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15209756 No.15209756 [Reply] [Original]

What's the more efficient way to get gud at Touhou? Do I start from normal and work my way up, or do I get destroyed on Lunatic until I learn the patterns?

>> No.15209762

Play at 90 fps

>> No.15209764

Emulate it on youtube.

>> No.15209860

Just play in whichever difficulty it's fun for you until you get a good grasp of the mechanics and then move onto a harder difficulty.
If you don't have fun while playing you'll just end up quiting.

>> No.15209908

Press shift for focused movement.

>> No.15210046

Never play easy mode, it teaches you shitty habits and does nothing to actually teach you the stages aside from "girl shoot bullet on your screen"

>> No.15211778

For fastest improvement, always play on a difficulty or go for a goal that is 1 step above your current skill level. Lunatic or Lunatic No Bomb or good scoring may seem impossible now, but only way to achieve it is to throw yourself at it. Remember that everyone was a scrub at one point. I took 3 weeks to clear normal mode EosD when I first started, and now I can do Lunatic No Bomb and do scoring.

>> No.15211839


you start in lunatic to beat normal.

>> No.15211908

Suicide until born talented/Japanese.

>> No.15216122

this right here >>15211908

Ask yourself; were you born Japanese?
If the answer is no - too bad, you'll never be good at 2hu.
Better luck next time.

>> No.15217813

Alright, thanks
I tried this and it worked perfectly!

>> No.15217924

Best game to start with?

>> No.15219549


Don't let the fact that you need an emulator discourage you. It has simple patterns, abundant resources, and simple shot types. It's also the first game ZUN did that actually resembles current Touhou games. Also gotta say it's got great music. Cast isn't really memorable except for Yuuka though.

>> No.15219720

EoSD is my starting point of choice. Keeps mechanics simple to help build good fundamentals, good music, fairly simple patterns, introduces staple characters, and it's relatively easy. PCB is also fairly easy and a decent starting point.

IN is another place you can start (it's the place I personally started and remains my favorite game in the series) but I feel like Border Team can build bad habits for a new player.

>> No.15219766

I've been playing at normal for almost five years now, I can still not get through any stage five on any game without having to continue

im not japanese I should just give up

>> No.15219790

I literally can't see how you could continue to be this bad. After a week of playing, I 1cced MoF on normal.

I'm not trying to be insulting, but I find "5 years" hard to believe.

>> No.15219803

How often are you playing? If you're giving it like one attempt a month or rapidly switching games I could see it but if you're playing at all on one game you should be able to beat it. Most of the games are all beatable without a massive amount of dedication, just grinding enough until you recognize how to deal with patterns in your trouble areas. Spellcard practice helps in later games too

Worst case you can look up youtube strategies and see how to generally avoid cards you might not get.

Just always remember to use your resources if you need it, better to lose a bomb than a life.

>> No.15219858

Yup, I've been playing since march of 2011.

probably once or twice a month, yeah


>> No.15220328

You just wake up one day and suddenly become good at it.

>> No.15220341

I also wouldn't recommend playing on easy, but stage 6 on easy is a really good starting point.

>> No.15220356

Some people are just chronically bad at anything that requires even the smallest amount of reflex or quick thought.

That's why the RPG market will never die.

>> No.15220359

>Stage 6 easy on MoF
Are you trying to give the man an aneurysm?

>> No.15220439

I feel for you. Playing for 2 years, only normal 1cc'ed TD.

>> No.15225554

got into the series recently, started from the beginning obviously because I'm no CHUMP

how do you beat either of the second bosses on reverse pachinkoball

>> No.15226276

Don't limit yourself to one game, try them all. You'll improve your skills in every game you play ,because the gameplay is mostly the same from one game to another. It will also help you to build your skill instead of your memorization.

>> No.15236466
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>> No.15236474

LoLK stage 5 is faster than 90 FPS PCB.

It's more like 120 FPS, really.

>> No.15236533
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>> No.15237285

>this is what easy mode losers actually believe

>> No.15237328

But easy mode is boring as fuck to play
Who are you quoting?

>> No.15237339
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>Play on easy
>Have to hit continue on stage 2
>run out of continues on stage 4

>> No.15237342

Touhou is pretty boring anyway.

>> No.15237449

I don't usually endorse suicide, but in this case, it may be inevitable.

>> No.15237563

What I've done is, I started in the Windows era and I may not actually look at PC98 for a while.

So, starting with EoSD and emulating this method with each game, I played on normal until I hit a hard wall, then played on easy until the same. Then, I watched the entire run of the game 1CC'd on Normal and studied the danmaku and dodging methods.

Note: this is the experience of someone fucking abysmal at STGs who doesn't even gravitate to or particularly care about them in the first place. At this point, I have gotten all the way to being ready to start LoLK now (I want to complete ULiL first, though) and...I'm still not great, but I've noticed significant improvement in the few days it's been since I entered Touhou. At this point the best I've ever done was nearly beat the stage 4 boss in UFO and Ten Desires on Normal. That's how much I suck. However, I think if I were to practice, now that I have more spacial awareness, know how to stream, and know how to dodge, I could probably clear one of the games on normal.

>> No.15237769

There's something fundamentally wrong with the mentality of "I suck at these games and I don't even enjoy them enough to keep playing 'til I get good, but I'll insist on doing it out of obligation and ask online for tips and shortcuts where there clearly are none"

>> No.15237794

A lot of people seem to play just so that they can not be considered a secondary. A lot of these people probably quit once they get their first normal 1cc, or even before that.

I think enjoying Touhou or shmups is sort of like an acquired taste.

>> No.15237800

They probably just really don't want to be secondaries I guess. What's strange about it is that there are also fighting games to play and official manga and other books which provide far more content than the games do in the first place.

>> No.15237817

>far more content than the games do in the first place.
Not if you play for score. Although you could technically say that is the same content over and over again. Either way, the games have a massive amount of replayability.

>> No.15237930

I bet these people still play on easy.

>> No.15238452

I said I did.

>> No.15240779

Not being a secondary is an admirable effort, but it's the carriage pulling the horse type of situation if you do it purely to "not be a secondary" and not out of any enjoyment the games.
