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File: 70 KB, 300x400, 548252-th075suika01_large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1512190 No.1512190 [Reply] [Original]

Do an oni's horns grow for their whole life, or do they stop at a certain point?

Are an oni's horns permanent, or are they shed and regrown like antlers?

>> No.1512292
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>> No.1512329
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Would you RATHER have this?

Because I would

>> No.1512345
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>> No.1512349
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>Mikii Mikii Suiko

>> No.1512355
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>Mikii Mikii Suiko

>> No.1512359
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Not that I've seen.

I've seen a few new ones, but have yet to find them translated.

Beelzebub related.

>> No.1512390
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They're more akin to chimerae than to hybrids.
As in, taking chunks here and there and chunking them together to make a chunktrocity, instead of taking qualities of both and achieving a midground.

>> No.1512400
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Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.

Read the kana for the name. Beruzebubu -> Beelzebub.

>> No.1512405
File: 27 KB, 325x214, 1225002532314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Anon.

>> No.1512424
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Same reason Aya doesn't look like this.

>> No.1512446
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Lum's horns periodically fell off and she regrew them after a while. She also lost her electric powers and flight.

No clue about other Oni, though.

>> No.1512209



>> No.1512232

It would be awesome to see Suika rubbing her horns against a tree to remove the old velvet layer, then eat them to regain nutrition like reindeers do.

>> No.1512253

Look at other horned animals as an example.

They're not antlers, so I'm gonna say no, they aren't shed and regrown.

>> No.1512262

Why does Suiki look nothing like an ogre?

>> No.1512261

Did someone just delete my sage. What the hell. Are you trying to start a war bitch? Do you want me to flood this thread with 200 sages?

Don't start shit and there wont be any shit.

>> No.1512266

Touhou. Also, Oni.

>> No.1512276

Wait until she grows up.

>> No.1512283

Mikii Mikii Suiko

>> No.1512297

shes not a oni shes a deer yokai

>> No.1512310


>> No.1512313

Having horns means you're horny.
Suika has horns.
Suika is horny.

>> No.1512324

Get off of /jp/.

We don't need people like you that don't contribute to the threads here. If you really need to be an attention whore by abusing sage, then go to /a/ or /v/.

in b4 hurr hurr i trolled u lolololololololololol

>> No.1512337

Did he ever do blue oni?

>> No.1512363

Janitors deleting sage trollers? Wow.

>> No.1512368

I love these! They're so... I don't know what to call them. Different? Weird?

>> No.1512370

I do not understand why some fans draw Suika wearing miko outfits.

>> No.1512369



>> No.1512373


>> No.1512376

What's that supposed to be? Death's head moth?

>> No.1512382

so they can fap to Suika's armpits

>> No.1512547
File: 224 KB, 700x1048, 1225005798856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an oni will take you away!


>> No.1512396


Zebub is a corruption of the Hebrew world for fly or something, so he's commonly depicted as a fly.

>> No.1512411

>instead of taking qualities of both and achieving a midground.

The picture you posted proves your point wrong.

>> No.1512420


Not quite.

Rather than 8 semi-human eyes, Arachne has 6 inhuman eyes and 2 human eyes.
Rather than semi-human legs, Arachne has purely spider legs.
Rather than a thorax, Arachne has a purely human torso (Except for the odd bits of exoskeleton here and there).
I have no fucking clue where the pointy ears came from, though.

>> No.1512430


>> No.1512444

I like to imagine oni are red or pink because they're always drinking, but that doesn't do much to explain why there are blue and grey oni.

I found this in a book I have on Japanese mythology.
>"And when [the oni] got home he knew there was another human in the house, for he had in his garden a magical plant which produced a flower every time a mortal ventured in oni territory."
Aren't oni neat?

Ohsh--That'll learn me to look at a picture without reading the post. Okay, I know what Beelzebub is.

>> No.1512465

>>1512420 I have no fucking clue where the pointy ears came from, though.
It's probably supposed to resemble a drider (D&D), although driders have black skin.

>> No.1512470

Dey be sagein mah toehoe!

>> No.1512516


>> No.1512679
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>> No.1512538

If you sage a Touhou thread, an oni will take you away!

>> No.1512546

Yeah, the only reason why I complained when he deleted my sage post is because he was being biased. If you're going to delete my sage post you have to delete ALL of the sage post. Shitty Janitor is shitty. I was two seconds away from bothering moot and/or using one of my spam scripts to crapflood this thread.

>> No.1512583

wasn't Lum an alien, however?

>> No.1513025
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 1225015842479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If Reimu wasn't a zombie before, she's sure to be after that.

As for the horns... I honestly don't know.

>> No.1514203

lol at filename

>> No.1514207

It says right there, it's Suika.

>> No.1514394

Hooray, you're a big fucking man on the internet.

>> No.1516376
File: 155 KB, 511x599, 1225074108629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Keine and Suika were to lock horns, who would win?

>> No.1516202

Hey I just thought of something.

Oni have horns and they drink. I don't have horns but I do drink. Does that mean I'm part oni?
