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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15111422 No.15111422 [Reply] [Original]

This style of two-storey motel-style rental bedsits are ubiquitous in Japanese media - you see the same sort of accommodation all the time in live-action and animated shows alike. As this sort of building is so specific and consistent, do they have a particular name other than just "apartment building"?

>> No.15111440


>> No.15111445

Japan has a lot of terms for aparments with fluid definition. Those shoddy cheap looking ones are often called コーポ

>> No.15111746

/jp/ mansion

>> No.15111802


>> No.15111826

>tfw you will never live in one of those apartments

>> No.15111883

Why would you want to live in what's essentially a one room apartment where your living room is also your bedroom and your kitchen?

>> No.15111894

Because people mistakenly believe they would be accordingly cheap, like four hundred dollars a month or less.

They aren't

>> No.15111902

No More Heroes.

>> No.15111948

The oldest occurence I remember seeing those in was the old VN True Love.

That was such a weird game. It's been so long I can't remember who my favourite girl was.

>> No.15111968

What do you mean they aren't? A 1DK apartment is cheaper than a larger one.

>> No.15111972

Cheaper, but not cheap.

At least, not as cheap as you'd expect such a shitty hovel to cost.

"Yeah I have to use a communal bath and bathroom but at least I only pay the equivalent of 700usd a month"

>> No.15112242
File: 168 KB, 690x460, capsule-hotels-in-japan-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there no cheap alternative that doesn't involve sleeping in a capsule?

>> No.15112302

Living a in a dying village.

>> No.15112386
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So all of them? I read that rural areas are becoming ghost towns. What will Japan do when all farmers are gone?

>> No.15112428

The law of supply and demand ensures that there will always be farmers as long as people are willing to pay for fresh produce. Most food in Japan is imported anyway.

>> No.15112625
File: 1.28 MB, 1984x1488, SAM_0902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bullshit I lived in pic related for a year @3万円 per month. had my own bathroom tub and kitchen

>> No.15112636

Average Farmer age is 67ish so there will probably be some drive sooner or later.

Maybe with cute characters like the JDF did.

>> No.15112655

Cute Harururururun, dude.

>> No.15112937

>communal bath and bathroom
Did you live in Japan in the 70s or something? I'm not sure where you're getting this stuff from otherwise.

>> No.15113390

We could pool some money and buy a Japanese ghost village and then turn it into a /jp/ commune

>> No.15113486

Most of you are useless, jobless, no skill neets. The few people here that do have any skills are most of the time computer related or are related to electronics/tech.

>> No.15113501

He could be referring to corporate dormitories.

>> No.15113530


>> No.15113552

Are you a japanese bird?

>> No.15113604

The cost of living outside of major cities like Tokyo and Akihabara is not that expensive

>> No.15113637
File: 54 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m30er0ygxS1qhk2ijo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong meme, dudester!

>> No.15113697

we can prostitute out the more effeminate and trap looking /jp/sies for spare monies

>> No.15113776 [DELETED] 
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Are you fucking stealing my meme here?

>> No.15113891

What was the location like?
In America, generally cheap places are dilapidated, rural, and/or dangerous. I have no idea what the comparison is like to Japan.

>> No.15113901

I'm really good at sucking dicks!!

>> No.15113966

I am a curry master

>> No.15114069 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 750x563, :3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have a laugh, dude.

>> No.15114414

Different guy, but I'm also renting a place for 34000 a month with bedroom, bathroom and separate kitchen. I'm a 15 minute walk away from a large station and two stations away from Tokyo.
Japan is cheap unless you live in Marunouchi or something.

>> No.15114561

>do they have a particular name

why they look the same

>> No.15114586

Shin Chan use to live in those shacks.
Same in Welcome to the NHK.
Japan is so crowded. It's weird they only are 2 stories.

>> No.15114710

prolly the prefabs can't take the weight of units being stacked that high

>> No.15114717

>34000 a month with bedroom, bathroom and separate kitchen
This is amazing, I need this kind of rent.

>> No.15114778


These are all 1K in the Chiba area, at least 20 sq m, within 20 min from a station, built in the last 15 years and under 40k a month.

Finding a cheap place around here is really easy.

>> No.15114927

Damn. I'm really going to have to study Japanese more before I graduate. I'd love to feel all smug calling back home to my friends that I'm paying <$500/mo. while they're paying $1200.

>> No.15114962

It looks like a motel.

>> No.15114975 [DELETED] 
File: 841 KB, 1047x1330, 2fb311a80af0cdcfb817878e378b0aec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it nerdboy.

>> No.15114982

How much are utilities?

>> No.15114985


Well I grew up on a farm so I know how to be a farmer.

But I ain't doing a whole town's farming, you fuckers are helping.

>> No.15115000

Gas, water and electricity are all around 5k each depending on the time of the year. 100MB Internet is another 3500 yen. I think that's all I pay.

There are a lot of fees to move in obviously (expect almost 6 months of rent to pay right away).

>> No.15115039

i have a feeling those apartments are really cheaply built, the kind with super thin walls and no insulation so they are freezing in winter.

>> No.15115081

Well of course, why do you think kotatsu are so popular?

>> No.15115476 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 849x1200, 1435496985281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's been a while. Why are you still alive by the way?
I thought for sure you'd opened a portal or something by now, please hurry up with it.

>> No.15115507 [DELETED] 

why don't they use more insulation?

>> No.15115782

I know how to take care of pigs, chickens, cows, sheep and goats!
Do they have those cheap in Japan?

>> No.15115832 [DELETED] 

I'm actually female

>> No.15116295 [DELETED] 

Wanna fug?

>> No.15116485 [DELETED] 


>> No.15116604 [DELETED] 


>> No.15117045

How are construction standards in Japan? Do they have the kinds of problems you see with toxic materials and offgassing solvents that's reported in new chinese constructions? Do they still not put insulation in new buildings?

>> No.15117774


It's fucking bullshit. I install insulation for a living, it's dirt cheap and incredibly easy to do. What's their excuse for not using it?

>> No.15118288 [DELETED] 
File: 322 KB, 500x685, 1401113375500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoa, dude..

That's like, not cool, man.

Like, not cool at all, dudebro..


>> No.15118318

Chickens are dirt cheap anywhere you go. Except maybe Zimbabwe.

>> No.15118825 [DELETED] 

Hey, could you bully me a bit too...?

>> No.15119559

Accommodation in Tokyo is less expensive than London or Paris. I lived in both 3 cities and Tokyo is the cheapest from far could it be in a central area or suburban area with a 25~30 minute train commute.

The whole "accommodation is expensive in Japan" is bullshit or only coming from people who have lived in shit cities their whole life. Yes it's more expensive than an average US city which is in the middle of nowhere, but it's not that bad.

I was paying £575 in the City of London for a single 11 sq meter room, bathroom and kitchen were shared among 4.

In Japan I was paying 6万円 a month for 20 sq meters 1K, 20min -walk- from Shinjuku Station (could have gotten cheaper for sure, but walking to the office makes your life infinitely better than taking the train). That's like twice less per sq meter, even if I take the worse possible conversion rate at that time. Japanese people have it easy really.

And if I compare suburban areas (Wimbledon for London and Mitaka for Tokyo), I was still paying twice more in the UK per sq meter and my company paid for my train when I was commuting to work in Japan. They didn't in London.

Internet was cheaper, electricity was more or less the same (except if I was using AC in Summer), likewise for gas.

>> No.15120308

Reminder that especially in Japan Blue collar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> white collar

>> No.15120467 [DELETED] 

You're still here?

>> No.15124360

I like taking the train, I get to focus on reading

I used to pay 20万円 a month in Nihonbashi with a view over the river but I moved to Nakano and now pay 2/3 that

>> No.15124781

Sometimes I wish I was still renting.

In the middle of a remodeling that's so far put a 20k dent in my finances (if I include all the awesome tools I've bought)

>> No.15124826

You could remodel it real nice and then sell it afterwards for a profit (hopefully).

>> No.15124979


I was wondering this myself. after doing a bit of google research, it seems that the japanese housing market is a strange thing. housing is seen as disposable in Japan, and buildings get torn down and replaced every 30 years on average (as opposed to 100 in the US). there are various reasons for this, like culture, earthquakes, and valuing land more than the structures on it.

still, insulation is pretty basic and easy to install, so even for a 'disposable housing' situation I find it surprising.

also, constantly building and tearing down houses seems wasteful. if they invested more in their housing, it might help improve their economy which stalled for ~20 years.

>> No.15124990

That's what they do in Singapore as well

>> No.15125012

>valuing land more than the structures on it

In fairness, land is almost always more valuable than the building on it

>> No.15125018


Singapore is also an island that is entirely the city. They don't have room to expand, they can only tear down and build taller in its place.

>> No.15125020

They probably just give no shits about foundations settling or get spooked about houses that have had dead people in them (regardless of the context of that death)

>> No.15125033


true, but it seems that Japan takes that idea much further.

I'm not an expert btw, this is just my initial impression. I haven't studied this in depth.

>> No.15125812

Land is almost never more valuable than the building on it in residential areas of any density.

>> No.15135055

I actually am paying 750 dollars back then for a 1BR/BA. Now moved to the same complex but to a 2BR/2BA with a room mate for 950 dollars.

It's a pain in the ass to be spending that much money before.

>> No.15135056

That's pretty much Japan as well, but in Japan they have very mountainous areas that needs to be leveled for habitation which is more expensive in the long run considering people nowadays would rather move to the bigger cities.

>> No.15135234

Be careful with that, remodelling your home with the intention to sell for a profit may constitute as an adventure in the nature of trade in Canada and would be taxable as business income. Similar provisions may exist in your jurisdiction.

>> No.15135615


>> No.15136359

More agriculture themed anime? I like Moyashimon.

>> No.15138248


>> No.15138288

Could a non-resident rent one out for a long vacation, like for about 3 - 7 Months.

>> No.15140242

I rented another anon's place for a month.

>> No.15144329


Man...oh man. That railing.

It's just man. I never thought this would happen to me but that railing on the stairs and on the terrace upside. It's just so damn sexy.

I am sexually attracted to that railing.

It's beautiful.

>> No.15146743

These houses tend to have paper sound insulation. I mean, you can litteraly hear the sound of pulling out tissue from a box

>> No.15147330

Aren't all Japanese housings infamous for having lousy insulation?

>> No.15147355

A very W - I - D - E type of living space.

>> No.15147561

<span class="sjis">Why bother with sound insulation when no one is having sex?

I mean even the few ones that do go to a 『LOVE HOTEL』.[/spoiler]

>> No.15147647

You wouldn't be able to get a visa of more than 3 months for tourism.
You also would have to rent or sublet from another foreigner.

>> No.15147700

cant you take a short break in korea to renew your visa?

>> No.15157024

Me too man

>> No.15157367

I completely understand.

>> No.15157421

there was an article about how all these houses in the tokyo area are getting abandoned because the family doesnt know what to do with them when the old timers that had lived in them since the 50's die.

you supposedly can score one in a non hip neighborhood or even a semi-rural area for like $30K.

its gonna need some upkeep, or remodeling though, they are old school postwar Japanese homes after all.

I'd buy one if i was rich, and wanted to live outside the USA for a few years for the experience.



>> No.15160342

isn't that the game where you could get rejected even if you've done everything so right?

>> No.15161369

You definitely need a walkthrough, because the very very specific times of day you need to devote to different activities/girls was not explained at any point.

I have fond memories of it though, and will likely replay it as soon as I can be bothered to run windows 95 on windows 10 somehow.

>> No.15161536

I'm an electrical engineer

>> No.15161624


>> No.15170760

I'm a wageslave

>> No.15170816


>> No.15170854
File: 78 KB, 480x720, Chie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teach me!

>> No.15170892

You can play it online

>> No.15171799


>> No.15172334

Ignore him; he doesn't know what it actually means, either.
