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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15070771 No.15070771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was the author right in 2009 when he wrote this? What about nowadays?


>When Danny Choo dances in the street wearing his Stormtrooper costume with Japanese girls, it is not representative of the Japanese mainstream accepting otaku culture. Regular people will see him as little more than a silly man in a funny costume from a movie they might have seen once, not an otaku-cool prophet bringing moé to the masses. Mention Akihabara to regular Japanese people and they’ll either grimace or grin; both for the same reason: the otaku. No matter the positive spin foreign fans may have forced upon the word after decades of trying, it still carries a negative connotation among most Japanese. Worse may be the perception of the otaku themselves, viewed as creepy loners with an awkward pity and disdain, a cross between Tsutomu Miyazaki and Star Trek fans from a Saturday Night Live skit.

>That’s not to say non-otaku don’t venture into Akihabara, long held to be “the” place to go for electronics in Tokyo. But when Japan’s electronic store chains began building gigantic stores next to every major train station, the necessity of going to Akihabara’s Electric Town quickly diminished. In the void left by home electronics shoppers going elsewhere, Akihabara embraced personal computer enthusiasts in the early 1990s, a time when simply owning a computer was still a hobby itself. With the personal computer, came its two close siblings: video games and anime, and the ever present factor that tied all three together: pornography. Only recently has Akihabara strived to bring in more a non-otaku crowd, exemplified best by the monstrous Yodobashi Camera built across the street from Akihabara station last year. The caveat is that the huge green building is on the opposite side of the station from Electric Town, ensuring that the weekenders won’t have to deal with those pesky otaku if they don’t want to.

>It’s the sex and pornography that keeps Akihabara going, and the otaku pay for it. The tourists will buy little, take photos and continue on to the next destination on their Travelwiki-planned itinerary. The weekenders will come around every few years when they need a new TV or microwave. But it’s the otaku who come back every week, ready to spend the excess cash their bachelor lives provide. Akihabara is little more than a red light district, albeit one with a unique deviancy and a curfew. Anywhere you look, you’re likely to spy the doe-eyed visage of a cartoon girl of indeterminate age, be it on a billboard, a book cover, a pillow or a mouse pad with sculpted breasts, but the sex comes in other forms as well.

>> No.15070793

>asking in 2016
>listening to a known drunk idiot

>> No.15070796

Well, I walk Akihabara these days and it feels like the text fits, so I'm asking what you friends think.

>> No.15070797

I'm in Akihabara right now! wanna meet up?

>> No.15070801

Most of this is really just twisted truths.
It is like saying, "Cars have been involved in the death of people, don't listen to car delivers or people who like cars, because the truth of the matter is cars kill people."
When in reality Akiba has become more than the shilled American stereotype this person is pushing forth. But to be fair it was written out his arse in 2009 and we are in 2016, so what do you expect.

>> No.15070805

I spent more time in Akihabara at the backlane going through container of cheap electronics than in the main street. You can get most cartoon stuff online anyway, I don't see the hype.

>> No.15070812

I've never understood these kinds of things, sure Akihabara has anime in it, but what did you expect of a section of Tokyo that is LITERALLY made for anime, games and electronics. It is silly.
Like this person said:
It has changed so much it isn't some dirty sex dungeon and child molester haven that this dude is writing about.

>> No.15070818

His thesis is that otaku isn't a cool "subculture" in Japan, and he's right about that.

The problem is that this isn't a myth that anybody actually believes in other than 13 year old weebs who just got into anime.

So the whole thing is a waste of time.

>> No.15070820

I got there three times a week to play games. I'm not seeing it crawling with kiddy touchers or deformed ugly otaku.

>> No.15070826

Sorry, I mean go, not got. Engrish is hard.

>> No.15070838

You don't attend the right events probably.

>> No.15070841

It has a market for things people like. Yep. Good job.
Next week on worthless news articles: "Harajuku is just filled with people who like fashion, check out this crazy top ten list of clothing items they might buy!"

>> No.15070848

.. That might make sense, yes.
I'm still waiting on my "No be ronery anymore" event tickets.. There is no harm in some innocent rub and tug of your fellow otaku in the dark. Can't see, can't tell.

>> No.15070856
File: 218 KB, 1152x2048, 2nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs a picture in it. Here is something I won awhile back.

>> No.15070879

That's not really his point, his point that the image clueless
>"13 year old weebs who just got into anime"
are sold is completely false and fabricated.

>> No.15070890

Once more, but with English grammar this time please?

>> No.15070893

In a crane game?! how?!!? Also that Fanta, nom nom nom.

>> No.15070908

That's not really his point, his point is that the image clueless "13 year old weebs who just got into anime" are sold is completely false and fabricated.

Grape Fanta is pretty bleh.

>> No.15070915

are those business men doing doujin shopping after work?

>> No.15070925

Perhaps, you can see business-type looking people in Melonbooks, Toranoana or Sofmap eroge floors for that matter. But more likely they just work in high floors of one of those office buildings you can find in Akiba too.

>> No.15070954

I see a lot of older dudes going to the porn floors

>> No.15070985

>Wahwah boob mousepads on sale as novelty items somewhere, Akihabara is therefore pretty much a red light district, someone ban this sick filth please

Don't you love when wannabe writers can't make a decent argument without these sort of leaps of logic?

>> No.15070987

Cool simplification.

>> No.15071406


>> No.15071621

Japan needs to ban American puritans from entering the country.

In fact all nations should do this.

>> No.15071646

Too late.

>> No.15071678


>> No.15071700

Trump should make a wall keeping America out of the rest of the world.

Seriously though, America should just become isolationist for the sake of not messing with everyone else.

>> No.15071757

Yeah he's right, I thought everyone knew this, why are there legit weeaboos getting triggered in my /jp/? Otaku culture sucks and it panders to the worst people imaginable, and I'm one of them.

>> No.15071795

>The problem is that this isn't a myth that anybody actually believes in other than 13 year old weebs who just got into anime.
If only.
I have seen college students identifying as otaku, and they are weebs thinking that Japan will like them for being otaku, instead of seeing them as weird.
I would have warned them, but that would mean showing my powerlevel, and the chances of them visiting Japan were (unlike them) slim as they didnt speak Japanese. Sure they said a few words they knew in their conversation. But I doubt they would have made an effort to actually learn the language.

>> No.15071837

me too! let's fugg!!

>> No.15071851


>Akihabara is little more than a red light district

This guy said the same thing in his Akihabara Exposed videos.


>> No.15071892

ITT: a bunch of people who can barely read a sentence in japanese speaking from ignorance.
You're the only true pile of shit here considering you think like a normalfag while at the same time calling yourself the target of "otaku culture". You're not.

>> No.15071898


>> No.15071909


>> No.15071918



>> No.15071919


>> No.15071949


>> No.15071990



>> No.15072035

Speak English you fucking savages

>> No.15072098

I don't know about that. Whenever I go to Tokyo for work, I always have a good time using my otaku knowledge with anyone I meet. Be it talking about music, plamo, or even just old anime that they used to watch as kids. There's nothing bad about being an otaku, just other characteristics that people stereotype otakus as having (dirty, stupid, childish)
People just get hung up on one stereotypical image of an otaku and believe that is the only way of existing
I'm an otaku, I'm a fan of diffrrent things, and it has never been a boon for me.

And yes, I have had some sweet Nippon puss because I knew a little bit about some obscure 80s anime. Great conversation piece.

>> No.15072605
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>And yes, I have had some sweet Nippon puss because I knew a little bit about some obscure 80s anime.
Normie pls.

>> No.15072682

I've been on this site since 05, if I'm a normie then you're a gigantic faggot, nub

>> No.15072767

Posting on 4chan for a long time doesn't suddenly invalidate your normie life, it just makes you a loser in addition to being a normie.

>> No.15072857 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 576x792, 1445392811051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep digging your hole m8. I can feel the jelly.
Ooh all the jelly.

>> No.15072922

Yeah but you see, that guy is a wanker. So...

>> No.15073006

>You're the only true pile of shit here considering you think like a normalfag while at the same time calling yourself the target of "otaku culture".
Self-hatred has never been incompatible with otaku culture.

>> No.15073013
File: 835 KB, 1200x1804, 1449886855124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this assblasted

whatever you say newfag

>> No.15073245

That guy was shoplifting?

>> No.15073342

he was talking shit about the onigiri

>> No.15073359

I honestly don't know whats real anymore.
