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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 476x394, ausfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1511740 No.1511740 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1511753
File: 90 KB, 500x281, 1224994213640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511746


Should've stuck to raping your daughter in the basement

>> No.1511757

I want to lick his ecstasy eyeballs.

>> No.1511803

This made me rage properly for the first time in ages.

>> No.1511812

I always lol at the comments to these videos. "GET OUT OF JAPAN" "THIS MAKES ME ASHAMED TO BE AN X"

The truth is, they have foreigners in their own countries doing FAR worse things, and instead of telling them to gtfo, they instead preach acceptance and multiculturalism. Not sure how that relates to japan in any way but it's still an interesting observation

>> No.1511850

Nothing this guy does can be considered culture. Going around and licking random shit/people is not culture.

>they have foreigners in their own countries doing FAR worse things
I live in the U.S. and I have never met a foreigner who acted this appallingly. The vast majority of foreigners I know are polite, hardworking people who contribute to the community. Sure some foreigners may commit crimes, but I don't think anyone preaches acceptance for people like that.

>> No.1511862

>Going around and licking random shit/people is not culture.

>> No.1511889

>I live in the U.S. and I have never met a foreigner who acted this appallingly
Just because you weren't at the site of 9/11 when it happened doesn't mean it didn't happen

Terrorism is worse than licking balloons

>> No.1511897

Aussies are animals:

>> No.1511910

Because we all know that people preach about how we should accept terrorists...

>> No.1511922


>> No.1511924

Worse than Delaney here is the bitch interviewing him. A Current Affair is yellow bullshit that hounds people to get a reaction and make good television. You should see how often they follow much older people around and insult them.

Just another thing to hate about this shitty country; journalism at its absolute worst.

>> No.1511951


Worst Australian comedy ever, and it's all very bad.

>> No.1511964

I like how the comments on these videos always call the foreigners racist. How the fuck is it racist to go around licking things or whatever?

>> No.1511975

At least this shithead got his in the end...

>> No.1512034

I have never seen the Jap actually stick up for themselves that was beautiful. You can tell that guy was shitting his pants. I haven't cried laughing in a while thanks anon.

>> No.1512515
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Australians are totally the last people on earth who are in a position to make fun of xenophobia, racism and bad use of the english language.

>> No.1512601
File: 82 KB, 640x932, 1225007350265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Stupid Aussies in Japan] Tokyo Train Adventures
Madness in Tokyo Subway 3

>> No.1512571

Just from seeing Australians up in Canada and how they act here on 4chan I have concluded they are like the white trash of the Anglo Saxon world.

>> No.1512575

Australia makes me ashamed to live in a Commonwealth nation.

>> No.1512578

Australians are loud, ignorant drunks.

However Israelis still have them beat in being obnoxious and opinionated.

>> No.1512582

You have to fail hard to be looked at lower than a Pakistani.

>> No.1512587

I am pretty sure lots of Jews are like that. People from NY NY are like that too,

>> No.1512589

It seems like the further south you go, the English-speaking population seems to get dumber, cruder, and more barbaric.

>> No.1512595

To be fair though, most foreigners act like fucking retards in Japan.

>> No.1512604

>I am pretty sure lots of Jews are like that.

There are lots of Israelis in Japan who act like this.

Disgusting people.

>> No.1512620

This thread reminds me how stupid most Australians actually are.

Members of the lower class, it would seem.

>> No.1512629

Aren't you from Sydney?

>> No.1512646


Doesn't mean that I approve of the actions of those who weren't properly educated.

>> No.1512691

Education doesn't have a thing to do with it. I have seen PHDs who are totally ignorant of how to behave properly. I think you mean well brought up which is a different thing entirely.

>> No.1512716


Ah, yes. Forgive me, had a long day.

>> No.1512720

I didn't mean anything by it. I like to think those guys are from Tasmania.

>> No.1512732


I'd say the Gold Coast, personally, but that is due to my upbringing.

>> No.1512743

I hate Australian

>> No.1513690
File: 171 KB, 646x700, 1225033773225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody get me out of this fucking shithole of a country.

>> No.1513721
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>> No.1513624


Education means educated about things that would tell you that shit like this is stupid, like the history of racism especally in an australian context. Find me a intellectual in the humanities that behaves like these goons.

Alice is right education really is the answer to things like this. Australia is full of halfwats because it has a culture that puts value in drinking yourself stupid and anti-intellectualism.

>> No.1513760
File: 690 KB, 861x855, 1225035809521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Ebay. She arrived about a week ago.
She's boxed up at the moment.

>> No.1513763
File: 690 KB, 861x855, 1225035948922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Ebay. She arrived about a week ago.
She's boxed up at the moment.

>> No.1513655

It's not really fair when you have trailer trash representing your country. There are nice people in this country like Asian immigrants and to a lesser degree immigrants from other places.

>> No.1513657

Fucking Australia.
That's what happens when your country is founded by convicts, BRITISH convicts, and the assholes who had to look after them.

>> No.1513679

Australians are the scum of the earth.

But then, what do you expect from a nation of inbred convicts?

>> No.1513697


They represent this country because until recent history there was an effort to preserve white culture in this country aka the white australia policy and it will still be a few generations until these people are outpopulated by an immigrant population and forced to not be white bigots.

It should be an embarassing legacy of the australian government to even have thought once that white australian culture is a good thing that needs to be protected. It's nothing but the worst parts of white entiltement from colonialist history preserved in a isolationalist country.

>> No.1513703

Seriously just look up things like the history of birth control censorship in australia the reasonings behind it are so pathetically racist it makes any LDP party member pale in comparison to australian politicans in the early 20th century.


Sup miku, did you ever find a place that sells that GS miku?

>> No.1513717

Stupid or not, it was ridiculously funny seeing him licking stuff.

>> No.1513727


>> No.1513736


>> No.1513746

as a non white ausfag, i just want to say its mostly the white ones that are the bad eggs.
not saying that all are, just most.

what i hate about my country is that its all about drinking as someone mentioned earlier.
the fails comes from the justice system, the courts, and the police and the parents.

i was born and raised here, and my parents and schools raised me right and proper. i dont drink, at least not to the point of total shit-face and i know not to act like an idiot for that 15 minutes of fame.
i think the problem with our society is that lack of moral teachings. when i was kid, we had tv shows and stories the teachers read to us about being kind and caring, stories with the lessons to be learned etc.
now its all paris hilton and just crap on tv that the new generation just seem to care about.
also, the courts fail because most crimes committed by underages are adult crimes (stabbings, murder, assault etc) and the courts are too easy in granting bail or light sentences. (usually youth get 15 months for murder).
we need a reform of the justice system. i like how things are done in america, car jacking is minimum 15 years jail, here its 3 months or maybe less.

the drunken white tards are what i hate about this country, because i cant even walk to the shops in broad daylight now without constantly watching my back and without some piss head teenaged faggot thinking he's all gangster trying to start a fight.

so remember, its not all our fault, its mostly the white guys.

>> No.1513755

If they're Australian why do they sound like they came straight from the UK?

>> No.1513766

>From the UK

Same fucking thing.

>> No.1513768

I'm still waiting for mine.

>> No.1513769


You sound like a wuss

>> No.1513771


I agree with you but are you saying that we should look up to the american justice system? They seriously have one of the worst systems in the world.

A failure of moral teaching happens in every country but they don't go around and act like the worst drunks ever. Australians have no social conscience and it's made worse by the fact that they even lionize that fact as "Australian culture", like no knowing how to behave in a organised society is a good thing? As I mentioned it's also a generational problem combined with a lack of education, actually it's a lot of things these morons seem to always be their worst when in a group maybe there is no solution. Maybe we should just kill all white people (after I escape of course)?

>> No.1513774

thats according to americans.

such logic can be applied here:
japanese, chinese, koreans, thai, viets are all chinese

pakistani, iraqis, afghanis are all iraqi

europeans, french, italians are all europeans.

african, somalian, brazilian, mexican are all niggers.

the world in the eyes of an american has only 5 world sectors: america, UK, chinese, iraqi, european and nigger

>> No.1513779

Aren't you going to bread? It's almost three depending on where you are.

>> No.1513783

that's pretty much spot on.
so what?

>> No.1513805

Canadian? Mexico?

>> No.1513821


Could not watch past that. I felt embarrassed as a Japanese person and ashamed as an American.
