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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 342 KB, 600x840, swr mokou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1520452 No.1520452 [Reply] [Original]

Because it's been a while. Update to the latest version at:


>> No.1520802
File: 28 KB, 190x250, YukariWind1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.06 - Spectators: OK
Not sure what I'll play today.
Confirming this as a well seasoned Yukari player. But on the bright side Remi seems screwed almost just as bad against Yukari. If only there were as many Remis as Alices.

>> No.1520485

Watching this thread, will come host in an hour or two after cooking dinner.

>> No.1520488


>> No.1520870
File: 36 KB, 279x350, Alice (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected from Magister.

>> No.1520888
File: 200 KB, 597x600, 1216266677473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1520898
File: 213 KB, 640x640, 1212351938837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you didn't come here. Host so I can lose horribly.

>> No.1520644

I reckon you folks are a lot more knowledgeable than I am. Are there any specific tips you might have against Alice? I mainly use Yukari/Remilia but I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.1520660

Reisen > all

>> No.1520700

Just to start it off

Really quick game, I'm hungry and dinner is almost ready.

>> No.1520706

As far as individual matchups go, Yukari vs. Alice is the worst imaginable for Yukari. Dolls eat C bullets and the hitboxes of your j.2A, teleports, and 623, so several options of closing space only let you do so while getting booted or lanced for free. Unless the Alice doesn't know how to space herself or is considerably less skilled than you, it's a losing battle for Yukari.

I can't say the same for Remilia, but if you're staying out of 6A range, it shouldn't be too difficult.

>> No.1520789

Host. Now..

>> No.1520823

N00b here, anyone knows what the deal with #SWR and the site?

>> No.1520855

Probably just down for a bit.

>> No.1520866


>> No.1520868

GGs, Truth.

I can only connect to others right now.

>> No.1520908



>> No.1520913
for the librarian

I can only play for a short while tho so expect me to leave in a rude manner.

>> No.1520980

You scare me.

>> No.1520981


>> No.1520988

That lag is harsh

>> No.1520992

GGs abba.
Playing random. No promises.

>> No.1521319
File: 94 KB, 522x858, 1206174653526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521035

yeah, sorry bout that lag, my geography + connection is horrible

>> No.1521108

ggs magi.
gotta go eat

>> No.1521112

Wonder how long it'll take to get an English patch for SWR.

>> No.1521119

What? 3.2k corner BnB? What the fuck? You beat Reimu 66A on HIT? AYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I must not be mashing hard enough. GGs, alpha.

>> No.1521129

You're lucky he only did the 3.2k one.

>> No.1521151

Isn't that the one he came up with the other day? I know he does nasty shit off CH 214, but for a simple, easy-to-do corner BnB, that was murderous.

>> No.1521253

GGs www.
Where were you connecting from? Felt a lot like this guy from Europe.
Was having a hard time even having A's string and kept charging bullets unintentionally.

>> No.1521264

Canada, and here i was about to pull out a real character! Can't play Komachi at all. lol

>> No.1521286

Okay, then probably my batteries again.
Was fun playing random though. I really need to work on Aya and Iku especially.

>> No.1521293

Anyone know if development of SWR is over and done with? Any more patching coming? Any more characters? Even rumors?

>> No.1521309

I hate Iku, shes to slow, and shitty at everything.

>> No.1521316

Supposedly theres some data for Meiling in the files, but nothing official has been said yet.

>> No.1521607
File: 31 KB, 400x400, ayayaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi im a noob. :P

anyone wanna play? midwest US

>> No.1521328

Let's play iamp.

>> No.1521342

It took China about a year to make it into IaMP. Besides, it'd be a waste to have the sprites and not use them. Tasofro hasn't said anything, but I wouldn't count on it, either.

Not abusing j.2A enough!

>> No.1521343

And sure, host.

>> No.1521354


>> No.1521358

looking for hosts

>> No.1521430 US midwest

Kind of tired so I might not play for that long

>> No.1521448


>> No.1521456

I wish broom and Master Spark were that nice in SWR. I still get that problem of HJs either being only regular jumps, or not occuring at all, so I end up not being able to graze for the shit.

>> No.1521760
File: 6 KB, 251x168, 1220996903478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521478


Magister I never see on your IRC anymore and it makes me sad.

I wanted to talk about lifeswap possibilities with you the other day and you're nowhere to be seen.

>> No.1521483

Lurk more.

>> No.1521486


Magister I never see on you on IRC anymore and it makes me sad.

I wanted to talk about lifeswap possibilities with you the other day and you're nowhere to be seen.


Man I delete the post to fix a typo and I see a reply.

>> No.1521512

Is the SWR Wiki down for anyone else? Actually seems IRC is too.
I've been messing around with Marisa lately, mostly trying to fill her midscreen void.
Really liking the potential of AAA 623C (Rocket broom upper) 6A 214B (can be replaced with the 2 card broomride.) Was wondering if it was on there along with any other good midscreen.

>> No.1521833
File: 188 KB, 916x990, 1216343766328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1521542

>AAA 623C
not airtight

>> No.1521546

There aren't a lot of ways to Lifeswap anymore. CH3[A], CH 66C, or something REALLY situational, like a perfect air guardcrush from a blocked 623 2C. Short Life Expectancy can be done off regular combos towards the corner, and even a few midscreen, but the cost isn't worth it, really. I'd consider running Lifeswap just for full invincibility until the slash. You can stand right in the path of a train and get it off, but you'd have to try and fish for a whiffed super or something. At any rate, the point is you're probably not going to be able to use it reliably.

>> No.1521577

Using the alternate skillcard (green broom rocket uppercut) it is at all but maximum range before A becomes far A for me.

>> No.1521582


That's pretty much where I was standing on it as well. Didn't know if you knew any fancy ways to get it off.

SLE should have stayed a 3-card, I think. In a perfect world, it'd have a decaying card cost as the opponent's life went down, but like that would ever happen.

>> No.1521619

gg, im not playing well because im Argentinian ( lag)
well, maybe next time
thanks for the games

>> No.1521620

Fuck you.

Derp. Read that as 236c. Either way, enjoy your reversal / border escape ->counter

>> No.1521645


be nice plz ;_;

still hosting btw

>> No.1521653
US Midwest.

>> No.1521676

Fuck, I wish I had SWR installed right now.
I bet we could play with no lag (!)

>> No.1521677

I see through your guise, Armando. You can't fool me.

>> No.1521718

So mizuumi goes down and SWR returns to /jp/. Funny how that works. Glad to see it back.

>> No.1521838



>> No.1521846

I was hoping you wouldn't join my game. Still, it was fun. GGs

>> No.1521850

Luring in players by claiming to be a poor player, it certainly must be Armando.

>> No.1521890

And you certainly must be retarded!

>> No.1521921

ugh. y can't the board refresh itself.

2 lazy to f5, etc.

>> No.1521926

Glad to see that everyone is hanging out here tonight, if anyone willing to host, I'll play.

>> No.1521942


Armando is mexican or something you dumb shit

>> No.1521969

poor magi

>> No.1522039

What? I didn't mention Mexicans or nationality or anything. Alpha's just doing what Armando does.

I'd play you again, but I have a shit connection right now, and it wouldn't be pretty.

>> No.1522047


>> No.1522064

Good games

>> No.1522073

Where from?

>> No.1522074


>> No.1522898

bump for hosts

>> No.1522958
I wonder if I can remember how to play this.

>> No.1523131

ggs Keytone.

>> No.1523134

GGs Dim

>> No.1525528
File: 235 KB, 712x712, Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely no clue who you are or how you played me while I was asleep. Different host?
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.06 - Spectators: OK

>> No.1525546
File: 35 KB, 496x651, 1214338513541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1525653
File: 273 KB, 744x701, Ran2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, yeah, whatever. GGs.

>> No.1525511


>> No.1525520


>> No.1525534

Holy shit is it me or is half of #swr here?

>> No.1525635

Stop mashing. Especially with spellcards.

>> No.1525685

ggs www.

>> No.1525695



>> No.1525932
File: 286 KB, 420x708, 1225234716415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs as always, GP.

>> No.1525820

Lets see if I can host...
Semi decent player

>> No.1525929

Even though I sucked more than usual today, GGs.

>> No.1525989


>> No.1526000

ggs, chen.
Need to go eat.

>> No.1526006

GGs and GJ

>> No.1526025


>> No.1526067

Im presuming your still lagging magister?

>> No.1526068

Sweet jesus, that lag's unbearable. It's like a slideshow. Where are you located? You're not running any torrents or something like that, are you?

>> No.1526088

No torrents, NY and I have cable connection. The computer Im running SWR on is a lil slow at the moment but this is the first time Ive dealt with lag like that soooo.. I dunno. My laptop I normally use is in the shop.

>> No.1526099

Strange that the connection would be so poor connecting from WC to EC. It was like playing someone who was underground in Europe. I am on a not-so-great connection at the moment, though. Maybe I'll try again some other time.

>> No.1526105

wanna try again?

>> No.1526111

I'll play if he won't.

>> No.1526132

all right unless norton was fucking with some shit in the backgrnd on my computer I shouldnt have lag like that.

is that you Gant?

>> No.1526150

Im up for a match, would anyone like to host?

>> No.1526188


>> No.1526196

I'm going to switch to my actual profile.

>> No.1526210

GGs, but youve gotta work on your combos big time and use spells more in mid or end combos when possible. You seem to use your special moves better than I do..You seemed to get better towards all of those remilia matches, her teleports and wall slams are the bane of me though....

>> No.1526222

That's because I wasn't playing my normal profile. Rehost and you'll see how I usually play. GGs.

>> No.1526226

all right just give me a second...

>> No.1526230


>> No.1526243


>> No.1526531
File: 265 KB, 450x636, 1225245835634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, Chen. I noticed that you tend to jump out of a string as soon as you think you can, but you wouldn't do it against Komachi. Komachi's probably the only character I play that you CAN do that against, because I can't really do anything unless you're afraid of me. Even so, I'm a pretty dangerous Komachi, so achieving fear works most of the time.

>> No.1526354



>> No.1526372


>> No.1526377

lol, well I never noticed that I got any better than I was like wait oh I use to do that a couple moths ago. You need to spam less with the same move I coulndt even see half of patchus bullets so sometimes it was timeing that got me out of being hit becuase of easy predictability. Oh and with that first remilia matched where you buffed the hellout of her....
Repetive big move check
Massive damgae check
=Boss fight lol
Not to say beefing up your chars like that isnt a bad strategy its just that when you use so many skill and system cards your an easy targets.
So it was definantly funner than the first time around.

>> No.1526385

Oh god gensou...

>> No.1526403

Let's try again, Chen.

>> No.1526412

alright but just quick oneor two, Im about to get kicked off the computer..

>> No.1526414


>> No.1526425

>>1526188 rehosting

>> No.1526434

Hey guys, just stopping in to say hi #SWR, I'll be on in a couple hours or so for some matches.

>> No.1526449

>> No.1526459
east coast.
Kind of advanced by /jp/ standards, but extremely tired at the moment.
Jetms need not apply.

>> No.1526470

What do you have against Jetms? Too good? Not good enough?

>> No.1526480


>> No.1526488

Jetms have anti-Magi blood. That's bad enough.

>> No.1526493


>>1526425 rehosting

>> No.1526494


>> No.1526501


ggs. i was too tired for that, but wateva :P

>> No.1526508

lololol ggs, too funny

>> No.1526525

more lolswr

>> No.1526529

why is there an inuyasha thread on the front page of /jp/

>> No.1526530

Gotta go
GGs. Holy crap though I could barley touch you, Im just amazed I even maged to beat you in 1 round. I guess that just goes I need to learn more combos. Yore komachis a beast youmu was like a ping pong ball...

>> No.1526548

I honestly tried to get out a few times and I couldnt the minute I even moved or was sent an inch you manged to string more combos on me. Youre komachi was the scariest. Youre other charcters i can actually manage to bring down there bars a decent amount.

>> No.1526567

With Komachi, I can't do any crazy blockstrings to crush your spirit. You can just block everything correctly. The moment I have to use a projectile to keep it going, you can escape. And do NOT chicken block. Chicken blocking is top tier in lolswr, but don't do it against Komachi, because I get free combos from that.

>> No.1526581

all right ill try to remember that. Ive only recently noticed that in some cases I can just graze through some wall blocks, but if the enemy characters to low all you do is interupt their string and from there god knows...

>> No.1526586

What is chicken blocking?

>> No.1526604

In the middle of someone's string/frametrap/stagger, you jump(not high) in a particular place to start airblocking and mess up the pressure they have going. A good example of this screwing someone over is Reimu 5AA 6A 5B j.6A. If you jump just before the j.6A, your airblock messes up what would have otherwise been a nasty crush string. You can't block ground-to-air, so Komachi's lolscythe catches people that try to do this.

>> No.1526622

Ah, that. Never would have thought there was a name for it.

>> No.1526655

Because you never played a fighting game and learned the basic terms before.

Not that I'm saying that you're a fuckin noob or anything like that. Just saying that almost any 2D fighting game has chicken blocking.

>> No.1526660

Also learning the basics is essential for any competitive play.

>> No.1526699

Anyone up that can host?

>> No.1526715

ggs Icekin. I haven't played SWR for about 2 weeks. It's getting rather hard to actually get someone to host or connect to me.

Probably because I'm EU.

>> No.1526717

I played KOF competitively for almost 10 years without hearing this term.
Then I looked it up, it takes air blocking. That's why.
This is pretty funny actually.

>> No.1526734


>> No.1526744

Well, I'm definitely not a noob when it comes to SWR. Can't say I've played many 2D fighters to a point where I've actually tried to study and be really good at the game. The only games that I've done that with are SSBM, SWR, and MB. Although I quit MB after a while because I had no one to play with.

>> No.1526747

Although I don't think SSBM really counts...I've never heard this term from SWR or MB.

>> No.1526748


>> No.1526774

hosting, more lolswr

hmm, magi, jetm? where are youuuu

>> No.1526787

Ironically for you, this term got REALLY famous thanks to MB, where chicken blocking is something done everytime.

>> No.1526813

ICEKIN!!!! ggs, still more improvement left for me

>> No.1526814

Thanks for the games.
And you too Gant.
I can go collapse in bed now.

>> No.1526824


>> No.1526868


Go easy on me, I use a PS2 controller.

>> No.1526871

This is me, tripfagging it up for SWR

>> No.1526892


>> No.1526895


Yes. There is a new version that works with 1.06. I can zip it up for you if you would like?

>> No.1526900

Please do.
I miss my palletes.

>> No.1526919



>> No.1526954


>> No.1526984



>> No.1527019

I am awake again!
anyone up? US

>> No.1527036

Good games

>> No.1527039

GGs Arc

Remind me to stop whiffing the master sparks.

>> No.1527054
Southern California
Power Level < 9001

>> No.1527340


>> No.1527341

GGs BRO! That last one was sad =(

>> No.1527361

Hey I just downloaded scarlet weather rhapsody for the first time and when I try to run the game in fullscreen the bottom flickers on and off and it is quite annoying. I am running vista could that be the problem? any ideas?

>> No.1527385

Turn off all other programs that flash.

>> No.1527431


>> No.1527451

When it happens I don't have any other programs running. I was having problems with eternal fighter zero before also where the pixels would all be colorful as a gay pride parade.

>> No.1527453

Sorry to close program suddenly, shit happened. ;_;

>> No.1527526

The window closes whenever I open it, what's wrong?

>> No.1528083

The stuff needs to be in your SWR folder I believe.

It's probably due to VISTAIDS but my friend didn't have any problems running SWR on VISTA so it might just be you.

>> No.1529344
File: 148 KB, 400x400, 1225307144210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why hisouten is so popular in Japan and unpopular overseas. Or maybe it's just that the people that frequents IRC don't make threads here anymore. Until now.

>> No.1529214

bump for hosts

>> No.1529222

Rehosting, but only for like 20 minutes.
Goddamnit, when is mizuumi coming back up?

>> No.1529252

Why no EU players?


>> No.1529280 EU

>> No.1529305

That was a little more than 20 minutes, but it was worth it.
Thanks for the games, Magister.

>> No.1529306

GGs, Icekin. It's been...actually, it's been so long I don't remember the last time we played. No gimmick 2As for me. ;_;

>> No.1529311

Last time we played was the second time ever, in which you still lost to my yuyu, but by far less than the first time.
then I think you raped me with reimu a few times. Well, maybe not raped, but you were still better than me.
I'll have to pull the cow out again if I want to win.

>> No.1529330

Oh yeah, when I flailed around with Komachi, determined to learn her, but 50% of my moveset was j.2A. God, I was terrible with her then. My Reimu is trash now, though, so I guess it balanced out.

>> No.1529378 Eu/EC

>> No.1529385

Because Touhou. They have so many events for SWR and IaMP it's staggering. Japan loev danmaku action gaem.

>> No.1529391

This is why it's not popular here.
Too many faggots like this. Here I enjoy fucking around with my roomates playing the game, but guys like this are why threads just die so fast.
Nobody likes WoW players except WoW players. Same methodology.

>> No.1529399

hint: it is not popular in japan too.
only the touhou fags play it

>> No.1529409

I don't know what's your definition of popular, but I see threads being made every couple of hours on 2chan. And if only japanese touhou fans play it, that's still a lot of people.

>> No.1529418

You can play it at the arcade. Fail

>> No.1529433


>> No.1529440


>> No.1529449


>> No.1529463

not that desperate yet, abba?

>> No.1529469

iamp, superior, etc

>> No.1529471

then lets play it, im hosting on both now lol

>> No.1529516

Good games, I aint afraid of no 66C damn.

>> No.1529521

GGs whoever I played.

>> No.1529544

okay ggs, class time

>> No.1529545


>> No.1529577

mizuumi is down because of hard drive failure. No ETA on when it will be back, but should be fairly soon.

>> No.1529599


>> No.1529634

US West - Hosting but don't know for how long

>> No.1529651


>> No.1529653

Froze. Too laggy anyway.

>> No.1529657

wat ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1529691

There are no more SWR threads because everyone on /jp/ who played it regularly migrated to IRC. Currently, mizuumi is down, so no #SWR, therefor /jp/ SWR threads are back.

While there are a few elitist jerks here and there, most high level players would much rather have bad players get better so they have decent competition than to stomp out newbs left and right.
I doubt the guy who said that learning the basics is essential for any competitive play meant that the dude should kill himself for sucking, but rather that he SHOULD learn the basics if he wants to play competitively. Stomping out new players gets boring after half a round.

Then again, you don't need to study in depth technicalities and spend days watching professional play to get up there (it helps though). I only ever spent time on the wiki to learn a few select BnB's for some characters, I've watched a grand total of like 5 replays, and I can put up a decent fight against the better #SWR players, and stomp out most of /jp/. Just from trial and error from, like you said, fucking around with the game.

>> No.1530085

Bump for hosts, hey guys
