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File: 389 KB, 1024x768, img_04177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1512150 No.1512150 [Reply] [Original]

this is what dreams are made of

>> No.1512247
File: 30 KB, 550x429, 1225000323589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what dreams are made of

Also 1 figma costs 3500円

>> No.1512155

Iori? What shitty idol taste.

>> No.1512159

Too many boxes, not enough hot glue

>> No.1512170

when I see you smile and I go, oh, oh oh

I would never want to miss this - cuz' in my heart I know what this is

>> No.1512191

I wish I had youre money bro.

>> No.1512233

Unopen box faggotry

>> No.1512254

I don't wanna damage my figs dipshit.

If you can't understand you're not in the same league as me so gtfo.

>> No.1512274


There's no reason not to open them. Dust is not a problem, just blow it off or something if you're afraid of that. And figs are not so fragile as to collapse under their own weight when taken outside the packageing. I'm sure you'll find them much more enjoyable if you take them out of their boxes.
But, each to their own, I suppose.

>> No.1512279

I have way more figures than you and none of them are in a box. You just collect for the sake of collecting. I actually like looking at my figures.

>> No.1512282


Collectables, original packaging, etc.

>> No.1512291

fig expert (have 145 unopened boxes of figures)

>> No.1512286

>Also 1 figma costs 2500円
there, fixed

>> No.1512306


Gee i wonder where you can get that price

>> No.1512314

You're right, I'm not in your league, Anon. I'm in one above you, because I display mine and take care of them lovingly.

>> No.1512342

Take them out of their prisons, you faggot.

>> No.1512346


by masturbating on them?

>> No.1513729
File: 274 KB, 1077x891, 1225034755277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what dreams are made of

>> No.1513749

you are retarded. plastic figures do not go up in value. very few people can make money from speculating on resin kits. take your girls out of their prisons and give them a protein bath.

>> No.1513753

What's the deal with that titty monster? You have no taste.

>> No.1513756

Oh man... there just has to be a limit.

>> No.1513758

Is he drawing tentacle porn?

>> No.1513777


Man I couldn't stand having that much rubbish around my figures they'll get dirty what is wrong with him.

>> No.1513794

Heat can be a problem if you're living under hot climates.
Boxing them away during those months avoids damage, or so I've read.

>> No.1515260

Yeah that's what I have to do when it gets to 104F regularly around these months.

>> No.1515309

That's no excuse unless you're homeless and live under the sun. I'm in hot climate and the heat isn't even a problem.

>> No.1515349

The worst thing about buying figures is that somewhere out there, there is a person with more figures than you.

>> No.1515366

>>you are retarded. plastic figures do not go up in value.

Sure they don't. Action figures and other stuff made out of plastic never go up in value, right?

Wrong. You have much to learn about the art of collecting. Comic Book Guy would be raging at all the people who remove collectables from their original packaging and thus decrease their value.

>> No.1515373

Give me one example of getting rich through figurines. One.

>> No.1515388

Even the figures that I could make at least 20% profit by selling, I'd rather keep them for myself because if they're rare or valuable I'd want it anyways, and I prefer being able to look at my figs out of their box, especially if you can take some of their clothes off.

>> No.1515391

I am not a collector. I do, however, own several figurines. I'm having some trouble understanding the mentality of the collectors in this thread, and I mean no disrespect.

You buy the figs but you never take them out of the original packaging. Why? Isn't she meant to stand proudly on display where you can admire her?

You say unpackaging her decreases her value. What value? Her sentimental value to you, as a figure, or her resale value?

If it's resale you care about, why did you even buy her in the first place? She's just taking up space. Buy some stocks or something, goddamn.

Can somebody please explain this shit to me?

>> No.1515404

Elitists don't have hearts.

>> No.1515405

How many companies make and sell figures? That many. Durr.

>> No.1515408

sure guys let me just go tear open the box of my late 1970's C-3PO figure and jizz all over it. surely that will have no effect on its value.

>> No.1515425

But if I don't open the box, how am I supposed to peek at my Asahina Mikuru Maid Ver.(by Alter)'s panties?

>> No.1515431

It doesn't have any value or meaning except to fat neckbeards like you anyways. /fit/ anon here, I rock women's worlds.

>> No.1515433

I've always wondered that, even before I even got into /jp/ related stuff.

>> No.1515437

>/fat/ anon here, I wish I could rock women's worlds.

Anyway, can someone answer my question (>>1515391)?

>> No.1515438


>> No.1515454

Most of them just don't understand investing and think they'll actually make a sizable amount of money. Most people who make money from collecting toys do so purely by accident, since it's almost impossible to predict if something's still going to be popular 10, 20, or 30 years from now.

>> No.1515460

This thread is awesome. I didn't think there was such a concentration of over-the-top pathetic people even on /jp/.

>> No.1515505


Are you asking why people like to collect geek goods like comic books and figures and stuff? Because they enjoy it. Some take pride in keeping their stuff in perfect condition, others don't care, so it's whatever floats your boat. The former exists because some collectables can be very expensive. They have an intrinsic worth, so it would only make sense that some people want to keep their stuff in mint condition. It's not about "getting rich" or anything.

>> No.1515526

No, no, no, you don't understand what I'm getting at. Keeping your stuff in good shape is a no brainer. But never opening the package?

And you, yourself, said
>You have much to learn about the art of collecting. Comic Book Guy would be raging at all the people who remove collectables from their original packaging and thus decrease their value.

This is, to me, the same as buying a book, putting it on your shelf, and never touching it again. What's the use?

>> No.1515545


I think he's trying to say that there's a difference between collecting and displaying.

>> No.1515560

If it's never about the money, keeping figures in their boxes only limits the enjoyment you'll derive from them. Unless, of course, what you're enjoying is the merely the feeling of possession of a boxed figure in mint condition and not other important aspects like the sculpt and pose which defines the characters they represent and the hot glueability.

>> No.1515590


>> No.1515667

>>what you're enjoying is the merely the feeling of possession

Obviously, as that is the whole point of collecting. As I said earlier, whatever floats your boat. Whether you enjoy displaying them or doing like what the guy in the OP is doing, either is fine.

No, I will never remove the shrinkwrap from my copy of Radiant Silvergun in order to play it. It's important to me and valuable (to me, as I have no intention of ever selling it). Just owning it is pleasing to me, as I enjoy collecting video games.

>> No.1515676

That's a good idea, because if you played it you would probably notice how bad a game it is, and then you wouldn't enjoy owning it anymore.
