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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 280x280, east_asia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1513380 No.1513380 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese, Chinese and Korean:

What's the difference?
Do they all look the same, or are they very distinct?

>> No.1513383
File: 32 KB, 313x500, 1225026234596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1513427
File: 198 KB, 800x598, 1225027550368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1513534
File: 153 KB, 730x537, 1225029692149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democratic People's Republic of Korea 100cm
South Korea 1cm

>> No.1513387

American, British and Australian,
What's the difference?
Do they all look the same, or are they very distinct?

>> No.1513392

( ・⊇・)Are you Chinese?
/ 中\
(  `ハ´)「Yes」
(  ´∀`)「No」

( ・⊇・)Are you Japanese?
/ 中\
(  `ハ´)「Yes」

>> No.1513395

Can you tell the difference between a Japanese, Chinese and Korean?

>> No.1513399


>> No.1513401

take the test

>> No.1513402


>> No.1513406

not this shit again

>> No.1513411

I found an interesting article on the ALL LOOK SAME site. This is supposed to be a rebuttle to the basic point of alllooksame.com .

Maybe this one shouls be cross-referenced to the alllooksame.com.

Another site that seems pretty much similar with above is

>> No.1513433

JAPAN is not asia.

>> No.1513435

Japan is Europe.

>> No.1513438

Which is, in turn, Africa.

>> No.1513447


>> No.1513449

the further south you go the more you resemble a monkey. also koreans have bigger dicks

>> No.1513467

Actually, Koreans have, on average, smaller dicks than any other country.

France 16 cms
Italy 15 cms
Mexico 14.9 cms
Germany 14.48 cms
Japan 13.0 cms
Saudi Arabia 12.4 cms
Brazil 12.4 cms
India 10.2 cms
South Korea 9.6 cms

>> No.1513494

the only reasons the asians all look the same is because they all interbreed and have similar genes. You won't be able to tell the difference either from africans some different parts of africa of europeans from different part of europe.

>> No.1513499

nice white man propaganda i notice there are no niggers on the list.

>> No.1513501

lies invented by jealous elevens

>> No.1513524

South Korea 16 cms
Italy 15 cms
Mexico 14.9 cms
Germany 14.48 cms
France 13.0 cms
Saudi Arabia 12.4 cms
Brazil 12.4 cms
India 10.2 cms
Japan 9.6 cms

>> No.1513618


Translate please.

>> No.1513765
File: 118 KB, 710x603, 1225036011265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1513658

African American dislike Korean.

>> No.1513871
File: 56 KB, 500x501, 1225039192992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1513791

What, nobody cares about Vietnam?

>> No.1513792

How do Americans tell Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans apart?
Can they not tell them apart?

>> No.1513923
File: 31 KB, 800x600, 1225040558342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My philosophy teacher, who was lecturing on medieval Japanese Buddhism and Shinto, forgot the medieval Japanese word for "human". Supposedly, it translates as "thinking reed".

I shuffled through a few online dictionaries (even Breen's) and didn't find anything. Although I'm not fluent in Japanese (or Chinese for that matter, I've only taken two semesters on that), the etymology of Asian languages interests me. Anyone have a good place to start for delving into this area? I mean, the modern words for I, you, etc. (Watashi, Atashi, Kimi, etc) in Japanese are supposedly fairly recent, and only came into use around WW2, if I remember correctly (or maybe it was when Japan opened its borders?).

I'm pretty ignorant on this stuff at any rate, surely someone can explain this shit.

>> No.1513803

nice I only got to the country names and stuff
(need to learn more kanji)

>> No.1513825

It's bullshit. They are also scientific studies "proving" that the earth is 4000 years old and that there was once a great flood, but do they mean anything? Only if you want them to. Also. they are hosted on Japan based sites, meaning that they are biased towards Japan being the one unique culture.

All of East Asia is Chinese. There's more than one kind of Chinese, but the Han grew so powerful that they spread out the most.

>> No.1513833

Sage for people who are just plain retarded.

>> No.1513898

Every race, white, black, brown, yellow, wtf all look the same except for a few different SLIGHT variations. So in the end yes asians do look alike, some are taller, some are darker, some have more slanted eyes.

Anyone who tries to say they look different where youll be able to tell is just a sack of shit. The differences arent that noticeable.

>> No.1513900

>Every race look the same
You are fucking stupid.

>> No.1513908

you can't say whites and asians both have the same level of variation though. Whites don't all have the same eye color (only black for east asians), the same hair color (only black for east asians), and whites also have a larger variation in heights.

>> No.1513911

All whites look alike, all blacks look alike, all south americans look alike, all indians look alike, all asians look alike.

Prove me wrong. No 5 degree diff in skin tone, eye slant shit.

>> No.1513917

China: Soldiers
Korea: Officers
Japan: Comfort

>> No.1513961

whites are the only race that have differences in hair color, blond, brown, black, red

while all the others are perdominately brown-black

>> No.1513966

I know Mandarin and some Japanese, so I could probably tell which is which once they open their mouths.
