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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 240x300, Shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1508253 No.1508253 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, best protagonists ever

I'll start with a given. Is anyone better then him?

>> No.1508262
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And someone will post SHirou soon, and shitstorm starts.

>> No.1508265
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The thread is finished I guess.

>> No.1508267
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>> No.1508274
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>best protagonists ever

>> No.1508281
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Done and done.

>> No.1508283
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Goddam Morita, why are you so awesome?

>> No.1508284
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This guys pretty good, at least Season 1.

>> No.1508322
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>> No.1508337
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School Shirt, and wears a blue jacket.

>> No.1508339
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>> No.1508347
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Excellent well-written protagonist.

>> No.1508367
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I'd bear his children.

>> No.1508371
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Yeah he is very well written, all the characters in SWAN SONG are.
My favorites are Taichi and Morita though

>> No.1508398
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>> No.1508476
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Awesome protagonist is awesome.

>> No.1508480
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>> No.1508491
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And I fucked them all in the end.

At the same time.

>> No.1508509
File: 55 KB, 576x1152, 1224933757428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akane from Hanachirasu.
To have an idea of his character, imagine Creed from Black Cat as the main character of an eroge.

>> No.1508511
File: 143 KB, 800x600, 1224933843729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so fucking moe.

>> No.1508269

Shirou and Shiki would be an awesome team.

>> No.1508289


>> No.1508293


>> No.1508311


He should have went all Apocalypse Now more often.

Only reason why the type-moon people keep bringing up Shiki is because they've played too few games.

>> No.1508314

That's crap and you know it. Shiki is a genuinely great protagonist, all other options are trolls.

>> No.1508317


>> No.1508325

The Junker.

>> No.1508328

Best Protagonists ever?

either of the guys from Bad Dudes. I mean, they're bad enough to rescue the president. from fucking ninjas.

>> No.1508329

Why is he wearing a coat over a coat. That coat.

>> No.1508333


While he's better than walking vaginas like Makoto and Takumi, he's a just a pleb without lolnasu magic bullshit. But then again, in Nasu's stories, it's always more about the world of magic, metaphysics, and his magical beings (apostles, servents, etc).

>> No.1508345


FUCK no.

>> No.1508364

Good protagonist is not a synonym for badass protagonist. Anybody can make a badass character.

>> No.1508369

Rika is the best character ever created, so yes.

>> No.1508373


if you like shit, then she's sent from the heavens. but shit is bad, so therefore, Rika = Bad.

>> No.1508374

I never thought there would be a day where I would fap to Taichi.

>> No.1508381

If you think that gold is shit then you're the one with the problem.

>> No.1508392


watch out for dog gold when you go ou-oh wait, you don't. nevermind.

>> No.1508403

Where you trying to construct a logical sentence and then just stumbled over yourself?

>> No.1508404

There's two types of protagonist:

1. The Hero: An ass-kicker and champion of justice. When he hears the words "save me!" he will leap into action, beating up armies of ninjas, monsters and aliens. He is badass.

2. The Everyman: A normal person who is driven into a corner by evil forces, and then finally awakens to his hidden potential and defeats the bad guys at the last moment.

Most eroge protagonists are the Everyman type, including Shiki, Shirou and Takumi. Morita is an example of the Hero.

>> No.1508413

Except not all eroges are shounem bullshit like type-moon.

>> No.1508436

Are you trying to prove that you can't distinguish the two?

>> No.1508441

This thread has already had a few examples that aren't either of these.

>> No.1508444


This is where I stopped reading.

>> No.1508446

Shiki and especially Shirou are more of a mix from these two, though.

>> No.1508590
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you faggots know shit

>> No.1508461


Only in games in which aren't action/adventure oriented. In which case, the male protagonists have a number of archtypes: Cool, Otaku, Hot-Blooded, Punk, etc. They never save anyone, so they have to rely on the way they treat girls as measures of their manliness. It would be incredibly difficult to call any of them "badass".

>> No.1508473

Come back after you played anything else other than Tsukihime and Chaos;Head.

>> No.1508495

Either you don't know what shounen means or you're an idiot.

>> No.1508500

Both can happen without contradicting the other.

>> No.1508527


but Kaigen was sexy, so that mighta tilted things in his favour

>> No.1508550

Blick Winkel.

>> No.1508548

[Spoiler]Blick Winkel[/spoiler]

>> No.1508669
File: 179 KB, 800x600, 1224939422464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you forget about the greatest VN protagonist of them all?

>> No.1508683
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Best VN protagonist thread, huh?

To be honest, 50% of this choice is that I like female protagonists.

>> No.1508588

THIS guy is so good, I rate him higher than Shiki.

>> No.1508591


>> No.1508700
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>> No.1508721
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>> No.1508727
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>> No.1508739
File: 78 KB, 810x648, 1224941317497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, NOW it's /thread.

>> No.1508803
File: 147 KB, 600x450, 1224942353042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best protagonist ever.

>> No.1508871
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>> No.1508713



>> No.1508752

As manly as this looks, I do not know this game and therefor can only argue on behalf of School Days.

>> No.1508932
File: 70 KB, 800x600, 1224945172867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddammit my taxi.

>> No.1508761

>Oh god I can't read shit cap'n, I should kill myself for the honor I have brought upon my family.

>> No.1508768

>Oh god I can't read shit cap'n, I should kill myself for the dishonor I have brought upon myself and my weaboo life.

>> No.1508955 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1508977
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>> No.1508809

Damn Straight.

>> No.1509199
File: 51 KB, 800x600, 1224948902058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.1509250
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>> No.1509002

Does Goa count as a protagonist?

>> No.1509272
File: 22 KB, 494x701, 1224950098019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best protagonists ever

>> No.1509100

Tsukihime is the only good thing type moon has ever created. followed by Lancer. He needs his own game.

>> No.1509111


>> No.1509319
File: 68 KB, 786x480, 1224951041888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1509339
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HRM Emperor Batman-Godzilla.

>> No.1509217


>> No.1509251


We do not need more emo main characters

>> No.1509283


>> No.1509290


We said best, not the shittiest.

>> No.1509328

Not a protagonist.

Protagonist is the person you play as.
