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15147762 No.15147762 [Reply] [Original]

I know 4ch in general hates the shit out of tv tropes, but what would you guys make out of Super Weights in 2hu? How would you sort them out according to their respective powerlevels?

Also, if Sagume's power is almost reality-warper levels of bullshit, why didn't she just use it on Junko's plan?

Can Utsuho nuke a chunk out of earth if she wishes to? How far does Yuyuko's power go?

>> No.15148625

Yusuke is the best 2hu superplayer.

>> No.15152448

Yusuke and everyone from YYH can't do no shit against 2hus

>> No.15152454

itt: speculation

>> No.15152481

Toguro can beat onis. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15152487

The conclusion we reach every time there's a power level thread like this is that with the high ranking ones, it comes down to who attacks first as every attack will be a one hit kill.

Also Utsuho a cute, I say.

>> No.15152506
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Suika can break the moon

Look, the point is that YYH characters may be strong, but they can't bypass the bullshit powers of 2hu characters. Probably for 2hus, an S class demon is only equivalent to a B.

It's just the same with TM imo, they're not as "strong", but they have such bullshit powers that they can end fights even before they start.

Take pic related for example. If you pit the 3 kings against her, she would easily win the fight by the virtue of her powers even though they are far stronger and better at fighting

>> No.15152781

Neil Armstrong

>> No.15153177


>Also, if Sagume's power is almost reality-warper levels of bullshit, why didn't she just use it on Junko's plan?

Because Sagume's hability reverse the situation, but not necessarily the most obvious way. Saying "Junko will fail to invade the capital" could just have ended in Junko actually destroying it out of rage, before the invasion. She knew it and waited to be sure about the MC power level to tell her the plan

>> No.15153202
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Can ajimu najimi beat any 2hu?

>> No.15153437

>Also, if Sagume's power is almost reality-warper levels of bullshit, why didn't she just use it on Junko's plan?
Sagume's ability seems to be one of the most misunderstood abilities, she merely reverses the odds of something with a chance of happening but doesn't necessarily control the outcome. It's all a crapshoot no matter what but if she speaks carelessly she may complicate the situation.

For example if there was a 100% chance something is going to happen anyway her power would do nothing.

But if the odds were say 80% of say losing a gamble and 20% she'd win. Saying she's lost the game would reverse the odds to her having a 80% chance of winning and only 20% chance of losing. However there is no telling if the way fate was going to roll was she was going to WIN the gamble in the first place and by using her powers she instead lost.

Basically what happened in LoLK the Lunarians were so far up the shitter they were guaranteed to lose the war against Junko if things continued. But the appearance of Sanae/Reisen/Reimu/Marisa as a new factor in the situation changed up the odds to give a very small chance of the incident being resolved. So Sagume decided to gamble on that small chance by using her ability to turn the tides so to speak.

Here it's in ZUN's own words...

>There are plenty of times where the result is deception, but they're not always bad. In the end, the world is what changes. It could be good for her, but it could be bad for her allies. So her image is something like she has no idea what's going to happen. So at first she was worrying about whether to speak or not, but she took a gamble inside her heart. That it would be better for her to speak.

>> No.15153460

Probably not Yuugi or Reimu.

>> No.15154107
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Is Yukari still the strongest now that there are people like Hecatia and Sagume around?

>> No.15154423

>Also Utsuho a cute, I say.

Indeed. But what exactly is stopping her from just firing nukes launched from the Underground hole she made

>> No.15154565

Powerlevels when most characters have Jojo-style "Does this one special thing" always boils down to how vague they can actually get.

I don't need to tell you about Yukari. But take Yoshika for instance. she can "Eat anything". She seems to be able to eat divine energy/spirits given her boss fight. Does that mean she could damage your soul by biting you? Who the fuck knows.

>> No.15154632

Yukari was never the strongest.

>> No.15154642

Reminder that Yukarifags in these threads are the kids that would "deflect" every bullet when playing army men or would say god in rock paper scissors.

>> No.15154681

Who in Touhou is stronger than Yukari and I'll tell you why your wrong

>> No.15154684

Hecatia Lapislazuli
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Me, I beat her at danmaku tons of times

>> No.15154721

>Hecatia Lapislazuli
She's a higher being but that doesn't make her all powerful,all we know as of right now is she can exist in three places
We don't know anything about the higher gods,and Yukari stated that the residents of Gensokyo could never beat the Lunarians She'd never included herself.She also bullshitted about Toyohime being stronger than her,just to have Yuyuko break in Lunarian Capital,From what we've seen Toyohime relies on technology to bend boundaries,while Yukari can do it at will
>Yuyuko Saigyouji
Lets look at the powers of manipulated boundaries
>The user can manipulate boundaries — material, spiritual, conceptual, metaphysical, and so on. Since everything is physically and existentially defined by boundaries, the possibilities offered are limitless — for limits themselves are nothing more than the boundary Possible/Impossible, and the user can manipulate even that. Simply put, there is ultimately nothing the user cannot achieve
Simply put Yukari can manipulate the boundary between life and death and more than what any Touhou can ever achieve

>Me, I beat her at danmaku tons of times
Yukari is not that hard of a boss,plus spell cards rules even cirno could beat her in a danmaku match

>> No.15154766

>She's a higher being but that doesn't make her all powerful,all we know as of right now is she can exist in three places
>"Since she's an enemy that doesn't play by the rules, you can't even call it a proper match. It's just playing around. She's completely past the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital. Though I ended up not doing it, I personally wanted to make it so that whenever she changed her hair color, her T-shirt would change too (laugh). "
HecaSHIT is officially the most powerful character in Touhou.

>> No.15154792

>In Reimu's ending, it doesn't really end with a refreshing feeling. Well, since the enemy is someone she can't touch, it can't be helped. It ends in a similar way to "Silent Sinner in Blue".
Wait so Reimu lost in LoLK?

>> No.15154794
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Yukari can manipulate the border of existence and nonexistence on people, their powers, or the universe itself.

Yukari in canon is known to have manipulated the very border of true and false to jump into a reflection on the moon.

After beating her, changing Gensokyo's laws of physics to make the spring not stealable anymore (After she made it stealable earlier) is effortless, and she goes back to sleep afterwards.

The outside world is Yukari's dream.


>> No.15154843
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LoLK is a correction of power levels > The Lunarians themselves have almost no power at all in canon.

Toyohime and Yorihime are either dead, captured, never existed or became refugees like the rest of the Lunarian population because they were too weak to fight against clown and friends.

They got conquered by fairies, and Gensokians were able to defeat the fairies.

The Gensokians were also able to defeat the gods and such - for those Lunaria shills who use "But X Lunar beat X Genso in one situation therefor stronger lmao"

TL;DR Lunaria humiliated and reduced to third world status permanently, luckily Doremy opened dreamland's borders so they could refugee while Gensokyo saved them.

>> No.15154882 [SPOILER] 
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emmm capture moon pussy

>> No.15154960
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Lobotomize moonpets

>> No.15154974

>The outside world is Yukari's dream.
No Gensokyo is the fantasy world created by Maribel after the traumatic death of her beloved friend Yuyuko. Her death is what started her along the path of necromancy and youkai delusions.

The best part is how degrading it would be given they look down on humans and consider them unclean.

>> No.15154983

Currently Hecatia is the strongest
2hu is weird in lots of people's powers work shity in certain areas

>> No.15158156
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>Reimu can fly the shit out of reality.
>Yorihime can bury her in Shinto gods if it weren't for her intolerance towards impurity.
>Shinki created Makai.
What's your point?

>> No.15158180

Yama, oni, and any seriously "holy" aligned character, like Reimu, since Yukari is but a youkai in the end, and not immune to things that harm youkai.

Also anyone immortal, on the grounds that Yukari absolutely could not defeat them, no matter what.

>> No.15158188

I'm sure fanwank Yukari can kill immortals the same way Demonbane does.

>> No.15158295

>implying Shinki exists anymore

>> No.15159290
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>Lunar Capital
Hell is not a part of Gensokyo, Yuuka's place is also probably not a part of Gensokyo. Hecatia may outrank Shiki but Shiki might still overpower her.

Not sure about Shinki, but Makai for sure still exists. Try to put two and two together.

>> No.15159326

>Also anyone immortal, on the grounds that Yukari absolutely could not defeat them, no matter what.
Yukari just gaps them into concrete where they are trapped for the rest of their lives.
They escape only to be trasported back.

>> No.15159471

Sagume's ability doesn't deal with probabilities, it is the ability to get fucked over by the world. Nothing good really comes out of what she says, she can only succeed through the consequences of her failure.

Her plan only worked because it involved her fucking up the Gensokyo refugee plan.

If she tried that shit on an oni or something, they would probably tear the gap itself from side to side.

People have this retarded assumption that when you have a power, you can use it for anything even vaguely related to that power. But no, Gensokyo's powerlevels are not about what your power is, they are about how strong you are. Yuuka has a non-combat power but is still a top threat, Rumia has a scary-sounding power that she can't use for shit.

>> No.15159520
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If every single deluded fag start to listen our God-Emperor, none of these abominations would have any kind of power

Humans are the strongest 2hu. Face it yukarifags, she would disappear as soon as we desired so

>> No.15159592

Was it ever made remotely clear what Yuugi's power does?

>> No.15159750
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How would a standard "S" class demon fare in Gensokyo?

I'd assume the ranking in the YYH world would work a bit differently from that in Gensokyo.

Or better than that, who would win in a fight? YYH or Gensokyo?

>> No.15159794

Kurama would come up with some bullshit to kill everyone before they even realized he was fighting, until he met with Yuuka and settled into a tragic love triangle with her and Ran.

>> No.15160170

>physical strength

>magic/divine powers

>bullshit vague abilities


>> No.15160219
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Kurama would be dead by Cirno's hands. He really isn't that strong desu.

Hiei would probably also get fucked by people like Youmu or Sakuya.

How much would you wager on the Three Kings?

>> No.15162013

doubt it

and you forgot shiki, the great dragon and maybe shinki

>green detergent is an edible liquid

>> No.15162048

well, to be fair cristiany in their peak was OP as fuck and the demons of w40k are ayy youkais in steroids

>> No.15162070

>physical strength
>no Yuugi

>divine powers
>no Yorihime

>> No.15165680

Reimu saying "that's not allowed", then heading down there with her orb and murdering the shit out of her.

>> No.15165686

Yukari is just some mega autist who wears a diaper on her head.
She's not even stronger than some random fairy.

>> No.15165707

Eirin and Kaguya can just wait until the concrete breaks.
Mokou can just burn herself to death and revive outside the concrete.

You can't beat an immortal, they just wait until you die.

>> No.15165788

I meant the real life Touhou player

>> No.15165866

You could throw all of them in a black hole and their bodies would be stretched for a long time, preventing them from piecing back together and therefore preventing revival overall, unless the elixir somehow manages to make them resurrect outside through random magical teleportation bullshit.

Of course, once the black hole dissipates they do return, but by then they're basically at the point where they can't really pose harm, because the entire universe would be dead by then.

>> No.15165873

And by then Yukari will be dead too.
Meaning it's a clear win for the immortals.

>> No.15166787

Why can't Yukari manipulate the border of life and death to kill immortals?

>> No.15166795

Yukari can't even gap shit into the moon unless she jumps through a lot of hoops and gets a power boost by embodying existing myths, where's she getting the black hole from?

>> No.15166808

But by then, Yukari would have lived a long, meaningful life.
The immortals would basically spend the rest of their infinite lives in the prison that is the void left at the end of the universe, and with absolutely nothing to do except wank each other. Not even an afterlife, or even a simple moment of inexistence, awaits them.

They're practically dead at that point.

>> No.15166888

Becoming a Hourai immortal means you literally CANNOT die.
Even going back in time and killing Moukou before she drank the elixir wouldn't do anything.

>> No.15168335

With physical strength, I mean more of a fight 1v1 to the death, no powers used. Perfect Memento in Strict Sense really stressed how fucking powerful Yuuka is in that regard.

If it were say maybe a rock breaking or weight lifting contest, Yuugi would probably win.

And as for divine powers, while Yorihime's god bullshit is OP as fuck, it doesn't beat shifting out of reality and being invincible for an indefinite amount of time. Yorihime won in SSiB because of spellcard rules and they didn't really want to murder each other on the spot.

If it were under spellcard rule, Yorihime would probably win every time easily.

>> No.15168884

Do you seriously think the Goddess of Hell (of 3 different ones at that) is weaker than a lazy miko, lunarians, one of Hell's judges, and a youkai?

Only maybe, just maybe, to Shinki (and not likely either because of Hecatia's incredibly high rank) but the rest are a serious case of stupid to think otherwise.
The only thing I can think of that could possibly rank higher than Hecatia in absolutely anything is the Dragon god.

>> No.15168915

>They're practically dead at that point.
They still win, because they're alive at the end of the fight.

>> No.15171623
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How can magic be real if Gensokyo isn't real?

>> No.15172227
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Her abilities aren't even that stellar, what the hell does the ability to have three bodies even do?

She may outrank all of them but I certainly don't think she can overpower some of them. Eiki is more of a god of death and rebirth, she may rank lower but that doesn't rule out the possibility of her being stronger than Hecatia.

Reimu can fly away from reality, Hecatia can have bodies in the spirit world, earth and the moon but she certainly can't literally get the hell out of the fabric of reality itself.

>> No.15172306

Yukari herself says that there are plenty of people stronger than her, but that it doesn't matter because she can just manipulate them into doing what she wants.

>> No.15173260

>Her abilities aren't even that stellar
Because the power to judge a person is.

>she may rank lower but rule out the possibility of her being stronger than Hecatia
Being outranked by the Goddess of Hell kinda implies you're automatically weaker.

Is it really so hard to understand "past the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital"? Eiki is one of many judges who manages measily Gensokyo at that, she probably isn't even powerful among them.
Reimu's floating in or not, even if she did it infinitetly in a battle, she'd get tired eventually. She couldn't possibly even hurt Hecatia anyway.

This seriously isn't up for debate.
