posing? I don't actually have a doll but I'd still like to learn natural posing with my Shinkis or something.

>> No.15254174
File: 97 KB, 693x1039, CivSiA2VEAIkBmJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take a photo of everyone together. No fancy poses or silly props, just everyone standing comfortably. Make sure everyone is looking at the camera or else it's a waste of the time you put into the whole thing. This comes from experience.


Make a pose yourself before making your dolly do it. If it's uncomfortable for you it'll be uncomfortable for her too.

>> No.15254786

Cake looks super cute in that outfit. Now why do you have pink flamingos in your yard?

>> No.15254907

>he doesn't know about flamingos

lol check this guy out

>> No.15255401

Thanks! Tryin to find someone with that cute shojo-ish style that isn't super sparkle gooey looking is tough.

>> No.15255599
File: 644 KB, 1440x2160, makoto12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it is surprisingly hard to find someone who does it well. I'm really happy with how Makoto turned out though, the faceup is really well detailed.

>> No.15256382

Thanks and your post has given me an idea!

You good sir are the best!

Hi Shinki bro. I own two myself I wish the bike girls came out before the line was killed.

Hmmm a group photo eh. Hmmmmm

Thanks. Also see >>15254907

Can't lie she looks cute as a button! You have a good girl there anon!

>> No.15257075

Does anyone know of any custom clothing commision shops? The only one I know is Black Swan and they're expensive as hell.

>> No.15257110

That's a really nice dress so I'm not sure how you make it look so bad still. Also, clips are not a fix-all for poorly styled wigs.

>> No.15258840
File: 134 KB, 693x1039, CivRvB2UYAAUWtB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol get a load of this retard. do you do this on purpose or is it just a constant passive?

>> No.15258934
File: 442 KB, 750x1000, miku-in-bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ashamed that I couldn't get a good bloomers shot. Sorry bloomers god.

The stand on Maple makes it look like she has a back-penis. Not flattering. Then again, I'm jelly because I don't even own a stand.

Damn those hands are tiny. Is that the default hand size for MDDs?

>> No.15259738

Thoughts on character dolls? What officially licensed ones exist?

>> No.15259841
File: 220 KB, 670x723, s737619424575262359_p339_i84_w670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most DDs are character dolls and they're usually licensed and I know a lot of people keep them as the character and display them exclusively in official outfits. I prefer to customize my dolls though, even having a few of them get new faceups though I usually keep their existing names.

There's too many of them to count really, you can find an official list of all licensed DD releases at https://www.volks.co.jp/en/dollfiedream/list_ddl.html/.. Other anons might know where to find information for other manufacturers.

>> No.15260271

cake's wig doesn't fit her outfit.

>> No.15260942
File: 319 KB, 1224x1632, 20160502_164953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should get a good family photo every now and then, say every time one of your dolls changes. It will serve as a record of their lives.

And you can see the moment they decided going punk goth loli was a good idea and the intense regret in their eyes afterwards.

I took a photo of my newest doll the day she came home and compared to her now they look like completely different people.

>> No.15261036

Is Nadeshiko your newest?

>> No.15261059


Yeah I've had her a few months now and she's changed a lot since I got her. Not much is left, not even her original body.

>> No.15261151
File: 644 KB, 1893x2233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waffles really is the one that changed the most. I mean Cakes default outfit is still the same one everyone hates. That new outfit is for shareing, I will probably stick Maple in it soon.

Image is Waffles when she became a permanent resident.

>> No.15262586

Still not sure how to go about getting eyes I want. Nobody seem to be selling them per say, but you can kind of buy the image to print yourself (which seems silly, and I don't have a working printer of quality).

I guess there should be commissionable eyes somewhere? Even if it may hurt the wallet.

As for the rare kind I want, it is the anime-like kind with heart shapes inside them. I always find them to scream "Deeply in love", which is a requirement for my doll.

>> No.15263420

Contact this person.

>> No.15263588
File: 884 KB, 540x800, tumblr_noa06yWahW1twdalfo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Deeply in love"

I guess so, if you mean "being fucked stupid and loving every moment of it"

By all means get Freya to commission eyes for you. I have three pairs of hers and I found them to be very reasonable quality for the price.

She actually did an entire doll as a commission including two heads of the same character with different expressions. The second expression is "fucked stupid" which I think you will enjoy if you go looking for it.

>> No.15271174
File: 118 KB, 1024x1536, CisyhawUgAIYwe8.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neglected thread is neglected

Suppose I'm not one to talk, my dolls have been sitting in their cabinet for weeks now without being touched.

>> No.15271804
File: 78 KB, 375x500, 201211172001316ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know some good stores that sell good wigs in the US?

Also Volks keeps running out of ddh01 heads and MDD bodies online, but never any of the other bases or heads. Have MDD always been this popular or has there been a surge because they keep running out whenever I try to buy one. Do they usually restock quickly?

>> No.15272039
File: 183 KB, 1024x1538, CilE8D0UUAAeAGJ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DDH-01 + MDD is by far the most popular combination of dollfie to have outside of like maybe Miku or some other mass-sold sculpt I'm not familiar with.

>> No.15272301
File: 126 KB, 693x1039, 1452682534725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to have a saved archive of LunuPointerEx's photos? I adore his dolls, but going through 55k Twitter posts and sorting through reposts is a monumental task.

>> No.15272357
File: 93 KB, 693x1039, Ci_CGAhUUAArmCh.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just make a day of it.

>> No.15272405 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 217x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping this girl here.

>> No.15272413
File: 48 KB, 217x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leaving this mistreated girl here.

>> No.15272488

Her eyes aren't even set nicely. Poor girl.

>> No.15272629

VolksUSA is always stupid-low on stock. You're not gonna find much unless you're willing to shop at one of the billion dolly internet stores in Japan/Korea/China.

>> No.15272642
File: 232 KB, 930x1395, doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Like, every Saber

DDH-01 is by far the most popular for customization.

>> No.15272755

maybe someone wrote a twitter dump script you could use?

>> No.15272926

Does anyone know where to get outfits by le chat de neige? a lot of people are talking about the quality in detail by that person, but there is never any news about how to buy an outfit by him/her.

I've checked yahoo auction and there's nothing either.

>> No.15275747
File: 835 KB, 1280x1920, 1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell their one-offs on YAJ indeed but Coolcat retails some of their outfits as well, see http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=399687

They usually sell out pretty fast though.

>> No.15276435

Are cool cats and yj the only place to get? Yj is like a bad place since the bidding can get way overboard.

Thanks though.

>> No.15276512

>Are cool cats and yj the only place to get?
Yeah, pretty much. You might get lucky and find one on, say, the DD forums marketplace or Mandarake but there's no other places you'll find a brand new one.

>> No.15277090

Is Benzoyl Peroxide really a good way to get rid of a Dollfie stain?

>> No.15277341

Yes. It can take a lot of applications, though.

>> No.15277921

Did you forget to rinse your doll clothes before you out them on?

>> No.15278398

That isn't magic.

>> No.15280085

I own the Miku Dollfie, my first doll.
I was afraid to wash her clothes in the wash but they turned out fine I even washed the boots

Am I safe for the most part?

>> No.15280211

No, Miku's outfit will stain. It may not stain right away, but eventually; if you leave her sitting in it for a long time, the color will seep into the vinyl. It's not that big of a deal. Since you washed them already the strains will be relatively faint, and they can always be removed with RemoveZit. Plus, if you plan to keep her in that outfit than its no big deal.

Buy a body suit if you're that worried about it. One of my dolls has a stain on the back of her thigh from her default outfit, and another has a stained toe from some stockings that I even did a test-patch with to make sure they wouldn't stain. Neither of these are visible though since I keep my dolls dressed so it really doesn't bother me.

>> No.15280262

>I keep my dolls dressed so it really doesn't bother me.
My dolls always have minor stains around their butts and it doesn't bother me either. I do treat them a bit if I have to do another area that I actually do care about, but I'm not going to keep a doll out of commission just to make an area nobody ever sees look nicer.

>> No.15280370

I know its not magic, but it does help.
I got dark clothes from nine9style recently and I let them soak in detergent water for a few hours. The water turned pitch black from the extra dye.

>> No.15282581

I understand where you're coming from and I'm not all that worried about staining either but I do take the precautions I can since I've had serious staining occur in the past and it wasn't fun. Also it would suck if I wanted to have one of them wear something more revealing than normal and staining prevented me from make that happen.

>> No.15283133

See this is my thought, a tiny stain is fine and doesn't ruin anything unless its in a high visibility spot like fingers or face. However I live with another collector who is a 'cabinet baby' collector, they're dressed and locked up and never touched, and he freaks out about staining even though he'll just directly throw them into their default clothing.

>> No.15283256
File: 82 KB, 486x648, the tape is a lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so that tape that Volks is selling as 'stain protector'?

She had the faintest hint of staining before the tape man. We were trying to prevent it... Its literally only where the tape touched, not anywhere else on the headcap.

>> No.15283410

Oh wow, sorry man, that looks awful. I haven't used their tape but I've had good results using regular cloth wig caps combined with silicone caps.

>> No.15283422

Why are doll-related items so understocked? Is the demand really that high?

>> No.15283456

Not so much high demand but low supply. Only so many people who make the shit and they usually make them in batches rather than ongoing production. I used to make and sell clothing on Etsy and tried to manage my time well and make several of a particular item to stock, but sometimes that would just be the "in thing" and go super fast, and if I tried to restock as soon as it sold out I'd have zero time for anything else.

Its just... honestly it wasn't even bad before. The back of her head, which was touching the cap too, is goddamn spotless. The tape absolutely made things 100x worse.

>> No.15283496

Hopefully that reacts well to being stain treated but from looking at the front edge it looks like it's seeped in pretty deep.

Also, maybe you can swap out the head cap for one that comes with one of the DDH blank heads? I know the cap have different sized for different sculpts but if there's one that fits then you wouldn't have to spend an eternity trying to stain treat it.

>> No.15285514

God eater Alice re-release when?

>> No.15285548

Probably never.

>> No.15286328
File: 63 KB, 551x640, 02002348179713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the anon who wanted heart-shaped animetic eyes still here? There's a doll on Mandy that might have what you're looking for.

>> No.15286512

I'm always periodically here. It does look quite well.

>> No.15286521

Though I'm less sure what actually Mandy is and where. I assume not Mandarake?

>> No.15286531

Why would you assume Mandy isn't shorthand for Mandarake?

>> No.15286539

Because of performing a poor search and not finding it. But I managed to find it on mandarake with help of google.

>> No.15286566

>Because of performing a poor search and not finding it.
It seems like you have a special talent, anon. I found it very easily by just searching "dollfie dream head"

>> No.15286575

Still feel like the price is a bit steep even if it is a lovely head. But I guess in the business of head resales, it is decently priced for the quality it seems to have.

>> No.15286593

I wouldn't buy it. The lines look pretty sloppy and it looks like there isn't any blushing whatsoever. Hard to tell with Mandarake's photos sometimes, though.

>> No.15288048

The eyes are not bad, but the eyebrows are weak. But the mouth mod and the unusual eyes do make it worth something. It's not a bad base for a new faceup.

>> No.15288370

I do hope they release it again like miku did. Scalper price is awful.

>> No.15288551

Are you fashion-kun?

>> No.15288815
File: 102 KB, 800x531, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not fashion-kun. But I know my taste in faces is not well regarded here. Pic related.

>> No.15288958

are the product photos on lizanna pretty accurate? I like the designs, but I think the colours are probably a bit too vibrant for my dolls.

>> No.15289243
File: 628 KB, 2160x1530, liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite accurate. Pic related is showing one of mine and they're just so beautiful in person. But if you're looking for something muted then you might want to look elsewhere.

>> No.15289468
File: 132 KB, 1114x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are bright and beautiful! I love them.

>> No.15289549

Thanks guys, they do look lovely. I'm still figuring out a look for one of my girls, so maybe I'll build around a pair of eyes from there.

>> No.15289785


Next time I have good light here I'll take a picture of my doll's Lizanna eyes. She has the cats eyes in yellow. It's really late now so any photo I take would be worthless.

My only gripe with them is they are low-dome and my doll takes high-dome eyes. But I guess that's not a fault of the eyes themselves, they just don't look as good on her as they could do.

>> No.15289847
File: 577 KB, 1333x1778, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a repost of another set of Lizanna eyes in action. Twilight ruby in 18mm in a default Miku head.
What head are you looking at eyes for?

>> No.15290935

>What head are you looking at eyes for?
DDH-07, why?

>> No.15291308
File: 281 KB, 2261x788, ddh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh I have that head with Stardust Ruby 22mm from Lizanna. I hope this helps.

>> No.15291352

why do you refuse to fix her wig cap

>> No.15291992

Anyone have pics of dolls taking their heads off?

>> No.15292971
File: 472 KB, 750x1000, miku-in-new-bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you post her, I can do rough mockups of the Lizanna eyes in her head. If you can tell me how tall her eyeholes are (or post her with a ruler on the same plane), I can do both 20mm and 22mm variations for the eyes.

>> No.15293518

She's cute though, like One Piece.

>> No.15293846

Thanks for the offer, but don't worry about it. I found their sizing information so I've already been doing that myself.

>> No.15294808
File: 374 KB, 1459x2189, cherry waits for OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This struck me as a funny idea.

>> No.15294814
File: 460 KB, 2189x1459, cherry naps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15295030

when did she overdose?

>> No.15297026
File: 409 KB, 682x1024, IMGP2177-Edit_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in vitro

>> No.15297454


Quite some time ago judging by the state of the remains.

What if the reason she never changes is because she's been dead for years and fashion-kun is unable to acknowledge her death, so he posts old photos from before her addiction destroyed and eventually killed her?

>> No.15298630

If only he made her as cute as she wanted to be, Cherry never would have put herself on such a cruel path. How can fashion-kun live with himself, I wonder. Knowing it's all his fault.

>> No.15298916

These are the best posts!

>> No.15298993

get help, fashion-kun. It's too late for Cherry, but you can still save the others.

>> No.15301577


What head is this?

If its custom did you paint this yourself?

>> No.15302480
File: 547 KB, 2816x2112, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried taking pics of my daughter, what do you think?

>> No.15302511

She's very cute. What's her name? And at what times is she alone?

>> No.15302531

I haven't named her as yet sadly, any ideas?

>> No.15302638
File: 586 KB, 597x894, smells like candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hazel" was the first thing that came to mind, I have no idea why.

>> No.15302671

Hazel... i like it

>> No.15302690

I'm not usually into dolls but she's just super cute, she made my day brighter.

>> No.15302755

I'm glad that it did

>> No.15302838

It's dangerously close to being a fashion-kun gimmick name.

>> No.15302928

She's a custom DDH-07. Subaru from DollfieDreams.com did the face-up.

>> No.15303195

Ahhhh she is cute. I like her lots!

>> No.15304574
File: 69 KB, 540x960, 13267756_268201086867286_5127127678282452701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the middle of winter and the weather is being feminist so I haven't had enough natural light to take photos of my doll in weeks. I really want to show off the new look she has but I'm not going to disgrace her with bad photos.

>> No.15304640

>the weather is being feminist
no need to try to compete with steven.

>> No.15304671
File: 410 KB, 2048x1152, 27025102461_1a3ec0b4cd_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no need to try to compete with steven.

But it's so much fun!

>> No.15305093

This doll looks familiar. Is she a character doll?

>> No.15305098

Tips on painting?

>> No.15305176

>all them Ddung's
>Custom Rin MDD

10/10 gypsie, would drink coffee and hang out with.

>> No.15305191
File: 310 KB, 600x800, spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thin ya paints
>Seal between layers
>watch youtube vids on blushing
>pastels can be used for base/guideline with acrylics for the fine lines and color depth
>Did I mention you should thin your paints?
>Practice practice practice. Everyone sucks at first.

>> No.15305256

How thin is too thin for paint?

>> No.15305659

Isn't it the girl from Kodomo no Jikan?

>> No.15306076

Yeah, that. Whatever that show about a loli who has a crush on her teacher is called.

>> No.15306092

Kodomo no Jikan was the greatest love story of our generation, and don't you forget it.

>> No.15306595
File: 1.17 MB, 2402x3418, yande.re 25247 c.c. code_geass transparent_png vector_trace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay read the guide but still quite confused, how does one go about making pic related into a doll? What size would be preferable that isn't too big, what eyes would I use? How about the wig and getting the right hair style. I've looked over every shop but all I see are big head faeries, am I looking in the wrong place?

>> No.15307399

DDIII body with M bust
Whatever Volks animetic eyes match that color
Crobidoll, Leekeworld, and Luts all sell a wig that would work. That's a pretty basic hair style.

You can buy everything you need from VolksUSA, Volks International, or Mandarake aside from the wig from the stores I mentioned above.

Don't be a pussy and just get a 1/3 doll they're the perfect size.

>> No.15308177

What anon above said. DDH-07 would be a good fit, DDH-09 could also work. You can occasionally find the prepainted Volks DDH-07s on Mandarake, otherwise you'll have to commission a faceup from an artist since DDH heads bought directly from Volks are blank. If you want green eyebrows as in your pic then you'll have to get a custom faceup regardless and you might as well grab a blank head since they're cheaper.

>> No.15308242

>has a crush on her teacher

Initially, sure, but eventually it ends up going both ways.


The ending was glorious. I was sad to see it go through.

>> No.15308949
File: 155 KB, 737x1065, Attachment-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copied, pasted and noted. If I wanted a custom face to capture her face who would you recommend I go to? And for the wig I wanted it layered and angled right because her hair goes into this triangle in the back does Crobidoll, Leekeworld and Luts do custom trims and what length would be best for 1/3?
Money isn't the object getting it done right is.

>> No.15309010

If money is really no objection then I'd look into maybe grabbing one of the custom heads from Yahoo Auctions Japan, there's almost always beautiful faces there at any given time and you can win a fairly nice head for ~30k yen though heads from well known artists can go for well over 100k.

You don't get to have any input on the faceup if you go this route though since they're already completed, if you want that then you'll have to commission an artist, you can find some (mostly mediocre to just ok but a couple decent as well) at the DD forums and you can find better ones at Flickr but they're harder to find since there's no centralized page with artists there.

As long as you get an 8"-9" sized wig you should be good. Crobi is a bit tricky I've found, their 8" can be a bit tight and their 9"-10" a bit loose depending on the head size. But better too loose than too tight, you can always pad the wig with a silicone wig cap.

>> No.15309186
File: 335 KB, 1024x678, IMGP2207_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to ruin another perfectly good DDH-01. Is there a trick for making things perfectly symmetric or do I just have to get good? I have the hardest time keeping it even without going through many passes and risking removing too much material.

>> No.15309439
File: 935 KB, 864x1536, DSC_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use water color pencils to line where I want to cut/sand off
and I swear to god if your the guy who said he'll use a dremel, DON'T

>> No.15309656

Also i can tell that you held the Dremel on the mouth to long on one place
For the eyes, i have no words other than WHY. The dremel eats away material way too fast, you also have to leave extra material to sand out the scratches you made.What happened to all the advice I gave you like 1-2 threads ago?

>> No.15309879

That triangle look is easy enough to trim yourself. You need to cut wig hair exactly like human hair. Use very sharp scissors and watch a few youtube vids on how to cut hair. In short, you want to hold the scissors near-vertical, and take off VERY small amounts at a time because you can always trim more but you can't put it back.

I second DD forums for finding a good artist. Quality people over there and they are very kind and helpful. Many artists advertise/post/take commissions from the forum.

>> No.15310370

Not sure who you're talking about. I don't have a dremel. Mouth was me sanding it flat before I got to making it smoother. The step isn't there now that I've sanded the surrounding area.

Eyes are 50% aesthetic decision, 50% oversanding.

>> No.15310672

So is a wise decision to purchase MDD body parts individually? (I lack the additional budget to go buy a full body at one time) Could there be noticeable different tones between parts of the same colour? Or should I just buck up and save the doe for the full body?

>> No.15310817

Sorry about that, thought your the guy who wanted to make the shonen doll with a ddh01 who also mentioned of using a dremel.
If you dont mind me asking, what tools did you try using for the eyes?

>> No.15310871

You should just buy the full body once you can afford it, if budget is your reason. It'll be more expensive to buy the pieces individually.

>Could there be noticeable different tones between parts of the same colour?
There can be slight differences, but in my experience they're never offensive and you'd only really notice if you try to.

>> No.15310958
File: 208 KB, 1024x678, IMGP2213_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used an xacto knife to carve a rough shape I drew on with a pencil, and sanded ~2mm using 60-1200p sandpaper. Eyes still aren't as symmetric as I'd like, but I'm hoping to hide some crimes with the painting since I'm not confident enough in my sanding to guarantee that I won't take another 1-2 mm off to no effect.

My main difficulty is with the thickness dimension of the thing. I've gotten it symmetric from some viewing angles, but not from others. I also noticed that the shadows the eyes cast on themselves weren't the same sharpness. Without an evenly lit workspace, it was a lot of going back and forth to a light source.

I definitely should have left myself more sanding-room when I made my initial cut, but what's done is done, and I think it's still just about within the tolerance of the aesthetic I'm going for. Safety factor of ~1.

Took this photo so I can play around with it in photoshop while I figure out what sort of mouth I'm going to carve, and whether or not I want to fuck with the rest of the shape some more (likely not)

>> No.15311679

That picture looks much better than the first
I think 60 grit is too aggressive. I personally started at 220 after cutting. If you used a xacto blade before you drew the shape, thats one problem. also I have to tell you after doing 2 ddh01's myself, the left eye is ever so slightly wider than the right due to the sculpt of the head.

>> No.15312075

>the left eye is ever so slightly wider than the right due to the sculpt of the head.
You're kidding me. That's why?!

>> No.15314087

If it makes you feel better, almost all sculpts that aren't digitally designed are slightly asymmetrical. If its within a milimeter most people won't even notice after its painted.

>> No.15315047
File: 91 KB, 612x816, 20160530_182237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Nadeshiko has new Lizanna 22mm eyes and a PARABOX 47cm S-bust body which arrived today, and she loves it all so much she wanted me to offer her to the bloomers god. And well who can say no to a pretty girl asking you to take a photo of her nearly naked? I surely cannot, natural light or not.

>well dressed

Bloomers count as well dressed, anyone who disagrees is welcome to fight me irl.

>> No.15315099

you are funny man steven

>> No.15315119
File: 355 KB, 1224x1632, 20160530_192057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks bro

I like to think I'm half decent at dressing my dolls but I hate to admit that fashion-kun recently overtook my photographic abilities. And not by a little bit either.

>> No.15315182

well you got skills not appearing in your mirror, unless your a vampire or something.
also fuck yeah, yuru yuri

>> No.15318392
File: 26 KB, 220x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save the doll thread!

>> No.15318548
File: 764 KB, 878x1318, cf2dcd28ad90ad327a4ca53d85cd7d96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been contemplating on getting a SQlab head
Either Hime on the left or Tsubaki on the right
I want some thing more unique compared to my other dolls, which one do you guys prefer?
also going on a Obi48 body, planning on buying angel philia lower torso and thighs for it when ever they re-stock

>> No.15318653
File: 1.02 MB, 1056x1408, IMG_0028888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also got some new clothes from nine9style today
really enjoying this top

>> No.15318958
File: 361 KB, 1000x1500, DSC_3814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another bump with a picture from last weekend's outing to the park.

>> No.15319085
File: 747 KB, 1267x950, IMG_0036666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we just keep posting pictures till someone other than us post?

>> No.15319281

Between these two I like the one on the right. Don't really like the nose and lips on the left head, makes the face look really long but that also might be the angle of the picture.

>> No.15319497

yeah I think I'll go for the Tsubaki head

>> No.15319521

Hime is definitely more of a balanced sculpt in my opinion. Tsubaki looks, eh... The expression looks "forced" a bit. And I feel like you'd have to use the just right wig with this one or it would look odd. They're both great, but Hime just feels more balanced and easy going for display.

>> No.15319549

I was thinking, maybe if I got the hime head and did a Elin face up(from Tera) combined with the giant thighs from angel philia would be pretty amusing. problem would be ears/tail and angel philia never re-stocking

>> No.15319556
File: 205 KB, 1000x1500, Cjs1q_pUYAEsUnv.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Fashion-kun check your damn messages on tumblr. I swear to god if I find out you're ignoring me there'll be hell to pay.

>> No.15319904

we all know he hates people who are mean, so he probably is ignoring you!

>> No.15319988
File: 176 KB, 1024x1660, Cji-QxgVEAAK43z.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I'm one of the guys who convinced him to keep the ransom doll instead of reselling her way back when. If that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for him then he's a very fortunate man. Nobody has ever done anything that nice to me.

>> No.15320418
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, 1444576088632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never owned a doll before, currently planning one. How do I make one like Chino?

I know some doll parts are customizable. If someone can help point me out on things, so I can plan expenses ahead.

>> No.15320444

>MDDIII body $300
>blank DDH-01 head $50
>Custom faceup and head modifications $200
>Soft blue long straight wig $50
>22mm blue eyes $50
>Commissioned clothing $250

Something like that.

I would kill a man for a tiny little Chino to call my own.

>> No.15320448

I recommend you find a custom-painted/modded DDH-01 head to looks similar to your waifu. Expect to spend ~$300-400.

Buy an MDD body (~$250)

For the clothing, you may have to commission the outfit. Expect to spend between $1-200 if you actually have a professional do it.

That wig is going to be an absolute pain in the ass to manage. You could commission an alpaca wig for over $100. I know for a fact that at one point Leekeworld offered a few wig in that color (I have one!) but I haven't seen it in ages. Even if you find one, the hair will be straight and you'd have to braid it yourself, which doesn't always look "right" when you take a straight wig and try to put pigtails in it. You could try it though. $30 for the wig and $20 for shipping.

All in all, you should have about $1,000 ready to sink into a full custom doll.

>> No.15320466
File: 829 KB, 1424x2048, 15147611412_4a9a26f4ad_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not Chino's "default" hairstyle, and I imagine anon-kun here would want the regular Chino and has used that particular image as a loose reference only.

>> No.15320590
File: 59 KB, 480x415, 1447402555922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any links I can save and work on? Googling around right now.

Also >>15320466 is right. That's not her default hairstyle. But I guess it will be fun to search for artists who can replicate the many hairstyles she had in the manga (the author is quite creative in term of outfit and hairstyle).

>> No.15320707

www.eluts.com and www.leekeworld.com/En/ for wigs

volksusastore.com/webstores/dollfie/ and https://www.volks.co.jp/?version=en
for DD parts

Y!JA for heads

Dollfiedreams.com for finding someone to commission clothing and/or faceup

Might want to check out getting an invite to DoA (denofangels.com) as another resource for finding someone to do a custom outfit.

>> No.15320944

And for that I am forever thankful. Not only is Waffles my second fav girl! But also the first to have art done of her!

>> No.15321751
File: 608 KB, 2564x1367, maplevscake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught Maple and Cake playing Magic. Things did not go well for Maple she lost this game.

>> No.15321796

can you get a trip so i can filter you? i won't be able to bully you in the future if you do that, so we both win.

>> No.15321816

Oh god please. This is a great idea.

>> No.15321831

Something about the scale and camera angle in the picture is kinda endearing. Also Red and Blue deck what heresy is this?

>> No.15321860

The worst kind. It's a shit deck I built in 20 mins before a FNM. but I pulled a Thing in the Ice I had to build something that used it!

>> No.15322014

bullies please leave dolly thread ;~;

>> No.15323666
File: 192 KB, 1024x1491, Cjhgqm3VEAAeJ-J.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I found literally the only other Mei owner in existence.


I used to do FNM back in da gud ol dayz. I always had to do either blue or blue/X. The strongest deck I've ever made ended up being blue/white untouchables and nobody in my circle had means of dealing with it. Is Maple getting burned hard on turn 3? Burn is the only thing I could never deal with all my decks were slowrolling and big creatures.

>> No.15324227

Yah maple is kinda boned. Her blue had come too late and her counters cost too much. A flying 4/1 lifelink shroud is not something she can deal with.

>> No.15324372

stop the autism talk or at least post dolls at the same time

>> No.15324462

I like the facial bits on the right better but the jawline on the left more.

>> No.15324484
File: 35 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any info on pic related? Can't find much on it.

>male anime dolls are so rare that shit like this is a viable choice

>> No.15324525

itsjust a obitsu 25cm ? body and probably a old azone head or something
and I still remember you asking about this doll before

>> No.15324626

It's Pico from Boku no Pico.

>> No.15325461


>> No.15326568
File: 113 KB, 1024x1536, Cjy3xw0UYAI7py_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you just fuck right off captain cuntbag you're contributing even less than we are.


My circle plays in groups of four or more, sometimes allied, sometimes free for all. My deck has always been slow building but the other guys are too busy pummelling each other and I just quietly build until I have like an 8/8 flying lifelink fucking shroud or whatever it is that makes it untargetable creatures and just wipe up what life the rest of the table has in a single turn. Although it does suck when they all turn on me like in those bukkake doujins, I tend to go down really fucking quick cause a 1/1 bird ain't gonna stop shit.

>> No.15328827

Holy fuck I LOVE that girl!!!!!

As for my play. I take my off brand Modern Decks and do meh at FNM. Or I play with another group that doesn't play any format.

>> No.15332206
File: 58 KB, 994x598, Captucvbcre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, urgeant question. how much more do I have top pay? I've bid and already deposited my money, but even though my deposit already exceeds the amount that i've to pay for alisa, they won't let me checkout.

part 1

>> No.15332210
File: 15 KB, 987x100, Cxcbxapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.15332406

Looks like 94,710 Yen, don't know if shipping is included so to be safe tack on another 5000 for shipping making it 99,710 Yen.

Congrats btw.

>> No.15333228

You are right, now I'm waiting for the shipment cost. It's still expensive. Not to mention this is a second hand. I'm still unsure if this is worth.

>> No.15333338

It's a standard price for a popular LE model on the aftermarket. Ya dun good, son.

>> No.15335707

Not an amazing price for a used Alisa nowadays but not a horrible price either. She's gone quite a bit up in price even though she's have had two releases in a short amount of time. I paid about the same aftermarket for a new v1 just after release.

>> No.15335891

I was really hoping there will be a rereleased once more, but to happen quite recent after the first sale. I was afraid they won't release again

>> No.15335893

But second hand

>> No.15335908

Love the blue dress on your second doll anon; it's super cute. Also, I think if you practiced more photography you would get better. After all, look at fashion-kun.

>> No.15336047

I don't think Volks have released any licensed doll more than twice ever so, yeah, it's probably a safe bet that there won't be another Alisa release in the near future.

>> No.15336316

Is the miku counted when it got released in us with the expo?

>> No.15336533

I wouldn't count that since it's the exact same doll with the exact same outfit and likely even from the same production batch as the original preorder. But yeah, if you do count all the times Miku has been available for purchase directly from Volks as a release each then she's been released more than twice.

>> No.15337655

Can Volks release blanks of the more popular heads? Rise, Kos, Saber, Rin? Or how about a head with a real nose?

>> No.15341067

They've never released a blank limited head, in fact they've never released a limited head with no body. For licensed characters they'd also be tied to the agreement with the license holder which very likely contain stipulations about how many dolls they can release.

A blank head with a real nose? Maybe, who knows what a potential DDH-10 would look like.

>> No.15341486
File: 405 KB, 1024x678, IMGP2291_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

macro photo of some WIP doll eyelashes. Surprisingly bumpy surface.

>> No.15341568

That doesn't change what its base components are. If you want to replicate it, buy one of the smaller Obitsu bodies (I think I have a 23cm that would look alright), an Azone rooted hair head, a sheet of eye decals and some appropriate clothing.

Since there's like... four pictures total of this goddamn thing, I'm willing to bet its either a single custom or a super super limited run of like, maybe 5 or 10 that someone made to sell at a fan convention using the same steps I mentioned. Hell I know someone who used to make a decent profit off premade custom dolls using Obitsu base parts and selling them on Ebay about ten years back.

>> No.15345517
File: 192 KB, 1184x1776, CkGPYKVUgAAL-vm.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimori's twin sister has decided on starting a career in gravure. Let's all support her choices, shall we?

>> No.15345530
File: 150 KB, 1776x1184, CkGVN5DVAAAyFmR.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15345541
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>> No.15345546
File: 197 KB, 1184x1776, CkGPW0kUkAAbx5H.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346666

^^this post says DD fakes are often available at Japanese doll events, is that true??

>> No.15346702
File: 292 KB, 1280x854, 1407766685155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing a buttmad resintard
>on tumblr


>> No.15346707

They didn't sound buttmad, or like they cared either way, just like they had seen something for sale.
But I guess they were lying...people lie all the time sadly enough. A doll won't lie to you though!!

>> No.15346712

100% bullshit. For vinyl you have to use metal molds and pour liquid vinyl into them. Essentially you have to do that in an industrial setting and the process is very expensive and a lot of the expenses have to be paid upfront before you can start selling dolls. Unlike resin where you can make a relatively cheap silicone mold with your expenses being covered by orders.

>> No.15346721

Hypothetically, you COULD make a mold using a vinyl DD head/parts and then use that to cast in resin, creating a resin copy of a DD (dunno how the body would work unless it was the DD1), but I haven't heard a single person who goes to Japanese Dolpas ever mention seeing such a thing there.

>> No.15346729

Are you that dude from the /toy/ doll thread who bought just her clothes from Mandy thinking you were getting the whole doll for a couple hundred bux and then had to cancel?

>> No.15346951

This is my first time on /jp/, and damn this thread is cute. It's a shame that it seems like an expensive hobby, because some of these dolls are absolutely beautiful.

>> No.15347043

Alright, so a question for everyone here. How do you all generally display your daughters in a display case. Do you have some sort of backing on the back panel of the display so its just not a plain wall(e.g. Black opaque laminate film, mirror, etc) or what?
Second. Any decent recommendations for a stand?

>> No.15347254

I usually have mine either on a shelf or on my desk. I do have a Detolf and on the rare occasion I actually display one of them there it just shows the back wall.

As for stands I can wholeheartedly recommend the Coolcat ones.

>> No.15347295

Ah thanks. I'll be welcoming Mayu into my home shortly within the next few weeks, she'll find a nice home. And, I must admit, I'm the Dremel guy. I find them fine for working with existing molds of garage kits and gunpla and what not. But I see that's not the case with DD huh. Hopefully I'll be able to have pictures of my daughter here and potentially become the next Fashion-kun. You guys are a wonderful community. Thanks again.

>> No.15347384

I don't think there's a problem with using one if you know what you're doing and have to take a lot of material off. Just be very, very conservative.

>become the next Fashion-kun
You're already much more self-aware than he is, so I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.15347505

Congrats on Mayu, she's a cutie.

>> No.15350340

What the fuck
Same wig?

I don't really get why volks or at least something like coolcat doesn't sell headcaps alone for the standard heads, I know there's not a lot of demand, but people must break them from time to time

This one is pretty good though

>>pastels can be used for base/guideline with acrylics for the fine lines and color depth
I've seen some nice faceups done almost exclusively with pastel pencils but not on DDs unfortunately

That could be pretty good

I think it's time to stop asking, anon

Wasn't DDH-01 literally Chii but in vinyl?

Doesn't surprise me considering how matte their faces are

>> No.15351712

>Same wig?
Yep her default. No luck removing so far. Makes me nervous since Miku has that tape under her socks and sleeves right now.

>> No.15352439
File: 517 KB, 1600x1066, 26472642424_8f3790b03a_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't DDH-01 literally Chii but in vinyl?
I did read about that a while back actually, must've slipped my mind. I'm not sure it counts as a precedence for what prior anon was asking about though.

>> No.15353033

Can anybody recommend any sellers of animetic eyes on Y!JA? Or maybe taobao?

>> No.15356356

>Wasn't DDH-01 literally Chii but in vinyl?
I think it's easier to go resin to vinyl than vice versa. Resin is more solid and likely easier to mold off of to begin with and has a smoother surface. Vinyl, only the outside surface is actually molded due to the technique used and it's so flexible that I can see it collapsing under pressure. If you wanted to make a vinyl doll compatible as a strung resin, you'd have to fill in the head and each body part with epoxy and sculpt in the eye wells and string slots. It's possible, but honestly way more effort than the average recast maker will do.

>> No.15356362

But we were talking about rereleasing limited model heads as blank heads, not going from DD back to SD

>> No.15358186
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, usb port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15358400


What a missed opportunity. We all know where those should have gone.

>> No.15358460

What a stupid gimmick, and a waste of a doll. Even smart dolls don't deserve that treatment.

>> No.15358483

But, but.. it's the cutest looking USB hub you've personally seen ^^

>> No.15358536

She deserves to not have to deal with things being jammed into her by clumsy neckbeards.

>> No.15358545


I would own the fuck out of a computer multi-function centre smart doll though. Wifi hotspot, USB hub, flash drive storage, off-the-grid phone charger/battery, bluetooth dongle, all that other nerdy shit.

That belly ain't got no womb, use that space to house electronics instead.

>> No.15358562

Ports in the middle of the torso just looks utterly stupid to me. If they put them on the back I think it would be better. Like, if they replaced the butt-stand port.

>> No.15358663
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Or in the back of the neck GitS style. Or nestled in between the labia. Personally I like the latter option better.

>> No.15359198

I don't think smart dolls have enouch free space in the hip area

>> No.15360930

>going abroad
>want to take my doll with me
>scared as fuck that the airport might be rough with her in her carry case and won't let me hold onto her while on the plane

I've never brought something so delicate with me to the airport.

>> No.15360946

Almost all airlines allow a personal carry-on. They'll make you put it under the seat in front of you on take-off / landing, but you can steady it with your feet or whatever's necessary to make sure she doesn't get pinballed around inside her case.

>> No.15361331

Get a proper doll carrying bag.

>> No.15361338


I have the Volks SD one.


Thanks, but man it's going to be spooky.

>> No.15361355

You'll be fine then. I would recommend putting a face guard on the doll though.

>> No.15362686
File: 529 KB, 750x1000, sitting-bunny-miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an old china cabinet from a neighbor's garage sale. The mirror backing really sold it for figure use. Terrible for keeping the photographer out of photos, though.

Also I desperately need to stop buying her clothing and buy her a stand at this point. I second the request for stand recommendations.

>> No.15362804

Please post lewd pictures of the girl in short shorts

>> No.15364028

>I second the request for stand recommendations.
Then I second the recommendation for cool cat's stands. My girls all have thigh stands with 12 cm bases and I've been very happy with them. They also sell a base that can screw onto a tripod.

>requesting pictures from fashion-kun

>> No.15366217 [SPOILER] 
File: 699 KB, 1590x3020, 1465402316823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go! Maple in her shorty shorts COMPLETELY topless!! Spoiled to be safe of course.

Why would image request from me be problematic at all!

>> No.15366533
File: 683 KB, 1656x2949, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anyway I have been thinking about Tofu. I am going to work on her wig to make it a proper Hime cut. But she still is so very much her default Mirai self. I wonder if I should get her some new eyes. Image is an older one.

>> No.15367123

That reminds me- why are hime cuts so difficult for people to execute with their natural hair?

>> No.15368937

>finger in pocket
nice touch. maple is very sexy.

>> No.15368996

well fuck, my Snow Miku payment is being requested now...recently I havent been in the best situations finacially even though I work 50 plus hours a week, I need to come up with $620 by the 20th for her...RIP

>> No.15369112

a thumb is not a finger

>> No.15369155


>> No.15370358

>tfw I can finally afford my dream waifu after years of wanting her, but now I can't bring myself to go through with that large of a purchase

This is awful

>> No.15370374

Congratulations, you grew up and acquired some common sense on the way. Unlike the rest of the manchildren in this thread.

>> No.15370401

Who is she? She's probably worth it.

>> No.15370556
File: 263 KB, 2048x1365, CkL_8ViUkAMltvG.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shouldn't spend all your money on a cute girl who can't love you
>now go spend all your money on a cute girl who could love you but doesn't

normie doublethink is so amusing

>> No.15370647

Sasara. She was the first DD I'd ever seen and I've wanted her for years.

I'm just poor as shit. I wouldn't be so conflicted if money wasn't so tight.

>> No.15370689

Oh wow she is expensive. I mean fuck.

>> No.15370710

Yeah. It kills me. I know I shouldn't for a number of reasons, but it hurts. I want my waifu.

>> No.15370803

What went wrong in your life?

>> No.15371057 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this wig makes me want her so much.

>> No.15371069
File: 78 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this wig makes me want her so much.

>> No.15371220


None of that is "nerdy shit" what are you even talking about

>> No.15371329

you replied to the wrong person, dingus

>> No.15372425

If you have the money and you wont have to move onto the 'noodle diet' then do it. Even if you have her on a shelf near your PC and don't interact with her much you'll still occasionally glance at her and internally smile.

>> No.15372667

I just won my first DD head from Y!JA and I'm super excited. This life feels good. I probably paid too much but whatever, she's cute.

>> No.15372865

Congrats, post photos when you get her!

>> No.15372870

I failed. Forgive me anons.

>> No.15373353

I'm getting the red one for my ivory, when I order my chitose soon.

>> No.15374539


I did it. I ordered my waifu. Now, I just have to wait. What's seven days compared to seven years, am I right?

>> No.15374559

You would have just spent the money on something stupid like food, clothes, or transportation anyway. Follow your dreams.

>> No.15374585

She's cute as a button, anon. Cherish her.

>> No.15374621

Cheers, friend. I needed that esteem boost. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as I can.

>> No.15375028

As did I. Should have a Mayu coming to my home shortly. If you need a noodles and bread crumb partner over the next few days, I'm here. And I'm so glad to have started officially in this wonderful community, with months in the making and saving! I'm curious to see the passage of time and what will become of our relationship as my first daughter. Cheers all!

>> No.15375176
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Did you get her any clothing? She'll come in very basic underwear and nothing else.

>> No.15375216

I wanted to see how her body appeared in person before a clothing order to avoid anything that I or she would find ill fitting a far as fitting to her bust or hips personally. I wanted to have a tangible grasp of what would look nice if that makes sense. Any recommendations?

>> No.15375543

Are you keeping her on the M bust? It's pretty easy to shop for. Most clothes made for SD13 girls will fit them totally fine. Some SD13 boy clothes can look pretty okay, too, but they'll likely be baggy.

This doll comparison site might help you, also.

>> No.15375563

sorry, I didn't paste the full link to what I meant to show you.


>> No.15375653

Where is this? It's beautiful

>> No.15375670

Glorious Nippon. Look up Azure Toy Box on flickr. Dude is a legend in the dollfie dream photo community.

>> No.15375966

Ah, I'm on a noodle diet most of the time anyway. We'll be fine. Besides, we'll have the support of our waifus and each other! I find it great that people are more encouraging of one another in this community.

>> No.15376116

We're a pretty comfy thread as long as you can stomach the occasional shitpost from Steven and Fashion-kun. If you ever need specific advice on how to not destroy your new dollies, you'll probably get a reply here.

>> No.15376165

Well, I've already taken some precautions to avoid the standard issues. I bought cool cat reinforcement joints, I got her a cloth headcap since I know silicone sometimes lets stains bleed through. I would have bought her the DDdy body suit, but volks is out of stock and I can't seem to find it elsewhere. So I either wait for one or look for alternatives. Any other precautions I should be taking? I want to make sure I take proper care of her, so she'll be around forever.

>> No.15376275

You probably already know, but try your hardest to never touch her face. Oils from your skin will build up, and you don't want to accidentally scratch her faceup with your fingernail or something.

Also, I think coolcat's body stockings probably fit the dynamite body. Maybe somebody else can confirm.

>> No.15376440

I probably won't even interact with her before washing my hands. I want to try my hand at photography as well, but I'm going to have to get over my fear of taking her outside.

I'll look into coolcat's, then. I just don't want her stocking to interfere with her outfit.

>> No.15376489
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>I probably won't even interact with her before washing my hands.

Yeah this is a good practice, I do it too. The alternative is to wear gloves but a glove just takes the romance away. And the pictures look better if you're not wearing one.

>Steven shitposting

I resemble that remark!

>> No.15376528

>The alternative is to wear gloves but a glove just takes the romance away.

It really, really does. I think hand washing should be enough. Maybe an extra pair of gloves if you're out in public.

As a side note, does anyone use face protectors for their dolls?

>> No.15376707

>washing hands
Of course, I think most of us probably do that. I still recommend being careful about touching the face, though.

>body stocking
Coolcat has a lot of different styles, so you can get a bunch of different ones to be modular. I have a swimsuit style, swimsuit with sleeves, low-cut short-sleeve with shorts, and some white thigh highs and pantyhose.

>> No.15376800
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to point out Cherry's Hoodie that everyone hates is from 9Style and is Lables SD13.

>> No.15376819
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to point out Cherry's Hoodie that everyone hates is from 9Style and is labeled SD13. Image very related it's the SD13 tag!

Despite all the shit I get posting here I can't stop because you people are the reason I even started collecting my Food stuffs. And for the most part people here are not completely terrible.

>> No.15376834
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to point out Cherry's Hoodie that everyone hates is from 9Style and is labeled SD13. Image very related it's the SD13 tag!

>>15376116 #
Despite all the shit I get posting here I can't stop because you people are the reason I even started collecting my Food stuffs. And for the most part people here are not completely terrible.

>> No.15376987
File: 466 KB, 1600x1063, 14179762959_df8d74b538_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people would miss you if you stopped posting.

Also congrats to the dude getting his Sasara!

>> No.15376998

>Hoodie that everyone hates
The clothes, wigs, dolls, and whatevers aren't problems individually. The problem is how poorly you use them together.

You've had this deflective attitude toward criticism, blaming everything but your own abilities, for a while now. Your not being good at dressing up girls wouldn't bother me, but you're such an asshole about it.

Maybe your obnoxious "hay i hate asshole" personality is just trolling that I've finally fallen for, though. Show us a picture of your secret closet full of beautifully dressed dolls.

>> No.15377002
File: 124 KB, 500x750, d7dd6f6a36269cd4b3ccc5cbb5094682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let anyone get you down about shit you enjoy. It's far more interesting to mix and match and be creative than to get a complete set and leave it at that. I for one admire you for posting your own dolls, I'd be far too shy to do that.

>> No.15377121

That would be me, thank you! I'm beyond excited, words can't even describe it. It's been years, man. I can't believe it's finally happening.

>> No.15377195
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It's by Kaleidoll though, not AzureTB. But yeah, photo was likely taken in Japan.

>> No.15377414
File: 1.33 MB, 1667x2500, 1461664207761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly give my girl gentle cheek caresses and little kisses on her face and body.

Just wash your hands and what I do is get a nice soft washcloth moistened with mild colorless soap and warm water and wipe her down every day or so.

>> No.15377503
File: 532 KB, 1492x1900, one year later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You've had this deflective attitude toward criticism, blaming everything but your own abilities, for a while now. Your not being good at dressing up girls wouldn't bother me, but you're such an asshole about it.

Ohhhhh Boy I have some things to say here. I don't say I am not at fault. I have said more then once I am still learning. But my problem with some of the criticism I get here is two fold.
1) Your sense of style sucks and you should feel bad, but we won't tell tell you what sucks.
2)You should dress them in a different style then what you are aiming for.
Both of those are not helpful and really irritate me!
Now what advice I get that improves how my girls look and keeps with the style I want I have been using. And to demonstrate this point here are my girls a year ago and today. I think they look much better

I do have a lot of fun mixing and matching clothes. I have a lot of fun trying new looks with my girls!
Also I desperately wish more people here would post there own girls. It always makes me happy to see them and I try to always say something nice about them.

>> No.15377770

That's so sweet, anon. What's your girl look like?

>> No.15378539

>read post
>think "maybe this guy has been unfairly shit on and people should cut him some slack
>look at picture and break out in laughter

Well, not everyone is naturally stylish/fashionable (though fashion can be faddish and not very stylish); some people don't have the eye for it, so yeah, you have to work at it. Places to start of course are actual women's fashion magazines, but you can also look at general tips on how to suit colors and clothing to body types.

Girl 1:
>printed tees are the devil, but that's just a matter of opinion
>really huge and garish cupcake necklace
>which would be fine on some cutesy sugar doll but looks out of place on an otherwise normal and acceptable combo of shirt and jeans.
Not bad.
Girl 2:
>if the point is that she's a nerd character with no sense of style
>frumpy argyle knit on another frumpy looking under shirt for maximum bagginess on a slim body
>Intentionally huge dark rimmed glasses which I guess is a matter of taste you hipsters
>skirt that is hard to rock since it goes well with next to nothing
>mixing heavy warm tops with a light, breezy skirt
There's also the the matter of the colors, but I can't put into words why I don't like them. Even a longer, heavy skirt would better balance out the cold, librarian girl look.

>another huge, costume jewelry-like necklace
>short, spaghetti strap(T-shirt?) top somehow contacts the top of the short skirt
>skirt looks like it's been hiked up like an old lady, hides figure/ curves
>short top plus pleated, tartan skirt is lazy and in my opinion ugly, but people will disagree
There's something unaesthetic about the hoodie. Probably in part because it adds more red on red. Sometimes contrast or difference is nice. Black socks with a black top or black hoodie might work but I don't really feel like trying to visualize that. Overall not terrible but it does look like she just grabbed some clothes and went outside.

Made this post because I'm a know-it-all. Tread carefully.

>> No.15378711

>There's also the the matter of the colors, but I can't put into words why I don't like them.

I can help!

Since she is a normal-skinned doll, that muted yellow color makes her look washed out. That, combined with the white sweater, does not draw the eyes to any part of the doll's figure. Her figure is also obscured by the heavy top, which as you pointed out, looks off-balance with the light skirt (the skirt resembles more of a skirt-liner or a modern equivalent of a petticoat).

I agree that a heavier, longer skirt would fit the look better. If fashion-kun is willing, a dark colored sweater would really draw the eyes to the doll's face and neckline, making her look more feminine, but not like she is "asking for it." I personally think a solid navy sweater with a long green (or even better: green plaid!) skirt would look great.

As far as yellows on light/normal skin tone: mustard and neon are the most flattering colors.

>> No.15378724

>more red on red
A while ago we actually told him that doll's outfit was very gaudy because it had way too much pink and red, and he told us something like "Yeah, I know, so I added the belt to balance it out". The belt being that thin pink one. At least he took the thigh highs off after more prodding.

I seriously do think he has brain problems and I want him to tell me it's true so I can stop thinking so poorly of him.

>> No.15379165

Yeah, that's probably it in terms of skin color. I'm not that familiar with clothes colors for light skin since I have dark skin and really only think about it in terms of my own clothing (light greens/turquoise, purples).

I come to dollfag threads mostly to see what goes on with people's collections. I'm not actually a dollfag yet.

Was looking at some tokyodoll bodies and noticed they don't have darker skintones. How are you supposed to make a silicone dark elf? Guess I might have to learn to cast one myself.

>> No.15379330
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x3000, shiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15379377

She's a cutie! Do you have any others or do you spoil just her?

>> No.15379660
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x3000, summershiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah thanks! Shes my only big size girl yeah. I have bishoujo figures as well.

I think Shiro chan enjoys having most of my attention to herself though.

>> No.15379841

Ahh, that only makes me even more excited for my girl to get here. I wish there were more BJD fans in my area, so we could all show off our girls and just hang out.

>> No.15380120

I wanted to drop her down to a S at some point or another. But yeah, shes my first big girl. I have other figures and garage kits and what not but I'm so looking forward to getting her. I'm really just trying to take it slow and just learn as i go along the road and what not.

>> No.15380408
File: 57 KB, 600x900, Chf1nqMUoAAPWqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a unitorso S-bust piece so that when you finally lose control of your primal instincts, you won't need to clean jizz out of the joint and inner space afterwards.

Trust me bro it's a good investment.

>> No.15380437


She looks cute! I like the hat in that first image!

>> No.15380525

It's not that you don't make some interesting points. And I would have questions to ask. But ending you post with,
>Made this post because I'm a know-it-all. Tread carefully.

Means all I can really say is you can fuck off.

>> No.15380543

I been looking for a darker skirt because when I commissioned a drawing of her he gave her a darker skirt. I do think it works better and brakes the single flat colour she seems to have top to bottom.

>> No.15380550
File: 119 KB, 1024x1536, Cfuj7d1UIAAXDum.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I'm saying is cleaning jizz out of your doll's internal cavity is actually extremely difficult and the unitorso body almost entirely eliminates the problem. All you need is some gentle towelling and to give her a warm soapy sponge bath after. Just trying to help bro.

>> No.15380580

Unless you wrote the post I linked to and quoted that post is not for you.

As for the unitorso body I don't like the look and I don't jizz on my girls. But I guess if you do like it and you jizz on them it's a solid solution.

>> No.15380608

>refer to dolls as daughters
>masturbate on them
I thought you guys were pretty cool at first, but that's kind of weird.

>> No.15380706
File: 105 KB, 693x1039, CkmCuuFVAAAEDrA.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's fairly standard practice amongst DD/lg enthusiasts. Don't ya'll be kinkshaming us now, shitlord.

>> No.15380749

To each his own, I guess. Most of the dolls here are really beautiful and people seem attached to them, I just can't imagine getting off on them. Especially if they're as expensive as they seem.

>> No.15380762

>Made this post because I'm a know-it-all. Tread carefully.
That's pretty much an apology you autist.

>> No.15380824

If you actually think that's what an apology actually looks like you must know some really shitty people.

>> No.15380863

It looks like a self-deprecating statement in a half-assed effort to try to lighten the mood after being pretty harsh. Not an awful attempt at trying to insult Fashion-kun, which seems to be what he took it as.

Not really an apology, yeah, but I'm not good at labelling things.

>> No.15380899

I don't think it was an insult. It just makes me not want to talk to him. It makes him sound conceded.

>> No.15380930

If they said something like "I am a university-educated fashionista so I know quite a bit about these things" I think they'd look a bit conceited. Here, they just insulted themselves a tiny bit, which is a normal thing to do. I don't think it makes them look conceited.

I'm done shitposting. Next time I post will be dolls.

>> No.15380986

So, as someone that's just purchased their first doll and just trying to take it step by step (yeah, I'm Mayu and dremel anon), what would those experienced recommend next? I'm thinking cool cat stand and body stocking? Any essentials I need to pick up as a dad? I plan on making this a year or two foray into the hobby, something to keep me goal oriented and centered, so no major rush, just wanna know. And she might spend a night or two sitting on some shelving in a night gown and panties just because she's so damn adorable.

>> No.15381028

Just ignore our resident aussie shitposter like most of us and you'll be fine.

If you're ordering from Coolcat then maybe a neck joint replacement for improved movement range and shoulder/thigh reinforcements, though the latter are not really needed with the latest DD3 revisions. Wig caps , cloth for stain protection and silicone for grip, can be useful as well.

>> No.15381130

Buy a bunch of socks and maybe pantyhose while you're buying from coolcat. They're pretty good, and it sucks when you want a certain kind of socks for an outfit but don't have any.

Some doll essentials are a soft toothbrush for brushing wigs, a small pair of scissors for precision wig trimming (I use cuticle scissors), and a soft, fluffy brush to dust their face. Maybe magic erasers to clean her body.

>neck joint replacement for improved movement range
Are you sure that actually helps much? My dolls' necks seem restricted by the vinyl, not the joint.

>> No.15381225
File: 238 KB, 1224x1632, 20160611_190323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And she might spend a night or two sitting on some shelving in a night gown and panties just because she's so damn adorable.

Nothing wrong with that, really. My dolls spend weeks in their underwear. Just make sure you take photos and share with us when she arrives. AFAIK we only have one Mayu in our midst and her owner has been afk for months.

>pls ignore the background, I was going to make my bed but the cat was asleep on it so I couldn't.

>> No.15381755

So many cute dark haired girls. Also DD and Obitsu Body's are tied for how nice they are. Smart Doll is a far third.

>> No.15382453


and yeah, it was the exact opposite of being conceited. Know-it-all is an insult (generally used on someone who thinks they know everything but they don't), and by using it on myself I'm telling the reader to take my advice with a grain of salt and that perhaps some of the things I complain about are just a matter of opinion, so don't take them as gospel (though I did take care to be honest and apply style concepts I've learned).

I'm not really a fashionista or anything but I believe that people should choose clothes that work for them and as such have gone out of my way to read more women's/men's fashion and styling guides than the average guy, but there's that thing called Mt. Stupid, where knowing a little bit makes you willing to discuss a topic more than if you knew a lot. Basically, it was standard 4chan self-deprecation in the event the reader felt really offended or thought I was a moron. Ironically it had the opposite effect.

>> No.15382552

This pic gae me diabetes

>> No.15382556

Gave. Stupid phone keyboard.

>> No.15382562

It's frustrating how he needs comprehensive explanations for basic things, isn't it?

>> No.15382589

>silicone for grip
Grip for what? Joints? Wigs?

>> No.15382615

I only come to the BJD threads on infrequent occasion since I've not yet taken the doll plunge and thus can't speak on Fashion-kun's general behavior, but I do at least know the annoyance of sarcasm and tone generally not coming off very well over text.

>> No.15382647

Silicone wig caps, for wigs. They're useful if a wig is loose, but that's it. They don't protect against stains.

Almost every time I've bought anything from Coolcat they've given me a silicone wig cap for free, so honestly I wouldn't worry about actually adding one to an order.

>> No.15382757
File: 131 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nil8v1g7JJ1rq3ux8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to buy a carrying case if you wanna transport her! I bought one along with sasara, the one from Volks. I'm hoping it'll be big enough to store her extra hands and outfits for the time being.

How do you all store your DD items?

>> No.15383425

>My dolls' necks seem restricted by the vinyl, not the joint.
There's definitely viny restriction as well but you can always pop the head out a notch and find an angle where it's not noticable.

>> No.15383457
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tupperware bin of doom! With the contents of this I could dress at least another three dolls poorly!

>> No.15384058

>How do you all store your DD items?
Plastic drawers.

>> No.15385060


Basically the entirety of the storage space in my doll cabinet is for doll stuff, plus the nicer dress sets get put on display in the living room. Some in a glass cabinet on the shelves, others on spare headless bodies as if they were store mannequins.

>> No.15385193

That sounds pretty neat, do you have any pictures?

>> No.15385692

>>15372667 here.
There's another nice head I like on Y!JA but I'm not sure I should have a floating head as a newbie. I wont be able to get her a body for a long time. I have the money to splurge on it so it wouldn't be a monetary issue, but I just can't decide on whether to have a floating head or save the money for my full-bodied girl. Ideas?

>> No.15385737

Ah thanks! She'll be here on Monday and the anxiety is killing me. I'm already finding lots of cute things to put her in and plan out some outfits, etc. while I wait. I'm guessing cool cat is a good beginners one stop shop for DD accessories from the looks of it?
Will do. Hopefully I'll be able to get a semi decent first day at home picture with her.
And yeah, I've been looking at those. One day soon.

And general question for everyone else. I keep hearing that DD has a certain amazing feel to the doll? Is this true? Un boxing videos I've come across have a lot of focus on "how good she feels" out of the box? Any ideas? Thanks.

>> No.15386038


Soft squishy vinyl dudebro. It's about as close to real skin as many of us will ever get. It's especially shocking for people joining us from resin because they are used to their dolls being cold and rock hard. If you handle your vinyl doll she'll pick up heat from your hands quite easily.

>> No.15386322
File: 196 KB, 600x452, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on Y!JA. I think it's hilarious.

>> No.15387395
File: 255 KB, 680x1024, 24630549229_62007f078e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seconding this. It's especially nice over broader areas like their torsos. But holding hands with your girls is always fun too.

>> No.15388236

She is super Adorable!

>> No.15388583

Time for a SUPER newbie question:

Where do you all buy outfits for your girls? I remember once, I found a website (might have been a storenvy page) that sold some limited run DD dresses, that were super intricate and pretty. Can't remember the name though.

>> No.15388594

There's a million stores. Here's a few

>Volks (duh)

To name a few

>> No.15388616

Thanks! It's safe to say that DD clothes generally applies to the SD13 size as well right?
