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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15063564 No.15063564 [Reply] [Original]

卍 Namaste 卍

>> No.15063569
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>> No.15063570
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MOMaste 卍卍卍卍卍卍卍

>> No.15063594 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15063614

How do people keep fucking tails up this badly?
Do they not know how tails work?

>> No.15063619

Neither legs.

>> No.15063620

It's a fake mustache

>> No.15065177
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>> No.15065288


>> No.15065543
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The only true path to Nirvana is between the twin peaks of Hijirin.

>> No.15065700

remove buddhists

>> No.15066708
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She loves everyone, even you

>> No.15066747
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Better be careful when using those windmill symbols. Normies HATE those things. It's something about the six gorillian or something.

>> No.15066779

Go away Christian, this is Shinto & Buddhism board

>> No.15066821
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Does this means she comes from Ancient Egypt?

>> No.15066899
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She is allied with the aliens!

>> No.15066948
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>> No.15067814

Normies are fucking retarded.
>Bitch and whine about "muh cultural approprtiation"
>People from other countries, fucking love it when people are interested in their culture and learning about it
I am willing to bet, every single non white who whines about such things, only does so becuase they ahve no real connection with their ancestral culture and feel uncomfortable when they see others who know more about it than them.

Still, nothing quite beats the swastika, the dumb cunts cant even tell which way is the nazi way, and which way is the old religious way (given the swastika isnt exclusive to buddhism and jaininism).

He's clearly a taoist, dipshit.
Allthough Christianity is okish when dealing with Japan. They had Christians for a long time, so it sorta counts. But fuck it feels weird seeing Japanese Christians. Chinese Christians are a strange sight too, despite having even more history.

>> No.15067851
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Hijirin still loves you, but maybe you could try being less rude to others!

>> No.15067888

Most people don't know anything about their country, history or culture. That's why nationalism and pride in once ancestors and their achievements is dead nowadays. They think the beginning of our history is the holohoax, Hitler and Nazi Germany. Same goes for Japan with the Pacific War although luckily they kind of managed to keep some of their historical values.
Also, it's not so much the interest in other cultures but the lack of interest in their own history and culture, mostly because they think they don't have to or already know everything about it.

>> No.15067897
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>Hijirin still loves you
She doesnt love anyone. I'm pretty sure that was covered somewhere, she acts based on buddhism, but has no emotion behind the things she does. It's more of a habbit than her actual personality.
Look at her sermons, no one really listens to them, so a person who cared would modify their teachings to ensure they are understood. Byakuren doesnt do this becuase them being understood doesnt matter to her, what matters is that she does them.

Byakuren doesnt love anything.
Christian invasion of Gensokyo when? Seiga already mentioned Jesus once, and Christianity was a thing in Japan for some time. I want to see how a monotheistic group would react to Gensokyo. I like to imagine they would just see the gods as lesser gods, not worship them and maybe pray for them to not vanish. It's kinda depressing that Suwako would vanish without faith. Also it would explore the afterlife more, because the buddhist afterlife (which seems to be all there is for gensokyo) is fucking shit. I can either be reborn and suffer forever, or not exist in nirvana, fuck that.

What's the Shinto and Taoist views of the afterlife? Tao te Ching never covered it, and Shinto is a hard religion to look into due to lack of canon. I know they worship ancestors, but thats about it. It's probably assimilated with buddhism.

>> No.15067917

Delete this

>> No.15067922
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>> No.15067927

Most people dont seem interested in learning anything after highschool or uni (if you sought higher education).
I'm not the most educated person, I slacked off a lot. But I still read and look into new things. But I know people who dont have hobbies like reading where they can learn more about different things. It jsut seems like people are satisfied with their education and would rather persue other hobbies. Some are educational, like people who mess around with their cars, changing parts. But drinking, sex, videogames, football, etc isnt educating anyone. I suppose some games can teach you things or get you interested, but I just dont see much drive. I can sort of understand though, you can feel totally wrecked after work, no energy for anything and jsut wanting to chill out afterwards.

>> No.15067946

I think that is pretty much it. The high amount of work nowadays leads to lack of interest in anything that isn't simple entertainment and we have so much of that today.

>> No.15069106
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Less /pol/ more Mom!

>> No.15069414
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>> No.15070666

Oh, Mom, I love you...

>> No.15070689

Hindus ugg

>> No.15070700
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Can /pol/ please fuck off? This is a mom thread.

>> No.15070775
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What does Byakuren milk taste like?

>> No.15070794
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>> No.15070862

What exactly is /pol/ like in this thread?

>> No.15070965

useless monk only good for her theme song

>> No.15074071
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Mom's milky tits!

>> No.15074076

Tits aren't big enough 0/10

>> No.15074085
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Frick you!

>> No.15077336
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I'm glad I helped mom shop for underwear!

>> No.15077379
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Helping mom shop for swimsuits!

>> No.15077384
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Based Christian. Jesus is proud and loves you.

Now go convert Gensokoyo with honesty, kindness, and good deeds. If you get threatened God got your back.

>> No.15077802
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>Now go convert Gensokoyo with honesty, kindness, and good deeds.
Unless Kami-sama can ensure the gods and youkai ahve souls and wont vanish. Youkai are such depressing things, not really existing. Gods are depressing too, eventually fading away to nothing after losing faith.
If they arent evil, I think thats an unfair and cruel fate. I also view Byakuren as evil becuase of this. Not intentionally, but if a youkai were to stop acting as it should, wouldnt it die?
Her temple is effectively the Jonestown of Gensokyo.

>> No.15084672
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I love it when mom wears thighhighs.

>> No.15084720
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Thou art worst, Boddhist. Thou art doltish, Boddhist; thou are noisome, Boddhist! Return to India. To our Indian cousins, ye mayst come of our country; ye mayst live in Osaka!! Corea, we shall ne’er forgive thee. Hijiri, thou rascal! Zounds, but: I rebuke thee! Burning Boddhists stink of incense, egads, egads! Mine happy resurrection in Gensokyou was e'er the best day of my life.

Smell thee a whiff of burning Boddhist. TOJIKO, WE SHALL SEIZE THEE!! Forget ye not the battle of Shigisan! Paekche, we burned thy idol! Boddhisatvas, return to your precious India... burning Boddhists and idols reek so bad; verily, I can smell it! REMOVE BODDHIST IDOLS FROM YAMATO. Thou shalt get caught. The Nakatomi, the Mononobe, Crown Prince Shotoku, and the ten thousand Kami shall kill all Boddhists... and thou shalt not resurrect. The Crown Prince liveth with Taoism, the Crown Prince crafteth musical albums of Taoist teachings. Hark, the fast wrapping Taoist music of the Crown Prince!

We are rich and have gilded albums now because of the Crown Prince... thou art poor, pungent Boddhist... thou livest in a boat, aha, thou livest with Youkai! Taoism yet liveth and is the strongest faith in Gensokyou... rebuff the wicked vegetarian... rebuff the traitorous Tojiko, I switchéd the urn of thy remaining heir! The Crown Prince liveth and beareth mighty taoist Danmaku, and shall exterminate all the Boddhist youkai with wrapping-music Magic, and Taoism shall rule! Buffoon of Corea king Seong of Paekche hoodwinked Emperor Kinmei and kindled a cult; this cult grew and Boddhism took root. O faddish heresy of Corea, give thee back our land! We shall burn thee like the idols of thy avatars. Taoism remaineth greatest faith!

>> No.15085679
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I would like to see some European youkai based off Hellenic or even Celtic to come to Gensokyo.
