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15121902 No.15121902 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "this is really fucking good but has almost no arranges made because people are too busy covering the same EoSD/IN tracks" theme

>> No.15121931

why does she have a snout

>> No.15121939
File: 676 KB, 1000x750, Hata.no.Kokoro.full.1601290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Lost Emotion?

>> No.15121955

What, you mean any good theme past IN? :^)

>> No.15121987

what is any Music CD or manga CD theme

also who are you quoting

>> No.15122310

Lets be honest, after IN music quality dropped a lot. IN had a ton of great tracks, stuff after had some good tracks but less of them.

I cant complain too much, I fucking love the EoSD music, especially Meiling's stage and theme.
And who are you quoting?

>> No.15122353

MoT has arguably the best soundtrack in the entire franchise, or at least it's up there in the top 3.

>> No.15122400

says who? you?

>> No.15122414

MOF/LOLK music is great, water you talking about

>> No.15122422

me too

>> No.15122440

Funny you should mention this, I can't seem to find any good non-vocal arranges of Border of Life or Maiden's Cappuccino.

>> No.15122457


>> No.15122646

>non-vocal border of life Border of Life

what exactly are you looking for?

>> No.15122702
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sorry I couldn't resist

>> No.15122742

How the hell do you even manage this? What kind of non-vocal arrangement are you looking for because those two have been arranged in near every style possible.

>> No.15122780

I think ZUN peaked with MoF, and SA music is pretty good too.
The music in early window games except IN is kind of a mixed bag, some are good and some are not so good.

>> No.15122839

>The music in early window games except IN is kind of a mixed bag, some are good and some are not so good.
I don't see any weak song in EoSD aside from Lunate Elf and to a lesser extent, Apparitions Stalk the Night. The rest is extremely memorable.
Same goes for PCB, really. Only Deep Mountain, Diao ye zong and some parts of Alice's theme aren't great.

>> No.15122984

anime characters take many characteristics from animals, which is why they are cute

>> No.15122995

I dunno man, personally I think UFO was the peak of ZUN tunes.

>> No.15123113

Chen's theme I like. Not on it's own, but becuase I cant help but feel it's close to Ran's theme, which was then remixed to be Yukari's theme. I like how their themes seemed connected.

>> No.15123274

>I can't seem to find any good non-vocal arranges of Border of Life

Are you kidding me, Border of Life has some of the best non-vocal arranges. Like UI-70's.

Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind is one that barely has good ones. I really like the Demetori one, but most of them are utter crap that completely change the melody and feel of the song for no reason.

>> No.15123294

>Emotional Skyscraper - Cosmic Mind is one that barely has good ones. I really like the Demetori one, but most of them are utter crap that completely change the melody and feel of the song for no reason.
xi-on has a good one too.

>> No.15123306

Agreed. Those two I love. But almost everything from different genres, or vocal they somehow ruin it completely.

>> No.15123659

I like Provincial Makai City Esoteria a lot, and wish there were more arranges of it.

>> No.15124044

>PC98 arranges that aren't romantic children, bad apple, or a final boss theme
>seihou 1 & 2 arranges
>arranges for songs exclusive to ZUN albums that aren't innocent treasure
these do not exist

>> No.15124068

Literally everything about Genius of Sappheiros was and is perfect. This is cheating to use it as an example.

>> No.15124156

Try being a fan of any of the official albums! I haven't even found remixes of some of those songs.

Though it's currently because I'm trying to find more remixes of Blue Sea of 53 Minutes.

>> No.15124193

This is my favorite touhou arrange album. I feel like I'm trying to shoehorn it because I posted it in the Reitaisai thread, but it's really good! It also has Blue Sea of 53 Minutes.

>> No.15124773

Its a fucking incredible piece of music.
It's actually brilliant.
It manages to be 11 8 without sounding unnatural AT ALL.
And it switches between a 5-6 pattern and a 6-5 pattern too.
Not to mention the actual melody itself is hype as fuck.

I also really love the DDC stage 5 song. It's so elegant and well made. It also has weird rhythm, switching between 3 4 and 4 4 in a natural undetectable way.
Love it.
Also, reverse ideology (seija's theme) is wild to listen to backwards. It actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.15125894

Too bad people waste time making LOLK and DDC remixes too. Nothing of value there to remix.

>> No.15126017

ran ran ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.15126028

1. PCB
2. IN
3. EoSD
4. UFO
5. MOF
6. SA

Anything else only has 1-2 good songs.

>> No.15126035

It's not 11/8 it's 11/4.

>> No.15126044

Don't cry, you should be glad because tiny 2hu's theme is already so fucking good that you can't really do much more with it.
monolith by 群雨アンブレイラ is pretty good, but I can't find it on YouTube for some reason. I suggest looking for their Science Fiction Stories album somewhere.

>> No.15126061

Oh it's one of those threads again, glad to see at least UFO is starting to become accepted.

>> No.15126087

If it weren't for the godawful UFO mechanic, TH12 would've been remembered as one of the better games in the franchise.

>> No.15126100 [DELETED] 

UFO had good music but was an awful game. Thankfully DDC and LOLK is making me like it more because of those making LOLK look good.

Shou still would be an awful and unfun fight either way.

>> No.15126177

PoFV had some amazing shit, Tewi's theme, Shiki's, Aya's, Komachis, etc.

>> No.15126211

Yes I would put that to number 7 desu

>> No.15126265

I think I am the only person who has "Extra Love" in their top 5

>> No.15126288

It's only being accepted more because DDC and LOLK managed to be so shit that it made UFO look good.

>> No.15126290

DDC wasnt bad. Shinmyoumaru's theme was 10/10.

LoLK a shit.

>> No.15126299

Check out this faggot.
DDC OST is top tier while UFO has like 4 OSTs that are great, the rest are trash and forgettable.

>> No.15126302

Problem is that outside that, DDC is pretty much utterly generic. LoLK was actually BAD!

>> No.15126310

DDC stage 2 is the most underrated DDC track. Meanwhile, everyone creams himself over Sekibanki's theme, which pales in comparison.

>> No.15126317

Wakisagi and Sekibanki theme is seriously shit in comparison to the rest of the OST including the stage themes, mainmenu, and ending themes. I don't even get that faggot who would compare it with UFO which has one of the most annoying sounds to play while playing the shitty game itself.

>> No.15126399

>all these DDC shills
Main menu, stage 5, Seija's theme, and Shinmyoumaru's theme were top tier. The rest was dog shit.

>> No.15126456

Kagerou's theme was shit.
WHich is a shame because I wanted to like the werewolf.
I wonder when Zun will add more western mosnters.


>> No.15126457

>maiden's cappuccino

>> No.15126626

狐の工作室 also did an excellent Cosmic Mind arrangement.


>> No.15126713
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What? You never had one?

I think main problem with that song is there isn't much else you can do with it. But yeah it does seem to be one of the more neglected songs, off the top of my head I can only think of Unprepared Orchestra's arrangement from Vivid Rose, Hamu's very loosely inspired mix and this version.


>> No.15126714
File: 156 KB, 662x920, 1459448399985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou ened at SA

>> No.15126724

LoLK'S OST is literally one of the best in the whole series outside of stages 1-3. Please don't flaunt your shit taste around, it's disgusting.

>> No.15126729

ITT: Shit taste and newfag secondaries trying to fit in with the "everything post IN is shit" epic meme

>> No.15126740

Even secondaries know SA was good

>> No.15126743

This was nice, thank you

>> No.15126760

That's only because it's old enough to get grandfathered in now. When Touhou 23 is out we'll all be taking about how great LoLK was because you're are all a bunch of retarded secondaries trying to fit in by hating everything new.

>> No.15126867

It's the most fun mechanic in the series.

>> No.15126869
File: 86 KB, 600x430, capucheno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maiden's Cappucheno

>> No.15126931

lol bro r u mad?

>> No.15127006
File: 180 KB, 945x945, futoquestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doujin album comes out
>it's all EoSD covers
why are people so obsessed with that fucking game

shouldn't secondaries have moved on by now

>> No.15127011

I thought SA was the new EoSD

>> No.15127029

It is, but I see lots of both. The difference is I'm only somewhat tired of SA. Any time I hear something from EoSD I can't help but to skip, even if the rest of the album has been great.

>> No.15127263

You're wrong, DDC's entire OST was great. In fact you're doubly wrong because you didn't mention stage 3 either.
LoLK's entire soundtrack was amazing as well.

>> No.15127323

How do you defend the electric guitar in stages 1 and 2? It's terrible.

Also I never said LoLK was bad. Pure Furies was super underwhelming for a final boss, but really it wasn't bad. Other than that, I have no complaints about LoLK.

>> No.15127372

>Pure Furies was super underwhelming for a final boss, but really it wasn't bad.

The fuck? It's amazing. You want "underwhelming", then look at True Administrator. That song is nothing but build-up with no payoff. It keeps building up to a powerful chorus and then just...ends.

Thank god for HM making an amazing remix of it.

>> No.15127422

True Administrator was the same case. I was just saying that Pure Furies was not nearly as powerful as most of the other games' stage 6 bosses. Shinmyoumaru's theme also set the bar pretty fucking high in that regard.

Overall, Junko's fight as a whole was just kind of a letdown. Most of the patterns were pretty visually boring. I think it's cool that there's actually reason to it, as Junko is purifying her danmaku to the simplest, most effective state, but that doesn't redeem her.

>> No.15127455

>True administrator

That's one of the few songs ZUN composed that actually feels like a final battle without sounding too melodramatic.

>> No.15127511

>That song is nothing but build-up with no payoff. It keeps building up to a powerful chorus and then just...ends.
I feel that way about Shinmyoumaru's theme honestly. I don't get how people can even think it's good, I can't even help but confuse it with her boring ass stage theme as well. It really doesn't help that they were composed with the same melody.

>> No.15127538

That would explain why there's nearly no good arranges of it.

Maybe there's some sort of brain/ear damage in a significant part of the worlds population that prevents them from hearing the song properly.
So the reason why the arranges never cover the climax of the theme and just repeat the build-up endlessly, is because they simply can't hear that part.

Thanks for clearing up this mystery anon.

>> No.15127568

And thank you for showing me it's possible for a person have their head so far up their own ass.

>> No.15127678

Little Princess had potential, it's just the way ZUN glued the theme parts into something resembling a buildup is all fucked. Particularly those two trumpet crescendos out of fucking nowhere that lead into minor and drawn-out sections. It's melodramatic to the point of parody. Doesn't help that ZUN cannot synchronize the length of the final boss themes to the battle itself worth shit anymore either.

>> No.15127723
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>its a "this is really fucking good but has 1000000 vocal arranges with shitty loli voices and there you are swimming in a sea of shit trying to find the hidden pearl

also MOF ost a best

>> No.15127736
File: 241 KB, 541x602, bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm >>15127723
and this is the result of hours lurking btw.

Best arranges i could find are compilated here for later purposes

>> No.15127740

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBf8R4JJ0l3P4_FF-ODBfG1KKtSGt4-tY (>>15127736

>> No.15127855

>I was just saying that Pure Furies was not nearly as powerful as most of the other games' stage 6 bosses
I find it odd you think this. To me, Pure Furies is nothing BUT power. Much like how Junko has purified her rage and hatred, Pure Furies is music boiled down to pure, intense power. It doesn't have the piano wankery of Septette or Gensokyo Millennium, the passionate desperation of Little Princess, the imposing authority of Suwa Foughten Field, or the grand divine elegance of Cosmic Mind, but it doesn't need that.

Pure Furies is no frills, no extraneous stuff, just 3 minutes of in-your-face intensity. Which makes it the best song for Junko possible.


You've got to be kidding me. Little Princess is one of the most passionate and intense songs in the entire series. It evokes Shinmyoumaru's desperation and desire to see her people finally get their retribution perfectly. It's actually quite melancholy while still being powerful and fitting for a Stage 6 boss.

> Particularly those two trumpet crescendos out of fucking nowhere that lead into minor and drawn-out sections

Those "minor and drawn-out sections" are the what makes it so goddamn incredible.

>> No.15127899

primordial beat is incredible, why do people only focus on shining needles and reverse ideology

>> No.15127920

>Can't find a recent good arrange of Evening Star ever since that Eurobeat one by SOUND HOLIC

Also, Demystifying Feast, Double Spoiler music ( pick one ), Double Dealing Character music ( pick one )... my list goes on.

>> No.15127927


One of the best stage 5 themes in the series.

>> No.15127951 [DELETED] 


>not lullaby of deserted hell

>> No.15127989

I was listening to that earlier today. It really is a hell of a lot better than I thought.

This anon speaks truth.

>> No.15128000

It's really good, but the competition is just too great. The Japanese Wilderness the Girl Watched, Lullaby of a Deserted Hell, Rural Makai City Esotoria, The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air and Cinderella are among the best touhou tracks. I think that MoF's and SA's are the best stage themes in the series. Why are stage 5 themes so good?

>> No.15128007

I think our ability to argue about at least shows that ZUN is not a one-trick pony, as far as composition is concerned.

>> No.15128017


Because after four stages, the player is most probably warmed up and ready for a long stage accompanied with BGM to match.

Except PCB; that game thinks that stage 4 would be the time.

>> No.15128057

EoSD too, actually.

>> No.15128160

>Can't find a recent good arrange of Evening Star ever since that Eurobeat one by SOUND HOLIC
Maybe I can suggest these to you since I had the problem a while ago of trying to find Evening Star arrangements. I quite liked these versions of Evening Star both by RD-Sounds.

>Also, Demystifying Feast
Quite liked these takes.


>Double Spoiler music ( pick one )
I'll go with Infinite Nightmare since it's my favourite.

Pizuya's Cell
k-wave LAB
And also 狐の工作室's RainyFrame did a StB/DS album

>> No.15128177

MelodicTaste did a really great take on it, which is great since I'm another of those who are a bit lukewarm about that stage theme.


>> No.15128360

Stage 5 Theme Comparison: (Did not Include the Phantasmagoria Games or spinoffs.)


Lotus Land Story:

Mystic Square:





Subterranean Animism:


Ten Desires:


>> No.15128396


This one is decent tho

>> No.15128452

If I have to rank from best to not-so-best

I didn't include pc98 because I haven't even gotten past the first few stages of the games in it. SA stage 5 is at the top because it fucking syncs with the stage itself and its really easy to lose myself while playing that stage.

>> No.15128455

RD-Sounds is fucking great OP.

>> No.15128462

UFO's is great, mate. Can't help but sing along when playing the stage. It's so catchy and energizing. Agree with the rest of your list, though, except I would swap MoF and SA.

>> No.15128473

MoF stage 5 theme is really, really fucking good. I still remember when I played this for the first time ages ago and I reached stage 5. And then that shifty green haired miko would ask if Reimu would join her. What a fucking bitch but damn the experience was really satisfying to have.

SA still though because sync

>> No.15128508

Mfw when most of pristine beat's arranges are either shitty vocals or electronic
The only good one so far is from OLIFE-JP.

>> No.15128862

Are there any good arranges of Alice Maestra or Mound of Cherry Blossoms?

>> No.15128991

I wish.

>> No.15129228


>> No.15129249

Selene Light is the best stage 1 theme.

>> No.15130056

>Doesn't help that ZUN cannot synchronize the length of the final boss themes to the battle itself worth shit anymore either.
But he can, for example in Miko's fight you'll almost always reach the TRUMPET in either Guze Flash or that spinning spell card, both of which are some of Miko's most visually-appealing spells.
Junko's fight is a bit harder to synchronize because you're kind of meant to die a lot in there, and I can't remember precisely where you usually get to the chorus against the tiny, but I think it's on that spell where you get big.

>> No.15130296

I feel like Fairy Wars is criminally underrated. Mostly the stage themes, they're all absolutely fantastic.

>> No.15130738

>Are there any good arranges of Alice Maestra
Instrumental only right?

Floresta Prateada

>or Mound of Cherry Blossoms?
Take your pick, I'll be surprised if not a single one appeals to you.

Forest306 & Sing R. Sing
Frontier Records
k-waves LAB
Unchiku Company

>> No.15131086

This might be the place to ask

There's this orchestra remix of Necrofantasia but i just can't remember the artist's name. I think it's Ryu or something. I might be wrong.

>> No.15131136

How does /jp/ feel about westerners following ZUN's trumpet style?


>> No.15131154

I kinda like it. It sure adds charm to the music, but watch out for posting undertale here.

>> No.15131268

Ryuuha Mikaido? Has also been called Ryuuha Mikakutei in the past.

I know they did a Necrofantasia orchestral a long time ago whilst still under the Ryuuha Mikakutei name and also released a new one recently at C88 under the Ryuuha Mikaido name in collaboration with Kokkuri.

>> No.15131441

That's it. Thanks m8.

>> No.15131825

I used to have a great arrange of Donations Please for stepmania but now I can't find the original song or the chart no matter how hard I search

Anybody able to help me out?

>> No.15131962

I disagree, I think EoSD and PCB have very memorable osts. EoSD even moreso. Lunate Elf is the only track in EoSD that I feel is weak. PCB s a bit weaker overall but still very strong throughout and I struggle to think of a really bad song on it. Even songs like Crystalized Silver or Diao Ye Zong are good in their own ways.

That's not to say post-IN stuff isn't good too. MOF and SA have some very good songs (MOF is up there with EoSD and IN for me, and Lullaby of Deserted Hell from SA is one of my alltime favorites). But I think the quality becomes a lot more shaky as you go on. UFO for example has a few amazing tracks and a few complete duds.

>> No.15132296
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>Thousands of rearrangement albums
>Nothing for SoEW, even though it has the best stage 1 theme in the entire series

>> No.15132326

>>its a "this is really fucking good but has 1000000 vocal arranges with shitty loli voices and there you are swimming in a sea of shit trying to find the hidden pearl
Welcome to the internet. It's become far too big for it's own good. Look at youtube, you want to see if a new game is wroth playing you type in "X gameplay" and end up with faggots giving commentaries or letsplays. Good luck finding quality when it's an endless stream of shit being added.

How would you rank the music CD's?
I want to listen to them, but some songs seem long and it just seems like they would get repetative and be drawn out.

>> No.15132557

thanks for sharing this piece

>> No.15132770

I want ZUN crazy pianos to be back... It makes me sad it won't happen, knowing ZUN style has envolved. Things grow up. The quality of the songs have changed since TD...

>> No.15132977

I prefer its stage 2.

What do you think Touhou 23 will be called?

>> No.15133009

There's always the House Sets.

>> No.15133027

They don't cover music CDs, or all games for that matter.

>> No.15133033

It'll probably be about The Zone or some shit, and we'll all be making cute threads about bloodsuckers personified as girls with hats.

>> No.15133041

They did Retrospective 53 Minutes, Magical Astronomy, and Trojan Green Asteroid.

House Set of Magical Astronomy was one of their best works, actually.

>> No.15133104

That'd probably be a different one. Knowing ZUN, he'd probably make 23 about some crazy numerology shit involving 9/11 and a loli Nostradamus with a loli Julius Caesar as the EX Boss.

>> No.15135202

But LOLK is a good game
Do people really hate LOLK? I could only understand that if you'd never played it and only have a tenuous grip of what pointdevice really is

>> No.15135204

I thought pointdevice modo was good. I thought it was actually easy. I was dead fucking wrong.

It was still very fun though.

>> No.15135528

who are you quoting

>> No.15135580

I actually enjoyed pointdevice modo a lot as a newish casual player. Granted I could never finish Junko's final spell card and had already spent all my bombs up to that point.

>> No.15135692
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Sorry for the late replies , sdadly i havent been listening to music CD's yet. but i made a playlist of my own favourite arranges ; the result of hours lurking to arranges of every themes.


>> No.15138473
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>The rest was dog shit
Pristine Beat and Thunderclouds of Magical Power are not shit

>> No.15138499
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x960, a78d0b958d5f054f6f70d5bd44e00831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekken'ya vocal arrange is pretty good

>> No.15138707

who ya'll quoting?

>> No.15143281


That was rad!

>> No.15144661

I found it!
A future with more songs like Pierrot is a future I want to be in.

>> No.15146653

Phantom Ensemble

>> No.15156459

And they somehow skipped PCB in between that, even though IMO it is the best one between the three

>> No.15157031

what is any music CD or spinoff theme

Also ISC shits all over pre-MoF music

>> No.15158248

I'd like to see some arranges of it that emphasize the percussion

>> No.15161041

I can't tell, who are you quoting?
