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1515489 No.1515489 [Reply] [Original]

I see more variety in appearance in white families between siblings than I have in the entire Japanese race.

Don't get me wrong though, I have no problem telling Japs apart from each other.

Would Japs say the same thing about us?

>> No.1515719
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It is, you've just never lived in America to understand it.

>> No.1515756
File: 12 KB, 320x316, 1225065766240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody doesn't know what individualism is.

in b4 hueg wall of text paraphrasing wikipedia

>> No.1515792
File: 26 KB, 250x347, 1225066047688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515496

Yes. All white people have big eyes and noses.

>> No.1515499

Holy shit, bent legs.

>> No.1515504

Also blonde and blue eyes and tall.

>> No.1515521

and black hair, and auburn hair, and brown hair, and red hair, and ginger hair, and green eyes, and brown eyes, and hazel eyes, and short

Japs all conform to a basic standard (over 99%):
- Black hair (unless they dye it brown)
- Black eyes
- Short
- Round face
- (relatively) large lips
- Slim figure

>> No.1515849
File: 40 KB, 562x437, 1225067047561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American youths are voting for McCain

>> No.1515546

you forgot beefy thighs

>> No.1515549

Japan = collective society

West = individualist society

Figure it out.

>> No.1515576

Fuck, I was hoping you'd suggest that all japs are inbreeders.

>> No.1515585

But what's with the bowed legs? Inbreeding?

>> No.1515609


Allow me to fix that for you:

Japan = collective society

West = flawed idea of both what a society should be, and what it means to be an individual

>> No.1515614

They're inferior and they come up with the dumbest explanations for is and pass it off as "science"


Like that one time a Japanese show claimed that Americans were also suffering from people becoming shorter in an attempt to make Japanese feel good about the fact that they'e getting shorter every generation. Saying that George Washington's height of 6 feet was common at the time. Which is not true, he was unusually tall and people in the west are taller now than we were hundreds of years ago.

>> No.1515616

They would and they do.

>> No.1515623



>> No.1515630

This post is bad. You should feel bad about it.

>> No.1515639

They would, just like all groups stereotype those who aren't like them, but they'd be wrong. There is more skin-deep variety in white people than in asians, plain and simple.

>> No.1515646


Actually, I'm a Japanese-Canadian.
That's right American, go ahead and keep loving what you think is genuine individuality.

>> No.1515655

>making up shit because internet credibility only goes so far

>> No.1515668


Even if I was white, how would that change the argument? Do you honestly think what the average America sees as individuality is anything other than fucking vanity? How you look does not make you an individual, it makes you a superficial cunt.

>> No.1515669

>West = individualist society
lol, keep telling yourself that. The degree of conformity might not be as bad as in Japan, but the vast majority of people are still mindless followers of society and popular culture.

>> No.1515672

I always feel funny about it when I see a girl with very akward-looking legs. I can almost feel like her shins are about to snap. Bowed-legs can't possibly be all that fun.

Also, fun fact: All humans are born with bow-legs, but they straighten out as you grow older.

>> No.1515681

The degree of butthurt is great in
 this one.

Japan sucks, get over it, weeaboo.

>> No.1515696


My point wasn't that Japan is awesome, it's that American society is not an individualist society.

>> No.1515706

Sure it is. I do whatever I want and nobody messes with me.

>> No.1515720

No, I even said that Japanese society values conformity more than the West, but if you think the West really values individualism you're just deluding yourself.

>> No.1515723


You just keep on thinking that...

>> No.1515743

This isn't particularly a bad thing. Take OP's picture. Assuming all the girls had similar facial structure, and seeing as they're pretty much the same anyways, getting a Japanese waifu will be easier. This is because you can essentially pick from a large pool and ,chances are, your choice will be of the same quality as picking another one from the pool! Too bad I'll never get this chance ;_;

>> No.1515742

If you think things like democracy and capitalism don't come from individualist values, you're just deluding yourself.

>> No.1515745

fact: compared to the whites, asian has less diversity in their appearance.

thinking that having a more difference in the individuality is good as an personal opinion

thinking you should see a particular race to be inferior because of the fact and leading to the thought of exterminating the races = going back to the good ol' imperialism, now start making those sugar canes with opium.

>> No.1515779


>> No.1515785

the "superficial appearance" of individualism is a RESULT of deep-rooted individualist values in western societies.

Jesus fucking Christ, did I actually just have to say this to someone?

>> No.1515797

All individualism means in its most basic form is putting value in the individual before society. Thus, an individualist would believe that individual rights and freedoms are more important than a strong, autonomous state. And with that you have things like democracy and capitalism.

In before retarded image macro and "NO U"

>> No.1515802


Christ, it's like a deformed tree.

>> No.1515811

Japanese people are all clones of each other. It's impossible to tell them apart, I don't know how people do this. Majik perhaps?

>> No.1515817

I never realised how bad bowed legs looked until now.

God that's awful.

>> No.1515821

Those values may have been imporant centuries ago, but your average American young adult doesn't give a shit about democracy.

I really don't see anything individualistic in everybody conforming to the latest trends and allowing their behavior to be guided by whatever newest advertising campaign the corporations have decided to launch. Or in getting their ideas from mass media, organized religion, and radical pundits from across the political spectrum, rather than thinking for themselves.

>> No.1515829

>your average American young adult doesn't give a shit about democracy.
American young adults are voting at their highest rates in the history of ever

>> No.1515841

it's now or nigger, of course they will

>> No.1515848

>I really don't see anything individualistic in everybody conforming to the latest trends and allowing their behavior to be guided by whatever newest advertising campaign the corporations have decided to launch. Or in getting their ideas from mass media, organized religion, and radical pundits from across the political spectrum, rather than thinking for themselves.

Those are the results of a decentralized culture. Individualism doesn't exactly mean any sort of practical intelligence, it merely means not having one's values determined by one authority, but instead determined by unconscious trends (think memes) in a close to anarchic system. As individuals gain autonomy, society loses autonomy.

>> No.1515861

OP you're a fucking retard

>> No.1515887

>Supposedly, NHK TV had a “science” show in this topic >came up with the wild explanation that Western women >have big butts so they walk with feet pointing out to >draw said backside in. Japanese girls have no butts and >walk with toes pointing in to push their backsides out.

I'll ask the black lady at work if she trying to hide her ass next time.

>> No.1515892

or rook same

>> No.1515929

>it merely means not having one's values determined by one authority, but instead determined by unconscious trends
If that's your definition of individualism then Japan is as individualistic as the U.S. No one authority causes Japan's conformity, it is society, which is the summation of those "unconscious trends."

However, your definition is incorrect. Being swayed by trends is the opposite of individualism, which is about independent thought and action. You don't have to be intelligent to be individualistic, you just have to think for yourself.

Highest in the last half century doesn't really count for much. Voter turnout across all demographics is so pathetically low that it's no wonder our democracy is a failing system.

>> No.1515944

The problem with western society isn't individualism, but the ego that comes with it. A man can be forgiven for being concerned about himself as long as he cares more about what he can do than what he is. No one gets anywhere by liking themselves and admiring their own uniqueness, they get somewhere by doing their shit. Since the western-style ideals of individualism tells us to focus so much on ourselves, people will choose to study computer science because it's cool and thus would make them cool, instead of choosing it because they enjoy it, have a talent for it or both.
