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15153660 No.15153660 [Reply] [Original]

>Wake up in the middle of a 2hou pajama party
>Wat do

>> No.15153758

>pantyhose while sleeping
getting uncomfortable just looking at it

>> No.15153772



>> No.15153786

Pop a huge boner and then proceed to stick my rock hard shaft into sleeping Flan's mouth.

>> No.15153873
File: 370 KB, 844x656, Patchouli Comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smile contently and go back to sleep while cuddling Patche and Meiling.

>> No.15153959
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go back to sleep

>> No.15153977
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>> No.15154009

Lustfully groping Flan's wide and fertile hips!

>> No.15154130

Awkwardly nudging my way towards the dragon one in an attempt to cuddle with her but being too shy to actually touch her

>> No.15154211

fuck sakuya hard until she lose at my cock

>> No.15154287

Fine Flan for having criminal thighs.
(The fine is 3 hours of rough dicking)

>> No.15154299
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Later you'll need a Penile replacement......

>> No.15154354
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Vampires sleep like a corpse. I doubt she'd wake up no matter what you do.

>> No.15154554

Murphy's law.

>> No.15154578
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>> No.15154768

Readjust Flans shirt properly to save her from sleep lewding, resume sleeping. Shh, don't wake them.

>> No.15154784


>> No.15154818

2AM! 2AM!

>> No.15154890
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Molest Remilia sama, of course.

>> No.15154903
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Snuggle time!

>> No.15154905
File: 3.42 MB, 3480x2412, 4260783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steal their headwear, the sources of their power.

I will then proceed to wear all of them at once and become the master of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. After that I will infiltrate Hakugyokurou, Eientei, the Underground, and so on, stealing every maiden's hat until I finally have attained the power to stand up to Hakurei Reimu's oppressive ways and become the new priest of Hakurei Shrine.

All of Gensokyo is now in the palm of my hand...

>> No.15154953

Feed Flan and Remi garlic
Poison Sakuya and Koma
Stuff Patchu with my pillow
Kidnap China and force her to be my breeding slave!

>> No.15154980

At least the little bloodsucker looks happy.

>> No.15154988

Identify the most vulnerable member ('cept me of course), vulnerable meaning "having the least powerful magical bullshit on it's side and needing the least to get rid of".

Then grab anything that might come in useful, does it look magic or sharp? Then it's a great candidate.

Proceed to remove as many youkais as i can before going down

>> No.15155001

Stick their hands in water at - 7 degrees centigrade . (Salt Water of course)

>> No.15155016
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2hous are for loving, not hurting.

>> No.15155061

and that doesn't mean molesting them while they're incapacitated, degenerates.

>> No.15155065


Put all their fingers into warm bowls of water, sit back and watch the waterworks and fap.

>> No.15155080

someone explain this to me

>> No.15155091
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>> No.15155541

Beat me to it.

>> No.15155554
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Classic Will.

>> No.15155556 [DELETED] 

Check my sweet quints.

>> No.15155565


>> No.15155723

Flan-chan is too sexual. I want to smooch that navel.

>> No.15155772
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I'd get comfy with them.

>> No.15155807

Good old Ke-ta.

>> No.15155811

Do I get to be a 2hu as well?

>> No.15156331

use Tewis ass as my pilkow, I sleep on my stomache.

>> No.15157494
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Is there anything better than the feeling of pushing your fat, pulsating cock into the Remimi's super tight, warm, and moist loli cunny? No wonder this bat has so many dedicated followers.

>> No.15157562

How vulgar.

>> No.15157615
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Don't blame me. This damn bat has completely infected me with her vampiric charm.

>> No.15157648
File: 1.48 MB, 3400x2800, 13146657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15157654

Wow, that picture physically hurts.
Please don't post it again.

>> No.15157666


>> No.15159684
File: 42 KB, 515x728, e2a6d7c14eaf82f4f8a8317219d4d6d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Rape the maid
[ ] Genuflect

>> No.15160709

I'd yell "2am!"
Then I'd fall asleep with them.

>> No.15162466

Wake up for real and cry like always

>> No.15162765

Watching cute girls sleep is my fetish, I dont even wanna dick them just watch them sleep forever
